Fall in Love with the Quran

Abdullah Hakeem


Channel: Abdullah Hakeem

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The speakers discuss the importance of the Quran and its use in religion, including a distraction between two individuals named Nain and Omar who diverted from the Bible and caused people to feel angry. They also discuss the secret of becoming a Muslim and protecting one's life, including the importance of learning and sharing the Quran on social media. The speakers emphasize the benefits of elevating one's effort and standing up to competition, as it provides insight into the importance of learning and sharing to enhance one's understanding of Islam.

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All praise is due to Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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We praise him,

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we seek his help, and we ask for

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his forgiveness.

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We should all praise and thank Allah

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for once again allowing us all to be

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gathered here today

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to listen to the chutba,

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to perform the

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I ask

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to bless each and every one of us,

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and I ask Allah

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to gather us like we are gathered here,

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but in.

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Now, this morning,

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we had

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our Quran competition

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winners announced,

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it is amazing to see

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some of our students in our school

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who put a lot of effort

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into memorizing the Quran

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and to recite the Quran beautifully.

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And it is also amazing to see that

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a lot of us here,

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we have a very strong relationship

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with the Quran,

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and this is something that we need to

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and also improve.

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As Muslims, we want the Quran to be

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a part of our life.

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And today, I wanted to dedicate the

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about the Quran.

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And I know that you've heard a lot

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of reminders about the Quran,

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the importance of the Quran.

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So inshallah today, I wanted to share a

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few stories with you, a couple of stories

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with you,

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and how inshallah we could be inspired

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by these stories.

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The first story that I wanna share with

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and some of you may know this,

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is how Umar, ibn al Khattab, radhiallahu an,

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how he embraced Islam.

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Now, Umar Radiallahu An in the early stages

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of when Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was giving

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Umar ibn Khattab,

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was one of the staunchest

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against Islam.

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He hated

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He hated the Muslims.

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wanted to kill the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam.

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Yes. We are talking about Umar ibn Khattab.

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That's how much he hated the Muslims.

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They used to have these gatherings, the leaders

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of the Quraish.

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And they used to come up with plans

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of how to stop the dawah from happening.

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And Umar as

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being part of the nobles,

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he would give some of his advice,

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others would listen, some would give their own

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It came to a point where Umar radhiallahu

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an could not take it anymore.

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He's like, that's it. I'm

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done. Today,

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he said, I'm going to kill

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Muhammad salalahu alaihi salam.

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He made this plan.

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He's like I'm done. And the story goes

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that Umar Radhiallahu an, he was such a

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beast of a man

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that when he would walk with his sword,

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he would carry his sword around his neck.

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So much so that he would walk and

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he would swing the sword around him.

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That's how he was.

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And people would look at him and they

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would get scared just by looking at him.

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And he was on the way

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to go and find Muhammad

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cause him harm.

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Now along the way,

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he meets a man by the name of

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Nuaem ibn Abdullah.

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Now Nuaem ibn Abdullah was a Muslim in

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because no one none of the Muslims wanted

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others to know that they are Muslims because

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they would have been tortured, some of them

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couldn't could even be killed, they were scared.

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It was very early on and the Quraysh

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leaders didn't like the Muslims back then.

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So he meets Nuaem

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and Nuaem sees

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Umar furious,

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And he says to him, you know, it

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seems like you are upset, you are angry,

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you've got something in your mind.

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And Umar radiAllahu an, he tells him, yes,

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I'm going, I'm on the way to go

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and kill Muhammad.

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And Nwaim, he was, remember, he was secretly

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a Muslim.

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He says to Umar,

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Beware, O Umar, if you harm Muhammad,

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you will not be saved from the fury

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of Banu Hashim.

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Muhammad sallallahu salam was from the tribe of

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Banu Hashim. So they will get very angry

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with you. So Umar radiAllahuhan replies to him

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and says, Naim, have you become a Muslim?

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And Umar radiAllahu

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Naim, he said don't worry about me. Forget

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about me.

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He said, but you should worry about your

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own household.

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Your sister and your brother-in-law have become Muslim.

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Now, Omar hearing

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this, my sister

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my sister has become Muslim.

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That's it. He diverted.

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Now he was going to the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam, but now he went to

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the house of his sister.

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Now you may think, I'm going to pause

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for a moment, you may think how could

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Nain do that? How could he dub in

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Umar's sister like that? But remember,

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he was trying to save the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam. We would give our lives

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to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. That's

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how much love there was. And of course

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it was Umar Aryan's sister. He probably wouldn't

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harm her like he would to Umar to

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to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. So

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he thought about all those things before he

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even answered.

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now has diverted and now going to the

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house of his sister.

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He went to the house, he was about

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to bang on the door, and he heard

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the recitation of the Quran.

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he heard the recitation of the Quran and

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he listened

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and it made him angry because he knew

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this was something, it was something from the

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Quran, he He banged on the

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door, and as he banged on the door,

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there was a man by the name of

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Khabab ibn Arat. He was a servant

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at the, before that, and he was teaching

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the sister of Umar Fatima

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and her husband

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the recitation of the Quran.

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And when he heard that it was Umar

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at the door, he went and hid.

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He was scared. They were scared of him.

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And the sister Fatima, she said, don't worry.

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I'm going to handle him. I'll open the

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door. I'll handle

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him. She opened the door, Omar Radiallam came

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in. He was furious.

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He grabbed his brother-in-law.

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He grabbed his brother-in-law Saeed bin Zayed.

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He grabbed him, he pinned him down

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and he was saying what is it that

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you were reading? And he said nothing, nothing,

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don't worry about it, nothing.

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And while this was happening, Fatima's sister tried

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to save her husband

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and Omar struck

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And it mentioned that she started to bleed

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a little bit.

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So upon seeing this, Umar

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got upset at himself for doing that.

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So it calmed him down a little bit

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for seeing his sister in such a way.

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So he said, okay. I'm I'm sorry,

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but tell me what you were doing.

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So she said, we were reading the Quran.

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Have you become Muslim?

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Yes, we have become Muslim.

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The words he used was, have you apostated?

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Have you left the the path of your

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forefathers? They said, no, we have become a

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We have become a Muslim.

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he said, okay, show me what you are

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reading. So it was on a piece of

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paper or some say it was on a

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leaf that was written and the sister said,

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no, we're not going to show it to

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you because you're unclean.

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So he said, how about I clean myself

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and I if you can give that to

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me? So he went, he bathed and he

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came back

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And she gave him that parchment where the

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Surah was written. It was Surah Al Faha.

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And then he started to recite Surah Al

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Which means,

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we have not sent down to you the

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that you may be distressed,

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but only as a reminder for those who

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fear Allah.

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A revelation

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from He, Allah, who created the earth and

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the highest heavens.

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The most merciful

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who is above the throne established.

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To him belongs what is in the heavens

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and what is on the earth

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and what is between them and what is

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under the soil.

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And if you speak aloud, then indeed

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he knows the secrets, meaning Allah knows the

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and what is even more hidden.

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There is no one worthy of worship except

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for him. To him belongs the best of

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When he read that, now remember, they know

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And when he read that part, he knew

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this cannot be the words of mankind.

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It can't be.

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He himself knows poetry. He knew that this

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cannot be the words of human beings. And

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then he asked the question,

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is this what Quraysh are running away from?

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Is this what Quraysh is fighting the Muslims

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for? This?

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They're worried about this?

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And they said, yes.

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He said, no. Whoever sent this down

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should be worshipped.

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Whoever sent this down should be worshipped.

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And his sister embraced him and he said,

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tell me where Muhammad is. Tell me where

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the prophet is. So he went to Darul

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and he was there, the prophet

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They were scared, the Sahabas who were there,

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they were scared to let Umar in because

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remember he had the sword around him, right?

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They were scared to let him in. But

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Hamza, radiallahu, and he said let him in.

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Don't worry.

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You know, we've got him. Let him in.

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He came in and then he met the

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and he declared his shahada. He said,

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There was a huge takbir that happened in

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that house, subhanAllah.

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The reason why I'm telling you this story,

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a man,

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Umar Radiallahuan,

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the one who was an enemy of Islam,

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the one who was on the way to

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kill the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, it

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was this Quran

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that turned his mind. It was the Quran

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that changed his heart.

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And that was the same day that he

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went to the prophet

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and he embraced Islam.

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How amazing is that? How beautiful is that?

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This is what the Quran should do to

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This is the beauty of the Quran.

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You know, there was a priest.

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There there was a priest, a sheikh was

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mentioning his story. There was a priest.

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He said, I have heard the recitation

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of the scriptures

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of every religion that I know of. Every

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religion. He's a priest.

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He said, but I can tell you now

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without a shadow of doubt,

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whenever the Quran is being recited, it shakes

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He's a priest. He said when I hear

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the Quran, it shakes me. It's something different.

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It gives me goosebumps.

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And I'm sure that you many of you

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have seen videos of people in the street

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when they're walking past and those people who

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are working for dawah, they tell them to

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hear the Quran.

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What are their response? This is amazing. This

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is something different.

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Some of them are crying when they hear

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And then you hear people, they hate Islam,

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and all of a sudden they open the

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Quran, they start to read from the start

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to the end. The meaning of the Quran,

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they embrace

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it. Those who read with an open mind

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and an open heart, they embrace Islam.

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We have staunchest of enemies in this world.

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One from the Netherlands.

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He was in this political party that hates

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When he read the Quran,

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that staunchest enemy became the lover of the

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Quran. He embraced Islam.

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So now my question for myself and all

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of you, what does the Quran do to

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What does the Quran do to us? Does

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it move us? Does it shake us? Does

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it make us love Allah more when we

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hear it? Do we recite it? Do we

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read the meaning of the Quran? What does

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it do to us?

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So we'll continue

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The prophet

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he said in a hadith,

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The best of you

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now this is look at the words.

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The best of you.

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Like, we all wanna be the best of

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The prophet is telling us the best of

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you are those who learn the Quran.

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So what does learning the Quran mean? You

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learn how to read the Quran.

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You try your best to understand what you

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are reading. You go through the meaning. You

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learn the tafsir, and we are so fortunate

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to be in a school that teaches you

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tafsir from a certain age onwards.

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And then you have the Quran at home,

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you've got Quran apps, You've got your parents.

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You've got Quran classes. You've got you've got

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all these places that you can go to,

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online classes, where you can learn the Quran.

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And not only that, the best of you

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are those who also teach it to others.

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Now let me give you an example that

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you can relate to.

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Many of us here have social media accounts,

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and when you

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see something you like, let's say you saw

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a video,

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probably made you laugh, probably learned something from

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And then you thought, wow. You know? And

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you start doing it yourself.

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You start doing whatever it is yourself.

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And then you're like, man, I'm gonna share

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this. I'm gonna show it to my friends.

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I'm gonna share it on my account. And

00:15:50--> 00:15:51

you share

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it. And then you wait for people to

00:15:53--> 00:15:55

like it. And you wait for people to

00:15:55--> 00:15:58

share it to others. Right? We do this.

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All of us we do this. We see

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something we like, we try to do it

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or we try to say it, whatever it

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is and then we share it to others

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because we wanna show others. Or I'll give

00:16:07--> 00:16:08

you another example.

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Let's say you met someone famous,

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very very famous. Think of someone famous in

00:16:13--> 00:16:15

your mind. You took a picture with this

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Right? You know this person really well, in

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and out about this person, and you want

00:16:20--> 00:16:21

to share this. You want to show it

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to others. So you put on your social

00:16:23--> 00:16:25

media account. You share with your family and

00:16:25--> 00:16:26

your friends and you show them, look who

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I was with. I was standing next to

00:16:28--> 00:16:29

this person.

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Right? We go crazy over small signature of

00:16:32--> 00:16:34

a person. We we we do this. But

00:16:34--> 00:16:36

we like it. Why? Because they are famous.

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They are well known.

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Right? Now I want you to think,

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we have

00:16:41--> 00:16:44

the best thing that anyone could ever ask

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for. The best.

00:16:46--> 00:16:48

And that is the words of Allah.

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We have the words of Allah.

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The one who created me and you.

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We have it. We have it on our

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phones. We have it at home. We have

00:16:57--> 00:16:58

it in our heart.

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We recite it from our tongue.

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Right? So our job, because we know how

00:17:04--> 00:17:07

amazing this is, we know how beautiful this

00:17:07--> 00:17:10

is, Our job is to learn it because

00:17:10--> 00:17:12

we love it. And not only learn it,

00:17:12--> 00:17:14

wow, I've learned something from the Quran. This

00:17:14--> 00:17:16

is amazing. It it moves me. You know

00:17:16--> 00:17:18

what? I'm going to share it. I'm going

00:17:18--> 00:17:21

to teach it to others. Call your sibling.

00:17:21--> 00:17:23

Come. You know this verse? Learn this verse.

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You know what it means? This is what

00:17:24--> 00:17:25

it means.

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Share it on your social media account. Use

00:17:27--> 00:17:29

it. We can use social media and good

00:17:29--> 00:17:31

things. You see an ayah of the Quran.

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You loved it. It moved you. You know

00:17:33--> 00:17:35

what? I'm gonna share this. Find the verse,

00:17:35--> 00:17:37

find the meaning, share it in your social

00:17:37--> 00:17:39

media account. It may change someone else.

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It may change someone else, their life, and

00:17:43--> 00:17:45

it's through you, your work, your dua that

00:17:45--> 00:17:46

you made this happen.

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So my advice to myself and to all

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of you today is,

00:17:50--> 00:17:53

fall in love with the Quran.

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Fall in love with the Quran.

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Be the people of the Quran. Because wallahi,

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this is the Quran that will stand on

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the day of judgement and will say, You

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this servant of yours,

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he used to wake up at night,

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stand up and would recite me you Allah.

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He would recite your words.

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You Allah, forgive his sins. Admit him into

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paradise. The Quran will stand for you. The

00:18:20--> 00:18:23

Quran will speak on your behalf. How amazing

00:18:23--> 00:18:26

would that be? How amazing would that be?

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But it's scary

00:18:27--> 00:18:29

if the Quran stands up and says to

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Allah, you Allah, this servant of yours

00:18:31--> 00:18:32

never used to read

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me. This servant of yours

00:18:34--> 00:18:36

never used to read your words.

00:18:36--> 00:18:38

You Allah, take him to hellfire.

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Imagine if the Quran says that. So Quran

00:18:42--> 00:18:44

could be a Huja for you or it

00:18:44--> 00:18:46

could be a Huja against you. Fall in

00:18:46--> 00:18:47

love with it,

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00:18:48--> 00:18:51

it, share it, and like Umar radhiallahuan, the

00:18:51--> 00:18:54

one who was about to kill Muhammad sallallahuan,

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changed because of one part of a Surah.

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One part of a Surah. It moved him.

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It changed him.

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Be that person who changes as well. The

00:19:05--> 00:19:07

ones who are away from the Quran, use

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the Quran to change your life.

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Learn it, share it, and be a part

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of this glory. We ask Allah subhanahu wa

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to make us the lovers of the Quran.

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We ask Allah

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to strengthen our relationship with the Quran. We

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ask Allah

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to make us

00:19:24--> 00:19:27

the huffal of the Quran. We ask Allah

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to make us amongst those who understands the

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And I ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, like

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we have the competitions, the Quran competitions.

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Insha'Allah, I want to make it even bigger

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next year, and I want to see all

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of you trying very, very, very hard to

00:19:43--> 00:19:45

try your best to to perform

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at your utmost level inshAllah.

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Because you know competition in good is good.

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Competition in good is good. We know Abu

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Bakr and Umar. Umar radiaallahu an

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specifically, he used to compete a lot with

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Abu Bakr in good. So we are allowed

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to compete with with one another, but we

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never put anyone else down. It is Allah

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who rewards every one of you, not for

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your results.

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Allah rewards

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you for your effort. We ask Allah

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to elevate elevate us in that as

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Please stand up. Make yourself.

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Fill up the gaps, please.

00:21:27--> 00:21:29

Your heel your heel must be on the

00:21:29--> 00:21:29


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It's a long leg mode.

00:21:44--> 00:21:45

It's a long leg mode.