Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 211D Tafsir Luqman 6
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Remember the truth Laquan is a murky surah and murky Surahs what is their main theme? What is their main focus, though hate faith, right? Belief, morality, o'clock, a dub and the actual laws. They are contained within with Sutras, the Medina and sutras. Right. So Surah Look man, if you look at it right at the beginning, the Quran has mentioned that how the Quran is the source of guidance, and that those who live by this Quran, those who take guidance from this Quran, it is those people who are successful in this world as well as in the next world. And then another group of people is mentioned, who do not pay attention to the Quran. In fact, they turn away from the Quran. And they
don't just turn away from the Quran. They also take others away from the Quran, that anyone who is being influenced by the Quran what do they want? They want him to get away from the Quran. So on the one hand are those who who are more skinnin Who done while Ramadan then Marcin in the Quran is a guidance and mercy for who those who listen. And on the other hand, there are those who may study law will Hadith those who purchase idle talk, those who purchase amusement of speech, meaning speech, whose sole purpose is just amusement entertainment, distraction from what is more important, and what is the objective over here, Leo Lin Nan subete, Allah belaid here to mislead people from
the way of Allah without any knowledge and the way of Allah the Quran, the religion of Allah, that is mocked that by such people, what is the consequence of such people? Allah eCola, whom either one morphine for such is a humiliating punishment for the more skinnin is what success they are mostly home. And for those who fill their lives with idle talk, what is their consequence? Hola, eCola. Houma urban Maheen a humiliating disgracing punishment meaning a punishment that is going to disgrace them that is going to humiliate them. Now we discussed a little bit about law one Hadith, what is the whole Hadith? Look at your notes, what is the meaning of Lawwell? Hadees? What is low?
Low who is
distraction? Okay, I gave you the meaning of life and then off low. So what is learning?
What is life?
Play? Right? Is there any specific definition that I gave you? Yes.
What I gave you?
Yes. Okay. Children play Yes.
Okay to do something useful without any purpose, right? Without any good reason. Meaning you're doing it. It's not like you're sitting idle, you're doing something. But you're not going to get anything out of it at the end. All right, this is Larry. Now live in itself, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Right? Like, for example, even if you're coloring something, okay, you're doing it for a project. Okay, that's not Larry. But if you're doing it just for the purpose of, you know, relaxing your mind and as a therapeutic exercise, or, you know, a chance to spend time with your family, then this is not Larry, even though it is Larry, meaning you're not going to get a product at the end.
But it's not necessarily a bad thing. Right. But such activity can become bad when it becomes a distraction. When it distracts you from what is more important. All right. Like, for example, you have a phone and you're reading something on it, you're reading something on it so that you can increase in your knowledge, which is very, you know, unlikely that somebody would actually read something on their phone just to increase their knowledge. But anyway, you're reading something, you're going to increase in your information, maybe, but that information, how relevant is it to you? Even if it's, you know, you could argue it's irrelevant, or it's not relevant, it's irrelevant.
But if it is distracting you from your work, then is it a problem? It's a big problem, right? If you've got your assignment to do if you've got your test to prepare for, but that whole time is going in the phone, then that phone is what low? All right, because it's become a distraction from you. It's diverting you from what is important for you at that time. And Hadith in itself. Hadees it means speech. Right? Talk. So Allahu Al Hadees meaning from Hadees. From speech, from conversation from talk that which is a distraction. Meeting, every talk is not low, but some talks can become low. All right. So the objective over here of bringing the whole hottie
is what? Leo Lilla John Seville Allah to distract people from the way of Allah. It's something to keep people away from the Quran from the way of Allah. It is something that's going to preoccupy people that is going to busy people that is going to occupy their minds and their hearts so much, that they're either not going to pay attention to the Quran, or even if they do pay attention to it, they're going to be distracted from it. That instead of having time to recite the Quran, instead of having time to reflect on the Quran to study the Quran, the time is going in useless entertainment. And then even though a person is engaged in the worship of Allah still the mind is not there a
person is not present. Why? Because the whole hadith is still distracting them. Lille, Milan, Seville Allah, what happens as a consequence, a person also weigh at the Hida, whose Allah a person also makes fun of the religion of Seville Allah, he marks at it, he doesn't take the religion seriously. He doesn't even have any respect any sanctity for the Quran for the religion, that he begins to mock at it. And such are the ones for whom is a humiliating punishment. Now that we've understood the meaning of love will Hadith Tell me, what are some of the ways in which we have learned one Hadith in our lives, or it could become a part of our life distracting us from what is
important? We need to identify, right? We need to identify what exactly is low Well howdy so that we can consciously avoid it, because if we don't avoid it, it's going to become a barrier between us and and the way of Allah. Right. So what are some of the forms of law? Well, Hadith? Go ahead.
Okay, you know, for example, a person is so obsessed with a certain show that even at work, they're thinking about it, even when they're doing the assignment or thinking about it, and then they're just wondering, you know, what's going to happen in the next episode or in the next season or in the next show? That now the whole time is going in Google searching and reading reviews and, and all of that, right, okay. Any other example
okay, such conversations, literally such conversations which are aimless, right, which include backbiting, which include, he said, she said, which include he did, she did, right? This is going on that is going on talking about others. This is also the whole Hadith. You know, for example, you're sitting with your friends to do a group project, you're supposed to be discussing the assignment that has been given. And in the library, you're sitting, as you know, you tell your parents, I'm at the library and your mom is so happy. You know, my daughter is so hard working. It's 8pm She's still in the library, you know, what can I do for her? And there you are sitting with your friends just
talking, talking, talking, talking.
Alright, somebody raised her head.
Hmm, games, and you don't have to purchase video games. Now. All you need to do is just download a game on your phone, on your iPad or something and it could literally consume you for several hours. It's amazing. Yes.
Okay, music and songs. Because the wordings the lyrics, the way it occupies the mind the way it affects the brain the way it you know, makes you move your body, you know, it kind of makes you heedless, careless, yes.
Okay, it's not just TV shows, it could also be certain books, right? That a person is reading. But those books are not necessarily best in terms of vocabulary in terms of, you know, your reading level in terms of the information that you're gonna get out of it. It's just garbage. Right? It's basically garbage. I remember when I was growing up, there was, you know, series of books. I'm not going to mention it. But basically, everybody used to read. And I remember my teacher, she would say, don't read these books. They're garbage. They're garbage. Why? Because the language is not very good. It's not helping you. And secondly, I mean, the content
it's useless. I remember my teacher telling me it's garbage don't read it.
Another thing that you mentioned was following big names, you know, celebrities or whoever they are, where they're going, what they're wearing, just obsessing over their over their actions over their clothes over their work, just obsessing over it. Go ahead.
Just spending too much time, for example, on social media, right? Or even things like you know, chatting, filling everybody's phones with WhatsApp messages in forward and all groups, all of them. And then in the morning, when you open your phone, it's like 150 unread messages.
Honestly, I've been contemplating this, I think I want to delete WhatsApp, I've been thinking about that, you know, that feeling of freedom that I think I'm going to really experience and enjoy and appreciate just being that, you know, free. You know, a lot of people there request me, can you please be more active on your Facebook page? And I'm like, No. If I have something useful to share, I will. I'm not going to post for the sake of posting. You know, there's a lot of information out there that you can read anytime, really there is. I don't want to fill the lives of other people with something that they can get from somewhere else, something that that's already there. Why
fallston repost and share and reshare and keep spreading information over information just filling our lives so that we don't even get time to think no time with ourselves.
Yes, you don't like people get addicted to different things being addicted to for instance, the internet,
literally being addicted to it. That the moment we go into somebody's house, the first thing we ask for is what's the Wi Fi password. We've been discussing talking about things which are irrelevant. The thing is that the excessiveness of field will call Kayla, it was said and Carla, he said basically he said she said this happened that happened. Whether it's in the form of speech or in the form of texting or typing or in any form, what this does is that it hardens the heart.
It hardens the heart. So much so that a person first of all, he begins to feel, you know, it's like you become desensitized. Big things happen. People are getting killed. People are dying, people are getting hurt. So many big things are happening and it doesn't even affect the person anymore.
It doesn't even affect them.
Right. So over indulgence in anything kills the heart, it hardens the heart. And when the heart is hardened, then a person is distracted from the way of Allah then he can even make fun of the way of Allah. way a ducky that Ha hoo XUA so whatever form of Lawwell Hadith it is, this is something that we need to be conscious about. Yes. Yeah, I mean, had these specifically talk conversation, but even certain habits which do kill the heart, which weaken the heart, which hardened the heart, like, for example, just eating
even though a person is not hungry, right? I mean, it's understandable. Sometimes we have cravings, but constantly, you know, it's like, you need to do something, you haven't done anything productive all day. So at night, you don't want to sleep. So then what happens, you read something, it doesn't satisfy you, you go and you eat something that doesn't satisfy you, then you want something that doesn't satisfy you. All you need to do is do something meaningful, to feel satisfaction so that you can go to sleep in peace.
Students, I hear it in the high school too. And from parents too, because parents are doing the same thing. So people are checking their phones till the very last minute. And then the young kids are used to having their tablets and things away. So people are not able to sleep at the right time. They're sleeping with lots of load. Young girls, this friend said this, this this, this has happened back home. It you're getting like overload of information. And then you can't even sleep well. And then you get up and then right where you find out what's happening wherever. And once again, you have no control over it, but it brings extra anxiety on you. Yeah, so they say for the parents, the
best thing is at this time, put all the gadgets in your own bedroom and charge them there. So your children will not have access. And the sooner you do it, the better. Because whenever you start, it's going to be a challenge. But it's an ongoing challenge for everybody at this time. Yeah. And I think each person needs to be our parents could be forcing these limits on us. But we need to take responsibility of ourselves, right. Your time is your time. Your life is your life. And it's precious. Your mental health, your mental well being is for your own good. So take care of it. Don't fill your life with garbage. Don't fill your life with so many things that you don't have time to
breathe. You don't have time to reflect you don't have time to think.
Because the thing is that when you fill your life with all of these things when we do that, like I said it hardens your heart. You forget yourself
isn't it? You literally forget yourself you're so consumed about others, what they're doing, what they're saying what they're writing, what they're wearing, where they're going,
that you stop working on yourself, self improve
meant there is no rule for it. And those who forget themselves, then what's the result of that? Total destruction? Right? Because a person is not careful about what they're doing, what they're not doing, how they're progressing, where they're lagging, a person is unaware of himself. And Allah subhanaw taala warned us against that, that do not be like those who have forgotten Allah, because then they forgot themselves and hola eco those people who will ha see rune they are losers. Those who forget themselves are losers. So, Lawal Hadees what does it do? distracts a person from Allah distracts a person from oneself, and as a result he is misled belayer in a way a ducky Da Hua so
desensitized that he even makes fun of the religion of Allah, Allah eCola Houma Addabbo Maheen for such people is a humiliating punishment and then look at the effect what either took gnarly i Tuna one lamb was stuck around when the Verses are recited, he turns away arrogantly got a Lumia SMA as if he didn't even hear them. Cut undefeat will donate he walk around as if there's a burden in the ears, deafness in the ears preventing him from even listening to the Quran.
You know this whole thing about his music haram or halal, right? Just think about it this way. If
you know a person is listening to music, right song and music, and I'm not just talking about song and music even too much nasheed believe me too much machine even. What it does is that it prevents you from the Dhikr of Allah.
It prevents you from the Dhikr of Allah. Trust me, I've seen this happen. I remember in my car, I used to play a CD off the 30 year just for my kids. Okay. And Alhamdulillah I saw the effect of it, instant effect of it, how quickly mashallah, they were memorizing certain solos and reviewing them. And then what happened in a sheet CD came? Okay, once that new sheet CD came, that was it. They wanted to listen to the sheet. It's harmless. It's hella right. But then what happens? First of all, the words are difficult for kids to understand, right? And even if they're all there, they don't fully really grasp the meaning. Right? Then what happens you get so used to listening to machine
that what happens is that you find Quran boring.
You find Quran boring, this happens. So alhamdulillah then I removed the CD, it was in the trunk, or it was falling on the other side of the car. And we're basically taking a break from it, to break the habit. break the habit of listening to machines. I'm not saying listening to machines is bad. The problem is once you listen, and you get used to listening, you want to listen more and more and more. It's addictive. Right? It's really addictive, and it prevents you from the liquor of Allah.
This is the problem. You know, insert the Sharla at the end of sort of the show about we learned that poetry is not unlawful, isn't it? But there's one condition that's mentioned over there. And what is that? Those boys who remember Allah much they have to do the Dhikr of Allah. Because if poetry if song is more, and Quran, vicar is less than that is a problem.
It will definitely be a problem. So the fact of music is that it doesn't let you enjoy the Quran anymore.
Really, you know, it's like if somebody is used to listening to music, the sound of music, then what happens if they listen to a plane the sheep right so plane, there's no beat, there's no fun. You understand? It sounds boring.
So then why would they enjoy the Quran?
I used to listen to the Quran when my children were small. Now they are over 20 So what happened was I used to listen to Quran when I'm cleaning the house cooking and exactly I found some my children they don't know the meaning of the Quran that they just used to listen with me and one day I by the heavy store or I don't know the other restore CD CD song here. Muslim song. Yeah, so sometimes it's Hello. They said the fourth children always when I go to the store, I look what good for the children. So I saw the English song the English story. So I used to put it on their time. Some time I listened to Quran some time I bought the Muslim song for his story. So they grow up like that.
Sometimes they listen to their Quran but they also listen to this song. So they get used
They know the meaning the English you know, so they more listen to the song instead of Quran Yeah and also Saturday Sunday to go to Quran class right? They so stop listening the Quran get used to that now right now even my children when they cleaning and washing the dishes, they put in the song that go with the song they said the Quran. Yeah. So even if I told them why listen to her, they say, Mom, I understand more this. So they could use the so if they get used to you know, yeah, don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying don't listen to the sheets. I love new sheets. I myself, listen, I think they're a very good way of, you know, educating people. You know, there's so many basic facts
about our deen, which still today when I have to recall them in my mind, I think about the machines that I learned to learn those facts, right. Like for example, as a child, I learned an issue about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in which all of his family members were mentioned. So till today, sometimes I get confused with the names of Bhutan and Abdullah manipulative, right? Because it sounds so similar. So who's the uncle and who's the grandfather? I recall the words of the machine in my head. But anyway, it's a very good medium of teaching of learning. But the point I'm making over here is that if good Hello, innocent nasheeds can prevent you from the Dhikr of Allah. What do
you think about vulgar musical, obscene songs? What do you think about that? I'm not saying Halal haram. I'm not getting into that. Just think about it. Just analyze it. If innocent stuff can prevent you from the remembrance of Allah, what do you think about vulgar things? Are they not going to prevent us from the the code of Allah? And if the heart is void of Allah, they could, then what do you think is the state of that heart? Yes, this Dominica was my own experience, I was trying to memorize Quran. And there was a very good drama play was coming. And my daughter said, Mommy, this is of your choice. So I started watching it, it was just experimental, and good subject. So I was
struggling watching the drama. And believe me, my Quran was going out of my mind out of my heart, and I was seeing what's happening. And there is talk, of course, that again, started Quran experience, whenever I watch something on Facebook, any just clip, or a song, My memorization left behind, so now I've just stopped everything because either Quran can stay in your heart on your mind or dry mouth on a sheet.
Thank you. Yes.
The machine is aware of that. That's true. I mean, you do they could have Allah in your conversation you can do they could have Allah even through poetry? Absolutely. But what kind of they could do you think is better, saying the God that the prophets have a lot of centum taught that they could through the recitation of the Quran reflection on the Quran, or they could through the words of an ordinary person, whether they are ourselves or somebody else, whose way is better? Right, the way of the prophets on a lot is in them, that they can through the Quran. So you see, everything has to be within its limits. Right? The problem with singing excessively is that it doesn't let you feel
satisfied. You know, it's like there's certain foods which are not certain there's so many now that they are engineered literally, that in such a way that when you eat them, you don't feel satisfied. But the taste is also so good, you don't feel satisfied. So you could literally eat the whole bag of chips, the whole bag, literally, and you still don't feel satisfied. You know the feeling.
You have to force yourself to stop ice cream, even. You start off with one scoop and another scoop and then you're like, forget it, man. Let me just take the whole box, right. And then you sit in front of the TV with the whole box and a spoon and you just finish the whole thing.
It's engineered that way that you don't feel satisfied. This is the problem. Same thing with singing. It just doesn't let you feel satisfied. And the recitation of the Quran is such that it brings you a sense of achievement, a sense of accomplishment. I'm not saying that you just read a short tour and you're like done. No, but when you stop, you feel like you've gotten something.
You see this welcome to NFE all the way you walk around. This is what happens. It kind of plugs your ears, it plugs your brain, it plugs your thinking. It doesn't let words of wisdom go through.
It doesn't let the Quran go through.
Also, remember Sheikh Abu Issa mentioned in his class about salah that when the event is being said it shouldn't be so like melodious or I don't know how to say that word that it takes away from the actual event itself. It should be like to the point
And it's the same with the Quran that like sometimes there's so much melody that the Quran like you're humming the Quran, and I mean reciting it in a beautiful way this is something that's part of the Sunnah it's encouraged actually, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam even said that whoever let me at the London noble Quran fillet Samina you know like you don't just read it like this quality in a fee her word Allah you have gone well, what are these? What her Can you recite it? You know, this is why it's still our it's recitation, you have to beautify it, beautification of the voice in the recitation of the Quran, that is part of it. But it's just all part of it. It's not all of it. You
understand? Our focus has entirely become on what? Sound voice the tune. Sound like? I have a question. I've heard in more than one massages, especially for taraweeh some recitations that were so beautiful people would come to hear just that one person. So the massages and I've heard it happening more than once in different massages, that they asked that person to stop like they got someone else, because they felt people were coming more to hear that person's voice than actual Sonali. So is this wrong to come? Because you like how someone recites or I mean, everybody has their own preferences. There's nothing wrong with that. But if it becomes, you know, almost like
that person is being harassed, they're not being given a break, because people are getting angry that why is he not resigning? Or that others are not getting a chance at all, then it becomes, you know, a social problem and that needs to be solved, right? Yes.
When it comes to listening to the sheets, or the plugin, if someone says, The issue there are far more exciting or they prefer listening to it's because the sounds sound nicer or whatever, the only reason why they could end is not affecting us the same ways because we don't understand. Have you understood it? It would have affected us far better once there was a scholar he his students were same thing about trellis they were talking about. I'm gonna go to that master to hear that recite, or did you hear how you say sort of off of so amazing, and then he's like, What did you find his voice exciting or amazing? Or did you find like, what he was reading? That was important? That was
nice. Yes. So more than the voice of the person it's actually the Quran. Right? So the Quran should be the focus.
Exactly the actual content is the Quran.
I just feel a you know, how I don't know is sort of the NASS or sort of FANUC one of them has it that the shutdown put things in our chest different challenges was so sometimes when people are going in the right path and going for travel and stuff, and then all those extra things come out of nowhere, just the chattin one two differences from hearing it one way or another. I mean, whoever is going wherever is mashallah great as it is, even if it's somebody's speaking it is speaking Allah's Kalam so, so beautiful, Michelle. Yeah. And same thing happens when the sheet so innocent, or you hear in a sheet so nice. Who's the artist? Oh, he's the art. Is he single?
Is he married? No, seriously? Honestly, if you ever Google their names, so and so. Wife, so and so. Husband, so and so Married sign so divorced. Why does this even matter to us? Honestly, I mean, you could be living in Spain or all you know, but yes, Sandy come every cop, very famous incident that happened in Kuwait. You all know shadow Pasi is from Kuwait and everyone loves his machines and so he would come obviously it's his country and pretty throw away during Ramadan and people would start fighting for parking at his masjid and you know just forget about the bad and doing trial we can actually fight for parking outside and it's really sad that that happened yeah, that he would go
during Ramadan up to like other countries outside and not paying coins because of that reason.
Well, Amina
see me study law one Hadith really you