Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 181D Tafsir Al-Nur 36-38

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of honoring the presence of the Prophet sallallContinental project and the need for individuals to be respected and respect its values is emphasized in Islam. The speaker discusses the importance of honoring the presence of the Prophet sall pool, respecting the presence of the Prophet's salallContinental project, and not making noise in the presence of people. The importance of time for oneself is emphasized, as it is crucial for personal health and productivity, and the need for refilling one's memory and not distracting people from work is emphasized. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not compromising on praying and focusing on important things, such as writing and drinking.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah says feeble youth in febrile youth in in boo boo yo there's a plural of baits and what is bait for house? Over here? When you think about a house don't think of a like a house in which people live right? Will you refers to you could say like a building a place. And here in particular refers to a masjid. All right, so feeble utin in mosques, and in Allahu Allah has Edina he has allowed. Now one thing before we continue that even of Allah, what does it mean by the given of Allah His permission when Allah allows for something to happen? Remember, there's two types of even one is in Kony and the other is even shutter. What is even Kony, Allah has permission which is related to the

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you could say worldly matters. So Allah allows that someone should die so they die. Allah allows that rain should fall so rainfalls, Allah allows that a tree should grow. So it grows. This is even Kony. All right. And it is with respect to things that Allah likes and all the things that he does not like. So for example, a righteous believer, Allah allows only then he dies, even though that is very painful for that believer, and Allah does not like to put his righteous servant through pain, but he allows

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All right, so just because Allah allows, it doesn't mean that he likes it when it comes to even Kony. The other type of evidence is in shadow IE, meaning that which Allah has permitted in the law, in the shadow era, in the law that Allah has given us to follow to observe.

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All right, like for example, Allah has allowed people when they're going for Hajj, they can do one of three types of Hajj. All right, and inshallah you will learn about that. Allah has allowed, you know that we should break our fast when the sunsets. All right, so this is even sugary. Now when it comes to isn't sugary, or the No, would it be understood as Amara, he has allowed meaning he has ordered over here. When we look at the word Elina.

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We understand it as a model that Allah has ordered. Because when we think about permission, what do we think? Oh, it's my choice. If I do it, or if I don't do it, it's no big deal. Right? Yeah, I have the choice. But over here, Elina does not mean that you have a choice, it means Allah is ordered. All right. So Allah has ordered and total Farah, that it should be too far. It should be raised, it should be elevated too far from their letters refer I refer What does refer me

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to raise to lift up right. Now remember that refer doesn't just mean to lift up as in, pick it up and put it on a higher level. All right, or make it float in the air? Refer would also mean to make something taller. So for example,

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you're playing Jenga? Jenga, right? So what do you do, you take the pieces out from the bottom and you put them on the top. And as you keep doing that your tower becomes taller and taller until it eventually collapses? Right? So this is too far to make something tall, to elevate as and to make it tall.

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Now, what is this I mean, feeble utin, Elina, Allah, who until far, this is where one sentence kind of is complete. But it's a very different structure, right? Because theory should mean this is a continuation, and this is how it's understood. The previous ayah talks about the example of Allah's light, and what is that light commish? Catan right, like a niche? So Allah says that such niches are found feeble utin

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such niches, such Mischka that are found where feeble you 10 in massage.

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So light guidance? Where do you seek it? Where do you find it? Allah guides whomsoever He wills, right? But if you want to try to find it, where do you have to go? You're like, if you want food, where do you have to go? where food is available, you go to a supermarket, right? You go to a grocery store. If you want to do groceries, you're not going to go to the gas station, even though you do have like a small store over there. But I mean, you're not going to go to the gas pump to buy food. Right? Why because food is not available there. So if you want guidance, where do you seek it? Where do you find it? If you want to grow your Eman if you want to brighten up the light of your

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Eman if you want that the glass meaning your heart should be clean, should be shining. Where do you have to go? Certain Bluetooth certain places. What are those masks? which Allah has all

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ordered that these mosques should be too far they should be elevated. Now, what does it mean? But Allah has ordered that these mosques should be elevated this is understood in multiple ways one is they should be elevated mean they should be constructed they should be made because these are the centers of hedaya you know like, if there is a library in a city what does that mean?

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That the people are literate literacy will be promoted right. But if there is no library, then what does it mean? That overall literacy level would be low right. So, if there is a Muslim community and there is a masjid, a masjid a place where people come they worship they pray they learn, what does that mean that the Eman level of that community is inshallah good. But if there is a community and there is no Masjid even what does that show?

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What does that show? There's a big problem over here. So, Allah has ordered that these places should be too far meaning they should be built, they should be made, they should be constructed. And this is why Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he did hit rock, and he reached Cuba, before even he got to Medina, what did he do in Cuba? What did he do in Cuba, he started building a masjid. He couldn't wait until the construction was complete. He continued on to Medina and the masjid was completed after him. When he reached Medina again, what was one of the first things he did? He built the masjid before he built his house. He built the masjid six months Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam

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stayed in the house. Have you been? I'm sorry. I'll be a lot more than six months imagine he didn't know house. He didn't. But what was there? The Masjid was there. Allah has ordered that massage would be built. Because masajid what do they do? They preserve your iman. There are means of strengthening your Eman growing your iman and this is why our hearts our lives should be connected with the Masjid. Whatever Masjid we have to have a masjid in our lives.

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And we see that. I mean, a masjid is where Muslims gather right? For five daily prayers. If not five daily prayers, those who are really far away, at least for tomorrow do more is like understood, every Muslim man must attend. Right? Unless he's traveling or there's a genuine reason. And then we see that at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam, if a person was sick, you know where he would stay at the masjid?

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Isn't that amazing? Like sod the mod, there'll be a long run at the Battle of 100 Duck, what happened was that a mushrik shot an arrow, and it hits all the low Arnoux on his arm. And it actually hit a major, you know, vein or something got ruptured, and because of that, he bled profusely and he was so weak that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said attempt to look for him in the masjid. So that's how the Lillo and who would be taken care of in the masjid the prophets of Allah sin would come and visit him. Look at him in the masjid.

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When prisoners were brought in, where would they be tied up? In the Masjid? You know, once the Sahaba they went on an expedition and on their return, they found his group of people and they weren't too you know, they didn't get a good feeling from them. So they just captured them and they brought them because at that time, everybody was an enemy to the Muslims. All right, so just captured these people and that brought them to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Do you know who your prisoner is? Do you have any idea whom you've caught? Or like, we don't know. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, you have got the leader of Yamama sama Bin was

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that he was the leader of bundle Hanifa and bhanwar. Hanifa was a major tribal Arabia, just like the Quraysh were as big as the Kurdish. So when they brought him in as a prisoner, the Prophet saw the laws and said, Okay, tie him in the masjid. They tied him in the masjid. All right. Now So Mama is in the masjid, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam goes to him in the morning and he says, What do you have to say? What do you think? Or something like that? And so mamas, like, if you kill me, then you're gonna kill a person whose blood money is heavy.

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If you let me go, then your generosity will be appreciated. If you want money, Ask and you will be given. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam left him and meanwhile he had ordered the companions that you know, treat him well. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would send his own food to Sonoma.

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The next day the prophets are a lot of time went, same conversation happened. Third day, same conversation happened. Then the Prophet saw the lights and said, Let him go. They let him go, they open him, they said, go home. The man got up some armor, he got up he went, and he comes back after a few minutes all nice and showered and clean and fresh and up. And he says, I shall do Allah Illa Illa or I shall do

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Under Muhammad Rasul Allah, He embraced Islam. And he said, There Mohammed at this time he's still a new Muslim, right? So he doesn't know the etiquette of addressing the Prophet salallahu Salam. And he says, By Allah, there was no face that was more hated to me than your face. But now it is the most beloved face to me. By Allah. There was no religion that was hated to me more than the religion of Islam but now it is the most beloved religion to me. By Allah. There was no city that was most hated to me than the city of Medina. But now it is the most beloved city to me. What happened to somehow my in three days what changed?

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His hatred was based on ignorance. When he was brought in Medina, he was in the masjid he saw the Muslims coming in every morning going out, you know, coming in praying, leaving five times a day he seeing their activities, he sees who they really are,

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then that ignorance is replaced with knowledge. And this is why that hate turned into love. Gopher turned into a man because he was brought to the masjid. Masjid is also a source of Eman. This is why Allah has ordered that massage should be built and Tofa they should be built. But unfortunately many of us are many Muslims. Their concern is just about building a masjid. Right? Build a masjid and then just leave it No. populated as well. Don't fall because too far does not just mean in the physical sense. It should be built to follow also it should be elevated in the heart, meaning a person must also honor the question. Respect the Masjid. How do you honor and respect the Masjid? By

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going to the masjid? Because if we don't even go to the masjid that means we don't care about the Masjid. Right. We don't even care about it. But if we're going there, that means it's important to us we're honoring the masjid by being present in the masjid by populating it.

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And also unto Farah that the masjid should be respected. That means that it should be kept clean. It should be kept clean. I don't know if you notice this morning when you were coming into the live from the front. Did you see anything? That was different.

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Okay, something beautiful maybe? flowerpots?

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Right? I mean, who do you think did that?

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Who could do that?

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Someone who

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comes here, okay. Many people come here. Someone who loves this place someone who treats this place? Who values this place just as they value their own house? Because these days What do you see out every house? Flowers, right? flowerpots, nice green grass. People are maintaining their outdoor space. Who cares about the mustard? Who will come and put flowers outside of Masjid The one who loves the masjid. And I'm telling you, the person who did it is a person who comes to the masjid. They weren't given a paycheck by alHuda that, okay, this was the cost of the flowers. Here, you're being compensated. This is out of their own choice. This is their own effort. This is their own love

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for the masjid. And they did it when nobody was around. They didn't do it on a weekday. They did it last weekend because when we came in Tuesday after a long weekend, there were flowers outside. When we left Friday evening, there were no flowers outside. They came and did it secretly privately. Because they love the Masjid.

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Allah has ordered that we love the masjid because of a masjid tell me something of a must. It doesn't look beautiful. Who's going to want to come there? If a masjid smells it's dirty from outside. Who's going to want to come there? Nobody right?

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To the masjid has to be cleaned. It has to be maintained and who is it going to be maintained by people who are hired only? Not everywhere. That's possible. And even if you pay someone to do it, they might not ever do the same job as someone who truly loves the mustard. I mean, when a woman looks after her house, why is she looking after because her husband is paying her. Okay, you clean the house every day. So here $15 A day. Is that the reason? I mean the husband will tell her please stop cleaning come sit with me. And she will say yeah, I'm coming. Let me just bring the floor quickly. She doesn't want to spend time with her family. She wants to clean her house. She loves her

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house. Allah wants that we should love the masjid also. Because the masjid is a center of faith. When it's honored when it's respected when it's taken care of it will be populated when it will be populated. It will be a source of Eman, strengthening Eman of the community. A Masjid is not a museum

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nor is it a dump. Nor is it the garage. What is it? It's a place where we strengthen our iman and this place must be made beautiful. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allah will prepare a house in Jannah for anyone who goes to the masjid morning and evening, each morning and evening that they go.

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So each morning and evening, a person who goes to the masjid writes, for example, on a Monday they go in the morning and they end up going in the evening also, that day Allah who prepare for that person, a house agenda. If on Tuesday, they only end up going in the morning, Wednesday they go morning and evening, how syndrome.

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The month of Ramadan is coming. And many people have this fear. The nights are short, oh my god. And we have to go to the masjid every night. Get rid of that fear replace that fear with expectation of reward from Allah subhanaw taala. The one who goes to the masjid morning and evening. He loves the Masjid. Right.

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So Allah who will honor Him because of that the one who honors Allah's house, Allah who will honor him.

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And also to Farah, remember that it should be honored should be populated part of honoring the masjid is not making noise in the masjid.

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You know that? Meaning people should not be talking amongst themselves about random things and then arguing over it and raising their voices over it. In Behati. We learned that there was a man he said that I was in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and

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somebody threw like a pebble towards me. Right now, we might think, oh my god, that's so rude. Right? But at that time, I mean, the floor was what? Pebbles? Right? There was no carpet. There was no grass. It was pebbles. So if you wanted somebody's attention quietly, what would you do? Just pick a pebble and gently throw it at them. So somebody did that to him and he looked and it was urban Hatha Badillo and who I mean aroma will be lowered. What can you say? So remodel the Lauren who said, gold bring those two men. So there were these two men in the masjid. He said, Go call them. So he said I went and called him when he brought them to remodel the lower. No, he said, Who

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are you? Where have you come from? They said we have come from five or more of the lower and who said if you had been from this town, meaning if you were residents of Medina, I would have hit you. Because you are raising your voices in the masjid of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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meaning because you're a visitor, this is why you don't know the etiquette. Hence I am letting you go. But if you were from the city of Medina, and you come to the masjid and you make noise that is a punishable thing near me. This is something serious because Allah has ordered that a masjid be respected part of respect is that you don't make noise in the masjid. And also part of respecting the mustard is that you?

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You've got a fee has more that the mustard should be used for what it was built for. Why does the mustard build for worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. So, Allah has ordered that way you have caught off he has small that it is mentioned we have entered meaning in these booth meaning in the masjid, what should be mentioned is smooth his name whose name the name of Allah should be mentioned. Which is why if a person has lost something, you should not be making an announcement in the masjid. By the way, I've lost my car keys. Can I please have them in the masjid? All right. So we learned that once a man came in the masjid and he was saying, has anybody seen a red camel? You have lost my red

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camel. No red camel is not something small. It's big money. He says Has anyone seen a red camel? The prophets of Allah some said May you never find it. May you never find it because a masjid was built for what it was built for. And what is that? The worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala so feeble uten Earline Allah Who and total Farah where youth karate has smooth u sub Bihu. He does the spear. He glorifies level for him for who for Allah meaning he does this be of Allah, fie her in it in what in the masjid? When does he do this be of Allah in the masjid Bill although we in the morning while our SOL and the evening

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he does this be have Allah in the morning and in the evening in the masjid. Who does this be have Allah in the morning in the evening in the masjid that he died on? Men, people, not some out of this world beings, redial on people who populate the Masjid. People do now

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The jail is the plural of Rajul. And yes it means man. But it doesn't just mean that men should go to the masjid and only they should go. Women should also go to the masjid. Many Hadith are clearly stated that women should not be prohibited from going to the masjid.

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So the Jalan people, when we go to the masjid in the morning or in the evening, what should we do?

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What should we do what is the last point are appraising over here? This B

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sometimes we go to the masjid with the intention to pray only and we pray and we leave. But what do we learn in the masjid you pray? If you do notice over here in this aisle Salah is not mentioned.

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Right, what is mentioned vicar as mentioned this B is mentioned because Salah is part of the Quran this beer in fact Salah is called this beer also. But there's other ways of remembering Allah. There's other ways of remembering Allah like what

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okay recitation of the Quran for example, when we come here, and we are reciting the Quran, for example, in the morning, reflecting over the verses of Allah this is also part of remembering alone. So when you come here, don't come with the intention of attending a class, go with the intention of

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going to the masjid and Alhamdulillah we are sitting in the masjid. What an honor what a blessing this is. So come with the intention of going to the masjid which is why when you come pray to the carnival, and then sit down

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so that you are rewarded for the time that you're here. This is all your data. And the decal the spear. It includes other than it includes a comma, it includes Salah it includes the ah, the spear draw of the Quran, Darlene which is why the prophets are allowed so he would also teach the Sahaba in the masjid. So who does this really alone people men, which kind of people come to the masjid. People have got nothing to do they're free in their lives. Yeah.

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Allah says Reja alone. Love to hear him. latterly him it does not distract them. Do Li from the root letters Lam Halliwell level number one law who is something that distracts you from what is more important, right? What is unnecessary, and it distracts you? So it does not distract them What does not distract them the job or don't trade commerce, what are barren, and nor any sales? You see the genre? What does it mean business. And the genre is basically buying and selling for a profit. You're exchanging your goods so that you can make a profit, right? And your goods could be what you bought or what you made. Right? Or what you're doing. So the genre could be you know, any means of

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making money. Alright, in which you are putting in some effort, you're spending your time you're doing some work, it could be a nine to five job it could be some business that you are involved in could be any work that you're doing so that you can sell it and make money. So Allah says that they're the genre, their work their business, their money making does not distract them. Whenever you're on even Bayer does not distract them. What is Bear Bear is to sell. Remember, she RA and Bayer right she lot is to buy is still in Allah Hush, Tara indeed Allah has purchased Hola, Iike Medina, Tarawa Bala. Those are the people who have purchased misguidance. All right, and the

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opposite of Silla is better. What Does better mean to sell?

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Have you ever tried selling something?

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Like maybe you're volunteering somewhere and somebody came interested in buying a hot chocolate or something and you're like, please, please, just take in your heart. You're like, just take it take it right. And then if your phone is buzzing at that time, you're getting messages. Do you start looking at your phone? Yeah, it's it's $1. And you just go back on your phone? Do you do that? You put your phone away, you give them your full attention? Yeah, buy it for $1. So I can make 25 cent profit.

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Right? We want the 25 cent profit and we're so in it. Because we're selling, you know, being able to sell mean success in your business. If you don't make your sales you're going to lose. Allah says even selling does not distract them, distract them from what are in victory.

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From the vicar of Allah, no matter how busy they are in their work, in their business, in their sales, in their profession in their career.

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And by the way, if you're studying in order to do something in order to make money that is also part of like the genre and better right?

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So no matter what they do,

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mean, they're not distracted by it from Salah rNv Killa, from the remembrance of Allah.

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What calm is Salah, nor does trade and selling commerce and sale distract them from establishing the prayer, what etha is, nor does it distract them from giving this occur, because sometimes we're so busy making money. Alright, and for people who are actually making money, I mean, perhaps we don't really understand this, and a person who's actually making money, they would understand this. Because when you're making that sale, you know, when you are making that exchange, it's such a critical moment. And you see, the thing is that your greed, it just keeps growing. You know, I worked, I build six hours today. You know, if I work just one hour more, I will be billing seven

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hours, I'm making this much more money. And with this money, I can buy this and I can sell this and I can do that.

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You understand? Like, it's so consuming. It consumes you for what does Allah say, these are busy people, but their busyness does not make them too busy to remember Allah. It does not make them too busy to establish the prayer to give some of their money as a cat. Where Eater is a cow. Why? What's so different about these people, because what's in the heart

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the light of Eman

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when the node of Allah, the guidance from Allah, it enters the heart of a person, then it fills his heart. It occupies his heart, then the love of money, the love of work of your career, it doesn't have room in the heart anymore. It's expelled from the heart. It doesn't mean it's expelled from the life it is a part of life, but it doesn't occupy the heart. And when it doesn't occupy the heart, then a person can continue to pray and continue to remember Allah subhanaw taala and what is it that drives this? Yo ha funa Yeoman, they fear a Day that the color blue it will turn about fee in it Elcano boo the hearts well absorbed and the vision? What is it that forces them to leave their work

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to put their work on hold to put their phone away? To close their book and go pray? What is it that enabled them to take some of their money and give it in the way of Allah? What is it that enabled them to remember Allah even when they're busy working, what the fear of the Day of Judgment I am not living in this world forever. This life is short, a day is coming. When my heart when my eyes will be trembling, that the caller will feel Kaluga will absorb this is the reality of the Day of Judgment. So the stronger a person's faith is in an era the stronger will be his Iman, the stronger will be his remembrance of Allah.

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The better his prayers will be.

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Yo ha fauna Yeoman, that akala Wolfie Hill Paluma will absorb. These are the people who populate the Masjid. These are the people whose Iman is strong.

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In a hadith we learn that Allah will ask on the Day of Judgment.

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Where are my neighbors?

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Allah will ask on the Day of Judgment, where are my neighbors? Imagine the entire assembly of human beings of jinn angels of whole creation is there. And Allah is asking, Where are my neighbors? Where are my neighbors? And the angels will say, Oh our Lord, who could be your neighbor?

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Who could be your neighbor? And Allah who will say, where are those who populated the massagin?

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Where are those who visited the masjid regularly? Morning evening who perform their prayers? Where are those people? Because Allah will want to give them honor on that day.

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Instead of the mafia, Khun i&i, Allah says yeah, you have Lavina Avenue, lateral Hichem on Wailuku Wallah hola to command decorilla all you who believe. Do not let your wealth and your children distract you from the remembrance of Allah.

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wealth and children are they're part of life.

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A very big part of life. So much so that they can take your 24 hours literally, they can completely capture you. It's so difficult to release yourself from them. You know, many women, even many men, they complain about not having enough personal time not having enough me time. Why? Because in the morning you wake up with crying children or children who have to get ready and go to school. So your morning begins with a duty then you

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Go to work and you're working, working, working. And then the work ends with another duty with the children, you have to go pick them up from school. And then you have to take them for their extra lessons or something. And then you bring them home and then you have to feed them and then you have to spend the money that you just made. And then you have to do their laundry and then get them into bed so that the whole cycle can begin again. And when the weekend comes again, you cannot relax. Why? Because your children will consume you, or your housework will consume you, isn't it so? And then we don't have time for ourselves. We don't have time for that they could have Allah. Allah says

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let Polycom unwelcome wala Allah to come on decorilla Because if we don't make time for the Quran, Allah, if we don't make time for the worship of Allah, then what will happen to that Eman to that flame? What will happen? It will become weak.

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Right? We need to refill it. And refilling also requires time, doesn't it? Like for example, if you have a soap dispenser in your washroom, you filled it with soap, but everybody's been using it within a week it's almost empty. And then your attempt to wash hands you fill it with water or something so that maybe it will mix up with the remaining soap inside. Right and then you're like I'm too busy to fill it up. Really if you're too busy to fill it up, then you're you're going to be walking around with dirty hands. You have to make time to refill it, don't you? You have to likewise Eman also needs time. And sometimes you don't find that time at home. What do you need to do? Leave

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your house on a Saturday Sunday morning

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and go somewhere else to a masjid. Listen to Quran, read Quran, study Quran to refill your heart. Don't you need that? We all need that.

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So over here Allah is praising those servants of his who go to the masjid regularly, who take care of their Iman and such people will be honored by Allah on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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that one of the people who will be shaded by Allah on the Day of Judgment is who what do you learn more I look on Bill Masjid. Either Harada Minho had the Euro de la.

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The person whose heart is died to the masjid from the time he leaves the masjid until he can go back again.

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He understood. You know, like when you go to, let's say a restaurant, okay, and you really enjoy eating there. So when you're leaving, what are you thinking, Oh, I don't want to go even though your stomach is full, but you don't want to go? Because you're gonna miss your food. And then every day you're thinking about what is that? I can go next? What is it that I can go next? Maybe restaurant example is a little too much. How about an ice cap? Right? I mean, it's when you finish your ice cap. What do you start dreaming about thinking about? Next ice cap? Isn't it?

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So there are some people who when they leave the masjid, what are they thinking about? When they can go back again? When they can go back again. These people will be shaded by Allah's shade on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, a Muslim does not regularly attend the mosque to perform prayer and remember ALLAH, except that ALLAH feels happy with him, meeting the person who regularly goes to the masjid and regularly performs prayers over there and remembers Allah, then what happens? Allah is happy with him, just as the family of one who is absent, feels happy when he comes back home.

00:33:40 --> 00:34:00

Has it ever happened that your mother or your husband or someone who's very close to you, whom you really love, they're gone for, let's say a trip, for a weekend for a week, for a month for two months, for a year. And for the whole time they're gone. You're thinking about them missing them. And then when they come back, how do you feel?

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Happy. This is how Allah feels about the servant who comes to the masjid again and again. Each time he comes to the masjid, Allah is as happy as the one whose family has just returned, whose family has just come back whose beloved has returned? Allah loves those servants of his who go to his masjid, who visit his Masjid regularly.

00:34:29 --> 00:34:35

Once I showed the longer and how was asked that when the Prophet salallahu Salam is at home, what does he do?

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When he's at home? What does he do? Or when he used to be at home? What did he do? I shall the Lord has said that he used to keep himself busy serving his family. But when it was time for prayer, than he would go for the prayer.

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So you see, he's living a life he's in this world.

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You're studying you're at work, you're in your family.

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You're doing your regular things. But then when it's time to pray, then stop. Just like the Prophet sallallahu Sallam stopped, and he went to pray.

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This is a sign that the flame of iman is burning inside it is on.

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And if the time of prayer has come in, but we are not able to stop our work and make time for prayer, then what does it mean? That lamp is to them. That lamb, you know, it's almost run out of fuel, it needs to be rekindled, it needs to be refilled. Leah Jizya whom Allah so Allah will recompense them, Allah will reward them. As a result of this their human being strong, the flame is bright, blazing. And the proof of that is that no matter what they're doing in their lives, they have time to remember Allah, they make time for their prayers, they populate the masjid such people Allah will reward them. Why? Because of cinema or Emmylou. The excellent the best deeds which they

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have performed, Allah will reward them because they have performed excellent deeds, whereas either whom, and he will increase them give them more men fugly from His bounty.

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Because the one who will bring one good deed on the Day of Judgment, Allah will give him 10 in place for 10 rewards for it. Mangia a bill husana fella who I should unfairly her way as either woman fugly he will give them more from His bounty will Allah we also call my yesha. And Allah provides whomsoever He wills be lady his without any measure. Because you see, sometimes we feel that if we take time out from our, you know, for example, if you're preparing for an exam, when you have to read five chapters, and you think if I have to spend 15 minutes praying, then I have 15 minutes less to study. Right? Or if we're working, and if we say I have to take 15 minutes out, that means I

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cannot build for an entire hour, I have to stay afterwards and make up for those 15 minutes and then I can bill for an hour right? So when we're taking time out for their event of Allah, we feel like we will suffer in our rates. But what does Allah say? He gives risk. He gives risk. Because it's quite possible that we studied for five hours, but we can barely get through three chapters because the brain is just slow. You read a whole page and you wonder what did I just read? Go when you take a 15 minute break, you go pray you reorient yourself, then what happens when you come back mind is fresh, energize, and then you can plow through those five chapters in three hours easily if Allah

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allows you, if Allah allows you, you know, there's this friend of mine. She lives in England, and she told me a story about her husband, her husband is a taxi driver in Manchester. All right, and taxi drivers in England make a lot of money. And this means it can become like a very greedy thing. You don't want to miss any opportunity. Right? So this guy, he went to the masjid one day, and he parked his taxi outside, it goes in the masjid. And he's praying Salah and after Salah this man comes up to me. He's like, is that your cab outside? He's like, Yeah, he's like, Brother, don't let this consume you. And he's like, Okay, thanks for the advice. And he's like, look, I used to think

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the same way that I have to be in my cab all the time. And, you know, I won't spend time with my family. I want to make time for Salah. And basically the story went on in his like, one day, it was solid time and I thought I should go pray. Because like, I went to go pray. And I knew that because there's, you know, peak times and you have to be in certain places. And if you're not there, you're not going to get any people to hire you. If you don't have people to hire you. You don't make any money. So imagine at peak time is parked at a masjid. And he's praying Salah. So he said, You know, I made time for my prayer. And when I came outside, this woman came to me and she's like, Are you

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available right now? Are you taking a break? And he's like, come on. I'm here. I was just praying. And she's the non Muslim woman and she goes, I need to go to God knows what city, a different city right? And she didn't have much time. So she needed to go on a cap. And he said I made like 300 pounds

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300 pounds or more than that maybe 300 is like $600 by the way.

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So the advice that he was giving him was that don't compromise your prayers and things that are important because of your job. Make time for prayer. Make time for important things. What is written for you will come to you. It will come to you because the Razzak is not the job

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The provider is not the cab. The provider is not the boss. Who is the provider? Allah subhanho wa Taala so don't forget him. Remember him

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and he will take care of your affairs because we're Allahu Yoders Wakamiya Chateau belaid he said

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without any measure,

00:40:22 --> 00:40:22


00:40:24 --> 00:40:27

He bore you in long

00:40:28 --> 00:40:28


00:40:30 --> 00:40:36

go off he has move you said Beholder movies. You said behold

00:40:38 --> 00:40:44

do we want on Regina

00:40:57 --> 00:40:58

or a formula

00:41:04 --> 00:41:05

for food

00:41:07 --> 00:41:08

for food

00:41:13 --> 00:41:18

polo all Lea JC

00:41:20 --> 00:41:21


00:41:27 --> 00:41:31

wala who yo Zuko me

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