Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 206F Review Al-Ankabut 56-59
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so the verses we just heard the conclusion of Solon Caboose is a very powerful conclusion and it basically summarizes the message of the surah that life is going to be difficult. However, Allah subhanaw taala has also given us guidance over here as to how to deal with the difficulties and the challenges we face we experience in our lives. That Firstly, we see that a person must have his priorities is goals very clear in their mind. What is it that I want to achieve? Where is it that I want to get at? What is my destination, and whatever goal a person sets for himself herself. That is what a person must be striving towards. And of course, the ride over there or the hike over there is
not going to be easy. It's going to come with its challenges. But of course, if it becomes difficult, you know, one option becomes difficult. That doesn't mean you quit. Because generally what happens is that if we start something good, we're striving towards a certain goal. The moment it becomes difficult, we think about quitting we think about leaving. What does Allah subhanaw taala tell us over here? Should we quit? No, Allah
Oh tells us Yeah, everybody, oh my servants. What does Allah say Alladhina amanu, those who have believed in early West Sierra, indeed my earth is vast. Just because one option is not working out for you, that doesn't mean you quit, you look for an alternate, you always have a choice, you always have a choice, we limit ourselves, we handicap ourselves to the situation that we are in. Whereas there's always a choice. So in the ugly us era, always Expand your horizon, think about the different options that are out there and try different things. And you know, like it is said that, if you've never been able to achieve a certain goal, that means you've never really tried the right
option, because you've always done the same thing. And because of that, you've never reached your goals. So you have to do something that you've never done before. You have to change your strategy. So look for other options in the early US era. And then how is it that a person stays focused on their goal? Remember, death, good enough sin that equal to remote, every soul is going to taste death. We're not staying in this world forever.
This life is temporary, it's our only one chance that we have to do something to prove ourselves worthy of Jannah. So don't waste this life quitting. You know, this morning, my son, he goes for basketball every Saturday. And it's not been going that well, because other kids are much more advanced than him. So this morning, you know, I told him go get ready. And he said, You know, I'm really tired. And then he's like, I get really hungry in the court. And then one excuse after the other, I'm like, doesn't matter, you get hungry, we'll take a snack with you. Right? And then I explained to him that I understand it's getting difficult for you, but we started something, and
inshallah we're going to complete it. That's your goal. You just want to complete this. That's it. And this is something that we need to remind ourselves of also, that sometimes we start something and if it doesn't go as we had thought it would go as we had planned, you know, for instance, you started the course thinking I'm going to ace every test, and I'm going to do it really well. And then you look back and you're like I still have to make 10 tests, right? I'm five assignments behind. How is this going to work out? Don't quit. Your goal should be to complete what you've started. How many of you were there for the convocation?
Okay, those of you who weren't here you miss the reflection of sister with that. Does anyone remember her reflection?
What did she say? Who would like to share her reflection? Raise your hand quickly, who remembers? Go ahead. As Salam aleikum, she started the one class and she didn't Well what good is doing well, and she started another one and she started another one. And he says she finished two years it take to eight or eight years to finish the course. So she graduated. She tried multiple times to complete a 30 ML Quran course and she wasn't able to. And honestly when I look back at over the I think she's been here since almost the beginning. Seriously, you would see her on the weekend you tear on the weekend. Sometimes you'd see her in a staff her job sometimes in uniform hijab, sometimes sitting in
the English T QA sometimes in order to take you basically every course had some trace of without in her seriously and Masha Allah. She graduated, she didn't give up in this time she completed her university, she got married, she had a child, and then you know, her husband moved to the states and she eventually moved also. But mashallah what you see in her is determination, not quitting. If one thing is not working out. That doesn't mean I give up. This is my only one chance to do something good. You know, once we die, we're not coming back. We're not coming back. So anything good that we can accomplish? Now? Let's accomplish it. Let's do it. Don't feel weak in the middle and don't give
up. Yes, there are ups and downs in life. But a down doesn't mean you just slip and you just sink. No, it means you get up again. It means you try again. And as long as we're living, we have the ability to try again, once we die, then has no more opportunities. But as long as we're breathing. We have many opportunities before us. So remember death Kowloon, Epson, there are two remote Sama, Elayna to Jeroen, and then when we return to Allah, we have to answer for our deeds, what we have done what we have accomplished. We are answerable for that Allah subhanaw taala gave us life. He gave us provision. He gave us health. He gave us opportunities. What did we do with them? He gave us
knowledge. What did we do with them? So just because things are getting hard, don't quit, don't give up and those who keep striving? Well Lavina airmen who are middle slowly had Lenovo we unknown mineral Jannetty huruf and 30 min. 30 Hill and how hard
within a fee here, near merge, you'll add your role and Maylene B and mill.
Mill who is Amil? In some cultures a magician is described as Amil, I'm not talking about that kind of AMA. Okay, I'm talking about Armel as in hard work, hard work, be a worker, be strive, don't just sit down, and who are Emmeline Alladhina Sabado, Wyler of Bohemia taka Loon, those who are patient patient over what? Over the difficulties that they're enduring over the hardships that are coming their way, their patient over the decree of Allah, their patient, and while not being him yet our cologne for trust in Allah, extremely hopeful, never giving up AlLadhina savato One out of Bohemia, Toba cologne. And these are two things that keep us going Sobald and Tawakkol Saba patients over the
difficulties that are coming one's way until Wellcome Trust in Allah being hopeful. And then Allah subhanaw taala gives us hope that why do you despair? How many creatures are there that carry their provision? Do that? They don't. They don't carry their provision. So who provides them? Allah subhanaw taala All right, what can a human there but in the Himalayas, aha, Allah who your zuku Hawa Yakko. So basically our success comes from who
comes from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala. Just like our provision comes from Allah, Allah provides every creature and Allah will provide me also, so trust in him. Don't trust on your limited abilities. Don't trust on your limited strength, trust in Allah. This is also something very important we learned from here. So there's a short video I wanted you to see about hummingbirds. The hummingbird may be one of the most interesting creatures you'll ever see flying around your backyard.
Consider some of these astonishing facts.
A hummingbird hard to beat 1200 60 times a minute, that's 21 times every second.
Their wings beat 55 to 75 times in that same second.
They weigh 1/10 of an ounce and have an incredible range of mobility.
They can fly forward, backward, up, down Upside down, and they can hover in midair.
Hummingbirds feed on nectar from a variety of flowers, nature's way of getting them to pollinate a wide variety of plants. They may visit up to 1000 flowers a day, feeding about every 10 minutes. The Nectar must be at least 12% sugar and the hummingbirds like it better if it's around 25%
like that stuff people put in there hummingbird feeders.
Even though they feed in small doses, they eat their own body weight each day. Besides nectar, they also eat insects for protein.
They spend 10 to 15% of everyday feeding, and the rest of sitting, digesting and watching.
They've perfected the bathing technique preferred by seven year old boys dive in and leave out.
After mating, the female builds the nest on her own. And here's one final incredible fact. during migration, a hummingbird may fly 500 Miles nonstop across the Gulf of Mexico. How do they do this? They live on fat reserves stored in their bodies. Would you believe a body weighing a 10th of an ounce has fat reserves?
Does it provide for itself?
Does it? No it doesn't. Who provides it?
Allah who has given it the strength that it needs?
Allah subhanaw taala
so Allah is the Creator. He is the provider. And he is the one who equips His servants with what they need also. And what is it that the servants have to do? They have to work they have to DO armor? Does the hummingbird have to do its part of the armor? Yes, it has to go from flower to flower to flower and feed. Right? Every 10 minutes. It has to migrate. So we have to worry about what work that we have to do. And the provision the strength, the energy, the motivation that will come from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala the opportunities will come from who Allah so anytime you feel down, just look for this video clip and watch it okay
And think of yourself just compare yourself with a hummingbird say you know a hummingbird is so small and you provide for it you know give me strength do I want the strength as well? The hummingbird migrates 500 Miles flying nonstop give me the strength as well to continue nonstop without a break. Give me the energy also.
And then we see that in the following verses Allah subhanaw taala reminds us woman heavy hitter higher to dunya in LA Allahu Allah. Because sometimes we feel tired like forget it. I just want to quit and take it easy. But even if we quit and take it easy, what are we going to accomplish in this life? Just a little bit of Lo and learn to some amusement and play? Is this real life? No, it's not what in the Donnell law he'll hire one. Real life is where in the home of the Hereafter, because what kind of life? I mean, seriously, what is life if there is death? Honestly, what is life? If there is illness? Seriously, what is fun if you have to sleep, you know, like little children, do
they fight their sleep? Do they fight their sleep? A little too much? Right? Why? They don't want to miss out on having fun. Correct. So real life, True life is that which is without sleep, that which is without difficulty, that which is without death, right that which is free from any hardship, and is that life in this world, not at all. This life is where a higher one is where in Jannah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you know that the return is to Allah and then either to Jannah or to *, meaning then final outcome is either going to be in Jannah or it is going to be in *. There are such residences that there is no departure from their meaning in Jannah. Such
residence from which there is no departure, such eternity, that there is no death. And there people will have such bodies that will not die. This is the home of the Hereafter. A body that will not die a home from which there is no departure.
Also, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, a normal, a whole mouth. Sleep is a brother of death, meaning it's just like death. Right? When you're dead, you're cut off from this world when you're sleeping, then you're cut off from having fun, you're cut off and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Well a&m Will Holden and the people of Jannah who will not even sleep isn't that amazing? People of Jana will not sleep. So this is one tip that I'm giving you. If your children are resisting their sleep fighting sleep, just remind them that you know what in this world you have to sleep but in janma insha Allah there is no sleeping. Right? There's no sleeping there. You can just have an all
nighter just party all the time, have fun all the time.
And then at the end of the surah Allah subhanaw taala says when Lavina Jaya hadoo fina, Lana, Deanna whom Cebu Lana, those who strive in our ways, towards Allah whose ultimate goal is Allah's pleasure, who have their goal set their destination determined, very clear in their minds, and they keep striving towards it and Jahad Who do you have, that exerting all of their ability, whatever strength they have, whatever resources they have, they are exerting every ounce of their effort in which direction which direction, fina towards Allah, His pleasure. Then, Allah's promise Lennar, the unknown sabudana look at the word learner the unknown learner surely, Deanna noon was had that
and remember that law shortly law Motoki, this is basically well law he there is a person that is marked over here there's an oath which is implied over here, that will Allahu Allah He by Allah, Allah will definitely guide such people. So basically a person who is journeying towards Allah striving towards Allah, is he alone? Is he alone? He is not alone. Is he lost? No, he's not lost. Because who's gonna guide him? Allah who will guide him? Lana, Dianna whom sabula Anna? Why? Because we're in Allah Halima Al. Merci Nene. Indeed Allah is shortly with those who do Ersan his help is with those who do exon so what do we have to do to receive Allah's help? Do things do you have
Mujahidin? Utmost striving? And really, we all need to check ourselves that what is what is it that I can do?
And how much is it that I'm really doing? And we have to be honest with ourselves? Because many times when we find ourselves failing, you know, we see that we're not really reaching our goals. We stop
aren't feeling sad, but really check at that time? How much is it that I can accomplish? Realistically? How much time do I have? How much ability do I have? And secondly, how much am I really striving and be honest with yourself? You don't need to be very lenient with yourself, nor do you have to be very harsh with yourself. Be honest with yourself, how much can I do? How much am I really doing? Because my part is to do moja to strive. And secondly, Allah's help is with which kind of people those who do some more sinning. And here again, we need to check ourselves how much or Sign Am I doing? Because many times in times of hardship, we view ourselves as victims, right? We
pity ourselves, we feel bad for ourselves, we feel sorry for ourselves. And then because of that, we think it's okay if we don't do anything good. If we don't help others. It's okay for me to yell back. It's okay for me to be angry. It's okay for me to show some bad o'clock. No, it's not okay. Allah's help is with those who do Ersan not those who do.
Not those who are harsh, it is with those who do good. And so each one of us needs to see that in my situation, what good is it that I can do and focus on that, and when you will do it, Allah who will open ways he will provide opportunities.
And the next surah is with Surah Surah to room and right at the beginning of the surah you know, amazing incident is mentioned over here that really teaches us that our job is to have sub to have trust in Allah and to do our best and the results, the victories the success that comes from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala
Subhana Allah will be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta estafa Luca, what are to be like a salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh