Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 22 – L221B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The legal framework for a potential divorce is discussed, including the importance of having a choice between a decision made by the court or the court, and the need for strong and vigorous behavior. The importance of acceptance and obeying orders from the Prophet sallama is emphasized, along with the need for strong and vigorous behavior. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following the Prophet's command and not wanting to change one's behavior, and the need for fear and avoiding fear of people.
AI: Transcript ©
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accountability measures on virgin Bismillahirrahmanirrahim lesson number 221

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and number 36 to 44

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one I can only move meaning one minute in either Allahu Allah Zulu Imran and yakun Allah who will try to meet me him.

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It is not for a believing man or a believing woman, that when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should thereafter have any choice about their affair. Woman Kanna, what does it mean by makenna

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makenna This is an Effie negation of him can have possibility, meaning it is not possible. It is not allowed, it is not correct.

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It does not be fit, it does not behoove who a believing men and believing woman.

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It is not possible for them to do this, it is not allowed for them to do this, it is not correct for them to do this, they have no right to do this. It is not fitting for them for who meaning what am mean nothing for any believing man or any believing woman.

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If you notice what meaning mean attain has been mentioned, no matter which believing man believing woman he or she is no matter what their status, no matter how strong their emotion is. It does not affect them, it is not right for them. What is not right for them. That either are the law who were rasuluh Amman

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that when Allah and His Messenger have decided about a matter although What does it mean by coda? Do decide about something, do make a decision concerning something decree. And it's done by coal and also by fear by coal, that when you give a verdict when you make a decision, when you have decreed something. Like for example, in the Quran, we learned what called or Booker and letter will do a year and your Lord has decided further, he has judged this, he has decided this.

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And secondly, kata is also by Ferran by action. What does it mean by that? To fulfill something to do something like well, Allahu, Jaco Lee will help Allah, He judges by the truth, he does that which is right.

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Similarly, but musar Listen, and we learned that falcoda la he that musala tsunami hit that man and what happened, he decided his matter meaning he killed him, completed his affair. Similarly, we learned the Quran falcoda hoonah sabaragamuwa that Allah subhanaw taala he made the heavens into seven, although by heart by action.

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So, over a year, although this is by word by cold,

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that when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter Omran they have decided a matter you have made a decision concerning an issue. And this decision this um, this is regarding is shutter a matter.

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This is regarding a shutter remettre meaning is shutter, a law that Allah or his messenger have given to us. Once they have made that decision. It does not suit a believer it is not allowed for him, and your Khun ella homall here to meet me him, that they should have any choice with regards to their affair, which affair of theirs,

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the affair with regards to which Allah and His Messenger have decided.

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So it is not allowed for them, it is not possible for them that they should have hero. What does the mean? choice and option? Do you have the ability to pick to select to choose one thing and it's from high? Clean is what good? What do people typically choose that which they find good? And they find something slightly bad even they will not use it for themselves?

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What do people choose that which is good for themselves? So it is not allowable for believers that once Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that the believers should have a choice with regards to choice with regards to meaning of doing it or leaving it, accepting it or rejecting it, no, a believer does not have a choice then he does not have a choice to go against the decision of aligners messenger. He has to accept it as it is. He cannot alter it. He cannot refuse it. He cannot neglect it. No he has to accept it. It is wired up

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on him, it is an obligation on him that he must accept the decision of Allah and His messenger. And there's a warning that will may honestly lead however sooner who and whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, how that align His Messenger have made a decision. And what does a person do? He doesn't accept it. He thinks he has a choice with regard to that metric. So he goes against it. He does not take it rather he goes against it. So whoever it is surveys online is messenger for banana Medina than in fact he has strayed. Clearly. budleigh he has lost the way. What kind of losing is it? What kind of misguidance? Is it? Banana Medina, a bola a misguidance. That is clear. Meaning a person who

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disobeys a lot and His Messenger is clearly misguided. His misguidance is evident. There's no doubt about him being wrong. There is no doubt about him being going astray.

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Because once a person disobeys, then he's going to stray and if he disobeys once Can you disobey again? Of course he can.

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If he thinks he has a choice with regards to one matter, what do you think that he has a choice with regards to another matter? Of course, it will lead to more and more things more and more acts of disobedience. So whoever disobeys Allah than his misguidance, it is evident and not just disobeying a love and also his messenger.

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Allah subhanaw taala has created people and he has created them with a freewill freedom of choice.

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If you look around you the creation above you, below you around you. It does not have any choice. The sun, the moon, they don't have any freewill kulula, who can attune all our development obedient to Him, they don't have a choice they have to do whatever Allah subhanaw taala has told them.

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However, when it comes to human beings, human beings have been given choice, freedom.

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And though this choice is limited, this freedom is limited, that a person cannot just do whatever he wants, he cannot accomplish everything he desires. But he does have the ability to do something or to not do something. He has the choice to accept or to reject. He has that freedom. When he's told to do something, he can say no,

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he can disobey. Whereas other creatures, they cannot say no, they cannot disobey. They accept they do whatever they're commanded.

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Now we see that Allah subhanaw taala, for the guidance of people for the guidance of human beings, who has he sent messengers, and also books. And Allah has clearly told people the difference between right and wrong, what is good, and what is not good, what Allah likes, what Allah does not like, what takes you closer to Allah, what takes you farther away from a loss.

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But still, the human being has the ability to accept that or reject that.

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He has the ability to accept a loss command, or refuse to obey. He has that ability. What do we see in this ayah? That a true believer? Who is he? Whenever he learns of a command that has come from Allah and His messenger? He doesn't say, I choose not to do it.

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No, what is his way? His way is of obedience. His way is of submission of acceptance, that Allah has decided this, the messenger has decided this, they have commanded this, therefore he will accept it.

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Now remember that the decisions of the loss of panatela there are two types. First of all, Kony, and secondly, Sherry, Kony, like, for example, the lifespan of someone?

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Do you have any choice with regards to that? Do you can you choose how long you will live? You cannot. So when it comes to county affairs, people don't have any choice. But when it comes to shedder affairs, do people have the ability to either accept or reject? They do like for example, the commander of a lot to pray.

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The commander have a lot to bury, a person can accept or he can refuse to pray.

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But what kind of submission is required from the believers, men and men a

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complete submission. Whether you like it or not, whether you find it easy or difficult. If Allah has given you a shadow recommend, if the messenger has commanded you with something, then what are you supposed to do? Accept

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and if a person does not accept, he does not obey then he's heading

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towards what

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misguidance oma jasola or pseudo for the Bella Bella alum, who Bina

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we learned through to Nora is 63, Felicia Latina you Holly funan Emily, unto Siva whom fitna tone Are you Siva whom are there been a name that those people who go against the command of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam they should be afraid less some fitna should strike them, some calamity should befall them, or painful punishment should come their way.

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So when a person disobeys a Lynas, messenger, then what happens? He is inviting trouble, the first trouble that he invites us misguidance and after that fitna, or that one

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woman jasola Rasulo for the bola bola Adam verbena.

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So, if a person disobeys, what do we see, there are severe consequences in this dunya and also in

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therefore, for one's own betterment. What should a believer do? Accept the decision of Allah and His messenger? Whether you like it or you don't like it?

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Now, when it comes to obeying the commands of Allah understood, he is a highly machine, the one who has given us everything one would have been. So yes, obedience to His commands, understandable. But why is it that obedience to the messenger is also of equal importance? Why do you think so? Because it has been tied over here in a court of law who rasuluh may actually let hawara Sula, who

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because whatever the messengers that along the southern will command, whatever you instruct, that will be what Allah has told him, because my uncle Cornell Hauer, he wouldn't speak out of his own desire, out of his own whims, he would only communicate what Allah had commanded him to do so and manual therefore sooner.

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Allah, whoever obeys the messenger than in fact he has obeyed who Allah soprano died. And disobedience to the messenger is disobedience to who? To the one who sent him.

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Because who is the messenger? What is he doing? What is his responsibility to convey what Allah has told him? So if you don't accept what the messenger is telling you, in other words, you're not accepting what the one who sent him is telling you.

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obedience to the messenger is obedience to the one who sent him. disobedience to the messenger is disobedience to the one who sent him. And if you see the command is very, very strong, that either Allahu rasuluh on any matter, any command, once they have decided, a believer does not have any choice. And if a person disobeys, then he's clearly in error.

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Now there are many people who believe in the Quran and think it's extremely necessary to follow the Quran, to recite it to respect it. But when it comes to the sooner the disregarding completely when it comes to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam they don't accept them. When it comes to his instructions, what do they say? It's only a Sunnah, isn't it? So, and unfortunately, this is the case with many knowledgeable people as well.

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That they will differentiate between the command of Allah and the command of the messenger.

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This is not correct, whatever the messenger has told us, it is equally important for us to accept and obey whatever he has commanded us. Because what this is Ayah tell us what Allah and His Messenger when they have decided a method.

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So what are the instruction is coming from the Quran? Or it is coming from the Sunnah? Whether the prohibition is coming from the Quran or the Sunnah, it's equally important for us to comply, we cannot choose over there.

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And at the beginning of the surah, what did we learn and maybe you will have a medium in emphasizing that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is closer to the believers than themselves? What does he mean by that?

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That we cannot prefer ourselves over him.

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We cannot prefer our desires over his instructions.

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Why? Because whatever he told us, is something that is necessary for us. And another meaning of that part of the eye is what that we cannot be as well wishing for ourselves as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is, he's closer to us, then ourselves, that he is more sincere to us. So think about it. Every command every instruction that has come from the Prophet said about us and is it for our good? Of course it is for our good. Think about it. When you enter the washroom when you make sure you follow the Sunnah, isn't it for our own good. And if we so we told you so now, where does it say no Hold on, you have to say this door before going to the washroom. But when you make that door

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getting yourself into remembering Allah. Aren't you increasing in your head center? Of course.

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So the prophets are a lot of everything that he taught us is for our own benefit our own good, so we cannot disregard his comments. And the purpose of the coming of the messenger was to explain this Deen to us, show us practically how to implement it, how to follow it. This is why as soon as called achema

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it tells you where to put what how, in what way at what time, we learned instead of the knuckle I have 44 that will enzyme that ilica dekra v2 vaginally nassima in New Zealand in him, and we have revealed to you the message that you may make clear to people what was sent down to them. This was why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came.

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Now the reason behind the revelation of this ayah that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he wished to get his cousin, the daughter of his paternal aunt Zainab bint jahsh. He wished to get her married to his freed slave Zaid, even harder.

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But because there was a big clash in the sense of family that one was a Qureshi, and the other was a freed slave.

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It is said that the family of Xena while they are in her and her herself, they found it difficult to accept this proposal. So, when this I was revealed, she accepted immediately that the profit of ally suggesting me the Prophet of Allah is getting me to marry him. So she accepted. It is also said that this verse was revealed concerning the wife of jeleva

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It is said that any of the unsought of Medina if they had a daughter, or if they had any female relative like a sister, they would not arrange a marriage for her. Until they found out that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wanted to marry her or not

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understand if they had any female relative, they wouldn't get her married. Unless and until they made sure that the prophets of Allah center did not wish to marry her.

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If there was even a slightest chance of the profits or losses and would propose and what would they do? They would not let their daughter get married to anybody else. And if they were sure that no he doesn't wish to get married to her, then what would they do? They would get her married to somebody else.

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Now we learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said to one of the saw the Whitney even attack that give me your daughter for marriage? So he said, Yes, on messenger of Allah, it would be an honor for me and a blessing. So he said in the last two, we do have NFC, I'm not asking for myself. So then he said, then for me, he said for July. So then he responded, I will consult her mother. He didn't say yes. He said, I will consult another because right, but he was not really a person who was very impressive. He was someone who was four, wasn't even that good looking, wasn't impressive in any way whatsoever.

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So he said that I will consult her mother. So he went to her, and he told her, that this is what the prophet sallallahu Sallam has said, and she said no way by Allah, we will never ever get our daughter married to the lady. So when the man saw that his wife was not ready to agree, he was gonna go to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and tell him as he was about to leave, the doctor came and she said, are you refusing to follow the command of the Messenger of Allah?

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are you refusing his request? His instruction, follow his command, for I will not come to any harm. If he is telling me if he wants this marriage for me, then there is hate in it, I will not suffer from any harm whatsoever. So then her parents they agreed they went to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the Prophet sallallahu Sallam got married to Judah.

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And we learned that once the prophet SAW out of all this, and he went out for one of the expeditions in battle, and Geneva, for the lower annual, he went with him. And after the battle was over the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked the people, jack, have you lost anyone? Have you lost anyone? Has anyone died, go and check in the people who have been killed. So they went and checked and they said, Okay, so and so and so and so. The prophets around Islam said, Go and check again. Have you lost anyone, I don't find your labor. I have lost your labor. People were saying, Oh, we have lost so and so. We have lost so until the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, I have lost your neighbor. And

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then they found him dead around seven of the enemy who were also killed. So perhaps he had killed all those seven people before he was killed himself. Just imagine and the prophets are known and buried him himself and the profits that allowed me to offer his wife that allow him was so valuable Halo sub Ben, what at Your Honor, I should have done that Oh Allah for blessings upon her sub, you know sub means but abundant drain endless when it's raining endlessly. So along the soapbar Lane Hira sand down good upon her endlessly pour blessings upon her and do not make friends.

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life difficult. And this happened. This is how it was. It is said that there was no woman in Medina beside her, no widow, who was sought after for marriage. As much as she was really the way people propose to her. No other woman was proposed in that way.

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Because the prophets are allotted and prayed for her that don't make her life hard. Just imagine a young woman being a widow how difficult her life would be. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam prayed for her. But do we see the Baraka of obeying the command of the messenger?

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No matter how hard you find, the matter how difficult you find it, better how much it goes against your desires, no matter how much people go against it, they discourage you. But we see that if a person obeys a command of the messenger, then there's only there's only benefit.

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What do we learn from this ayah? Many, many lessons. First of all, we learned in this ayah that of the requirements of a man is what?

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that a person does not go against the command of Allah and His messenger.

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It is of the requirements of a man.

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This is a requirement that if a person says I'm amendment minor, then what does it mean? He does not go against any Command of Allah and His Messenger, any command. It's a requirement of

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this I also shows to us that the stronger the amount of a person,

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the stronger his obedience will be. Because we're American, any movement in whatever minute. It's not possible for believing man or believing woman, that he would have a choice after a lion is messenger have commanded something? What is it, that the stronger the man, what's going to happen? The stronger the obedience? And each time the demand increases, it grows stronger, his obedience also will go. Then, on the contrary, the weaker the man, the weaker the obedience.

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So if we want to check what the level of our Eman is, what do we need to check

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our actions? How much do we obey? How much do we comply? Or is it that we're always choosing? Then we also see in this ayah, that the commands of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they're equally important to the commands of Allah subhanaw taala equally important, because both are mentioned, Allah and His messenger.

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Also, this shows to us this idea that every single command of a line is messenger, what is it? It is good for us? Because if Allah has not left us with any choice, then what does it mean? It's good for us. It's for our own benefit. We would be given a choice if it was harmful in some way. But because we have not been given a choice, what is the choice? It's all good, when you obey, when you adhere to the commands you only find benefit. Yes, you may find challenges you may find it difficult, but in the long run, it will only bring you good in this dunya and also India.

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Then we also see that masliah disobedience What is that?

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What is that Bala? disobedience is what misguidance and the greater the disobedience, the more the disobedience, the more misguided a person is, the more evident has misguidance is because what has been said, Well, my jasola what a solo for Cordova, Allah Allah Allah Medina that the more a person disobeys, the more he is misguided. The greater his disobedience, the greater his misguidance as well.

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And we also see the disobedience to the profits of the law lesson was equal to disobedience to a loss of power.

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That's listened to the recitation of the same

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What is the holy lady under um, Allahu alaihe. And remember, when you said to the one on whom Allah bestowed a favor, what an underlay he and you also bestowed favor?

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What is meaning what God is, and remember this mentioned this,

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that the Ulu you were saying, and you refers to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you're saying, to who? Lin levy to the person who,

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and I'm Allahu alayhi. Allah bestowed favor upon him, and Rama unary Mu inom. What does it mean to bestow favor, to show a favor to give

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So how could a loss of power without ever stood up on him and who is this person? It refers to?

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The freed slave of the Prophet Solomon,

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whom he had also adopted as his son.

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So what was the favor of a lot of fun say Who are you?

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The blessing of Islam. If you remember what the prophet sallallahu Sallam told the people who was the first one to bid, even if

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his wife for the devil, the nine, amongst the men,

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Abubakar of the learn, amongst the slaves, z.

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He was off the first people to become Muslim. This was a huge blessing of Allah. He was also very young.

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He was also very young, and he was a freed slave. So what do we see that this was a huge favor of Allah upon him unnormal love learning, and also have also blessed him in the way of making him the slave of who the prophets are about.

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Just imagine how our slaves treated the land of the darling How was he treated by his master?

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I was he treated such a harsh way. So many slaves. They were treated in such a cruel fashion by their masters.

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But we see that said in a Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he treated him so well. Who was zeda to learn who he was from Kabira called

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the tribe of kelp. And his father's name was Hadassah. It is Wednesday, the dinar knew he was only about eight years old, very, very young. Their tribe was raided. And he was one of those few children who were taken as captives. Because whenever they would read, they would attack one another. They will also take whoever they could find men, women, children, and they would take them as captives.

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So, he was one of those children who had been taken as captives and the Raiders, what do they do this all these children as slaves.

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So he was sold as a slave and who bought him the nephew of Khadija to learn her Hakeem in prison. He bought him from five.

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He bought him from thought if he came to Makkah, and he gifted Zaid to Khadija we learn his art. He gifted him to her. Khadija Naranjo when she got married to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, she gifted zeta learner to who to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And it is also said that because to say that Leonardo was so good in his habits, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked for him. Just imagine, and what happened then, soon after, while the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was still in Makkah, the father of say, the the darn who he found it, because imagine he was in luck, because anybody in Makkah, very easy to find them. So he was looking for his son, and eventually he found him. So when he came

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and found him, he came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and he said, I'll give you whatever you ask, just give my son to me. I'll buy his freedom from you.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, It's his choice, I leave it to him. So he gave the choice to date. You decide you want to go with your family go, I'm not going to stop you. If you want to stay with me, you're more than welcome.

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You know what he chose? The Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And that is a time when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam freed him. And he announced that he was his son. He declared him as his adopted son.

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So this was a huge blessing of Allah upon zadara to learn who, that how Allah protected him. If you think about it, he could have ended up in the house of Abuja. But he ended up in the house of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam where he wasn't treated very well. But he got the blessing of Islam as well being of the first people to become Muslim.

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And then being the adopted son of the Prophet sallallahu. ala, just imagine, he was declared would later on that was abolished, as you know. So anomala alayhi wa Taala. He and you also favorite, how did the profits are the loudest and favorite game? This whole story that I mentioned to you of how he freed him, treated him so well, and declared him as a son taught him and they did learn when he grew up. What happened when he was of marriageable age, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wanted him to get married to someone, but he didn't want that he should get married to like just any other person who did he want someone from the noble tribe of kadesh. And who did he choose his own cousin

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xenophanes jash rodilla, who and

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this was also a huge favor.

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And we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he proposed Zainab and Joshua. They build it on her. He arranged for the marriage

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He got them both married. And also, he gave them to her as well on behalf of Zetas the learner, just as the father

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of a boy would give them a hook to the boy's wife, as a huge gift on his son.

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So this is how generous the profits are a lot of sort of was towards him.

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And we see that this marriage

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was something that was very unusual and very, very strange. Because who was getting married a freed slave and a woman of kadesh.

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Something unthinkable, unthinkable. But the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he wanted the best for

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the best for him. And he also wanted to show equality amongst people. So this is why he got the two of them married, and this happened in the fourth year after him.

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And we see that initially, Xena brothers are in his she was a bit reluctant. Why? Because of the difference in their status. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam insisted he told her and she accepted wasn't as a huge favor upon him. It was a huge favor.

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You know, people who get married and somebody else has told them about you know, their spouse that you know, you should get married to so and so. And when they get married, they're happy they're so thankful so and so got me married. So until helped me in my marriage, they're so grateful to them.

00:31:22 --> 00:31:25

So this was a huge favor of the profits on a lot of funds aid.

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So the profits are a lot of sudden when he was saying to him, I'm sick I lay cuz Oh, jack, keep your wife retain your wife. What does it mean by this? Do not divorce.

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Why did he have to say this to him?

00:31:43 --> 00:31:47

Because as I mentioned to you earlier, both of them, Zaida Naranjo and Xena

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they were very different. One was a freed slave, the other was a coalition. And although both of them were good people, they had very good habits. They were righteous people. But because of the differences they had, they were not compatible. They could just not get along with one another. And it was especially difficult for Xena really learn who to accept Him as her husband. It was difficult for her to mentally accept Him as her husband because she belonged to a very prestigious family. And there were clashes, they weren't able to get along. And they did argue he came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he complained to him about her. And he expressed his desire to divorce her. So

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him, I'm sick I lay because I will keep your wife do not divorce, what is inside me? to hold on to something to not let go of it? And he said to him, what dakila fear Allah? Why did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say this to say, Fear Allah, meaning fear Allah concerning your wife, your marriage? Because many times what happens if a person is not getting along with your spouse, they will go and discuss the problem with someone else. And when they're discussing the problem, it's quite possible that they mentioned the other person's faults, their bad habits, or the problems in them. So what tequila fear Allah? Don't think bad about her. Don't say

00:33:19 --> 00:33:25

that about her. Don't be hasty. Don't take a wrong step fear a lot in the matter of divorcing her.

00:33:26 --> 00:33:34

But what happened? Eventually, they learn who he divorced, why? They could not get along with one another. It was very, very difficult.

00:33:36 --> 00:33:41

Why did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him to not divorce his wife?

00:33:42 --> 00:33:52

Because Allah subhanaw taala had already told him revealed to him that Wednesday they would divorce his wife You have to marry her? Why?

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do establish that a man can marry the ex wife of his adopted son.

00:34:03 --> 00:34:11

Remember earlier we learned that in the Arab society, this concept of the bunny was very, very common

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that a person would declare another as his adopted son, but he would be considered as his real son, which is why he would inherit, which is why his ex wife would be unlawful for the Father.

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And this practice a las panatela was completely abolishing, and how is he abolishing it?

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Where did he start it from the family of the profit settlement? Because if this has happened in his family, then after that it can happen in any family.

00:34:47 --> 00:35:00

So it was said as a precedent. There's absolutely nothing wrong. It was considered as a mooncup as something that was completely wrong to married the ex wife of your adopted son. So the profits on a lot of sudden was already

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told that he had to do this.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:06

But obviously, think about it, he was afraid, why

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he was going to commit something that was considered as a monk up in that society

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something that was considered very, very wrong, not acceptable at all. You know, one is to declare that this is permissible,

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and the other is to do it.

00:35:25 --> 00:36:12

Isn't there a difference? Huge difference. It could have been declared as well. It's permissible to marry the ex wife of your adopted son. But there is a difference when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did it himself. And for him to do it. It was extremely difficult for him because he was going against the tradition, the culture of that entire society. So Allah subhanaw taala says, were to Fifi Neff seeker, and you were hiding in yourself, mala Houma de what Allah was going to review. What to Fifi Neff seeker, to be halfaya to conceal to hide. You are hiding in your heart in yourself Mullah who will be de what Allah was going to reveal nobody from the root letters, Vidal Well, what

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does that mean to expose to reveal? So Allah was going to reveal that you were trying to hide it How? By telling say, keep your wife keep your wife don't divorce her. But what happened, eventually divorced, and I lost the penalty was going to expose it. It is said about the spark of the idea that if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would have concealed any part of the Quran, he would have concealed this part.

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00:36:37 --> 00:36:50

the fact that he said this was 250 nuptse come along with the DEA he passed this on to us shows that he did not hide any part of the Quran from us. He conveyed everything. What took 15 FCM Allahumma de

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watashi ness, and you were fearing the people. You were afraid of the people. This is why you are hiding this in your heart. Because you were afraid of the people that the people would say he has married his son's wife. You were afraid of the people. This is a reason why you didn't tell them to divorce his wife, Willa Haku and Russia and Allah, He is more deserving that you fear him.

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You see, fear is a natural feeling. Fear of people fear of different things. It's a natural feeling. It's not necessarily a weakness.

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musasa being a messenger of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala was speaking to him. And what happened. When he saw the staff turned into snake, he was terrified he ran away. When he saw the magic of the magician's. Again, he was terrified.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:45

Fear is a natural feeling.

00:37:46 --> 00:37:52

But fear is wrong when it prevents a person from obeying the command of a loss.

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You see fears have different levels as well. Sometimes you have more fear, sometimes you have less fear. Some things you are less afraid of other things you are more afraid of,

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isn't it so you have different levels of fear. And no matter who a person is how righteous they can get afraid.

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So whenever you get afraid of anything, don't think you're so weak. Okay, it's a natural feeling. It's normal to feel afraid.

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The Prophet sallallahu wasallam felt afraid.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:33

Musa alayhis salam felt afraid. It's only natural to be fearful.

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However, fear is a problem when it prevents you from obeying laws.

Al-Ahzab 36-44 Tafsir 36-37

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