Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 167D Tafsir Al-Hajj 8-17
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I have number eight Wamena NASCI and among people or men who you Giardino Fila, he, they argue the dispute about Allah, believe your Illman without any knowledge this has mentioned again that on the basis of ignorance, pride, what do many people do? They argue about Allah Wallah who done nor any guidance. First of all, this person has no knowledge. And secondly, what he's saying is not even based on any guidance, what is guidance, something that has come from the messengers through the messengers? What are Kitab in need, nor any enlightening book, meaning a book a scripture that was revealed from Allah subhanaw taala. In other words, the argument of these people is without any
logical or textual evidence, then what they assert, what is it based on their desires, their opinions, and sort of often if 56 Allah says in Medina Yuja they don't see it lay belaid it's all done in a townhome, infeasible duty in Illa Kebudayaan Meng be validly that such people in their hearts is only pride. And that is what is described in the following verse. Fannie are able to fee twisting his neck meaning when the truth is presented to him. He doesn't accept it, he argues instead and his argument is not based on any textual or logical evidence 30 or LTV sanea from the root letters sad known Yeah. Funny is one who folds remember the word yes, no, no. Yes. No, no
Saluda home their folder. Chests mean the bend forwards.
Fanny is one who folds one who bends and the word Fanny is also used for one who is second. Sandy? Yes, Nene is woman, Phil Hall. So Thani one who seconds because 31 is two fold. And when you fold something when you double it, right? So for example, you have a sheet, a piece of paper and then you fold it when you fold it, you're dividing it into two parts, right? So when you fold you are doubling, right? You double the object. Now Thani is one who folds. All right, one who falls. So 30 year old puffy, he folds his cereal. What is the right side of the body? The neck? Or the face? The side of the body? All right. So he thought the Earth for you he turns his face and neck away in
pride in arrogance, meaning he doesn't face anymore? What does he do? He just turns his face away and goes away, walks away.
What does this show? If a person has in front of you, you're talking to them? Right? And what do they do? They just turn their face away their body away from you as if they're folding away from you. And they walk away? What does it mean? They're interested in hearing what you have to say? Not at all. Or, for instance, if you're talking to someone and they turn their face away, what does it mean they're really upset? Right? They're really upset. So thank you, for he folding his neck twisting his neck, as if disagreeing and showing that I don't care about what you're saying. I don't agree with you, Leo, Linda on subete Allah as a result, what does this person do? He misleads others
from the way of Allah also. Because when he will reject than what will happen, others will also reject when he will refuse to accept and others will also follow. Just like the prophets on a lot of Salah when he was told to do Dawa, to his family will ended our Sheila Calacatta been, what did the prophets of Allah said and do he invited his family members to his house prepared a meal for them served them. And his intention was that after the meal, he was going to do that right to them. So what happened after the meal, he spoke to them? Everybody was quiet, shocked, and what they had heard, almost, they wanted to accept but at the same time, they were hesitant. But Ebola hub, what
did he do? What did he do? He spoke over there and he said, Stop Muhammad salallahu Salam, don't let him continue because if you don't stop him, we will be humiliated.
And another occasion when the Prophet salallahu Salam was told that first Darby Mata Omar proclaimed what you have been commanded to the prophets, Allah Madison went on top of Mount sulphur, and he called everybody and then he warned them, what did Ebola do? He took a handful of sand and he threw it and he said Doug Baluch le Haddad Alterna, what do you mean you be destroyed? You called us for this reason. So everybody was quiet. Nobody openly accepted and nobody openly rejected but when Abu Lahab he read
After the Prophet sallallahu Sallam openly arrogantly what happened? So many people followed him, Leo will learn subete Allah, for such a person who's being so arrogant, Allah says level for dunya is you and for him in this world is humiliation, one or the Uyo will pm with your audible Hadith and we will make him taste on the Day of Judgment, the punishment of burning. How do you have a lot of what does How do you mean to light something on fire to burn it to set it ablaze? Just like the people of Ibrahima. Listen, I'm the set Henrico who burn him meaning light him on fire, burn him to death. So the person who is so arrogant, refusing to accept then is a really big, No, Allah says
Lucha COVID Dunya is you and for him is a disgrace and humiliation in this life that he could be male called the Mattia Dhaka, that is because of what your hands have put forth, meaning you have brought this result upon yourself, this is a result of your pride. Well, Anila and indeed, Allah lays me one lamb and Lil RBP is not at all ever unjust to His servants. Allah is not unjust to His servants at all. Even a little bit, he is not Wamena Nessie, no another attitude is mentioned. So we see that so far, what have we learned? People who argue about Allah without knowledge, without any guidance, without any proof? who reject based on arrogance? What is the result of such people?
humiliation and duniya Anna Farah, now another attitude is mentioned Wamena NSC and among people may Jamboard, Allah is the one who worships Allah, Allah how to find an edge. How to literally is the edge of something the end of something. So for example, the edge of a cliff, or for instance, there is a field, there is a garden that is fenced. So the edge of that meaning the fence, what does that have? So, there is a person who worships Allah on an edge. What does it mean by this on an edge? In the Quran, we are told with Hulu facil me CAFA enter into Islam completely. But this person doesn't enter into the field of Islam completely. What does he do? He just stays at the edge? He is not
fully in it is not even out of it. He's just at the border. Why? Why?
Think about it. Why would a person just stay at the border? He wouldn't go fully in.
Okay, he still has doubts. Okay. He's not certain. Right? He's not sure.
Okay, he wants the best of both worlds. Right? He wants the benefits of being Muslim. And he also wants other benefits. Right? So he's not fully in? How would you describe this person? Is he stable? No, he's not. He's wavering. He's still in doubt. So, this person eventually what will happen either he will fall this way or he will fall that way.
You know, for instance, if a person is hanging off a bus, what will happen? Either he will fall off the bus, or he will have to get to a place in the bus, which is more safe. Right? He cannot continue like that for a long time. Which is why usually, why is it that people will hang off a bus, because the right is very short. It's just 10 minutes, maybe half an hour maximum. Right? But if it's a long journey, nobody's gonna hang off the bus. Because either you're gonna fall off, you're gonna give up or you're going to get somewhere in the bus where you can sit properly. So some people worship Allah in this manner. Unstable, they're not sure they're not 100% in it. And there's different forms of
worship, right? Whether it is Salah, or it is wearing the hijab, any act of worship Allah have
fun in US law Bihu Hi, Iran, then if some good reaches him, he's touched by some good, what kind of good a word of praise or it's very easy. Or he begins to do something good and he sees good results immediately. Right? He starts praying salah, and then he sees that his health is getting better. Or he takes his religion seriously. And he sees that he is you know, just getting better and better at everything. For in Asaba Oh, Hi, Ron. What happens to him implement NLP, he is reassured by it. He is reassured by that good, or he's confident about that religion about Aruba. And so he continues to worship Allah. He will carry on what in our saw but who fit not on but if some fitna, some trial
hits him. What kind of
While like sickness, or some kind of opposition, some kind of hostility. The Hijab was worn and all of a sudden people's attitude has changed. And a person says, I can't handle this anymore at work or at school in Oslo. But who fits and atone if some fitna hits him, what's the reaction? In Conibear? Allah witchy? He turns on his face meaning he flips to the other direction and he walks away from arriba he leaves her brother behind, because in Coronavirus, what do you when you turn your face away from something? What does it mean? You don't want it anymore, you're going away. So he leaves her brother and he goes away. He leaves Islam and he goes away. Such a person Allah says hasura
dunya. He has lost in the dunya while our Pharaoh and even the agora. He has suffered loss in dunya and akhira. How has he suffered loss Indonesia, because that trial that hit him, that difficulty that reached him, obviously, because of that difficulty suffered some financial loss or some lack of confidence or some kind of loss he suffered because of that fitna and well after, but what is worse is that he will suffer in the UK, as well.
You see in life, there are trials, there are difficulties for everyone, for every person. But when a believer suffers, when a believer suffers, then what happens, at least you will be rewarded for that suffering for his patients. And when a believer suffers, then what does that mean that the reward will be greater that in sha Allah after the spirit of hardship, there will be good or what this hardship will be good, right. But when a person says no, I can handle this, I'm leaving this than hasira Dunya Allah Hara, he's going to suffer in dunya. And the akhirah. And Allah says that ego will Hassan will be in that is the manifest loss, because such a person is losing in dunya. And
the thing is that we have to understand that we are Allah servants, we belong to him, and him alone. He is our master, he can put us in difficulty and he can also take us out from it. And there is nothing that happens in life, except that it happens with his will. And his will, is with his wisdom. And he has sent us in this dunya for what for a test and trials in life, why do they come to wake us up and to increase our reward? Now, when we are in difficulty, there are two options. One is that we give up, we walk away. When will the person give up? When will he walk away? When he was not determined to begin with? He had no end, no destination, no goal in mind. That's when he will give
up. Right? Like, for example, if you leave your house thinking, you know, maybe I should go to the grocery store. Maybe I think I should go and you're driving and then to go to the grocery store, you have to turn right you're like, should I should I not
know I want and you go straight? Why? Why did you do that? Because you are not?
You are not certain about your goal. If you really want it to go to the grocery store, you would go right? You would definitely go. So when is it that a person gives up? When is it that he walks away, because he was not determined to begin with, he had no goal in mind. He had no end that he was striving towards.
Now the other way is that a person holds on strong and he says the storm will pass. He's determined. And he's focused on the goal. So he says, you know, for instance, a person is driving, the weather's really bad snow, slippery roads. But he's like, You know what, I need groceries. If I don't go to the grocery store, that means I will have no cream for my coffee in the morning. I can't do without coffee in the morning. So you know what, I'll drive at 10 kilometers an hour. It'll take me half an hour to get to the grocery store. But doesn't matter. I'll go anyway. Because my coffee is important to me. Right? So he will he go? Is he determined? Have you done things like that in your life? You
know, I wonder sometimes when people are walking outside and minus 30 taking a bus going to school why? Why do you do that? Don't you freeze? You know, don't your bodies hurt? Don't your toes hurt? How can you walk in that snow? How? How do you do that? Because when you got to do it, you got to do it. Why is it that you don't give up? Because your education your work is important to you. Do you see the difference in attitude? Who gives up? The one who's not determined the one who does not have a goal and who stays strong?
Who the person who's determined the one who has a goal now
Some people they live life as if they are driftwood. What is driftwood like a piece of wood floating in the water. And what happens to them, they're tossed by waves and currents of the day. They're tossed from one side to the other one wave comes takes them. One way another wave comes, takes them another way. Such people, they have no goal in life. They have no principles that they live by.
These people are losers. Why? Because they're not acting on life. They're being acted on whatever happens happens, it's easy to do it, it's difficult to leave it.
The torrent is going one way, okay, go this way, it's going another way. Oh, could go this way. Life hits them, like waves of the ocean, as one event rolls into another or one worlds and after another. So one thing after the other happens, and they're just drifting from one place to the other one thing to another.
Then there are winners, people who act upon life. They're not acted on. They attach themselves to meaningful purposes, they have some goal. And they hold on strong. They're not like driftwood. That is just shifting from one side to the other. No, there are like a ship sailing in the sea through the storms through the sun light through the night through the day, through the cold and through the heat. They're going going because they have a goal. Will they end up somewhere? Yes, they will.
Life was not easy for anybody. But we have to see why am I living? What do I want? Where am I headed to? What is my destination? What do I want from this life that I'm living? Or am I just living because I'm living?
I get up in the morning I go to work, I make some money. I spend it I become happy. I become sad. I go to parties, I spend the night awake. I sometimes pray sometimes I don't. I do what people tell me I buy what's on the flyers. That's it. This is what life is? What is this life going to bring?
What meaning isn't going to bring?
So these are some important questions that we need to ask ourselves, How am I living? What am I doing? Do I want to get somewhere? What is my goal? Where do I want to go? What ends what purposes? Are my choices leading me to? Is my life in a meaningful or is it just going day after day, ending up in nothing.
If we are clear about what we want, if we are clear about our goals, then comments at me whether it's difficult or it is easy, we will reach our goal. Because when you have made a commitment with yourself, when you have decided that you want something and you adopt away, you adopt something in order to get there, and it gets difficult. You make it anyway. You do it anyway. So if you are clear in your goal, I want Jana, I want nothing less than gender. And if that means I have to wear the hijab, then whether it's easy or difficult, I'm going to do it. This is my choice. This is my decision. If I'm wearing hijab, because I want to please Allah, I want to make it to gender, gender
is my goal,
then come visit me I'm going to wear my hijab, I'm not going to leave it
if my goal is Janna. If my goal is that my meeting with Allah is good, then I have to fix my salah, then whether it is easy, or it is difficult, I will perform salah. If my goal is Jana, then whatever Allah has commanded, whatever I'm learning about, then I have to do it, whether it's easy, or it's difficult, because that is what I am willing to pay in order to get to my destination. That is what I'm willing to do in order to get to my destination. You know this very well, nothing in life comes easy, right? If you want a degree, if you want a career, do you just wake up one day and say, Yeah, I want to be a doctor. So yeah, can I buy that degree from somewhere? No, you can't. Go write your
tests, try getting into med school and then study through days and nights for years. And then hopefully you'll get something in your hand by which you can practice medicine. Right? Nothing comes easy. You have to pay the price. You have to spend the money you have to sacrifice your days and your nights. How do we think Jana? Is that easy? That Jana that home of eternity where every wish will be fulfilled? Where dream houses will be castled will be how do we think that's going to be easy? So remember, this life is going to be difficult when a person begins to worship Allah, any act of rabada there will be difficulty whether that act of worship is simply a hijab on the head. It
will be difficult, it's not easy. Who said it's easy. You will get the stairs and people that
attitude will change. Some people will show support, others will mock and ridicule. But you know what if that's what I have to pay, if that's what I have to give in order to get to Jana, then it's worth it. Because Jana is important to me, my lords approval matters to me, that is what I want. So some people, they just worship on the edge, they're not in fully, something good happens, they continue something bad happens, they leave. And those who leave those who give up, Allah says they're the losers. They're the losers. So enter into Islam wholeheartedly, with your mind, with your body with your soul. And those who don't, those who leave those who go away, they're only
harming themselves.
Don't want to do something that is easy. And this is hard. So if it's hard, then it's not, I shouldn't have to do it, because it's not as easy. But the thing that they forget is that things are easy when you're doing them for the sake of Allah and you recognize that you'll be rewarded for all the turmoil or the hardship you're going through. And in that you find an ease and like, it helps you to get through the hardship. Exactly. And I mean, think about it, people who make fun of you, or people who don't get along with you, they need any excuse to make fun of you. If you wear hijab, they will make fun of you. If you have your hair in a certain way, they will make fun of you. You
can't please them, you can't make them happy. So if it's not a test through hijab, it will be a test through something else, we will be tested, we will suffer might as well suffer in the way of Allah so that at least that suffering matters, it will bring some reward at the end.
I mean, tell me, I'm just talking about hijab, because that's the example that popped up in my head, and it's just continuing. So people who don't wear the hijab, for example, me, you see all these fashion models are they're not criticized for their bodies.
They're criticized for everything, the length of their lashes, right, and the size of their curls, and everything. They're criticized, they're mocked at their makeup, their dress, their shoes, their sandals, everything.
You can't please people, you can only please Allah.
You can only please him. And Allah has told us how we can please Him. And there is no better way of living life than living in striving to attain his pleasure. That is worth it. Yeah, the rule, the one who turns away Allah says the other who he calls upon men don't Allah He, other than Allah, mad that which laid the rule who doesn't harm him, whom Allah and Pharaoh and does not benefit him? Those who are called upon besides Allah, those who are worshipped besides Allah, those whom we prefer over Allah, whether it's the boss or the work or the career anything, can they truly benefit us? Can they truly harm us? No, they cannot. Because ultimately, who benefits us? Who? Allah
subhanaw taala. You know, this is a part of our iman, that if all the people were to gather together to benefit us, they couldn't, unless it is something that Allah had already decreed. And if all the people gathered together to harm us, they couldn't, unless if it was something that Allah had already decreed. So nothing happens except with Allah's decision. People cannot harm us. They cannot benefit us. They're weak. Yeah, the room in dunya Allah He malleable. Rahu woman Hala young Pharaoh, what a big loss it is that a person is fearing someone who cannot benefit them, fearing someone who cannot harm them. That ego who Ebola will bury, that is the law. error that is buried, that is
extreme buried is that which is far, so far from destination meaning extreme error. How will the person ever get what he wants? You see, if we're making God to Allah, for something, yes, Allah can give. But if we're making you're off to something that doesn't even here, can we ever get what we want? Not possible? How can they give us it is extreme error. But it's amazing how we despair so quickly of Allah's mercy, when there are plenty of proofs to make us hopeful. Yet, how strong is our conviction in the creation? How heavenly we rely upon the creation.
When we have our hands up and we're making dua to Allah we have doubt in our heart. But when we're talking to people, and we're asking them, we're so convinced that they can help us We're so sure which is why we keep begging keep asking keep asking because we're confident they're younger, who he calls upon lemon surely who don't know who his harm is acquirable closer mana free than his benefit those who call upon other than Allah who had
They calling upon those who harm more than the benefit.
The harm is closer, closer meaning more likely
and closer as in sooner than what than the benefit. Benefit meaning if there was any, there is no benefit that they can bring, but the harm is certain. The danger is certain. Because when a person calls upon other than Allah, He fears relies upon other than Allah, what is he doing? Essentially schicke the harm is guaranteed the benefit? Maybe? Most likely not? Lubbock cell molar, surely, how evil is the molar one a bit? sloshy? And surely how evil is there she? Who is molar protector? Meaning how pathetic? Is this thing whom they're calling upon? Can it even protect them? Can it help them? Can it save the one a bit so are she and what a terrible our sheet who is our sheet are she is
from our ancient world, our Sheila relatives, those who are close in relationship. And our sheet is also used for a companion, a friend, a fellow someone with whom you mix your affairs with, in a for instance, you share business or you share ideas. You have an intimate conversation with them, you have a friendship with them, this is where our sheet is. So what a terrible friend, what a terrible associate, meaning how
pathetic it is to be associated with a person or with a thing like this. So for instance, on idle or something other than Allah which is being relied upon. How sad can it even help you? Is it a friend to you? How, you know sometimes people are just dying to please their boss. They're living day in and day out to please their boss. They're working night and day over time. Why? Maybe they'll get a promotion? Maybe.
But that boss, does he care about you at all? He doesn't all he wants his money and he's making a lot through you. Because you're desperate for some promotion. And you're working so hard only to make him richer. What does he care about you? He doesn't want to bid on our sheet. In the Lucha indeed Allah, you're the hero Ladino Manu, he will admit those who believe warm, it'll slowly hurt and those who do righteous deeds, he will admit them into Jana 10 gardens that dream and tactical unhealed underneath which rivers flow. Why will he admit them into such a place? Because of their patience? Because of their being firm upon the truth because of their determination? Allah will
reward them in the Lucha follow. May you read indeed Allah does whatsoever he wants. Nobody can cause failure to his plans, man Cana, whoever there is, your will know he thinks if there is any person who thinks I'm that lamb Surah who Allahu Allah who will never help him. Whoever thinks that Allah will never help his messenger. Because in Makkah, the prophets of Allah Addison was facing a lot of persecution. So where are things that Allah will never give victory to his messenger for dunya will occur in this world and also the hereafter, then what should this person do folium dude, then he should extend Medina Medina is to extend he should extend be suburban with a rope in a
summer to the sky. mean you should take a rope and try to get to the sky. And when he gets to the sky, so Madame Leah, Qatar, he should cut off meaning you should cut off that rope and he should fall down and die.
Meaning this person can exhaust all his efforts, he can show his anger and his frustration in any way that he wants. He can exhaust all his efforts. How does use the Hibben it take away K do his k this plot may leave that which enrages him I mean, he's very angry with Islam. With the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he doesn't want the name of Islam. He doesn't want success for the Prophet salallahu Salam, well, okay, go ahead, try your best if you can try to reach the sky in anger and cut off the rope and kill yourself. Basically give your whole life to the cause of stopping the mission of Islam. Go ahead and do it. Will you get somewhere?
No. You see what is mentioned over here. folium would be suburban, Elissa is Emily Akbar. In other words, he should kill himself he should give his own life. He should dedicate his life to cause failure to Allah's plans. But will that get him somewhere and will help? He spent his money? You know, it's sad. That poor guy he was so arrogant, so proud. He spent his money he ended his relationships. He did so much to try to stop the profits of a lot of Saddam good you
Buddha Hill, he even went to war. He's the one who said we're not going back we're going to fight the Muslims. So they went for the battle of whether he lost his life. Did that stop the mission of Islam? No, it didn't. So in other words, all people give up hope of what of any failure to Allah's religion. Allah will definitely help his messenger and sort of laugh at I 50 when Allah says in Ireland unsuitable Solana well Lolita am an awful hieratic dunya Allah will definitely support his messengers and those who believe in this life also Allah will help. Now this ayah can be understood in another way also, that men can or you don't know Alliance, Hula, hula hula for dunya whoever
thinks that Allah will never help him.
Meaning this person has despaired of Allah's help. So he's angry with Allah, he's angry with life. He has given a pop of Allah's aid of Allah's help,
then it's such a person is challenged that okay, go try kill yourself. If you kill yourself even will that solve anything? Will that's all anything? It won't will that make the problems go away? No. So all foolish one wake up, getting angry with Allah's decisions. being upset with his decree is going to get you know, were accepted already. Except Allah's decree, showing frustration running away from reality, resisting it is going to get you nowhere in the Lucha for Luma URI because Allah does whatever he wants
to understand the two meanings of this verse. What's the lesson in it? First of all, it is Allah's promise he will aid His Messenger, He will aid the believers, no force can stop it. No force can prevent. And secondly, what we learn is that a person was never must never be upset with others decisions. Whether those decisions are Kony or shutter, whether they are matters pertaining to your life, about your marriage or about your parents are about your life situation, your money, your job, your career, whatever it may be your health, where you were born, when you were born, whatever it may be, or the things of the deen the commands that Allah has given. Getting upset with Allah is
going to get us nowhere, because ultimately Who are we? Who are we? We are Allah servants, what are the Alika and Zelner who is in the unit? And thus we have revealed me in the Quran as verses that are clear. When Allah heya Dima UT, Allah guides those who you read, meaning those whom Allah wants to guide and secondly, my userid meaning the one who wants guidance in Alladhina amanu will Latina Haddow those who believe those who became Jews was sabihin and the Sabians when the surah and the Christians will Mudros and the fire worshippers were Latina, Shaco and those who do show different different people in Allah indeed Allah UFC lubaina homeopathy Yama indeed Allah who will judge
between them on the Day of Judgment in Allah Allah Kali che and Shahid indeed Allah is a witness over everything Allah has sent guidance people distorted it people deviated from it they formed into different groups. The reality will be exposed on the Day of Judgment. Everyone's reality will be exposed including ours. Recitation Well, I mean
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