Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P28 278F Tafsir Al-Mujadalah 14-22
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The history and implications of Islam have been discussed, including the use of "has" and "has" to describe behavior and the struggles of shams with lying and cheat. The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing oneself and working for them to gain power and wealth. The shams have a history of harming themselves and the importance of having a strong heart for Islam, including the loss of faith in Islam and the need for people to be more aware of their own religion.
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Hola Tara, have you considered Have you not seen either Medina to those people who don't know they befriended though a low common to people how the Allahu alayhi, whom whom Allah was angry with? Have you not considered those who the one low they befriended though a low? Because remember the one low from the Walla Walla usually, it also means it's from Wilaya Wilaya is friendship or Alliance. So the one low they made allies.
Have you seen those people who made allies with who with a comb with a people whom lots of Allah who are laying him whom Allah was angry with? Who are those whom Allah who was angry with? In Medina, people who knowingly rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam despite having knowledge, they disbelieved it was the wound.
So this is referring to the monastic in the hypocrites, who befriended the hood, made allies with them.
They said to them, in America, we are with you, when they were with the Muslims, they would say, we are with you. And when they're with them, they say, No, we are with you. We were just having some fun. In the manner No, Mr. Z, we were just having some fun. We were just having a good time making fun of the Muslims by telling them that we have believed. So they make friends with those whom Allah is angry with. Allah says Mahieu men come these people are not from you while I'm in home, nor are they from them. They neither belong to you, nor do they belong to them.
They're neither sincere to you loyal to you, nor are they loyal to them. Were actually funa Annelle qldb Well, homea on the moon, they swear to untruth, while they know meaning they lie knowingly.
This is the Muna 15 There were mentioned earlier also that how they would openly contradict the commands go against the the commands that were given to them and in their hearts. Who were they really sincere to nobody?
Nobody. This is a selfish person, someone who's just concerned about themselves. They're nobody's friend.
They say to everybody, I'm with you. I'm your friend. But in reality, there are nobodies friend. Wherever they see benefit from themselves, that is where they go.
Whoever it is, that they will find from whom they can get some advantage. They will go to them, take that advantage take the benefit and run off to somebody else.
Someone who's inconsiderate of other people's time of other people's welfare, just concerned about themselves, or the law who Lahoma either haven't shed EDA, Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment in the home sad Americana Yamanote. Indeed it is evil. What they're busy doing whatever it is that they do, it is evil. Their actions are evil, especially the fact that they befriend those whom Allah is angry with.
They think they're very intelligent. But in reality, they're not. This is why Allah says Allah in the womb. Vamos sufa Ha. What are their evil actions? They're deceitful, insulted. Bacara we learn you hold your own Allahu Allah Dena Amanu they try to deceive Allah and those who believe pretending to appear as very sincere or you know, I have this issue I have this problem. Can you help me out over here? I'll do this for you. I'll do that for you. And then taking so much time and then what?
Just trying to get one statement out of that person,
so that they can show that I can do this because so and so said I could do it.
Using other people's words, to suit their own desires. Sudo Toba is 62 Allah says yeah, California Villa Hilah. Come Leo Bukom. They swear by Allah to please you. Well, Allahu wa rasuluh Haku and your boo. Allah is more deserving. The messenger is more deserving that they should try to please them encounter many if they were truly believers. So this were all it's even to prove that they're truthful but are they truthful? No, they're not in the Ahimsa Ummah can we aren't maroon it tougher do a man on the moon African What did they do? Allah says they have taken their oats Amen Florida have you mean they have taken their olts as a Juna as a shield? What is a shield something that
protects you? Right? So they would go and swear oath in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in front of the Muslims were with you were sincere, this and that.
And in their actions, they would clearly disobey the prophets of Allah when he was seven. Now when you come across an individual who on the one hand says such big things, and on the other hand, does such wrong things you can
fused. Who is this person? Who are they? Are they with me? Are they against me? Are they my friend are the enemy? Who are they? What are they? What species do they belong to? You wonder. So it the hadoo Ivana whom? Jonathan the Manasa teen, what did they do? They have taken their Olds as a shield something to protect them from the wrath of the Muslims. So the Muslims could never say that you are not all of us for subdue and subete Allah. And by this they prevent others from the way of Allah. How? Because they create an example of disobedience
by disobeying the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while claiming to be Muslim, and by claiming to be very loyal to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet disobeying him, what example were they sending? What precedent were the setting, and it's okay to go against the rules. It's okay to break the rules. So for Sundar and Sabina Allah, they prevent people from the way of Allah follow him or double Maheen. So for them is a humiliating punishment. We see that the more naphthalene did this over and over again, when he came to their words, very beautiful,
very beautiful. We learned that Abdullah bin obey, he would actually stand up before the Juma hotbar.
And he would advise the crowds over there, that old people, the Messenger of God has come here, you know, we should believe in him and we should support him and he would go on and on and on.
But the same man, what would he do?
And what did he do? He said, You didn't agree with me. I'm going back. And he took so many people back with him, isn't it? And what happened? The enemy is right there. And he's saying everybody go home. Let's go back to Medina. Or rather yesterday via Allah Yathrib or people of yesterday.
Right? And then what happened after brother, the first battle, those people who passed away and even after or those Muslims who passed away, the hypocrites said that had they been with us they would not have been killed. So on the one hand, you know, offering so much verbal support to the prophets on Allah who already was alone, making such big claims of Iman and Taqwa. And when it came to action, clearly disobeying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam this was very strange.
For subdue and submit Allah, for such people is a humiliating punishment, and there's something that we need to think about also, you know, all the time we're saying Islam is perfect, Islam is perfect, Islam is perfect. But you know what, we Muslims, we're not all that perfect. Yes, we're not all that perfect, but really think about it. How is it that we deal with our neighbors? How is it that we deal with the people that we work with? You know, if we keep saying Islam is perfect, Islam is perfect, Islam is beautiful, but here I am cheating you here I am not doing my work properly. Here I am not studying properly. Then what is this?
You understand my point?
If we're saying that, Oh, Islam is perfect, teaches peace and love and all of that, for our poor neighbors are afraid of us.
Because we drive so violently or we argue so loudly or we make such a mess and we leave the garbage cans and we you know, we're not a good neighbor. Then what is this?
We really need to be careful. Allah says Learn to own your own home and while you're home, their properties will never help them. We're not allowed to home nor will their children help them mean Allah He against Allah che and anything at all. Because it was the love of their wealth and their children that made them so selfish, only concerned about themselves. selfish and inconsiderate. Why? for their own good. Allah says the same things because of which they are cheating and lying and deceiving and being treacherous. They're not going to help them at all. Oh Allah equals help now. Those are the inmates of the fire homefree ha ha the dune in which they shall abide eternally. Yo
Maya Bertha, whom Allah on the day when Allah will resurrect all of them Jamia and everyone, all of them without an exception for your California so these hypocrites they will swear oaths law who for him meaning for Allah, comma, just as yeah California law calm they would swear in front of you. Meaning just as the take faults olts in front of you today. On the Day of Judgment, they will take false oaths. This is frightening,
because you see one lie leads to another lie.
One violation leads to another violation. One sin leads to another sin.
you know, one small sin leads to a bigger sin. If you are used to lying concerning small matters, the
There will come a point where you can lie about something very big also,
isn't it?
I mean, you wonder, how is it that people can lie regarding such major things they can cheat with regards to or they can be dishonest with regards to millions of dollars over so many years. How, what happened? How did it start? It started small, with one act of dishonesty here. And then that led to another one, which led to a bigger one which led to an even bigger one. It just got worse and worse and worse and worse. So they lied today, they will lie before Allah. How frightening is this? Where saguna under Humala che and they think that they are standing on something. They think that they have some firm ground that they have some basis. When you think that you have some firm ground
you have some basis what does it mean? You think that what you're doing is right?
So we're gonna under Humala, che, they think that what they're doing is right, they're doing the best. They're defending themselves, their lives worked in the world, their lives will work in the hereafter also, Allah says Allah, are you people here, listen, in the home Homolka the bone indeed they're liars. They're not truthful. They're liars. What has led them to such level of deceit and dishonesty is the one that led him astray upon shaitan has overcome them is the weather how well then
is that weather is to gain complete control over someone such control that they cannot escape, they cannot get out.
Basically, this word
is used for an animal, a male animal that has taken over a female animal, if you can understand why. So it's just gripped her. So she cannot escape
for mating. It is that is that whether the real world eaten that the donkey the male donkey, got on top of the female donkey. And so she couldn't escape. This is the Hawa so it's the weather Elaine, you must shape on shaitan has full grip over them. He's controlled them.
He has such a hold over them.
Whether you are the biller? Can you imagine shaitan having such a hold over a person that a person cannot This is disgusting.
That a person cannot even think for himself anymore. He cannot even do a little bit anymore. Shaitan has full control whatever ship on says they do it. He says lie here they lie here cheat here cheat here
is that with our Lady Michelle Vaughn, for Ansel home because ALLAH and he has made them forget the vicar of Allah. He has made them forget to remember Allah, Allah Iike his Bucha upon those are the party of che upon Allah in the hisbah shaytani. Whom will ha see rune unquestionably, you should know that the Hizbul shaitan they are certainly the losers, his what is his a group of individuals who share the same beliefs, and they gather together under one flag under one slogan. So these are people who lie and who cheat, and who are dishonest, inconsiderate, and selfish. These are all workers of who
have who have Shavon Shavon has full control over them. They're working for him. They think that they're working for themselves, making money here, getting this benefit out of another person by lying to them by cheating them, in reality that our workers have Shavon
and they have forgotten Allah. What is the cause of hypocrisy? What do we see over here?
companionship of shaitan obedience to shine upon? Because obedience to Shetland, it makes a person forget Allah. And when a person forgets Allah, then in reality, who does he forget? himself?
Because who are we? We are who we are in relation to our Lord.
If we know our Lord, we know ourselves if we forget our Lord, if we don't know our Lord, we don't know ourselves.
You understand the point? Because who are we? What are we waited we come from? Allah made us. If Allah didn't make us, we were nothing. If he didn't provide us we were nothing,
isn't it? So whatever we are, we are because of who? Allah, He made us he provided us he owns us.
So our existence is dependent on who on Allah subhanaw taala
So if we know Allah we know ourselves.
And if we truly know ourselves that means we know Allah.
And if we have forgotten Allah, we have forgotten ourselves. If we're fearful of Allah, we're really taking care of ourselves. And if we ignore the commands of Allah, then we are ignoring our own welfare. We are harming ourselves. So for Ansel Malika, hola. And this is the foolishness of the hypocrites. They think that when they're lying, and they're cheating, and they're being dishonest, they are doing themselves a favor by getting some money here, and by getting some benefit over there. And in reality, what is the person doing? They're losing themselves, they're harming themselves. So such people in whatever shade, they are working, they're working for shaitan and the
group of Shaytaan, The party of Shaitan, they will be losers. In Alladhina. You have doon Allahu wa Sula, who, indeed those people who oppose Allah and His messenger, Allah Iike. Phil other lien, they will be among the lien who are the other lien Florida as well. And then most valuable.
Extremely valuable, who is the leader, someone who is low, mean despicable. So other lien those who are most despicable not worth any honor. They are among the miserable
hola EcoFin. Other lien they will be humiliated in this life and the next into the Toba is 63. Allah says Allah may Allah Allah mu, and now who may have had it Allah wa Sula, who, for Anila who now Raja Hanim Don't they know that whoever opposes online His Messenger than for him as a fire of *?
And fire of *? Is there any honor in that? No hula EcoFin other lien Khattab Allahu Allah has written, He has decreed. He has prescribed that a holy banana, surely I will overcome.
I will be victorious Anna I and this is referring to Allah subhanaw taala what was holy and My Messengers? This is something that Allah has decreed that who shall be victorious? Allah and His messengers, not his enemies in Allah Culligan are Aziz indeed Allah is powerful and Exalted in Might, into the Lafayette if 51 Allah says in Al Anon Zulu Solana will Latina ama Nofal HYAH to dunya. Certainly we will help our messengers in this world and also in the hereafter. So Allah and His Messenger shall be victorious. So all those who oppose Allah and His messenger, what will their outcome be failure and loss, and in that happened with the hypocrites, then that happened in Medina,
lethargy do now on the one hand, there is the group of shaitan Well, who's the other group? Who are the other workers? The his boss, Allah, those who are sincere to Allah, sincere to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those who are considerate those who know Allah and they know themselves they remember ALLAH
and so they're taking care of themselves. Who are these people? What are their qualities lead that you do Coleman Allah says you will never find a group of people who you know want to be lucky will your will athlete who believe in Allah and the Last Day that these people who believe in Allah in the last day, you will never find them to you where doona man had the hola hola Sula. You will never find them you are dune. You are dune from wild dal then would what this would mean love.
And this is a high a great level of love. Okay, so you will never find them. Having intense love, deep love and commitment towards who? towards those who had the la hora Sula, those who oppose Allah and His messenger. We learned earlier you had donor, same word.
You will never find believers sincere believers
deeply in love with those who oppose Allah and His messenger. No way. This cannot happen. It's impossible that a person truly believes in Allah and His messenger. And then in his heart there is also love for those who hate Allah for those who hate the messenger SallAllahu wasallam for those who hate Allah's religion, not possible.
This is impossible.
Think about it. How can you love someone who hates
The one whom you love,
isn't it? Either the love for Allah will overpower or the love for Allah's enemy will overpower. It cannot coexist. They're completely opposite.
wallow cannot even if they be
meaning these people who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they may be a home their own fathers,
on the one hand is Allah and His messenger and on the other hand is a father who hates Allah.
Can this believer love his father? No way, he will give preference to Allah over his father. Oh, Obinna home or their own sons? Oh, is one a home or their own brothers? Or she left the home or their kindred? Their close family members? Their blood relatives? closest family members?
Meaning it doesn't matter how they're related to these people through blood.
For a believer, who is it that he loves the one who loves Allah? This doesn't mean that he will cut off from those who are related to him. No. It just means that his preference will be who? Allah and this is the reason why the Muslims were able to migrate from Mecca to Medina. Right? Because if if this wasn't the case, would they be able to leave their families? No. Hola Iike. It is those people get up a few coulby Himmel Eman whom Allah has written in their hearts. Amen. There are people in whose hearts Allah has written Iman, what does it mean? stamp of approval? Yes, this person has Iman.
Because here, there was such a difficult test. On the one hand is Allah and the messenger. And on the other hand, is one's own family. But the family hates Allah hates the deen.
You understand what's going on over here? And so this person has a choice to make? Is he going to choose Allah? Or is he going to choose his relatives? When he chooses Allah? Allah says, such are the people who really have Iman in their hearts, what a yet a home and he has strengthened them below him men who with rule from him, what is your spirit? And this refers to Jibreel
remember that? Gibreel Yes, he brought revelation to the prophets. But he does more than that also.
We learned that once the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam prayed for a certain companion that Allahumma a yet who blew headquarters Oh Allah help him with the rule headquarters meeting with Angel Jibreel because this companion he was going to say verses of poetry. All right, so Jibreel helped him. Allah says what a ye the one below him in Allah who will help them through Gibreel or roar can also be understood as Quran
or some other source of comfort meaning ALLAH who will strengthen them, he will aid them, were you the healer whom and he will admit them Jeanette in into gardens that dream and practical and how underneath which rivers flow Holly Dena fie her abiding there in eternally, but all the Allah who are in homeworld, one, Allah was pleased with them, and they were pleased with him. Allah is pleased with them. Why?
Because they said we believe and they proved it. And they were pleased with Allah. Why? Because who could not be pleased with Allah?
Or lead to Billa Hiraga Hola, Iike, Hizbollah, those are the hisbah of Allah, they are the party of Allah. Allah unquestionably, in his villa, he who mole more flee home. It is indeed the his of Allah that shall be successful.
It is the Hizb of Allah, that will be successful, not the Hizb of shaitan.
Now, in order to appreciate this idea, we have to remind ourselves of the background of the people
at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Remember that the Arabs were very tribalistic, right? I mean, their tribe was very important to them. It could never be imagined that a person would fight his own tribe, or that a person would abandon his tribe or that a person would leave his tribe. No, there was no concept such as that you belong to your tribe, they're your blood. They're your blood. So no matter what happens, you will always be with them, no matter what happens.
So this is how the Arabs were.
But then what happened with Islam? It wasn't about blood anymore. It was about Allah.
Right? And if you think about it, it wasn't the Muslims who started the aggression, who started the aggression. It was the Mushrikeen that you abandon our idols.
Even though you are our son, we will harm you.
Even though you are our blood relative, we will
harm you. They're the ones who started the aggression anyway. Right? So what happened with Islam, things changed. It wasn't blood that brought people together. It was their faith. So now there was the Hizb of Allah, and then there was the Hizb of shaitan.
And Allah describes the believers over here that who are sincere believers they can never have deep love for those who hate Allah. This doesn't mean that you cannot know them, you cannot have a certain level of friendship with them. And you see this is not all non Muslims by the way. Remember that this is not all non Muslims. This is who men had the Lucha Libre sooner those who openly oppose Allah and His messenger.
Those who clearly show their hatred for Islam, then you can't be deceived by these people and say that you're I love them. I love them. No, they're openly saying they hate you and your faith then how could you be deceived by them?
So for a believer who was most important, it is Allah and He will prefer Allah over his close family members even
let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
Lm dot o l leadin at our low bohlmann Lalibela longlining
the long
shed either
moody learn to me on
all you do home yeah well man
long Jimmy I'm
not sure Shang chi
is the one
who shape on or
off Oh
Bush shape on
in his best shape on woman horse
Medina you
gotta have a long
moly in the long haul we
laughed at you do
you mean noon
done long
is if one wants
to be a man
while you were there
Foley Dean
Mobley along on
his belongings will move
Subhanak Allahumma behenic eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta a stuffy look our to be like a cinema they come rahmatullahi wa barakato