Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 290D Tafsir Al-Maarij 22-44
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A lull mousseline, where does a person get sober from? Where does a person get hope from? Where does a person get the courage to spend on others from from where from Salah illan mousseline, because you see, the opposite of manure is what to spend on others. And in order to spend on others, to share with others, you have to have a level of courage, a level of reliance, a level of hope.
What's the opposite off just during submission? Again, hope that okay, I lost this, I haven't lost everything. My Lord is still there. Yes, I no longer have this one thing, but I still have so many and Allah can give me something better in its place.
So the thing is that in life, no matter what we have, it's not permanent.
every possession of ours is temporary, isn't it?
Either Ducati or who the conductor yesterday, I gave you the homework that go home and look at your things and remind yourself that this is going to break, this is going to turn to powder, it's going to finish. So seams are meant to break isn't in this world. So things that are meant to break when they break. If we become impatient over there, and if we feel like our world is over our life is over, then this is a very miserable life.
If you get upset that your glass broke that your favorite cup broke, well, you better learn to grow up because cups will break
isn't it?
They will break. And if you're crying and you're upset about the fact that something that you had has been lost, you know, you better grow up because these losses will happen in life, you will experience loss in life. So where do you get hope and courage and patience from from salah. illan mousseline, those who pray salah, they are not hollower they are not Jesu or they are not manure.
We can be selfish for like material things for sure. But we can also be selfish with our time and things. So like, especially as a student, it's like, Oh, should I like eat dinner with the family and then have that entire one hour routine where we like set the table talk, there's that and then we don't have my first idea. Exactly. Or should I just quickly eat by myself and then get back to homework or something. But we have to remember that even with that, like Allah is going to help us with that if we your family has a right upon you. Cut down on your sleep, maybe cut down on the time that you spend on Facebook and just you know, talking to your friends and make sure that you are
spending time with your family. So in normal saline, the way of mousseline is that when they receive good, they are grateful. When they receive good, they share and when they receive some evil, they are patient and they expect reward from Allah and they are hopeful ill mousseline Because salah What Does it develop in a person calmness? has one of the main pillars of Salah is from Nina. What is Ahmed Nina, that in every position that you go into, you become still you come to a complete stop before you continue.
So what happens is that even when people are driving, there's a stop sign and you're supposed to stop completely. What do the majority of the people do on and I don't have time to stop for that one second. I don't.
It's going to be a rolling stop so that I can continue because I'm in a rush. We're always in a rush, rush, rush rush. Right and there's no police officer here. There's no cameras here. So who cares? So we're always rushing rushing Salah makes you stop from Nina. It develops calmness in you.
You have to stop your work and get to prayer. And as you're praying, you can't look around. You can't text message. You can't, you know, move the store the spatula in your pot. You can't do that. Right? When you're praying, you're only praying.
So it forces you to develop focus in the mousseline. So the cure to all of these blameworthy characteristics is what
is what Salah. So if you feel like you get really annoyed on losing something, you get really hurt. You can't get over loss. Or you get really impatient when things are not your way. Or you feel like you don't have the courage to speak
And you don't have the courage to share. Then you need to fix your Salah.
The fourth and with the father now, focus on the voluntary prayers also the Sunnah and the voluntary prayers, because Salah will develop calmness in you, it will develop hope in you. Allah says in the Salah that done her annual fascia you will Mancha, Salah stops a person from indecency and wrongdoing mooncup That which is known to be wrong. So impatience is known to be wrong. Hoarding is known to be wrong, there is no doubt about it.
A little more saline, but which will certainly there are many people who pray but still they're impatient. For the moment they say salaam the start yelling
Alladhina home Alladhina those people whom they are Allah for Allah to him da e Moon who are over their prayers that E Moon constant, that employee of that M who is that in one who is constantly engaged in something? What does this mean they're always praying.
Yeah. Alladhina Houma la sala to him da Iman. Yes, they're always praying. Because if you pray five times a day, then basically you're always praying.
Especially if you are praying the Sunnah also. And then if you are like Bill, Allah, Allahu Anhu. Whenever he last will do he would go and make or do and every time he made wudu, he would pray to the car. And because of that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that there was not a time that I was entered into paradise, except that I heard Bilal I heard Beloved's footsteps. Every time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was made to visit Jana. He was made to hear the footsteps of Villa de la Mourinho
in LA inland mousseline Alladhina, Houma, la sala team da imune. And you see when a person is praying consistently, then really it feels like you're always praying, just prayed Fajr and now Baja and now I have some extra time in the car, so might as well pray Nephal and then Zoho and odd is not just for, right, there's some before that for and then some after that for and then you got home and ostler these days before you go home. And then before you know it, it's Maghrib and the next thing is Orisha. It's like that you won't always
yes, you can pray in a wife who even when driving.
Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would pray Knuffle Salah while riding his camel.
All right. So when writing his camel, he would pray Knuffle salah, what does that mean? Because nothing else Allah, there's a lot of room over there in the sense that you don't always have to look at the place of such though. If there is a need, you can look straight, you can look to the right and look to the left. Of course, while you're driving, you need to do that. Right. So if you know that there is a particular portion of your drive, which is very smooth, please don't do it on the highway. But it which is very smooth in the sense that it's just a straight road, right? You have to go straight for like five or 10 miles or something or for a long time then you can pray.
Yeah, of course. When it comes to fault Salah you have to stop your vehicle and pray standing properly, right. However, if you're on a plane, you can't have them land the plane so that you can pray so things are beyond your control over there. So in that condition, of course you will pray wherever you are and however you are. So sitting down. If you are able to stand up at least 4pm You can do that and then sit for record and so dude, but if there isn't any room for that, then you can just sit and pray or salah, but when it comes to Nephal Yes, you can pray while sitting in the car while sitting in the bus while sitting in the train. While driving even you can do that. So a Latina
woman la sala team that he moon, they're constantly in their prayers, meaning they regularly observed their prayers and even outside of their prayers. They are as if they are praying. When you're praying you're focused on Allah. So even outside of prayer, they are focused on Allah. This is why we can be patient. You see in Salah you have to have so much suburb that you can't even look right or left
isn't it?
You have to look at the place of saija That's it. You can't look to the right you can't look to the left you're not allowed to do that.
So outside of Salah also develop so much focus and suburb Alladhina Humala Salah team da e moon in total minimal Allah says, Allah help me known believers have succeeded. Who are they? Alladhina homefree Salah team harsh your own intro to Bukhara Allah says Was there enough Sabri was salah, we're in the Halacha baritone Illa Allah ha Shireen. Seek help through patients and prayer
seek help with regards to what your bed a clock your impatience,
your lack of hope whatever you're struggling with seek Allah's help over that with what with patience with trying hard, and also through prayer, Salah will train you
when Lavina and those people who fee in and wildly him their properties is how can there is a right that is my loom that is well known, meaning others have a well known right in their property, there is a portion of their wealth that they don't keep for themselves. It is as if it is somebody else's house. It is somebody else's right. So they give it to them. What is this referring to is a cat the term and this is a murky Surah when the cat was not legislated yet so this also includes sadaqa that really, even if we're not to give the cat so for example, you've given the cat for this year, or you don't have that much money for a whole year that you are supposed to give the cat but still
one Levina home feel unwelcome happened man home, even from the little money that you have, others do have a right upon it. Because no matter how needy you are, there's always someone who is more needy than you. Or at least their need is different than yours. So you care about others and Allah will provide for you will Lavina feel unwelcome ha Kumar No, you see below radula Horton who who was he?
Slave, right.
And then when he embraced Islam, and then finally when he was set free, where did he go to he made hijra were to Medina. And the financial condition of the Muslims in Medina was what was a great? No, they were suffering from poverty.
Right. So below the lower and who knowing that he had no wealth to start with. And then even if he had made something he did hijra, right, so whatever he had, it's known it couldn't have been a lot.
But you know what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him, he said, Oh Bilal spend and do not fear, poverty from the Owner of the Throne.
Whatever that you have spend from it.
And do not fear poverty from the Owner of the Throne, who is your provider, it's the Owner of the Throne. It's Allah subhanaw taala.
Don't fear poverty from him. Don't be afraid that he will make you poor he will leave you poor he will always provide for you expect good from Allah. So when Levina fee and wily him Kumar loom so much courage that found their wealth is a regular portion that is allotted to who? to others. This is not for me, this is for others. This money that I have this money that I got this month, this percentage of it is not for me, it is for somebody else. For who Alyssa ill for the one who asks, Are there people who ask us for stuff? Yeah, sometimes it's our family members. Could be our friends, could be some needy, could be some charitable organization, whoever whatever Assa is
someone who asks you, so the gift from that to to the ill, but not just the sale also. Well, my room and the one who is deprived, who is my home, my home
is someone who is deprived because they didn't ask,
saw when he was in need, he asked he got something my home he never asked. So nobody found out about their need. And so they were left deprived, you understand the meaning of my home now.
And another interpretation is that my home just in general, the one who is deprived, meaning deprived of, of money or deprived of their their profit or deprived of, you know, their regular income, whatever it was, they lost something. They lost something so they gave to a set in Walmart room.
I will say the holder of the low one who said that once we were traveling with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam and a man came on his camel. And as he came, he began to take his camel to the right and to the left, as if he was looking for someone or looking for something rather than Is there anything that I could pick up searching? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he recognized this man that he was a needy man.
And so he said, The whoever has a spare riding animal should give it to him who has no riding animal
and whoever has it
surplus equipment, meaning an extra thing that can be used any equipment, he should give it to the one who has no equipment. And I will sorry that the lower and who said the Prophet sallallahu wasallam kept mentioning one thing after the other, that whoever has an extra of this should give it to the one who doesn't have it. Whoever has an extra that should give it to the one who doesn't have it. I will Sorry, there was a long one who said we thought that none of us had a right to keep anything that was extra. We did not have a right to keep anything that was extra. What do we do? Extra jackets? Keep it What if you need it? Yeah, no, it's all fashion. I know. It doesn't really
fit me anymore. And I know that I don't like wearing it. But it's extra just keep it it's extra extra is for keeping extra shoes.
Extra everything. We just keep it Keep it keep it hoard it afraid to give because what if we become needy?
If we have extra money left over? What do we do? Okay, save it, save it, save it. Even though there are people who are desperate for any amount of money so that they can feed their family so that they can feed themselves? Less Lisa Ely? Well, my room. We learned that I'm Robin mod on Saturday. He said that once a beggar came to our house, and he began asking this is a report in Muslim dharma. And he said that this beggar came and he kept asking, and so his grandmother and his grandmother, she said that, give him some dates to eat. Give the beggar some dates to eat. So I'm gonna he said that I told my grandmother, we don't have any. There is no dates at home. So she said, Okay, give
him this food. She said something else. And again, I'm gonna say, you know your amazing grandmother. We don't have it. What am I supposed to give him? So she said that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say
that? Give something to the side in the person who's asking you for something? Give them something, even if it is a burnt hoof of a goat.
Burnt hoof of a goat. Why burned? Because it's roasted first. And then what do you do with it? You cook it you make stool or some kind of soup with it.
So he said that even if you have that, give to the saddle, meaning don't return the saddle empty handed. So well. Lavina fie. Um, Wiley, who hakama loom Alyssa Ely Wilma, whom?
Notice how previously was mentioned Jamara for oh,
he collected his wealth, and he hoarded it. The morpholine I hope, those who give to others regularly, will Lavina you said the corner beome, a dean, and those who believe in the Day of Recompense, they know that whatever they're spending will be returned to them. They believe in the Day of Recompense, they confirm it. And because of that they're able to spend, they're able to give the hope for reward. Will Lavina and those who, whom they may either be robbing him from the punishment of their Lord Mushfiq goon, they're ever fearful. They're always afraid. This is why they're of the mousseline. This is why they are allowed Salah to the moon. This is why they spend on
others because they're always afraid of the punishment of their Lord, even though they're performing good deeds still, they're afraid in total, what we known is 60. Allah says, well, Lavina you tuna man? We're colluvial home. What do you love? Those who give whatever they give while their hearts are afraid. So they're afraid of the punishment of their Lord. Why? Because in either about a be him, indeed the punishment of their Lord, it is little moon little it is not more than one to feel safe from Moon from Amman, Amman, safety Moon one who is safe. One who has been granted safety, meaning he doesn't fear any more danger. Allah says the punishment of your Lord is such that you
should never feel secure of it. * is such that you should never feel secure of it.
And in general, the punishment of your Lord is such that you should never feel that you are safe from it. You're always at risk. Because if you count your sins, forget about the good deeds that you are doing because of what you are feeling secure. Look at your sins.
Look at your shortcomings. Look at where you have been negligent
Don't justify, don't they make you deserve the punishment of your Lord
in Nevada be Himalaya Moon, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what was his way that whenever wind would blow strangly
he would become nervous, he would become afraid.
Why? Because in either above or below him, later on moon, the person who believes in hellfire can never feel at rest. They can never feel secure. They can never become fearless. When Levina and those who home they leave for OG him for their private parts, half you learn ones who guard they guard their private parts, because they fear their Lord, regarding their private matters also, so they guard their private parts from exposing them and from doing anything haram with them in law, except Allah as YG him from their spouses. Oh, my Melaka a man who are those that the right hands possess for in the home? Hi Romelu mean, for indeed they're not to be blamed, we have studied the
detail of this and assaulted me known from an IP Tarawera Adeleke. And whoever seeks beyond that, beyond what beyond what Allah has made permissible, and what is it that he has made permissible
that a person must satisfy the desire of their private part with who with their spouse. So if anyone seeks beyond that, for Hola, Iike, hula Dune, then they are the transgressors are doing they're crossing the limits that Allah has set for them. When Levina and those who hum de Leon fit him for their trusts, why the him and their promises are our own. They're ones who are attentive to things I mentioned over here I'm at an
Amana what is Amana? Anything that you have been entrusted with, that has been given to you, in order that you look after it or in order that you do something with it, in order that you preserve it. In order that you perform it, you execute it. So this is why an Amana a trust can be a responsibility. It can be a task, it can be an object. And there are those that are given to us by Allah, such as our time, our life, it's an Amana, our money, it's an Amana or those that are given by people could be their secrets. Could be any task that they have assigned us. A man at him wow the him what is it? A promise could be a promise made with Allah a promise made with people, they are
our own ones who are attentive, you see how, at the beginning which quality was mentioned, Salah
was saline, those who pray properly, who are constant in their prayers, then these are the qualities they have and after qualities is also that they are attentive towards their trusts and their promises, will Lavina and those who whom they be shahada to him with their testimonies are imune ones who are upright Shahar that is a ploy life Shahada. What is shahada testimony that you saw something? You witnessed it? So you have been called in order to testify that you saw it? This is Shahada. So those who are with regards to their testimonies, they're called immune or human upright, who is caught in one who is standing upright.
What does that mean? That they do not add to or decrease from their testimony. They testify to the truth that they know they don't conceal it. They don't change it.
They don't fabricate it. They don't alter it just to please some people and to receive their favors. No, they're called mo they're upright for the sake of Allah. And so to Nyssa 135 Allah says, Yeah, are you a Latina ama No. Kunal a Wamena Bill Kristol Shuhada alila intro tobacco 283 while I talk to my Shahada do not conceal the testimony. So when Lavina Hornby shahada you call a mood. Some have said that these testimonies they also include the shahada attain a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa shadow unknown Muhammad Rasool Allah, they live by it. They don't change it just to please people. They don't pretend that they haven't said this shahada just to please people know what Lavina Houma
la sala to him you have his own and those who are over their prayers you have feel alone, they guard them. They guard their prayers. Notice how prayer was mentioned at the beginning. And now it's being mentioned again.
At the beginning of all these qualities, the first quality was which one salah, and you see the last one is also which one which one, Salah
it's your Salah that will fix you.
Remember, whatever that you're struggling with,
whether it is lying, or it is cheating, or it is any kind of piano with Allah or with people, whether it is a problem related to desires, whatever it may be that you're struggling with, what will fix it is your prayer, start fixing your prayer and everything else will fall in place. You see our Salah it represents the state of our iman.
You want to measure the state of your faith of your iman, you want to see your relationship with Allah, where it stands at how it is check your Salah, look at your Salah that will tell you
we can say all these things, I love Allah I love Allah. But if we are going to Salah easily and if we find Salah heavy
and if in Salah we are thinking about everything except for Salah
then there is a problem.
Hola Iike those Fijian natten they will be in gardens Mokra Moon ones who are honored, they will be honored in the gardens of Paradise, you see Mokra Moon Karim, they will be treated with honor. Why? Because they possess these honorable qualities, these noble qualities. So this odd this success is why why? Because you see in these qualities are Ibadah first of all which kind of riba but then a year with their bodies, so salah,
and then actions of the heart also, which actions of the heart like Hashem wish because they're afraid.
Then every battle with their wealth also how spending on others.
And then noble o'clock also beautiful in their dealings with people also their justice and fairness, guarding their trusts
and Amana and promises whether it is secrets that people have shared with them, or it is being honest with regards to their relationships, chastity, these are all noble qualities. So these noble qualities will make a person noble and honorable in paradise Allah ecoffee Jannette in Mocha Ramune finale Lavina Cafaro. So what is wrong with those who deny? Look at the pseudo from the beginning, there is mention of the deniers those who mock at the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is made clear these people don't use their mind because if they did, they would not ask such questions they would not make such demands. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam install, be
patient over what these people do over what these people say, a patient's That is beautiful. And then the Day of Judgment is described, the reality of this lab is given. And then the reality of the human being is given that how people are
Jesu or manure hollower. And then when was saved from this evil, those who develop these qualities, now back to the beginning, that how those who deny their foolishness their ignorance is described now, for men and levena Cafaro. So, what is wrong with those who deny that people occur? Before you they are not there in running, rushing milk they are imploring of milk there who is milk there, one who is running with their neck protruding out you know, rushing towards a particular destination with their eyes fixed on it not looking right, not looking left, this is Mater so what is wrong with these disbelievers that they are rushing before you? What is this referring to? The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever he would get up to recite the Quran whenever he would call people to Allah, what would the machine do? They would use different tactics in order to harass him in order to stop him in order to bother him. So sometimes they would make noise. Sometimes they will tell people to go away. Sometimes they would interrupt his recitation. Right? They will do different things. So basically, whenever the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite the Quran, he would get up to do Dawa. All of a sudden, these people they will become alert.
They would get up they would stop what they were doing and they would rush to him. So Allah subhanaw taala says, What is wrong with these people? People are coming out there in their hastening from before you. They're rushing towards you. I need the Yemeni from the right one
unashamedly and alter from the left your E zine in groups or is employed of the word ERISA. I anxiety Tama buta and there is a is used for a crowd of people, then what's wrong with them? They're in crowds on your right and on your left. Are they really that eager to learn and to listen to? What's going on over here? Because, you know, just imagine you're at a store. There's lots of people and all of a sudden everybody starts running towards a particular person. you'd wonder what's going on? Are there some free gifts being given? Is there money being distributed? What's happening? Allah says, I up tomorrow, Does he wish khulumani Inman home every individual found them. I knew the whole
agenda, Noreen, that he is going to be admitted into the garden of pleasure. Why are they coming? Rushing so eagerly? Has the gate to paradise been opened over here? What's going on? Why are they actually coming to mark at the prophets of Allah who are using.
So their eagerness to come and market him is being criticized that they're coming as if the gate to Paradise has been opened. But they're so proud, so full of arrogance, that they come but they don't listen? And even if they hear something, they interrupt, and then they mock, and then they criticize and they make fun? Why are these people so arrogant? Allah says color No. In now hello canal home? Indeed we have created them. May Allah Moon from that which they know. What is it that they have been created from? From a liquid that is despicable? It's too embarrassing to even mention it.
The point here is that what do these people think of themselves? They're full of pride. But have they seen their origin? They're made from drops of sperm.
They're so lowly in their origin. And look at these people walking so proudly, walking so arrogantly. So what is being established over here is that for humbler, if they are weak, they don't have the power to benefit themselves, or to remove any harm from themselves. They don't have any control over death or life or anything like that. But look at how arrogant these people are. Color, inner Holika now who may admire them, Allah moon, and you see there's such a big encouragement for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam over here. Just imagine his position. He's reciting the Quran and all of a sudden, so many of these machines, their leaders are coming, coming rushing,
rushing to his right to his left, eager to receive good no ready to attack him, ready to market him? What does Allah say? In halacha? Now who mimma Jana moon, don't be afraid of these people remember their reality? They're only human beings, weak human beings. What were they made from?
Something so insignificant. So don't be afraid of these people in our halacha now who may or may Allah Moon fella so no and remember the purpose of law it's extra for emphasis on the simile I swear by Bill Masaryk by the Lord of all East's one Muhaddith and all West's all directions, all places. I swear by the Lord of all places, all directions, that a novella called the rune that indeed we are certainly able, Allah subhanaw taala certainly has the power, power to do what I love over an Uber dealer that we change hire men home better than them. We have the power to replace these Mushrikeen with another people that would be far better than them. We can replace them. We can do away with
them and bring someone else who's far better than them. And in order to execute this will woman the newbie must bow clean or MA and not not know we must book in be at all must walk in wants to be outdone must book is a singular and must book is who one who is left behind
must book is one who has been left behind because the others subaqua They got ahead of him. So imagine somebody is trying to catch someone, but they flee, they get away.
So they've been left behind. This has must book. So here's the threat that these people who come so eagerly rushing, as if a gate to Paradise has been opened. And these people think so highly of themselves. They're full of themselves, that they have come to attack the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam or messenger you do not be afraid of them. And remember that we are
are fully capable to replace them. And you know what? They're not going to get away. We will replace them they're not going to get away. Did Allah subhanaw taala replace them with a better people? Certainly he did. These are the people who surrounded the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from his right and from his left, not to listen and obey, but to listen and mock and criticise. Allah subhanaw taala replaced all these Mushrikeen with who? With the Muslims of Medina, who would also rush to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and they will surround him crowd around him from his right and his left. Why in order to listen and obey woman who will be Miss booking? So Allah says
further home so for now just leave them Yeah, who do they converse vainly you have to hold to indulge in vain conversation. Remember this is to enter water right and then just stay in there. So how they just enter these conversations and randomly go from here to there where you allow boo and they amuse themselves wasting their lives Hector EULA cuyama home until they meet their day, which day I love you you are doing which they have been promised. Which day is that the Day of Judgment they're so eager about it just ignore these people until that day comes about it's coming for sure because it is either that is welfare young male who do nominal edge death it will be on the day when
these people will come out of the graves prejudiced ploy of death and old grave How will they come out? How will they emerge from their graves Ceylon rapidly quickly rushing and the home as if they were Elano soybean to an erected I do you feel doing their hastening they will come out of their graves in haste rushing as if they're rushing to an idle because in this world that is what they did they rushed to their idols, no soap, no some known sidebar, basically is to fix something in a certain place to fix it to set it up. So missile is actually used for idols that are huge or that are fixed. They're not carried from place to place. Rather people come to for the purpose of
pilgrimage or in order to worship those idols over there. So unknown Elon musubi, new fuel balloon and you feel Doom Wildfell brought the fog is izhar to hasten to rush.
On the Day of Judgment, they will come out of their graves rapidly as if they are running towards an idle. This is how they used to run in the world and on the Day of Judgment. They will also run into karma is six. Allah says yo murderer dari Isla Shaitan in new co host Sean Abbasov room, your crew June Aminul today ethika And Naham Gerardo monta shares. Gerrard notaire Aina Illa dari, your old calf your Luna had a Yeoman or I said ha Shelton Opsahl, Rohan What will be their state cash out and humbled absorber whom their eyes too afraid to even look up for Haku whom Villa humiliation will cover them? Disgrace will cover them? Head to Toe Valley Cali young that is the day Allah the candle
you are doing which they had been promised. They were promised this day. They were warned of it. But did they pay heed? No. Did they take any lesson? No. When they were warned? They only marked and when they were informed they only rushed and they hastened for it in their denial. Cause Shiocton Busara whom that Haku whom Villa Valley Cali yo Ledi can who you are don't we will listen to the recitation in more solidly Alladhina whom Allah Allah to him.
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Subhanak Allahumma we handed a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Astok Furukawa to the lake a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh