Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P17 164C Tafsir Al-Anbiya 36-41

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the media's use of language and language during election events, as well as the use of images to portray Prophet's image. They stress the importance of settling for what is right and not rushing to achieve success. The speakers also touch on the challenges of settling for something, the importance of not rushing, and the importance of protecting one's name and reputation for fear of offense. They emphasize the need to be mindful of what comes out of gathering and not to be a victim.
AI: Transcript ©
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We will begin from iron number 36. What either and when he sees you and Lavina Cafaro those people who disbelieve meaning when the disbelievers see you or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is their reaction? In not yesterday don't occur. They take you in law except who's wha in mockery, meaning they only begin to make fun of you. As soon as they see you, wherever they see you, whether you are praying in the Haram or you're somewhere outside in the street, no matter where they see you, they begin to make fun of you they begin to mock at you as in love who's who. And what do they say while making fun of you? Or is Heather this mean this man under the the one who just grew he

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mentioned earlier Takane your bots meaning they make fun of you and while they're doing that they say to each other. This is the man meeting Mohamed Salah is this guy this fellow? Is he the one who talks about your gods yet guru Alia taco notice the word yet guru from dekha to mention, cleaning Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam talks about your gods. And the mentioned that he makes of them is not a positive one. Any he speaks disapprovingly of your gods. He's the one who says that they are not God He criticizes them. Allah says we're home while they are meeting the same people who are making fun of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam What are they doing themselves vicarage man with the

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mention of the Most Merciful who Gaffey room they are disbelievers, even when the name of a rock man is even mentioned, when his oneness is mentioned, what do they do? They they rejected their themselves this belief in Allah subhanaw taala they make fun of the fact that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam believes in the heat and that is the belief that he promotes while what are they doing? They're making fun of the Prophet sallallahu is criticizing the fact that he does not believe their multiple gods. In other words, they get very upset at the fact that the prophets of Allah Islam disapproves of their gods. Why do they get upset? Because they say that he insults them. But Allah

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subhanaw taala says have been looked at themselves. What are they doing? They are rejecting they're doing cover of Earth man. They reject Allah's message. They reject the Quran, they reject the mention of his oneness. What do we see over here, the Mushrikeen they were very upset with the prophets of Allah said that they were criticizing the fact that he did not believe in their gods. Whereas in reality in which seeking themselves were worthy of criticism, because they were rejecting the greatest reality. They were disbelievers in Allah, Allah subhanho wa taala. And this shows to us that many times we are quick to find faults and other people, whereas in reality, greater faults are

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within us. So for instance, it is said when looking for faults, don't use a telescope, use a mirror. Right? Because when we're looking for faults, we look at other people, we examine them very carefully. We're looking for problems okay. And literally we use a telescope, you know, even if a minute problem we can find in somebody we find it. Whereas in reality when looking for faults, we should be looking at a mirror, you should be looking at our own faults. And many times it happens that when a person begins to make fun of others, or he begins to find faults in others, he begins to neglect himself first. And the previous if we learned that this life is a test Allah's Panasonic

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tests us through a sharp and also through high, through evil and through good through bad times, and also through good times. And over here the example of the prophets of Allah Edison has given to us when he began Dawa was it easy. He was the one whom When the people saw him, immediately they felt happy, because they knew that the Prophet SAW Nelson was most just unfair. Let me give you an example when the prophets of Allah was around 35 years old. This is before he received prophethood. He was married to Khadija lo Arnhem. What happened to the Kaaba, the Kaaba was burnt, right and also there was a flood so the cargo was destroyed. A woman was cooking near the Kaaba. And what happened

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was that some of the sparks they fell on the Kiswa

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And that caught fire and while the the carbon got affected, and then because the carbon is in a valley, so because of rains and every few years there was a flood. Now in Hamdulillah, we have an amazing system. But anyway, back then there was a flood so the walls of Aqaba were destroyed. Now the Mushrikeen, the people of Makkah, especially the Quraysh, they had to reconstruct the Kaaba. And when they were reconstructing the Kaaba, they had assigned different tasks to different tribes. Right, depending on their status in the society, they had given a task to them. So for instance, the family of the Prophet saw a lot isn't his sub tribe, they were given the task of reconstructing one

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particular wall, which wall, the corner of which is the Hydra, or the hedgehog

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and the wall that was next to it, meaning the other side of the hydrant is what that was given to another tribe. Now, when they were constructing the walls, what happened when they reached the portion of the huddle, a dispute broke out, each party wanted to be the one to place the huddle as well as the Blackstone in its place. And this dispute, it became such an issue that the construction it stop for five days. All right, and the other tribe, they basically pledged an oath, they dip their hands in blood. All right, and this is like signing, all right? They dip their hands and blood and they said, We are not going to let anybody do this. We're going to do it. And if we have to die

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for this, so be it. All right. Now you can imagine the situation in Makkah. So there was a man in Morocco who was very old, the oldest man, right? He said that come on, this is not something that you should be killing each other over. How about the next man who enters into the harangue from the main entrance, will give him the power to decide, he will decide who gets to place the huddle password. Now while this conversation is going on, guess who walks in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he walks in. And as people saw him, instantly, they were happy that he has he's coming in. We know he's going to take our site. We know he's going to give us the chance. Each person felt like

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that. He's going to give us the chance to place the hudgell password in its place. And that's exactly what the prophets on the monosodium did. He called for an easel a sheet. All right, and that sheet was placed on the ground. The hurdle is what was put on it. Every tribe, one member from the tribe, got the privilege to lift up that sheet. And everybody carried it together to the place where it had to be placed and the prophets of Allah sent him, he lifted the hatchet. I saw that his hands and he is the one who put it in place. The point that I'm making over here is that at this time, Mohamed Salah Lawson was not a prophet. All right, you can imagine how much people respected him,

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and how happy they were when he entered. They were all satisfied if he's the one who's going to decide he will not be unfair, because he's a very noble man. And if you fast forward this to 40 years later, rather 2030 years later, the Sahaba How did they feel about the prophets of Allah and every companion thought, that the prophets Allah loves him and loved him the most, he would not be unfair. And the Mushrikeen, the Quraysh, even they knew that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam would not be unfair. Now a man whose character whose reputation is like this, when he tells you that there is only one God of our man, look at how the people turned against him. Every time they saw him, what

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was their reaction? They made fun of him. They mocked at him. They made fun of the way he prayed. They made fun of the way he did such that they made fun of the fact that his sons died. They made fun of anything and everything that they could find, ie at the Hebrew Naka Illa, who's a well, they made fun of him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how difficult that must have been. But you see, this life has difficulty in it. Just because we're experiencing shallow at a particular time in our lives. It doesn't mean we stop what we're doing. It doesn't mean we give up. Did the prophets on a lot of Saddam give up? Did he know? And that difficulty that persecution had only increased as each

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day went by? We see that one child after the other the Prophet sallallahu Sallam lost and look at how happy Buddha Hall was.

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And people made fun of him. The prophets have a lot of times uncle passed away I will call him the one who sheltered him. The prophets Allah Allah prizms wife, Khadija Abdullah and her even she passed away the one who loved him and supported him, emotionally supported him, gave him that confidence that he needed in himself. She is the one who made him believe it himself if you think about it, because when the Prophet said a lot isn't received

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He, He doubted himself. He didn't know what was going on.

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But she gave him the confidence that No, Allah will not humiliate you ever. But she also died. And you know when she died, the people of Makkah said that we did not see Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam smiling for months.

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We did not see him smiling for months.

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It was such a big loss for him shouting, but did that make him give up? That's it, I quit. I can't continue this anymore. This role of prophethood is very difficult. I don't think I have the capacity. No, that difficulty did not stop him. And this is what we need to learn. Things are not always perfect. They're not always good. There are snow days, and there are sunny days, right? They're extremely cold and chilly days. And there are also days which are very nice and comfortable. But just because the weather is in minus 30s or 40s. That doesn't mean we give up everything. Right? We have to keep doing what we have to. We have to keep striving. So when blue can be shared we will

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highly fit Latin, this will always happen. Things will not always be beautiful. They will not always be easy. Just look at the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, how much difficulty he endured in his life for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah says Holy call in Sanam in Agile, holy called inside the incense, the human being has been created maniacal from haste.

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He has been created from haste. What is urgent, to be hasty to want something before it's time to want things to happen immediately quickly.

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You know, for instance, a person has this revelation one day or this idea when they you know what, if I'm married, my life would be perfect. So you know what, Mom, Dad Don't get married now. Now. This year, this year? Find me anybody? Anybody? I'll get married. Arjun. All right. Likewise, a woman gets married, and she wants to have children and she's like, I want to have kids now. Now. You start school, university, four years, five years. I want to graduate now already know it's not going to happen. But human beings are created from origin. What does it mean by this? They're created from origin. This is a way of saying that someone has this trait within them. Like it's part of their

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nature. Right. So it's part of human beings nature to be hasty. All right. Like for example, it is said holy caminhada so and so has been made from anger. What does it mean? He's been made from anger. What does that mean? He's a very angry person. He gets angry very quickly. Likewise, it is said who I'm in LA.

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He's from Laurie from playa, meaning. That's all he's concerned about. He's always joking, never serious. He just wants to have fun. So likewise, Holly called Insano mineral, the human being has been created from haste he's very hasty. So what happens when there is shoved when there is difficulty in life he wants that that difficulty should be over immediately. He gives up hope. Right? He becomes impatient. He cannot have subber he wants those four years to pass by in a day holy call inside Amina idle. But is this how life is no, everything takes its time. So od come at I will show you my I asked my science fellow the star rune. So do not impatiently urge me the star

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alone. You seek to be hasty knee with me. Meaning don't try to be hasty with me. Don't rush me.

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Don't impatiently urge me. Basically, the machete keen, they would make fun of the prophets, Allah Allah Addison, right? And they would also say that, Oh, if he's a prophet, how come he suffering from this and this and this and his life?

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If he's a prophet, how come he doesn't have a house of gold? And he doesn't have this of silver? How come he does not perform miracles? How come angels have not been sent, so that they would speak to us and they will tell us that he is indeed a prophet of Allah, so they will demand miracles. And when the prophets of Allah Salam would say, these miracles are not in my hands, they were to see your liar. They would make fun of him in this way. So Allah subhanaw taala says, Man is hasty. Hasty, because then they will also demand punishment from the prophets of Allah. Allah says, Okay, if we're rejecting you, and you are upon the truth, and how can we're still alive? How come

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everything's fine for us? We should be punished immediately. Like, for instance, at one occasion, one of the leaders of Makkah, he went to the Kaaba, he held on to the cloth, the Kiswa and he said, Oh Allah, if we are in the wrong then send a punishment upon us from the sky. destroy us. Holy call inside Amen.

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An idol Allah says the OD come at filata strategy Don't, don't worry, you will see my ayat you will see the victory of the Prophet salallahu Salam, you will see these miracles happen, you will see how things will change, just don't rush. Way Okolona and they say Mata Wan had Anwar do this promise In Kuntum, Saudi 18. If you are truthful, again, their haste, they will demand the punishment. What is this going to be? You talk about the Day of Judgment, what is his day of judgment going to be? What is it going to come? Likewise, people say today also, right? That, oh, 1400 years ago, your Prophet came? And he said, there is going to be a day of judgment. When is it going to happen?

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Well, coluna Mata had Eduardo and the promise also refers to victory victory of the believers. When is it going to be how is it going to be? Have you seen Billa? Have you seen her mother? Have you seen all these friends of yours? What's happening to them, they're suffering each day, they're losing their honor. In quantum Saudi clean, if you should be truthful, Allah says, Lo Yarlung, will Lavina Cafaro if only the disbelievers knew about what, but what they're asking for, about the punishment that they're seeking, about what they're so hasty for, they cannot wait for because they will keep demanding the punishment from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And many times it happens

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that people, they become impatient, right for results, immediate results without even realizing how serious those results may be. In our ignorance in our haste, you know, we want to get out of a situation, without thinking that what we want to end up in is worse than what we are presently in. You know, for instance, a person could be very miserable in their life, having a very tough time. And they think that the best solution is the best way of getting out of this problem is kill yourself, commit suicide.

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Because once I'm dead, at least I'll be out of these problems. But it's like jumping out of the pan into the fire.

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And many times it happens that when we are experiencing some difficulty in our lives, we just want to get out of it. You know, regardless of what we end up in,

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we just want to get out of it, we become impatient, and we don't realize that what we're heading towards is going to be worse than what we are in right now. So for instance, a person is sick and tired of studying. They're like, You know what, I've been studying for this thing for four years, five years. I quit, I'm done with it. And they walk away.

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They never complete their last courses or their last exams, what happens? What do they have in their hand? Nothing, nothing at all.

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And now their situation is worse than how it was before.

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You know, sometimes shaytaan puts in these thoughts in our heads that this person if only they could die, like we learned about the machine. They were waiting for the prophets Allah to send them to death. All right, so a person is very upset with another if only I could get rid of them. And in that anger, that frustration, they kill them. Now what okay, that person is out of your life, but you are rotting in the prison. So

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did that make things better? No, not at all. Remember that every difficulty in our lives is there to train us. It's there to teach us something. And if we don't learn from it, then you know what the next shot is going to be worse than the present. Remember that the next shot will be worse than the present.

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If a person doesn't accept doesn't surrender to Allah's decree, than what is to come will be more difficult.

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And if a person surrenders to Allah's decree, he accepts it patiently endures the difficulty for Allah sake, and continues to do what he's supposed to. Then what will happen? Well, here are two Jairo laka Meenal Hola, then definitely the later part will be better for you than the first one. And we see this in the life of the prophets on a lot is how difficult it was to live in Makkah. But if the prophets have a lot of them give up did he say to the Muslims, go ahead and kill anybody. Go ahead and take revenge. Let's show some violence. Let's take revenge know, be patient, be patient, be patient. What happened then eventually, they emigrated to Medina. And then what happened? That

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part in Medina was much better than the part in Makkah. Likewise, in dunya, there is difficulty one after the other. But if a person keeps surrendering to the decree of Allah accepts what Allah has decided for him and continues in the right in the right direction, then the after life will be better than the present.

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of life.

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And if a person doesn't accept, then the afterlife will be worse than the present life. So, Allah says lo Jana Marina Cafaro. If only the disbelievers knew what they're asking for, what is it that they're asking for Hina the time when lay your coo fauna, they will not be able to avert your co fauna, from Kapha Kapha Kapha on is to desist to refrain from something. So for instance, a person holds out one's hands in order to avert something. And this is like an instant reaction, if something is coming your way. All right, coming towards your face, what is your instant reaction? You put your hands out? Right? You put your arm in front of your face or something in order to

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protect your face. And then if that doesn't work, what do you do? What do you do? You turn around. So either you bring your hand forward, or you turn your back, isn't it in order to save your face in order to save yourself?

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Allah says over here, lo Jana Molina Cafaro Hina Laya co Funan would you even know when they will not be able to avert from their faces plural of wedge, they will not be able to avert from their faces and now the fire the fire will be coming towards their faces, they won't be able to repel it with their hands they won't be able to save their faces by putting their hands in between wala Angelou to Him nor from their backs floor love love.

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Because if you're not able to avert something with your hands, then you turn your back in that direction but they won't be able to get away from the fire neither from their front nor from their back when our immune Sologne nor will they be assisted. Nor will they be aided meaning by anyone else. Notice over here that the conclusion of the clause of this verse has not been mentioned. Lo er Allah Munna if only they knew, then what then what is not mentioned? Just the state is mentioned, if only they knew the state? Do they realize what they're asking for? Do they realize what they're demanding? If they realize they would never demand this punishment, if they realize they would never

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be hasty for death, they would never be st for the day of judgment. So in other words, if they're demanding punishment today, they're being hasty, this is purely out of ignorance and foolishness

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by delta t him both that and rather it will come to them suddenly, meaning the hour that or the day of judgment or punishment, it will come upon them unexpectedly bone that we have done this word earlier. When something comes all of a sudden you're not expecting it unexpectedly just comes death will show up unexpectedly forgettable her to whom, then it will be willed her them double her to what's the root of this word?

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Bear her

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dub head to the the first step means it. All right. So Deb had to buy Hatha does that remind you of a word for Boo heeta levy cover? Remember that Ibrahim or Islam and total Bacara we learned when the king Nimrod, he had an argument with Ibrahim A sinner, right? And then Ruth said, I am God. Right? Abraham or this and I'm setting my Lord is One who gives life and gives death he said I can give life and death to so you call two people. Alright, one guy, he killed him the other guy he let live. So Ebrahimian is sinner? What did he say?

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What did he say next? What proof did he do?

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Exactly my lord causes the sun to rise from the East. He will try to do it from the other side. So what happened for buoy Talica for that disbeliever he was Boo heeta Meaning he was left speechless. This is what Buddha is that when a person he is shocked, he's not even able to react. He doesn't even know what reaction to show.

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When a person cannot even say a word or make a sound out of extreme shock. Generally what happens if we're having a conversation or some incident occurs in front of us that what do we do we show some reaction right. Either we say something or we scream we make some noise or we do something we run we walk we sit we stand up we lie down we you know we do something. But Allah says over here, that when the our when death will come upon them unexpectedly for who to whom it will render them speech less, they will be unable to react. They won't be able to take

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A step even one step even speech less unable to react. Fella you're still to your owner, then they will not have the capacity to do what rod the hair it's rod they will not be able to read the aid meaning they will not be able to repel it, send it away, push it away, death or punishment or some destruction or anything, they won't be able to repel it while our home Yun Varun, nor will they be given a chance you'll learn from another What does another mean? To look and in law is to give time to give a chance to give respite.

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While on your own, they will not be given any time any chance any moment to do what? To repent, to offer an excuse to speak in their defense to give an explanation. No, not even a second.

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Death will come in an instant unexpectedly. And before they even know what to do what to say. They're gone

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well apart and certainly was Tuesday a bureau Suliman public was to see he was marked at who was marked at beautiful Russell messengers, men copulate before you, the prophets on a lot of time is comforted over here that the prophets before you were also marked at if you're being persecuted today, this is not something new.

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This is not something new, this is something that has always happened. Every person who calls to Allah is made fun of this is a fact

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it's a fact every single person who will call people to Allah, people will mark at him at what

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at what his personal life their family situation, their financial situation, their background, their maybe their skin color, or their appearance or the way they talk

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people will look at them or the message that they give no one is spared, you know that nobody.

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And the bigger the name, the greater than mockery they have to face this is a fact.

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You know, for instance, you look at certain show you, for example, and you like wow, mashallah, it's so amazing. They're teaching so many people are benefiting so many people. Yeah, you know, the benefits of many people. They also hear a lot from people, the kinds of things people say to them, the kind of words they say to them, and the kinds of emails they write to them, and the kinds of comments they give to them. If it's not hate speech, tell me what it is

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pure hate speech. And they will post fatawa Alright, given by So so or refutations or things like naroda villa, you are like a big of hellfire. I've read these words myself.

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This is something that will definitely happen. If a person gets scared No my image in my reputation and I'm a very sensitive person. And I don't like to hear people criticizing me. I get hurt very quickly. So you know what, I would love to do Dawa. But I think it's too difficult. So I have to stop. I don't think I can handle it. And I don't like it when people attack my family, or attack my image, or question my intentions. So I quit. I don't think I can handle this. This is very, very stressful.

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Remember, every job is difficult. It comes with its own difficulties. But a job in the way of Allah subhanaw taala and the service of the dean. You know what the difficulty is, you know, where the test will come?

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In your own life, your reputation, your family, when people will attack you, they will not leave you at all.

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And no individual is spared from this, the prophets of Allah they were mocked at. So what do you think about ordinary people today calling others to Allah subhanaw taala you think they want to be mocked that or for instance, you say something in your class, for instance, encouraging people to pray, and everybody starts, you know, looking at you to strange looks and making fun of your hijab or making fun of the way you talk or making fun of the way you sit or what you eat or what you don't eat, or what you do or what you don't do. This is normal. I don't know which country he was in, but a group of people like came to his car door and they started like, so he pulled like he lowered his

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window because he thought they wanted to say so long. And then they started like yelling at him and swearing at him. And they even like pulled out a gun and like he had to drive away quickly because they were ready to like harm

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them. And this is no strange news today. Right? If you just look at the internet, how many articles are out there? Forget about the internet. I mean, just look at what's happening. What hate messages are passed around all the time. You know, recently somebody came up to me, they're like, I really need to speak to you and I got so scared. It's like, what do they have to say? But anyway, when they sat down with me, they showed me a message that they had received on a WhatsApp group. And it was basically a long fatwa against my mother. All right. And I'm like, You know what, I've read things that are worse than this. And I've heard things that are much worse than this. And honestly, I don't

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care. But you have a responsibility to speak the truth and defend her if this information has been shared with you. Because when you are in a gathering and someone is attacked, then it is your responsibility to defend their honor. Right? Because if you don't speak up, then you are also

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who are you? An accomplice, right? You're part of it. So anyway, she wrote a response. And then

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there was a lot of back and forth, but at least she tried to, you know, wake people up and make them think that come on, it's not as bad as how you think if you have not even attended a single lecture, if you have not even visited the institute, how can you say such things? Right? You see, many times people think stay on the safe side. All right, and issues, which are about fic. Keep away from them. Don't talk about them. But the thing is that Dean is an Amana? Or in is for armor? Or is it not? Knowledge is for what

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is it? Just to have that wow, feeling? What is it for? It's for armor. Now, if you talk about things that just make people feel like Wow, amazing. That's giving me goosebumps. And I just love that lecture. Okay, you can have that. Wow, feeling that Eman high. But now what to do, the moment you begin telling people about what action they have to do and what changes they have to bring about in their lives, that's when they don't like it. They don't like it at all. And that is when people will attack you.

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That is when they will not tolerate you at all.

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Let's allow illegal whenever we hear something like this about our dearest Tada that thinking comes to my mind always, always is the same. Like when Mr. Malik was writing a book and somebody asked like so many people are writing books on Hadith, how come you have been writing pick the same topic? And his answer was like, whatever is for sake of Allah will stay back and whatever is for something else will not So alhamdulillah. With the Stata, it's the same case of Hamdulillah we just have completed 20 years in back home by design, and Alhamdulillah 10 years in Canada. So

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that's something it always should come to your mind that whatever is for sake of Allah, otherwise, it would not last for that long, either back home or over here. So in sha Allah that is another like you can tell the truth about her inshallah. Inshallah. And also, the thing is that, I mean, at least hear what the person is saying. Right? The big problem that many people have with my mother is the fact that she has a PhD from a Western University. And they completely discredit that education. And they say that, Oh, she's not knowledgeable enough. She's a woman. What does she know? What it has that that she have? Which scholars did she study from? And which Islamic traditional university? Did

00:33:33 --> 00:33:38

she go to? Well, if you don't know, then don't say such things.

00:33:39 --> 00:33:49

She got her education from a Western University. And this PhD, is not like you're sitting in a class and a professor is teaching you you're doing research. All right.

00:33:50 --> 00:34:36

You're doing research, and there's people assisting you. And 100 Allah, she was fortunate enough to have she you. And I'm humbled that we have so many show up all over the world. And one of her she you, she carried by the entity, he was a Syrian scholar, and he mentored her, and, and hamdulillah she even got the chance to meet your Kobani and get advice from him. Yoni, she's not someone who just followed her desires and whatever she found she narrative, at least acknowledge the fact that she is knowledgeable. People say, no, if you want to be a speaker, don't talk about Messiah. Don't talk about fifth issues. You know what she has the authority to speak about these issues because she

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is a person of knowledge.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:59

And as a student, I'm not speaking as a daughter. All right, as a student of hers, I can say that she is one of the best teachers I've ever seen. I have sat in the gatherings of male scholars and I have sat in the gatherings of female scholars. I have sat in the gatherings of people who are experts in their fields, but I have never sat in a gathering as a gathering of her

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

In which literally your heart moves, you're motivated to bring about a change.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:18

And there are people who understand the language that she speaks in there are people who don't understand the language that she speaks. But every time they meet her and they sit in her guiding they learn something from her. And what would you agree with me?

00:35:19 --> 00:36:02

I got a lot of discouragement from people. They said, You were born in Arab countries, you can get better knowledge there, because that's their first language. That Institut Arabic is not their first language. And my friend Heba I remember, she insists, she's like, Just come with me one day, and I said, Okay, inshallah come, and I swear will lie when I first walked in here. And the first person I sat on the scene was with the status, Asia, I just remember my whole life change ever since then. So every time someone comes to me and say, you still go to Ohio, you still sitting there, and I SubhanAllah. Now I just, I try to relate to that fact how it down. And literally, when I break one

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word of Surah, man to them, they just, they're very quiet. And every person that really had something against alhaja, and I brought them here, their whole view changed. And I realized that people sometimes you just need to bring them or show them through the actions. And then they will have that whole change. Because one thing I realize about this institute, it's not about only status, others amazing, are only us as a team, which is amazing and blessing to have you. It's the Quran that you guys are relating to us and connecting us to Allah subhanaw taala. And that's what moves people's heart. So we're so blessed to have.

00:36:41 --> 00:37:06

So anyway, this is something that happened to every prophet will occur this Tuesday or below Solomon public. Every person who calls to Allah is mocked that they're made fun off, they're persecuted. They're opposed in their own way. Because every person situation is different, right? One person could be doing Dawa at school another person could be doing Dawa at work. Another person could be doing Dawa and their family

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in any way. Whatever situation a person is in there will be times when they're slapped across their face, not physically, but in a different way. And it hurts a lot. It's very painful. To read those words you feel like giving up, especially when people begin to question your intentions. You feel like I should just close shop and I should go home and live my personal life? No. If you have the end you have the responsibility to convey and Allah will question you about this Amana that he has given you. You can't sit with this treasure at home. You cannot. You have to keep conveying difficulties, trials will come. But remember, the prophets also went through the same difficulty. I

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look at it 1400 years later, even the Prophet sallallahu sallam was being attacked, or is he not? He was right.

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This goes on. But every attack in sha Allah is being written in your favor. You just get more wages from Allah subhanaw taala. You just get more rewards from him because you're suffering in his cause.

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Because if you were not in his cars, you would not suffer in that way people wouldn't care about you. People wouldn't care at all about how you're dressed up. Isn't. You know, so many people dress up the way they want to. Nobody criticizes them. But just because you have a piece of cloth on your head, everybody will criticize you. So you are harassed. You are hurt because you are in Allah's way. And Allah sees that Allah knows what you're going through until the earlier one Allah says we're also FISA villi

00:38:55 --> 00:39:41

they were hurt in my way. They were emotionally hurt, physically hurt socially. They were ostracized, whatever they suffered in my way and Allah values that he will not let that go in vain. Well, according to the Bureau, Silliman public for Harper, but it's surrounded Binladin Asahi Roman home with those people who mocked at them. The people who mocked at the profits, what were they surrounded by Mercan will be here yesterday on that which they used to mock. The very thing that they rejected, the punishment, our whatever it was they rejected, that is what surrounded them. In other words, the punishment came upon them.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:46

And this is true. When you make fun of somebody,

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then be careful. Because it's going to come back to you. It's definitely going to come back to you. When we attack someone's reputation. We will be attacked. When we hurt someone

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unjustly we have no right to say what we have said we have no right to do what we have done then it will definitely come back on us. We will suffer because Allah subhanaw taala is most just recitation of these verses please. Well either

00:40:20 --> 00:40:21

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00:40:22 --> 00:40:23


00:40:25 --> 00:40:27

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00:40:29 --> 00:40:38

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00:40:41 --> 00:40:42

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00:40:43 --> 00:40:44

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00:40:47 --> 00:40:48

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00:40:50 --> 00:40:51

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00:40:52 --> 00:40:54

tune for the

00:40:55 --> 00:40:56

low wage

00:41:07 --> 00:41:08

low wage

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00:41:24 --> 00:41:24


00:41:34 --> 00:41:38

Oh, what are these two Z?

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