Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P28 286C Tafsir Al-Tahrim 7-12

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The danger of a fire is a war, not death, and everyone should not take it easy on others. The importance of protecting oneself and saving themselves from extreme heat and resulting in burning is also emphasized. The need for self respecting and acknowledging one's mistake is emphasized, as well as avoiding regret and building one's own happiness. The importance of striving hard against obstacles and avoiding sllers is emphasized, as well as the potential consequences of actions like sexually assaulting a woman and the removal of spikes from houses and buildings.
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Yeah Are you her Lavina ama No. All you who have believed. Allah says cool and forsaken, save yourselves protect yourselves who. This is from the word Taqwa. Because while Coffea it means to protect and to save, to shelter in the sense that you know that there is danger around you. So you, you gather yourself together, you become cautious you become careful in order to protect yourself from getting hurt. So, all you should save and full circle me yourselves what Lee Coleman also your family's not on from fire.
Save yourselves and your families, family include to spouse, children, parents, siblings, those who are related to you, those that you live with those you share your blood with your families, those whom you love, save them and save yourselves from what from a fire which fire is this the fire of this world? No. Because the fire of this world what can it be fueled by? It can be fueled with word isn't it with basic things. But this fire will do her its fuel is a NASA well here.
It is people and stones. What will keep that fire burning? is what it will be people.
Those who are being punished in it. And stones. Why stones because if you think about it wood, when you throw it in fire, it burns out very quickly. Isn't it what turns into ashes very quickly.
But this fire fire of * is so strong. It is so powerful. It is so hot. That wood would not even remain in it for a moment. It is only stones
tough, hard, solid stones that could be in that fire.
And this fire is such that I lay her Mala ecotone upon it are angels meaning angels are appointed over it, to guard it to fuel it to ensure that it keeps burning and to ensure that those who are in it don't come out these angels. How are they they are Leila Vaughn. They are tough Stern. She does don't severe Leila alone is a plural of alleles. And who is lollies Lilla is used for the harshness of the heart. The harshness of the heart, that when a person doesn't have any mercy. He doesn't feel sorry. He doesn't feel compassion. He is not affected or moved by the misery and the pain that he witnesses heartless.
Lee will curb a person who is hard hearted. The person who has a hard heart This is Lily little call.
Allah says that I lay her Mala Ekata Marilla Vaughn over * such angels are appointed that are harsh in their manner. They don't have any mercy in their hearts and their she died on she that plural of Shaheed and who is Shaheed one who is shrouded in his burden in his body, severe and tough meaning physically strong,
cannot be defeated, cannot be fought against Leila alone she died on and these angels moreover they're such that Leia Soon Allah ha they do not disobey Allah.
Concerning what concerning mat Amara home concerning that which he has ordered them. Then what do they do? If they don't disobey Allah? What do they do way a fire Luna and they do My yoke maroon, whatever they are commanded. They do whatever they are ordered, without any neglect or excess or delay. They do immediately whatever Allah orders them.
Who is addressed in this idea? How does the ayah begin?
Yeah, you have livina and
it is the people who have Eman who are being commanded over here who are being addressed over here. What is the instruction? What is it that the believers have to do?
And full circle what Alikum Nara Save yourselves and your families from the fire?
What does this mean? That even if a person has faith in their heart, they are still at risk. They are
still at risk of being admitted into hellfire.
So they must actively do something to save themselves from hellfire. It is not sufficient to just say I believe it is not sufficient to just say yes, I have faith in my heart
Eman include statements and feelings and actions.
It's something active Eman means that you must do something.
But what have we done? We think if you have Iman, if you believe, then just take a seat, sit back and chill. Take it easy. And Allah subhanaw taala is telling us the exact opposite. Don't take it easy. Save yourself. And not just yourself, but also your families be concerned. Because it could be one word. It could be one action. It could be one doubt.
Qu and fossa calm. What? leikam Nowra. Because this fire is not like any fire that you've witnessed. It's very different. It is so severe that it's fuel our people and stones, meaning the only thing that could survive in that fire that could bear that could actually burn in that fire. Not bear. But burn in the fire are people and stones. People How How could people last in that fire? Or how could they burn in that fire? Because their skins will be replaced over and over again? And the stones?
What are the stones, we learned from a hadith that even was Rudra dylanglen Who said that these stones are off Cabrits which is sulfur,
which was created the day the heavens and the earth were created.
They're that old so you can imagine how tough they are.
And you know how bad sulfur smells are lay her Mala Iike don't save yourself from the spire because there's no escape from it. There is no compassion there. No mercy there. The angels are merciless. And they're also very tough in their manner. Very strong in their bodies. In this world, what happens if a person is put in a prison for some time? Then what do they do? Sometimes they fight off the guards. Sometimes they bribe the guards isn't it? They bribe them. Or they threaten them? I've got people outside they will do this and this to your family. You better cooperate with me. Right? There's so many ways of getting out. But Hellfire is such that there's no way of getting out because
the angels are powerful. And they're also merciless. And Leia sunnah Allah humma Amara, whom they never disobey Allah with regards to what he has ordered them. If he has commanded them to inflict a certain punishment, then they will do it way if our Luna male, modern, whatever Allah tells them, they do it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, the religion will become dominant, meaning the time will come when Islam will spread across the seas until horses are heavily used in the way of Allah. Then people will come who will read the Quran and when they will have read it, meaning once they complete their reading of the Quran, they will say, are the Quran Nell Khurana
from an Accra Omen now? We have read the Quran, who has read it better than us? Meaning we know what's in the Quran. They will say, Man or Allah woman now, who knows better than us, meaning we know what the Quran says. We have knowledge of the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked the Sahaba Do you see any good in these people? Do you see any good in these people? Those who are bragging about their knowledge of the Quran? Meaning if they haven't gained humility from the Quran, what have they gained from the Quran? The Sahaba said no, we don't see any good in these people. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said they will be from you from this ummah. But
they will be the fuel of the fire.
They will be the code of hellfire.
It is not enough to just know what the Quran says. It is not enough to just read what is in the Quran.
It is not enough to just learn and recite.
It is necessary that we must do what Allah tells us in this book, and we must refrain from what Allah prohibits us in this book
because if we begin playing with the laws of Allah changing the halal and haram and haram into Halal that we read yet we don't respect those rules, then that is not amen.
Amen is what Qubool it is to accept while Iran and accept wholeheartedly as in to bring it into one's actions.
So Allah says, Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu on for circumstan yourselves. Don't just read and read and read, do something to save yourself. And how do you do that? By doing what Allah has told you in this book, staying away from what he has worn you off in this book.
And oftentimes what happens is that a person learns the deen but then they limit the teachings of the deen to just themselves. What does Allah say over here? Save yourselves and your families and your families? When you go out in the cold, it's getting cold. Now, when you go out in the cold. Do you just wear a jacket or warm clothing yourself? No, you remind each other also it's raining. It's going to rain again. It's windy. It's this temperature. We remind each other even though everybody has their phone, they can check the weather. Right? When we remind each other why? Because we're concerned about their health. Well, what about their eternal abode? Oh and Fusa calm. What leikam
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said the Quran Nakamura in each and every one of you is a shepherd is a guardian. You are responsible over somebody or something. And you will be asked about your responsibilities.
So where we are responsible for our children, maybe? Yes, we are concerned about their breakfast and we're concerned about what they were and we're concerned about their homework. What about their alcohol?
What about their Quran? What about their salah? Oh, and Fusa calm what Alico Naira the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to his daughter, Fatima, or Fatima, daughter of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, save yourself from the fire. I have no power to protect you from Allah in anything. Except that I would sustain relationship with you, meaning right now. I can teach you I can help you. But on that day,
I cannot help you do something right now to save yourself. In surah Taha 132 Allah's pound artist says what will Allah Bisland it was a bit early. Instruct your family to pray, and you also remain firm on your prayer. Tell your family and also observe it yourself. Yeah, uh, you have Lavina Cafaro. All you who have denied letter or tell the rule young do not make excuses that day. Meaning in the fire, when certain people will be admitted into the fire, then what will they do? They will make excuses. While we're here because we obeyed such people. We're here because we never really learned we are here because we became lazy. As always, whenever we suffer from some harm, we come up
with excuses. We come up with excuses. Where's the fact is that we are responsible. So the people in * will be told do not make any excuses.
In no matter rizona you are only being recompensed MacIntyre maloom for what you used to do. This is what you prepared yourself. This is what you put forth for yourselves. So Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you have Lavina Amanu another command, all you who have believed to boo Illa Allah, all of you repent to Allah. Do boo, all of you repent. We think nobody's for who? Only those people who are addicted to alcohol, or it's always for the guy or the girl who's in an unlawful relationship. Don't raise for who it is for Alladhina amanu. For those who say we believe Dilma is for you and I.
It's for all of us. What does Toba mean? What is repentance to realize the mistake that we're doing, where we're falling short, where we are disobeying our Lord, to recognize that,
to admit that, to accept that, to feel bad about it, and to beg Allah for forgiveness, and to intend never to repeat it again. This is the elbow
doba comes after Realization.
So to see look at yourself, identify your mistakes. See where you're falling short. See where you are neglecting in your duty to Allah. Do Boo in Allah, repent to Allah, what kind of repentance do
Oh button a repentance that is no su ha. That is sincere now so is from No sir known sod ha. And no sore. Nasir is basically if floss it is, it is purity. It is said Asano now say I sell honey that is now clear, meaning that it's clear and pure,
clear and pure. You don't see anything in it. You know what kind of honey I'm talking about? Honey, that's clear.
Though Button no so Ha, what is the button also ha? Meaning sincere, honest, truthful, genuine repentance from your heart. But what do we do we say, though what over the world? And I suffered a lot of stuff Allah Allah, we said outwardly but in our heart, do we mean it?
Doba nasarawa mean it. Be honest in your repentance to Allah, Be true to yourself and be true to your Lord. Delta can Nasu *. And if you do that, what will happen? I sell a book home and you can feel uncomfortable to come. Hopefully your Lord will remove from you your misdeeds, when you will repent than Allah who will remove your heirs from you. And when he will remove your heirs from you. Then when you do feel welcome Jannette in he will admit you into gardens that God meant that the * unharmed have underneath which rivers flow if you will repent, then Allah who will cleanse you of your sins.
And once there is cleansing, only then can there be beautification because what comes first, the clear Talia, the clear, what is the clear to get rid of the filth, sins are a filth.
So when we seek forgiveness, then there is purification. There's the clear removal of sins. And then after that there is the holy or there is reward. There is admitting into paradise where you're the healer come Jannette in 30 Min. Tactical and how Hasan buslee. He was asked about Oba Nasu ha and he replied, That tilba nasarawa It is such in which there is Nothern bilkul
Naadam bill called the in your heart you feel regret. In your heart you are sorry that you did something or you said something that you shouldn't have. You looked at someone the way you should not have looked at you thought something that you should not have never done bilkul feeling sorry in the heart while is still far below the sun, but then you don't just feel bad in your heart and dwell in that sadness. No, it's still far below the sun. You begin to seek forgiveness upon your tongue. You say I still feel Allaha to La you say Oh my Lord, forgive me. Oh my lord, pardon me, but I'll build a fiddly is still foul bill, listen, and then we'll talk Bill Jawara leaving the sin. Not that
a person is watching something they shouldn't be watching. And as they're watching, as the philosopher Allah doba. No, this is not though within the Suharto within the Soha is that if it's not appropriate, then you turn that off, thought will do it. You leave it and then finally, firm resolve to not return to not do it again.
This kind of Toba? Allah says when you will do it, he will pardon you and admit you into paradise. On which day on the day when yo Mala yo Zilla Hoonah be here on the day when Allah will not humiliate His Messenger His Prophet, will Lavina Amman humara who and also those who believed with him, on the Day of Judgment when Allah will not using his prophet or the believers. What is the hizzy? What is the humiliation of the Day of Judgment? What is the disgrace of the day of judgment that a person is admitted into hellfire as we learn in the Quran Robina in a command to to fill in Nowra Falcon zeta that oh my lord, whoever you admit into the fire, than certainly you have
humiliated him. So those who do tow button Nasu ha. Allah will save them from such disgrace on the day of judgment. And remember that everyone has to cross over hellfire. Everyone has to approach Hellfire some will cross it and some will fall into it. How is it that people will cross the Hellfire through the bridge through the salt? It is only after crossing it that a person can enter paradise. So Allah says that he will not human
Milliyet the Prophet and the believers meaning they will cross over the Hellfire safely, normal home, but remember, that on this bridge is complete darkness before this bridge is complete darkness as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and in through the Hadith also we learn about this, that at that time, people will be granted their own light each person will be given his own light and it's with that light that he will cross the slit off he will cross the bridge
so know to whom their light meaning the light that Allah will give to those who believe it will be how it will be yes sir Boehner ad him will be Emani him it will be running it will be moving ahead
in front of them and also on their right.
Meeting this light will lead the way it will take them forward and we know that light also has speed right?
So yes, our new home Boehner add him will be Emani him your coluna they will say at that time Robina Oh our Lord at me Milena no Rana Oh our Lord complete and perfect for us, our light welfare learner and forgive us in Nacala. Cool, Alicia included, indeed you are over all things competent. They will ask Allah to complete and perfect this light. Why? So that they can enter paradise they can make it to the other side? When will they say this? As we learn in total Hadith that some people their light will extinguish it will flicker and it will die out. And who are these people, those who played with the commands of Allah, the hypocrites, those who did not have sincere faith. They did not have the
light of Eman in this world and on the Day of Judgment they will not have the light to lead them to paradise. So the believers at that time will pray. But I've been at Atomium Lana and Purana Oh Allah or our Lord, perfect for us, our light. well fed Lennar and forgive us in the Kerala cliche in Cadiz. Yeah, are you gonna be you remember, this is a Madani? surah Allah subhanaw taala addresses his messenger, O Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Jaya Hindalco Farah? Well, Munna 15 Strive hard against those who deny, and against those who are hypocrites strive hard against them. How did the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam strive hard against the deniers? We see that? Yes, there were
battles. But how is it that he strove hard against them? When fu King? Did he fight them in battle? No, he didn't. And this shows to us that jihad is not just fighting and battle. It's not just warfare, it's not just killing. Jihad is much bigger than that. What is jihad, it is to strive hard to work hard in the bath in the cause of what you believe in, to put your maximum effort. So strive hard against them whenever you clean, meaning when they create hurdles in your path.
When they push back, and they create obstacles in your way to Allah.
Don't become weak over there. Be strong. Fight back, resist. You know, for example, if somebody is, let's say you're driving, right? And somebody keeps cutting you off and doesn't let you drive smoothly. What do you do? You just let them do it. If they're tailgating you, right? Or then they are right in front of you. And then they keep breaking at the wrong time. And they're not really driving in the right way. What do you do? Okay, let them be. No, because if you put yourself in that situation, you're gonna get hurt. What do you do, you avoid it immediately.
And the best thing that you could do is just, you know, just go fast and get ahead of them somehow. Alright, so, J Dooku. Follow on whenever you can when they're creating obstacles in your path. Don't be weak over there, be strong over there. When they bully you and discourage you with their words, and they lie to you when they cheat you then don't take it. Don't accept it. Be strong over there. Be tough over there. While no lie lay him and be tough with them. Lulu, we learned earlier this is a really little color harshness in the heart, right? But remember that this is in men or in ones dealing with someone so well who knows why lay him meaning be strict with them when you're dealing
with them? Be strict and firm. Walmart well home, Jehan them and realize that their refuge as * will be sent mislead. and wretched is that destination?
Bob Allahu methylene. Allah subhanaw taala has presented an example an example that is relevant to who? An example that is relevant to Lilina cafardo For those who deny,
and what is that example it is off imbricata knew him were Murata, Lutz, the wife of new Alayhis Salam and the wife of loot on his sunnah. This is the example that Allah presents that is relevant for those who deny the wife of Prophet Nuh and his sunnah the wife of Prophet loot or the Sunnah Allah says Canada both of these women were that that under our Bedini two servants, which are these two servants knew how they Sinha Luther and his Santa men, everybody now of Our servants that were Solly hain, they were both righteous. new Hyundai Santa was a righteous servant of Allah, a prophet of Allah Luth Alehissalaam, a righteous servant of Allah, a prophet of Allah. And these two women
were under them, married to them, but what happened for HANA Tahoma but they betrayed them both.
They were treacherous to them, how did they betray them? This was not betrayal in terms of marriage in terms of marital relationships. No, this was betrayal with respect to Iman, because these two prophets, what is it that they brought? What is it that they taught Eman?
So their lives, they outwardly accepted faith, but in their hearts, they concealed disbelief, this was their betrayal. They weren't sincere in their faith. They weren't loyal in their faith for Hanukkah, Huma
phelim Unia so what happened when they were insincere themselves? Could their husbands help them? Allah says Fela, muniya and Homer, they could not help them mean Allah He from Allah che and anything. They could not save them from Allah's punishment. Prophet No, Halle Salam could not save his wife from Allah's punishment. Prophet Luthor, Ali Salam could not save his wife from Allah's punishment. Why? Because his wife herself was not sincere. Well, Kayla, and it was said, Oh, the hula both of you enter a Nowra the Hellfire ma de Helene with those who enter
even though they were married to the best of men, their marriage did not help them because they did not help themselves. Well Baramulla who and Allah also presents methylene an example for who Lavina am and for those who believe an example that is relevant to the believers What is this example in brought out of your own it is the example of the wife of your own it all at once she said, Rob baby nilly Oh my lord build for me if any from the word Bruneian Bina to build to construct so she said oh my lord construct for me you build for me or in Dhaka near yourself near you. Meaning in Jana bacon a house filled Jana in paradise. Oh my lord, you build a house for me near you in Jana. I want
to be close to you. When a genie and save me, men fit our own from fit our own. Why am Allah He and his deed which deed his oppression historischer When a genie mineral Comilla aalameen and save me from the wrongdoing people? Who was this woman? The wife of Iran? What was her name? asiyah. Who was she married to the most abusive man on earth, the worst men, you could say? Because if he killed all those magicians, then he killed 1000s of people in one day. And he didn't just kill them. He brutally killed them. As we learned in the Quran, that how he cut off their hands and feet from the opposite sides and crucified them and left them to die.
And he did something similar to his wife as he also when she believed when she believed we learned in a hadith This is reported in a Sutra of the Sahaba, a boy who died in a blow and who reported that ferroan had fastened four spikes on his wife in both her hands and feet for spikes in both her hands and feet. So basically she couldn't move. She was nailed.
She was nailed she couldn't move. You can imagine the pain in the hands and the feet. And whenever they would go away, meaning the guards that he had appointed over her to ensure that she wouldn't move and to continue to torture her while she was nailed. Whenever they would go away meaning they would need a break they would go
All way the angels would shade her.
They would get tired of torturing her.
So the angels would shade her. And she said, Oh my lord, build for me near you a house in paradise and save me from fit our own and his torture and save me from the wrongdoing people. So Allah subhanaw taala removed the veil of the unseen and showed her her house in paradise.
Another example for the believers Allah says well, Millennium and also Meriam Ibn atta Imran the daughter of Imran who was she allottee Asana torture her. She was the one who guarded and protected her Chestatee her private part meaning she'd never committed any Zina Aslan at Fauja fun a fourth Nafi hemos Rue Hina so we blew into her our rule meaning the rules that Allah has created the rules that he puts in people right in order to bring them to life. And what this refers to is reciting a sunnah, right that how she conceived him miraculously, because this was Allah's decision will suck the cut to be kalima tilapia, and she confirmed she verified the words of her LORD, meaning whatever
Allah commanded, she believed in it. She didn't change it. She didn't leave it, welcome to be here. And also his books were cannot win upon 18. And she was of the devoutly obedient. We see for women mentioned over here to women, versus to other women, who are the first to women,
women with the most ideal circumstances, women who are married to the prophets of Allah.
And two other women are mentioned. Who are these two other women whose circumstances were ideal, whose husbands were the best, the most righteous, not at all.
On the one hand, we have asiyah, who was married to the worst men on earth. And on the other hand, we have Madea who was never married. She was a single mom. At the end, who was successful. Was it the women with the best husbands who succeeded? No, it was the women who took responsibility for themselves.
It was the women who were not dictated by their circumstances. But they took initiative, they took responsibility for themselves, and they believed and they did what Allah wanted them to do, even though the whole world was against them.
So what does this mean then? What does this mean? Is it your circumstances that lead you to success?
Is it No, it's you. It's about what you want to do. Even our basketball, Dylan Warren who said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam drew four lines on the ground, four lines, and he said, Do you know what these lines represent? And the Sahaba said Allah and His Messenger know best, he said, the best among the women of Paradise are Hadiya Radi Allahu anha Khadija been toilet. Fatima bint Mohammed Meriam been to Imran and asiyah bint Musa him the wife of Iran these two women made it amongst the ranks of who the best women in the world let's listen to the recitation of the surah Bismil man you're walking
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Subhanak Allahumma behenic A shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta stuffie Raukawa to La a Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh