Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 266C Tafsir Al-Hujuraat 12
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Yeah Are you Halina Amma No, all you who have believed EJ, Danny boo, avoid, keep away from avoid what Kathy Iran much means one of assumption, avoid much of assumption, meaning don't assume a lot. Don't always have, you know, assumptions in your head.
Don't always read into things. Don't think too much. Right? Just because somebody is sitting quietly having their cup of tea, don't think that they're upset with you, please, just because somebody wants to have their nice quiet time, it doesn't mean that they're angry at you. Right? So each turn evil cathedral minute one, what does this mean? Firstly, don't entertain a lot of lung
don't entertain a lot of lung.
Why? Because in the bar, the one knee is indeed some assumption are is
some assumption or what they are sin. The question is what is one what is assumption? Lung is basically
without investigation and judgment about something without any evidence. So basically, it is to assume something about someone to hold an opinion
to suppose without an investigation without verification.
Like for example, you see someone sitting quietly having their cup of tea. So what could be a one over here? She's so quiet. She's mad at me.
She's mad at me. This is an assumption. Without any investigation, it's a judgment about someone without any evidence without any proof. Their silence does not mean they're angry. Correct. So, this is what one is. Remember, there are two types of one. One type of one is one super evil one bad one, which is as clear it is to entertain a negative thought about someone or about something. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said yeah, come with one. For enough one acceptable Hadith. Beware of suspicion for it is the most inaccurate speech. It is false. So this is the type of one that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was referring to the negative one. The second type of lung is
which one has no one a good supposition about a person or about a situation and remember that we are required to have this. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said personal one need Minho. Snuggery burdah Good supposition is part of good worship.
This is a good form of worship. Even this is a form of worship, what is a good supposition? So for example, you see someone sitting, having their tea quietly what could be a good supposition.
hamdulillah she's taking a break.
hamdulillah Good for her. She's enjoying her quiet time. While you don't know whether she's really enjoying or not. Allah who are alum she might be very worried. Right in her thoughts, but you're supposing something good about her.
So here Allah says that yeah, you Alladhina amanu ah, Danny boo cathedra minute one, don't want too much right. And secondly, avoid most of the suppositions because most of the suppositions in the Bible one some of the suppositions what are they they are sinful? How are they sinful? Because they can lead to many social evils. Firstly, if you think about it, frequent assumption, always reading into things excessively forming opinions. Doesn't this lead to a lot of problems? overthinking things? Doesn't that lead to a lot of problems? You have a conversation with someone, they're gone, they forgot about it. And there you are thinking, I said this, and she looked like this one. I said
that. And then she said this, I must have offended her. And then you're saying I'm so sorry. And she's saying about what for? What about that? What that she doesn't even remember. I mean, it's natural. When you really care about somebody you really think too much. Right? It's kind of natural, but you know, be easy on yourself. Right? Each tourney will cathedral minute one. Think about more useful, beneficial things.
Right? Don't think about the conversations you've had with other people and then wonder what they must be thinking what they must be feeling like and and what that might lead to think about real stuff. Real stuff, the real problems that you're dealing with real things that you should be worried
Hang on.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when her son is having Margarita, coho, Malay or any of the beauty of a person's Islam is that he leaves What does not concern him. So spend your time doing what really matters to you instead of thinking about things that don't matter to you.
And secondly, if you think about it, negative assumption leads to problems, does it? What kind of problems does it lead to?
What kind of problems does it lead to?
Negative assumption leads to problems, what kind of problems?
Okay, depression. So you're constantly thinking about others about situations negatively. And you're going to go deeper and deeper into more negativity, and it's going to make you sad, make you upset. What else?
Exactly. If you think bad about someone, like for example, you see somebody having their tea, okay. And you think she's mad at me? And you walk by and you don't even say Salaam? And she said, What's wrong with her? Why didn't she say salaam to me? Right? And then they ask you and then you snap back. And then it leads to what an argument and it started from where? A negative assumption.
Self esteem and trust issues. All right, what else? What other problems does it lead to? It leads to fights, it leads to arguments. It leads to backbiting, isn't it? In the Bible, one knee is
now remember that negative assumption can be about Allah. It can be about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It can be about the Quran. It can be about Islam, it can be about believers, it can be about people in general. And these negative assumptions are what they are sinful,
negative assumption about Allah, he's never going to forgive me. This is wrong. How could you think that Allah will never forgive you? Even though you're doing Toba? When Allah is Allah man, you think your sin is greater than the Rama of Allah man? This is a negative assumption.
This is sinful thought about Allah.
Negative assumption about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wasn't fair. No,
he was. He wasn't just this is a wrong assumption about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam negative assumption about the Quran? What if this is not really what the Prophet sallallahu number cited? And what if the Companions misunderstood? And what if they wrote something wrong? And what if the person who was copying the Quran made a mistake? That is a wrong assumption, Allah has promised that he will protect the Quran and he will preserve it. Correct. And then negative assumption about other people about family, about believers amongst believers in general. So family, friends, coworkers, etc. But then certain individuals like for example, knowledgeable people, people have
knowledge or people of authority, negative assumption about them.
And it's so common that How should you or people have knowledge or spoken off in evil ways? So easily? How can people do that? How can we do that?
So in a bag of money, isn't remember this? There are indeed some assumptions, what are they? They are sinful, they are wrong, we can be punished for even the wrong assumptions that we keep in our minds. Because remember, an assumption doesn't stay in assumption, what happens to it?
What happens to it a thought in the mind? Does it stay in the mind? What happens to it?
It's verbalized, and a person acts upon it. Correct. So this is why in a bag of money is they are sinful. So be careful, avoid them. Then the next thing is well after just Cecil and do not do that, just so
what is the justice the justice from the root letters Jeem seen seen? Just just as it is basically, to touch something with one's hand. Like for example, the word is used for when a doctor is checking the patient.
All right, why is he touching the arm or the forehead or the different parts of the body? What's the reason? He wants to see what is hidden inside?
Right? He wants to check what is hidden inside. And this is basically what the justice is being curious about those matters, which people have concealed.
And it's not just curiosity as an I wonder
but it is let me go and see. So for example, what is inside a person's phone? Right? What is inside this conversation that they're having with another individual? Being curious? And then that curiosity leads to what? Finding out, okay, as soon as the person goes into the bathroom, unlock their phone, because you saw them putting the passcode in. And then looking at the conversation, Allah says, Let the just sessile do not do the justice. Why? Because doing the justice is basically invading other people's privacy, isn't it? And that is the height of disrespect. If a person is trying to keep something personal, than please respect that, and if they're openly sharing
something, then okay. But if there is a note that somebody is writing, privately, then respected if there is a conversation that someone is having privately respected, right, so laughter just says who do not do the justice. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us about looking, searching out the faults of other people. That if a person searches out for the faults of others, and Allah will humiliate such a person in his own house, so let's just assume the next is well, I yelled about the convertible, and last not yelled up, he should back by bow to come some of you bow than others meaning do not backed by one another. Do not backed by one another. What is libre? What
did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say about libre? It is to mention something about your brother, which he does not like?
Correct? And then the Prophet sallallahu sallam was asked that what if it's true? And then what did he say that is Liva. Because if it was not true, if you're making up things about him, then that will be what slander that is worse than LIBOR.
So while I yell with a bow, the convertible do not backbite each other. And Backbiting is something that we really take lightly. We think it's almost necessary to talk bad about others. Always put yourself in the position of the other individual. You're not sure whether it's overstepping the bounds. Put yourself in their position. Would you like it? If somebody gave such a sarcastic remark? If somebody made fun of your dress? If somebody made fun of your shoes, if somebody made fun of you know, the way you're talking? Would you accept it? If it's not okay for you, then remember, a believer is a mirror for the believer. If it's not okay for you, it's not okay for them.
Would you like to be called by that nickname? No, don't call somebody else by that nickname either. Would you like that? Somebody says this about you in your absence? No, then don't say that about somebody else either. Because a believer is a mirror to the believer. So while I yelled about locum Bharata Are you Hibou? Would he like I had to come one of you a year COLA that he eats LACMA, he, the flesh of his brother made them dead? Would any one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?
This is in the Quran. This example that we've heard over and over again, this is from the Quran. It's not things that people have made up. Allah has said this backbiting someone is like eating their flesh when they're dead. Why? How? Because a dead person. Is he able to defend himself?
Is he able to defend himself? No, somebody comes and cuts off his body? Is he able to defend himself? He cannot.
And just like that when a person is absent, and their honor is being tarnished, their reputation is being attacked. Are they able to defend themselves? No, they're not because they're absent.
So backbiting someone is like eating their flesh when they were dead. You wouldn't eat somebody's flesh. Why would you back by them fuckery to move who? You would dislike it you would hate it just the thought of it is so disgusting. What duckula And fear Allah in Allah has the web of Rahim Indeed, Allah is the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful, fear Allah and refrain from all of these bad actions and whatever has happened. Repent to Allah and seek his forgiveness because he's Accepting of repentance and merciful. That's listen to the recitation of this.
Wallah just says one
more I had to go
In a
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to move
what up along in the law had the wobble he?
Notice how turquoise mentioned? Right? You see, fasting is for the purpose of developing the core. Correct. So if when we're fasting, we don't even eat halal food, how is it that we can eat the flesh of other people
while we're fasting, because sometimes we're backbiting while we're fasting. So if we can refrain from food, we can certainly refrain from attacking other people's honor. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
he said that all community of people who have believed by their tongue, but believe has not yet entered their hearts, meaning you claim to have ima, but there is no iman really in your heart, it's not really settled yet. Do not back by Muslims, and do not search for their faults, do not back by them and do not search for their faults. For if anyone searches for their faults, then Allah will search for his faults. And if Allah searches for the fault of any one of you, then he will disgrace him in his own house. So before we talk bad about someone, let's remember that tomorrow we could be the victims. And, you know, backbiting is something that you can't do on your own anyway, you need a
And remember that the one who will gossip to you will one day gossip about you, today, they're gossiping with you, and tomorrow, they're going to gossip about you.
When you say like see faults about others, and you point them out to other people, then you find those faults either within yourself or your own children. And I've seen this example, you know, someone we know that she used to say very bad things about someone else's daughter, or their children or their so this there's so that, then unfortunately, when she had children, her children had those same faults in them.
Because Allah tests you then
also, unlike a more public level, like pointing out faults and others leads to their eventual social isolation, basically, because people might hear it and try to forget about it and stuff. But it does affect the way they're treated in the long term.
And just a reminder that sometimes it just takes one person to stand up for someone, when there's a crowd, and there's a group thing going on, and the way that groups are polarized, it just takes one person also to get them started. And it can take one person to stand up and say, enough is enough, don't do this.
And this is why we have to stand up. And that's exactly what we're told that when you see people fighting, don't just stand there watching do something about it. And when you see someone's honor being attacked, then again, defend them.
That the abilities that Allah subhanaw taala has given us we have to use them in the right way because we're going to be asked about them, our eyes, our ears, our minds, our hearts. And if you think about it, all of these verses, what are they pointing towards that stop thinking about the faults and other people and look at your own? Right? There is a statement that in axon Naseeha via a thorough one Vikram Licata, alienness that people with most faults are those who talk most about other people's faults.
People with most faults are who, those who talk about other people's faults the most.
So this is what we need to be very careful about. You see how one thing leads to the other.
One supposition leads to curiosity, the justice, alright, because you formed the wrong opinion about someone or you have to find out for verification and then you invade into their private matters. And then once you find out while it's such a big discovery, how can you keep it to yourself? You're going to talk about it, you're gonna gossip about it. So you see how one evil leads to another. So stop it right there. And how do you stop it by reflecting on your own faults?