Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 308D Tafsir Al-Naas

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of three attributes, seeking refuge against evil, seeking seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek seek
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah to NAS in the previous Surah Surah Al falak. We say pull our own there'll be a lot Bill falak say that I seek refuge with the Lord of Daybreak, we mentioned the attribute of Allah only once in that surah and then we seek refuge from every evil Mau Haluk and specifically, the evil of the LASIK, the Sahaba and the hassad.

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Here in this Surah Surah NAS, we mentioned the attributes of Allah, three times, we say, all route will be Robin nurse, say I seek refuge in the lord of mankind. Mellie can nurse, the sovereign of mankind, Isla hiddenness the God of mankind, and then we seek refuge against one evil and that evil is mindshare. Real was wersal harness from the evil of the retreating whisper che upon our eternal enemy, Eleni us we sue, feel so duty nurse who inspires evil into the hearts of people. This shows us that the worst shove, the worst evil, that is out there is the evil of shaitan because we seek refuge against the evil of shaitan by mentioning three attributes of Allah, when a person reaches

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the conclusion of the Quran, whether it is by reciting the whole Quran, or completing the study of the Quran, then a person's Eman is high. Their hopes their aspirations are high. We want to do a lot for the sake of Allah. But then what happens? Some obstacles come in the path. And those who have completed their study of the Quran understand this very well. How did you feel on the day when you completed your study of the Quran? How was the state of your heart? What were your intentions? What are your goals? What are your dreams, but then what happened? What happened the next day? What happened the next month? What happened the next year, obstacles come in our path. Sometimes these

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obstacles are from within meaning obstacles that results that come in our path because of our own sins. That for example, a person himself does not try to maintain that connection with the Quran. So as a result, they lose touch with the Quran.

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A person themselves, you know, they don't try to worship Allah the way they should. And they are not able to serve the deen of Allah the way they should. And so there's a distance between them, and the Quran, between them and Allah. And the cause was what their own sins, their own sins became an obstacle for them. And then sometimes there are external obstacles also meaning obstacles that are put in the path by who, by shaitan. And these obstacles are sometimes imperceptible, we don't even notice them. We don't even see them. Because Stefan is hidden. We don't see him.

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And shaitan How does he stop a person by attacking his heart, he puts wasa in the heart of a person. Sometimes he puts that what's wasa that evil thought himself and sometimes he uses people to come and not just whisper evil ideas to us, but to say them, or to perform them in front of us so that we get inspired by them. This is why in this surah we are taught to seek refuge with Allah, against who, against who che upon because the most greatest danger that we face is that of che upon and che upon as we see sometimes attacks us directly and sometimes through people through our dear and beloved ones.

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And sometimes shaitan makes certain people feel threatened that if we follow the deen, then they're not happy so they start creating obstacles in our path. So

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The one who is weak will be overcome, but the one who is strong, he will overcome. And the strong one is Who who is the survivor, the one who has the help of ALLAH, who has the help of Allah, the One who seeks the help of Allah, the One who gives himself in Allah's protection, the one who called upon Allah fears Allah relies upon Allah obeys Allah, then Allah is sufficient for him. And Allah saves him with his mercy from all of these evils. Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Kol say that oh, do I seek refuge, beloved Venus, in The Lord of mankind? Say I seek refuge in the lab of a nurse of all people? Who is Rob, the One who created us? Who is he? The one who is our master, he owns us, who is

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he, the one who provides us the one who governs all of our affairs, in whose hand is our life and our death, the one who has full control over everything that is about us, the one who has full control and authority over our loss and our game. He is our but the one who made us, the one who is nurturing us, the one who is providing us from the beginning of our existence until today. He is Rob fulfilling all of our needs, providing us with nourishment, so that we can grow physically and mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And he's not just our Rob, but Rob Ben Ness, Rob of all people, fulfilling everyone's needs. He is Maliki nurse, the sovereign of mankind. Al Malik the

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King, the sovereign is the one who executes his will, on whatever that he wants. He can do whatever that he wants. This is Maalik meaning, his authority, his control His dominion

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is over what every single thing.

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He can take whatever he wants, and he can do whatever he wants with it. He is a Bula Alameen Maliki Yomi bien. Maliki NAS, the sovereign of mankind, Isla hiddenness the God of mankind, He is the real one true God the one who deserves to be worshipped because Allah La hula halco Well, um, rue the creation is His creation, the command is his command. So there is nothing except that he is its creator. And there is nothing that happens, except that it happens by his command. So who deserves worship other than him? No one. He is ILA he Ness. So three times we are seeking refuge over here, Bull or odo be Robin nurse. MILLIKEN nurse, Isla hin nurse,

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against one evil, which shall mean shall real was worse Ilhan NAS from the sham from the evil of Al was worse.

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Who is a little worse, worse, worse worse, meaning more or less with the one who does worse wasa? What is worse, wasa to instill an evil thought in someone's mind in someone's heart? evil thought sometimes, this was wasa can incite a person to do something wrong to say something bad. And sometimes this was was a can make a person said Has it ever happened that just all of a sudden for no reason you just start feeling sad? Because you just started thinking about something and all of a sudden you're just sad. In that sadness, you just go deeper and deeper. And so you start crying one moment and another moment you get angry. Where did it all start from? That one was wasa that thought

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who put it the most was was worse but it and you see what's worse, in this is mubadala meaning. What's worse is not just someone who will instill an evil thought once

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No, again and again, obsessive thoughts that Chopin doesn't leave a person

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100 s who is 100 S, the one who comes again and again caught known sin. You see kanessa is to fall back to withdraw and disappeared.

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Fella oxymoron. Bill harness al Jawara, Kunis honus, same route it's used for stars that are retreating. So, her NAS is the one who retreats by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when a person remembers Allah then shaytaan he retreats, he goes away. But then what happens? Does he stay away? No, he comes back. And then again, he is chased away. But then does he stay away? No, he comes back right away. So quickly, that we learned that when the other one is made shaitan runs away.

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But then what happens five minutes after the event when the salah begins, who comes chattin and bothers people when they're praying again and again, one thought after another. This is how Nurse Min shattered real was worse Ilhan nurse that oh Allah protect me from the evil of the Whisper who doesn't leave me? Who is after me 24/7

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This evil one who does not take a break? Who keeps coming back?

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Again and again. He does not get tired of chasing me. Oh Allah, you protect me from the evil of this. What's worse? What is this was was Doom and Levy, the one who you was whistle he whispers fi sudo renounce into the pseudo of people. So do plural of solder the chest. What is inside the chest, the heart. So shaitan he whispers into the heart of a person. Meaning he goes right to the core. Because when something enters the heart, then what will happen? He's got the whole body in control. You know it once a feeling once a desire, once a wish comes into your heart once a craving comes in, then what happens? The whole body becomes a servant because the heart is the king and the whole body

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is a servant to that King. So Shaitan puts the West wasa into the sudo of people. So oh Allah protect me

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Meenal Jin naughty oneness and this harness is who?

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Who is he the one who whispers again and again, comes back again and again. Meenal Jin naughty from among the gin. Meaning some worse worse, some of those who whisper into the hearts of people are who gin so we don't see them. And some was worse those who whisper into the hearts of people evil thoughts are who were NAS. They are of mankind, of people whom we can see. And we find very hard to say no to

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Allah the US we serve you so do the nurse Meenal Jinnah T one nurse. So what do we see here? That Shavon sometimes uses people against us to come and disturb us to come and say hurtful things to us to come and distract us. What is the purpose of this West wasa? Why does Shavon instill West wasa into the heart of a person to stop him from hate to stop him from good? And every person is chased by shaitan. Like in Hadith, we learned that for every person there is a dedicated chip on his screen, not leaving him. So what to do then how do you protect yourself from an enemy that you cannot even see? And sometimes he doesn't come alone. He brings people,

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to take us away to stop us from what to do then recite the sutras. Seek the protection of Allah in total Aarav Ayah 200 Allah says we're in May Anza wanna come in a che plan? He knows one first started biller seek refuge with Allah.

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So we see here in this surah only one evil that we are seeking refuge against because the evil Akshay upon is greater than any other evil.

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We learned about different kinds of evil, intellectual falak

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but the evil of shaitan is where

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worse than any other evil. And it is also more certain than any other evil. It's possible that a person never suffers from the evil of other people's jealousy, or magic, but the evil of shaitan that is certain,

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because Shavon does not spare any men, he doesn't spare anyone. So, this means that we have to actively strive against shape on just as he is actively trying to harm us.

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We cannot feel safe.

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We cannot be passive, because Chopin is actively working to take us off track into the Zohar of IO 36 We learn women Jarosz, who are invigorated Rockman Nakaya, global Shavonne for huella who Corinne that whoever turns away from the vicar of Allah, of Allah man, then what happens?

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Who becomes his companion? Shape on? So how do you protect yourself from the evil of Chopin? How? The vicar of Allah, one form of which is to recite the sutras. Because shaitan doesn't have just one way of harming us he doesn't use only one trick, one strategy. No, he uses many strategies. First of all, his goal is to corrupt the faith of a person and he will come and instill such negative thoughts about Allah that a person begins to even doubt the existence of Allah, he begins to doubt the coming of the Hereafter if shaitan failed in that, because the person said oh, the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. He said, Who Allahu Ahad, Allah has Samad then will shaitan give up over

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there? No, then he will tell the person to commit some sin.

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It's okay. No big deal. Everybody does it. Only one just one more time, just once. And it's not really a big deal compared to what others do. If that doesn't work, because a person wakes up and he says no, this is wrong, I cannot do it. Then shame upon will make a person delay good. Okay, no rush, there's still time. And if that doesn't work, then he corrupts the intentions of a person. He makes him have Ria, that all others are watching. And if that doesn't work, he makes a person feel very impressed by himself. Oh, you're so good. If not, that then has had jealousy.

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Meaning shaitan doesn't give up. He will not give up. He will keep coming and attacking again and again. So pull or Oh, they'll be Robin nurse Moluccan nurse Illa he nurse Michelle real was worse Ilhan nurse Allah the US whistle feel so duty nurse Meenal Jean Nikki one nurse, that Oh Allah, I find myself too weak.

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Too weak to deal with this constant enemy you protect me from his harm you protect me from his evil

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man Yohane.

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beer was was fun

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we see such a

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perfect connection between how the Quran ends and how it begins. In this surah we are asking Allah to protect us from the evil of Chopin, so that we may remain on the right path

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that chip on should not be able to take us

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off Serato Mr. King, so for that, what do we do? We seek Allah's help. We say our guru or Allah, I seek Your protection and in Surah Fatiha you can see

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Over here.

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The search sort of comes together.

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shoddy on your 4g Bismillah here Rahm Emanuel Rahim

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Hamdulillah you are below me. Oh man Rahi Maliki yo me Dean. A year Kena will do what a year canister three. A Lena slid off. Was 30 Sleep it off but it levena and thigh lay him or edema boo bi lady why no more.

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so usually when we complete Quran at Surah unas we decides to sell Fatiha after that, first of all Alhamdulillah Allah Allah me

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we all should be grateful thankful to Allah subhanaw taala all praises for Allah subhanaw taala who has enabled us to complete this task

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who will remember it.

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So inshallah there is a little comparison between Surah Al Fatiha and walk with the thing.

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I will speak in Arabic and Urdu and she will translate in English

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merges are done by an al Fatiha to nurse Fatiha or unasked their man. A comparison. This is also miracle in Nakata due to the Nazarene ducky conjunct and Bina IR the surah thenI. In Dona Soto, a nurse or al Fatiha could Beechman a body exa Barham Taluka

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there is a very fine connection between these two sources Surah Al Fatiha uncertainness Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim for Surah 10 donor Surah taka Tshuma Bismillah both of the sources begin with Bismillah

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Alhamdulillah Hara Bill Alameen. On Call our rubra Bynum bananas, Ismail Alhamdulillah Bill Alameen is maybe rub because it Carrera Bula Allah mean are you huh Koolau the bit of bananas. You have been up because he Cara rub buenas both the surah as begin with the mention of Rob Allah subhanaw taala who is rob our Lord in one Surah Surah Fatiha we have all praises to Allah Who is the Lord of the worlds and in surah NAS we say I seek refuge in The Lord of the sovereign of mankind. A man Rahim Maliki on within Surah trata Herman or Malik and nurse. Cole our little bit of bananas Malika nurse Surah, a nurse. In total Fatiha we have the names of Allah of Rahman r Rahim. And then his

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description that his attribute that he is the master the sovereign of the Day of Judgment. And in Surah NAS we have Melaka NAS the king the sovereign of mankind. Circle Fatima you're gonna we'll do a you're gonna Stein also the Nazmul Illa who knows nurse in Surah Fatiha we say that You alone we worship and You alone, we ask for help. And in Surah NAS we say Isla hiddenness that he is the god of people worthy of worship. A heathen of Serato musta beam Serato Sirata Lavina and Amanda I lay him and so that Nazmi miniature will was Rasul Hannah's Allah the US with Sophie so do retinas. So little pathway hum Allah say Sita Rasta monka gammy on the waka Rasta Dakar, Jin berguna inom kia

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ora Surah NAS vim Katha heck, most of us have NAS shaytaan Crescenzi Bucha juluca gloman bus was it alta? qk serata musta Kimzey. hedonic Lea seagrass this hedonic Alia Schatten hamesha. Bus was Mocha, rustic terracotta to actor of an amateur or a human or do Sutera shutdown Maruta. So in total Fatiha We ask Allah for guidance we say, guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have blessed with your favors. And in Surah to NAS. We seek Allah's protection from the evil of this whisper Shavon who whispers into the hearts of people? Because this is how Chopin takes

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people astray. He uses West wasa in order to take people off the right path. So in Surah Fatiha We ask Allah for guidance towards the right path upon the right path. And in Surah NAS, we ask Allah to protect us from the evil of shaitan who can take us off the right path. So that Ratterman radial Madhubala Humalog ball lean, or sorta Nazma Herman alginate evenness. In Surah Fatiha We ask Allah to protect us from the Way of those that he is angry with and those who are a straight that oh Allah do not make us like them. And in Surah NAS we say, Oh Allah protect us from the evil whispers of Elgin oneness of Chapin, who could be from among the jinn. And who could also be from among the

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people was Subhan Allah who would have been Alameen wa ala Hola, hola, Quwata illa Billahi la li la Azim Allahu Allah, Allah.

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May Allah the Exalted, except you're studying and you're learning and your efforts. I congratulate all of you, your parents and your families, and all those who helped you in this journey. May Allah subhanaw taala make this learning. Bless it for you now, today and for always, and may Allah subhanaw taala accept everyone's efforts. And may Allah protect us all from every kind of evil and keep us in his special mercy. And may Allah subhanaw taala

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keep us in his special mercy so that we are saved from the evil of shippon from going astray, and may we depart from this world, in a state of iman

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Subhan Allah he will handle Allah He wala Ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, wa ala howler, wala Quwata illa biLlah hill or legal Aleem, Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah. There is no god worthy of worship but Allah. Allah is the Greatest and there is no power and no might except that it is with Allah, the highest one, the greatest one Subhan Allah he will be handy he Subhana Allah Hill, Aleem Allahumma Salli ala Mohammedan Wireles early Muhammad in conocer later Allah Ibrahim, we're early Ibrahim in the comida Majeed we're Beric Allah Muhammad in Walla early Mohammed in come about Rockstar Allah Ibrahim. We're early Ibrahim in Naka, Hamidah Majid Robina, Taco Bell Mina, or our

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Lord accept this from us, in Naka antha Samir alim, indeed you are the All Hearing the All Knowing what took our Lena and pardon us in Naka. antha wobble Rahim for indeed you are the acceptor of repentance. The Most Merciful Subhanak Allahumma behenic A shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Astok Furukawa to be like

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