Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 190E Tafsir Al-Shuara 41-68

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Magicians of Africa are demanding a check from the government for a driveway and have been demanding a wage from the government. They also express their desire to have a young candidate forgive them for their mistakes. The Magicians emphasize bravery and their commitment to their beliefs. They also discuss the loss of homes and treasures, and the political and cultural collapse of Iran. The segment ends with a promise to protect people and provide help.
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fell in merger, Sahara to then when the magician's arrived, God who they said leave around to frown. Inna is in indeed Lana for us the agilon Shorty a reward a wage in Kunta if we are nationally ilani been the predominant so they said to frown that look for now, you called us because you need us. You need our expertise. So we're going to perform magic for you. But if we win, what are we going to get? What are we gonna get in return from Santa Clara? He said now? Yes, of course you do have an other I will definitely pay you what in the come and indeed you a then then laminal mocha Rabin, surely among those who are near, meaning you will be very near to me in the royal court. As close

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counselors and courtiers you will be given more than what you're asking for. What do we see over here? The fact that magicians came and they're demanding a wage from for their own? What does it show that for their own needs? Now?

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Think about it. If somebody says, Can you please come and shovel my driveway? I'll give you $50?

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Sure. $50 for cleaning one driveway. No problem. I'll do it. Why are they offering you $50 to clean their driveway? Why?

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They can't do it themselves. They need you. They're needy. So frown is the one who's claiming to be God and at the same time he needs the help of these magicians to defeat Musashi Santa.

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Paula who Musa Musa alayhis salam said to them, I will throw MA and tumble call whatever you're going to throw. Go ahead show your magic. Again. What does it show? The confidence of Musashi Salaam for alto soda through Habana home their ropes Xplore love habit and what is hobble rope. So their ropes their strings, they threw them where you see your home and also their staff seriously plural of asphalt what is asphalt staff rod? So they threw their sticks and their ropes will call you and they said beer is 30 feet around by the might buy the honor of phenom in

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the boonies indeed, surely we are going to be the predominant we are going to win.

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What do we see over here about the magicians, when they threw their sticks? What did they say? Beer is dirty thrown? Why are they saying there is a thief around because they believed in found as their God? It's amazing. Just a minute ago, they were saying you have to give us something. They're studying conditions for their performance. And here we see that they're seeking His blessings by mentioning his name. So it seems that the people of Egypt at the time of Fidel when they began something when they needed help they invoked the name of Iran

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and not just for our own but beer is that if Iran the honor the might the power of Iran.

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Now, what is it that we should do? When we're doing something whose name should we mention Allah's Name? And especially when we need protection? Then what do we say? Although bear is Attila he will code over t because there is a is a safer, it's an attribute. So, for example, we learn in the Hadith that the particular companion Earth man or Bronwyn, who was mine had been a bull as a McAfee. So he said, I came to the Prophet salallahu Salam and I was suffering from some pain that was killing me. Imagine some pain that's literally killing you. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said to me put your right hand on it meaning exactly at the place where you're hurting, and say Bismillah R

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all the beer is Attila he were called over to ye men shall remain do what will have it and say the seven times Bismillah three times and then I will the beers that Allah he will call the Rahim and shattered him as you do. What you have there in the name of Allah I seek refuge in the mighty empire of Allah from the evil of what I feel and what I fear. So it's my honor the Lord who said I did that and Allah healed me. So this dua is the best painkiller and I'm gonna let this dry is available at the bookstore on a small card with the heading best painkiller or something like that. And it's an Arabic English Urdu everything, so inshallah we should also add Somali inshallah and eventually

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other languages also inshallah

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this dua it requires a man from you, with all your faith and conviction you're calling upon Allah, that I have this pain, but I'm seeking protection with Allah His mind his honor, his power is good

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I protect me from what I fear and what I find meaning the pain that I find and the future that I fear. Because when you're in pain, do you have fear? Are you afraid? I think as women, especially we do, right because if you have pain in your knees, you can't just sit down and relax and put ice back on your knees or something to help you know, calm yourself, you are afraid also, the work is piling up, or I hope this pain goes away and it doesn't turn into something serious or something worse.

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So the Sahara the magician's, they invoked the name of brown for blessing at this time for old camo salsa that Musa alayhis salam through his staff for either then suddenly at once here it then awful it devoured from lack of lamb off and lack of is to grab something quickly by the mouth or by the hand. So immediately the snake just imagine just coming at all those teeny mini snakes, all right, and just swallowing one after the other, scooping them up swallowing them in

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May FICON, that which they had falsified yet if you call from if, if because a lie, right? So their magic was alive. They were faking. It is sad that they were around 80,000 Magicians

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right? Now, if this number is accurate, Allah who are them, but how many other magicians there were, if every single one of them through at least one stick or rope? How many snakes do you think were in front of most Artesia men mm 80,000 That's a huge number. Huge number. And look at the confidence of Musa Sam he throws one staff and a DEVAR is all of them. For Olia Sahara to surgery then, the truth was obvious Opia he was thrown a salad to the magician said Dean in frustration because they understood. It doesn't they were thrown down in sojo, they were forced down they were compelled. Although they said bla bla bla mean, we have believed in the Lord of the Worlds Who is he will be

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Musa rune, the Lord of Mercer and how to meet the Lord that Nelson highroller talking about the Lord who was sent that we believe in him. The Magicians were the experts of magic when they saw the miracle. They knew that this was something extraordinary. Allah Frauen said unto Mala who you believed in him in who in Musa Avila before I'm that

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I permitted you. How dare you? How could you believe in Musa before my permission? You need my permission to believe what does it show that people have religious freedom over there? No, they didn't imagine having to seek permission may I believe?

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I mean, this is the level of control that your own had over his people in the hole. Then he accuses them in the hole indeed he meaning masa is like a beautiful come surely your leader your great one cubby is one who is great. He's your elder meaning is your teacher. He's your chief. Right? You've learned all your magic from him. He's your master magician. I love you The one rule I love the one who has taught you magic. So in other words, this is all a conspiracy. It's interesting. Before Fromm was accusing Masada some of bingo magician, right and now he's calling all of this scheme. He says fella solfatara moon but you are going to know what is it that you're going to know what I will

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do with you.

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Now in reality if you think about it, who is actually scheming and plotting who was flying once we saw this I'm okay with a simple message I'll send Marna bunny sloth you write for on is the one who started all of this. So

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he sat low up there and now he is threatening the magician's that surely I will definitely cut off idea come your hands will Audrina come on your feet, my life and from opposite sides when it will suddenly burn marine and shortly I will definitely crucify you altogether. I'm not going into the details of the words because at hamdulillah you're familiar with these words Palu. They said lovely, no harm. What was the response of the magician's love by no harm blade is damage, harm, to inflict harm and loss upon someone. So loudly, meaning you cannot really inflict any harm on us. You can't make us suffer. Because in that, indeed we in our opinion and collarbone to our Lord, we're going to

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return. Meaning even if you kill us in the most brutal way, ultimately, eventually we're going back to our Lord and the real defeat and the real victory is where as you learned in Syria today, where is it? It's in the era

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So now the inner Illa Rabina. Man collarbone. What do we see over here? The bravery of the magician's. You see bravery is to stand up for what you believe in. That is bravery. I believe in this and I will stand up for it. And I'm not going to give up no matter what you say to me, no matter what you threatened me with. I'm not changing my mind. It is said that the opposite of bravery is not cowardice. It is conformity. That's the opposite of bravery. Conformity, that you don't have any resolve any strength in yourself, that somebody threatens you, and you just do what they're asking you to you conform.

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Bravery is being firm on your principles. And this is what we see in the magicians in a la Rabina Moon Kali boon in tomorrow. Indeed we aspire not tomorrow from tomorrow, we hope and former is a very strong hope and wish. Very intense desire, like something that you deeply desire terribly want. So the magician say we desperately want a young Filipina that he should forgive us Robben Island Lord Hatha, Yana our sentence, we really want that our Lord to forgive us our sins. It's interesting, these magicians, how do you know that they've been committing sins all along? Which magician doesn't know magic is wrong? Or who doesn't know magic is wrong? Especially the kind of

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magic that is practiced most of the time and harming other people, causing division between families and friends. Right? I mean, magic is, logically it is wrong. Even if you're doing a trick, right? It's not really magic, just a trick. And you're having a lot of fun idea, the person is trying to guess how is it that you know, what card is facing me? And you're like, you're just telling them, you're laughing. And that's exactly what happens when you're playing those tricks on somebody. You get to laugh, but the other person feels bad. This is just at a very small level. And at a bigger level magic, it's a major sin to the magicians immediately they expressed their regret over their

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sins and they say we really want that Allah should forgive us, how Pollyanna our sins, and cumnor. And that meaning because we are a well woman in the first of the believers. We hope that Allah will forgive us because we are the first to believe. You see, Eman in itself is a cause of forgiveness when a person believes that his sins are forgiven. And secondly, we see that when a person is ahead in doing good is the first one to do good, then that is also a means of forgiveness for his sins. Because generally, what do we do we keep waiting for others. Let them take that first bold step when they will do it, then we'll also follow the crowd. All right, but the ones who really dare to take

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that first step to take that plunge and others follow them. They're the leaders, they're the pioneers. So for them is forgiveness. I'm cumnor Are women what we need. Now after this, what happened for home he did kill the magician's, all the magicians because they had believed he felt so insecure and so angry that he killed them all. And Musa al Islam. He remained in Egypt for several years. And we learned that in this time, He admonished for our own. And because of the disbelief of around over and over again. trials and tribulation were sent up on the people of Iran. And we've learned the details of that earlier and sort of half about how the locusts and the lice and the

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frogs and all of that blood when that happened, what was the reaction of it all? He asked Masada Sana you pray to your Lord remove this from us and when it's removed, then yes, we will know you are really a messenger of God and your God is a true God. And then we will let the Bani Israel go but each time it happened for around didn't believe he didn't let the bunny is right you'll go. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed to musante Salam, O Hanaa, Isla Musa, and we reveal to Musa and ESRI that travel by night, a city from the word Israel and Islam is a mushy Leyland to walk to travel in the nighttime. So leave at night very badly with my servants in Nakamoto. Brown indeed you will be

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pursued. So be prepared.

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Be prepared for many challenges coming up ahead.

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Now think about the situation that the Bani Israel were in.

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They were living in slavery, facing the oppression of Rome. And Allah subhanaw taala tells Musa listen leave with them, take them with you. But remember when you will take them with your frown is going to follow you meaning it's not over.

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It's not all over yet. The fact is that each time we're taken out of a problem, problems are not eliminated from life.

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They are never eliminated from life. Because as long as we are alive, we will suffer. Remember this we will be tested. If it's not one difficulty it will be another if it's not one test it is going to be another certainly. So in a comfortable home so be prepared for our salary rounds of round sent Phil Medina in in the cities. Hi, Shireen gathers. Now again, he's sending people to gather others. This time he's sending his mysteries to gather soldiers, great numbers of people to capture the Bani Israel and bring them back because a buddy Israel had fled in the night now and for all found out he didn't want to go alone or with just a few people he wants to take as many people with him as

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possible. And he said Indeed, how old are EVs meaning these Bani Israel? They are the shear the Mattoon surely a small band Alioune very few should have the sheen raw mean, four letters should have the man is used for a group of weak and helpless people. Weak helpless, they can't even defend themselves. They've got nothing to protect themselves with. It is at the oven. She robbed them old torn rags. Really old clothes. Really old. Like almost rags. What will happen if you try to put them on, they'll get raped before you can put them on.

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Many boys what happens with them their pants, they always get ripped from their knees. Sometimes what happens? You see those pants and you just touch them and you try to feel them. And before you know it because you were trying to feel them you made a hole in them. I've done this with my son's pads. I mean, you're trying to feel the knee area to see how much life those pants still have. And before you know it, you've ripped them. Right? So this is surely my old torn rides worn out completely weak. It helped us pathetic alone. Very few that for all it's very obvious that he doesn't consider the Bani Israel to be anything. All right, he considered them to be weak,

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insignificant people who had no worth no value and this is why he was killing them.

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And by saying that they are just a small band. He's encouraging his people to pursue money as

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well in the home and indeed there Lana for US law Elune surely Wanzhou in rage law is is one who makes the other angry. So they have made us very angry. They have irritated us they have provoked us It says if again but I don't have buttons on him that in the whole land on our iPhone does have you know, just press a button and he's so angry. We're in Ledger mirror on how the loan and indeed we are a Jamia Jamia is basically a group of people right. So Jamia refers to a community, we are a community that is have you on Have you employed have hazard hazard one was taken heavily. One who has taken precaution one who's on guard alert in order to keep safe from danger. So we are very

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cautious society. First of all, this means that we are equipped we have our heads that meaning we have our weapons and the Bani Israel what do they have nothing. So let's go and fight them and we will force them to come back we can finish them because we are how do we are well equipped. Doesn't this remind you of a Buddha at the time of battle but how he was so confident about the fact that they were well equipped, so had their own and secondly had your own meaning? We are very cautious we are very careful people we are not going to let these should be my escape and harmless. While if a group of weak people have escaped how can they harm you?

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They can harm you. You are saying that they're weak and yet you feel threatened by them. For a whole Genet home all of this rounded in the name of caution but look at where all of this caution took him. Allah says the origin our home so we removed them min Jannette in Wero Yun from gardens and springs Jeanette plan of Jana garden and are you employed of iron springs for all had all of this war canoes in and treasures plan of cans CANS is a hidden treasure and in particular CANS is used for a huge treasure from which the poor are not given.

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Like for example, if a person has gold, silver, a huge amount a significant amount and from that they don't give the cat that is called cans.

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So canoes the people have it all with people with Chronos they

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Add holder treasures first of all too much gold and precious things they had buried with their dead

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they had so much extra to spare and then secondly whatever they had they didn't give it to the poor look at how poor the bunny is throwing away canoes in Walmart common Kareem but all of those corners they left them behind. And McCammon Karim and honorable station splendid homes McCall place upstairs it refers to their homes Karim noble, exquisite residences I mean their homes were not ordinary. But what happened they left all of this behind them and they pursued the Bani Israel eel Gallic thus we're all worth now and we cause to inherit it Bani Israel the children of Israel, meaning the people of Iran left all of their treasures behind they lost it all. And the bunny is right you got

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it all. Now this doesn't mean the bunny is trying to got the treasures of frown that frown left behind in Egypt no because the Bani Israel crossed the sea and they went on the other side they didn't return to Egypt. Oh us now ha ha refers to power freedom authority

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that the people of Iran had it all they had power. They had riches they had freedom. They had authority everything. But what happened when they went after Bani Israel they lost it all. And who got it all.

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Bani Israel Allah gave to them for her to go home. So they pursued them mushy teen at sunrise wish the team proud of Mushrik one who rises gets up at sunrise. So in the morning first thing in the morning as soon as there was light, what it found do with his people followed pursued the bunnies let you follow their tracks in order to get them back. phelim then when Tara they both saw each other IgM on the two groups, which two groups. This is the dual of jammer, one was a group of round and the other was a group of Musa al Salaam and Cara Murat from Ravi it is to see one another. So when both the groups saw one another, that the company saw each other, what happened all of us how

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to Musa the people of Musa the companions of Masada salaam said in nallah, Moodle Acun. Indeed we are to be overtaken muldraugh Cone born of MODOK from Iraq, what does Iraq mean to perceive to catch up with?

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So they said that that's it. We're going to be overtaken for honest coming, he's going to catch us.

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They're going to reach us. Why did they say this? Can they have escaped container fluid flow they couldn't. Because right in front of them they saw water and behind them who was approaching from with his armies. And remember for our own scent, how she returned to the various cities. He wasn't just coming with a couple 100 people, perhaps his army was in the 1000s because this is what destroyed the civilization of Iran. So it seems as though every single person came. Now imagine if so many people came how many must they have been?

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Just imagine it's like, in front of the Bani Israel was sea of water. And behind them a sea of people were trapped, were going to be overtaken they were naturally afraid. Allah Musa alayhis salam said Calla, no way. There is no way Frauen is going to catch up with us there is no way he can overtake us. Why does Messiah this and I'm say that does he have a backup plan? No, he has the plan. And what is his plan? relying upon Allah subhanaw taala he's not relying on his planning on his ability he's relying on Allah His Lord He says in the merrier indeed with me. I'll be is my Lord. Sir Dini, He will guide me. I trust him. In the merrier of Salah Dini, Allah promised me in the

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American Muslim Iran, Allah promised me in many markoma A smell Allah, Allah promised me that he is with me his help is with me. So I'm not afraid he will guide me. This is called the worker.

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This has faith in Allah, that at no point in time, do you give up your faith in Allah? subhanaw taala.

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At no point in time, do you despair? You give up hope nowhere, even if the danger is so close. Yes. Even if you see the danger with your own eyes. Yes. Even if you see that there is no way of escape. Yes. Because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who makes he's the creator of us, Bob. He is the one who makes who creates the means, so that you can ask

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Keep dangerous so that you can be safe.

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It's not the ways of escape that we see before us that can protect us. It is Allah subhanaw taala who protects.

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So Lisa is Sadam, he trusts his Lord, that Allah Allah make away how he doesn't know. He doesn't know at all what that way is going to be. But he's waiting for the help of Allah subhanaw taala. And this is true that the one who relies upon Allah that Allah is sufficient for him well may have to look around Allah for who has Allah is enough for him. What I find amazing about this idea is how positive Masada Sonam is, how much faith he has an Allah. He has so much trust in Allah. My Lord is never going to disappoint me. No way. He's never gonna leave me. I have faith he saved me. He's gonna make a way out I can't do it myself. And the fact is that the way you think about Allah

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subhanaw taala that is exactly how he's going to treat you. Because Allah subhanaw taala says in a hadith Bootsy we learn, Allah says that I am as my servant thinks I am. Meaning if a person expects help from Allah, then he will receive help from Allah. If a person hopes for longs for strives for forgiveness, then Allah will forgive him. If a person is striving to grow to improve, then Allah will show him the way so in the Mario rugby saya Houdini and look at how the Buddy is why you are there panicking clearly panicking because they're saying in mela mudra calm we're going to be caught up with he's going to catch up with us we're done. And look at how calm masala cinemas color in the

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mirror yellow beside the like really? You don't see frown approaching? Do you see those waterfalls? We don't have any chips. Any means of you know crossing the water? What's going to happen? I mean, if any person is seen in this situation, he'd be called crazy. What are you thinking? And look at the faith of Musala sunnah, the faith that he has in Allah.

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Before Musala Sam didn't know what to do. He was so hesitant and Allah said Kenya you have to go and now Musa SNM sees himself in a very difficult situation. And while the people are giving up hope he says Calla, there is no way Allah will disappoint us in Memorial rugby, saya dini. You see generally in these situations, we begin to stress out, we begin to feel so afraid what's going to happen? This is the end. That's it, let's give up. You know, let's just jump in the water ourselves, we begin to feel like this despair. And we begin to feel stressed out. But the greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

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Why is Musa said I'm not stressed out because he's choosing to think Allah will help instead of thinking we're doomed. It's about what you think. How you think what you bring to your mind. That is what will either relax you or make you lose your sanity.

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I just want to share an incident happened to me this morning. I didn't know right this morning coming to Canada and I said to myself you know what, you're gonna just get ready and insha Allah Allah subhanaw taala is going to find a way for you. So how I just got ready now just sitting there making dua, a friend of mine called me said Sabrina, I want to go download it today. Get ready, I'm gonna pick you up. I think Subhan Allah will you trust in the last part Allah, Allah does find a way for you so true, when you took a lot of love for who has for her husband? And if you said, probably I won't be able to go so just forget it. And why do I bother every week in any way? Just quit.

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But it's like no, I want to do this and Allah you will provide a way.

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So whenever I despair, I remember there was luck Natoma Rahmatullah. And that kind of gives me a lot of hope. Do not despair from the mercy of Allah ever. I mean if you look at the situation of Musa doesn't really there is no exit where do you go right left? No, you can't do you can't go there because no matter how much right or left you will you will find a water in front of you. Go behind and face for all impossible. That's not a victory at all. Where do you go up? Yeah, sure. Make dua in the Marriott visa Dean, and then Allah who will guide

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so what happened Pharaoh Hanaa. So we inspired Ilan Musa to Musa that strike, bow circle bow with your staff, the sea, strike with your staff, the sea. And when he did that fun fella, notice the word the letter. You know, fire means then but for also means immediately. The next thing that happened was that in falaka what in Falco the sea in front of her and what is in Falco and Philip phantom off is when something is torn asunder. cloven apart burst

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boeken so the sea was parted for can so it was affecting each portion and filk farOK off is a copies a unit a portion of something. So each portion and how many portions were there to each portion was coupled in our wiem like a phone that is always great what is a fold mountain, but not just a mountain, a huge tall mountain. And on top of that Allah describes the fold as our rim.

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So he threw the stick and where it landed, what happened a Clear Dry bath appeared as the water cleared on either side. Allah subhanaw taala turned water into mountains and the wet seabed into a dry bath was left now and we advanced we brought near from there this is not some masala means then and Thumma means they're all there. We brought close and as love as a lamb fat to bring near Zilpha is used for the Zulu feminine Lane hours of the night because with each passing hour, what is drawing near the day is drawing there, right. So as left now we brought near some mouse over there hurryin The others or the others. For Alan and his people were and J Now Musa and we rescued Musa

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woman ma who and whoever was with him as a Marine altogether, meaning Mercer and those with him safely crossed the sea, some Moroccanoil hurryin Then We drowned the others career the others for our own and his people when they ran in the water chasing bunny saw eel, they were drowned. You see the same event became a cause of the salvation of Bani Israel. And at the same time, it was the cause of the destruction of their own and his people in Nephi. Delica is indeed in that is surely a sign. This was an extraordinary event, or mechanic thorough meaning but most of them were not to be believers. Meaning this is the state of the majority of the people. They see amazing miracles. They

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witnessed extraordinary events yet they do not learn and look at what happened to the Bani Israel. They crossed the sea but when they went on the other side, and they saw people who were worshipping idols, what did they say to Musa? Musa ajl Luna Ilan, Camilla Malia, you also make for us an idol just as these people have idols. Benny is right, you are asking this artist and I'm for idols. Imagine we learn about this and so to our off, so when I can I mean, this is a sad reality that majority of the people do not believe may Allah protect us from such blindness. But we see great miracles around us within us amazing, extraordinary situations and events that happen eye opening,

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but yet we keep our eyes closed. We're in Norbeck Allahu Allah Aziz or Rahim and indeed your Lord, He is the Exalted in mind, meaning the one who is not overcome, who was not defeated. Rather, he is the one who overcomes and he is of Rahim, the Merciful, meaning he is merciful towards the servants if they repent. Meaning, even though majority of the people don't believe this doesn't reduce the might of Allah, the honor of Allah. And majority of the people do not believe this doesn't make Allah subhanho wa Taala unjust and unfair. No, he is merciful, that if a person repents than Allah accepts him, may Allah subhanaw taala make us of those who are not of the majority?

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Did you hear me? We like to be of those who are the majority. But what do we see over here, UK follow people, majority of the people are not guided, they don't believe the people who believe who are the core of strangers. So may Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst those servants who believe those servants who have courage who don't conform when they're threatened, and loser principles, rather than remain firm on their principles, who have trust and faith in Allah subhanaw taala, just like Musa Salam had, who remember there is of Allah, the glory of Allah and they're not impressed by the glory of people

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and who have faith in Allah's Mercy also so they never despair.

00:34:31 --> 00:34:33

Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:36


00:34:38 --> 00:34:40

how to call

00:34:41 --> 00:34:46

in Alana giovane in tune

00:34:47 --> 00:34:58

on EB all an hour more in either Lemina lobby all along.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:00


00:35:09 --> 00:35:17

the Aluko Sheba Warnings The ball will be 30 feet long in

00:35:18 --> 00:35:19

the wall

00:35:21 --> 00:35:21


00:35:27 --> 00:35:27


00:35:30 --> 00:35:32

for all theists

00:35:33 --> 00:35:37

God follow

00:35:41 --> 00:35:45

me on be Musa was

00:35:48 --> 00:35:49


00:35:50 --> 00:35:52

to Cabela

00:35:59 --> 00:36:00

on Lana como se

00:36:04 --> 00:36:06

lo pomp leon

00:36:07 --> 00:36:07

de la

00:36:08 --> 00:36:09


00:36:11 --> 00:36:13

if you want to also leave

00:36:16 --> 00:36:18

sorry God

00:36:28 --> 00:36:29

Polly move

00:36:31 --> 00:36:31


00:36:34 --> 00:36:38

Al Fionna gonna hop on

00:36:49 --> 00:36:49


00:36:53 --> 00:36:54


00:37:04 --> 00:37:05

for our center

00:37:10 --> 00:37:14

shooting in

00:37:18 --> 00:37:19

Isla she

00:37:23 --> 00:37:28

was in Atlanta or

00:37:30 --> 00:37:31


00:37:33 --> 00:37:35

have you

00:37:45 --> 00:37:46

work who knows you

00:37:47 --> 00:37:52

are bombing Kareem

00:37:53 --> 00:37:54

was no

00:37:57 --> 00:37:59


00:38:08 --> 00:38:10


00:38:20 --> 00:38:21


00:38:25 --> 00:38:29

visa vie for Ohio

00:38:40 --> 00:38:52

low fear being Cambodian loudly was less than 14

00:38:54 --> 00:38:55

Janina Musa

00:38:58 --> 00:39:09

Oh 340 In Nephi

00:39:12 --> 00:39:14

one can sell

00:39:16 --> 00:39:19

me well.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:22

No one

00:39:28 --> 00:39:35

Subhanak alone will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta strophe Luca to buoy lake a cinema de como rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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