Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 162C Tafsir Ta-Ha 113-126

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of learning and reciting the Quran in prayer to retain knowledge and change. They stress the importance of remembering the meaning of the Quran and shaping one's life to be beautiful and achieve big things in life. The segment also touches on the struggles of people to forget and become aware of their actions, including the importance of avoiding accidents and being mindful of one's behavior. The speakers emphasize the need to be mindful of one's behavior and stay true to Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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What are their Lika and likewise and us until now who we have revealed it. Quran Quran Allah begun in Arabic we have revealed this Quran in the Arabic language that is clear

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that is eloquent, that is meaningful, that is brief and why Arabic so that the people may understand while some off Nafi he and we have diversified in it minute worried the warning. So rough now subtler for you suddenly put the sleeve sod Rafa it is to take something back and bring it again in a different shape or form. So, for instance, the three, four Ria, it refers to the changing of the winds, that how at one point the wind is really fast, or really cold. And then at another point, the wind is really comforting.

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It's soothing. So the sleeve, at one point the warning is really severe.

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And another point the warning is different, while some rough Murphy human and worried. And if you think about it, the mention of the Day of Judgment, the mention of the events of the Hereafter, what is that a warning. But we're not given the same description everywhere in the Quran. If you look at the different descriptions of the day of judgment that are given each is unique, each word gives us a different meaning.

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A different benefit. Why was Serafina female worried? Why is it that Allah has warned us in so many different ways? La Lomita cone so that the people would fear

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they would fear they would avoid? What would they avoid sin? What would they fear that day? Oh, or meaning at least your day. So it will cause it will initiate law home for them they call a lesson. You have this header that literally means to happen when something happens. That did not exist before. Now it happens. So here's a person lost in his duniya oblivious to the era blinded by his desires. But then when he hears these if, when he reads these verses than what happens, at least these verses make him think, oh yeah, this will only occur, but at least they will begin to think in this direction. Even if there is no 360 degree change. Even if there is no revolution in that

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person's life, a complete transformation in their life, at least they begin to think about the Day of Judgment, oh, you're a little lonely.

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And this is true.

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And this is the reason why we should never disconnect with the book of Allah.

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And we should never stop reminding ourselves and those who are close to us. You might think that it's bouncing back. You might be frustrated with yourself that why am I not improving already? Why am I not changing already? But keep listening to the Quran. Keep reading the Quran, stay connected with the Quran. At least it will make you think, at least it will shift you in the right direction. Maybe you're still far from your destination, but at least it's going to take you towards that direction. Oh, you're the solar home. Decra Fatah, Allah Allah, so high above exalted is Allah.

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He has high, he is the most exalted. Who is he? Al Malik, the King, the true king, the true sovereign, the one with supreme, an absolute authority, the one who owns all and rules over all he is a Malik, I will help the truth. Don't doubt his existence. Don't doubt his reality. He is a help and He is exalted. And this Quran is from Him. This reminder is from him. walterdale will and do not hasten with the Quran. Don't rush when it comes to the Quran, men commonly before and that you COBOL it is completed a Laker to you why you it's revelation.

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Don't hasten when the Quran is being revealed to you don't rush, wait until the revelation is complete. And then you recite. We learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he was given why when Gibreel would come and he would deliver the words of the Quran to him the ayat to him the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he realized his responsibility and he took it very seriously. He was an army which meant that he could not write. So for instance, imagine somebody is dictating something to you and each word matters. Each Hasakah matters. What would you do? You would write it down so that you don't make a mistake because you have to pass it on. You have to convey it to others. You

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have to recite it in prayer. You have to worship Allah through it. So the Prophet

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salatu salam, he was worried that he would forget.

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So what would he do as Gibreel would be reading to him the Prophet Salam Allison would start reading at the same time.

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Because, you know, the more senses you involve, the more comfort you have that hopefully you won't forget it. So he would be listening. And then he would also start reading at the same time

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that the Prophet saw a lot of film is told no, don't do that. Don't rush. Don't be hasty. Wait, when to real has recited that portion to you? Then you recite? Then you read? Because the first step to learning is what? What was exactly that is what most artists and I was told right? What don't talk faster mirror Lima you I have chosen you so listen attentively to that which is revealed. Listen, listen, listen, that's the first step.

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And this is true with everything. If you want to learn the Quran, if you want to recite the Quran, listen to the Quran. Listen, listen and listen more, you can never listen enough

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and pay attention and pay more attention. The more attention you pay, the more you will retain. So the prophets Allah loves him has given this instruction, that don't rush don't panic, because if you start worrying, I'm gonna forget I'm gonna forget then you will forget. But the fact is that Allah is sending this Quran to you, he is teaching you.

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He's teaching you

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and if he wishes to deliver this Quran to you, you'll never forget it.

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If Allah wants you to have the Quran, you will never forget it.

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But look at the Prophet sallallahu Sallam how he took his responsibility so seriously. And he is told make dua will call and say are busy the near Ilma Oh my Lord, Increase me in knowledge. Who's been called to make this thorough? Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who was given the Quran, he is told say, Oh my Lord, Increase me in knowledge. Why? Because you can never have enough knowledge. How did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam increase in his knowledge, through the Quran,

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through the Quran, because the more Quran a person receives, the more he learns.

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The true source of knowledge is the book of Allah, it is the Quran. This is what will teach you about your soul. This is what will teach you about your strengths and your weaknesses, about life, about people about this earth, about the hereafter about the past about the present about the future psychology of men weakness of everything you will learn from this Quran.

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This is a source of knowledge. Because this Quran is from Allah and Every word carries an ocean of knowledge.

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What could rob visit in the URL and say, Oh my Lord, Increase me in knowledge meaning give me more Quran. Give me more Quran so that I can learn more.

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And also we see that when you have this fear, you're going to forget you're going to forget what is it that we need to direct our attention to draw?

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Do your best, but then also ask Allah, Ya Allah, rubbish, roughly Saudi musasa method All right.

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Oh, my Lord, expand my chest for me. The prophets of Allah Islam is stalled while calling Rob busy nearing. So who is the giver of knowledge? Allah, He gives knowledge, because remember there is it is, it is also provision.

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And who is a result? The Giver of provision? Allah subhanaw taala.

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There are many things that we ask Allah for.

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We asked him to increase us in our money, help, life, family, right? Intelligence, there's different things that we ask Allah subhanaw taala for we asked him to increase things for us, grow for us.

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What does Allah want us to ask him?

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knowledge, knowledge, because your money no matter how much it grows, doesn't matter.

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Your house no matter how big it is,

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doesn't matter.

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Family, whatever. There's so many things you can have a lot of them but really how much meaning do they bring? What will truly make you successful is or in knowledge that is beneficial. So we'll call Rob busy the near Ilma and say, Oh my Lord, Increase me in knowledge.

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So he will hurry. Right? The collection on one body in that there's a bulky tabular in the book of knowledge. And right at the beginning, there is a chapter which is fumble in the virtual

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the excellence of seeking knowledge of knowledge in general. And there is only two ayat that Mr. Bahati mentions over there to highlight the significance of A and one idea is this work of revisiting

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to prove that you can never have enough of it.

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You see, when you're reading the Quran, you read surah NAS, you reach the end.

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But you can never have enough knowledge of the meaning of the Quran.

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You can never study it enough. You can never review it enough, you can never reflect on it enough. There's always more to learn,

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always more to benefit from so ask Allah for this visit near him, because this is the key to success, while awkward and certainly are hidden Illa.

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Now Allah subhanaw taala chose to us the importance of knowledge and the importance of remembering that knowledge, the importance of remembering the vicar the reminders that we are given the instruction that we are given. Allah says certainly we had our hiddenite Illa Adam, we had taken a promise from Adam or he that Allah is to convey, but it also means to command to take a promise from someone to instruct them with something. So we took a promise from other meaning we instructed him very clearly we commanded him very clearly, men called Blue before before meaning before he was centered even

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before he was put to test financier But Adam forgot. When did he forget when Shavon whispered to him, and he tempted him. Allah says, Well, I'm Nigeria and we did not find level for him meaning for Adam or asthma, determination. Adam lacked determination. He lacked firm resolve. What does this mean? This has been interpreted in several ways. One is that Adam didn't intend to disobey Allah.

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Wa alumna Judah who asthma we did not find him firm determination to disobey Allah Iblees. On the other hand, he was determined about what stuck bothered when he was asked, he came up with excuse and justification and he argued and you blamed, he was determined, but at the Mercatus Center, he was not determined to sin. He was not determined to disobey. He was not determined to break his promise to go against his word. No. How did it happen then? He forgot it was an accident.

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We learned about the bunny slightly. How they made a calf. Musar Listen, I've instructed them. He told them very clearly.

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But then what happened? They fell into shock. They made a calf and they began worshipping it. Why? What was the reason? They forgot? And also we see that they didn't really care.

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They didn't really care because how long are they Salam reminded them

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right? There we're stubbornness over there. So much so that we're about to kill how to not listen. I'm so nervous. I'm about to stop telling them. They were determined to do shit.

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You understand? The bunny is slightly were determined to worship the calf. What did they say? Lamb novela Harley yaki Fein had dialed Jerry Lena Musa, we're never going to stop worshipping this calf until Musa returns to us. What does that show resolve? To do what they wanted to do? That made up their mind. I had already set up when he made a mistake. Did he do that deliberately? No, Allah says Allah Mithila who are ZMA it was an accident. It was a mistake, an honest real mistake. That happened out of forgetfulness. He forgot their minor, and as a result, he made a mistake. And this is something that we need to learn that

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never ever,

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never, ever decide to disobey Allah.

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Never deliberately do it.

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And it starts with small things.

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You know, if something happens out of ignorance, it happens. But as soon as you realize you need to stop yourself if you continue, despite realizing what does it mean. You have the Muslim to disobey Allah, you willingly opposing Allah, you're willingly going against his commands. This is why riba interest consuming interest dealing with interest what is that? It's haram in the Quran, what does Allah say, waging war against Allah and His messenger? This is what Riba is.

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And if a person deliberately goes to the bank takes the loan, signs a contract, and every month he is paying interest. What is this? This is determination to disobey and oppose Allah.

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And this is something that does not befit a believer. It does not at any cost.

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Mistakes happen out of ignorance out of forgetfulness, but disobeying deliberately, consciously while knowing while being aware. This is something that does not befit a believer.

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Allah subhanaw taala absolves other monies and I'm here well I'm Najib Allahu Asma, we need to ask ourselves, are we determined when we're disobeying Allah? With what Audacity? Are we disobeying Allah? With what confidence are we opposing His commands to take responsibility for your actions and change? What is called an Allen Mala ICA. And when we said to the angels was Julie Adam,

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prostrate to Adam, foster Jeju. So they all frustrated Illa IBLEES except for Iblees. What did he do? Abba, he refused. The command was clear. How was IBLEES refused point blank? No.

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And just like that, there are many commands which are clear. What is our reaction? What is our response? Is it off No. refusal? Or is it off submission for Khulna? So we said Yeah, Adam or Adam in the header or don't we'll look, this guy, this shape on this Iblees is an enemy to you. And not just to you well is Eldrick and also for your wife. He's an enemy to you. He's an enemy to your wife. And obviously your children you will be an enemy to them as well. Fella you halogen nakoma. So let him not expel you to middle Jana, from Jana. He's your enemy. He's going to come after you to hurt you. to harm you to make you suffer. Be careful, be on your guard. Be alert. Don't let him

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expel you. Because if he expelled you, if he causes you to get out of Jannah then what will happen? Firtash

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then you will be ruined. Or rather Photoshop you would suffer?

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You would suffer? Okay not ruined, you would suffer. That guy's from Chicago. Right in Chicago. It means to be miserable and it has different levels. One is complete destruction.

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So for instance, Chucky is a person who is going to end up in Hellfire for minimum shipping and what's our Eid? Right, that is extreme level of Chicago. And then there is another level of Chicago which is that a person is as a burden of sin. But hopefully he should be forgiven. And then there's another level of Chicago that you're just miserable and unhappy and you're feeling bad about what you've done in your guilt is, you know, it's making your life difficult.

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And shakaama doesn't just have to do with your righteousness or you know, disobeying Allah subhanaw taala but also yours physical circumstances. So, for Cashcall some scholars have said what this means is that you will be in difficulty meaning if you are expelled from Jannah then you will end up in dunya and in dunya what will happen?

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You will be unhappy.

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You will be unhappy

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because in Jana, What is life like in Ghana in halacha indeed for you allow that not the GRFP ha you're never hungry and Jana

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because there's so much food more than you can eat whenever you want to eat or Is Anybody hungry right now? I am very hungry.

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in Jannah there is no hunger let that you are free while Atala nor will you be naked there are all from iron lawyer

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nakedness in Jannah there is no nakedness. Well I'm not going indeed you laptop mafia you will never be thirsty in it. What I told her nor will you ever feel hot, down to her from Doha. Both higher what does the harming the time when the sun has fully risen, the heat is pretty strong at that time. It bothers you which is why you put the shutters and you cover yourself from the heat you stay indoors. But in Jana law talking about we'll see how well I told her. What about dunya

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What about duniya? Look at it. Do you get hungry in Narnia? Yes you do. Do you have to worry about your clothes all the time?

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Do you get thirsty? Yes. Do you feel the heat? Yes. Even when it's winter than what happens? The windows through them the heat of the sun is coming and it's burning.

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Imagine this is duniya what is duniya this car, you are miserable. You get tired because you have to fulfill all your needs yourself. You will have to worry about your food and your clothes and your shelter. Allah subhanaw taala told Adam make sure shaitan doesn't cause you to expel from Jana and he doesn't make you go to dunya because if you go to dunya you will be unhappy. You will be in difficulty

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Here in January you have everything everything you want.

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So realize his blessing, and do the best you can to preserve this blessing. But what happened for us was that he lay your shape on but she upon whispered to him shaytaan the liar. Whisper to Adam Carolla. He said, Yeah, Adam. Oh, Adam. Hello. I don't know. Should I tell you I shudder about a tree? Which tree I'll hold of eternity. Meaning the tree. If you eat its fruit, you will be eternal. You will live forever, you will never die.

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And should I tell you about a tree shudder to hold? If you eat its fruit, you will get one more cane and a kingdom that will lay Ebola that will never deteriorate you Ebola from their letters. Balamb. Yeah, Belia Yabla literally means when something useful becomes old, why? Because you've used it so much. So for instance, belly a throat, close what happens to them? You buy a new jacket, but just because you've been wearing it every day, and you've been cleaning the car and you've been cleaned the driveway, what happens?

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Has it's barely been one winter and you see that your jacket is already not looking good anymore. It's becoming old. So Malki. labeler, a kingdom that will never fade. That will never age, meaning everything will always be new and fresh in it.

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If somebody were to ask you,

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I'll give you this one bill, you eat it. You will never age, you will be rich. You will have everything you want. Would you take that pill? What would you say? It's worth a shot.

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Right? It's worth a shot. You know, like the experiment they did the beauty pill or something like that. Right. And it wasn't actually real. It was fake medicine. And they gave it to people prescribed it. And they said you have to take it for these number of weeks and they took it and literally the people said we feel beautiful.

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We feel beautiful because we've been taking the spill and we actually look beautiful, we feel beautiful. And then they were told the spill had nothing in it.

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It had nothing in it. It's your mind. Right? But anyway, the point is that if somebody were to offer you something like this even take the spill, you will become beautiful somehow.

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What do people say worth a shot, worth a shot. So are them really a salon, he loved his home agenda.

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And he wanted to be eternal which human being wants to die. Seriously.

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Someone who was living a happy life didn't want to die. Someone who's got every wish fulfilled didn't want to die. So as Mr. De Sena he was a human being right and this was his weak spot. So shame upon touched that weak spot.

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We worry about our future we are greedy for more

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chip on threatens us with poverty, right? So he touched the weak spot he said if you have it, you will be good you will stay forever your things will never become older you will never age for Accola minha so the both aid from it

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who both Adam and Howard both of them minha from it forbidden

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and as a result what happened the privileges of Jana were taken away because when Allah subhanaw taala sent Adam to Jana, Adam and his wife made it very clear he eat whatever but do not eat from this tree. They were clearly instructed do not eat the fruit of this tree, this one tree, keep away from it, don't eat and that was a test.

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So what happened, Chandon came made that disobedience attractive, so attractive, that other than Islam and Hawa both of them they fell to their desires for Accola minha and the privileges of Jana were taken away because if you want to stay in Gemini you have to follow the rules if you don't follow the rules you can stay and when you can't stay then you have to leave Gemini and everything that you got from Jana behind and part of that was also the clothes so forbidden so the clothes were taken away from them. But it was exposed Lahoma for them both so at home on their private parts their bodies were naked and it's in the human fitrah that you don't want to be naked you cover

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yourself so what happened Adam and her work well coffee they both began perfect guys to begin to set out to suddenly begin to do something. They both began UFC fan era Lane Yuma covering themselves with Yuxi Fanny from horse side fell hospital is basically used for a piece of leather that is put on another piece of leather and both are stitched together.

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All right, why to make like for example the soul of a shoe or something like that. So they both began to Yossi Fanny piece together. Batch cover our Lady

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Comment on themselves mean what opinion from the leaves of Jana the leaves are all they could find. So they took the leaves and they covered themselves.

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Allah says we're all saw them all robber who Adam disobeyed his Lord. And what happened? There were consequences. For hauwa

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he earned the right to make an error to make a mistake. Adam disobeyed his Lord and as a result, he earned his trade from the right course. His trade.

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He wasn't on the right track anymore. He listened to shaitan he disobeyed Allah.

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What do we see over here? There was a promise other than his sunnah made with Allah, He will not eat from the fruit of the tree. Shavon came and convinced him the murder Salam NESEA, he forgot about the promise that he made. And does this happen? Yes. When you're overcome with your emotions, your desires, and the thing before you seem so attractive, all the lessons you've learned and everything you've written in your Quran, and you know, all the pledges you've made with yourself out the window, everything gone.

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And you end up doing something wrong.

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It happens. It was an accident. Yes. 100. A light was an accident, it wasn't deliberate. However, accidents even have consequences.

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Right? For instance, if you're driving, and you're speeding,

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and you're not leaving enough distance between yourself and the car in front of you, even though you know there should be a certain amount of distance for sure. You're not paying attention, because you just want to get to your destination quickly already.

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What is possible an accident? And if it happens, and you hit the car that was in front of you, whose fault is it? Whose fault? Is it? Your fault? Even if you try to defend yourself, what will you be told? It's your fault. You could have avoided this accident? How? By keeping a safe distance, but you didn't. It's your fault. And that accident, even though it was an accident, you didn't deliberately hit the car in front of you as much as you wanted to. But you didn't deliberately do that it was an accident. Does it have consequences? Does it? It does.

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You know, whenever I see an accident, I always feel bad for the person whose fault it is. I feel bad for them.

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Because imagine if you were in their shoes, I mean, you didn't intend to hit the car. You didn't intend to hurt someone. You didn't intend to destroy your car and ruin your car. It was an accident. But you know what? An accident. You made a mistake, but it hurt someone. And now you have to pay for it.

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You have to pay for it. You're guilty, you have to pay for it. So likewise, when we commit a sin, when we disobey Allah subhanaw taala whatever the reason was, we forgot we were overcome by our desire, we were angry. We were really hungry. We were very upset. Whatever it was, it was a mistake. And that mistake will have consequences. Never forget that. And this is why we need to do Toba and we need to do is still far from sins that we remember and also sins that we don't remember, because sins definitely have consequences.

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Where I saw Adam Rama who follow Allah, it is not possible that you disobey your Lord. And you're perfectly fine. No,

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not for long. Maybe for some days, but not forever. Not forever. Remember these words, write them down as a reminder for yourself, where I saw the robber who follow.

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And when you think of Adam, replace that with your own name. When I disobey my Lord, I will definitely earn I'm definitely making a huge mistake and that mistake will cost me

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so then what do you have to do? You have to be more careful on the road right to avoid accidents. So likewise, in life, you have to be more careful. You have to be attentive. Forgetfulness happens we are Adams children, he forgotten we will also forget.

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So what's the cure to that? Let yourself Forget it. Let yourself make mistakes. No. What's the cure? What's the solution? Remember more. Pay more attention.

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Be more mindful when you're driving. Don't just drive blindly. Pay attention to the signs. Pay attention

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to your speed. Pay attention to the people in front of you on your side behind you be more alert. Isn't that what they tell you all the time. Pay attention

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because if you're not paying attention, you're bound to make a mistake.

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So in life, we have to live the same way. Just because we have the potential to forget and the potential to sin doesn't mean we'd be easy on ourselves. Take this matter seriously. So much the level of boohoo done his Lord chose him Fatah Lee, he, then he accepted his repentance, were heard, and he also guided him. Why? Because Adam really salaam he acknowledged his mistake.

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He acknowledged his mistake. He said, Yes, I did it. I'm sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn't have listened to shape on. I shouldn't have listened to Iblees. I did it.

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He said Robina.

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What's the draw that otherwise that I made? Was alumna and Forcella. We determined ourselves we clearly did something wrong. I admit it was my fault. I admit your mistake, take responsibility. Don't blame people. Right, left and center. Don't blame circumstances blame yourself.

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Because that is the first step to tilba Wahida and then he guided

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Allah. Then Allah said it with mom in her Jamia. All of you get out from here meaning from Jana Barlow calmly Bowden I do. Some of you are enemies to others, meaning your enemy to one another. Who people on trip on. We're living on the earth and shaitan is also here. We're living with our enemy.

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We're living with our enemy. Imagine if you lived in the same street as someone who wanted to kill you.

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Just imagine if you live on the same floor

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as the serial killer,

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child abuser, whoever, if you lived in that same building even of someone who has committed such crimes, what would you do?

00:32:01 --> 00:32:13

What would you do? The first thing you do is try to get out of there. Right? And if you cannot, then what will you do? Are you careful? Are you on your guard all the time? Yes.

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chatline is our enemy.

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He comes to our house. He sees us. He whispers to us, he talks to us. He can even come in our dreams, and how easily we forget this enemy. He's out there to harm us. Can we be forgetful? Can we take it easy? We have to be very alert. For immediate the unknown caminhada then if guidance comes to you from me, from Allah, from Manitoba, who Daya then whoever follows My guidance, follow your Lilu

00:32:53 --> 00:32:58

then that person he will not go astray. And he will not be miserable.

00:32:59 --> 00:33:46

Look at these words you'll Lilu Yeshua Adam realism you disobeyed Allah what happened? Yesterday, his life was difficult and lower. He ERD so what's the solution? And how do you remain guided? What is this ayah tell us feminine tuber who Daya whoever follows the guidance that Allah has sent? And the one who turns away from this guidance woman autobarn Zicree whoever turns away from my remembrance meaning deliberately, the Quran that I have sent he turns away from it for in Allahu Marie Schatten Wonka, then indeed for him is a life that is very constricted. Maria aurinia, Chien, life, livelihood means of life, whether they're tangible or intangible, to for instance, money,

00:33:47 --> 00:34:12

food, I mean, these are things that keep you living, right your relationships, your circumstances, these are things that are part of your life. This is all Marisha the person who turns away from the Quran he will have a life that is one cow what is done cow dung is the Akasha did extreme tightness, extreme constriction, when a place is very, very, very tight.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:21

So the person who turns away from the Quran, his life will be easy. What does Allah say? lancha

00:34:22 --> 00:34:27

extremely tight, suffocating, depressed.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:59

It doesn't mean that he will be sick with cancer and he will be so poor that he won't have any money. No. For our own. He turned away from Allah. And what happened? He had a lot of money. He had a lot of power. Very strong body. Barun so many people, people who reject Allah subhanaw taala turned away from the book of Allah but they're living apparently very happy lives very successful lives. Then what is meant by this Marie shut on Blanca, two things. First of all in this dunya

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Yes, there will be misery for this person, even though he's surrounded by people, by friends by stuff, worldly success, but there is no true happiness.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:29

There's no true happiness. I mean, just look at the suicide rates and look at the legal battle to for the permission to kill yourself with the assistance of a doctor or something like that. Right? What is this, you're not happy in yourself.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:34

You're not even happy inside your body. You want to get out of your body.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:52

And we see many ways where people physically hurt themselves when it comes to eating disorders. So many problems, so many issues. What is this a reflection of that a person is not happy? Inside? Why? Because there's a big void.

00:35:53 --> 00:35:57

There's a big void the heart is not satisfied. Why?

00:35:58 --> 00:36:09

Because a person has turned away from the Quran. What is it that brings comfort to the heart? I love the decree Lajitas minute clue. It is with the remembrance of Allah that hearts find comfort and rest.

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The heart was made for the worship of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:37

And if a person turns away from the worship of Allah from the vicar of Allah, then what will this life be like? Unhappy, miserable, despite the money, despite the apparently good relationships, despite everything, despite the education despite the best job on happy, Murray shatta Wonka.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:57

And even if a person enjoys wealth and luxury for some time, what is the eventual outcome what happened to fit our own? Literally Marysia don't blink I imagine drowning, not being able to breathe water going in your nose and your eyes in your mouth. Just imagine that wonder if this is not tightness? What is it?

00:36:59 --> 00:37:35

I know a lady she's quite fed off. And she was having a very good house, big house are all still married. But she was a force preferring and running after her children. And now the son is married, left the house your daughter is married, left the house and she has a big house she's still earning, he said What should I do? I brought her here also now when I will get free I will come and I will do the course I will learn the Quran. And but now I'm stuck because I bought a new house and I have to earn and I have to pay off this and that and still she is stuck. And if you go behind the word, allies make it difficult. And that is how

00:37:36 --> 00:37:38

May Allah make it easy for all of us.

00:37:39 --> 00:38:01

And then more Aisha than Wonka this difficult life is not just limited to the life on the Earth, but also when a person dies. Because when a person dies, he will be in his grave, whatever that grave is wherever it is, and then he will be asked certain questions. He will be asked about Monroe book, Manabe yoke Medina.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:07

And if he does not answer correctly, then what will happen? We learned from Hadith that

00:38:08 --> 00:38:12

the grave it constricts on him.

00:38:13 --> 00:38:18

it constricts on him in such a way that the body is squeezed so tight that the ribs

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that literally get locked into each other. Marie shut on Blanca. And when a person he answers these questions correctly, what do the angels say to him? He has spoken the truth. Yes, you are a believer. And then his grave is expanded for him it becomes like a garden from the gardens of gender

00:38:41 --> 00:38:48

constrict pneus versus spaciousness, what is it that we like? spaciousness.

00:38:49 --> 00:38:52

This is tangible and intangible,

00:38:53 --> 00:38:56

literally. And also in other ways.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:34

I find this is so amazing that people write books and books and books on how to be happy, or how to fight depression. And this one idea and one is parlodel has given the solution that a person who doesn't remember Allah subhanaw taala turns away from the remembrance of Allah that person is going to be depressed. Despite having money despite having family despite having children despite having a house despite having a car despite having you know, good satisfying job. Still, a person is angry in his own skin. He's unhappy and stressed out and frustrated in his own life is his life

00:39:35 --> 00:39:51

is his happiness is his joy. For inner level Murray Schatten Blanca and mind you it this doesn't mean those disbelieve those who turn away we can turn away from the Dhikr of Allah even though we believe in Allah. And this is the most scary part

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that we are deceiving ourselves, I think Yeah, ya know, Allah, I love Allah. I believe in him. I remember him seriously. We remember him. You

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Do I remember him in the morning? Do we remember him in our prayers? Do we remember him when we eat after we eat? Do we remember him when we're with our family? When we're outside? When we're at work when we're at school? Do we remember him?

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If we remember him week, it's not possible that we'd be miserable people, not possible.

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If we truly remember him, then we would be calm, we would be at peace, we would be happy with the decree of Allah, we would be okay with the way our life is.

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We would be productive.

00:40:33 --> 00:40:43

What is wrong with us? We're angry all the time. We're irritable, stressed out. Because we don't do they don't like to say, don't do fix, make the

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right because when we don't do that, then we do fix it.

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Then we get stressed out, then we get worried. So the solution is busy yourself in the vicar of Allah to bring comfort to your heart. Spend your life with the Quran, to bring meaning to your life. Never disconnect from the book of Allah. No matter what happens. You live in China. You live in Australia, you live with your family, you live alone, you are rich, you are poor, you're married. You're single divorced children, not children. What ever is going on in your life. Never leave the liquor of Allah. If you hold on to Allah's remembrance,

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Allah will take care of you. Musar listen, I was told that attorney Effie victory Don't be lazy in my remembrance. octamer salata lyrically established the prayer to remember me You remember him? He will remember you. You forget him, he will abandon you

00:41:46 --> 00:41:53

for in the law humeri Schatten Blanca wanna shoot all your will PRT armor and we will bring him on the Day of Judgment blind

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touch a person who has forgotten the book online will come blind color he will tell a believer harsh often Jana Oh my Lord. Why did you make me blind? Why did you raise me blind what got comfortable saying oh well I could see before Allah Allah will say Kedah Alec thus, likewise, like for like, you behave like this. So you are being treated like this?

00:42:17 --> 00:42:50

How is that at that? Can I add to our vs game to you? Fantasy to her but you forgot them as luck but our verses came to you and you forgot them. You didn't pay attention. You didn't try to remember them. You didn't take care of this treasure. You abandoned it you neglected it so much so that you forgot the Quran. You forgot what the Quran says You forgot the very verses. What canaliculi Oh matanza, you forgot Allah as I add, today you will be forgotten.

00:42:51 --> 00:43:29

You will be forgotten. You will be left in your blindness you will be abandoned in Oblivion. You will not be remembered. No tear will be shed for you. Your dua will not be responded. What Can daddy call yo matanza? What are the early candidacy? Allah says thus do We recommend some an assault for the one who is excessive the one who transgressed thinking that this life is everything is busy fulfilling his desires transgressing one limit after the other while I'm you may be at your beat, and he does not believe in the verses of his Lord, while our other will. Allah warns us the punishment of the Hereafter it is a shadow do more severe

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and more lasting. One is the depressed life in this dunya. But the punishment of the Hereafter, it's much more severe. Because there is an end to this depression, right? If a person is miserable, he can go have you know, a coffee break. He can go chill out, you can go take a walk, he can go take a dose of some drug and forget his problems for a few minutes. There's some relief. But in the hereafter there's no relief. The punishment is more severe and it is up or more enduring. May Allah protect us the one main lesson that we learned from these is that

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remember ALLAH, remember his book? Remember his message. You leave it, you abandon it, your loss in this life in the grave, and in the hereafter.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:25

Listen to the recitation.

00:44:30 --> 00:44:41

Not on me, was all Snuffy. You mean Anwari? That also was nasty. He mean, don't worry.

00:44:42 --> 00:44:45

We're gonna do

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00:44:49 --> 00:44:50

Cool help.

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For more info

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he'll walk over on a busy day any

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or both

00:45:20 --> 00:45:21

is Julie

00:45:36 --> 00:45:45

Zoji Casella your region Kuma MENA region diva dish call in Melaka.

00:45:55 --> 00:45:59

The worst was Elaine you share you born or bought a

00:46:04 --> 00:46:07

shirt you hold the key

00:46:09 --> 00:46:11

Carla mean that

00:46:13 --> 00:46:15

to me one coffee boy sleep

00:46:19 --> 00:46:22

engine last

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00:46:32 --> 00:46:32

he will

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be born in Jammie

00:46:37 --> 00:46:39

loco me bow

00:46:41 --> 00:46:43

my dn

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00:46:51 --> 00:46:53

dash for women

00:46:58 --> 00:46:59

who marry shut down

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one actual young woman

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Lima has shown me

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tuna fantasy

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