Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P13 127C Tafsir Al-Rad 5-10
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any reflections on seeing the different things that Allah subhanaw taala has made? Or did you just go home and sleep?
When you were eating or when you are driving or when you were staring into nothing
anything any thought that came to your mind?
there were so many
Subhan Allah, like in the morning, she's saying how many different animals were there? Different different
right after Zoo. And I noticed that also the other day after, so who the windows were open, and the birds were so loud, so loud, like everywhere. They're doing the speak, and that's inshallah what we're going to learn today that everything is doing this we have Allah but we don't understand it to be this big. We think it's noise, the noise of rain, the noise of thunder, the noise of birds, it's not noise. It's the creation glorifying Allah subhanaw taala because of his perfection of his knowledge, his attributes, His actions, his decisions.
Okay, so for Surah Yusuf Inshallah, you basically have to write down your reflections, your observations, in less than 100 words.
Okay, less than how many words 100 Words because I want your group and judges to be able to read through them and share them and if it's too long, then people wouldn't be able to benefit from them in sha Allah. Okay, so how many words less than 100 I was reflecting on to do so. And I thought, you know, there's different phases of use of RNA Saddam's life, and each phase is a separate kind of test. Right? So you could focus on one phase one test, and you know, reflect on that and share your reflections based on that. Okay. Share your observation. So your reflections your observations on a particular aspect of user criticisms life or particular test that he went through in his life, from
which we can learn lessons for ourselves in less than
100 words. Okay, so that the Lord will begin from iron number five.
So, so far, in the beginning of the Surah, we learned about the different science different creations that Allah subhanaw data points towards he directs our attention towards those creations. Why, so that we can reflect on them because all of them point to the first of all the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala his greatness? And secondly, all of these things being mentioned by Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, what does that showed that this Quran cannot be his color? Whose color is it? The Qalam of someone who knows about everything? Because if you notice, like we learned in the previous verses, if you look at it number two, hola hola. The Rafah similarity will later on magenta ona had
the sky is mentioned, the sun is mentioned the moon is mentioned right? In the next verse what is mentioned mountains, rivers, fruits, night and day. And in the next verse, what is mentioned different types of land different types of produce different types of plants. So different kinds of signs are mentioned over here. And if you think about it, a human being he can only be an expert in one particular field. Right? Or his observation is limited to one particular aspect. But all of this coming from one man, what does it show? It's not his speech, it's been given to him. So these verses, they point to the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala, as well as the truthfulness of Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam, but yet, what was the reaction of the people disbelief? Now, Has it ever happened that you're explaining something to someone in such basic terms, but they don't understand? So if they don't understand what happens, how do you feel frustrated? And you're amazed, like what's wrong with them? Don't they get it? Something so simple? Why don't they get it? Why don't they understand? So the prophets on a lot of sentiments addressed what entire job and if you are astonished if you are amazed that a job from ing birth, have you heard the word RG what is that to be strange? So when you find something RG bit means it's so strange, it's difficult for you to comprehend. It doesn't
make sense to you. So what in our job if you are amazed if you are astonished or prophet salatu salam
At the disbelief of these people at the ignorance of these people, then fire Jawbone kurulu home, then astonishing is they're saying meaning yes, indeed, it is very surprising. Yes, indeed. It is very strange. You are fair, when you think that these people are, you know, making a big mistake by not believing.
Does it ever surprise you? Does it ever make you wonder how people live without belief in Allah? subhanaw taala.
Think about it in your life. If there was no Eman,
then how would you deal with life's problems? Your sickness, somebody's death? How would you deal with it? Really, I cannot understand how a person can live without belief in Allah without belief in akhira. I don't know how they can survive. If I were in their position, I will go crazy. Literally, I will go crazy because what brings me comfort in every situation is the fact that Allah is there. He's watching, he's planning. He knows better. There's wisdom behind this inshallah there's clarity in this. Right? everything connects you to who? Allah subhanaw taala. It puts everything in perspective. So if someone doesn't believe in Allah, then yes, this is very strange. Allah subhanaw
taala says, Yes, vergeben coloane. It is strange. What is strange Babalon. They're saying with saying that either connect to Robin, what? When we have turned into dust or inner Luffy helping god? Are we going to be in a creation that is God meaning in a creation that is new?
The prophets that a lot isn't was told you find their disbelief in the Quran surprising. They even deny the resurrection. And how is it that an intelligent person can deny resurrection? If a person denies resurrection? That's very, very foolish? Because think about it? How is it logical that people are living their lives in different ways, and they all just turn to dust and that's it. There's no justice, there's no repayment. That's not fair. My mind doesn't accept it. I don't know how anybody's mind can accept it. Likewise, we learned yesterday that within 10 years, every cell of the body is replaced. So if this happens when we are alive, then why it cannot happen once our bones
have turned into dust. Why can Allah subhanaw taala not bring the creation? Again? Why can he not recreate? Of course it's possible for him. So those who reject those who deny Yes, then indeed this is very surprising. Allah says Allah it can lead in a Kufa will be robbing him. Those are the people who have disbelieved in their Lord, what Allah ICA and those Allah roofie are napping him and a hula collars chains will be where feet are knocking him in their necks of Allah is a plural of wool. And wool is a collar or a chain that locks the neck to the hands or rather the hands to the neck. So you can imagine something that is around the neck of a person, but it's also tying their hands together.
So those are the people who will be chained up in this way. What will make us happy now and those are the Companions of the Fire the inmates of the Hellfire home via Holly Dune, they will abide there eternally. Have you think about the punishment that has been mentioned over here for such people? Is what their hands are tied to their necks. And if there is a collar around the neck, can a person bend his neck? Can he bend his neck? No. Have you ever seen someone wearing a neck brace or a neck collar because of some injury or some pain or something? Then what happens? Even if they want to bend forward? They cannot. I remember my math teacher. Because he used to bend over so much. He
had to wear this neck brace for weeks and weeks. And it was so difficult for him because he was just always sitting like this and he would be struggling to look down with his eyes. But he couldn't bend over.
He couldn't bend over.
You know, it's like when you're wearing a seatbelt or something where when children are wearing seat belts, then they try to go forward but can they? No, they cannot they try to bend forward but they cannot.
So remember that the punishment that Allah gives is similar to the crime that has been committed. Always the punishment resembles the crime. Now how does this punishment resemble their crime? What was their crime, pride, arrogance, not submitting not surrendering, not humbling themselves before Allah. So okay, don't Humble yourself. stand proud and arrogant for as long as you want, but eventually what's going to happen? Hola ECal have learned who we are and after him colors, chains around their necks, and they will be dragged into the fire in this way. Way.
estar de lune aka and they impatiently urge you, the hasten you is there Jan. I am Jim lamb Raja, to hasten to want something to happen before it's right time. You know that there is a fixed time for something, If thought is going to be after nine o'clock, but what happens if person says, Oh, I wish it was at 830? Can you please be at 830? Please, just one day? No, if you do that your fast will not be accepted because you're doing something before it's due time. So yes, third, you know, NACA, they want you to hasten they want you to bring something quickly. What? Besides at the evil, they want you to bring evil, carbonyl Hasina before the good. Meaning instead of asking for good, what are
they asking for? Evil? Instead of asking Allah for blessings, and mercy? What are they demanding? That some evil should descend on them? And what is that evil punishment? Instead of asking Allah for guidance, they say, Yeah, Allah, if we're really wrong, punish us, or Muhammad, if we're really wrong, then bring the punishment that you've been threatening us with Abdullah Hassan, and this is the foolishness of many people. When they don't understand something, they become impatient, and they start making ridiculous demands. And this happens in different life situations. Also, in your Hadees, we learned that once there was a man who was hurting somewhere particular part of his body,
and he didn't want to bear the pain. So what did he do, he just took a sharp tool, and he scraped that wound off, and he bled to death basically. So Allah subhanaw taala said that my servant has been impatient, He was impatient. So he will be punished in this way, until the day of judgment.
He wasn't able to tolerate the pain for a few hours, he took matters in his own hand, he killed himself, basically. So okay, this punishment of suicide is one that a person will continue to kill himself in that way until the Day of Judgment, meaning in the life of Buddhism, this is what he's doing constantly, you know, imposing that same or that on himself until the day of judgment. So this is the problem with many people. Yes. Third, you Luna kabhi sejati carbonyl Hasina. Anytime that we are in distress, we are in some hardship. We are in some pain in some difficulty. That is the time to ask Allah for relief for help. That is the time to get closer to Allah. But what is it that we do
impatiently? We say, I can't take this anymore. It better be over. I don't care what happens. It just better stopped for me.
But when a person is impatient, like that, then literally is out of the pan into the fire. It's gonna get worse. It's going to get more difficult. So the wishek Enough Mecca, what would they do in their opposition to the Prophet salallahu Salam in their pride against him they started making demands for punishment. Were not believing Fine, go ahead, bring the punishment. Instead of asking Allah for guidance, they asked for punishment. Kaboodle Hassan Walcott hollered and it has passed mill cobbling in before them. And Matthew let the exemplary punishments, matola discipline of Matthew and Matthew, Allah from the letters mean, fair love. What does methyl mean?
Method example. Masala is an exemplary punishment, a punishment, that is a lesson for others, a punishment that serves as a lesson for others, you know, people, they really take a lesson from it. So when they see it happen, they're like, I don't want to do anything like this. And then that punishment becomes an example that is given to the people.
Like for example, if there is a person who is, you know, making some foolish demands foolish demands.
Like, for example, he's very sick and tired of the situations in his life. So he says, You know what, I just want to die already. I wish I could just get seriously ill and just finish off. I wish I could get cancer or something like that and just die. If he makes such a demand, then what will people say to him? Are you crazy? hear yourself? Do you know what happens to people who are suffering in hospitals? Do you realize what you're asking for? So he is given examples of people who have gone through something similar? Why so that he would abstain from behaving foolishly, right? Oh, for example, if there's a child climbing up on the table repeatedly, and you warn them, don't do
this, it's dangerous, but they don't listen. Then you remind them. Remember when you did this last time and you fell in
To hurt your face.
So that is an example for them that I better keep away from this because the same thing might happen to me. So Allah says workaholic Min cobbly him Alma Thula
exemplary punishments have passed before them. Don't they know about what happened to the people of New Alesana? What happened to the people of Salahuddin center would happen to the people of Luther earlier? Salem? Aren't the examples for them? Don't they know what a punishment is like? And this is something so foolish, asking for God's punishment. So foolish. This is just like a person is being hung publicly.
And a man is watching him and he says, oh, please hand me also.
Seriously, do you realize what you're asking for?
It's so foolish. So the machine of mankind their pride, what were they doing? Bring the punishment bring the punishment.
Allah says wicked 100 will cover the human method that will interrupt burqa and indeed your Lord Laduma Filati Lynas, he is surely possessor of forgiveness for the people, meaning he's very forgiving to the people. Why are they asking for punishment? Why don't they beg Him for forgiveness in the same way? You know, like we ask Allah for things that we should not be asking for. If we ask for good in that same way, it would be much better for us. Allah is forgiving to the people. And this is why he gives them respite until the appointed time, or now we'll meet him despite their low despite their injustice, they commit sin. They make these foolish demands but he doesn't respond to
them. He gives them time. We're in Northbrook, Alicia, neither a cop and indeed your Lord is severe and penalty, severe and punishment, meaning the time will come when he will punish the people for their crimes. So don't hasten for that time. Don't rush for that time. Rather, the rest of it that you've been given back Allah for forgiveness during that time. Ask him to forgive you and you will find him forgiving. Way. Akuto Latina Cafaro, and those who disbelieve say, Lola on zilara Li Aya to me, Robbie, how come a miracle has not been sent down on him on who? And Muhammad salallahu Salam. Now these are all the different reactions of the people of Makkah towards the Prophet sallallahu
sallam. All right, when they did not believe some demanded punishment. Others said, Oh, if you're really a prophet, and how come a miracle has not been given to you? You know, Musa, he had a staff or a starless and performed amazing miracles. What about you? What miracles do you have to show us? They say, How come a miracle has not been given to him by his Lord. And they didn't want any miracle. They actually wanted specific miracles. They said we want to see specific miracles. Like remember the people of the world? What did they say?
We want to see a she camel, and were they shown? Yes, they were shown. Did it work? Did they believe? No, they didn't believe because people who are going to believe they will believe even without seeing miracles like Abu Bakr al de la horn. All right. He didn't see any amazing super miracles, He knew our beloved Salam Did he see amazing miracles being performed by the prophets on alongside them? No, he saw the face of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and he knew that he was not a liar. Alright, so people who are going to believe, who are willing to accept the truth, they don't need to be convinced by you know, amazing miracles.
It's just like, if someone is willing to make a change in their life, they don't need to be convinced by one study after another one scientific evidence after another know, one or two things are sufficient. If they're willing to make a change if they're open to ideas, right? What will they do? They will embrace.
But those who don't want to accept, you can convince them with one study and one forward email and one research. Are they going to accept? No.
The machine of Mecca demanded specific miracles and what is it that they demanded that if you're really a prophet, then turn the mount software into gold. Have you seen Safa? Marwah?
Have you seen Safa Marwah when you go for sorry, when you're doing ombre, and you're doing sorry, between the two mounds, Safa and Marwa these days you don't actually see the mound or you just see you know, rock that is sealed, right? Because there's so many people constantly using that place for so for the purpose of safety and also for the purpose of more people, you know, benefiting. This is why they have to do this, but imagine a mountain, even a small hill, they said turn it into gold. When it turns into gold, we will believe in you. Or they said you should have a house of gold
If you are really a messenger of Allah, then your house should be absorbed.
You should have some riches. You should have some kind of wealth, some money,
or they said, make an orchard grow in Makkah.
an orchard of fruit trees dead palms, make that grow in Makkah. Now think about it Maca is what
what is it? A desert, right? It's a barren valley where then lady visitor, it's a Wedi that does not grow anything.
Because it's Rocky, it's Sandy and they wanted an orchard over there. So such miracles they would demand and every now and then something new.
Allah subhanaw taala says, In Nama and the onesie. Indeed you are only a warner, you have Hamad salatu salam have been sent to warn people not to show tricks to them. When he can leave coalmine head and for every people for every nation is a head in hadn't meaning a hottie had these who one who gives the diet one who guides and remember he died is of two types. He Daya is shared and hedaya. tofield. hedaya is shared is one giving knowledge and instruction and all profits brought this hedaya. And the second type of it is off tofield give the ability to the person to accept and that is only in the hands of who? Allah subhanaw taala. So for every nation is a guide, meaning
Allah subhanaw taala sent to every community, every people, someone who would instruct them, someone who would teach them, and you are Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam have been sent as a teacher. Your job is to guide people not to enchant people with miracles, impress them and excite them with miracles. No. And what have these things got to do with your job anyway. You understand? Like, for example, if there is a teacher, their job is to teach not to entertain, right? And if someone says, oh, but you know, this particular science class, my professor is so boring. He just comes in lectures and gives us homework, and that's it. It's no fun. Well, you're not going to school for fun. I mean, it's good
if you have fun. But if you want to be entertained, you don't sit in science class. If you want to be entertained, you can sit in front of the television, maybe, but not in front of a professor. You cannot blame the professor, for teaching you because that is his job. You understand? So the people said, Oh, if you're a prophet, then why don't you show miracles, Allah says, You have not been sent for this purpose, the role of the messengers to guide people, teach them not entertain them with different performances, one performance after another No.
And like we discussed earlier, those who are willing to believe they will need to see all these miracles, just seeing the face of the messenger is sufficient. And if people wish to see miracles, then there are many miracles around us, above us below us, that Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned. Right? Use your mind, use your intelligence, look around yourself and you will see many miracles.
Now remember, that Allah subhanaw taala has given us many proofs, many if he has shown us
but he hasn't, especially to this Oma. He hasn't shown us such things because of which there is no doubt left, meaning after seeing it, there is no doubt left. Like for example, if the people saw Angel Jibreel, would they have any doubt left? No.
When the prophets have a lot of sense when for Israel, if it happened during the day, and then wish they came saw the prophets of Allah is that I'm traveling, you know, at that speed in the sky on Barak, would there be any doubt left? No.
After seeing that, after witnessing that there would be no doubt left. If people saw Allah, would they have any doubt in the existence in the Oneness of Allah? subhanaw taala? No.
But Allah subhanaw taala doesn't show such proofs, such signs such miracles? Why? Because then, what would be the test of life?
This is just like when you have an exam,
you are given some guidelines as to what you're going to be tested on. What kind of questions you're going to be asked what the length of the exam is, what materials you need to prepare, right? How much marks does a certain section carry? Right, you're told first section which is going to be this this material, Gary's 30% of your mark, for example, you're given an idea, but you're not told the very question
Students that you're going to be asked in the exam.
Are you told? Are you does your teacher tell you that you're going to be asked these five questions, make sure you know them really well? Does she ever tell you? Does he ever tell you? No. But they tell you make sure you read through all of these chapters, and focus on the studies and the researchers and so on and so forth.
They give you a guideline, but they don't tell you the exact questions because of the Delhi the exact questions and that's not a test. That's not an exam.
It's not an exam. And if somebody has access to those questions before the exam, they're not going to be marked for that exam. Right? Because they saw the test paper they saw the exam before they were supposed to see it, their test is going to be canceled. Right? So likewise, in this life, Allah subhanho data has shown us enough proofs that enable us to understand though he Allah's existence, his oneness, Aha, there are enough proofs in the creation.
But he hasn't shown us the angels. He hasn't given us a preview of the Day of Judgment. He hasn't shown us the trumpet. Because if we lived, while seeing all of these things, we wouldn't be able to live.
Right? Like for example, what happens in the grave, people are testing, they're punished. And there were occasions when the prophets of Allah Islam was made to hear the punishment that the people were being given inside their graves.
And the prophets of Allah Islam said at another occasion, that I would ask Allah to make you hear this punishment.
But he didn't. Why? Because he knew that we would not be able to take it. How could we live? Imagine how can we eat if we heard people screaming beneath our feet?
under the ground? How could we live?
Allah subhanaw taala has given us enough proofs to help us believe in the euro. But he hasn't shown us the euro.
Likewise, there are enough proofs present to convince us of the truthfulness of Muhammad Solanas. But everything is not shown to us. There are enough proofs to help us believe in Allah subhanaw taala. But Allah has not shown himself to us.
So it doesn't make sense to you now. Because this is something that people highlight a lot. That if we're required to believe in God, then how can we cannot see God?
Why? Why can we not see him? If we're supposed to believe in Him? Why is he hidden from us? Well, if you saw him, then this life would not be a test.
And how could you live? How could you even survive on this earth? You know, sometimes when you're suddenly this feeling overcomes, either Allah is watching me, and you become scared or nervous or shy, sometimes happy, but sometimes these feelings of fear overcome you. Now imagine, if we were living this life while seeing Allah subhanaw taala we wouldn't be able to live, we wouldn't be able to. So remember that there's benefit in hiding in keeping things in the light from us, benefit for us. But at the same time, we have not been deprived of proofs, so to say, Oh, how come you know these miracles have not been given? And how come we don't see God? And how come? We don't see the
angels? No, these are not demands that can come from an intelligent person who uses his reason.
Allah says, Allah Who Yara Allah, Allah knows, mad millou What she carries who carries could not answer every female. Allah knows what each female carries were in her womb. And each female, female meaning whether from human beings or other creation, Allah knows what is inside the womb of every female.
Do women know themselves? What's going on inside? They have no idea. A woman thinks that she's going to start her menstruation on a particular day, but doesn't happen doesn't happen doesn't happen. And she thinks that she's not going to start but she starts she thinks that she's not going to end but it ends. Even women don't have any idea as to what's going on inside their bodies. And many people find it very frustrating. But who knows? Who knows? Only Allah subhanaw taala knows. Mata me localu Answer how much blood isn't there? If there is a fetus in there or not? Only Allah knows. And many times women have no idea about their pregnancies, no idea and they discover much later or the
discover you know, after
For a couple of weeks or after a couple of months, and it had been going on for so long and they had no idea who knows. Allah knows Allah who you are no more mad than me. Lou could no answer. A woman thinks she has a feeling she's gonna have a boy. But it happens to be a girl.
She thinks she's gonna have twins, but it happens to be one child.
So Allah knows what methylene blue or hameau woman does that? And he also knows methylene blue or ham what the wombs reduce, diminish decrease, what matters that and what they increase the LELOUP from the root letters line Yeah, blood layup. Remember students who will leave a map and the water subsided it reduced it shred it, it was absorbed by the earth. Right when Allah subhanaw taala told the sky that hold your water and the earth to swallow its water after the great flood. So what happened? Well the l'alma Civale is to diminish to reduce to shrink.
So mad the label or harm the wombs, they reduce now remember, the word deleted was understood in two ways. Firstly, the wombs reduce, they shrink, they lessen meaning themselves.
So for example, when a woman is pregnant, the womb literally it gets enlarged, like a balloon, alright, and after the birth of the baby, then what happens it shrinks and shrinks and shrinks, and comes back to its original size. So this is the increasing decreasing of the womb itself. So math a little of how Walmart does that. Allah knows how it's shrinking in its size and how it is increasing in its size.
And secondly, Mother label of her meaning what is reducing in the womb or because of the womb, inside the womb? Like for example, the pregnancy itself,
the baby inside the womb, how it is growing, or how it is not growing? Allah knows. Right? People think that okay, it's going to be perfectly fine baby. But when the baby is born, six fingers instead of five,
six fingers instead of five. So increased, something increased in the womb, or, you know, four fingers instead of five, something decreased in the womb, something was extra, something was, you know, missing. So what grew, what decreased, what increased what reduced, you understand? So, and not just the pregnancy, not just the baby, but even the menstruation. So for example, one period that a woman has very heavy, another very light, one seems to never end and the other seems to never begin. So Allah knows Matt, the label of ham woman does that.
It's amazing, this womb, that is inside of a woman is like an amazing factory. Literally, there are so many things happening inside it, there are so many changes happening in the woman's body because of the womb, how the hormones in a day increase, decrease. And because of that, there's so many changes that happen in the blood, a woman's mood swings, they go high, and they go low. Right, because of what's happening in the womb. Her temperament goes here and it goes here. Her depression and happiness they can go here and here like up and down literally increase and decrease because of what because of what's going on in the womb. So there's so many things happening in the womb and
they affect a woman so much in so many ways. Physically, emotionally. And who's aware of that? Allah subhanaw taala but remember, it's not happening without any reason. What Kulu che in your in the who be McDowell and everything with him is bi do you measure MC dot what is MIKTA measure? Meaning everything happens according to it precise measure.
You know, for example, a woman cannot understand why is my period for four days this month? Why isn't it a regular cycle? Why isn't it a regular length? Because Mikela it was decreed to be this much only another woman cannot comprehend why she cannot stop bleeding. Because that was the myth of that is something that Allah had decreed for you. So remember, these things are happening inside the body. They're not happening haphazardly. They're happening because Allah subhanaw taala is allowing those changes or not allowing those changes and there's wisdom behind that. What could Lucia in her in the movie McDowell?
Who is Allah Alima LaVey was shahada, the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, he knows what's going on behind the scenes, right, what is hidden from our view, leave what is hidden from us, and the shahada, that which is witnessed by us.
He knows nothing is hidden from him, because he is Al Kirby, the grand and he is almost the exalted withdrawal from Hulu, and riilu is to be high morale is one who is exalted, elevated, very exalted, over his creation, above any evil above any deficiency above any weakness, he is high and exalted. Now, if you think about it, there's so much that is going on in our body all the time, hidden, from our view, completely hidden, we have no idea as to what's going on inside our stomach inside our intestines will no clue what's going on with our blood. Right? And there's things that we can see we can feel. But there are other things that we cannot like, for example, the chemical changes that are
happening inside the body, we cannot necessarily see them. Because it's not like an organ that is, you know, changing or that is hurting, you can't see those changes. But Allah subhanaw taala is aware of us, he knows about us, every level, what's going on in the surface? What's going on inside? And this knowledge that he possesses? What does it show his perfect power? Because knowledge is power, right? The more knowledge someone has, the more powerful they have. And the repeated mention of Allah's knowledge, what does that show his power, his perfection? So where are men come? It is the same concerning you men, doesn't mean from over here rather gives the meaning of concerning
about it is the same concerning you. Meaning to him? It's the same. It doesn't make any difference. What man a subtle color, the one who conceals his speech, and woman Jehan Robbie, and the one who publicizes it, as Sandra,
seen the raw says, What does that mean? Secret? Remember, use of our listener, a sangha her, he concealed it, while I'm up the hill at home. And Jehovah what does your mean to publicize to make it known? So there are two people. One is he who is hiding his thoughts, his feelings inside his heart.
And the other is a person who's, you know, going on expressing himself.
Now, both people, the one who is silent, and the one who is talking to Allah subhanaw taala, both of them are the same.
Both of them are the same.
Have you ever come across people who are very, very quiet in general?
Like I am seeing people who are so quiet?
So I don't know what's going on inside their minds inside their hearts?
Has it ever happened to you that you come across people, you're sitting with them? That's at a social gathering, and one person is just quiet. They smile, they say a word or two, they say a sentence or two and they're quiet. And it bothers you? What's wrong? What are they thinking? What are they feeling? Why don't they talk? Why don't they express themselves? It's like, you have to pry you know, some kind of information out of them. And you feel as if you are, you know, intruding by talking to them. And another person who they just don't stop talking.
Right? They just go on expressing themselves. So the person who's quiet How much do you know about them? Very little.
But the person who's talkative How much do you know about them?
A lot.
A lot. The other day I was at the park with my kids. And there were these high school kids. And they're going on talking, talking, talking about, you know, university and missing some date and scholarship and courses and God knows what, and another person came. And she's on the swing and she's singing, singing out loud out loud singing, you know, then care about who's there who's watching these kids are staring at me, I'd probably look very strange. No, didn't care just went on singing. And then there were these other kids that were just quiet and whispering to one another. And as I'm telling you, that some of them were high school kids, how do I know there were high
school kids? Because they were talking about applying to different universities, right, different courses, the scholarship deadlines that they had missed. So because of their speech, their conversations, I got to know
who they were.
Right. And others who were silent, I have no idea. I have no idea what age they were, I could guess maybe, but I wouldn't be able to give you a right thing. So one talks and the other is silent. The one who talks we can know about them, but the one who silent we don't know about them, but to Allah subhanaw taala, both are the same. It doesn't make a difference to him. He hears what we say with our tongues, and he hears what we say in our hearts, what only our hearts here.
There are some things that people can hear, because we verbalize those words. But there are other things that only our mind hears our heart hears.
Who knows about both? Allah subhanaw taala. And if you think about it, there is nothing at all that has been discovered that has been, you know, made today that can help you hear
the conversations that are going on in a person's head.
You cannot have access to a person's heart, you cannot hear their thoughts.
You cannot hear their thoughts. There's no access that you have inside their head, inside the conversations that are taking place in their heart. Who has that knowledge only Allah subhanaw taala. And this is why we have to be shy of Allah and conscious of him with regards to what we say, in our hearts, even
what we think in our minds even.
You know, it's like, if we're saying something, and somebody hears us, I know what happens. We come very conscious. We're like, Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't mean to raise my voice. I didn't mean to say that. It was just an accident. We go on apologizing, because we said something that they should not have heard.
Now, Allah subhanaw taala hears what we say in our hearts, even so be shy of him, even in your heart. Even in your mind, check your thoughts. What are they like? Are they clean? Are the filthy? Are the dirty? Are they nice? Are they pleasant? Are they ugly?
What are our thoughts? Like?
Because whatever we see, whatever we hear whatever we witness, there's always something going on in our minds, right? We're talking to ourselves, we're thinking our mind is working. Our imagination is working every moment. Allah subhanaw taala knows what we're thinking. So our thoughts must be good. They must be clean. It's like, you know, when people were advised to be shy of Allah, and they said, Yeah, we are shy. No shyness is that you are shy of him with respect to what is in your heart and with respect to what is in your stomach. Meaning, the most hidden aspects of your life, even be conscious of him, there to what you put in your belly, the desires that you have inside your body,
or the thoughts, the feelings that are in your head, be conscious of him over there also, because he has access he knows.
Sometimes we entertain very negative feelings about others very negative. They're talking to us nicely. And on the surface we have a fake smile, and in our heart, we are cursing them.
Allah is Hearing those curse words that we are saying to that person in our hearts.
Allah hears he knows that Because salah is the same for him. Whether you say it, you write it, or you keep it in.
He knows us at every level. So where are men come man Assad? Well, koala woman Jarabe woman and also it is the same for him. Who man the one who was stuck who are he Mustafa in belaid is hiding in the night was Sadie won't be in the house. And the one who is going about his way during the day. The word was stuffing. What's the root? Hoffa? Yeah, coffee to be hidden. Most the Finn Mustafi is a person who is trying to hide
trying to take cover. Okay, so one is a person who is trying to hide during the night.
He's trying to hide during the night. Why? Why would he be hiding during the night? Because he's doing something wrong. Otherwise, why does he have to hide himself? Like if you think about it, people when they go, you know break in
different places. What do they do? Do they just walk in with their faces uncovered and no hoodie on their head?
They know
they will be wearing a big hoodie, you know, that's going to cover them from their sides. Why? So that even the cameras, they cannot catch their faces. And then they don't turn the lights on. Why is that it's complete dark, and nobody can see their face. Nobody can identify them, even through security cameras will stop and believe.
Why don't people go and break in during the day?
Why is it that robberies happened during the night? Why? Because people try to take the cover of the darkness. So one is a person who is doing something wrong in the darkness of the night. And even in that darkness, he's hiding himself even more. And there is another person who is said, Ben Shahar said it from the root letters seen ra ba sarava sort of is basically a whole of a wild animal,
a hole of a wild animal that it makes for the purpose of shelter. So for example, kind of a lizard or a snake or something like that. What does it do is goes into its hole, and
it's gone. Painting from your view.
Right? Like, for example, you are standing somewhere outside, and you have no idea that there is millions of ants beneath your feet.
millions and trillions of ants beneath your feet. Why because they are in their poles. But that hole, what is it like? Is it just like a small hole? No, it's a pathway. It's a tunnel. Right? So this is why sativa is to go is to continuously walk in a particular way.
Okay, to make one's way to go freely. So sad. Even Bodnar gives us two meanings. Firstly, it means one who hides during the day
goes in the hole. Okay hides during the day.
And this is what many people do also, that during the day, if they're doing something wrong, how will they do it secretly
behind covers? Why so that nobody can see them side even bit now. And secondly, side it gives the meaning of one who is making his way in the day, meaning in bright daylight, he's going about driving on the highway, driving on the street walking on the street, going about during the day making his way and he's manifest to people people can see him because he's making his way amongst people.
So two types of people are mentioned over here, those who are hidden in the darkness of the night. And secondly, those who are exposed during the day or those who hide themselves during the day. Both Allah subhanaw taala is watching them.
Allah is watching them. No one can ever hide from Allah, whether it is dark or it is bright daylight. Whether it is something that is done in behind closed doors, or it is something that is done open in front of everybody. It's the same to him. He knows himself and he has also appointed his angels. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. One
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