Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 239C Tafsir Saad 30-33

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The speakers discuss the importance of having a gift from Allah to acquire children, including a worker named Lemon who was given the gift of a worker to help her turn to Islam. They also discuss the use of "araba" and "arare" in the context of actions of Islam, and the connection between rider and horses. The speakers emphasize the value of horses in helping people remember the past and future, and the importance of goodness in building relationships with horses. They also mention the use of "has been" to indicate a period of time, and the importance of "has been" to indicate a period of time.
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Rosa bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim
is number 31 We're Heavener and we gifted leader woulda to the world early his Salah Sulaymaniyah Sulayman early his Salam, who was he near Milan do an excellent servant in now a web. Indeed he was one who repeatedly turned back to who to Allah wa Habana will have now from the root letters while have the Wahiba year Hebrew, Hebrew Latin Heba. Heba is a gift.
And one is you or Heba is used for something that is given as a gift to someone
and to the world on his salaam, what was given as a gift. Suleiman already Saddam Hussein a man and his son and his son, a child, a son, is called a Heba a gift from Allah. Why? Because children cannot be purchased.
They cannot be obtained by one's own effort. It's entirely Allah's gift to a person, if they have been given the gift of parenthood. This is a gift from Allah, where we're having a leader with us with a man and a child, whatever characteristics they're born with, I mean, the parents never choose them. A parent cannot go shop for a child, I want these eyes, those ears that knows this and that I mean, they can try with all this modern technology maybe, but the results are not guaranteed. They never guaranteed.
So a child whatever characteristics they're born with, that is also a gift from Allah, until a man or the Sunnah was no ordinary person. We learned earlier about his intelligence, how well he understood the case that was brought to the world earning center for Farhana Sulaiman, Allah gave the understanding of that case to suit a man or He was intelligent. Now that intelligence that to the man or listener was endowed with that is also a gift.
Likewise, his ability to rule over such an amazing, unique kingdom, you know, in which there were jinn and birds and whatnot. I mean, it scares you even hide today, man or listen to manage the jinn. It's amazing. So all that ability that truly Manor is and I was given the wilderness around could not have put that into a man earlier. As a father, it was entirely Allah's gift. Well, we're having a leader awilda Sulayman. We gift it to the world Sulayman.
And notice over here, for the reader on Islam to have Sulaiman was a favor from Allah. Because to have good children, to have successful children to have intelligent children. I mean, what have we done to deserve any of that? What has any person done to deserve any of that? If Allah subhanaw taala wants Allah can test a person with a very difficult child with a very disobedient child with a very rebellious child, Neil Harley sang one of his sons refused to believe in Him lenti so this was a gift from Allah to download a sedan that he had a son with some Sulayman Allah says Nirmal lived an excellent servant, Yama, Yama is fairly mother. It's a word that was used for praising something
or someone near Milan, excellent servant, who was an excellent servant, either this is referring to that will do any center. The leader center was an excellent servant, which is why ALLAH blessed him with such a man Ernie Sinha. In a rap indeed he was a wild who is a web the reader is someone was aware, he frequently turned to Allah repeatedly turn to Allah. And because of that Allah gave him the gift of Saudi man or his sunnah.
A lot of the times there's parents who instead of being grateful to Allah subhanaw taala for not only the gift of having a child, and the gift of having children with, you know, certain talents and abilities, they tend to take pride in it in themselves. And AleSmith is reminding us here that you know what, yes, there is an aspect of upbringing, but there's only so much you can teach your child whatever they're naturally born with whatever skills talents, they have nothing to do with you. And even if you were born with them as well, how on earth did you you know, how did you get them in the first place? Exactly. And the opportunities that a child gets, I mean, sometimes they are beyond a
parent's ability, really there are a mother or father wants that their child should be exposed to certain things or should not be exposed to certain things should you know get this or get that learn this or learn that but they cannot control the
environment, they cannot control the school they cannot control the opportunities. This is all risk from Allah. So near Mullah Abdul What an excellent servant that Windows seven was, which is why Allah gave him such a man as his son. Now, if we connect this with the previous verses, again we see a test for the wilderness, after the test that would understand this turning to Allah, seeking His forgiveness. Allah subhanaw taala forgives him. Not only that, he blesses him with more gifts in this world, a greater responsibility of Khalifa more guidance and then a son likes to lay man on his center.
Secondly, near Milan, the servant over here can be understood as to the man or the his salon Like father like son because many habits children pick up from their parents without even you know, parents deliberately trying to teach their children so nierman are blood an excellent servant so a man was in a wild indeed he was also a wife, when he repeatedly turned to Allah, just like that with early Salam did, or the road on Rob we have read this early alto I told you the meaning Hamza, well, ba, a Weber
is to return. It basically means Rudra. See the word a Word file, it shows repeatedly again and again. Another the word in ABA is to return again and again. That's the word the meaning of the word itself. A web gives us two benefits. Firstly, a word is used for a living being, and meaning a conscious intelligent one choosing to return
meaning he has the option of not returning, but he chooses to return.
He's living it's a deliberate, conscious action.
And secondly, the structure of the word a word, it shows that he turned repeatedly how in obedience in praising and glorifying Allah seeking His help seeking His forgiveness in no uleb. Now an example is given of how he frequently turned to Allah. If when early barley, he it was exhibited upon him Roadable iron rod araba. Another is to show something make it visible presented.
And the earlier I lay he, it was presented upon Him meaning before him before who before so a man early his Salam,
meaning it was displayed in front of him and earlier, but it was displayed when this style is used module it gives the benefit of enormity
that what was displayed before him was not something small. It was something huge, massive. What was displayed in front of him was not just a few things, but many things. In the early, early one it was exhibited before him. Remember when a man is like his father was also a prophet, and a king
and a king.
So what was presented before him Bill Aashi in the afternoon, late afternoon, remember the word Arshi refers to the time afterwards over until nightfall or until Fudger so you're talking about us some time after also time Maghrib you know late Mercury brucia and some take it all the way to find your time so evening night both are she this incident, however, happened before sunset, as we will see in the following verses. So in the evening, they were displayed before him what was displayed before him a Seraphina.
A softener poised horses point of the word Seraphina. And what is Seraphina? Soft Serafina from the letter salt for unknown is used for a horse when it's standing on three legs.
Okay, the word Serafina is used for a horse when it's standing on three legs. What about the fourth one, the fourth one is kind of up. Or it's just that he's resting on the hoof or the edge of the hoof of the fourth.
Okay, so saphenous I mean it's very elegant. One is that you know, boring standing on all four and the other is a you know to pose in a way right there posing and it really shows a lot of elegant soft finance. And these soft enough we're not just good to look at in the way that they were standing blood Seraphina also applies to horses that are of the noblest breed. When it comes to horses breed matters a lot. Sorry for being racist, but it matters a lot. Because depending on the breed, depending on the genes in other horses either Swift, strong
wrong or not? That's just how it is. Okay, so anyway mobilus read swift a foot, this is what softeners are and Al jihad, jihad, racehorses. Jihad is a plural of the word Joab. Have you heard of the name? Jawad. So Jawad means racer, okay, one who runs really fast. It's from the word Jude, Gene Wilder. Jude is basically to spend generously.
You know, person when he's spending generously he's giving here here here quickly, he's just giving, he doesn't keep things with himself. They come and they go quickly. So this is when your Jawad is a racer, one who's very fast one who's very quick. So lgf, our race horses, horses have the highest speed swift footed steeds. So these horses that were presented in front of him exhibited in front of him in the evening, before sunset, these horses were soften out when they stood, and ageod when they ran. So when they stood, they stood as Serafina very elegantly. And when they ran, they ran with speed. They were very fast. So in these horses, there was beauty, strength, speed, everything
combined. And that is what you want in a horse.
But what do we know about horses are we never take interest in that house set.
So when it comes to horses, all of these things matter, the elegance, the beauty, the speed, the breed all of this. So every good thing. Every plus point was in these horses for color. So he said Soleimani Sam, as he's watching these horses, they're displayed in front of him. They're running back and forth. They're standing and they're running again, as he sees them, he cannot help but say that in me Indeed I do. I love
Heidi, the love of God, what is hate? How is good, something that is good. But the word is also used for wealth, we're in the holy have been highly lash added. Right? Hate is used for wealth. In Tanaka, hi, Iran, then oil was a year to validate will occur even if a person leaves higher meaning some property wealth. And hold over here, specifically is referring to horses.
Because horses are one of the best properties a person can have.
there is this this connection that a person builds with the horse. And it's amazing how I was watching this video the other day, and the person was saying that, you know, when your horse is trained, and you're in sync with the horse, it's a relationship that you've built with the horse such that the horses feet become your feet,
the horses front legs become your front legs, it's as if the horse becomes a part of you. So there's such a deep understanding a very deep relationship between the rider and the horse between the owner and the horse. You know, the man was walking with the horse, alright, and he was showing how he was walking fast and the horse was keeping up with him and all of a sudden he stopped in the horse stop. And then he's walking really slowly and the horses also walking very slowly turns right and the horse turns right. Literally every action of the man the horse was following.
Anyway, horses are one of the best properties that a person can own. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam also said there's a hadith and Muslim Dharma that
I'm highly mockery. benowa see how Jairo Li Yan will try
horses are such that good is, is attached to their foreheads until the Day of Judgment, meaning they are a source of good. Goodness is attached to horses forever. Meaning even if we have cars, and we have every mode of transportation available to us, horses will have value because the fact that they are horses. And is that true?
Exactly. They're so expensive. People who love horses, they just love them like anything. So horses have their value, they are really high. And so the Monterey CERAM. When did he live 1000s of years before us. So from that time until today, and this will continue until the day of judgement horses will always be valuable. They will never lose their value. They are hired. So they not only said I'm set in me back to help them highly. I love the love of good. I love the love of this property. What do we mean by this back to her? Was her becoming twice
because you got to emphasize her but then if you just say once and I hit Belhaj I just love good. I mean it's boring, but in the eye
above to I love the humble Hi, I even love to love horses. Me I love them so much. All right, I love the fact that I love horses. What does that mean?
I love them dearly. Right? So I love indeed I love the love of good. I'm victory rugby. I'm because of due to the thicker of my Lord, the remembrance of my Lord. I love these horses, because of the vicar of Allah. What does this mean? I love them. Because they help me remember Allah, they remind me of Allah, they helped me do this.
And is that so? That when you see something beautiful, when you see something valuable when you appreciate something, it becomes an excuse for you to appreciate Allah subhanaw taala it becomes a reason for you to remember Allah.
Like for example, you go to a botanical garden for instance, and you're looking at all of these flowers you love flowers, even if you're not very passionate about flowers, but you will go and look at them why because they help you do that. You go to the lake, you go to a beach you go to a mountaintop you go somewhere out in the nature. Why? Because it helps you remember Allah. Now the Rhoda on is it used for Tallinn Tallinn as in Reason? Yes it is. In the Quran we learn in so to talk about when I can still follow Ibrahim Ali abhi Imam Murray that in Ibrahima is some self forgiveness for his father. Why I'm married that is because of a promise. So in the Quran, the word on is used
for what because of due to All right, so in the doctor could bill Heidi and victory rugby. I love to love these horses. I just love these horses, simply because they helped me remember ALLAH, Hatha until and as he was saying this, the horses were galloping, running back and forth in front of him. Dawa to Bill hijab Dilwara it disappeared. It hid behind, meaning the horses hid behind their hijab, the veil to Wallet while while Yeah, the word were up from the same route. What does it mean behind all right, and the wire what the tie at the end feminine referring to horses sloughing at jihad, so feminine is used over here. So talara they went and hid meaning the horses disappeared Bill hijab
into the curtain.
What curtain is this? What screen what veil is this? Basically, it's describing that the horses were out of view now.
Maybe there was a hill. Maybe the planes were such that as the horses ran too far. They were hidden from his view. Or maybe they were taken back into the stables, right? They were not in his view anymore. Had that not been hijacked. The horses were not in his view anymore. What did he say? He said what do ha bring it back? You took them away too soon. They've gone too far off. I can't see them anymore. Bring them back from the letters rather than Radha to return something so who do ha What does Hereford two horses bring them back I lay Yeah. Before me bring them back to me. I want to see them again. Make them go up this way for coffee calm. And then as the horses came back to him,
he went to the horses and puffy he began he set out for fell off to Africa is to set out to do something suddenly meaning that people weren't expecting this from him. All of a sudden he began must hand he began stroking he began wiping must What does must mean what you do must have your head. You wipe your hands over your head. You do massage over your socks. What do you do you wipe your hand over your sock right? So must when he began stroking the horses with his hand where the silky after legs Sook seen while cough, there's a plural of the word sock sock is used for leg for a creature for an animal and when this word is used for a plant, it refers to the trunk or the stump.
So he began wiping his hand over their legs when are now I knock is a poor enough. What does it refer to neck and that is what you do to your horses, especially when you're training them when you're building that relationship. You know, the instructor will tell you again and again touch it, touch it you know especially on the neck on
To like, show your horse, your appreciation at Horse competitions or horse sales and things like in auctions and things like that. One of the ways to check the horses health is also to check by running through their neck and their legs to make sure there's no like bumps or lumps or anything. And it's just to, like, again, see how healthy the horses and how well it was bred. And it's just, you know, they're better and faster that way. Yes. And especially for building that connection. You see it as if he couldn't help except show his admiration and love for those horses. First of all, he's saying he cannot help but comment. I love them because of the fact that they helped me remember
Allah. And then he goes, and he touches them.
He goes and he touches them. And this just shows how important physical contact is. When you look at your child, when you look at any child, and you want to show them your appreciation, don't just stand there and smile. You know, especially if it's a child from your family. You go touch them, you go pat them on the back, rub them a little bit on their head, you know, do something that physical connection is necessary. It's a part of expressing love.
So for toffee, commerce, Hamby Sookie, when are now what do you see over here in the character of Solomon, Ernest?
Was he a web? Yes, he was. He is looking at the horses admiring the horses and because of the horses, who is returning back to Allah subhanaw taala.
Another very beautiful thing we see over here in the character, absolutely man on his salaam, his soft side.
So the man on Islam is generally portrayed as a ruler, a king, someone mighty, someone who control the jinn. And so he must be very harsh. No, he was firm. He was strict. But at the same time he was loving.
Look at how he's must have the soupy whether or not he's touching the horses patting them on their necks and on their legs.
The SIR InLight by Jacob, Risa dominion and Charlotte should be coming to Toronto very soon. I was watching a video about it are all kings, butchers or meat.
Right? This is how kings are portrayed right or thought of the idea of butchers.
Butchers, as in they are very oppressive, or they become meat for others.
The only way to survive is that you become a butcher if you're not a butcher, you become meat for others. But today man on Islam is that exception. He is that exception. He was given the best kingship the best kingdom, the most supreme worldly powers that any human being can have, as we will see any king can have. And yet he had this tender side. Yet he had the soft side. He actually loved horses and he's going and backing them and putting them
these verses have been interpreted in another way also.
And what is this interpretation? He saw the horses and for Carla in the back to hook Bill Haley and victory rugby he said that indeed I have loved the love of God mean the horses. I love them too much. I've been watching them to the point that they I'm the creator of be this love. It took me away from the vicar of my Lord.
You understand? So I'm over here gives the meaning of taking away from like we learned the Quran familia Hadrian, Medina you California on camera he they keep away from his command. So in the back to
the Crabby this love took me away from the remembrance of my Lord. And some of us you don't have said that this was before sunset. So he was supposed to pay Salah to us, but he was busy watching the horses. And he loved watching them to the point that he missed his prayer that allowed us to build hijab and to our rot it is referring to the sun that the sun, it got concealed in the curtain, meaning the sun set the sunset, he missed his prayer does this happen with us
than a person gets so busy? You know, watching reading, cooking, eating, talking, and he's so engrossed in it that he forgets the prayer. So something like this happened with a man or his son um, so he said he would do ha and I hear he said, bring the horses back to me. For toffee comers handy. Sookie will Anakin over here. Must has been interpreted as that he began slaughtering the horses.
Okay, he began slaughtering the horses Bisou people are now another word, he just simply slaughtered those horses because they distracted him from ALLAH. So he gave them up.
All right, and this would not be a waste of wealth because anything that distracts you from Allah, it's better that we give it up for the sake of Allah and
Allah will replace it with something better.
This is similar to how Imam Buhari he threw away the 1000 dinar to protect his honor for the sake of Allah for the sake of preservation of Hadith. Correct. So that throwing away 1000 dinar was not a waste. And of course, if animals are being slaughtered, it would be understood that the meat would be given in charity because perhaps horses were, you know, halal even today, they are considered Halal by some groups. Regardless of whether they're halal or not at that time, there must have been halal and so the meat would have been distributed amongst the people.
Those opinions are there. And remember, there are only opinions right? From the sunlight in the Quran, we don't really find any solid proof to show one is stronger than the other. However, when you look at the text, what flows more easily.
The first one is special because of the word must Han Mercer is not used for slaughtering
muscle is to wipe.
And when horses are slaughtered, they're not slaughtered in this way, wiping over the next and the legs. Allahu Arnhem, whatever it was, in either of the interpretation, what do we see? In the first one we see in the chapter on the Kirby he is watching the horses and the horses are reminding him of Allah. The second interpretation of the horse became a distraction. He got rid of them in order to turn back to Allah. It interpretation what it shows to us about a man on his sternum is the fact that he was
a while.
He used his resources, his gifts as a means of drawing closer to Allah. And if they became a hindrance, then he removed them from his way
let's listen to the recitation of these verses
while Habana.
near Milan
is rhodium Barling he'd been launched this year for fina
for coffee farmers
be sold out now.