Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P23 235C Tafsir Al-Saffat 11-28
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Surah sulfat is a murky surah. And as we can see in its style, it's very powerful verses are short vocabulary, the Arabic is very strong. And the message is very clear, right at the beginning, many alts are taken, especially by the angels performing various roles, whether it is their organization and discipline, when they're worshipping Allah subhanaw taala, or receiving the orders from Allah? Or is there a residual of the other creation in order to ensure discipline within the creation? Or it is the recitation after they could the angels are mentioned over here? And what's the conclusion of the author in the illogical, lower head, all of this organization discipline in the creation?
What is this a proof of that? Indeed, Your God is one. Because for everything to work together so smoothly, it's only possible when there is one supreme being above it.
You know, for example, when you study human body, right, your body when you study it, you learn about organs, and you learn about systems, isn't it? It's one of the first things that we learn about the human body. So for instance, the digestive system, right? Now, so many organs are connected, working together, it's one system, correct? When you look at this world, also, when you look at how the water system is, the water, the atmosphere, clouds, everything is connected within a system. And we see that life in this creation is all interconnected. And what does it show that each is cooperating with the other and that would not be possible unless and until there is one supreme
being above it all? Because if there were two masters, if there were multiple masters, or there were no masters, then what would happen? Chaos. So in my Eli haco, lower head, indeed, Your God is surely one. And this is also a refutation of the false belief of the Mushrikeen concerning the angels, they consider them to be divine. Over here, it's made obvious that no, the angels are not divine, who are they? They are allowance servants. And then the skies are mentioned that how Allah subhanaw taala is the Lord of the earth. He's also the Lord of the Skies and everything that is between the earth and the sky. And an example is given over here of how the skies are protected against the sheltering.
And it's such protection, that even the sheltering cannot escape with a little bit of information. So well guarded the skies are and again, this is a proof of Allah subhanaw taala his existence, His power, His rule over his creation, and then in iron number 11. Allah spent Allah says first 50 him then inquire of them ask them, meaning these people who deny you ask them for stuff to him is dusty is from the letters
try again.
Father, how no way not her? Because him is the meat.
Wow, wow. Are ya for the year or fatter? Well, fatwa. Alright, fatwa, what does fatwa mean? What is fatwa mean? averted? Alright. So it's tough to remember into to Nyssa? Yes, that's to NACA. i They seek a verdict from you. So first off to him, inquire of them. Ask them, ask them for a fatwa.
When he asked these people, what do they have to say? And how are they a shed do Hello Can I should do more intense, stronger, more difficult, Hong Kong in creation, meaning in their form or to create or manhole? canacona we have created ask these people who are deniers of resurrection that are be a stronger creation? Are they more difficult to create for Allah subhanaw taala? Or is it the other creation that Allah subhanaw taala has created? Compare a human being to a mountain which one is stronger, mightier, more difficult? It's the mountain because it's bigger, right? Compare a human being with even the moon or even you know a forest or so many other creations of Allah subhanaw
taala which are far greater in size, far more complicated, intricate, so among Kumbhakarna Angel Jibreel what do we learn about him? He has how many wings 600 wings. Allah says in India
EAD we HELOC on our home we have created them who these people who deny you name from team in clay that is last sticky. We have created these human beings from sticky clay, the word Dean from the letters thigh yeah known is used for mark that is wet. And basically when you mix mud with water, all right, what do you got clay
and then with clay you can make different things. So this is what clean is laws. It On the other hand is from the letters Lanza, you BA and Lazuli is to cling to adhere to something. Right? The word loves him. What does Lazar mean? Masoom same thing to adhere to something. So Mazoon loose zoob meme is changed to ba the meaning is the same. to cling to. So maintain a lousy claim that is sticky. What's the meaning over here the intended meaning is that the physical creation of the human beings is far more fragile than the creation of other things that Allah subhanaw taala has created. So people are reminded of their humble origin, as if we are being taught that do not behave
arrogantly by rejecting the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam by rejecting the Quran because the fact is, that you are indeed a weak creation into profit if 57 Allah says local personal wealth you will all be Akbar human happiness, surely the creation of the skies and the earth is greater than the creation of the people will not kidnap the onesie Laya or the moon but most people they do not know. Unless has been rather argued that you wonder, you Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you wonder and what is it mean by Egypt from iron gene ba IGP is basically the state of a person upon finding something strange and unusual. When you come across something that's strange, unusual,
you are amazed, you are shocked or you are impressed. So then I did. Here you are, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam amazed amazed at what in all of the Qudra of Allah amazed at the creation that you witnessed that you see, amazed at the power of Allah. And what is the reaction of these people was huddling while they mock? It's amazing. I ever mentioned in the Quran, examples are given in the Quran. And when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam witnesses then when he sees them when he hears them, what is his state, amazed, amazed by the Quran? And what is the state of the deniers they're laughing at the Quran? They're mocking at the Quran, as if their hearts are unaffected. This
can be understood in another way also that Bella agenda you wonder meaning you are amazed at the denial of these people. And and what is their state? Yes Haroon they go on mocking mocking at work at your amusement, what Eva and when the killing they are reminded lawyers karoun They do not remember whether it is a reminder of the Hereafter, a reminder of their own weakness, a reminder of Allah's power, any reminder they are given through the Quran, through the shutter or through the comb through the Hulk, any reminder they are given, do they take heat from it? Lawyers guru, they do not heat the admonition what either and when all they see is sign your stress free rune, the
ridicule are your turn, what is an iron?
What is an eye assign? Literally, the word IRA is used for a sign. All right? Like for example, it's also used for a flag because a flag is a sign.
it's also used for miracle. Like in the Quran, we learned the denier said that how come Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam has not been given an idea. I mean, if you think about the Tony out of the Quran, he was given what I was referring to a miracle, a tangible miracle. So what Eva can when they do see a miracle, like for example, any miracle that was given to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam like a splitting of the moon, right? So when they see a mortgage as a what is their reaction? Yes. Does he rune? They burst out in ridicule. Notice the word yes. Does he room earlier we learned? Yes. Harun Yes. Hora de mark. Yes, dusky rune either extra letters here. Then what
Does it mean there's extra meaning here and what is that extra meaning that they go even further in their mockery? You can own a facility they are crossing all bounds or limits of decency in their mockery. Yes Coloring can be understood as their mark meaning they laugh by themselves and yes the screen when they call one another, they bring the attention of each other so together they mark their burst out in ridicule what either Oh,
yes, this rune will call you and they say in her in not have add this in there except special mobian and obvious magic. I mentioned to you the story of Waleed bin Maria earlier of how he described the Quran as magic, because magic it affects a person. So let's say that he, he completely changes.
One day a person loved his wife and because of magic, what happens? He doesn't want to see her face. Right? It's amazing. One day a person is very calm, everything's fine. And the other day he's bursting in anger, what happened? He's completely changed. So magic changes the object the person on which it affects like for example, the magicians they threw their sticks and their sticks turned into, into snakes, right? This is magic, it changes it. So they describe the Quran as magic. Why? Because the Quran changes people, it transforms them, it changes their thinking, it changes their behavior, it changes their speech, it changes their outlook on life, their attitude, their dealings
with other people, it changes people. So they say in her mother in law see from Medina, this is nothing except obvious magic in the Quran is all brainwashing. This is how the machine described the Quran and they said oh, what is our one neat now, we have died, what cannot and we have become Terada dust, we have turned into dust, pain is wet, to rub is dry, meaning we have completely decomposed and reduced to dust Turabian worry ramen, and all that is remaining all of us is just aroma and bones in there, what indeed we meaning them. Number one, surely we will be resurrected? How is that possible? So they say in their denial, Eva myth, now we're coming to rob and we're
environment, inanimate.
And then they further say, what, what are the owner and our forefathers also?
The early ones, the first ones, meaning those who died long time before us, who are further more decayed, even barely resurrected. So they say all of this in the denial in their mockery. And we see how, by seeing a miracle or by hearing the verses of the Quran, they are only increasing in their disbelief. What is the response? Allah subhanaw taala says three say, tell them now? Yes, yes. What does it mean? That indeed you will be resurrected, and your forefathers too, will be resurrected? Every human being will be resurrected without exception. Now
look at the confidence over here. Look at the confidence because what happens generally is that if somebody is disagreeing with you, and in their disagreement, they start making fun of you and they start taunting you. What happens? Do we lose our confidence? We do. And we say yeah, maybe if I mean I believe it? I guess so. Yeah, I think so. It doesn't are broke. I don't know what it means. Okay, stop asking me. All right. But look at the confidence over here. Allah is telling the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you tell them now, yes. I mentioned to you the story of the man who came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam with an old wizard born and he waved it in front of the face of the
prophets of Allah said I'm asking him that who can bring this back to life where he or Amin at the end of Surah, Tia scene we learned about it. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam was told to respond to him that yes, Allah is the One who will resurrect who will bring these bones back to life. So all now I'm yes, we're I'm Tom and you, Bahai rune. Ones who will be rendered contemptible Delphi Iran is a clone of the word data. And data is from the letters dal ha.
The whole the whole means a shot the Seraph extreme smallness, meaning when something has no word
has absolutely no value, no rank, no status, no worth whatsoever.
And it gives the meaning of for its weakness, Villa, humiliated Shikara debased. So I'm Tom sofiero own meeting Yes, you will be resurrected, while you will be utterly humiliated, the based contemptible, meaning you will lose all power you have, you will have no control over your life, your death your state, nothing whatsoever. Interrupt mahoe 87 Allah says we're Quinlan attleborough das he read all will come to him humbled.
If you think about it,
in this world, in this life Do we have any freedom we can stand however we want we can talk however, we want we can sit wherever we want, we can walk we can go, but on the day of judgment until that you know you will have no power because each person will come empty handed. No money. No food, no clothes even nothing no control all alone. What until your own and how will this happen? For innama? Then Indeed, only here it will be xojo Rotten a shout. That is where hidden one, a single shout out a single blast. Look at the word Zadra. We learned Azeroth earlier. Remember the meaning of Zadran? What does that mean? to instigate to cause something to move? Right? How they overtake the sweet by
creating a very strong, loud, powerful sound.
So Zed your tongue Wahida tone, a single blast that will literally wake the dead up. And this is referring to the second blast of the trumpet. Because the first blast NEFA Hola. What will that do? All those who are alive shall die. And then after a period of 40 What will happen? Another blast of the trumpet, and then everyone, all people shall be resurrected, so exaggerated Wahida one call for either than at once home they young room they will be observing at once all people shall be alive awake, watching in astonishment in bewilderment at the horrors of that day, will argue and they will say meaning the same deniers they would say Yeah, way Lana or war to us, Hava yo, Medina. This is
the Day of Recompense. What happened? It actually came true. Yeah, way. Lana, what does ya mean? Oh, it's Nida. And we say oh, when we're calling somebody and also to express amazement, astonishment, and way Lana Wayne What does way mean? This is way Lana. Right not while okay, this is way way and Lana
All right, Lana meaning for us. And way what this way me husband, way means his grief.
So all our greatest sorrow meaning a war to us or we are in so much trouble. Yeah. Wait, Anna, how are they young Woody. This is the Day of Recompense. So when they will see for themselves they will admit, but it will be said here that this young woman Firstly, it is the day of judgment on fossil. They will be told yes indeed it is the Day of Recompense. But it's not just the day recommends It's the day of fossil. What does fossil mean? Final Judgment, what judgment, such judgment that separates between right and wrong.
So that is the Day of Judgment, meaning that will separate between people. Now, on the Day of Judgment, people will be separated according to what? according to their
deeds. Right? Because in this world, people are mixed together.
Aren't we are all mixed together, in the sense that a person could be very pious, a person could be very wicked a person could have the best of luck. Another person could have the worst of luck and all such people are living in the same family. Right? They are moving together. They are working together. They're sitting in the same place. But on the day of judgment. Yo microfossil It's the day of separation. It's the day of final judgment.
unless he come to me he took us Dibble, Allah the that which come to you used to be whether it took us the boom, you used to deny meaning all your life what were you doing denying this day. But now this day is a reality and there is no escape, it will be set or shuru The angels will be ordered, sure to gather from hashes, hashing and hashes together from different places into one place. So gathered together who am Levine of one or more those people who did one? Which one is this shit? Because in the Shilka Laval mineralium indeed shit is surely the greatest or the great injustice. This one is also covered denial, denial of Allah denial of His messengers, denial of resurrection.
In total clan I have 13 Allah says in the schicken a woman Irene and in surah baqarah I have 254 Allah says well curfew Rana, Hamas volley moon, who are the volumen it is those who deny so or surely Ladino varnamo Those who did vote, whether it is the womb of ship or the womb of coffin, gather them all together, because all people will be there on the Day of Judgment. You can imagine what a large gathering it will be people dispersed through the area of hashing. So from among all the people gathered together who both have Schick and those of Kufa, but not just them, what as well, Jehan, and also there as wedge. And not just there as well, but also, one I can well, yeah,
we'll do one and that which they used to worship, three, three things are mentioned here, gather that people have them. Secondly, also there as whatch and 30, that which they used to worship together, gather them, and then take them to their destination. Notice over here,
the people of zoom and there as Watch now as well discipline off Zoet. Generally we translate this as spouse. But what if there is a mystic person, for instance, and their spouse is a believer, then will they be taken to the same place just because of the fact that they were married to them? You understand? Like, for example, for alum who was he could almost fit on? Right? His wife was SCF. She was a believer, right? She was his soldier. No doubt she was in the world. Now, if at all is going somewhere, why should I see her be taken there? So what does it mean by as wide over here? As watch? First of all, remember, it means spouse, all right. And it's referring to those spouses which were
upon the same religion, which had the same belief, like, for example, Abu Lahab, and his wife, did they share the same hate for Islam? They do, both of them did. And many times majority of the times actually families are together in their beliefs, they have some shared meaning they have some shared purpose. So another, you know, vulnerable, what, as well as your home. And basically what this is telling us is that the Mercy Keane will be taken together as families
along with their idols to their final destination, because a person will be with those whom he loves. And in this is utter humiliation, that when a person is in trouble themselves, and they see their family in trouble in difficulty, and they cannot even help their family and for a husband, especially when he cannot even help his wife. This is utter humiliation and disgrace. So or shouldn't Medina Roland? Was why Jehan then, and the whites together as families, but this isn't the case where the whole family was upon the same religion of Sheikh of Cofer. Right.
Because of course, we learned that those who believe then will our Eco move out, they will be kept far away from *.
Now the word as wedge, it doesn't just apply to spouses, but it also applies to friends or those similar ashba Associates, meaning those who are similar to someone. So one who is similar to another
or there is some friendship, some bond, some connection. So as well as your home refers to their associates
See it their friends, their companions, those who are like them, regardless of which time which place they lived in? Or what family they belong to, regardless of that, what matters is their belief their deeds, one or can we are withdrawn and also that which they used to worship. Min Dooney law besides Allah, meeting the idols, the false gods they worshipped besides Allah, gather them also fair do home and then guide them, guide them where Illa to words serratus Jehane to the path of hellfire. Take them where? To the path of hellfire. This is very interesting. fagu home hedaya What does it mean to guide to the destination? That's the literal meaning of the word hedaya Right. And
you see Suraj Jehane the path of * because the same people that were shown slaughter Mr. team in the world, but did they take? No in fact they mocked at it, they made fun of it, they denied it in their arrogance. So now they shall be taken on slate auto dream. What are ya the biller? mendini la heat fair do home er Serato DJ Rahim well and be full home. Stop them.
What before them and stop them meaning Wait, don't take them yet, before they are taken to * stop them before they fall from the letters while Kapha work is to stop, so stop them. Why? Because it no harm indeed they must all loan wants to be questioned. Must all employment the word must all and must only is one who is asked one who is interrogated. We don't take them yet to all they have to be asked about their deeds about their statements about their actions. They must be questioned about their crimes. Like Allah says in the Quran for Rob beaker, learners alumna whom edgy Marine, then by your Lord, surely we will definitely question all of them. Can we I'm alone about that which they
used to do. So what before him enormous honor, they must be questioned. And now as they're stopped, they're silent.
They're afraid to talk. So Allah will say, Malcolm, what is wrong with you? louder now saloon, you do not help each other? How come? You're not helping each other? How come you're not defending each other, supporting each other? When in the world? You used to help each other a lot. Like for example, a family. The members of one family don't defend each other don't deceive each other. They do funds don't they speak up for each other trying to defend one another or together they do something to save themselves. But on the day of judgment, these people will not even do anything to help themselves or to help somebody else why? Because they will know that there is no use. So they
will be asked Malecon Lawton house Haroon, what is wrong with you? How come you do not help each other? Meaning where is your affection? Where is your love? Where is your friendship? Where is it? Intuitive Amariah 44 Allah subhanaw taala mentions about the people who deny that they said national Jamia on Monday.
We are a group who is helped meaning we help each other. We support each other. So on the Day of Judgment, they will be asked What's wrong with you? How can you not doing anything? To help each other raise your loved ones your friendship is here because of this love and this friendship that you denied the truth that you marked at the messenger Bell rather home day a young man aroma this day that day today? Must Asli Moon ones who have completely surrendered on that day. They shall be in total surrender. Mysteriously more notice it's not Muslim on must thusly moon because extra letters means extra meaning is this lamb K is stiff. It shows mobila meaning complete, total
submission and surrender. They will be totally compliant. The same people who are arrogant in the world who did not believe who disobeyed Allah rejected the messenger when they're stopped in order to be questioned. How do they respond more seriously more
They offer complete submission, but the submission and obedience will not benefit them at all. So what will happen? We're up Abella, and then up to Burleigh, he will turn bow to him, some of them are bowing to others, meaning they will turn to each other, they will approach one another, why? Yet Assa alone, they will ask each other, meaning they will turn to each other in order to question their questioning one another. In other words, they will argue, they will accuse each other. You see, the little sympathy they had for one another, will also be finished over here. Before they enter how we're up to the rebuttal boom, Isla Bowden, yet Assa alone, meaning they will turn against
each other, what will they say all they will say, in the come, indeed, you can come you used to the donor, you would come to us, meaning you would approach us and in here mean, from the right. The followers will say this to the leaders because they are together, right? Homeless word for them and their meats, their associates, those who were similar to them, those who are like them. So it's the leaders and the followers. And earlier we learned about the word yes, those who don't, that they call each other together, mark at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So on that day, they will turn against each other. And they will say, the followers will say to the leaders, that it's your
fault, you used to come at us from the right, meaning in order to misguide us, you approached us from the right now what does it mean by this? You approach this from the right, you mean?
You mean literally is right hand?
Right, right hand and the right hand or the right side? It has many connotations or many meanings. All right. So for example, one meaning is, remember the Arabs when they would do their version of istikhara trying to decide what they should do and what they should not do? They would release a bird, right? And if the bird would fly to the right, that would mean good luck, do it. And if it flew to the left, it meant bad luck. Don't do it. So right side for them meant good luck.
Good side, the right side was the good side.
All right. So you use to come to us from the right meaning through what we considered good.
Meaning, you convinced us to follow you through what appeared to us as something very good. But in reality, it was not good. You portrayed it to us as if it was really good, but in reality, it wasn't good. Let me give you an example advertisements.
How do they work? Do they tell you, I have this drink this yogurt drink, which I spent in spoons of sugar, and it barely has any milk? And in reality, it's not even made from real milk. But you give it to your child and he will tell them this and this and this. Right? But will they tell you the facts?
Yes, never. They'll never tell you the facts. What will they do? They will portray it as very good. Write a drink that is full of sugar full of chemicals and full of things that should not even be described as food. They say heavy energy drink, right? Or for example? In what ways do they describe these things in very different ways. They hide the reality they portray it as something very good, whereas in reality, it's not that good.
So this is how you misled us Do I really I mean, you were calling us to idol worship, you are calling us to hellfire. But you portrayed us as something very beautiful. You convinced us using tools using lies.
That do not know
your name also means you know right hand because majority of the people are right handed, isn't it? When it comes to writing when it comes to doing anything majority of the people use the right hand. Right. So the right hand for the Arabs. It also symbolized Hawa, talk of strength,
right strength, power. So that turned on I really I mean, meaning you're pressurized and you forced us in the name of established religion and custom. You pressurized us. You literally enslave
Thus, you didn't let us use our own mind. You didn't let us think for ourselves. You controlled us. And if we even dare to question, you pressurized us, you bullied us into your own beliefs. Look at how frowned dealt with the Sahara. He threatened to kill them, but they remained firm. Look at what the machine did in Makkah. They physically abused, tormented and tortured. So many people, if they didn't spare Mossad been made of the Mohan who, if they didn't spare Abu Bakar of the law, and who if they didn't spare a lot of their loved one who who would they spare nobody? No Muslim was safe. So that
mean, now the word you need another meeting is thoughts. Okay, what's a man or a man? Or it's so you used to swear to us that you were upon the truth? So we just followed you blindly. We just listened to you we didn't think for ourselves but rather we trusted you in concurrent on that tune and I nearly Amin another meaning is from the right meaning from the side of the truth
meaning the truth was there hate the truth was to follow the Prophet salallahu Salam and you came exactly from that side meaning you prevented us from it you stopped us from it. Alright in the Amin meaning against the truth. So in the concomitant to mana annually Amin, the followers will be in the leaders. The children, for example will be in the parents. The wife, for instance, will reign laws bend