Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-013A Translation Al-Baqarah 74-82 Word Analysis 74-75

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The transcript discusses various topics related to the definition of war, death, and words used in Arabic language. It also covers the meaning of "has" or "about" and provides examples of words used to describe experiences. The transcript also touches on the concept of "hameless" and "harvest" in Arabic language, as well as the "monster" meaning "harvest" and "monster" meaning "harvest." The transcript provides context and examples for further research.
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Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Hill Karim Furbish Rahi Saudi were Sidley Emery wahala rock the Tamil Hasani of Kabul Kohli Alhamdulillah. Today in sha Allah will be doing lesson number 13 And that means that we're starting from verses 74 all the way till verse number 82. And in sha Allah, we're going to go past the first half Alhamdulillah it seems like we just started the course And Alhamdulillah we have already reached the first half of the first visit. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to complete the study of the Quran in this course and may
Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to study the Quran over and over again in our lives.
Okay, let's do the translation and the word analysis Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim verse number 74 sama then facettes they became hard Kulu Bukom your hearts mimbar the after Velyka that for here so they call he Jarrah are like the stones. Oh or a shag do more intense password 10 In hardness we're inna and indeed men among Elijah Ruthie the stones, lemma surely is that which yet the Fed juggle it gushes forth men who from et al and how the rivers were inna and indeed minha among them. Lemma surely is that which yes shocked Baku it is split fire hood you saw that it comes out men who from it Alma oh the water what inna and indeed minha among them lemma surely is that which yeah build to
it falls down. Men from cushy a tea reverent fear Allah He of Allah wa and not Allah who Allah be law feelin it is at all unaware, Amma about what Dharma loon you all do. Alpha Delta Morona then do you all eagerly desire on that you may know Lacan they believe you all Walcott and indeed Kana it used to for the A con a party, main home of them. Yes, Morona they hear Kalama speech Allah He of Allah sama. Then you have the foreigner who they distort it. mimbar Dima after our Kullu who they understood it, were home while they Yala moon they know what either and when loco they meet a Lavina those who am a new they have believed Palu they say Amen Now we have believed what either and when
kala they are alone by womb Isla bye Berlin with each other Kalu they say a to her disorder whom do you all inform them be ma of what Fattah Hala who are la con Allah has disclosed to you all or Allah has decreed against you all Lee you had to come so that they argue with you all be he in regard to it or in the near rub become your rub. A fella then will not dark balloon you all understand our law do not you're a law Munna they know. And now that indeed Allah Allah yar lo mo he knows Mao what you see Runa they hide WOMMA and what your Linoone they publicize women home and among them all Miyun are ignorant ones learn not er la Munna they know Al Kitab the Book Illa but a man iya wishful
thoughts or hearsay or recitation three meanings were in and not home they INLA are except yellow noon they assume for Waylon so whoa Lee Lavina to those who Yech to buena they write al Kitab the Book be ID him with their hands so mad then Jaco Luna they say Heather this Minar in the is from Allah He Allah Leah ash the rule so that they purchase be with it summon something of value Polylang little for Weyland so Whoa, LA home to them mimma for what Ketubot ad him their hands wrote Well, way you learn and whoa LA home to them mimma for what Yuxi Boon they earn what Carlu and they said Len tema Sena it will never touch us and now with the fire Illa except a Yemen for days Mara do that
and numbered. Cool you say at the hearthstone Have you all take
and are in the with Allah He Allah or done a covenant fillet OakLeaf Allah who then Allah who will never go back on the who His covenant, um or the coluna you all say Allah against Allah He Allah Mao what land not Darla moon, you all know? Bella no rather man whoever cassava he has earned say he attend an evil what a helper to be here and it has encompassed him cuddly to who his sin for hola Erica then those of us who are companions and natty of the fire home they fie her in it Holly dune will be one to remain eternally one Lavina and those who am a no they have believed were Emmylou and they have done a slowly had the righteous deeds. Hola Iike. Those of us who are companions or Jana
of paradise home, they fee her in it, Holly dune will be ones who remain eternally. Alright, let's go over the word analysis Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. So Makkah set Globacom sama then and I mentioned this to you earlier that the word sum shows a sequence of events and sometimes it also gives the meaning of a delay in time meaning then after a while, or sometimes it also shows the increase in gravity or seriousness of an action. So here we see the previously what was mentioned Allah subhanaw taala shows you His signs so that you all understand right, but you all do not understand and in spite of seeing all of those signs yet what happened some Maka said Kaluga calm,
your hearts became hard. So, we can understand some Naka set glucomannan number of ways we can understand this as then after this incident, which incident the incident that was mentioned right before which is the incident of the cow. What happened your hearts became hard, or so much. Yet despite all of this meaning despite witnessing all of these signs, what happened? Your hearts became hard. Now the word ascent is from the root letters off scene. Wow. And Assa T is from the word pursuer and cuss word means hardness. Okay? So Cosette is a verb. And it literally means she became hard. And why is it she Why is the pronoun she because it's referring to who lube alright, and
Cologne is a plural. And remember that every noun in the Arabic language has a gender. Okay, so this is a plural and for many plurals, we see that a feminine pronoun is used. So she became hard meaning your hearts became hard. And it gives the meaning of plural which is why we have the over here so a set they became hard. What became hard Globacom your hearts and collude is the plural of the word file. And called means heart. And what's the root of this word? Of Lamba? You can see the root letters right here. Okay, off Lamba called so your hearts became hard and who is you all referring to your? This is the bunny is Surah II okay mimbar the after that because that meaning after that,
and what is that referring to? It's referring to the previous incidents All right, especially the incident of the cow. So after that your hearts became hard. Now what is the state of your hearts? How hard are they for here? So they now here is actually feminine of the word Hua. Okay, who am means he Okay? Hua means he and here means she. Okay. Now again feminine has been used because it's referring to hearts. So for here so they meaning your hearts are kal haidara Like the stones co means like, Okay, remember Metha Luhan can Mithali there example is like the example. Soca is fourth that should be to show similarity between two things. So your hearts are similar to our like
alegebra the stones and Ijarah is the plural of the word hedgehog. Okay Hotjar means stone or rock. All right hijab. So they are like the stones and route is hygiene blah. Oh or a shirt do more intense eyeshadow means more shredded, okay. And Chedid means intense or severe. And here it is more intense or sweeten in hardness, meaning they are even harder. Okay? They are even harder than stone
And I shall do is from sheen doll doll okay and Casa you can see the main noun over here a swamp means hardness and from this word is the verb plus okay so I should do Casa your hearts are even more intense in hardness than stones were in there and indeed men among Elijah are the stones plural of the word hedger lemma surely is that which law means surely and man means that which So among the stones are such stones which are such that yet the Fed gentlemen hello and hello okay so this is the first type of stones that are mentioned in this idea okay lemme yet the Fed Jerome in whole and how such stones, which yet have a journal yet the Fed journal is from the root letters for Jeem rock.
Okay, and remember the word fun federate mean, who's Natasha Medina when Musa alayhis salam was told to strike the rock and what happened 12 Springs gushed forth. Right. So there we read the word fun federate here we have yet a juggler. So the route is the same five gene block, the form is different, okay. In fact, Allah is just to gush forth, but the fedora the word that we have here yet the fedora, the fedora, the Fedora is when something bursts at a large scale. Okay, and now we're talking about the bursting of rocks of stones and what's happening rivers are gushing forth so it's not that you know a little bit of water is trickling forth No, there is a whole lot of water okay?
That is gushing forth from the place where the stones burst Okay, so think about how you know a flood comes through and when a flood of water is coming through whatever in its way literally bursts right so here yet the Fed juggle it gushes forth Minho from it from what from man meaning certain stones and how the rivers meaning there are some stones from which rivers Gosh force and and how is the plural of the word Nahor Okay, known her. Okay, now what were the Fatah under her and Naha applies to both rivers and streams. So, a whole lot of water gushes forth were in them in her now the second type of stones that are mentioned over here in this area were in them in her and indeed
among them meaning among the stones among the haidara are lemma surely is that which yes Shaco Yes shokaku It is split this is from the root letters sheen off off, okay. And shutdown is to split and the shock is when something is break, it cracks and it splits it breaks. So there are stones which split and when they split what happens fire hold human whole map water comes out of it. Yeah, hello Joe from ha ra Jeem Minho from it. I'll map the water. So a little bit of water comes out. So this is slightly different from the first what's happening in the first rivers and streams are coming forth. What's happening in the second a little bit of water is coming forth. And now the third type
of stones were in there and indeed minha among them lemma surely is that which Yeah, beautiful it falls down. Yeah, below is from the root letters her ba ba Okay, and who bolt is when something comes down from above. Remember the word will not be too same route. Right, a beautiful muslin so lemme Yeah, beautiful it falls down men from cushy Attila Reverend fear of Allah, meaning these are stones which they don't necessarily break, no rivers or even a little bit of water comes forth. But at least what happens is that they fall down they move. Okay, so yeah, Butoh minha Shatila and specifically the fall down out of fear of Allah now has she has also fear and this has been
translated as Reverend fear, because it's slightly different from health. Okay, health is a general word for fear. And typically it is used for, you know, that which a person is afraid of in regard to their future, meaning they're afraid that something terrible is going to happen in the future, they expect something bad to happen, okay, so they're afraid. So, you know, for example, you see a snake, okay? And you're afraid Why are you afraid because you're afraid that it might any moment attack you, right? So this is hope, but Kusha is different. Kusha is fear. We
It's all okay. Which is basically fear of someone's greatness meaning there is all there is reverence there is, you know, a combination of fear with love. Okay? Fear with respect. So, you know there are some people you're afraid of and you just avoid them, you run away from them. And then there are people who, yes, you are afraid of them. But it's not a bad kind of fear. It's that you were very conscious, you have a great deal of love and respect for them. Right? So this fear this hush here is actually connected with knowledge because Allah subhanaw taala says in nama yo Shala him and everybody here Oh lemma that from his slaves. It is only the ruler map the people of
knowledge that have Reverend fear of Allah. So they're the ones who have respect, reverence for Allah rasool Allah, and that fear doesn't mean that they avoid Allah, that fear means that they avoid disobeying Allah. Okay, so yeah, bitumen Hashem Attila. Even these rocks, recognize the greatness of Allah or zoologia Woman and not Allah who Allah below feeling is at all unaware. Law often is from the root letters, Lane, fat lamb, okay, La Fleur is heedlessness or unawareness that basically one is too busy to pay attention to something else. They're inattentive towards something and when they're inattentive, they're unaware. So not one Mullah. Who beloved in Allah is not at all
unaware, or I'm mad about what this is two words are on and MA on means from which is translated as about over here and my means what? So Allah is not at all unaware about what Dharma loon you all do. Alright, meme, Lam Amil Armelle is action. Now a lot of people you know when they're reciting the Quran, or even when they're memorizing, they mix the words Darla moon and Tama loon because both of them sound very similar, okay. Darla Mona is from her him and Tom Malone is from Armin okay. One is you know, and the other is you do so if you remember the context, inshallah you will not make that mistake if you pay attention to the words So here Allah is not unaware of what you know, that
doesn't make sense. Allah is not unaware of what you do. So it's Dharma loon. Okay, next is EFA Dotto. Morona have a is a question all right and for then again for also show sequence of events. So then meaning after knowing this that their hearts are so hard due meaning a so in the translation it has been reversed because in English you don't say do then okay. It would be easier to think of then do meaning then after you know that their hearts have become hard. Do Delta Morona you all eagerly desire Delta Morona is from the root letters law meme, I'm okay and thumber Tamar is basically greed, okay, that a person is extremely greedy for something that they are very very eager for
something they deeply desire something so do you all eagerly desire and who is you all referring to the believers the Muslims? So do you all covet do you all eagerly desire on that? You may know Lacan they believe you all you mean hula comb remember, you know means they believe from the root letters Hamza Mamnoon. Okay, Eman is the word. And Lacan means for you all, okay? But remember that when am Anna with lamb comes? Okay? You'll be known a B, let me show you this. You mean una. Be like for example, you're gonna believe it means to believe in something. Okay to believe in something. And you may know law. Okay. Like for example, they said to Musa alayhis salaam LAN Mina laka. Okay, we
will never believe you. Okay, so am Anna Lee. Like over here. This means to believe someone meaning to confirm what they're saying to believe in what they're saying. So do you think that they meaning the bunny is saw eel will believe you all meaning they will confirm your truthfulness, the truthfulness of your messenger workout and indeed Cana it used to frequent a party for a fair raw cough is the root. Remember Farakka is to separate to divide. And fatigue is a party because a party is you know, a group of people basically which is a fraction of a whole population. Okay, so up
Artie many of them meaning not all of them, some of them have been doing this. What have they been doing? They have been? Yes Morona Calam Allah. Yes Morona they hear seen meme iron summer is the word. They hear Kalam Allah and Calam is speech from the root letters calf lamb meme, okay, Calum speech. Now what is the speech of Allah this is referring to the toe dots because in the Quran we see that the word Kurama Allah is also used for the Quran. So, the book of Allah the scripture that Allah has revealed, what is that it is the speech of Allah right? So a group of them hears the speech of Allah they hear the tone a lot and then what do they do summer then you have reformer who
they distort it, meaning they distort the speech of Allah, you have reform that is from the root letters her RAW file. Okay? Now how to offer the Hadith you know, when you see this word, instantly the word health comes to mind, okay, health is a letter. And literally the word health is actually it means the edge of something, okay? The edge or the margin of something. And how rougher is to bend or to turn something from its edge, okay. Now, when you turn the edge, when you bend the edge, it becomes something else. So the grief is to alter it is to change it is to distort and twist something. And when you twist or distort something, it's no longer what it was before. Okay, so the
thing is the same. All right, but what's happening, you just change the edge, you just change it slightly, you change its form. So when you change its form, it has become something else. Now here, what is it that they are distorting, they're distorting the speech of Allah? And when it comes to distorting the speech of Allah, remember that it is of two kinds. One is to distort the words itself. Okay. So for example, if you change the Hello Cat, or if you switch the letters around, then you know the word is still there in its place, but it has been altered, it has been changed, right? So for example, if someone deliberately changes the word dharma loon to tharla Moon, it's a slight
change, okay? Or you know about nouns in Arabic that I mentioned to earlier that the last hudec on the word, it shows the role of the word in the sentence, right? Whether the word is the subject or the object. So if you change them into Fatah, right, then you're going to change the role of the word in the sentence, you're changing it from subject to object, right? So this is the Hadith. So the Hadith first of all, is to literally change the words Alright, this is the Hadith lovely, yeah. And the second type of the hadith is the Hanif, Marna Ouija, which is to change the meanings to distort the meanings and this happens typically in translation, right when you are conveying the
meaning of a word in another language, you are giving interpretation. So, instead of giving the right interpretation, a person is deliberately giving the wrong interpretation. Okay, so this is the Hadith, so they listen to the speech of Allah and then they distort it mimbar the man after a kazoo, they understood it, or Kaluga is from a grain of lamb Arkell intellect and verb that is derived from it is to understand because that's the role of the intellect it is supposed to understand things. In other words, they're not changing the words by accident. Okay, due to lack of knowledge because of a genuine mistake. No, they're doing it on purpose. So they distort the words after understanding them
and embody MA or Kullu, who were homie Arla Moon while they know Allahu Akbar. Because you see, sometimes a person makes a mistake, and they don't even realize, right, it's completely accidental. And they never realize and the other is that you make a mistake, and then you know that you're making a mistake, or, you know, you made the mistake. And then after some time, you realize that, oh, this was a mistake, right? So you know that you made a mistake. So this is what's happening over here. They distorted after they have understood it while they know, meaning they know that they're distorting the words. They know what the correct meaning is. Yet they distort it. Okay.