Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P16 156D Tafsir Maryam 16-33

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the importance of maintaining a balance between personal and church life, avoiding distractions, and not getting too afraid to speak out. The speakers also touch on the difference between humans and bacteria, the importance of motivation and distraction, and the importance of finding one's own resolution to pain and distractions. The transcript ends with a discussion of the meaning behind certain words and phrases, and how people try to impress with information.
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Okay, so in Surah Maryam there are a number of stories. The first story that we learned was the story of zakat era Sana and now inshallah we're going to look at the story of Maria

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what's gonna feel Kitabi Miriam and mentioned in the Scripture mullion meaning Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned to the people teach the people recite to them the story of Maria and who was Maria the daughter off Imran

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even told her that when she withdrew, mean only her from her family mccannon to a place shall opinion towards the east, it into that interval that is from their letters known bad L and nelum. Is to throw something we have read this word earlier in the Quran, nevertheless, you know, a group of them they've through. So Nevada is to throw something. And when you throw something it goes far, and in Tabitha is to move away, to move far to move far away from someplace. So Meriam she interpret that meaning she moved away, she secluded herself from home and earlier from her family meeting, she left her family, and she went to a place that was mccannon chickpea, a place towards the east. What

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does that mean? Being the eastern section of the temple, that is where she went, that is where she stayed. Because remember that when her mother was pregnant with Maria, she made a promise, she made a vow that she will dedicate her child to the service of their religion to the worship of God. And she fulfilled her promise when her baby was born. She took her to the temple, and Madame stayed over there. Can you imagine? It's like boarding school from the beginning of your life until we can.

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And it's not a boarding school where you play and you, you know, study different things. It's just you are worshiping and if you read anything, it's the Scripture.

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It's a big sacrifice. It's a big deal for a person to do just this full time.

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And look at the word in taba that she went through and what does that show her willingness? Also, it wasn't like her mother made this decision for her. So that was it Poor medyo had to live like that. No, she was also willing to live like this.

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money. Um, I mean, she was very young. And what does that show that youth which is a prime of your life, the best time of your life, because you don't have any responsibilities. Even your laundry someone does for you, right, you are fed, you are looked after you are driven to places you are picked up and you are dropped and everything is bought for you. So anyway, you the best part of your life, when you are free, you better use it wisely.

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You better use that time in a good way. You know, at that time, it was a tradition amongst the people who was something that was acceptable in their religion, that people would dedicate their entire lives for the service of the temple for the service of the religion. And this was acceptable at that time. However, now it meaning in our religion, this is something that we have not been allowed to do that a person cannot cut off completely from their family, they know from the rest of the world and just stay in the house of God and learn and worship and everything over there. No, you have to maintain a balance.

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You have to maintain a balance. However, in order to do that, you better have spent some time learning the deep learning the religion. Because you see, let me give you an example. The Surah of the Quran, the chapters of the Quran that you memorized in your young age, when you went to your Quran teacher, you still know them probably

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the drawers that you learned at that time, you still know them probably.

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And if you decide to go to a Quran teacher in your 30s and your 40s First of all, that's going to be a big struggle because you're taking time out of your busy schedule. So that itself is a challenge and then retaining that is also a huge challenge. So what you do and your use, it'll stay with you. So use this time wisely. So it didn't cover that mean Ali hammer cannon Sharpie? Yeah, Fatah that so she took me donning him in seclusion from them. She Jabon a screen. Meaning there was a screen a barrier between Medea and the rest of the people. In other words, she wasn't just a way she was also in complete privacy. There was a barrier. It was like she was alone in her own space. Why was there

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a hijab between her and the

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rest of the people. Why?

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Okay, that's true. She was the only girl in the Holy Temple, because what she was doing was something that only the men of that time did. Right? No woman did that.

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But there was also one more reason. Have you ever tried to

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study in a busy busy library?

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Busy library as in that section of library where everybody's just chilling? And, you know, hanging out and drinking their coffee, and not really studying, but watching movies, probably or just chatting out loud? Can you study there? What do you do? You pick up your books, and you go away. And if you can find a quiet corner under the stairs, you know, in a stairwell or something, you'll sit there, and you'll study. Why. Because in order to do what you're doing properly, you need focus, right. And for focus, you really need to put a barrier between yourself and potential distractions. And if you don't have this barrier, and everything is distracting you from your phone to the people

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passing by and everything else in the world, then you cannot get your stuff done.

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You are doing it but you're not really doing it. You're reading in your highlighting. But then two minutes later, you wonder what did I just read on this whole page?

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Right, it doesn't stick, it doesn't stay in your head. And that's a waste of time, it's a waste of effort. So for Talat Mundaneum hijab when there was a barrier between her and the rest of the people so that she could have focus, ultimate focus, and it also shows her dedication. And there are some things for which you have to place a barrier between yourself and the rest of the people, especially when it comes to the matter of religion. Because if you don't do that, then these distractions become a barrier between you and Allah.

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You know, for instance, you're trying to make your DUA and as you say, Oh Allah, and then you're just thinking about something else. That I can't Oh, I was supposed to make dua right now. And then you reach the end of your door and you're like, what did I ask for? Your heart is not present, it's not there. Because those distractions became a barrier between you and Allah. So for the heart when doing your hijab and Maria was in complete privacy, ultimate focus, ultimate dedication, for our Sellner la her Ohana and you know when you when you have reached this level where you are enjoying your privacy, your seclusion and you are really into your work and you're very comfortable with it.

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What happens disturbance but all of a sudden I lay on Ohana so what is this disturbance and AngelList center and that angel is sent out for the month Allah he appeared before her Buchon as a man so we yet complete inform well proportioned men, the Matata from mean fella, the motto is to take the form to take the appearance of another. So that angel that came and it was Angel Jibreel came in the form of a bishop that was so we so we proportion balanced, right? Smooth. In other words, as a normal human being, it wasn't like a human being in mid air. Or that was, you know, partially like see through or something like that. No. Like he appeared like a normal human being.

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Exactly because imagine if the angel appeared in the original forum, Madea alone in her privacy, how would she feel scared? Scared you know, sometimes people come to you and because they're complete strangers and they may be very well intentioned, but what happens they're trying to talk to you start screaming and running away. So nothing like that.

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Bashar and so we Yeah, but Madame collard she said in the are a little bit more.

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I seek refuge I seek shelter I see protection with the Most Merciful Minka from you meaning don't harm me in contact appear if you are God fearing if you have any fear of God, then leave.

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Because money um, I mean, why would a stranger a man come into her room?

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Why? She thought that maybe he was going to do something evil he had come with evil intentions. So instantly look at her words. She doesn't say hi, how are you? Who are you? Nothing like that. Mean? This shows how chaste that woman was. But girl non woman because woman sounds like a very big word.

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So how God conscious she was. There is nobody watching her. Her guardians of periodic time is not there. Her mother's not there. Father died long time ago. Nobody's there to see what she does.

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Then why did Madame reacted this way? Because who did she fear? Allah.

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She said in the era that many men come in contact via Allah He said in Nima another Sulu a big fire. I'm only the messenger of your Lord. I am a messenger. I have not come out of my own Well, I have been sent in NEMA, another Sula, big li ahava lucky so that I may give you meaning the news of hula Amman of a boy that is the key Yeah, that is going to be pure innocent. In other words, I have come to give you the good news of the birth of a son. I have been sent to tell you that you are going to have a child I have only come to carry out the Command of Allah.

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Kala she said, and now your colony Willem How can I have a child while I'm em, sesame Bashar while no man has touched me when I'm a Columbia, and I am not unchaste

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meaning I am not married. I am single. And I'm not going to do something wrong in order to have a child. I'm not believed. Believe from their letters, beltline. Yeah. Billy literally means to seek. All right. So Billy is a woman who is seeking men, not just one man, but multiple men one after the other. So in other words, it's a word that is used for a woman who frequently commits a fornication.

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So she says, I'm not like that I'm not that type.

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How could I have a child panaca VALIC. He said, thus meaning it will be exactly how you are you will have a child as you are without any man touching you. No man will have any share in this. Because follow a Book Your Lord has said who are Allah you hate him? It is on me very easy.

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How is it easy for Allah to create a person without a father?

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Yeah, I mean, the thing is that when we think about Allah subhanaw taala, many times we think of him in human terms, his actions, we think of them in human terms, we think if something is possible for me and for other people, then yes, it should be possible for Allah as well. And if there is something that we cannot do as human beings, and then okay, God can also not do that. No, realize that there is a big difference between us and Allah. And what is that difference?

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He is the Creator, and we are creation,

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He made us we have been made by him. If he can make us, then you know what, he can do anything.

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If he can make this earth, if he can make this universe, then we can do anything he wants.

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You just look at the details in your body and just your ear in your eye.

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How amazing that is just reflect on the watercycle how clouds are carrying so much water, they go from one place to another and how the water comes down. And then so many plants and animals benefit from it and they grow and then the water is absorbed into the earth and then it's coming out from another place this whole system? What does it show that the one who made all of this is not an ordinary being? If he can do this, then he can do anything?

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So Allah can he create a human being without a mother and father? Did he do that? Yes. And who is that human being? Adam?

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Her work?

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Our mother? How was she made?

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How was she made from the rib of Adam? Who was her mother?

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Which warm did she come out from?

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So if Allah can create Adam and her work that he can also create, or ESA from just a mother.

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There's no need for a father. Because it's Allah's decision.

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Right? And, I mean, these days with the kinds of things that people can do with you know, just with a little bit of knowledge of science of biology, it shouldn't be difficult for us to understand, right? I mean, just stick the idea of for example cloning.

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Right. You can just duplicate so Madea mother and she has a son why because Allah decides that's it simple.

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So, Maria, she says, A nyako Leola and what is she told? Call her a book Who are you hanging it is easy for me. While in a journal who I attend dinners you may want

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But why?

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Why not, you know Maria would get married to and then she would just have a baby and it would be just perfectly fine normal, yo but Allah was going to show a miracle while Enoggera Allahu areata Linas we are going to make him a sign for people a sign of what of God's power that Allah can accomplish his goal without even using the means.

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We are needy off means in order to accomplish anything we need to adopt the means.

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Right? But Allah He does not need those means.

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He says could be and it happens. It is well in a jar level and minutes, one minute and also a mercy from Us. Meaning the son of yours is also going to be an expression of Our Mercy for mankind. What kind of Umrah McCullough Yeah, and this is a matter that is McCully that is already decreed McAleese from the Cabal, and Allah is to decree to decide something and then execute it, meaning this is done. You don't have any choice

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about this, Allah has already determined to do this. So there is no avoiding it. You are a vehicle for the birth of a prophet

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for him Allah to so what happened, Madame she conceived him, she became pregnant with Risa how

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God knows.

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Now none of us were there. There was no you know, video camera or nothing, so we cannot know. But it's sufficient for us to know that she conceived and formula to Fantasma that and when she conceived him, then she withdrew even more. Be with it meaning with that pregnancy mccannon to a place that was awfully Yeah, that was remote asleep under letters called sua dua. The word Opsahl is from the same route, farther, farthest. So mechanical Sia, meaning a very remote place, a very distant place. Nobody was around her she was all alone.

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You see how she's alone at the beginning? And now she becomes even more alone.

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Why, why she alone, in the way of Allah, in obedience to Allah in the service of Allah. And it happens sometimes, that you want to do something for the sake of Allah.

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And you are alone. Nobody's with you. Nobody's supporting you. You thought people would support you, but everybody leaves you. You're like the only person doing that. And that feeling is very frightening. But this is normal. It happens. The Prophet saw a lot of sudden when he migrated from Mecca to Medina, how many people were with him? Just one man Abu Bakr was with him. That's it.

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Do people imagine traveling through the desert, a very dangerous journey, but just two people. So this happens when you're in the way of Allah there are times when you will be alone.

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Nobody will support you. Nobody will even say a word of comfort to you. But you know what?

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Doesn't matter. Why? Because who is with you? Allah is with you. His support is with you. And if his support is with you, then you are not alone.

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And this is also helpful. Actually being alone is quite helpful in God's way. How your trust in Allah increases. Your faith in God becomes very, very strong.

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That when one thing is taken away from you, and another is taken away from you, and you're left alone and empty handed, than what do you realize that you have to repeatedly turn to Allah and when you repeatedly turn to Allah then you're granted success. So for harmala to fonteva that became a Canon costlier for Ajah. Han. Now she's all alone. She is pregnant. All by herself. How long was a pregnancy a loved nose by a jet I had Mojave. Then the MaHA of meaning, the pains of childbirth. And Muhammad from meme ha blood, labor pain. I mean, it's not called labor pain for no reason. Very painful. So that Mohamad those pains, they Ajah they drove her. They didn't let her sit still. Those

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pains didn't let her stand still, they literally pushed her moved or drover. A jab, jab means he came Agia is he brought, it brought it pushed.

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It became the cause of someone's coming. So you understand

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ajaw A drove it pushed her

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What is it that Ben moves you?

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when it's really painful, when it's really intense, because when it's just a little bit of bend and what do you do you just sit in one place, and that's it.

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You try to sleep. But then when the pain intensifies, then you wake up from your sleep, you toss and you turn in your bed and eventually you get out of your bed. Sofa JAL Mahal, do

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anyone over here given birth?

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My shoulder, lots of people. Anyway.

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If there's one word that you would use to describe labor, what would you say

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excruciating pain.

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Now, it's extremely painful. But at least there are people with you.

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Someone to hold your hand

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someone to you know, say some words of comfort to you someone to give you a glass of water or someone to bring you ice chips or something like that. Someone do, you know, seeing something to read something to you grab something for you, whatever it may be. You when you have people around you when you are in pain, it's helpful

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but especially at this time, you know, if not someone from the family at least you know a nice nurse or a nice Doctor whatever.

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But imagine Meriam How is she

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So, if ever you are alone and you are in pain, then remember who Maria she survived.

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I can also survive Inshallah, I can also make it I can also go through this inshallah.

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Because you see, one is that you begin to feel pity on yourself. For me, woe is me, this and that.

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Right. But then when you feel pity on yourself, then you cannot continue. What you need is motivation. And where do you get that motivation that inspiration from from the stories from these examples. So for a Jahan Mahalo, those paints they drove her ILA to Jean inocula. Gender, Jed there is the trunk of a date palm tree, but a palm tree, which is dry. So you can say like that uprooted or something like that. It's weak. So do their inocula.

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And why did she go to this date palm tree, perhaps to lean against it or, you know, take support or something like that. And Carla, she said, he later knew Oh, I wish that mid to popular. Haha, I was dead before this. Welcome to NASA man say yeah. And I was something forgotten in Oblivion, something that no one knew and remembered.

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She's saying that I wish I was not alive. I wish I was not going through this today. Why is she saying that?

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Because of what she was going through was very painful. That pain was unbearable. And it wasn't just the pain of labor. It was also the fear of what people are going to say no one is going to believe me.

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Exactly. It's going to be so embarrassing. How am I going to face my people? What are they going to say to me? How am I going to defend myself?

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Yeah, later on, he met Tocopilla. Heather, welcome to NASA. geomancy. Yeah, the word NASA in Muncie years from noon. Senia. NASA means to forget, unless he is used for something that is so insignificant, so unimportant, that it's forgotten. What is it that you don't forget? Things that are important to you? And things that are not important to you? You forget about them?

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Right. So for example, a tissue that you use somewhere, will you remember it five years later?

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Even five minutes later? No. Which is why it happens that, you know, when a group of people are sitting somewhere and they get up and go, What you see behind the water bottles, tissues. Why? Because this is less human. See.

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These are unimportant things that people don't really care about. They forget them somewhere. They leave them somewhere they lose them. No big deal. So she says I wish I was something like that. Someone who no one cared about

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but she was in the limelight. And everything that happened to her was very, very noticeable.

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For another ham in the house. So he called her from under it. Who they said that this was Angel Jibreel who came to give her the good news. And this the say

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Angel he was standing under the date palm so that the HA under no meaning under the dead palm tree

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and he called her. He addressed her. He said, Allah Xeni, don't be sad. It's okay. Got the Journal of booking your Lord has made for you that the key beneath you Sorry. Yeah, a stream. Look down. And look there's a stream there's water. drink that water. Sorry. Yes from your letter scene. Oh yeah. And she was for a stream let meaning just a small stream off water.

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He says don't worry, don't be sad. Look at this water. Drink it

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What is he doing?

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Oh, okay comforting her and

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distracting her

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distracting her from the pain. Because you see when you're feeling pain, a lot of pain. There are times when you can do nothing about it.

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You can't make it go away. It's there. So then what do you have to do? You have to think about other things so that you can forget that pain even for a moment.

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Even briefly,

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recently, my son had an ear infection where we think he had an ear infection because he had fever and a lot of earpiece.

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And he was crying and crying and complaining. And there was nothing I could do about it. You know, I couldn't touch his ear because he wouldn't even let my let me go near his ear. I couldn't do anything.

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And so what we did was

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we distracted him. Look at your Lego, let's make something. And then he was busy with his Lego for an hour until the pain became unbearable and he went to sleep. So this is what you try to do in pain. You distract yourself.

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Right? You comfort yourself with something. Now this is interesting the word study yet said iya also mean something else from their letters seen the law while serene means leader.

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Leader, a great man, a great individual. So Gibreel is telling her that look, Allah is giving you a great man,

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a son, a child who's going to be a leader. Think about what you're going to have Yes, it's painful but look at the end result.

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What was the lake

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and shake towards yourself who Z from their letters has Isaiah has is the hurry to move something.

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So he tells her move Elaine key to yourself digitally Nakhla the trunk of the dead palm shake it to certain it will drop seen after it will drop or Leakey on you will prevent deaths. And Ruth is used for fresh dates that are Jenny Yeah, that are freshly baked. So you can imagine dates that are soft, succulent, very delicious.

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Look at this. What is she being told? Shake? Shake the date palm. Have you ever seen a day palm?

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Yeah, how is it even if it's not that huge? Can you imagine shaking it.

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But what happens when you're in pain? You have this extra energy, don't you?

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And if you use that energy to do something or to work out, then what happens? It helps you overcome that pain also, and shaking the date palm tree, what does that mean? You are using your abdominal muscles. Okay. And that means helping in the labor process. So anyway, that's just a side point. Well, who's the lake up there in the hula? What I find very interesting over here is that she's not old. You sit here here the dates eat them. Please. Ma'am, can we do something else for you at your service? No.

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She stalled. Look at this water, drink it. Come on, get up, shake the tree, let the dates fall and eat them. Pick them up yourself and eat them.

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She doesn't give up over there and start crying. I quit nothing like that. She keeps going even though it's very tough.

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You see, there are two ways of learning something. One is that you're spoon fed.

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You're treated like a princess. Things are made very easy for you. And the other is that you're told figure it out.

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Here's what you have to do. Here's what you can do. Go ahead, figure it out. Who comes out better?

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The one who's given that trust you know, you can do it and do it. Don't just sit there because when you go through this pain and through this hardship, you know what's happening your pain tolerance level is really increasing.

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Right? And when you can tolerate physical pain and when you

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can overcome your own internal weaknesses, then external challenges and challenges should be easy for you to deal with. But when you cannot even fight yourself, when you cannot even make yourself get up that how can you find external challenges? How can you fight them?

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You know, so for example, we talk a lot about doing great things. But if we cannot find ourselves, find your time

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in the morning, make ourselves get up and press Allah. If we cannot make ourselves get up and help someone, then what big things can we do? What big things can we accomplish? So Maria, Ms stalled? Well, who's the lake? And also, you know, when she has to get up and do something for herself again, it's distracting her from the pain. And the message that we see that has been given is don't focus on the problem.

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Focus on the solution, seek a solution. Well, who's the Leakey do the inequality, the soccer star Leakey? Will Pavan Jenny? Yeah. For coolie wasabi? So eat and drink. Eat the dates. Drink the water. What caused the aina and comfort cool your eyes? How? By looking at your baby? Because it's very normal that a woman she goes through those bands of labor but when she sees her baby then what happens it says though

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she never felt anything. At least for a few moments. It feels like that. So Korea, China rest your eyes. Some have said what this means is get some sleep. Or Regina for him atherina And now her greatest fear facing people. How am I going to face them? She's told for imita Hina if you definitely see a mineral machete from people had anyone if you see anybody and the demand an answer from you and explanation from you for only the new say that in Nina though to the man indeed I have vowed for the Most Merciful Salman are fast meaning I'm fasting. What kind of a fast that felon who can Lima Lima in Syria, that today I shall never speak to a human being? What does this mean?

00:32:19 --> 00:32:32

When we first we abstain from eating and drinking? Right? It is said that at the time of Modi and there was also another kind of fast, which was that people would abstain from Turkey. They wouldn't talk

00:32:33 --> 00:32:40

you can say like a fast of silence or something like that. Why? For the purpose of self purification? Right.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:52

And I mean, know, for example, when you're praying yours, hold on, you're not talking to people, you cannot talk to people during your prayer, those 10 minutes that you spend even, they're very helpful.

00:32:53 --> 00:33:10

So she's told that if any person confronts you, then you just tell them, and doesn't mean that you have to use words to tell him you can just gesture them that I am fasting today. So I can't talk. In other words, it's remain silent. Don't talk to people, they demand an explanation from you just be quiet.

00:33:11 --> 00:33:22

Because there are certain things, which you know, when people ask you about them, and you try to give an explanation to them, they're not going to buy it, they're not going to take it.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:27

They're not going to accept it. They're not going to listen to you, they're going to keep talking.

00:33:28 --> 00:33:38

Has it ever happened with you that you're in a situation where you're trying to defend yourself or you're trying to at least explain your situation but the other person not interested in listening to you at all?

00:33:39 --> 00:33:44

They're not interested. So in such a situation, what is best that you speak louder than them?

00:33:45 --> 00:34:31

That you make more noise than them know if you make more noise, they'll make even more noise, they'll become violent. So what's the best thing to do them? Just be silent. Just let them cool down. Just let a day go by. Let two days go by and then you talk to them. Right? Don't talk about it. Avoid that conversation for some time. Until you know people's emotions are a little settled and then you can address the situation. But over here Madea Mr. Hall you don't talk about it at all. And that is what she did for attack vehicle Maha TAMIU. So she came to her people carrying him carrying goo. Hurry, Sally Sinha? Carlu they said yeah, Maria. Oh, Maria naka de GT Cheyenne. Maria, you have

00:34:31 --> 00:34:46

brought something unprecedented. You have done something shocking. You have done something outrageous. What have you done? See the reaction of the people? They didn't say well, Madame whose babies this?

00:34:47 --> 00:34:51

First thing they do is what they assume about her she's committed fornication.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

So how is she meant to defend herself? The word fairy is from the letters Falah. Yeah. And furry you

00:35:00 --> 00:35:14

is used for something that is unusual, something that is upsetting something that's unheard off. That was not expected at all. They say yell the Haroon or sister of her moon, who's her own.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:22

Haroon Allison and the brother of Musar. Listen, I'm Aaron. He was one of the ancestors of Maria.

00:35:23 --> 00:35:27

So the people call her or sister of Aaron, why

00:35:28 --> 00:35:35

they're trying to embarrass her. Look at the family that you belong to. And this is what you do.

00:35:37 --> 00:35:48

Look at your background. Look at who you related to and this is what you do. And this is very common in many cultures, many societies in different ways.

00:35:50 --> 00:36:34

That how people will judge you based on you know, your relationship to certain people or your affiliation with certain people, even though there's a huge difference between you and them. Right, but still, they will judge you based on your connection with certain people. Right? So anyway, they said, Yeah, oh, the hormone, McKenna, Abu Kamara so in your father who was not a man of evil, your father was not an evil man. A bad man. One man cannot omake Bella. Yeah, and your mother was also not someone who was unchaste someone who would fornicate What have you done? You're from such a good family. What have you done? Did Maria become angry over a year?

00:36:35 --> 00:36:49

Did she start yelling at them? She did what Allah told her and what was that? She kept silent. And for a shout out to LA she pointed towards him towards the baby bizarrely a sinner

00:36:51 --> 00:37:15

that he will tell you how do the people said K for Luca limo How can we speak to a man who can fill Maddie who is in the cradle sabia as a child? Someone who is in the cradle a baby how can we speak to him? We want an answer from you not from the baby. You tell us what you've done. You tell us what all of this is about.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:26

And while this is going on, restarted Sudan he speaks Allah He said in near other doula indeed I am the servant of Allah.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:34

Tiny Akita he has given me the book what your Isla Nina beat Yeah, and he has made me a Prophet

00:37:35 --> 00:37:43

or Isa and his sunnah spoke when he was a baby. Why? How who made him speak?

00:37:44 --> 00:37:48

Who made him speak? Allah made him speak. How is that possible?

00:37:50 --> 00:37:53

What's the answer? How's that possible? How can a baby speak?

00:37:56 --> 00:37:58

Because anything is possible for Allah.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:04

And look at the first words that he recited and I'm spoke what did he say in the

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in the Abdullah? I am the servant of Allah.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:20

The first words what is he acknowledging his servitude to Allah ATtiny al Kitab. He has given me the Scripture with Scripture

00:38:22 --> 00:38:40

INJEEL the Gospel what you already know Vidya he has made me a Prophet. Would y'all any MOBA rockin and he has made me bless it. Am I come to wherever I am. Meaning wherever I will go wherever I will be, I will be a source of Baraka.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:45

What is this Mubarak Mubarak from their letters bottlecap Baraka is blessing

00:38:47 --> 00:39:03

when something is a source of goodness, unlimited goodness, and less goodness, a lot of goodness. And this is basically derived from blueberries. Blueberry is the sitting of a camel, meaning when a camel sits down.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:14

Most of us have probably never even gotten near a camel. So let me give you an example that is close to this. When you're sitting in your car, and you turn it off, what does that mean?

00:39:16 --> 00:39:31

What does that mean? Are you just going to turn your car on back in one minute and drive away? What does it mean? You're here to stay for some time. So likewise, when a camel is made to sit, then what does it mean? It's gonna sit for some time

00:39:32 --> 00:39:46

now in 510 minutes long, several hours. So this is what Baraka means when something is going to be a source of much good, not a little bit good but a lot of good and that good is going to stay.

00:39:47 --> 00:40:00

What Johnny mobile rocket God has made me Baba, I'm going to be a source of goodness, wherever I go, not a source of problems but a source of goodness and the

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says what we need to think about as well. You see, there's three types of people. Some people do good only when good is done to them.

00:40:08 --> 00:40:44

All right, or when they expect good in return. Some people do bad wherever they go. They create problems wherever they go. And some people, their source of goodness for others wherever they go, if they're at home, they're helpful. If they're at work, they're helpful if they're on the road. They're good. Wherever they are, they are a source of good results. And I was Mobarak AM, I couldn't do what I was signing the slit. It was zucchetti. And he has instructed me with Prayer and Charity, that I should observe the prayer. And I should give in charity madam to higher as long as I live.

00:40:45 --> 00:40:58

So Prayer and Charity are not something that we have to do only when we're young. Or only for a year or two. But until we are alive, well above them, beware leader TV and good to my mother. Why mother only

00:41:00 --> 00:41:01

because he didn't have a father.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:05

And again, someone who's good to their mother,

00:41:06 --> 00:41:28

than what does it mean? Will they be good to the rest of the people? Yes, well above them be wildly dirty. Well, let me draw leader bottom chutiya and he has not made me a tyrant, meaning someone who's oppressive who doesn't care about others rights. And someone who is shocking someone who was wretched disobedient to his Lord was salam why they Yeah, and peace be on me.

00:41:29 --> 00:42:02

Greetings as well as security. Yoma wanted to on the day that I was born. Well Malmo two and the day I will die way OMA obrera to Haifa and the day that I am raised alive. So peace be unrecycled s&m Peace be on Yahia Salam Peace be upon the Korea Sudan and peace be upon all the prophets and messengers and righteous servants of Allah. So listen to the recitation of these verses what

00:42:06 --> 00:42:07

does that mean

00:42:12 --> 00:42:14

does that mean

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00:42:51 --> 00:42:52

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00:44:21 --> 00:44:23

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00:44:33 --> 00:44:35

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00:44:38 --> 00:44:38


00:44:45 --> 00:44:49

me, Tony

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00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

a man who saw a woman

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00:46:02 --> 00:46:03

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00:46:05 --> 00:46:05


00:46:08 --> 00:46:08


00:46:11 --> 00:46:12

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00:46:14 --> 00:46:16

shirting he was

00:46:21 --> 00:46:22

moved to Iowa

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