Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-021C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 154-157
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Let's move on to the next I have there's more things in Shaolin which I want to share with regard to Sabra inshallah. Well at the CoLo Lima, Yokota Luffy Seville Allah He unwed and do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah that they are dead. Why? Because Bella here on rather they're alive what I can let a Sharon but you do not perceive now, do not use the word um words, okay for those people who are killed in the way of Allah. Now, technically, if you think about it, if a person has been killed, they're dead. Right? So if you say that they're dead, then you're not saying anything wrong. Technically, it's a truthful statement. It's not a wrong statement. But Allah
subhanaw taala is telling us Don't say that. Rather, you should remember that these people are alive, but you do not perceive how exactly, they're alive. So this shows us that we really have to watch our language, we really have to watch what we say. Because what we say the kind of words we use, the kinds of expressions we use the kinds of things we say to ourselves or to other people, even though they may be accurate. But if they are negative, if they raise negative feelings in us, then they're not healthy statements for us. They're not healthy words, they're not beneficial to us. So we need to replace them with better words with better statements. Okay, because sometimes, you
know, when we are upset, when we are hurt when we are angry, then you know, we say certain things. And yes, what we're saying is true. It's correct. It's not factually wrong, but it's not really a positive statement to see. Because someone who has been killed in the way of Allah, okay, they're dead. But when you keep saying they're dead, they're gone. They're finished. Any, you are only increasing yourself in grief. Right? You're only making yourself feel more sad. But if you look at the same thing from the other aspect, that yes, they have departed this world, their body is no longer alive, but their soul is alive. They're alive in bizarre, right? Then you are looking at the
same thing, but positively. And when you look at it positively, then that will arouse positive emotions in you. So it's the same thing. The glass is the same. You can say that it's half empty or it's half full. Okay, so while at the corner, Lima, Yokota Luffy, Sevilla here and what now? First question, Who exactly are the people who are killed in the way of Allah? These are people who are killed, while they are striving to defend the religion of Allah, or they are striving to raise the word of Allah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in a hadith we learn this hadith is in Behati, that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, that a man
fights in order to gain war booty, and another man fights in order to gain good reputation, and another person fights in order to let his bravery be seen. So which of them is in the way of Allah? The Prophet salallahu earning Salam said, the one who fights in order that Allah's word may be exalted, is in the way of Allah.
And he he is fighting in battle, not so that he can gain war booty not so that he can get a good reputation? Not so that, you know, people can see how brave he is? No, his goal is to really defend the religion of Allah to really raise the word of Allah, His intention is sincere. That person is in the way of Allah, that person is a shaheed. You know, think about the context of revelation sort of Bukhara is a Madani. Surah and what happened soon after the Hijrah is that, you know, the Muslims were basically participating in battle after battle in the Battle of better so many people, you know, they were martyred. You have Battle of 170 Muslims were martyred. Right. And around the Battle
of Ohio, there were several incidents in which again, many Muslims were martyred. So every household basically in Medina, you know, had experienced some kind of loss. Okay, every household, every person in Medina had experienced some kind of loss of a loved one. So the Muslims are being taught a very important lesson over here that don't just think that these people are dead. No, they are alive, but you do not realize how exactly they're alive. Okay.
So, now we learn. I know for example in Surah Thea scene I have 26 about the person who was killed and it was said pillared holy Jana it was said Enter John. So Paula yeah later call me or Allah Moon he said I wish my people knew B Muhammad Ali Robbie, whoa Jelani minelute Grameen. I wish my people knew of how my Lord has forgiven me and how he has made me of those who are honorable, any the person who is killed in the way of Allah, remember that they are instantly given a new life, they are instantly given a better life without any delay. Okay, without any delay whatsoever. We learn in Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when your brothers were killed at the
Battle of Muhammad, Allah put their souls within green birds, which go down to the rivers of Paradise, and they eat the fruits of Paradise and nestle in the lamps of paradise. Right. And when they experienced the reward in paradise, in terms of food and drink and rest, they asked one another, that who can tell our brothers back in the world, that we are alive in paradise and that we are given provision? Right, we are given sustenance, who can convey this good news to them. And Allah subhanaw taala said that I will tell them about you. And so Allah subhanaw taala revealed these verses, there is also a verse in Surah Al Imran i 169. where Allah says, well, after seven
Alladhina Cuttino visa vie the light and water, do not ever think about those people who were killed in the way of Allah that they are dead, rather, but here own render of behaviors of cone rather, they're alive. And they're given sustenance by Allah. Right? So yes, their body is lifeless before you that is true. But a person is not just a body, there's also a soul and that soul is in a better place, is enjoying a better life. So think positively. And remember that when Allah subhanaw taala takes something away from you, He gives you something better in return. This is a rule, this is a law of Allah. Okay, with regard to the believer, that when something is taken away from you, Allah
will give you something better in its place, you might not see that better immediately or right away, but you will eventually see it. You might realize that in the world, and if you don't realize that in the world, you will definitely see it in the hereafter. So be hopeful and be positive. Right? And being hopeful. Being positive does not mean that you pretend like you experienced no loss, okay? That you pretend like you are in no pain at all. That's not healthy. We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when his son Ibrahim died, and he was an infant, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was crying. And he after so many years, he had had a child, okay, and now
this child is baby died. And he the loss of any child is painful, but the loss of a baby that's even more painful to the province of Allahu where it is and it was crying. Right? And when people express their amazement that you're crying. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you know, the eye weeps. Yes, you know, you have tears coming from the eyes, the heart aches, yes, I am in pain, not denying that I am hurt. But nothing that displeases my Lord will come out of this mouth. Right? So it's summer isn't controlling what you say. Okay, it's in controlling what you express what you do. So the loss is real. You're not denying it. But you are also acknowledging that okay, while I
have lost something, Allah subhanaw taala has also given me something else in its place. Right? And you have hope. So ladipo Luly, my yoke the Luffy, Sybil, Allah He and word Bell are here on what aculeata Scharoun but you do not perceive you do not realize how they're alive. In another Hadith we learn and this hadith is in Muslim, that the Prophet sallallahu earning the salam asked the Companions when you know sometimes he would ask them questions in order to make them think so he asked them that, who do you think is a shaheed?
Meaning not that we're doing a Shahida fee come that Who do you think is a shaheed? So the people said that Ushahidi is someone who is killed in the way of Allah. Right? That is the Shaheed
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if that was the case, then the shahada of my ummah would be very few. Then there will be very few among my ummah who will be given the status of shaheed. So then he said that the Shaheed Yes, the one who is killed in the way of Allah is a Shaheed right? The one who dies in the way of Allah is also a Shaheed meaning he wasn't killed by the enemy. He died a natural death while participating in battle. For example, right. The one who dies of plague is a Shaheed mata tharuni For Hua Shaheed alma mater fille botany for Hua Shaheed and the one who dies because of something in his button in his stomach, in his abdomen, some internal
disease. That person is also a shaheed. In other Hadees we learned that the person who is drowned who dies by drowning is also a Shaheed and other Hadees tells us about a woman who dies during childbirth, she also attains the status of Shaheed so, you know, death is painful, such kind of loss is very painful. But when you think about, you know that Insha Allah, my loved one is in a better place, right? They are living a different kind of a life, then you have strength to carry on. You know, in our bodies, we learned that the children of Muslims who die they are in the care of Ibrahim and Sarah, in the bodies of these children are in the care of Ibrahim Ali Sinha and Sarah. And on
the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen? Ibraheem Alehissalaam and Salah will hand over these children to their parents in paradise, the loss of a child, unimaginable. But when you know that there would be better people, and that there is a time when you will be reunited with them in a better place, then the pain doesn't go away. But there is also joy in that pain. There is also something to be happy about along with that pain. And this is how we need to view all trials in life. That whatever has happened has happened by the permission of Allah. Allah is wise in his decrees in his decisions. And if he has taken something from me, he is giving me something better.
And I trust my Lord, I trust his decisions. While I cannot assure alone, this is what we need to remember. I don't understand everything. I don't know everything. I don't perceive everything. I don't know what's happening in the unseen world. I don't know that. But Alladhina. You know, Nabil, very remember at the beginning of Surah Bacara, we learned that moto Peter, who those who believe in the unseen part of believing in the unseen is to believe in Allah's decrees that you know, this world that we see in front of us is not everything. This is not everything. Then almost pantherella says well in a blue one calm and surely we will indeed put you all to trial comb comb is all all of
you Muslims, some people yes, they're tested more, some people are tested less, but everyone is tested. Be che in with something menial whole feel of fear, meaning there will be some kind of a test. Not that every moment will be filled with difficulty. But there will be moments when you will experience fear, you will experience hunger, you will experience Noxon, middle and wildly will unfussy with Thammarat reduction of wealth and lives and fruits. And these are known as Messiah it will Ahimsa the five trials. Okay, what are these five trials? Let's look at them first of all fear. And I think every single person can experience fear these days, right? fear of falling ill fear of
catching the virus fear of the vaccine, and how this has affected the whole world, how it has affected people to jobs, how it has affected people's families. You know, there's fear, while joueur and also there will be hunger. There will be times when you will experience hunger, not just while you're fasting, but also sometimes you have the money with you you have food at home but you're not at home and with the money that you have you're not able to buy any food you're so busy working you're so busy studying you're so busy doing chore after chore that you cannot take a break and eat food. So you experience hunger and for some people you know hunger for something they love something
they depend on like for example coffee that is even more difficult to bear. So some kind of hunger and when up seminal unwell loss of property, loss of property this can be because
As if different reasons. Like for example, you lose something, there is a fire, there is a storm, there is a hurricane, and that causes an entire building to burn down and entire house to be finished completely. Or sometimes loss of wealth is because of oppression. Alright, so knock seminal, um, while or sometimes it's because of your own mistakes or just that's just how life is, you know, you are very happy with all the money that you are saving. And the next thing you know, there's a sudden expense that you did not expect. And all of a sudden, all that money you saved is gone. So knock seminal, um, while while unforce loss of lives that the people you love are now
distant from you, because they live in a different place. Or that, you know, life is just such that you cannot spend much time with them anymore. Or literally, there's loss of lives in the form of death. And then with the Murat and the fruits, any you expected a certain profit, a certain gain. But next thing you know, you have lost what you had. And think about a farmer or think about a person who is, you know, relying on their investment returns. And there's some kind of natural disaster, there's some kind of fire, what happens, you know, they are in debt. So well in a blue one, no calm Allah subhanaw taala is preparing us. He's warning us that being ready for this. And
there is an implied author over here that this is definitely going to happen. While Bashir is Sabreen and give good news to those who are patient. So this doesn't mean that we should think that yes, Allah will put me in difficulty. And no, we should think good about Allah. Okay. But at the same time, we need to remember the fact that in life, there will be different types of trials. Okay. And tests are inevitable. When you go through different tests, different trials, it does not mean that Allah's pantalla hates you, that you're a bad person, that you are being punished for your sins. Tests are a part of life. This is something that Allah subhanaw taala is promising over here.
So what are we supposed to do? We're supposed to be prepared for these trials. We're supposed to equip ourselves so that we can handle these trials in suitable Ambia i a 35. Allah's Panthera tells us Kowloon up syndrome that if control mode, that every soul will taste death, when a blue Combi shed we will highly fitna and we test you through evil and through good as a trial what you need to do your own and you will be returned to us. And he at the end, yes, there is death. But while you're alive, you're going to be tested through both ease and hardship, evil and good. So be ready for this. And then it is said Bashir has saw Aberdeen give good news to those who are patient, the
Prophet sallallahu earlier said it was being told to give good news to those who are patient, which means that when a person is patient, then there is a great reward for them. So the way to deal with these difficulties is through sub. We learned in Hadith that a person is tested according to the level of their Deen that you've tolerated. julu Allah has to be Dini, that a person is tested in proportion to their Deen, meaning the stronger they are in faith, the harder their trials will be. And we see this that the prophets of Allah were tested the most severely, right? The prophets of Allah were tested most severely. Think about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his beloved
wife Khadija la de la hora and her she died in his lifetime. Many of his children died in his lifetime. He was expelled from his homeland from Makkah, and he was not safe over there. He had to migrate. He experienced financial loss. Right? His own relatives turned against him. People were out to kill him. And then you have in Medina, the trial from the hypocrites people who are supposed to believe people who are supposed to be supportive, but they turn into your enemies, right people who know the truth about you yet they call you a liar, yet they don't believe you. And he how much the prophets of Allah who earning seven was tested. Now there is a question why, why does Allah subhanaw
taala test tests? What's the reason? What's the purpose behind tests? Because you know, in the Quran, we learn different reasons. One reason as we learn is that it
As a means of purification, that a person goes through trial as a consequence of their own sins. So then that trial becomes a source of purification for them. In Hadith, we learned that whoever Allah wishes good for then Allah subhanaw taala tests him. So this is the main thing, okay, that tests are intended to benefit us. This is the general rule. Okay? Because my URI delay will be higher on you submit, who, whoever Allah intends good for? That Allah subhanaw taala puts that person in trial. Okay. Now, what if they're being punished for a sin that they committed? Well, even then that test is good for them. Why? Because when they're tested, and they're patient, and that hardship becomes a
means of purification for them. Now that sin is erased from the record, what does that mean? That means that the test was actually good for them, that trial was good for them.
Right? Now, sometimes a trial means that you become stronger, stronger than before. Like, for example, we learned about the Muslims in the Battle of or heard that how they were, you know, put into difficulty after difficulty after difficulty. Right. So what happened, there came a point when little things did not bother them anymore, their capacity to bear hardship increased, they were able to face bigger enemies, greater challenges. So what happened as a result of those tests, growth, right. So whatever outcome there is for the believer, ultimately, remember, tests are good for the believer. Okay, whether the outcome is purification from sin, or it is reward, or it is growth, or
it is learning important lessons, whatever the outcome is, ultimately, a test is good for the believer. And the benefit outweighs the harm. Okay, the benefit outweighs the harm. So well, unblu wanna come? This is Allah's decision that our last panel title will definitely test us. And these tests are not random. They're not with an evil malicious intent. No, they are to benefit the believer. And sometimes you don't really, you know, learn from a certain trial, you keep making the same mistake or you keep falling in the same trial again, and again. That is also okay. Why because with every trial, you are learning, you are being purified, right? In sha Allah, eventually there
will come a time when you will realize. So on the Day of Judgment, we're not going to be asked about why we were tested. Okay, that what's the reason? Did you figure it out? This is not a quiz. Okay? That why are you being tested? The main thing is how you respond. Okay, how you grow through these trials. So what should a submarine give good news to those who are patient. So Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us over here how to deal with hardships, who are those who are patient, they are Alladhina, either or Sabah to mostly Bhutan. There are people who, the moment when calamity strikes them Talu in that Allah he were in LA he Roger goon, they say indeed we belong to Allah and indeed,
to him, we shall return. And he this is their first response in Allah he were in nearly healed your own. Okay? Now, this is also very important. The kinds of things we say when we're in difficulty, especially the first thing that we say, when we find ourselves in difficulty, that matters a lot. So, Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us what we should say, Okay. Sometimes what happens is that we begin to curse or we begin to say very negative statements. So this is a very positive statement. What does it mean? We belong to Allah, and to Him we shall return? Why say this in difficulty? What's the benefit? What's the point of saying this in that Allah he were in nearly your audio? You
see, when you say in that Allah He, we belong to Allah, you are affirming the fact that you are a slave to Allah. Okay. You are affirming to hate. We belong only to Allah. Allah is the only Rob only Lord only master only when in control. You are affirming to hate you are acknowledging your
servitude to Allah. We're in that LA Raji rune. To Him we shall return you are affirming your belief in the Hereafter, you are affirming, you're acknowledging the fact that all matters returned to Allah for judgment. Right? So, in that Allah who were in LA Raji rune basically means that I belong to Allah. And Allah owns everything. And he is the Lord of everything. He knows everything. He does not make a mistake, his decree is final, his judgment prevails. And whatever that Allah's pantherella decides there is good in it. So when you say in Allah, Allah He, I belong to Allah, there is hope in this. I'm not alone. This was not an accident. This was not a mistake. This was
planned in Allah He we belong to Allah, we're in that LA Herradura we will return to Him, meaning there is no escape from Allah except to Allah. So I'm not going to be angry with Allah I'm not upset with Allah, you know, in LA he Raji rune, this arouses fear in you so you are careful. So in Allah Allah He gives us hope. And inna la Raji rule brings us fear, and we need both hope and fear. And the person who says this in difficulty, like in a hadith we learned that from Selma de la Horne, who reported that when her husband died, abou selama the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her that if any Muslims suffer some calamity and says this in that Allah Who a nice lady Raji rune,
Allah whom God famously Bertie will actively hate on minha that oh Allah reward me for my affliction, and give me something better than it in exchange for it. Then Allah subhanaw taala will definitely give that person something better in its place. Any when you say this than Allah's parents are will give you something better in its place. So I'm Santa Monica La Mancha. She reported that you know, when the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam said that to her, she wondered, she thought to herself who could be better than Abu Salah Abu Salah was the perfect husband. But she said it, believing in it. And what happened soon after, the Prophet SAW Allah who already said and proposed
to her, can you imagine? Then she became of all Mahato meaning the Mothers of the Believers. So this is what we need to say in difficulty. So people who say this hola correlate him Salawa to Milla became water. These are the people upon whom are blessings from their Lord and Rama, right special mercy. Oh, like a home? Well, Martha don't and it is these people who are rightly guided. Now I mentioned to you earlier that Salawat means praises blessings, right? So imagine people who respond with so much patience, Allah subhanaw taala praises them. Where before His angels, can you imagine Allah mentioning your name? Allah talking about you? What an honor this is Les Karla him Salah Tommy
Robinson, not just one thinner one praise, many Salawat This is poro Honey, this is a big deal. You know, when you get a message from someone thinking about you, alright? Or you know, they just say that, you know, I was just thinking about you just wanted to say hi. Just wanted to say salaam I hope everything's good. All right, any even though there's nothing specifically mentioned, you know, in that message, but the person is just communicating the fact that they were thinking about you that you are in their thoughts. And he you instantly realize that you're not alone, that you feel that you are loved. You know that you are loved, you know that there's someone who cares about you,
this increases you and your self worth. So, remember that when a person is patient and they respond within that Elahi lillahi Nyla he Raji rune, then Allah subhanaw taala praises them. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned them before His angels, Allah subhanaw taala expresses his love for such people and he forgives them and He bestows special blessings upon them. He gives them calmness and contentment in difficulty, and such people also receive the Rama of Allah. What is the dharma of Allah over here? This special mercy is that Allah subhanaw taala removes difficulty from them and he fulfills their needs. And the removal of difficulty doesn't necessarily mean that literally the difficulty
that you were in is now gone. No of sometimes it means that you feel at peace, that you're not drowning in your grief. So what I what Ola eco humble Mota don't and it is those people who are rightly guided there rightly guided Yes, meaning in depth
faculty also they are guided to the best actions. Because you see sometimes in difficulty people lose themselves in the sense that they have no passion left, no interest in doing anything good, anything at all. They basically quit on life. Their matters are all messed up. So they're not rightly guided people who will respond with subvert, with reliance on Allah with hope with fear. Then Allah subhana thought also guides them