Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 142A Translation Bani Israil 11-22

Taimiyyah Zubair


Channel: Taimiyyah Zubair


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The transcript describes a group of characters discussing a shutdown and a potential shutdown in the US. They mention a woman named Eliana who is a worker and a woman named Janae who is a mother. The group also discusses a potential shutdown in Germany and a potential shutdown in the US.

AI Generated Transcript ©

00:00:01--> 00:00:52

Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh now shortly who want to sully Allah Surah Al Karim? Am I bad for her with a villa him in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim are the Shashi so that you were certainly only wash look better melissani of Tahu Kohli or Ben as in aroma, lesson number 142 Surah Al Israa is number 11 to 22. TRANSLATION what and the other he invokes el Insano the human being the surgery with the evil there are a whole his calling his invoking the hiree with the good what Kana and he is ill Insano the human being or joola one very hasty.

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Well, Jonah and we made a Leila the night when the hara and the day a ATtiny two sides from a Hannah so we erased a sign and Bailey of the night. What your honor and we made Erica sign and the head of the day Mobis era 10 one visible illuminating

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lit up the home so that you will seek frontline bounty men from Rob become Europe while he dynamo and so that you all know either the number A Selene of the years where she served and the reckoning

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what color and every che in thing for Santa who we have explained it of sealer in detail

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and color every insolvent human beings also know who we have imposed on him by era who his state fee in America he his neck. Why did you and we will produce we will bring out

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Lahore for him. Yona en de la Yama the standing Keith Urban a book your cow who he will find it he will meet it matura spread open

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equal read keep their bucket, your book kefir sufficient be Mexica definitely your own self Eliana today. I like her upon you have CBRE as an accountant.

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Man whoever

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he obtains guidance for in nama then indeed not but yesterday he obtains guidance they must see for himself, woman and whoever done the history paid for in memory than indeed not that you're brand new he goes astray. Are they her against itself

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and not for zero it showed there was he wrote in a day of burden was no burden offer of another Walmart and not good now we were more of the Bema ones who inflict punishment had that until Nebraska we raise rasuna a messenger

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were either and when Aradhana we intended and that move Lika we destroy all the attend a town Amana we ordered that trophy her it's affluent ones. So first of all, so the definetly disobeyed. See her in it for heckler. So it became deserving. It was justified. I know her upon it. I will call me the statement for the murmur her so we destroyed it for the mural a complete destruction. Welcome and how many a heck no, we destroyed man from the generations. Men from by the after no hint no or Lisa Walker and he is sufficient. But a big definitely Europe began OB Woodson's everybody of His slaves could be run as aware mostly euro as one seeing

00:04:06--> 00:04:39

men whoever Ghana he was up to he wants Elijah the immediate the one that comes quickly. I Jelena we hastened low for him. See her in it. Now whatever Nisha Oh, we will learn for one Merida we want some more than Gianna we meet level for him Jehanne nama hellfire? Yes, Lucha he will burn in it. Mud Mormon, when blamed matura when rejected when expelled

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women and whether or other he intended Al Jazeera the hereafter Messiah and he strove love for it. Surya is striving or her while he is Milan a believer for Allah eco. So those Ghana it was sorry you run bear striving mush

00:05:00--> 00:05:01

Korra appreciated

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each month we extend our E BS.

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E MDS. Mom from our thought gift robic of Europe warmer and not Ghana it was our thought gift aerobic of Europe Mahavira wants to be confined want to be withheld.

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Look gay for help for Ben now we have preferred barber home some of them are now upon bobbin some others well, I'll ask her and surely the hereafter echo is greater than a dragon in ranks workable and greater def Lena in preference. In distinction. LOD do not fit your unique Mao with Allah He Allah in our hand or God or her other Satoko ADA so you will sit you will remain nothing than one blamed one centered mock bola forsaken abandoned

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let's listen to the recitation

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Why is the shutdown

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worker can

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watch it later

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heard about that later with

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Milan people who

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the Cine now on his

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son c

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e 103 joola

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all info Gingka that can be enough to see can

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you get as

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many data

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daddy enough to see well now

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was you're on to withdrawal

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maybe in a

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while either

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that cell phone will be a healthy body

00:07:54--> 00:07:57

to me You're welcome

00:08:02--> 00:08:09

the bakery via either the hobby or all those in your marriage

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you can care less how much

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you want

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me now on your big one

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oh look at that a banana

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belt will definitely

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lead ledger

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