Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 241B Tafsir Al-Zumar 1-3
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Similar to Zuma Surah, two Zuma
is a murky surah. And it was revealed after sordid saga, before the Hijra to have Russia. So before Hijra to have Russia, it's one of the very early sources. And the solar contains 75 verses. And there is a nation in which we learn that I should have the role on her. She said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to fast, so much, meaning one day after the other, until we would say that he's not going to stop fasting. Because the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he had this exceptional allowance for him of continuous fasting, right? So she said that he would fast, so much so that we would say he is not going to break his fast. And then he would not fast until we would
think that he is not going too fast. All right. And she said in the same nourishing, that the Prophet salallahu Salam used to recite Surah Al Assad, Bani Israel, and Surah to Zuma every night. So so to Zuma is also one of the most oft repeated Sutras of the Quran.
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Surah two Zuma 10, zero Kitabi revelation of the Book, mean Allah is from Allah, Allah Aziz, who is the Exalted in mind. And Hakeem who is the wise, then zeal, Revelation, the word and zeal is a muscle, it's a noun, and it means to reveal gradually. So revelation that is given that ascent gradually, meaning the Quran is a revelation and the revelation of Al Kitab of this book, which is before you, that you hear is mean Allah, it is from Allah. Don't treat it as any other book, realize that this book is Allah's book, this book has been revealed gradually according to need, by who, by Allah, and who is Allah He is Allah Aziz al Hakim, Allah
Aziz, the one who is Exalted in Might, the one who is of true honor. And the one who is of true real might, and he is hacking the one who is wise also. This book is from him. At the end of Zurich saw the previous Surah we learned in Hua INLA, the Quran Allah Allah Amin, this Quran is a reminder for all the people that are Lamine Allah, Allah mean includes all people. And over here, we learn more about the Quran that this is from Allah Who is Aziz and Hakeem, why is this mentioned right at the beginning of the surah that take this column, take the speech seriously. Don't treat it like any other book. Don't treat it like any other speech. Realize that this is from Allah, who is the
creator of all who has true real honor and might and whose decisions whose speech is based on his wisdom for he is a Hakeem in indeed we and zona, we have revealed, meaning ALLAH has revealed elaida to you, meaning to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, Al Kitab us the book, we have revealed the book to you. Why how build happy with the truth with the truth, meaning containing truth, because it is fun and Aziz al Hakim, so his book would contain only the truth only what is reality? There is nothing that is problematic, that is erroneous, that is non factual, in the Quran, everything is a hack within the Quran, it is factual, it is true, it is based upon reality, because
who knows? doest other than the Creator? And Are ya Naaman. Haluk? The One who created Does he not know? Of course he knows who is more aware of the Creation than the Creator? No one. So, we have revealed this book Allah and Holic Aziz al Hakim has revealed this book containing the truth and been healthy also means for a lack meaning for a just cause, for a just reason. And what is that reason that mankind is in need of guidance? And Allah has revealed this book for their guidance, mankind is in need of answers and Allah has revealed this book in order to provide answers
Mankind is in need of Shiva of healing. And Allah has revealed this book for healing Bill hack for a just cause for adjust reason. And then hack also means in reality meaning definitely, certainly it is Allah who has revealed this book it is none other than Allah who has sent this book. So in zona illegal Kitab will help. Again the status of the Quran is being established over here the position of the Quran is being established over here. In the first aisle it is established. Again in the second idea, it is reinforced so that when a person approaches the book of Allah He approaches it with full confidence and full faith. This is similar to how right at the beginning of the Quran we
are told valley called kitab. lowrider fi, because when we read something, with even a little bit of doubt, then what happens? You cannot fully agree with it. But when you have trust and faith and confidence, then it's easier to accept. So EMA and Zuma illegal Kitab will help so far both therefore worship, worship who Allah ha on Allah, meaning worship only Allah and how is it that you should worship Allah, more holy son, as one who is making sincere and pure love for him? A deen the religion or the worship? If you see over here the address is in the singular form. Primarily it is the prophets of Allah Islam was being addressed, right followed both fall but it's not obudu obudu
is you all worship and or would you want person worship? So the Prophet sallallahu sallam was being addressed over here? But of course the command is general that the book has been revealed. Therefore you should worship only Allah making religion worship sincere for him alone. What does it mean by this word, Mukhlas smokeless we have done this word several times before its various forms, hot lump solid. And last is to make something pure as an unadulterated it's free and pure from any mixture. Any contamination that is smokeless. You know, when you read 100% Pure, alright, what does he mean by 100%? Pure, for instance, 100% pure orange juice. What does that even mean? What does that mean?
There is no water in it. There is no additives and hopefully, right? Because people say that it's pure, but it's not necessarily pure. Right? 100% pure raw milk. What does that mean?
What does that mean? It's pure as in it's never been heated. It's never been boiled. It's never been a large ionized. Nothing has been done to it. It's an it's pure, original form. Nothing's been added. Nothing has been taken out. Right? So this is a class maglie son LaHood. Dean when you worship Allah, make the deen and the word Deen. It has multiple meanings. It's used for religion. And the word Deen also means worship Ibadah because that is what religion is all about. Right? It's about living a lifestyle it performing certain actions, rituals, why? Because all of that is worship. So religion is worship. So follow the law Mowgli. sallahu Deen. We're told over here two
things. Firstly, what we must do, and what is that worship Allah. And secondly, we are taught how we must do it. And that is how with sincerity and pure intention, worship Allah. How, with sincerity, pure intention, meaning pure of any shape.
But before we go into the details of a class, do you notice the word fall good for so therefore, the first part of the ayah mentions, we have revealed the book to you. The second part of the IRA mentions worship Allah sincerely. What's the connection between the two between the book between the Quran and worshiping Allah sincerely, what's the connection? What is the Quran call to the Quran is a call to what though heed. It is a call to worshiping Allah and not just worshiping Allah, the worshiping Allah alone, only him.
And this shows to us that one, Allah has given the gift of the Quran to a servant than what must that servant to increase in his worship of Allah and purify his intentions more and more for Allah? So far, booty Lucha Mahi Salahuddin. The purpose of the Quran is to connect us with Allah
The purpose of Quran is what? To help us worship Allah. So if we are reciting the Quran, memorizing the Quran, studying the meanings of the Quran, teaching the Quran, whatever we're doing, and we're not worshiping Allah, that defeats the purpose of it all. You see, Quran is a means to,
to Allah, you understand it's a means for us to draw closer to Allah, like one of the son of said that you cannot draw closer to Allah through anything except that what has come from him, except through what has come from him. And what is it that has come from him the Quran, it's a speech. So if we want to draw closer to Allah, it is by worshipping Allah. And how is it that we can worship Allah in the best way through the Quran? Meaning the Quran guides us.
You see, it's like reading a manual and not following the instructions, reading recipe after recipe, watching one video after another and then not cooking anything. What do you see is that it's a waste of time. It's a waste of effort.
So the point over here is that as we bring Quran in our lives, we must never forget the objective the goal, the purpose and what is that purpose far below the law Ha, Motley Salahuddin what we must do is worship Allah and how should we do it? More or less Allah who
make the entire Deen make the entire worship sincerely purely for Allah alone? Like we are taught in masala tea when you Sookie Why am I here I am a Marathi for who? Lillahi Rabbil aalameen Every aspect of religion, whether it is charity or it is obedience to parents or it is wearing the hijab or it is performing the prayer or it is being good to your neighbors or it is you know, being good to your parents having good o'clock, whatever it may be that we are doing as part of our religion. It should only be for who? For Allah Moakley son law who deen the holding every part of our Dean mean the dean that we observe every part of worship that we observe, it should be only for whose
sake for Allah sake? Why?
Why only for Allah?
Why were we created? Why were we created for his worship? Why were we given everything that we have so that we can live? And why do we live to worship him? What are we doing in this world? Why were we sent here to worship Allah?
You know, there's this poem in Urdu that I learned as a child and many children learn that who made the elephant. All right. And you say you sing that Allah made the elephant who made the bird Allah made the bird who made the butterfly allow me the butterfly, you mentioned every single animal creature that you know, you can think of and you say, Allah made it, and then you end it with, for all of us might have sub Kalea that Allah made all of this for all of us. And then I always think, Why were we made who made us, Allah made us why for him,
you understand the whole creation Allah made to serve us, Sahara la consola concert hall, Allah calm, and we were made for who? For what? For him for Allah. So far, booty Lucha mockney, Salahuddin make worship sincerely for Allah. Because the fact is that Allah accepts only that worship which is sincere. If there's even a little bit of sugar in it. Allah does not accept it. Because firstly, Allah is a no need of worship, he doesn't need our worship to make him great. He's already great.
Right? He's already great. He doesn't need our worship. So when our intentions are not correct, then we're not worshipping Allah properly. And when we're not worshiping Allah properly, that worship is not accepted. This is very simple. For anything to be accepted, there are certain requirements, there are certain conditions that must be met, if they're not met, then that work that effort is rejected
is an attempt. Like for example, if you're applying somewhere for admission, you have to submit certain documents also correct. A complete form a photocopy of this, a photocopy of that, right, think of you're going to renew your health card. So you have to submit all the supporting documents. And if even one or two things are missing, your application is not going to be processed, isn't it? You can cry all you want and you can say all you wanted put that I did this I did that I did this. What about this one, but no, it's not gonna work. Why? Because it's not complete.
When it's not complete, it's not acceptable.
And when it comes to a bother, when it comes to D, Allah only accepts that which is pure. Yes Smilla Salam Alikum when we work for kumbolo for someone, you know, so maybe they don't appreciate you even if you have a slice, if you're sincere to them, they don't appreciate you, but Allah subhanaw taala he seems sort of insane. In the hair, they're kind of looking dessert and we're kermesse at a local mascara. Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala, who has told us she couldn't imagine that he's appreciative of a servant's effort, worship and sincerity. Now, what this is telling us is that every act of worship must be sincere. And what that means is that it should not even have a little
bit of RIA, what is the showing off doing something so that we can be seen by others? Now, how do we check whether our actions are sincere or not? Or rather, how can we make our actions sincere, free from react, there's three things that we need to check. Three things that we need to check. Firstly, when I am performing this action, when I am making this effort, religious effort, I'm performing this religious action, this deed, whether it is the recitation of the Quran, helping someone giving in charity for giving someone whatever it may be, do I find in myself, firstly, any desire of importance, meaning, the desire to become more important in the eyes of people,
that they should respect me or think highly of me,
I should become really high, and really great in their eyes, and they should treat me in a certain way. And if they treat me in that way, it's not acceptable, because I have done this deed, desire of importance, because if there's desire of importance, that means that we are seeking importance from who, from people. So then, the action is not sincere. So we have to remove this desire of importance, second, desire of status, the action that I'm doing, do I desire status through it, status as in worldly status,
I become famous, I am recognized, this is a different kind of importance important is expecting respect from people.
All right, and status is expecting worldly gain.
All right, whether it is in the form of, you know, being addressed in a certain way, or demanding some monetary compensation, whatever it may be. The third is desire of praise. When I'm doing this, am I expecting praise from people, and there's many other signs, but I want to focus on this. There's many other things that we can look at in order to purify our intentions. But these are three things that I want to focus on. You see, sometimes we say that I'm doing this, and I'm not even expecting any money in return. Okay? Like, for example, a person might say, I'm helping my parents. And you know what, I don't expect them to pay me. But I want them to at least respect me.
That's problematic. You understand? Likewise, we say things like, you know, I'm giving this person a ride, they should have at least this much decency to say properly in my car and not leave their garbage in my car.
Because they should at least respect my car.
You understand? Or, I'm helping this person learn the Quran. So when I see them somewhere, at least they should look at me in the eye and greet me and not treat me like a stranger. You understand all of these situations? There is no monetary compensation. We think if we're not taking money in return, if I'm doing something as a volunteer, my intention is sincere. No way. Just because we are doing something as a volunteer that doesn't guarantee the sincerity of our intention. There are many other things that can corrupt our intentions also. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Dalai Lama Al Quran Wa sallahu, La Habra Hill Jana.
Learn the Quran and ask Allah for Jana through it, over the ASR Lama who Coleman before a certain people learn the Quran, and they will learn it and yes, Aluna be hit dunya they will seek through it, the world meaning the benefits of this world.
So basically, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is discouraging us from seeking dunya through the Quran.
On and he said for email Khurana Yetta, Allahu Salah certain three types of people learn the Quran and each one of us needs to look at ourselves three types of people learn the Quran, because when we are learning the Quran sometimes you think you when I learn, I can teach others I can conduct a HELOC or I can put this on my resume or I can, you know, help somebody this or that. So, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said three types of people learn the Quran. The first is Raju, LOM, you bear he be
a person who shows off by it. It's all a performance. It's all for the purpose of showing people I know the Quran, I know the Quran,
whether it is quoting an ayah here or there, or it is really emphasizing one's Maha image when we're saying words, whatever it may be a word you don't you buy he be He? Secondly, Rod human Yes, can you be the person who learns it in order to eat through it, meaning make money through it, earn money through it.
And the third is Roger lun Jaco Hulan
the person who reads it for the sake of Allah, meaning, it's not a performance. It's not for the sake of gaining importance, or fame, or approval, money, worldly status, there's no such desire, it is purely out of love for Allah, in order to gain His approval, in order to remember him, in order to increase in one's rank before Allah in order to have a higher status in the Hereafter. This is sincere.
Now, this is just the recitation of the Quran, right? But every other aspect of religion also, whether it is Salah, or it is any form of charity, we need to ask ourselves, Am I doing this so that people can watch so that I can get some importance so that I can get some fame so that I can have a good name? Because if that is the case, then we're signing up for great loss. We're signing up for great loss because Allah says foul booty Lucha Moholy sallahu Dean, Intuit beginner I have five women, we're not only in Alia, but Allah who mostly seen Allah who did. They were commanded to worship Allah, how making worship sincerely for him only. So every time we do something good, we are
doing something good. And we begin to look around expecting some form of approval from people. Right? Or maybe support or praise, then remind yourself Lilla Go ahead.
Okay, the question is that legit, erroneous, that could be the second category, which is about a person who learns it in order to make money through it. Is that wrong, then? Whether it is that a person is teaching and making money or that we are going to somebody learning and then paying over there? Is that wrong? No, it's not wrong. It depends on the intention. What's the primary intention of the person? Is it just a money making business? Or is it really what the goal of helping people learn the Quran, you understand? There is a difference in mentality over here. If the goal is business and money, then what happens? Then what happens is that I'm not going to teach you because
you didn't pay me. I'm not going to entertain any questions because it's outside of the time. Right? The goal, the primary intention is the money. All right, and a person could be earning money through it. But that's not the primary goal over there. Because you see, a person could be doing any job. You understand. It's an obligation on the person to support their family, on a man especially, he could be doing so many different things, but he chooses to learn and teach the Quran because he wants to spread the knowledge of the Quran. You understand?
Islam Allah, I have many friends who teach Quran. And when I talk to them, they tell me that if they teach the Quran for free, they are not taken seriously. But if they charge them people, you know, they come on time. They don't take days off. This is their experience. So a lot of times people are forced to charge because the children and even the parents don't take them seriously. Sorry to say that.
So the reason why I mentioned this is, you know, sometimes we're doing something as a volunteer, right? We're helping out at a conference at a Muslim event at the embassy
They may be and we're doing it as a volunteer and we take it as if we are doing a favor to the organization.
Right? We're doing a favor to them because I'm not taking any money in return. This is my favor to them. No, it's Allah's favor on you that you were given the opportunity. So just because we're not taking any monetary compensation in return, that doesn't guarantee the sincerity of our intention, it could still get corrupt, when we are seeking instead of money importance, when we are seeking instead of money praise when we are seeking instead of money respect, or whatever it may be. So for every action, what is it that we need to focus on maglie Salah hood Deen, Allah says Allah unquestionably limma he for Allah, a dino Harless, a dean, the religion which is a heartless the
pure one here or you people for Allah is a dean and heartless, pure religion, meaning pure worship is only for who for Allah, meaning it is his right, Lulu he means it is the right of Allah. What he deserves, is nothing other than pure, sincere worship. In other words, Allah is too great that insincere worship should be dedicated to him.
It doesn't benefit the status of Allah, that we offer to him in sincere worship. Allah
is pure and he deserves only what is pure.
How and why? Because he is a Holic, he is Anwar hid, the one who is unique, and who shares his his status with no one else who shares his greatness with no one else who shares his perfection with no one else. So when he is such, then what is he deserve pure worship. And this is why insincere worship is rejected by Allah subhanho wa taala. Think about it. You know, as a human being even, we think that there are certain things that we are worthy of, right? Like, for example, if you go to a restaurant, right, and you are paying for the food, and not just for the food, but for the good experience also, which is why you're paying a very big price for the overall, you know, food and the
experience. I mean, generally, how much would food cost one serving? How much would it be maybe 10 $15. But here you are paying $50 $60. Why? Because you want the best, isn't it? And when you get your food, and the pasture seems reheated,
right, or the sauce, it doesn't taste that good.
What do you say this is not fair, isn't it? I deserve better than this. Because if I'm paying so much, then you better give me what that money is worth. Correct? If you're buying a drink and the seal is broken, do you go and return it?
No. Why? Because it's not fair. Because what is inside the bottle may be contaminated. So if you're paying for it, you better get what 100% Pure. So when we demand such for ourselves, what about Allah subhanaw taala. When Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, He been heartless unquestionably, for Allah is pure worship.
When you're like constantly focusing on whether this is for the sake of Allah, or if it's the correct intention, then one of the other objectives that comes out of it is that you're a lot more conscious of Allah Subhana Allah. So in the Quran always talks about how, in order for us to become meticulous in order for us to become pious and stuff. And I realized that one of like, just by paying attention to the intention of what you're doing, or trying, struggling to make sure that it's for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. That's also another thing that comes out of it. Yeah. And then it really, it helps you draw closer to Allah, because it's so easy to get, you know, to do certain
things out of habit. And when we're doing it out of habit, our heart is not in and our mind is not in it. We don't really benefit from that action. But when you focus on the intention, then it helps you become more conscious of Allah and it really helps you enjoy the benefits reap the benefits of that effort, and that is drawing closer to Allah. So Allah Nima, Dino heartless, pure worship.
Allah is deserving of it. None other than Him.
as deserving of pure worship, what is pure worship that is free from any shade of Schick, any shade of Rhea of showing off? So worship is exclusively for him since he gave all that we have. So all we should be is for who? For him, he is worthy of sincere worship. Allah Allah Allah Hibino Hollis and a deal Hollis pure religion we can also understand this as Lim nahi meaning it is Allah's right, as in he legislates a dino Hollis, it is his right to legislate. It is his right to command. When Levina and those who in the * do they have taken mendini he besides him Alia are close protecting friends only out plural of Wali. Now only our auto applies to friends. Does this mean that we are
being condemned? We are being discouraged from having any friends oh Leah over here we lie over here is awfully bad. Only out means Gods okay. So those who have taken others as their only meaning the worship them, what do they say? What reason do they give what justification do they give? They say man not now Buddha when we worship them, meaning the only reason why we worship these other beings besides Allah is in that except you are rebooting now. So bad they draw us closer you are rebooting now you are reboot from a robber you are reboot to draw close to draw near. They help us draw nearer in Allah to Allah zoo far in proximity in rank in closeness, the resume fuzzy lanpher as Laughner as
luffa, alright, it means a position of nearness. Alright, so we worship them, so that they bring us closer to Allah in rank.
Meaning through them, we draw close to Allah, through this idol, or through the saint or through this righteous person, or through this prophet, or through that angel, or through that person. We are drawing closer to Allah, they are our connection. And the typical example people give is, if there is a king, and you want to access them, you're too little, you're too insignificant. How can you gain access to them, you have to go through somebody. Right? So that somebody is a prophet of Allah, his family, or another righteous person, whoever it may be now logically, okay? It makes sense. But this is not the heat.
Why would a person think like this, that we need others to gain access to Allah subhanaw taala. This comparison is wrong. A cube is a human being, isn't it? He's limited in his time, in his abilities, in his compassion in his concern, in his generosity in his resources, right. He needs to be bribed. He needs to be persuaded because he's a human being. He's imperfect. Who is Allah? The Perfect One A Samir Eleni right? Allah.
Allah is not like his creation. Allah is Holic he he is all he created all he knows all. So why do you think he would listen to someone but not listen to you? Earlier we learned that Allah subhanaw taala even responded to the request of iblees IBLEES asked for respite and Allah gave him respite.
This is Allah. So we don't need connections in the middle. And if we're taking connections in the middle to reach Allah, then this is not the hate.
So the justification of shake that people give Manabu to him in LA Leo curry, buena illallah, his OLFA and we see that whether this is shake that was done in seventh century Makkah, where it is shipped that is done today or somewhere in between or before after anytime ship is done. It begins like this. These idols are just are these gods or these people or this gray or the person in the grave is just a means for us to draw closer to Allah. Allah subhanaw taala refutes this over here in Allah indeed Allah Yeah, como Boehner home, he will judge between them. Fee concerning ma that which home day fee he entered the elderly phone, they differ being the differences that people have
concerning Tawheed. Allah subhanaw taala will judge between them when later in the hereafter.
Judgment generally when we think of it, we think a judgment tells
As who is right and who is wrong,
isn't it? Who is guilty and who's innocent? This judgment doesn't mean that Allah who will tell on the Day of Judgment, who was right and who was wrong, was it the people of their hate who were right or was it the people of Shivkumar? Right? Because Allah subhanaw taala has already informed of that, isn't it? This is why He sent the Quran right to tell us what though he this was shaky so that we avoid chicken we follow their heat, isn't it? So, this Huracan has already been done? What is this referring to hukum is a judgment that is implemented, that is carried out. So in the Hereafter, when Allah subhanaw taala will accept the worship of the washy deen and reject the worship of the
Mushrikeen more hating people of the hate Mushrikeen people of Schick then what will happen, then, judgment will be established, it will be made clear, it will be made evident to everybody who was right and who was wrong.
This doesn't mean that it's not clear right now. It's clear right now also. But despite the clarity people rejected, and it's amazing how the people who believe in the Quran, people will recite the same Quran. But still they will go to a grave and worship the person who's in the group, they will prostrate to him,
asking him for help. They will slaughter an animal for in order to gain the pleasure of righteous person so that they can intercede or they can request Allah subhanaw taala on our behalf. It's amazing. So in Allaha, Jacobina, Han femur home fee of telephone, how will this happen, when Allah will accept the worship of the more hidden and reject the shake of the Mushrikeen? Because we see that on the Day of Judgment, one of the first cases that will be brought is of who, three people, the first of whom will be a reciter of the book of Allah.
And Allah who will remind that person I gave you this, I gave you this, what did you do? Meaning you were sent in this world and you were equipped with many blessings? What did you produce? And he will say, I learned your book, and I read it in order to gain your pleasure, and Allah will take your lying, you did it so that you would be praised and you were appreciated by people and you would be called such and such. So you got your award in the world. Now you've got nothing and the person will be dragged to hellfire.
Because the intention was not right. The intention was not sincere. So in the La Jolla, como Bay, no home female home fee of telephone in Allaha. Indeed, Allah Maja de he does not guide Minh the person who who are he is Kathy one a liar to file an extremely ungrateful one.
What is it mean? Allah does not guide the person who lies and the person who's ungrateful. What does it mean by that? You see, Allah subhanaw taala offers guidance to everyone.
Allah offers guidance to who everyone because remember there are different types of hedaya Right? One is he Daya is Shad is Shad is direction meaning knowledge. A person is guided is directed towards the truth.
A person is directed towards the truth.
Within 10 feet, we are not going to be all Muslims. But show off is a part A minus ship is short culture is so common. People use usually pray very slowly in front of people when they're alone. They're doing fast, very fast Salah and when I was asking somebody that I had a new clothes and Farren new clothes every day, and under that buyer, someone was saying that no IVR only PGn multi shift for the whole week. I said why? If I have to show to someone, then I will wear my clothes. I said, Boy, you have to get clothes for yourself. We were alive. Of course. First Temple Allah then for yourself that you Allah has given you clothes, you feel good for it. We're wearing new clothes,
my PJs, under the wire for whole week. I was surprised I said why this was true. If we dress nicely we dress in order to please people in order to impress others if we clean our house that is also to impress other people. We saw people conscious, hungry for their approval, hungry for their approval. Salam Alikum because I was talking to my friend who's of the Hindu faith and she was explaining to me how they have intermediaries in like their church, you could say Right? And so she was saying how you can give like money and things like that and they'll like, push what you want to their Lord, right? And I was thinking Subhanallah to myself because what are you going to do when you're by
yourself? And it's like odd hours of the night and you need your help from Allah. As Muslims we can just make the
I to Allah, but she has to go to some random person who's going to take your money, so that they can make to offer you. But for us, we can just connect to Allah anywhere, anytime, within no monetary needs, you could be poor in you could pray to Allah. So I thought that's amazing what we have? Yes, very true. Yes.
In the Catholic religion, they have so many saints and like, they call fathers and you have to go to them to rid yourself of your sin and in so many faiths and Subhanallah like, it's so beautiful in Islam, that the poorest person, the richest person, regardless of your status, what you mean in this dunya like, your connection with Allah has absolute you need no human beings between you and Allah And subhanAllah that is so beautiful, and it's so rare in other religions. Because your worth as a human being is in relation to your god to your Creator. It's not determined by your money. It's not determined by your knowing certain people, your acquaintances, no, it's determined by your
relationship to Allah subhanaw taala. Right. And Allah subhanaw taala is Al Karim al Majeed always accessible one. Go ahead.
I feel that Allah is so great, but he still listens to us, and what are we like we're so so insignificant, but he loves us so much that he subjugated the moon, the sun, all of this question just for us, and he responds positively to us. And we can reach out to him anytime we want. Like, that's amazing. He loves us so much. And this is why you see Kofa denial is also in gratitude.
Right kofod Over here is referring to someone who's extremely ungrateful and also an extreme denier. Because denying Allah subhanaw taala is essentially in gratitude that Allah gave you so much yet you don't call upon him, yet you reach out to others, you are seeking their approval. When Allah gave you everything, you aren't giving what you have the best you can offer your worship to someone other than Allah. This is the essence of shirk. This is Clifford. So in Allahu Allah, yeah, the man who are carried on Kufa, Allah does not guide the person who is scattered and Kapha. So, guidance is of two types. The first type is the guidance of a shard or direction and Allah subhanaw taala. Offers
direction to everybody.
Everybody, okay. How, in the sense that Allah Subhana Allah has created each person firstly upon fitrah.
And then on top of that, given so many abilities, created so many signs within the universe, created a mind a reason within the human being. And then so many events that happen within the life of that person that make him wonder and think and reach out. Right. So Allah subhanaw taala offers hedaya in shock to everybody Allah has revealed the Quran, Allah revealed guidance Allah sent messengers. There's so many things that Allah subhanaw taala has created has sent in order to guide people. The second type of redial is hedaya tofield. When a person accepts the guidance that he sees when a person accepts the truth that he sees.
Now here we learn in the LA halaya de man who are Caliban kuffaar, these are the two characteristics that prevent a person from hidayah to feel. These are two characteristics that prevent a person from accepting
guidance. And what are these two characteristics firstly, of lying, being on falsehood, and secondly, of denial of ingratitude. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to paradise. And a man keeps on telling truth until he becomes a truthful person, falsehood or lying leads to sin
for God, and that sin, wickedness leads to hellfire. And the person keeps on telling lies, he is upon falsehood, until he is written before Allah as a liar. What is the greatest lie? What's the greatest falsehood? Sure, that Allah has a partner
that someone else is worthy of this effort of mine. This worship of my this is the greatest lie, it's the greatest falsehood. So such people who are upon this falsehood, they're prevented from guidance and comfort in gratitude, denying Allah's blessings, denying Allah
Reverse this is also something that prevents a person from guidance will listen to the recitation Bismillah
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