Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 183C Tafsir Al-Nur 51-52

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of showing acceptance and happiness to achieve goals is emphasized, along with the need for a new system to resolve issues during busy periods. The speaker discusses the history of Islam, including its origins and context, and emphasizes the importance of honesty and faith in achieving success. The speaker also discusses the benefits of dressing up for events and avoiding embarrassment, as well as the need to reinterpret and modify orders of Islam to avoid confusion and distrust. The importance of finding a way to avoid wasting time and finding one's state is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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In nama indeed not but Cana it was cola meaning the statement of the believers. What is the reaction of the believers? Either Duru Illa Allah he will also Lee, when they're called to Allah and His Messenger, Leah coma Boehner home, so that he may judge between them who may judge between them, the messenger will judge between them according to the law of Allah. So when the believers are invited, what is their reaction? Their only coal is a coal that they say Smyrna, we have heard what Athena and who will be. Allah says what will lead ICA and it is those whom they are ultimately hone the successful ones it is those people who will be successful, who

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those who say some Erina will alternate now I've heard next step is that I have to obey. And obedience comes immediately. You know, just like the women of the unsought I settled the low on her praise them. She said, may Allah have mercy on them. The night these ayat were revealed when they heard about the hokum of hijab, they didn't wait till the next day or the next week to go shop. What did they do? They took their bigger garments, they cut a portion of that, to use it as FEMA to use it as something to cover their beautification with whatever they had they used it. If they needed, they would borrow a hijab of their friend. And that doesn't mean okay, you have five, you have 50,

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can I have one? No. What did that mean? We'll both go together under one hijab. We'll share it, because that's all they had. They shared it, can you imagine?

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They shared it.

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If that is all they had, but they did not want to be in a state of disobedience to Allah and His Messenger, even for a moment. This is who the believer and this is who muffling the successful one. Eventually this person will be successful. Why? Because yes, right. Now, they might be enduring some difficulty. It's not easy to walk with a shared hijab, right? It's not easy to do that. Or it's not easy to wear something on your head, that's not technically your hijab, right? It's not easy to walk in a bigger hijab anyway, sometimes it's inconvenient, or it's not easy to even put the hijab on and go in front of people, it is difficult. But Allah says, eventually they will be successful, because

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how long is this life?

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How long is it just a couple of years, right?

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Just a couple of years. We think about it. When it comes to summertime.

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Everybody wants to just take their clothes off. But then what happens a couple months and then you have to layer up. You have to cover up that shows to us that the enjoyment of this life is little. So don't pursue that enjoyment.

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Rather, invest this time in something that will bring you ETERNAL enjoyment and pleasure.

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So those who obey Allah and His Messenger Samir Noah Alterna, Allah says they will be successful eternally, forever, they will be happy. And you know, the word mostly for law was for law. A farmer, what does the farmer do?

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What does he do works all the time, right? Early morning, his work begins. There's no day that he can skip because one day he has to the fertilizing the other day he has to the tilling and other day he has to do the weeding and the watering. And this work just never ends until you have your final product. Is it it's a constant effort, constant work. And then eventually, when you get your product, you can enjoy it. So this world this life is for work. Where's enjoyment? Where's it in the next life in Jannah? So those who work now will strive now who prove their love for Allah and His messenger who proved that yes, Ya Allah, I want to be close to you. And how do we prove that by

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obedience? Then yes, such people will be brought close to Allah in Jannah.

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In general, they will be brought close to Allah, where Allah will make them happy.

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Where they will see Allah where they will talk to Allah. And Allah will favor them with every blessing that they can ever imagine more than what they could ask for.

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But this is for who those who strive those who prove by their obedience.

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Now these ayat, it is said that there is a particular context to these verses. And what is that context? Remember, this is a Madani Surah right? And when the prophets Allah loves him, did he did Otto Medina for the first time ever be

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People from different tribes were coming together under one leader. This was something unheard off. in Arabia, this was something that was never done.

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Because the Muslims were from all different tribes, all different places, right? The biggest thing was that there were those among them who were freed slaves, or who were still slaves. And they were also free people. They were men, and they were women. There were people from Quraysh, from the highest, most noble lineage. There were people that were different. There were people who had come from Makkah, there were people who were from Medina, right? They were people who were previously Mushnik there were people who were previously Jewish. There were people who were previously Christian. So mattify, to see who was he, he was a Christian before Abdullah bin Salam, who was he a

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Jew before, and the rest of the Arabs who were there previously Mushnik, right. So for the first time ever, people from different backgrounds were coming together. And what was the uniting factor, the one uniting thing, it was Iman, it was their Islam, and who was their leader? It was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, in Medina, what we see is that when the Muslims migrated there, there was a diverse community, right? There were people from every possible background, so many different different types of people. Now, when there are so many different types of people, there have to be a new system also, to resolve disputes, to resolve issues. Right? So now, when the

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prophets of the Law Center migrated to Medina, he made you can say, the Constitution of Medina. All right, and what was that? That all the Muslims, all right, all the Muslims, they are together? All right, and if they have any matters of dispute, who will be there judge who will be there judge the prophets on a lot is not their tribal elders, but who? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now this was for who, for the Muslims, at the same time, they were you hood. Now for the hood, the prophets of Allah Azza made a treaty with them also. For them, what was the understanding that if you have any disputes, you'd resolve them yourself, your own judges, your own elders, your own

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leaders, because there were a different religious community, you understand? So for them, who was going to resolve disputes, their own leaders, for the Muslims, who was going to resolve their disputes, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this was one of the things that the prophets of Allah has initiated when he came to Medina. Now what happened, that there was a Muslim man who had personal claim to be a Muslim, who had a dispute with a Jewish man.

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And he knew that if you went to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he would judge according to the Quran.

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And the Quran did not give him help, meaning in the sense that men who claim to be Muslim, he would be proven guilty. If he is guilty, then he has to suffer a punishment. So he had an idea. He said, You know what, forget it, I'm not going to go to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, since I have an argument with a Jewish man, let's go to his leader, because according to their law, I am going to get something

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you understand, I am going to get something. So he said, You know what? Forget about the Muslim law, I'm going to go to the Jewish court. So this is what is being criticized over here, when their call to Allah and His Messenger, they don't want to come. However, if they know that the ruling will be in their favor, then they want to come.

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And we see this unfortunately, in many Muslims living in non Muslim lands also.

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Or in a place where, you know, majority of the people are non Muslim. So for example, over here, when it comes to issues of divorce, for instance, right, now, it's understood what's in the Islamic law. What is the woman's health? What is the man's health? But if we find out that if we go to the other court, all right, we can get 50,000 More, we can get half the share of the house, even though we never paid a penny for it, we can get it, then we'll go rushing to it, isn't it? But when it comes to giving divorce, or taking the money, then what happens? Is there any Sharia court in Mississauga? So I can demand my how I can take it away. See, this is what has been criticized. This

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is the context of these verses, but it's not just limited to this incident. We can apply this in our daily lives also, we can see our shortcomings our mistakes in the light of these verses than what is really our attitude to the Command of Allah to the Lord that Allah has revealed. Do we just take it when it's in our favor? If somebody does that, that means there is no fault because a believer for him, all of Islam is beautiful. For him the whole Quran is beautiful.

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And such people Allah says Allah Iike human mostly because women who

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Ever you'll do Allah He obeys Allah, wa Sula, who and His Messenger whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, while sha Allah and he fears Allah, where duck he and his conscious of him has Taqwa of Allah for hola Iike, then those whom they alpha is

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the achievers. It is those who will achieve achieve what

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attain what success,

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they will attain success How will they attain success achieved success by making it to Jenner, by being saved from hellfire.

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So, who is it that will achieve successful attain success, those who obey Allah and His messenger? Secondly, secondly, your Shala fears Allah. Thirdly,

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tell me the word.

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What is it? Yet duck, he said,

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yet duck he,

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good from Toccoa he has Taqwa of Allah, these three conditions.

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First of all, obedience to Allah and His messenger and obedience is how with words,

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is it with words? How is it with actions? I have learned some Erina what authority now I will do I heard now I will do I learned now I will practice. Secondly, he fears Hola. No matter where he is in Canada and Bacchus on in Somalia, wherever in the world, he is America, New York. What is that Time Square? Right? Doesn't matter where he is? square one. Okay, doesn't matter, school, university workplace doesn't matter. Yaksha Allah He fears Allah because Allah is watching me here. I'm still Allah serving because I am Allah servant. So I have to be Allah, wherever I go, a wedding party, whatever it is, because sometimes we choose to obey Allah in certain places only.

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Then again, what does that show that the fear of Allah is missing? Because of the fear of Allah is there that it doesn't matter whether sister Tammy is there or not? It doesn't matter whether our friend from the Quran classes they're not a group in charges they're not because who's watching? Allah is watching. This is honesty, right? Honesty with oneself and honesty with Allah. This is the difference between Eman and NIF. ALC. The believer is honest with himself, he's honest with Allah. And I'm unhappy because dishonest with himself he's dishonest with Allah. This is why he changes faces, his condition his apparel as he goes from place to place. Why? Because he is dishonest. You

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know, there was a companion of Lulu Baba de la Mourinho. You know the incident of blue Corella, a particular Jewish tribe that lived in Medina and they betrayed the Muslims at the Battle of 100. Right. They turned against the Muslims at the Battle of handoff and their plan was to go and attack the Muslims while the Muslims are guarding the trench. Go attack the women and the children wage war against the Muslims. So then we're sticking our behind the trench. And now the banal colada turned against the Muslims and their plan was to attack them since from inside Medina. So their plans failed. Allah subhanaw taala saved the Muslims after the Battle of handog the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam arrived in his house, and he put his armor down in order to take a shower. He was getting ready for a shower and Gibreel came and he said, Why did you put your armor down? We have not put our armor down. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said What do you mean? He said go there go where and to be appointed towards binuclear Ala. So the prophets of Allah Islam could not rest at home he just came from conduct in which the king had left he comes home and now he's told go to binocular so he left immediately. Now when he got there what happened when operetta Muslims laid siege because they locked themselves in their fortresses. All right, and the demand was that surrender once you

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surrender then we'll figure out what needs to be done. Now that you heard the started setting conditions well if you just let us go you know we'll leave Medina you let us go we'll surrender the prophets of Allah. Some said no, we're not bargaining on anything you come out, and then we'll discuss what needs to be done you surrender. So after many requests, they eventually said send a Buddha Baba to us. All right. So the prophets Allah loves him said okay, he sent a blue Baba, a guru Baba went inside. And these people what they did is that all their women and their children they gathered around a guru Baba, and they started wailing and crying and making a scene basically. So I

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would Ababa his heart kind of softened towards them. All right. And what happened they asked Abu Baba, what do you think? Should we surrender? And he said, Yeah, but he went like this

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that if you surrender, you're dead.

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All right, you're dead. So Abdullah Baba did that immediately Abbulu Baba realized that he had betrayed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because first of all the Prophet salallahu Salam had not decided that he was going to do that. This is what the people thought would happen, but he had not decided that yet. And secondly, even if he had decided a blue Baba should not have told the enemy about the prophets Allah Lawson's plan

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so what happened immediately able to Baba realized that he had been dishonest the prophets of Allah some didn't see him. The Sahaba didn't see him he was the only Muslim in there. He could have gone outside pretended like nothing had happened. But what happened he left immediately he went straight to the masjid tied himself up to one of the pillars and he said only the prophets Allah Lawson was going to untie me when Allah will forgive me. So the prophets of Allah and I'm sad that had he come to me, I would have forgiven him and I would have asked Allah to forgive him. I would have prayed forgiveness for him. But since he didn't come to me, he went straight to the masjid. Now I can't do

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anything. Because now I have to wait for Allah's who come when Allah will forgive him then I can go and release a Buddha Baba.

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So what happened? abou Baba is locked up in the masjid. He's tied himself up. And he's in that condition for many days. Until eventually some Ayat were revealed concerning his repentance being accepted.

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So his repentance was accepted. And the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam in her house at that time and I'm saddened by when she found out that okay, well above us repentance has been accepted. She said, they also look can I go and tell him and the Prophet said Allah's and said yes, go ahead. So I'm sorry I'm I went to the masjid and she said, you know, be happy be glad Avila Baba. And he said, No, only when the profits are a lot is alum will untie me.

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So I'm Salma had to go back. And she had to call the prophets of Allah, Allah. And then the prophets Allah also had to come and he had to untie a Buddha Baba, and then a guru Baba was satisfied.

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Then he was satisfied. What do we see here?

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His honesty with himself, I have made a mistake. I have done something I should not have done. It may seem minor. But it is big. It will seem very big on the day of judgment that I betrayed the messenger of Allah. I'm showing my loyalties to the enemy of Allah.

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This is not acceptable. And he, he was honest with himself. This is the way of the believer. What does the mafia do? He lies he comes up with excuses. He justifies the wrongs that he has done. You had your own Allah, will Latina Amanu one man, yo, the owner, Illa. And for some, in reality, they're only betraying themselves.

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Like, for example, when it comes to hijab, right? We could come up with many excuses, the best excuse the best card is the husband card. Right? The husband card? Oh, my husband doesn't like it.

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You know, I'm such an obedient wife, you know, my husband doesn't want me to wear the hijab. I am so obedient to Him, that I will disobey Allah to please my husband. I'm so obedient to my husband. Really? Is that the case? Are we that obedient? If we were that obedient to our husbands, then first of all, we will be showing respect to our husbands treating them as husbands, and not as subjects not as children,

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we would be seeking their permission before going out, we wouldn't be telling them, when we are planning to do something, we would be taking their advice, we would be accepting their instructions, their orders if we were truly obedient. But the fact is that we follow our own desires. We don't want to do something ourselves. And we put the entire blame on the poor husband. Or we put the blame on our parents, or we put the blame on the society, whereas in reality, it is us. It is always us. We can blame our husband or he doesn't get a provider, my father gets delayed, or my children. They know it's all their fault. Blame whoever you want, but you know that you are guilty. You know

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yourself. We know ourselves who is truly at fault. Because when we want to do something, we don't need our husband's permission, do it.

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He can tell us, I don't want you to do this. And we'll bring the tears or we'll start the argument or we'll you know, do something one thing or another. We'll come up with something to make sure that we get it our way.

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And I'm sure you've experienced this when it comes to dealing with parents also when you want that pair of jeans, right? That $60 pair of jeans or that $80 pair of jeans, how do you bet your mother or your father

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Just please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, I'll do this. I'll do this. Please buy me the office. I really want that. Mum, mum, all my friends have it. I still don't have that pair of jeans. I really want it.

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And if she says all but they're not that loose. No, no, I promise I'll wear in a bio on top, I promise. Right? I mean, we come up with so many things to get things our way.

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We beg we plead. Even if we're told no, we do it anyway, isn't it? So? If we were told that no, not this month? I already got your new shoes. I can't buy you more clothes. Next month, we'll see. What are we thinking about? Can I get money from somewhere? Maybe I can sell something on Kijiji. Right. Maybe I can, you know, go and work somewhere and make some money. Maybe I can trade something. Maybe I can sell my iPod. I don't need it anymore. I'll sell it. I'll get money. And the next thing you know you're wearing those jeans and your mom says where'd you get that from? Where'd you get the money from? Oh, I sold my iPod.

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When we want to do something, we find a way where there's a will there is a way when the will is lacking. Then what happens? We start the blame game.

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Excuses upon excuses. Who are we deceiving?

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Who are we deceiving?

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ourselves? Are we trying to deceive Allah does he not know our state? Does he not know the state of our hearts the willingness or the unwillingness that is there. He knows

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the way of the believers is what they say Smyrna what Alterna while may Uteri Lucha water Sula, who wire Shala Allah, He fears Allah. When ducky what's the difference between kushy of Allah and Taqwa of Allah? What's the difference? What is Hashem fear? That is because of knowledge, knowledge of what? The greatness of the being that you fear.

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If we realize who Allah subhanaw taala truly is, if we have modified of Allah, if we know who he is, then we would never prefer the desire of our parents, or our husbands or our children, or the society over the Command of Allah.

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The fact is, that we do not know Allah, we claim that we love him, but we don't really know Him. If we knew him, by His names, his attributes, if we knew about the knowledge of Allah, then we wouldn't be disobedient to Allah, we wouldn't dare disobey Allah.

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You know, the very fact that Allah sees us is frightening.

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The very fact that He hears our whispers that is frightening. The very fact that he knows whatever we are doing, whatever we are thinking, whatever we are feeling, He knows our situation, that itself is frightening.

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But the fact that he is going to question us,

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he is going to call us to account for what we have done for what we thought for what we decided. That is even more frightening. Just think about it. The one with absolute power. Malachy Yomi Dean, he knows what we are doing. And he will ask us, He will judge us. Isn't that enough to force us to obey Allah.

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So the one who has Hashem of Allah because it's Hashem will lead them to action. Where Turkey has Taqwa of Allah. Taqwa is what taking require it basically guarding safeguarding, protecting yourself shielding yourself from what? From the Hellfire

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from either shielding yourself from the I love the one who shields himself from Allah or the that is a person who will be successful, he will attain, he will achieve and those who lack these qualities, what will they achieve?

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What will they achieve? Yes, one day somebody's happy. The way we're dressed. The next day. They're criticizing the shoes that we're wearing because they're very old fashioned

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one or we're constantly pursuing running, running chasing this dunya and at the end what have we attained only fatigue exhaustion.

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Isn't it amazing? We dress up for people who we don't like to impress people that we don't like that we don't care about.

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Seriously, we do that. We spent so much money on clothes that we will wear for a few hours in pure discomfort, right and stress that some kid is going to touch me with oily hands and there goes my precious shoe

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find herself it's gonna get ruined. Right? And who are we trying to impress?

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What are we trying to impress people? Which people that we don't really care about?

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Because we're constantly looking down on the clothes that they're wearing or we're constantly you know looking down at the choices that they have made what a waste what are we gaining? What are we gaining? Nothing exhaustion fatigue failure it's the opposite of fat is who is fat is the one who gains what's real gain Jana Allah's pleasure and that doesn't come easy.

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Let's listen to the recitation

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he won't be

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in carabiner meaning we're either

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goalie solely

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removed or what we call love

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PHY follow

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me for phone and

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follow along on a

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bun hola

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you can move more

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more you're solely

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ball oh

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one he

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shall long Hawaiian dump or he

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so what have you learned?

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I just My mind just went back to the beam me conference when Sheikh Tawfik children he was saying that you know about blaming, he said that many times, you know, what Allah commanded us to do? We constantly blame our situation, or things that are going on around us. Like for example, if we need to pray a little harder, we say, Oh, we were in class at that time. And oh, you know, my husband doesn't let me do this, or my parents don't let me do this. And he said, We need to change that we're paradigm shift where we should stop blaming others and get the action of what we need to do, we need to get done because if you can't see spend our time blaming others, we're not going to get

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anywhere. And also thinking the same thing of what the homeless disorder was saying about you when he was talking about how to give Dawa with non Muslims he said that, you know, if they bring up hijab or terrorism, you should take it back to the heat and Allah. And what was interesting was he also mentioned that even when you're giving Dawa to Muslims, right about you know, how to pray and for hijab and whatnot, you should also mention Allah and people are asking why Allah because Muslims know Allah, we learn about him and our his characteristics, and we pray to Him, so it shouldn't be a problem. He said, No, because if Muslims knew who allow us, then you wouldn't be there giving them

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Dawa. So that really made me think that you know, many times I'm not following many of the commandments of Allah. And that really shows that even I told her, No, you don't know much about Allah. And we should think about that. I mean, even when you have to do Dawa to yourself, because Dawa is basically calling right so when you have to call yourself to obey Allah and His messenger you that doorway to Allah, He will also de, then again, what is it that we need to remind ourselves of the very fact that Allah has given this miracle period?

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Allah has given this hokum and Allah is not unfair. He's the one who has put me in this situation. He knows what I'm capable of. Right? And if he has ordered me to do something, is going to be good.

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Right? So remind yourself that this is from Allah, another approaches. Okay, let's analyze the benefits of hijab. I don't have to do my hair every day. Okay. What else? What are the benefits? You could say? Oh, well, it's going to protect my hair from extreme sunlight. Okay. A benefit, another benefit. It's going to make me look more. It's going to make me look very spiritual. Okay, another benefit

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it's gonna keep me warm in the winter, okay, another benefit, my neck won't get tanned. Right? Or my face won't get tanned. Right? Okay.

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No one's gonna judge me. Okay. So you could come up with these lists of benefits advantages, right? But more than anything, what is enough for us?

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Allah said, what else? He said? Because every other advantage, there's also a negative side to it right?

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Isn't it? Like, for example, you could argue that, well, if you don't do your hair every day, in the sense that you don't style it everyday, you could fall into that pattern, that bad habit of not caring about it at all. If you cover it, when you go outside, then your hair is not gonna get any sunlight.

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Or when you have your hijab on your hair is gonna go flat. Right? It's gonna lose its body. Right? Okay, there's always a negative side to it also.

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So the thing is that we're not wearing hijab for these benefits, for worldly benefits. What's the main benefit, I prove my love to Allah through this, I prove my sincerity to Allah, I prove that, yes, Allah, I want to be close to you, I want to be near you, I want your pleasure. I want to make you happy. This is the goal.

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For me, they did so easy. It's easy to follow. But when we learn about command, we start to analyze because we have that little tiny doubt in our hearts. So we start to analyze, we look at the benefits and the disadvantages and everything. And then by the end of that analysis, we tend not to do it. So just what from my own experience when I started wearing the Avaya, my biggest doubt was, how am I going to do it? And what are people going to think about it? And then I was like, You know what, let me just do it. And then I worked on the first day of high school. And then my friend, she was the most supportive of it, even though she doesn't wear hijab. And then basically all the doubts

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by the end of the week, they were gone. And I was most comfortable in wearing it by now if I go outside without it, I just feel uncomfortable. So the basically the lesson is do it and then think about it later. Yes, just do it. Why? Because Allah said so and do it. Allah will create ease. Allah will make things easier.

00:32:30 --> 00:32:57

Salaam Alaikum. I remember a little girl who came on American TV soon after September 11. It was and the first question they usually ask is why you country feeling uncomfortable? Why you covered? And her answer was so simple and sweet. I can never forget it. She said, I'm doing it to please my lord. I'm doing it to please Allah. And that was the best answer it was yes, it is the answer. It is the reason why we should be doing anything.

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00:33:00 --> 00:33:41

when you leave this country or or different culture, different religion, different personality, and you work search for places, like where I work is a retail store. And you will meet everybody and they wonder in everyday why this person is doing this and that and the other day a lady I know her longtime because I'm working there 10 years. And she comes she said, can I ask you a question Is he she said, I'm from this country? She told me the country. I don't remember she said immigrants here to same as you. But I change everything. My life and the way I live. I say listen, everybody's different. But me. I don't change it for one reason, because where I live back from Somalia or

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Riyadh, Allah is there always. And all I'm doing for this is my religion and Allah. And she almost cried. She said, I wish I did that. Like she said that. And I feel bad for her too, because she never realized oh, she never think about oh, she never had anybody to give her those things that she's supposed to do or not. So I was telling myself, I'm so glad that I'm Muslim, and I kept in my identity wherever I am.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:30

And, you know, sometimes we try to analyze the commands of Allah, the laws that we learn in the Quran and Sunnah. And when we're analyzing them, we think about the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and we think that all at that time it was possible to do it these days, it's not possible to do it, because things have changed, the world has changed, right?

00:34:31 --> 00:34:59

You know, the other day I was in this class, and the topic was the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala. Right, the attribute of Allah's knowledge, and in that the author had mentioned that, you know, that everything that's happening right now, it was known to Allah, even before the creation was brought into existence. Because the first thing that Allah created was the and even before Allah created the earth, Allah created the

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BIM and Allah told the pen to write, write what? Everything that is going to happen.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:53

So the world that we're living in today, it's details were written 50,000 years before the world was even created. So we're talking about even before dinosaurs, okay, even before that time, so 50,000 years before that it was written, that the world is going to be like this, did Allah not know about it, Allah knew about it. And Allah revealed His command to the prophets of Allah and His love of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam knowing that it is to be followed even today. So he knows our situation. He knows what we can do, what is in our favor, and what is not in our favor, and he is the most knowing the most fair. So every single command that Allah has given is applicable, it can be

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practiced and it should be practiced, there is no need to change it, to modify it, to reinterpret it, there's no need to do that.

00:36:02 --> 00:36:51

Salam alikoum every organization of our institution has rules and regulations for the people that it serves. And not everybody understands or follows it or agrees with or is pleased with this Allah like the world is like Allah his institution and he makes it and we he serves us and we should follow every command just like that. Yes, whether we like it or not, whether we find it easy or difficult, we have to just like addressing all the orders of Allah Tala and directions, not only hijab, and in the very beginning after Surah Fatiha the first IR after I left la mia means cervical Kitab hula Ray puffy. So Allah Tala to set us in the very beginning, that there is no doubt about

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the book. So anything that's in the book, whether we follows it, whether it's about a rubber our hijab, or we lie or however we act, the orders are right, then whether we are following it or not. That's how it is. And that's how we believe it's going to stay till the very end. And I just couldn't help to reflect the in the very end, certain falak? Or is it certain businesses, when it comes to that shutdown, put all those words for say, in our mind, so all the doubts and all the things that we create, it's like Shavon whispers in our head and give us excuses. And when we reach there where we see it happening, because so many of our practices are so mixed up, and we have

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messed them up a lot. So things don't make sense, because we have messed them up. But Allah's orders and things are all straight. Yes. And this is why the last hoorah call are with a bit of bitterness, give yourself in the last protection, right, against two people share on mineral Ginetta uns

00:37:59 --> 00:38:34

I think a big one was being honest to yourself, because oftentimes we lie to ourselves about our faults and stuff, and we don't acknowledge our like bad habits or sins, like say we if we have a battle, we're like, oh, no, no, my locks fine. I like people who are addicted to alcohol. It's often those people who are addicted, who say, Oh, you're drinking too much, or whatever. Like they point out other people's mistakes, but they're addicted themselves. So similarly, we refuse to acknowledge our own mistakes. Because of that we can't obey Allah. And we find faults in the law. Well,

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you know, there's a story about a about a fox. All right. I don't think Fox eat grapes, but it's just a story. Okay. It's an ode to a famous story that a fox was going and it found these grapes. All right, they were hanging from a grapevine. And it jumped and jumped and attempted many times to reach the grapes, but it couldn't. And eventually it said, Oh, they're bitter anyway.

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Alright, mean they're not sweet. They're not delicious. So it's not my fault. You know, I'm perfect. But the problem is with the grapes, right? So this is what sometimes we do as well. We don't want to acknowledge our shortcomings. We say, Oh, it's too hard to do this. It's too hard to follow these laws. It's impossible to do it.

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You want to say something? A price trait for people is that you know, they're independent thinkers, they try to go for what is most beneficial for them, to go to wherever is most success for them. And to not follow the crowd like it's a conformity is something that people look down upon, even though everyone does it. But in these verses, Allah subhanho, saying it is not that person, it is the one who is obedient, the one who actually does what he is told to do, most of the time, obedience or conformity, like I said, it looked down as bad thing, you know, so this person, the munafo Who's going on looking for, you know what, oh, I don't have to go to the Prophet solos. I should go where

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it's beneficial. For me. This is a trait that some people would call intelligent.

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But Allah subhanaw taala telling us no this is dishonesty This is unfairness because he is committed to one thing but he is going against it so Allah subhanaw taala has given us traits that we should be regardless of what the world thinks is good and what is bad

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what he loves

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00:41:37 --> 00:41:39

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shall long Hawaiian don't born here

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