Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-023C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 173-176

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The speakers discuss the legality of Halal Halal, a term used to describe animals that have been slaughtered properly orally. They emphasize the importance of understanding the history and avoiding danger. The speakers also discuss the use of "COFIDIT" in protecting one's bodies and the potential consequences of shaping laws. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding confusion and reading the book to refute views and avoid unnecessary debate.
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Next if Allah subhanaw taala tells us in nama have Lamar alaykum will Mater. Indeed Allah has only forbidden on you the dead. Now here in NAMA, the word in Nama is very important. And this word, as I mentioned to you in the word analysis, this gives us the benefit of houses. Right? That the only things that Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden on you are these things, which tells us that the list of halal foods is way longer than the list of haram foods. Okay? And remember this principle when it comes to food, that everything is lawful unless there is a reason for it to be unlawful. Okay, how do you know something is unlawful? Because it's mentioned clearly in the Quran or in the Sunnah of
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam okay, but remember that the list of Halal is way longer than the list of Halal Halal is more Haram is less. Okay. We learned in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala says yes Aluna Komodo or Hilda when they ask you what is permissible for them pull or Halal achimota Yuba, tell them that all good things are lawful for them. Okay. And the only things which are unlawful are the ones that are listed in the Quran and Sunnah. So, the general rule is that everything is lawful except what is specified as unlawful. So in the Muhammad Lamarr Aleikum, will Mehta. Now look at the word hello Rama. He has made unlawful Allah has made unlawful This means that
it is only a law who decides what is lawful what is unlawful, right? We don't you know, go on labeling things. This is haram haram haram haram, because this is harmful for you and I heard this and I think this no, we don't have that authority. In fact, even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not have that authority. Okay, when he made honey unlawful for himself, Allah subhanaw taala revealed in Surah The Hareem that Lima to hurry MUMA a halal Allah hulak Why do you prohibit what Allah has permitted for you? And you should not make something lawful unlawful, that's power or authority that you don't have? This is only with Allah. The first is in the mahalo Malika will
Mater. So Allah has forbidden on you and made the the dead animal and I mentioned to you earlier that Mehta refers to the animal that dies due to natural causes meaning it is not slaughtered properly, it is not slaughtered correctly, and it dies basically without that care. Okay, meaning without being slaughtered in the proper way. So elsewhere in the Quran, we learn that for example, Allah's pound Tata has forbidden Muqdadiyah, any an animal that dies by falling, okay, or moku, the an animal that dies on being hit with a violent blow, or meccanica. Right, an animal that is choked to death, and things like that, or an animal that you know, your hunting animal catches but then
begins to eat. Okay, which shows that your hunting animal did not catch it for you, you know, it caught it for itself. Okay, but then it is an inner mother Kaito except for that which you managed to purify. So for example, if there is a moose, okay, that someone hits with their car, let's say there is an accident, or a deer. Now that deer or that moose is injured, okay? It's bleeding heavily, but it's still alive. Okay, it's injured. It's fallen because it was hit with a violent blow. Okay, but now what happens? It is still alive. It's bleeding, but it's still alive. So what do you do you slaughter it? If you slaughter it in time before it dies, then it is not matter. Okay,
it's not matter. But if it dies, there is no life left in it, then you cannot eat it. So in a mahalo Malika we'll meet them. Secondly, with them and the blood. Now when it comes to blood, what is meant by this is not blood that you find oozing out of the bones or the meat while you are cooking it. Okay? Or sometimes, you know, for example, if you are cooking a steak and you do it rare, because that's how you like it, and now as you cut it, there's literally red juices coming out. So you're not going to say that I don't have to know them blood over here. Elsewhere in the Quran, we learned that this is dumb and must forehand, flowing blood. So this is the blood that flows out of the
animal when it is
Cut, okay. So literally there are places where people will drink the blood of animals, they will literally, you know slip the animal from somewhere or when it is slaughtered, they will collect the blood and then use that that blood is not lawful for consumption. flowing blood is not lawful for consumption. Okay. So, when you look at the words and Mehta wisdom, it seems like every kind of dead animal, every kind of blood is unlawful. And this is why it's very important to look at the verses of the Quran in light of other verses and also in light of the Sunnah. Okay, why? Because a text is made clear how when you study it in comparison to other texts, and remember the relationship between
the Sunnah and the Quran, the Sunnah, completes or you can say it supplements the Quran. Okay? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah were in the OT to Quran when Mr. humara who that I was given the Quran, and I was also given something along with it, something like it along with it. Okay, so when you look at the Sunnah, you see that the Sunnah, first of all specifies what is general. Okay, now, the word Mehta appears to be general, right that all that animals are haram for you. But in the Hadith, we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam told us that two dead animals are halal for us. And what are these dead animals? Fish and locusts? Because if you think
about it, a fish any when you take it out of the water, of course, it's going to die. Right? And only then you will be able to eat it. Imagine if we had to slaughter fish than fishing, you know, at large scale would not be possible. Because it would mean you take every single fish and before it dies, you slaughter it. And how exactly do you slaughter it? And why would you even slaughter it? What exactly are you obtaining by slaughtering it? Because, you know, when you slaughter a goat, for example, there's blood that flows out, right? The drains out of the body, but when it comes to a fish or something like that, there's hardly any bleeding that will happen. So the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam specified, you know what kind of meter this is, by teaching us that this is not every meter, every dead animal. When it comes to dead animals like fish, then remember, they're lawful. And secondly, he also said locusts. Now locusts are insects, right? And locusts, the way that people would eat them is that are continue to do so is that you know, you have a swarm of locusts, or there is a sandstorm or something like that hot wind, and the locusts would literally just die. Okay, from the heat. So you would find them kind of half baked. Okay, that's how you would eat it. Now again, a locust. How are you supposed to slaughter it? Like you catch it and then you
slaughter it from the neck? And what's the point? Are you draining any blood out? No, you're not. So, when it comes to such creatures, you know by extension that rhythm I have said that animals that you cannot slaughter okay, that are not slaughtered double, then, you know, those are lawful as dead. Okay, meaning even though they have not been slaughtered properly, because there is no way to slaughter them. They are lawful for consumption. Okay. Secondly, them blood when it comes to blood, we see that the Sunnah clarifies. Right. So the prophets of Allah, who are who Selim told us that two types of blood are made lawful for us, and what are these two types of blood l COVID? What the
*, the liver and the spleen? Meaning of an animal that has been slaughtered the liver of the animal, like for example, a sheep, a goat, a cow, the spleen? These are lawful. Now we know that, you know, liver is an organ, it's not really blood. So why did the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said and put it in the category of blood because if you've ever seen liver, it looks like congealed blood. Literally, it's so slippery, it's so difficult to slice it to cut it because it looks like congealed blood. Right? So these parts of an animal's body which appear to be congealed blood, they are lawful. Okay, so in the mahalo Mara Lake, we'll meet with them and then we'll we'll Finzi Okay,
well, I will Finzi and pork flesh of the pig that is also impermissible. Now, I mentioned this to you earlier, just because law has been said it doesn't mean that the bones are lawful or the skin is lawful or the hair is lawful or the feet are lawful or things like that know, the entire animal is on
lawful. Okay. And lamb has been mentioned in the Quran because for totally because an animal is taken for consumption for its meat. Okay? So Allah Hummel Finzi This is also unlawful Wilma hinda be Healy lady Allah and whatever was offered sacrificially to someone other than Allah. Okay, remember that when it comes to slaughtering an animal, this is something that should only be for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala were told in the Quran in the Salah t when Uzuki warmer here Yeah, a woman at the La Habra Allah mean that say, my prayer, my sacrifice, okay my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds so prayer and sacrifice in ritual sacrifice this is only for Allah
subhanaw taala in total cosa we learn for son Lily Rebecca, when held that prayer only to your Lord and also one house offer sacrifice your big meaning only to your Lord only for the sake of your Lord for no one else. So when my oh he'll be he'll be late Allah. Now remember that this is not an exhaustive list of unlawful things for consumption, this is a basic list, all right, when we look at other places in the Quran, and when we look at the sun, now we find out about some other things also some other animals also, which are not lawful for us for consumption. Okay? So for example, in Hadith, we learn about you know, wild animals, okay, that have claws and, you know, sharp teeth that
basically hunt others, like for example, a cheetah, a lion, all right, these animals are not lawful for consumption. Likewise, birds of prey, all right, like for example, Eagle, you know, the birds like that even they are not lawful for consumption. When they have claws, talents, then you know that they hunt others, right? So they're not lawful for consumption. Otherwise, animals are lawful for consumption. Now here in the Mahalo, Mara lako later, this is animals from behemoth tool, an arm, okay, from basically livestock animals, from livestock animals, meaning animals that are, you know, reared for consumption, or are hunted for consumption of from those animals, the dead is not
lawful, their blood, their flowing blood is not lawful. Even if pigs are domesticated, you know, their meat is not lawful. And if an animal is slaughtered for someone other than Allah, then again, it is not lawful.
Okay, feminine Leila Belkin Willa Hardin, Fela is merely a very important exception. And this must be understood properly, whoever is forced by compulsion, okay, meaning there is real danger to a person's life. And they are in a situation where they don't have another option, they must eat what is haram in order to survive, they are for example, at the point of starvation, okay, as we learn in the Quran, Faema masala tin and he a person is at the point of starvation, they would die. If they don't put something in their mouth, then in that case, eating what is unlawful is permissible. Okay, so remember a very important principle that of the rule ought to be heard a lot, that necessity
permits what is impermissible? Okay? necessity, by necessity, I mean, dire necessity any, if a person does not, for example, in this context, eat what is unlawful, literally, they will die. Okay, so a little luck to be home or Hello, rot. So, there's three conditions though, right? What are these three conditions the first condition is that a person is only eating in a state of the dire need extreme necessity. Okay. So there is fear of death if they don't eat. So this is it. Secondly, they should be right about him. Okay, meaning they should not be desiring, seeking, choosing the unlawful wish to have any you know, with that desire to eat, you know, and try some unlawful meat.
No Leila Belkin. The second condition is that they should not be desiring what is haram. And the third condition is that they should not be well ardent, they should not be transgressing the appropriate limit. Okay. So another rule that we learned is a little rattle. You cut the rule because
any how much
Are you supposed to eat? How much are you supposed to take? That will be determined by the situation and also, you know, how much does a person really need in order to survive? So for example, if taking a bite or two is sufficient to save the life in a person does not need to indulge in a three course meal. Okay, so for many Turaga Belen will add in fella is morally then there is no sin on this person at all and he then if they eat what is unlawful there is no sin at all. So, you know, for example, if a person is traveling to a place where there is no halal meat accessible, okay. And they're there for a whole week.
So they're, you know, they need protein. So they eat you know, a chicken burger or meat burger that is, you know, made of haram meat.
Is this what the is talking about?
No. Why? Because you don't have access to Halal chicken, halal beef, maybe, but you're not at the point of starvation. Why? Because even though you have not had meat for a whole week, you can get your protein, your nourishment, etc. From other options. Right, you can have fish because you remember fish, you can eat that fish, right? You can have vegetables, you don't need meat in order to survive. There is lots of other sources of nutrition. Okay, so this is talking about a person who is at the point of starvation at the point of death. And there is like, for example, a person who was lost in the jungle, okay, they're lost, and they have not eaten anything for days, for days, and
then they come across, for example, a dead cow or dead rabbit, and then they eat something from it, they cut a piece of it, they cook it and they eat it. They're not committing a sin, okay, because they're forced by necessity by their situation. They're not desiring it and they're not transgressing it, okay, then there is no sin. Now, this shows us that if a person were to indulge in Haram without fulfilling these conditions, then there will be sin. Okay, and then it is said in the Lucha foto Rahim Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. How beautiful is this? We understand the reason why the name, Rahim is mentioned over here that Allah is merciful, that it is because he is
merciful that He has given us this exception, this allowance that in a situation of dire necessity, we can eat, what is haram? Just to save our lives. Why is the name of the aforementioned over here, you see, when you look back at a situation where you may have consumed something unlawful, out of necessity, out of compulsion, I remember somebody telling me about how they were in a situation where they literally had no option. Okay to refuse the food. I'm not going to go into the details of what that situation was, but they literally had no option to refuse the food. It was a matter of almost life and death. Okay. Now, when you think back, and you think about that situation, you
wonder, was I really in a life and death situation? Right, I could have considered another option I could have just left, maybe I could have advocated for myself a little bit more. Maybe I wouldn't have died, you know, if my life was written that I would still be alive. And then you know, you check, you think back and you wonder, was I really not desiring it? Did I really eat just enough? Or did I eat more than what was necessary? Did I really have no other choice any, whatever you want to say situation like that. When you think about it later on, you know, you might realize or you might think that you made a mistake. So Allah subhanaw taala is also fooled. Because, you know, for
example, if a person is lost in the jungle, right, they have not eaten for days, anything at all. They're lost in the desert, not a jungle, a desert, they have not found anything edible. All right, the first thing they come across is a dead animal, and then they eat out of it in order to survive. You know, it's possible that once they move on from there, right, within two hours, they are found by the search teams or they find they come
across a group of people, now that time imagine the regret of this person. I should have waited. I'm sure I would not have died if I had waited two more hours. Why did I eat that meat? Why did I do that? I shouldn't have, you know, your knifes blames you. And sometimes other people also blame you. They make you feel horrible. They make you feel like less of a Muslim. So at that time, remind yourself that Allah is Allah Fudo Rahim. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. And remember the goal preservation of life. That is the goal. That is the objective over here. And this is why Allah has made haram foods unlawful for us. And it is for the preservation of your life. That in a situation
of dire necessity or compulsion, okay? You eat what is unlawful, but just sufficient, and without desiring it without having any, you know, desire for what Allah subhanaw taala has forbidden. Then Allah subhanaw taala is forgiving and merciful toward a person. And it's important that we are compassionate to ourselves also, a person doesn't always have freedom of choice. A person does not have that much accessibility. So God forbid if a person is ever in a situation like this, remember, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. You should also be compassionate to yourself. Then it is said in the Ladino yuck to Munna Anzahl Allahu Meenal Kitab Indeed, those people who hide what Allah has
sent down off the book, where should the owner be his feminine kalila and they purchase with it? Something of little value, meaning they get in exchange for the book of Allah something of little value. Such people hola Iike Maya coluna, feeble Tony him Illa Nash. Those do not eat in their bellies except the fire being there only filling their bellies with the fire Allah you Kalima, whom Allah Who yarmulke Yama Allah will not speak to them on the Day of Judgment while I use a key him he will not purify them what to whom are they gonna leave it for them will be a painful punishment. Now how is this connected to the previous IO and then we just read a very similar IR to this very
recently Yes we did. We have a number 159 of suitable Bacara that we just read in Alladhina ACTA Munna and Zelle nominal baking it well, who they remember the MALBA Jana, hula Nassif il kita, Viola ek la mala? Well, I know who Larry know that those people who hide what Allah has sent down have clear evidences and guidance after we have made it clear for people in the book, then such people, Allah curses them and those who curse also curse them. Now this is talking about the same people. So why is the message repeated in different words? Because Allah subhanaw taala is warning the believers. Okay, you see how in the middle? Yeah. Are you alluding to Amman who came in? So now,
especially the believers are being warned from behaving in this way? Because who did this? It's the people of the book. Right? They did this that they conceal the parts of the book they concealed, for example, the description of the prophets of Allah, who are they who was salam, but not just that, you see, the scholars of the People of the Book, they would change the halal and haram. Okay, very frequently for different worldly benefits. Okay, and how did they manage to do that? You know, for example, if something is written as Halal in the book or haram in the book, how can someone change that? How they did that through kinsman? Through concealing the book, hiding the book, how did they
hide the book, they hid it first of all, by making it inaccessible to people. Okay, by telling them you're not good enough to read it, you're not good enough, you're not capable of understanding. This is only for the learned, okay? And sometimes literally hiding parts of it away, we learn for instance, at one occasion, a scholar of the Jews came to the Prophet sallallahu wordings time he was brought to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam with the tau dot, and that men that's color was supposed to read the punishment of the Zanni of the person who four indicates all right from the TOA. And what did that man do that as he was reading, he put his fingers on a few words and he skipped them. He
skipped them in order to show that all the Torah says something else. Right? It doesn't say that the punishment is stoning that the person should be killed. It says something else. So you see how they change
Change the law of Allah by concealing parts of the book, in Surah, Al Anam i a 91, Allah subhanaw taala mentions with a jar Luna, who karate is to be dunya how to fauna Kathira that you made your scripture into different portions, and you reveal parts of it, and you hide much of it. Okay, you hide much of it like a whole lot of the book, you hide it. And you see by hiding knowledge by hiding the scripture or parts of the Scripture. What did these people do? They basically had a monopoly, you know, people were dependent on them, to tell them what is lawful, what is unlawful, they managed to control people like this. And you know, people would pay them money, people would, you know, give
them money in order to, you know, change the ruling for them, in order to tell them what the book says, and things like that. So, this idea is a warning to the believers, that when Allah subhanaw taala has revealed details of what is lawful and what is unlawful, do not hide these things. You should not follow the ways of the people before you, you have no right to hide what Allah has revealed. And you have no right to change it, to edit it, to alter it in order to obtain worldly benefit. Because this worldly benefit, whether it is no authority, or it is some kind of bribe, right, some kind of money, whatever you gain is going to be feminine kalila it's going to be
something of very little value, even if it's 1000s of dollars, yes, it is of little value. Why? Because school Matera dunya Khalil, the benefit of the world is little, okay, it is very little compared to the benefit of the hereafter. Because anything of this world is little compared to the Hereafter. And you know, its benefit is also little. And if you think about it, you know, there are among many groups of people, even today, especially from the People of the Book, who will claim things about the Scripture claim, you know, healing powers, for example, and charge people a whole lot of money. But you know, there have been many scams like this, where people will pay huge sums of
money, they will support a certain church, for example, give them money regularly in order to be healed, and how exactly their so called being healed. They have no idea but this powerful, godly men Supposedly he comes in he says things and he does things, giving no evidence from the scripture or using scripture in ways that are wrong. Why just to get money out of people. So we're still gonna be summit I'm kalila ole come May Amaya Kelowna people Tony him in LA now. Such people are only consuming fire. They're only eating fire. They're only filling their stomachs with fire. You see, this has mentioned right after food right after the matter of Halal food haram food. So they are
earning an unlawful income. And then whatever they eat from that whatever they put into their bodies. It's literally fire because it's going to take them into hellfire. And in Jahannam they will literally fill their bellies with fire. Well now you can Lima whom Allah Who yum will Qiyamah and on the Day of Judgment, Allah will not speak to them. Now does this mean Allah will not speak to them at all? Or that Allah will not speak to them with mercy and compassion and kindness. So remember that in certain parts or places or times of the day of judgment? Yes, almost pantile will not even speak to such people he will not even look at them. But then there are other times when Allah
subhanaw taala will speak to them. But that speaking will not be a speaking of mercy and compassion and kindness. You know, for example, we learn in the Quran about how some people will you know, beg Allah, that please forgive us, give us one more chance just take us out of hellfire, send us to the world as ones please. They will beg Allah they will admit their faults. They will show a lot of regret, but they will be told Ilsa ofI how well Attica Lee Moon last point I will say to them, yes sir. oviya if that is like shut up and get lost, okay, this is what the word conveys. It is what you say to a dog that is barking that you just you know, you tell it to go away, get out of your face.
So they will be told if Sophie her there back into hellfire when I took only one and don't even speak to me. So it will be as Allah did not speak
them because that speaker will not be of kindness have mercy and they will wish that Allah did not say that to them. So when are you Colima, whom Allah Allah will not even speak to them, your will pm on the day of judgment. And when someone doesn't speak to you, or you try to talk to someone who's upset with you, and you try to appease them in different ways, and they say something so harsh to you, like, get away from me.
Go away from here that you wish they had not said anything. You wish they had not said anything. You wish you had not even tried to apologize and you feel worse than before. Well are you kalima whom Allah, Allah will not speak to them. This is a sign that Allah will be very angry with them, these are people who are Maloo maloo, but I lay him while I use a key Allah will not even purify them, me in this world, they will not benefit. They do not, you know grow with their knowledge, they do not improve with their knowledge and on the Day of Judgment in the Hereafter, punishment will not cleanse them. And Allah subhanaw taala will not pardon them, what to whom or they wouldn't Aleem and
for them is a painful punishment. Why? Because they committed a huge crime, they concealed from people what Allah subhanaw taala revealed, you know, we learned that a Buddha de la Mora, and who reported many, many Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu orally he was ALLAH. Ne This is a huge service that he did to the OMA and I will read the Longhorn who said that by Allah. If it was not for two verses in the book of Allah, I would not have narrated anything from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ever. And then he quoted these two verses of Surah Baqarah 174 And the one that we read earlier, because of these verses that I have narrated a Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, because hiding revealed knowledge is a crime. It's a huge crime. Olay can Medina Shah will banana to build Houda those are the people who have purchased misguidance for guidance. And by purchasing what is meant is that they have given preference to right they have taken misguidance they give preference to the like misguidance. Over guidance, Allah's parents already gave them knowledge of the book. And they chose air for themselves. How? By hiding that knowledge. And by hiding parts of it to change, a halal haram to change the law of Allah. Well, are they ever been mafia and they have exchanged punishment for forgiveness? Any if you teach people good things,
if you tell people the truth, if you tell them what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, then this is something that brings you forgiveness. Did you know that this is the benefit of sharing that even the fish in the water, pray for forgiveness for you, for the person who teaches others good things? Then the creation seeks forgiveness for that person. So when these people were given knowledge of the Scripture, they had an opportunity to get forgiveness from Allah, but instead of that, they chose punishment. How? By hiding knowledge by hiding the Scripture. So an amazing choice these people have made anyhow ridiculous. Former US Barack Marla know how incredibly patient they are upon
pursuing the fire. It seems like they're so eager for hellfire, that it is something that should be pursued. It is something that people are competing over stuff it Allah and Fatah Spada, whom Allah know do they realize what a terrible place that is? They're thinking that they can bear it. And so many Muslims, it's surprising when Muslims say things like, you know, it's okay will bear the punishment for a few days. We'll deal with it when it comes. Really. You cannot bear to be patient over a little bit of poverty in this world or some deprivation in this world. And you think you can bear the punishment of *? Any when a person for example, eats what is something unlawful? What's
the excuse? It's too tempting, man. It's too tempting. There's too much pressure from the people around me. I'm the only odd one out so I can't be patient. Well, if you can't be patient over this, you think you can be patient over the fire of *?
Stuff that Allah any anytime there is a temptation to indulge in Haram. Whether it is just a little bit of interest of Riba. You know, a little bit of haram food, then remind yourself that if I cannot control myself here, how can I think that I'm ready to bear the punishment of *?
StuffIt Allah from our hospital Marlon now that he could be Anila nuzzel al Kitab will help valleca that meaning this severe punishment, okay is deserved by them. Why be Anila hiddenness and Al Kitab a billhook because Allah has sent down the book in truth, containing the truth. And in truth, any this book is truly from Allah, the Scripture is truly from Allah. And this means that people are in need of knowing the truth. And when there are people who hide that truth and they are working against Allah, they're opposing Allah. All right, that it could be Anila Nazir, Al Kitab mobilehelp We're in Medina della fufill kitab. But indeed, those who differ over the book, meaning they come to
a point where they're no longer United about the book, so they say, this is true, or that's not true. It is from Allah. No, it's not from Allah. Any people who differ in regard to the book, this is referring to those who don't believe in it. Okay, because that's how they differ. The the book is supposed to be believed in. But these people differ in the sense that they don't believe in it, then these people have no evidence for their disbelief. All right. The only reasoning is they are Luffy Sheikh Hockenberry they are in extreme dissension. Okay. Meaning they are merely denying out of our Dawa out of animosity. So for example, the people of Makkah at the time of the Prophet salallahu,
alayhi wasallam, did they have a justifiable reason to deny the book of Allah? No, it was simply their animosity. And he they didn't even pay attention to what the Quran was saying many of them and they just rejected it. Now, this idea also shows us that, you know, we should not be of those people who constantly differ in regard to the book, there is a narration that people quote a lot if they love Umatilla Herma that is to laugh in my ummah, is a mercy. But this is a weak narration. It's not a hadith. Of course, people will differ. But division is a disaster. Division is not a mercy.
Okay? And remember, that we should not be of those people who are constantly arguing over debating with one another, and dividing into different camps over what is in the Quran. You know, there was a time when someone said, you know, lizard meat is neither lawful nor unlawful. Okay, the prophet sal Allahu Anhu said, I'm neither declared it to be lawful, nor did he declared to be unlawful. And even our best for the long run when he heard that he got very upset. He said, What a terrible thing you're saying, the prophets of Allah who were loosened, it was only sent to make things clear, to declare the lawful is lawful and to declare the unlawful as unlawful. And then he mentioned that
incident to them, where lizard meat was served to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he refused to eat it, but he allowed people in front of him to eat it, right and he watched them eat and he did not condemn them. So you know, sometimes under the term difference of opinion, we present the religion as something completely ambiguous and unclear and everything's okay. And if we ever discuss these matters, then we fall into debate and we become very hostile with one another. This kind of attitude is not correct. We should read the Quran for guidance for the purpose of action not so that we can find evidences with which we can refute others nor should we be of those who do Fianna with
the sacred knowledge that we ignore and hide parts of the book which are not according to our wishes, and only highlight parts of the book which you know, justify our position. Inshallah we will conclude over here let's listen to the recitation one more time yeah
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