Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-002D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 3-5

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of setting up a habit, praying with the presence of their heart, and reciting schedules to establish a habit. They stress the need for everyone to pay attention to others' spending and share it with others. The speakers also emphasize the importance of belief in the future and the hereafter, following guidance, and building a shadow of faith.
AI: Transcript ©
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The second way up Munna Salah and they established the salaat. Notice it doesn't say we have our Luna Sana they do the solid. No, you clean Munna because you came on a karma. Your karma is to establish something. Basically, you see the word karma Pm is to stand. All right, and if comma is to make something else stand to set something up right? Now, if something is set up, right, right, it's properly put together, then what's going to happen it's going to remain and stay in its place for long. So for example, if a fence is properly made, and it's standing properly, it's upright, what's going to happen, it's going to stay there for years. But if a fence has not been put up properly,

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it's crooked or it's not been secured properly, what's going to happen? It's going to fall very soon. So a comma includes two things, one to set something upright, and second to remain and continue in a place so they establish the Salah. Now what is Salah Salah literally means to call upon someone now saliva, as we know is not just any girl but it's the specific way of ritual. So they established the salah, how do they establish the Salah, remember that there's two aspects of establishing salah you establish the external aspect of Salah and you also establish the internal aspect of Salah when we're talking about establishing the external aspect of Salah. What does that

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mean? That means that first of all, you perform the salah properly correctly. Remember, you set something up, right? So you do the salah properly, the way that it should be performed. So at the proper time, in the proper way you fulfill the prerequisites you make sure you have will do you're facing the Qibla you're dressed properly. And you are you know saying your recitation properly you're doing your record properly, you're set up properly and then it also includes performing the salah regularly, right all five prayers, performing them regularly consistently. Not that you know in the month of Ramadan a person is very consistent with their Salah and then after Ramadan. I'm on

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a year long break no. So this is establishing the external aspect of Salah what are the two things performing it correctly and secondly, performing it regularly. But that aside your karma the Salah is to guard the timings of Salah the will do of Salah, the record of Salah and the such the of Salah meaning you do everything properly and consistently. What about establishing the internal aspect of Salah. Establishing the internal aspect of salaam means that you pray with the presence of heart that your heart is actually focused in Salah your mind is attentive and that your attention is consistent that you are reflecting over what you're saying and what you're doing. Even our best

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Rhodiola Horan who said that iqama to Salah is to fully perform the record and sujood to recite properly in Salah and to pay attention in Salah and to be humble in Salah all of this is part of the Kama Sutra. So they established the salah, who the MATA Qin established the salah, and when they established the salah, their salah, shields them, it safeguards them, how does Allah safeguard a person in this life in this world? Remember, Salah protects you.

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How are these we learned, for example, about the person who prays for budget that they're safe in the evening? Right. And a person who does not pray for budget then they don't have that protection in Suitland. Kabuto I have 45 we learn in the Salah tan ha I need a fresh shirt, you will mancha that Salah forbids a person stops the person from indecency and wrongdoing. It cannot be that you know you pray salah, and then right after that you start cursing someone you can't your Salah will stop you. You can't be watching a dirty movie. And then in the middle you pause for Maghrib you can't do that your Salah is going to make you feel some level of shame. Right? So by performing

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Salah with consistency, what happens among the key safeguards himself from committing many sins. And by extension, he safeguards himself from the fire of *. The Prophet sallallahu any who would send them said that Allah the Exalted has made five prayers obligatory on his slaves, whoever performs them without neglecting anything of them without reducing their right. Then it is the Promise of Allah for him that Allah will admit him into pain.

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Paradise, but whoever does not perform them, whoever does not perform Salah properly neglect the salah. Then such a person does not have a promise from Allah. If Allah wants he can punish him and if Allah wants he can forgive him. So you came on a solid karma to Salah what does that do? It safeguards you It shields you the third quality woman models Akane whom you and feel cone and from what We have provided them they spend women and from what meaning some of what they don't give everything that they've been given away in charity, no, they give some of it because that is what is required of us. But you know of a bucket all day long Lauryn Hill, there was one occasion where he

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brought everything he had, right. So yeah, in certain situations, you know, there are people who will do the very best, but in general, the muda P, what does he do, what does she do spends out of what Allah has given them. Now, look at the word was a canal home was Okinawan This is from risk, it is is sustenance. So whatever that we have provided them whatever sustenance we have given them, they give out of that they spend from that. Now, this is everything through which you can gain some benefit. This is not just money, your money, yes, that is risk, that is the sustenance that Allah has given you. But Allah hasn't just given you money, Allah subhanaw taala has also given you your

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time, which is an asset, right? Allah has also given you your skills, maybe your ability to, you know, find errors very quickly, or your ability to, you know, deal with difficult people or the skill of the knowledge that you have, the career that you have, the expertise that you have been given your status is also risk your health is also risk, your physical ability is your risk, your height, the how tall you are, that is also something that Allah subhanaw taala has given you to benefit from, like for example, if you have the height you can easily reach, you know, the cabinets that are typically difficult for people to reach your friendships that you've been given the love

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that you have for people and the love that they show you all of this interest and more. Right, so that was a canal who would we have provided them? This is so interesting, we should remember that whatever we have is from Allah, that we could not have acquired it ourselves with our own effort or through our own power. It is Allah's risk to us his sustenance that he has given. So Mimosa Kinetico unifocal, Allah has favored them right with certain blessings. So what do they do? Yun Falcone they spend on others they give to others. And Yun Falcone in fact, basically means a crotch to take something out. Right? So whatever they have, they don't keep it with themselves. They know that

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Allah has given it to them. So out of gratitude, they also give others from what they have. Where do they spend, what do they spend on this spend in the worship of Allah. So for example, you buy you purchase almost half so that you can recite Quran. This is you're spending in a good cause you're spending in order to worship Allah, you buy, you know, food, special grocery so that you can eat it for if thought and so who you can fast well, you are spending your money in order to worship Allah, you buy the plane tickets to go for O'Meara, you are spending money in order to worship Allah, you buy gas so that you can drive to the masjid, you are spending money in order to worship Allah. All

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right. unifocal also includes spending in Zakat, and that is obligatory unifocal also includes that they spend on their family, on their dependents, also on the relatives on those who are in need. So women Marzano women feel when they spend are about we have given them meaning they're not stingy. They do not hoard the blessings that Allah has given, they give their spend. And remember that spending, sharing giving helping others benefiting others through what we have been given. This is necessary for every person, no matter how much you have, no matter how little you have, you are always in a position to give, then you must give every person must give some form of sadaqa. And

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remember that the clothes not just in the form of money we discussed earlier that list includes the skills that you have been given the fact that you can smile. The fact that you can listen to someone, the fact

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that you have been given time, so you volunteer. So spending is necessary for every one woman models Akane, whom you'd feel alone. Now in many places in the Quran, we see the mention of prayer with spending, both are mentioned together. Salah is the right of Allah and giving others spending on others. This is the right of the creation. So a person who worships Allah, and is also helpful to the creation of Allah, such a person is truly fortunate. And this is something that we should all aim to do, that we pay attention to the right have Allah, our duty to Allah, and we also care for the people of Allah. So in this IOC, three qualities of monoterpene what are they? That there is

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Iman there is belief in the unseen where's that belief in the heart, but it's also reflected on the limbs in their actions. So what do they do with the body? They praise Allah? And with their wealth? What do they do they spend on others, one Lavina you may know and be my own Xena Na, and who believe in what has been revealed to you? Who is you over here? It's the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. All right, and this is something that we should notice that the hitop that who is being addressed over here. So we can notice that at the beginning of Surah Baqarah, Allah subhanaw taala directly addresses the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and through him we are being taught. And

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then later we'll see in verse number 21, Allah subhanaw taala addresses all people. So they believe in what has been revealed to you what has been sent down to you. Now wounds Zilla, Nas, Allah has to come down from above, or to send down from above. So Revelation is sent down from above, because Allah is above us. So now on Xena elite that which has been revealed to you. The question is what was revealed on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam what is it that we should believe in what was revealed to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam excellent the Quran obviously. But along with the Quran he was also given something else. In Surah Nisa, verse number 113. Allah subhanaw taala says what

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ends and Allah who are Aleikum Kitab Well, hikma and Allah has sent down to you the book and the Wisdom. So the book well known, it's the Quran, what is the wisdom referring to, it's referring to the other things that he was taught. So for example, when it comes to Salah, we learned that when Salah was obligated Gibreel taught the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, how to pray, when to pray. So there's many details that we're not going to find in the Quran, we're going to find them where in the Sunnah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah in the OT TL Kitab, we're Mitla humara, who I was given the book, and also something like it being something with it, her sign of an

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earthly asset, the Gibreel used to come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam and he would teach him meaning besides the Quran also and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would then teach that to us. So when Medina you mean on a Beemer on Zillow, ileka, that which has been sent to you, meaning we should believe in everything that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was given the Quran and the Sunnah, WA owns the Roman Catholic and they also believe in that which was sent down before you what was sent down before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the toll right, the Injeel, the Cebu and you know, Sophie Ibrahim, also we learn about, you know, different messengers. So this

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means that the Buddha clean believe in all of the scriptures in all of the revelations that were given to the Prophets without discrimination, meaning they believe that Allah sent revelation in Surah, toma either if 44 Allah subhanaw taala says in NA and Zolotow ratafia who then went Oh, indeed We sent down the toilet, in which was guidance and light into Marita verse 46 were attina Will in Jena fee, who then went Oh, we gave him in jail, in which was guidance in light. So in the Quran, we find many verses that praise the previous scriptures. Why? Because who sent those scriptures? Allah azza wa jal, and we see that when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the

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Jews came to him with the Torah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam put the Torah on a pillow meaning he did not let them put it on the floor. Even though the original text has been changed, it has been rewritten. You know, there have been additions there

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have been changes. But originally the Torah the Injeel, was from who from Allah subhanaw taala. So what is our perspective on the previous scriptures? We believe that Allah revealed those scriptures. Some of them we know of some we don't know of some there remnants are there today and others have been completely lost by people. Right? And secondly, because we don't know what is truly from Allah in these books today and what has been added by people, what are we supposed to do? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us he said, loud to Sudoku al Kitab, you will have to cut the ball, do not completely confirm the people of the book and do not completely deny them. So for

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example, when you see mentioned of you know certain things in the Bible, then you don't fully confirm it, and you don't fully deny it. Why? Because you don't know if it's actually from Allah or if it's something that they changed. So what should you do? Well, Kulu Amman villa, he went on Zillow in our mountains that you need come but you should say that we believe in Allah. And we believe in what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to you meaning we believe that Allah sent Revelation, we believe that Allah revealed the Torah, we believe that Allah revealed the injury. So during this course, when I caught something from the Bible, you must keep this in mind

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that do not outright confirm it, and do not outright deny it. All right, we have been allowed to refer to the previous scriptures for the benefit of that, you know, further expanding our understanding, but we don't outright believe or deny it. But what we do believe is that Allah sent the Quran Allah revealed the NG. So by believing in all of the prophets and all of the Scriptures, the Muda, clean, shield themselves, how do they shield themselves because remember to deny even one messenger to deny even one book of Allah is like denying all of them. This is very serious. We have to believe in all of the scriptures that Allah has revealed. All of the messengers that Allah sent

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in circle Bacara person for 85. Allah says, if I took me No, no be barred, lived Kitabi Welltok Furuno be borrowed. Do you then believe in some portions of the book and you deny in other portions, meaning you have erased some portions you don't believe in some of them, whoever does this, then what should be their outcome, what should be their recompense other than humiliation in the world, and severe punishment in the hereafter. So we have to believe in all of the Scriptures and all of the messengers would be the hero to whom you can own and in the hereafter there are certain of Hera. Hera is the opposite of a when a will means first if it means last. So Ohana our hero is that which

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comes at the end. And by an era what is meant is the life of the hereafter, what will come after worldly life. So when we talk about the hereafter, we're basically talking about all that will happen from the moment of death onwards, and this includes the questioning in the grave. This includes the reward or the punishment in the buzzer. This includes the blowing of the trumpet, and the resurrection, and the great gathering, and the skills and the questioning. All of this is part of believing in the hereafter. So in the Hereafter, they are certain they have your deen you can own and your pain is to believe with absolute certainty, to believe without any doubt. Yaqeen is to know

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something for sure. 100% Sure, this is the opinion, and conviction is something essential for action. Because if you're not convinced, you're not going to do it. If you're not convinced that you know someone's a good doctor, you're not gonna go to them. If you're not convinced that someone is you know, sincere to you, you're not going to listen to them. If you're not convinced that you know a certain medications is useful. You're not going to take it if you're not convinced that the vaccines can, you know, protect you, you're not going to take it. So conviction comes before action. Right conviction comes before action. So a bill a hero to whom your pinion bear certain in the

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hereafter because of which they are preparing for the hereafter. They know it's coming. They know it's real. So they're conscious. They're eager to do good. They have the energy to obey Allah there.

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mind is focused on what is to come and they're preparing for it. So these people, Allah says, hola ICA or Allah who the mirror be him, those are upon right guidance from their Lord. Hola ICA la ICA. Remember it's used to refer to a group that is far and why is Ola Iike being used to show their great status? Any the people who have these praiseworthy traits? Those are the ones who are I know who the mirror became who are upon guidance from their Lord. And if you look at the word Houda you see the Flathead Hain Huda Huda fat hatin This shows that the noun is Nicola. Okay? There's two types of nouns. There's nouns that are definite, and nouns that are indefinite. So for example, el

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Kitab, the Book, you're talking about a certain book, this is a definite noun. And when you say just Kitab, you're referring to any book this is an indefinite noun. All right. So Nikita is a sign of an indefinite noun, meaning it's not something specific, it could be any. Now sometimes inocula noun and indefinite noun is used to show to reflect the greatness of that particular object that has been mentioned. So Allah Akbar, Allahu wa Rabin, who that this is not just any guidance, this is who then are Aleem, they are truly upon guidance. So these qualities are qualities of hidayah. And they include correct belief and correct actions. So they're upon Huda, like someone who is on a ship on a

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train. And when someone is on a train, what does it means making their way towards your destination? So they're upon guidance, meaning these people are truly actually guided. And they're the ones who are firm upon it. They're the ones who are holding on to guidance. These are people of knowledge, and these are people of action, and they are in the right direction, mill rugby him from their rub, meaning they are on the guidance that Allah has given. They're not following their desires. They're actually following the guidance that Allah has given and they're upon guidance by Allah's Dolphy delphic he has enabled them this is Allah special favor on them. So they are the ones who will

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become a Medina and Anthony him. And this shows us that the people who do not have these traits, they're not upon who that they're not upon guidance. What hula ecoman lovely home and it is those who are the successful, hula Iike Humann waffly, who notice whom is mentioned over here, and this type of pronoun is called the meat Fussel. And what this does is that it adds emphasis, all right, but it also shows exclusivity, that it is only these people, especially these people, certainly these people who are ultimately hone those who are successful, none other than them, it is these people who will be successful. So who are monthly home what does this word monthly home mean monthly

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home, as I mentioned earlier, is a plural of the word muffler. And if you look at the word fell, fell is to actually split something for law is a cultivator of land, like someone who is plowing the land, because what are they doing? They are splitting, when they're plowing, they're kind of breaking the earth, they're breaking the ground in order to soften it. And phala is also used for a seaman, a sailor, someone who is, you know, on the ship, and they're fixing the boat and the ship, right. So who is a muffler? The muffler is the one who is working, plowing working hard in their journey to a law and mostly is the one who attains follow and follow. It's not just success, follow

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is to attain what a person desires and it is to become safe and secure. And it is to continue in a good state. So mostly Hoon, they're successful, how why? Because they will attain their desire, they will continue in a good state, they will be safe, they are the ones who are successful in the world and in the Hereafter, and it is only there. So in order to be successful, we have to have these qualities as well. So who are the most 13? What do they do? They follow the guidance that Allah has sent. But what are their qualities? They believe in the unseen they believe in Allah. They believe in His angels. They believe in him

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to Divine Decree, then they worship Allah, they establish the Salah, then they spend, they give, and then they believe in all of the prophets, all of the scriptures without discrimination. They know that Allah never abandoned humanity to fend for themselves. Allah always sent to Revelation and this Quran is also revelation, guidance, a gift for us a blessing for us so that we can follow it. And then they believe without doubt in the Hereafter, which is why they're preparing for it. May Allah subhanaw taala make us among them with the pain. So what we learned at the beginning of Surah Al Baqarah is that if we want guidance from the Quran, then we have to become of the motor clean and

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with the key is a person who fulfills the prerequisites, right the conditions of being able to benefit from the Quran. So, when Allah has blessed us with faith with Eman let us realize the favor of Allah upon us. And let us build our Eman with their in. Let us strengthen our salah. And let us also think about what we can give. So your homework is that in sha Allah, that you have to review the translation, you have to listen to the recitation and you have to reflect on the qualities of the moutain and also share them with others. Inshallah, so I want to hear from you what reflections do you have to share from today's class? Last week, I saved your chat and I read through it later

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on. It was such a joy and I want to read your reflections again in sha Allah and we will listen to the recitation Smilla

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Bismillah he'll noodle he

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me that he can keep Ebola or even if he who doesn't?

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mean on eBay eBay up Munna Surah

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Mel was up on a

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or leadin I mean all

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Xena eco on

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Zillow I mean

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me him.

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In Calhoun Hoan.

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made the offer yourself that may Allah adorn us with the Aqua. May Allah fill our hearts with the weather we are conscious of him, in private and in public, that we are eager to safeguard ourselves we have the strength to stay away from things that Allah has forbidden. We have the strength to do the things which Allah subhanaw taala has commanded us to do. May Allah subhanaw taala make us of those who are more keen, who benefit from this guidance, who believe in it who follow it, and who become of the mostly who don't mean Subhan Allah Huma will be handing a shadow to Allah ilaha illa Anta Astok Furukawa to booty Lake, WA salaam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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