Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 135C Tafsir Al-Nahl 28-34

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The history of Islam is discussed, including the concept of sin and the use of alcohol. The speakers explore the use of arrogance and fear of one's own success to avoid embarrassment and fear of death. The transcript also touches on struggles with Jesus's life and the home of the people of Taqwa Gardens of Eternity. The speakers emphasize the importance of being humble and accepting everything that's been given to them by Allah, being clean, and not giving up on one's anger and rage.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alladhina totowa pheromone Mala Iike who are the caffeine? They are those who that are fairmile Mala Iike, the angel stake at the time of death.

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Meaning when the angels come to take their souls at the time of death, what was the state of these caffeine? They were Lolly me and foresee him they were doing lol more on themselves while he is actually Lolly mean. But the noon is dropped because Wally me and for him, there's a buffer over here. It's more of Kobe Luffy Okay, those of you who are familiar, so Lolly me and foresee him they were doing Lorem on themselves. When the angels came to take their souls, these people were busy doing loans on themselves. What is loan we think is almost like hitting someone killing them, torturing them physically abusing them taking their money away. Would anyone do that to themselves?

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I mean, there are cases when people do put them on themselves like that, but rare. What is Islam talking about? Then? What kind of loan was this? The loom off sin? Sin, disobeying Allah subhanaw taala doing those actions that will bring about Allah's Anger. Why is it called lol? Why is it called injustice? Why is sin called injustice against oneself?

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Yes, because Allah subhanaw taala gave us this time gave us this freedom gave us opportunities. Why?

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So that we throw ourselves into hellfire?

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Is that why? No, Allah subhanaw taala gave us this time, this opportunity this life why? So that we do something good. And through this effort earn a place in Jannah.

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But when a person does those actions, which will take him to hellfire, then what is he doing? He's being unfair to himself. He's being unfair to himself. You know, this is like a person has been given money. He's got money in his pocket. And he has the ability, the time to go buy clothes to go buy food. But what does he do? He throws the money, and he goes sleeps on a bench in a park.

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This is crazy. This is literally craziness. What else is it? He's really low on himself. Likewise, a person when he's committing a crime, like for example, robbing someone's house, he goes in breaks a window, goes into the house in order to steal something. And what does he get hardly any money. And then he is caught? Was it worth it? Was it worth those $200 that you found? No, it wasn't worth it. You're doing low on yourself. So likewise, when we commit sin when we're doing sin, when we're disobeying Allah, we might think we're having the best time of our life. But in reality, we are bringing about eternal pain, eternal suffering and misery on ourselves. I mean, you hear these words

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all the time, don't do this, you will ruin your future. Drive carefully. Make sure you don't get any tickets because it's going to ruin your future. Keep away from bad company, it's going to ruin your future.

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But what is the real future that we should be concerned about? The octava and if a person commits sin, he's doing one on himself. So those people who when the angels come to take their souls at the time of death, what were they busy in sin, the disbelievers or who the Medaka Widener, who those who are busy committing sin, can you imagine dying in the state of sin,

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dying in a state of sin.

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Over here in this ayah in particular, one refers to schicke, Cofer because in the previous ayat, what is mentioned rejecting the Oneness of Allah rejecting the hereafter rejecting prophethood. But from this, we also learn any other sin also, that a person is engaged in at the time of death. Terrible. So when he come, I was listening to a lecture by up to buddy, yeah, the title of it was a bad ending. And in it, he's giving a set of examples of people who ended badly where they were found in a situation where they weren't supposed to be. There's many, many examples. There's only one that I can remember now. It's this brother who was on the highway, he got into an accident. So the car

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got into some kind of tumbling turning around. And the person who was trying to help him got there and he was still alive. hamdulillah and then but the car was upside down and he was inside the car strapped in and he couldn't move. So the person said, What can I do for you while we're waiting for, you know, the ambulance to get here? He says just lit a cigarette for me. And the person said, Are you sure you want to do this? He said, Yes, please just go ahead. So the person lit the cigarette, put it in, and unfortunately because there was oil leaking, the car went

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way up into flames and he died in that state where he was actually really not dead. But because of it, he blew into, he got he got killed that way. So because of the state of bizarre, you know, when a person is unconscious, you know, not fully conscious, not fully unconscious, then what happens, what's deep down in his heart in his mind, that is what comes to the surface, the fears that they may have the wishes that they may have, the one whom they love, the one whom they hate, I mean, these are things that they talk about. So Lolly me and foresee him. Now remember that some sins are such that a person is actively engaged in, like for example, stealing, or, for example, eating

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something haram, saying something bad, this is a kind of sin, which person is actively involved. But there are some other scenes which a person you can say is passively involved, meaning he's not really in the act of it, but this is what he's been doing. You know, like, for example, a person says I'm a doctor, but doesn't mean that all the time they're examining sick people know their doctor, even when they are sleeping, even when they are eating. So the state of loyalty means that they were in a state they were living a lifestyle, a lifestyle in which was some saint meaning some sin was prevalent, whether that sin is up Schick or kufr, or some haram, whatever it may be, Lolly

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me unfussy him. But when the angels showed up before them to take their souls away, what was the reaction of these people for alcohol sell them for alcohol? So they put down meaning they offered a solemn surrender, they surrendered, right? They're like, yeah, we will listen to you. They surrender to the angels, and they say, Malcolm Nana, emoluments, so we weren't doing anything wrong. We weren't doing anything wrong. I'm innocent. I'm innocent. I've never heard a fly. I've never done anything wrong. Michael, no normal woman saw the start lying at that time, just to save themselves, you know, like a criminalist caught red handed. And he comes up with this bizarre story, to show

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that he wasn't really committing that crime, it was an accident, or he didn't really mean to do it, or somebody else was doing it and they just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. So they appear as a criminal, whereas they weren't actually the criminal Malco normal men, so we weren't doing anything wrong. And many people do this, that when they're caught, they come up with some false excuse to show that they were innocent. Now before a human being like, for example, a mother maybe that story will help you. Or maybe before a teacher if faults excuse might work. But the angels of Allah, would it work over there? This false excuse Would it work? No. Why? Because the

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angels I mean, come on. They record your sins that are core to your deeds.

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For alcohol, Salem, mechana Nirma lumen su Bella in the loverly won't be my content that Malone rather Allah is fully aware of what you used to do for the Hulu. On the Day of Judgment, they will be told enter abueva Johanna, the doors of hellfire Holly Dena Fie, her abiding there in eternally fell a bit semeth While motor kept beating. So surely how bad is the home of those who are arrogant?

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What is the home of the arrogant Hellfire not paradise? Because there's only two destinations in the hereafter either Demna or not? If a person has pride, that will not allow him to enter them. So what's the other option? Hellfire fell a bit samatha Well, moussaka, Burien, WA Kala, no, it is said Lilina. To those people who eat the code those who fear Allah. Now, another kind of attitude is being portrayed. One is of arrogance. Proud towards Allah. Mon Kira, not willing to accept the Oneness of Allah, looking down on the truth, belittling the truth, rejecting it constantly. So such people who live such arrogant lives what will happen at the time of death, they will try to

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surrender and they will try to come up with anything to save themselves from punishment on the Day of Judgment, when they will be questioned where your gods What will their response be? Nothing. There'll be silent, so embarrassed, so scared, they won't be able to speak even on the other hand, are those who are humbled towards their Lord,

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who fear their Lord who realize that their Lord Allah subhanaw taala has given them so many blessings. And out of this gratitude, they're also afraid of their Lord, they're too shy to even sin. They're too shy to turn away from obedience.

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So such people who have sugar who have Taqwa when they are asked Mother under a book home, so what is it that your Lord has sent? What is your opinion about the Quran?

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What do you say about the book of Allah? So if someone was to ask you, what do you think about the Quran? What would you say?

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What would your answer be?

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If someone says in one word tell me what is the Quran

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of blessing?

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anybody else?

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Words of Allah somebody's asking you what is your opinion? How would you describe the Quran? What do you say about the Quran? What do you think about the Quran? I mean, the answers that you gave me there, right? Blessing, okay, that I understand but guidance. This is something in the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala Himself tells us if Quran is Hidayah So, what do you think about the Quran? My Savior to the hereafter. Okay.

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Peace. Okay.

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You know, for example, if somebody says, Have you tried that drink that new coffee at Tim Hortons? Have you tried it?

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A person might say garbage, and other might say it is amazing. Another person might say, It's okay. not that impressive. Another person might say I like the variety.

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And other might say I think it's too strong.

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So what you say is what you feel what you feel. Your genuine feelings are expressed in the words that you say about something. So when people of Taqwa are asked, What do you think about the Quran? Kalu they say, Hira, it's all good.

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It is all good. It's nothing but good. Every part of the Quran every word of the Quran, every eye of the Quran every Surah of the Quran, every command of the Quran is good. Why do they say this? Because that's what they feel that the Quran is a source of hate, not a source of problems. It's a source of hate that since they have discovered the Quran, since they have learned the Quran, they have only received goodness,

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in whatever way shape or form. You know, recently, this lady she was telling me that from childhood choose to cry a lot. She was one of those people who cry a lot, you know, over every little thing. They fell and they cried and they got hurt and they cried and someone said something and the cried. Many girls are like that. They're like, too emotional. Like you need just a small trigger and the tears will come. Many of you are smiling. Are you like that too? Anyway, so she said that. Now I think about it, and I feel that I don't cry that much like I used to before. I'm not that overly sensitive anymore. Why? She says the only difference I feel is that the Quran is now in my life. I

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have a source of comfort.

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You know, my soul was hungry. My heart is now fed. I have peace I have happiness. And this is why every little thing doesn't bother me to the point that I'm crying all the time and I'm so weak in My Heart No, this Quran has brought me strength.

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So can you Hira? They say Quran is all good? Why do the Quran is all good? Because Quran is really all good. What about some controversial issues, like Surah Nyssa and marrying for wives and beating the women and certain other verses would say kill the disbelievers wherever you find them. So such verses even what do they say about them? It's quite, because they understand them in the proper context, not out of context in the proper context in its relevant situation. So as a result, everything is good to them. Now, it may happen that there are certain commands or certain statements that you still struggle to come to terms with

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because of who you are. And each person is different. That for example, one person might say everything makes sense to me, however, this I don't know why I still don't get it.

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Or I understand I believe in it, but I still cannot do it.

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Do we have such struggles?

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But even then, what is the attitude of the humble servant? He says Quran is good. I have that fault. You know, I'm not strong enough to still take it on. I'm not strong enough to observe it. I am in a weakened my mind that I still don't understand.

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There is no problem with the Quran. There is no problem with the book of Allah because it's the word of Allah.

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In everything that Allah decrees there is goodness than of course in everything that Allah has commanded there is goodness. Right? So Kalu Hira. There is a problem in my understanding, there is a problem in my knifes in my heart, my desires, there's a problem here, not with the Quran, Carlo hiera such people who are so humble towards Allah towards the book of Allah. Allah says Allah Allah Nina s and O V. Her the dunya has an eye for those people who do good in this life for them as good in this life, they will receive good they will get a lot of goodness. How a lot of money

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not necessarily fame, not necessarily peace of heart, peace of mind. Contentment, yes, for sure. A happy life. Yeah, despite the difficulties, yes. You know, shareholders not even Taymiyah people would ask him the most complicated questions and most complicated questions and questions were sent to him, even when he was in jail. Such questions which, you know, when he answered he got into a lot of trouble.

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But it was amazing that every answer that he gave, he will bring the evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. And people will be amazed that how is it that you derive the evidence from the Quran and Sunnah? Because when the Quran has been used as evidence, and the evidence makes sense, it's logical, then who can argue over there? So his answers were always very convincing, very convincing, to the point that the people that he debated with many times after the debate, his opponents would come to him and they would apologize for having debated with him because his opinion his viewpoint was absolutely logical, it made perfect sense. And he was very convincing because use the Quran and

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Sunnah as evidence always. And there were times when he would not be able to find an answer, he would not be able to understand something.

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He said that at times I go through 100, the fantasy books of the fsid to understand the meaning of one eye,

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can you imagine using 100 100 books, to find out the meaning of one verse one sentence

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and then he said that I would go to, you know, a deserted far off Masjid outside the city where no people would regularly come and you know, fall into such that and rub my head and nose in the dust and make dua, Yamaha Lima, Adam, that or teacher of Adam or teacher of Ibrahim teach me also

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you taught Adam teach me also you taught Ibrahim teach me also the AMO Fahima Sulayman for him Nene or one who gave understanding to slay man you Give me understanding to what you or Allah have said is helped

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teach me to understand it, give me the understanding to accept it.

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And it is this humility, because of which so much was made clear to him. You know, scholars said about him that it was as though all knowledge would be before even to me as eyes, you know, when he would be speaking, or when he would be writing it was everything is in front of him. Okay? And he will take from it whatever he wants, and he leaves from it whatever he wants, you know, it's like if something is written in front of you, then what can you do? You can take one word here, one word here, one word there. He knew it so well. He understood it so well that he would make use of it so much.

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And it's this humility, this attitude, this or the other. This worship the submissiveness that really brought him happiness in his life. So much so that I told you earlier he was imprisoned, he was exiled. He had so many enemies, from all groups of people, he had enemies, but that man was never said.

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Even claim said about him. I have not seen anyone live a good life like him. Meaning the life of Ibn Taymiyyah was really a beautiful life. A beautiful life we think a beautiful life was what the true living in a castle and everybody's your friends and everything is beautiful. Everything is good. This is what a beautiful life is. His life was spent were traveling in the prison debating being forced to come to a debate or you know something like that.

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So Lin Marina Arsenal fie her the her dunya has Anna. Those who do good for them in this life will be goodness, Allah will not delay their award to the hereafter. Oh

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only know he will give them entry into Janna even in this life and you know even told me I said that whoever does not enter gender now will not be able to enter dinner later. What was he talking about that Jana is what the peace and contentment happiness sukoon the law

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that feeling of ridurre that no matter what happens you're at peace. No matter what happens. You're calm.

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So little Alina Arsenal V had to hit dunya has an whether there will

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be maturity the home of the Hereafter that's much better. Of course what is in Jana? The reward that is over there. There's no comparison to it. Well, a near madonn with the pain and surely how good is the home of those who have the quad. So who are those who have Taqwa? Those who are humble? Those who are not proud? Those who accept everything that Allah has given them they might find difficult but they still say it's good.

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Jana to Arden in what is the home of the people of Taqwa Gardens of Eternity Yeah the whole Luna ha which they will enter 30 Min tactical and how underneath which rivers flow Lavon fie ham Ayesha goon for them is whatever they wish for in Jana every Wishes Fulfilled. Can early Gaya dizzy lehle mata ki Indus does Allah reward the people of taco, because taco is what that you're so careful, so conscious, you're keeping away from this and you're keeping away from that you're careful about what you say about what you think about what you feel about what you do, but what you look at. This is the quote, it's like you have chained yourself. You've restricted yourself, but those who live

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carefully now, in Jannah, they will be free.

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They will be free.

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Because the description of Jannah that is given over here live on V hamesha. Own what does that mean? They're free. enjoy ourselves. There is no maximum just enjoy

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Alladhina Totowa, who will Mullah Erica, who are the people of Taqwa the people who are humble in what state do they die? When the angels come to take their souls? What is their state by UB ones that are a year play up in Florida? Like you

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they live a clean life. They live a good life by Yep. That which is clean. So how are they clean meaning in their physical body only they're very clean,

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physically clean, spiritually clean, for you been

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their heart, their thinking their words, clean,

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even Taymiyah like I mentioned to you he had many enemies and many times later on they would go and apologize to him so and he was imprisoned in the last two years of his life. He was asked by one of his opponents basically the one who had imprisoned him that even Taymiyah should forgive them. And he said I have forgiven everybody.

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I have forgiven everybody. Imagine if someone does something complains about you so that you end up in jail.

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Your heart would be full of what the extreme anger and rage but that anger is going to destroy who you are. But look at that man so peaceful he was that he said I have already forgiven all my opponents.

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This is a clean heart

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like you for being here. coluna Salah when I let you come the angels will say Peace be on you. Although Hello Jana enter Jana Bina quantum Dharma loon because of what you used to do, because of what you used to do, you did something you didn't just say and think and wish and feel know you also did something. So now, entry into Jannah. Why? Because good life, clean life, clean heart, clean words, clean actions, clean body, clean, raw, highly and Runa. Now Allah subhanaw taala asks, After showing us both of these categories of people, arrogant and humble, there is a difference right? So those were just standing by watching. Allah asks Alianza Runa what are they waiting for? Are they

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waiting in line except, and to whom will melodica that the angels should come to them? Are we have to Umrah big or the Command of your Lord should come with command of punishment of that? But why the delay? What is holding us back from running to Allah? What is holding us back from obeying Allah's words from accepting them from reading them from reciting them from following them? implementing them? What is holding us back? Are they waiting for the angels of death? Are they waiting for some punishment? Gallica Farah Ladino and copy him dusted the people

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for them Do they also delayed they said yeah we'll see tomorrow maybe after a few years when Allah Muhammad Allah but when their time ended

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and they were punished Allah did not wrong them well I can cannot and for some meals removed but they were wronging themselves for Asaba home so it reached them say to the evils of MMA I made all that which they did meaning the evil consequences that they received were what a result of my army know what they had done? Well how can we him McCann OBE Esterhazy own well how can we him and it's surrounded them hire cough to surround what surrounded them McCann will be he as the as the own that which they used to mock at which they used to make fun off. What did they mock up? Angels of Death What did they make fun of afterlife? What did they make fun of the threat of Allah's punishment?

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What is it that a person makes fun off?

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Have you ever made fun of something?

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So why is it that certain people are certain things we pick on and we mock at them. And certain others we don't like for example, a particular friend of yours

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sometimes even on their face, you know, like some good friends, they're such that you can make fun of them on their face and they won't mind and you will make fun of them. But there are some others who even though you're very close to them, but they're just not the type that you would make fun of them.

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You don't take it seriously.

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Meaning one friend, you know what they're like, non serious attitude, happy, funny. And others they're very dignified and very proper, and very sensitive. So what is not that serious? When something is not a big deal? Then you make fun of it.

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So likewise, when people make fun of Allah's promises, angels, they have judgment Hellfire paradise when they make fun of this, what does it mean? They don't take these matters seriously, because if they did, they would never dare to make fun of them or how have you met Ken Wilber? He is does he own

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to listen to the recitation

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Salah mama

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happy duniya Hassan Walla

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Dottie Allah leadin was

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for several meals

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have on him

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