Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 159B Tafsir Ta-Ha 1-8

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the use of the Quran of Islam as a guide for success and lucky, as well as the importance of learning from the Surah encouraged by Jesus. The message of the Quran is to take it easy on oneself and not grieving. The title of the Prophet sallalla is discussed, as well as the various levels of knowledge and knowledge. The importance of finding a solution to one's suffering and finding a way to see the person they want to see is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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So let's begin the next door

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after the lameness chiffonier Jean Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Torquay so men who

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are hiding out as smell Allah humeri

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our lowest

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man word of mouth she stole

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the whole office

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that very well

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asks me

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the whole smell

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Did you notice something?

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was a different method of recitation?

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You know that the Quran, it was revealed in different modes of recitation as well, because the Arabs, they didn't just speak one form of Arabic language. All right. So the Quran was revealed in a way that the words were the same, right, which is slight differences, but they were all revealed by Allah subhanaw taala. But the recitation was easy for the people

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in sha Allah, if you find a book on renewable Quran or something, do read it alright or electrons on renewable Quran the sciences of the Quran, so the sciences have different recitations. So this is one of the ways in which the prophets of Allah medicine have recited the Quran and taught the people the Quran we are only familiar with one way. Right? And there are at least 10 Different Quran, our chakra and even more, right, so this one is known as Call of the camera off, hold off. All right, so if you want to google it, just go sudo Hello, and enjoy. Okay.

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And in this draw, as you noticed, it's not Baha, it's play here. All right, and it's not really touched by delete ash Bay. All right. So for example, if it's sort of Doha, it's not a blue Ha, it's a blue hair. All right. And one more thing you may have noticed that before the Hamza, there is a sector meaning you have to pause the whole USMA will have SNI the whole it makes you stop and think. Alright, so it has its own beauty. And also remember that in this that I mean, the surahs there recited in a continuation. So at the beginning, what you heard was the last aisle off sort of Marian had to hear someone whom I hadn't noticed Marula whom Rexona play. All right, it's connected.

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Anyway, I was a bit lame ish apology Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number 159 surah Taha is number one to 40 surah Taha is a mucky surah and it was revealed sometime around the middle of the Meccan era. The Prophet sallallahu sallam was doing public Dawa. He was openly calling people to Islam. And obviously this brought him much hostility, as well as much opposition from those who disbelieved. But the Prophet sallallahu sallam was not someone to stop just because people were opposing him, or just because they were making fun of him. As the persecution increased and intensified the profits on a lot of time, his efforts also increased and intensified. So this Surah

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it gave comfort to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to take it easy on himself,

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to not take the matter very hard upon himself. And in this surah, especially the story of Musa alayhis salam is mentioned in great detail. Because mozarella Salam also went through many hardships through his life and the tasks that was given to him, giving the message to fit our own and then taking bunnies through Eve. Both tasks were very difficult. How did most artists deal with the situation that he was in? Where did he get his strength from? So these lessons we can learn in the Surah Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim for her for her who have mocha thoughts, a reminder that they're still

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Something that we don't know,

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to letters, no matter how much we try, we can never know their meaning. Because Allah subhanaw taala has kept this knowledge with himself. But by mentioning these letters are reminders given to us, that there's still something you don't know. Be willing to learn more. Man and Zelner ILA call to earn leadership Call, man Zelina We have not sent down our Laker on you Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam Al Quran, this Quran, lead Cashcall so that you are distressed.

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We did not reveal this Quran in order to make you miserable. In order to put you in difficulty,

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we did not give this Quran to you, so that you would suffer. No, the Quran was sent for the exact opposite reason to give you sada to make you happy to make you successful.

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The word dash CA is from the root letters sheen of well Shirakawa and that means to be miserable, to be unhappy to be in difficulty.

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It's also used for a person who's very unfortunate, someone who has tried and worked so hard but still he's a failure. He's got nothing.

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And it's the opposite of sada Sarada is to be successful, to be happy to be lucky to be fortunate. So the Quran has not been sent in order to make your life difficult, in order to stress you out in order to cause you distress. So all messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the message that he's been given over here is take it easy. You were being too hard with yourself, unburden yourself. The prophets, Allah Larson was given an immense responsibility, and what was that conveyed this message to all of mankind. Every other messenger was sent to his own nation only. But the prophets of Allah center was not just sent to the Arabs, but to all of mankind.

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And then we see that every other messenger, if his nation did not believe, then what would happen soon after some time, Allah would send another messenger. But the prophet said a lot of Saddam was the last and final messenger. So he knew that if he did not do his job properly, then what would happen?

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This mankind, their case would be lost forever, basically, they would be misguided. So the Prophet sallallaahu Salam had a very heavy responsibility. And when he saw that his message was not being received very well by his people, he would feel very, very distressed, thinking that he was not doing his work properly, thinking that he had to work harder. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would be very aggrieved. He would take it very hard upon himself, and he would work even harder than before. He would bear even more insults even more hardship, in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And we saw a glimpse of this unsellable could have filled our locker, bath fair enough soccer Arla 30

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into the sharara eye or three they said, Laurel locker bell here enough soccer, a layup, corner macmini, perhaps you would kill yourself with grief. Because these people are not believing the prophets, Allah Larson was grieved. He was worried. He was working really hard. So he is consoled over here that the Quran was not given to you, in order to make you miserable.

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The Quran was not given to you this responsibility was not given to you to make you grieve. So don't grieve that much. It doesn't mean

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take your responsibility lightly. Know what it means is Don't grieve that much.

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Don't be upset with yourself. Don't be angry with yourself, because it's not your fault if the people are not believing you are doing your job properly. You see, for a teacher for a mother it's very disheartening to see their child fail. Any mistake that a child makes you know what the parents do? First, they blame themselves. They wonder, where did I fall short that my child is making this mistake today?

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So the prophets of aloneness and then he was even more sincere to his nation than a mother is then a father is to their child.

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So when the people turned away, the prophets have a lot of sudden blamed himself first, he asked himself, and so he stalled over here. Don't take it too hard upon yourself. Matt and Zillow are legal

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analytische Paul,

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also the Prophet sallallaahu Salam spent a large portion of the night in prayer, because in the Quran he was told was a bit Leyland, taweelah glorify Allah, throughout the Long Night, meaning throughout the long hours of the night glorify Your Lord. So he would stand most of the night in prayer most of the night, and obviously, this would create difficulty for him. So then, the burden was lightened in total Muslim mil i 20. We learn the prophets of Allah Salam, he was told fucka Oh, Mata Yes, salamin Al Quran. So recite meaning in your prayer, what is easy for you of the Quran, meaning don't make it too hard upon yourself.

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So what's the lesson in this, the Quran is a blessing. The Quran is a guidance, not a curse, not a curse. So don't take it as if it's a curse. Don't approach the Quran in a way that you put yourself in difficulty you put yourself in hardship, don't cause this matter, you know of people rejecting you have people opposing you, such that it disturbs you, such that you are more sad than you are happy, such that you are counting the problems instead of counting the blessings. And this is where we need to check ourselves also that the Quran, how is it that we approach it? How is it that we look at the Quran? Do we take it as a blessing or a burden? The Quran is a blessing it was not given

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to us to make us miserable.

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It was given to us to set us free. It was given to us to guide us as a guidance as an eternal guide as a source of happiness.

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And the thing is that when the person receives the Quran, and he's grateful for the blessing of the Quran, and he applies the Quran in his life, then really the Quran becomes a source of blessing and mercy for him.

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And when a person approaches the book of Allah with stress, oh my god, I have a class today. Don't talk to me. Go away, I'm doing my lesson. Go away, have a test tomorrow. You're so miserable. This is not how a student of the Quran should be. Be happy person. Not that the day you have class, the whole family's like keep away from her. Keep away from her. Know, the Quran has come to put a smile on your face, to make your heart happy. So act like that live like that. Be like that. Don't make the Quran a reason for all your problems in your life. For all the worries and distress in your life, because typically what happens the more a person connects with the Quran, the more antisocial

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they become, and the more stressed out they become and the more distance they become from everyone. This is not living the Quran. This is not living the Quran. The Prophet said a lot it's no How did he live the Quran?

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he was a happy person, the Sahaba described him as a person who would smile the most. Who would smile the most. You see the Quran, it's heavy, so heavy that if the Quran was sent on a mountain, Allah says the mountain would collapse. This is true. And when you're studying and when you have to deliver and when you're reviewing and when you have to take a test it is stressful. But instead of focusing on the stress, focus on the fact that the Quran is a blessing, enjoy it. Enjoy it, and you will find a reason to smile even when you're stressed out.

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The Quran is meant to bring peace in our lives not to take bees away from our lives.

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Man Zelner Alico Khurana Lita Shaw.

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So where do you have to relax in your heart in your mind? Don't stress out chill inlet and kiloton Lima Yaksha in their except meeting the only reason why the Quran was sent was what that Kira it's a reminder for who Lima Yasha for the one who fears fears who Allah subhanaw taala meaning will Prophet sallallahu Sallam Why are you getting so distressed? The Quran is a reminder, and you're supposed to convey this reminder and you are conveying this reminder. There are people who accept and there are people who don't accept why because this Quran is a reminder for those who fear Allah. So the one who fears Allah, He will accept this reminder and the one who doesn't fear Allah, he

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won't accept the reminder.

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So you don't think it's your fault? You're doing your job properly. Do not blame yourself.

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This is just like the Quran has been sent as a guide for all people right? But everyone doesn't benefit from it. That Nikhil Kitab Lolly Buffy, who then for who? Lil Mata kin, it's a guidance for those people who fear Allah. So over here also it is mentioned again that inlet Akira tell me my Yaksha so don't blame yourself if people don't listen. It's their fault 10 Zealand a revelation and remember that 10 Zero illness Ella unit zero 10 Zilla gradual revelation, Allah has revealed it gradually to make it easy for you to absorb and convey.

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Then zielen and it's a revelation from who mainly men from the one who halacha herba who created the earth was summer Whatt and the skies and ruler, the highest a ruler. This is a feminine form of the word art Allah What does Ireland mean? Highest so ruler also means highest, meaning the high highest guys above you, the one who created those guys, and the one who created this earth. He is the one who has sent this Quran. Do you realize what this Quran is? Why are you taking it as a burden? It's the most precious gift that you could ever receive. Then Zilla min min halacha herba was Samoa Tila Rolla and when a person remembers the reality of the book of Allah, then reading the book of Allah,

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applying the book of Allah studying the book of Allah, it all becomes easy. Every moment becomes joyful. When you remember, this is my rubs color. This is the kalam of my rub.

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Then you wouldn't study the Quran as a textbook.

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Yes, you're studying it but it's not just oh textbook.

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This is a speech of my Lord. And you see when something is difficult, but you love it, then what happens the difficulty it goes through it subsides. It doesn't stress you out that much because you're enjoying it more than you are, you know, stressing out about it. So 10 Zilla mimin halacha are those Samoa Tila Rula who is he? A man the Most Merciful? I'll allow she above the throne is Stella he established himself he rose istilah scene while we are dereyes this Quran is from another man the Owner of the Throne the great throne and what is the throne the Throne of Allah subhanaw taala it is basically the throne under which is the entire creation the entire creation isn't the

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sky as the Earth everything where is it under the throne so you can see the Dow she's like the roof

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of a man on an owl she's still

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Why are you unhappy? Why aren't you smiling? Why do you take the Quran as a burden? It is from Allah a gift to You Be grateful be humbled law who for him maphis Summer wa T To Him belongs whatever that is in disguise Wilma Phil old and whatever that is in the earth, what am I you know whom and whatever that is between them both the sky, the earth and everything in between all of that woman to the third

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and that which is beneath the thorough dirt, mud, what is left? What is left your which level is left out? Nothing is left out. Because you know thorough, thorough, yeah, is used for the earth or that land that has become soft and moist. Why? Why has it become soft and moist? Because of rain or because there was water on it?

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Now if you think about it, ocean bed, how is it it's soft, moist, it's wet. Likewise soil, you know, at the top, maybe it's dry but as you dig deeper than what happens you find it to be wet. So whether something is beneath the ocean bed or beneath the mud that you walk on, or above this mud above this earth, or beyond the earth, the sky and above the sky and in the sky and below the sky, everything every level. Who owns it? Who owns it. Man law who manifests similarity at a notice math this summer with that which is in the skies, Sun Moon different stars, different planets, whatever it may be galaxies, and then as you come lower and lower it in the different levels of the sky in the sky that

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we see. When I fill out the that which is in the earth on the surface of the earth. Well my bae Nomada which is suspended in between clouds, air molecules wind leaves that are being blown by the wind plane

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hands that are flying in the sky, Who am I that a thorough and that which is beneath the wet soil, all of that is owned by Allah. He is the King, the master who has given this Quran to you, do you realize who has sent the store on to you were in touch her and if you speak aloud from Gmail or Java and Java is to speak out loud to make your words audible meaning to say in such a way that they can be heard.

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What integer Harville Kohli if you make your words out loud, if you speak them out loud, whether you shout them out that so many people can hear your you speak in front of a group of people so they can hear you were in touch horrible, Poli. Then remember that for in the world, and indeed he meaning ALLAH, yar, la Mohini knows a sieve, the secret? What is the opposite of job? So Nataraja hurry, and so lattice theory, right? The city's the opposite of job, meaning, he knows the sin, that which you kept secret that which you did not say out loud,

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that what you kept in your heart,

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And he also knows a half, half a year, offer more hidden that which is even more hidden than what is secret. He knows you thoroughly. You see some things we say out loud, some things we keep in our heart. And some thoughts they're still brewing. Right? They don't even reach our mind yet so that your looks like you're thinking and you're trying to put your thoughts together, you're trying to formulate a sentence and then finally, you say,

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right, so what you said, Allah knows what you kept in your heart in your mind, Allah knows and that which is still in the subconscious mind that which is still brewing in your head, even that Allah knows. And that which is not even, you know, come into your heart yet even that Allah knows.

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He knows you at every level. You see, from macro level to micro level.

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He owns everything and he knows everything. huge, massive galaxies, he knows that he owns them.

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And we as people, how small are we and then what's going on in our hearts those thoughts that we keep in our hearts he knows them also integer herbal coli, for inner who Yarlung was sera will offer.

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In the Quran, Allah tells us well, aka colloquial, insan whenever Allah will matter to us, we will be enough. So when acabo la human hablan worry, we are closer to him than his jugular vein. And then you see, there are some thoughts that are deep that are buried in our hearts, you know, some memories, or some thoughts, some feelings that are somewhere in the back of our mind. Even that Allah is Aware of something that we whisper even that Allah is Aware of something that we DEXT or we write, and we didn't yet press send, even that Allah is aware of what alpha nothing is hidden from him.

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He's the one who revealed this book. So what do you think he doesn't know what you're going through? He doesn't know what you need. He doesn't know the problems that you're facing.

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The Quran is the answer is a solution. The Quran will put a smile on your face, and solid times it happens that you're going through

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literally a storm in your heart. You don't know who to share it with who will understand you don't even know how to express yourself. Somebody asks you You okay, you're like, No, I'm not okay. And I don't know why I'm not okay. I don't even know why I'm upset. Women experienced this a lot. Right? And then they say, oh, maybe, maybe your date is near. Right? Maybe you're gonna this is part of PMS, right? But sometimes in reality, you're disturbed, you're hurt, you're worried you're anxious and you don't even know why.

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You wish you could open up your heart and look inside your mind and figure out what is bothering you.

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And then what happens?

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You find the solution in the Quran. You find something in the Quran that comforts you.

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That just puts you at ease that takes all your trouble away. Why? Because this column is from the one who knows you who knows you better than you know yourself, who knows those deep buried thoughts and worries, he knows you.

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He is guiding you over here.

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So don't take this Quran as a

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If it's a problem, this Quran is a mercy. It's a solution.

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So many times that happens with me that after class, somebody comes up and says, you know, I got my answer today. I got my answer today. And then sometimes people ask me, Well, did somebody tell you when I was going through? Like, I'm sorry. And then sometimes people get upset with me that you were talking about me in class? I'm like, No, I was not talking about you.

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I was not talking about you. I didn't know you were going through this. But the reason why you found Quran relevant to your situation is because the Quran is from

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Allah Who knows you who knows what you need to hear?

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Who knows what you're suffering from? Allah, He is Allah, La ilaha illa who there is no god except Him. Law who for him are a smile on Hausner the most beautiful, the most excellent, the most perfect names, because he is the being who is the most perfect. So call upon Him. Trust him. Take his guidance. Well Allah He'll smell Roesner further who behalf so call upon him by those names and the guidance that he has sent in the form of the Quran. Take it happily take it willingly. Don't be miserable be happy.

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Can we listen to the recitation again

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to our face so men who

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are hiding I will just smell love only

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play he

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can pull

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tear Walton Lima Yun Shi

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father call our law was

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our man word and now she's telling the whole Murphy's.

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30 very will tell you how. Poli

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Sci Fi, Allahu wa.

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Who the whole smell

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even is how the historian he has written that or model de la Mourinho. When he went out to kill the Prophet sallallahu sallam. He was told to go see his family. So he went to see his sister because he was told that your sister has become Muslim. So our model below RN who went to his sister very upset,

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very upset and it was the beginning. I add the surah Taha these if that you just heard

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that Ermelo Arnheim was offered to read himself and see the message of the prophets of Allah. And it was these very I had just the first eight ayat of Slava, that irmo blow on who read and he embraced Islam.

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And how beautiful Allah knows you inside out there is nothing about you that's hidden from Allah while

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he knows you. So it was these ayat that led from little do I want to shoot this man? May Allah be pleased with him?

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