Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P13 126B Tafsir Yusuf 88-91

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the struggles of the United Nations and their families, emphasizing the importance of acceptance of Islam's values and the need for everyone to be aware of the "back to the Earth" aspect of life. They stress the difficulty of life and the importance of protecting loved ones' emotions and moments of joy. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding embarrassment and sadness, protecting one's emotions and moments of joy, and using positive words and actions to avoid regret and achieve happiness.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 126 Surah Yusuf I am number 88 to 111 in sha Allah, fellow man then when the follower Alayhi they entered upon him upon who, upon Yusuf Alayhi Salam. In the previous ayah. We learn that your cooperation and when he had lost three of his 11 sons, meaning he lost use of early Sudan, he lost Binyamin, and he also lost the eldest of the 10 other sons that he had his hope all of a sudden increased, his hope increased when the difficulty intensified, his hope also increased that relief is very, very near, in sha Allah, Allah will bring use of Binyamin and the other son, all of them back to me so that the whole family can be together. And what did he tell his sons, don't give up

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hope and go look for use of go find him. Don't give up hope. Now what happened that the brothers of use of acnm they went back to Egypt in order to purchase more food.

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And we learn from the verses that they didn't really go to Egypt in search of use of Ernie Sinha. They just went to purchase more food. So when they entered upon Him meaning upon use of renesola, although they said, Yeah, a you have a disease, or disease, Massena, it has touched us what Atlanta and our family, what has touched us and our families have lived through adversity, a lot of adversity, the word of the blob, rah rah, what kind of harm is this harm that is experienced at different levels, you know, emotionally, physically, financially, socially in relationships. So they said to us earlier, that adversity has afflicted us great hardship, great difficulty. In other

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words, we are experiencing hard times, we have a shortage of food supplies, we have lost three of our brothers, we are suffering from financial problems, and we're suffering from family problems. So the center UCLA Center, we're jitna and we have come BB law 10, with goods meeting with merchandise with a price that is was jetten. That is worthless, that is very, very poor and quality was jet is from their letters ze Jeem. Well, and zju is basically to push something away to discard it. What is it that you discard? What is it that you throw away what you push away? Meaning if somebody were to offer it to you say no way, and you just got rid of it? What is it something that is garbage, that

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doesn't have any value that does not have any worth? So they said we have brought to you a price that is Magette meaning that is worthless. And this is all that we have in order to purchase food with. But this ad for Ophelia and l k. So please give us full measure. Meaning despite the meager price that we offer, you please give us full measure what a sadhaka Elena, and be charitable to us, meaning be generous to us, and give us more because we are in extreme need. We are suffering a lot. And some scholars have said that what they meant by be charitable to assist that please let our brother go. He's in your custody. But you're such a good person. Look at how we're suffering Please

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let him go be charitable. Yes, you have the right to keep him for an entire year, shorten that term, be charitable to us, in the law hedges in matassa pain. Indeed, Allah rewards those who are charitable, meaning those who give charity, they can only be rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala, not by those whom they gave charity to. So please be charitable to us. And may Allah reward you for your son. Now what do we see over here that these brothers, they have come to us over husana and they are standing before him and they're expressing their humility. You see use of our listener has such a high status over here. And his brothers are literally humiliated before him. They're begging him for

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food. They're asking him for charity. These were the brothers who were not willing to accept the virtues of use of artisan and once upon a time, right? They were not willing to recognize anything good in him. But we see that despite their transgressions against him, what's going on today? They're standing before him disgraced and needy.

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They didn't want to acknowledge your style.

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As before, and now they are forced to be humble before him. What does this teach us that any person who does not accept who does not acknowledge the goodness in the other person, one day he is forced to accept it, he is forced to acknowledge it. Whoever does not acknowledge the high status that Allah has granted to a person, whether it is with respect to age with respect to their role in the family, with respect to their knowledge with respect to the status that they have any kind of position that Allah has given them any kind of honor that Allah has granted them. If a person does not accept it, sooner or later he will be, he will be forced to accept it. So the dignity of a

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person isn't what

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true honor of a person isn't what? Acknowledging the good that Allah has given to other people. Because the thing is that what prevents us from accepting the good and people is what our pride that if I accept it, I'll become lesser, I'll become lowly, they will be better than me. But the fact is that they're already better than you because Allah has chosen them. Allah give them that position. Allah gave them that wreck. So accept it, in order to maintain your dignity. And remember that whoever mores themselves for Allah, then what's the reward? What's the reward? whoever humbles themselves for Allah, then what is their reward?

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Allah Who will keep them humble? Allah will raise their ranks. mento Allah, Allah, Allah, He Rafa, haga, Allah will honor them. But a person who does not lower himself for Allah, who remains arrogant than we know the fate of the arrogant, what is it, that they're humiliated, they're insulted, they're brought to their knees in this life and definitely in the hereafter. So we see here that a complete picture of the humility the distress that was suffered by the brothers of use of artisan M is portrayed. And on hearing all of this use of artisan was not able to hide his identity anymore. His heart melts, and he cannot help but disclose his identity to his brothers. Carla, he said,

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Hello, Arlington. Do you know meaning Do you remember at all my foul tone what you did be use of with use of what a he and his brother? Do you remember? All the two have been doing? Do Youssef and his brother. When you threw use of in the well, and him and his brother? You have always treated them differently because they're your half brothers. Do you remember all the transgressions in anthem Jahai loon. You did all of that when you were ignorant, meaning you didn't know any better. You were ignorant. Because forgetting what you know, I would have been overcome by emotion. That is also a kind of gentle, gentle remember is of different kinds. One is lack of knowledge. Complete

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unawareness. A person doesn't know.

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But the other is that a person knows. But he's overcome by emotion. Like he's overcome by extreme happiness, extreme sadness, extreme anger, extreme love. And as a result, what does he do? He goes against his knowledge. So for example, a person knows Xena is haram. If you ask him, is it permissible? He will say no, it's not permissible. He's a Muslim. He knows that. It's not permissible. But what happens out of extreme love and emotion he ends up committing it's when he's committing it. Remember? His dead is off. Like Jehan. Okay, so use of our esalaam says it's antem J loon. This is why the Scholars have said that called Lumina or Salah for Hua Hin,

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every person that disobeys Allah than he is like Jahan, it doesn't mean that he is forgiven. No, he is still responsible. But it's as though he became gehele at that moment, Has it ever happened with you that you make a mistake and you're examined later on? You're like, how could I make this mistake? I knew this so well. Right? So what happened? You became Jahan at that time? Why? Because you completely forgot. So use of our SLM he says it and Don Jr. He known. Look at the beauty over here. Look at the beauty of his clock, the nobility of his manners, that how the brothers treated him but he gives him the benefit of the doubt that yes, you did it but you were jailed and you were

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ignorant. Then it says No, he doesn't want to embarrass them. He doesn't want to make them feel bad. He doesn't want to blame them at all. He just wants to remind them of it in order for them to write

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recognize use of la escena

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You see, when the brothers of us have already said on through them in the well,

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Allah subhanaw taala promised him something. What was the promise that Allah subhanaw taala made with use of

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that one day you are going to tell them about this and they will not even recognize Oh Hanaa la de la to not be unknown be Emery him Heather home, Leah Sharon. They will not even recognize that it's you who's telling them so here he is useful Islam He's telling his brothers, what they did, and who he is and they had no idea on who they said in Nicola and the use of indica. Are you indeed la Anta you use of your use of being you really is it you our brother? Because obviously they had been coming to Egypt again and again. And they had met use of our listener multiple times. And even though his title was Aziz, Perhaps they had heard his name, but they never made the connection.

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Yeah, you know, this is our brother, they never made the connection because they could never imagine that the brother whom they threw in the well could be given such an honorable position in the government of Egypt. They never imagined that so this in Mecca and the use of are you really indeed use of color he said, and the use of Yes, I am use of what had the earthly and this is my brother on they had left last time in use of Redis Labs custody. User Melissa Lamsa, are the men Allah who are Elena, Allah has certainly favored us. Allah has certainly been very, very generous towards all of us. Notice over here, use of a listener does not taunting them is not making them feel embarrassed.

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Nothing like that. What does he remember? The blessings of Allah? Because what does Allah say what a man veneer Mattila beaker?

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What a mavenir material beaker for had this mentioned the Blessings of your Lord. Feng guru, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah come to flee home, mentioned remember, talk about the favors of Allah so that you can be successful, successful in any relationship successful at any time of your life? If you want to make it if you want to be successful, then what is it that you need to remember and talk about the good times? So use of reason I've just mentioned one thing earlier, you remember what you did to us? Well, you know what, and hamdulillah Allah has been very good to me. But when the Allahu Alena he has been very good to me, he has been very good to my brother Binyamin and he has also been very

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good to all of you. Because notice the word or Elena now means what? Floral all of us now, okay. The brothers of use of Islam, you can understand that Allah was really good with them, that they got to live at home with their father. But what was the good that you said Renee, Saddam got

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when he was thrown into prison, what was the good that he got?

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Then his life become more difficult from being sold as a slave to being attacked by women and then being in the prison for so long? That was difficult, right. But use of our lesson time he called all of that what? Men, Allah's SN, Allah's favor.

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Because he knew that that difficulty was not for the sake of difficulty only. He understood that that pain was not just to cause him pain, it was to bring him success that he could not have otherwise achieved. It was a means of being successful. So this is why even the hard times even the difficult times he remembers them as Allah's favors. And especially Allah favors, because yes, it was hard. It was difficult. But Allah subhanaw taala always brought him out of the difficulty. If you think about it, if he was thrown in the well, was in the wild forever, was in the wild forever. What happened eventually, he was taken out when he was a slave in somebody's house and being

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harassed by women. Was he in that situation forever? No, Allah subhanaw taala took him out how by putting him into prison. When he was in the prison. Did he remain there forever? No, Allah subhanaw taala made a way out for him from the prison also.

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Our problem is that anything that happens in our lives we remember the difficulty. We remember the pain we remember the suffering. We don't remember the relief. We don't realize the blessing of Allah in taking us out of that difficulty.

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Like for example, these days

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is yes, it has been hot. It has been sunny. It has been humid. We have been fasting also. But if you think about it this past week, how many times has it rained?

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How many times does it read? Many, many times, even if it was just quick showers, but so many times it rained early morning, mid afternoon, late in the evening, there's rain. So yes, there is difficulty. But with that difficulty is also ease. But what is it that we only talk about? The difficulties, the difficulties? You know, it's like when a mother she goes through the pains of pregnancy and the pains of labor, childbirth, everything. It's very difficult, because like, it's a killing experience. But then as soon as she sees the baby than what happens?

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Does she say to the baby, you're gonna have to pay for this? Does she say that?

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She forgets it. Why? Because the baby's too precious. Right? One look at the baby makes it forget all her pains, and she'll do it all over again. Right? And she'll do it all over again. Not once, twice, thrice more and more, because that baby is too precious. Right? That baby is a blessing. Which mother have you heard complaining about children that children are such a burden, you know, so difficult to get? And so difficult to give birth to and so difficult there are women who complain, but I mean, who cares about them?

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Right? But mostly good women, they will only talk about the beautiful aspect of pregnancy. Right? The joys of pregnancy and the joys of having a baby who will think like that people who are positive. So use of medicine is also remembering Allah's blessings. locka de mon Namaha Elena, Allah has been very generous to us, very kind to us. And always say the statement, anything that happens in your life, whether it is good or it is bad, always say, Allah has been very good to me. Allah has been very kind to me.

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You know, for example, if your fasts are going really well your Ramadan is going good so far. Don't say hamdulillah I'm having a lot of water so I'm making it through the day. I'm getting my sleep. I don't go for tarawih so I can sleep. Well. Come on, don't say such things. What should you say? Allah is being very, very kind towards me. He's very generous towards me look at Manila. arlena How was Allah subhanaw taala generous towards Binyamin? What was his favorite to Binyamin?

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Yes, he was separated from UC Irvine Santa. Yes, he had to suffer a lot of abuse at the hands of his brothers. But what was the good?

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Yes, he got to stay with his father. And eventually he got to meet his brother, and he got to spend some time alone with him away from the brothers. Even though the process was very difficult and embarrassing. He was accused of theft but Allah's favorite in that also. You see Binyamin was innocent, but he was portrayed as a thief that's what everybody believed him to be only use of real estate and video me knew that he was not a thief. But was there not good in that also? Was there not good in that also, there was what was a good he got to be with his brother away from the abuse of his 10 Brothers law called the Manila Marlena Okay, what about the rest of the brothers? What was

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Allah's favorite towards them?

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What was Allah's favorite towards them?

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Okay that they wanted to harm use of artisan but they weren't successful in that. They did throw him in the well but they could not prevent him from the head that Allah subhanaw taala had decreed for him. You see, when you're trying to do something bad, you make a bad plan and Allah causes it to fail, even that is Allah's mercy.

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Even that is Allah's mercy, that you're going out to do something bad to disobey Allah subhanaw taala but Allah closes the doors for you, and you are not able to do that harm. So this is Allah's favor on you.

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You know, like we learned about some Sahaba some companions that even at the time of ignorance, they never drank alcohol. They never participated in such gatherings. Right. And some companions that reported to have said that they were on their way. But that just got distracted and they fell asleep and I know something happens with they never managed to get drunk. They never managed to commit any haram. They even went out to do it. But Allah subhanaw taala protected them. Allah protected them. Imagine if when the brothers of use of release time

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We're sitting, and they said oak to use of.

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And everybody agreed that yes, let's kill him. And they actually killed him than what a big sin.

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But what happened? One of them said that Dr. Liu who don't kill him, just go throw him in the well.

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Mission accomplished, he's away from your father, and we're not really committing a major sin either. So this was also Allah's blessing that he protected them from haram, the Codman Allahu Elena, Allah has been very generous to us, very good to us. In who indeed he may, Turkey, Whoever fears Allah Will Smith and he is patient, for in Allahu Allah, you'll do your Adeline mercy Nene, then indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good. This is the summary of the entire story. This is the main lesson what that he who fears Allah, He who is patient, that Allah will never waste the reward of such a person.

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Now I want you to go back to the beginning of the ayah when use of artisan has been questioned by his brothers are you really use of and he says yes, and I use of it, you can say it was a very emotional situation. But again, use of Elisa was so calm, he so dignified, there is no drama, there is no over excitement, there's no yelling and screaming, very honorably, he discloses his identity to them. And we see that he does everything possible to make sure that his brothers don't feel embarrassed. He doesn't want to make them feel embarrassed, he is very careful and very sensitive towards their feelings. Now you see, in any situation when you are proven right, and the other

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person is proven wrong, you win, and the other person does not really win. Okay? What is it that we typically do, we are so happy and we start praising ourselves that you're the other person, he feels very, very embarrassed.

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Now one situation is that you win, and the other person loses. You are happy, and they are sad. The other situation is that they win. And you lose. So you are very sad. You're in tears.

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But what is much better than that, you win. And they also win. Right? You get something and they also don't feel embarrassed. They also don't feel like a loser. They also don't feel like they have lost everything. And when can this happen, that when you when you do not embarrass the other person, you let them see the good in their loss. Also, you appreciate them for their effort, even though they weren't 100% successful still, you appreciate them for their effort. You make them feel that they haven't lost. And this is a very dignified and honorable characteristic that a person could possess, that he does not let the other person get embarrassed. Now think about it use of reason

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could have taken all his revenge possible. At this time, when he's standing, and his brothers are begging for food before him. He's so high and they're so low. If anything, he could have used some words, to embarrass them, to humiliate them, to insult them to taunt them in order to cool his heart. But think about it. Who needs to take revenge? Who wants to take revenge?

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Who Who wants to take revenge? That if I could only get a chance to give them what they gave me to say this to them, to hurt them the way they hurt me to harm them the way they harmed me. If only I could get a chance. Who wants to do this?

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The one who has spiteful feelings in his heart for the other. The one whose heart is full of hatred, full of grudges. The one whose heart is full of you know feelings of revenge, right? He wants to take revenge. Who has not been able to forgive the other who has not been patient through the trial. He wants to take revenge. But we see that you serve his enemies above all of this.

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He's above all of this. He's not taking any kind of revenge, not even through a single taunt, not even through a single statement. He's above all of this. Why? Because he had already forgiven them. Why did he forgive them? Because what's the point of holding a grudge against someone for 30 years once you turn you in see them anymore? And what's the point of being angry and upset with someone when what you suffered from brought you your greatest sucks

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right? Think about it. If anyone tries to harm us if we have suffered at the hands of another person in any way whatsoever, hasn't that experience taught us something? If we have been positive, hasn't it make us grow in some way? Like, for example, there are many girls who when they get married from certain cultures, they are expected to all of a sudden take the whole load of the family, you know, problems in the sense that cooking, laundry cleaning, everything falls on their head, children, everything falls in their head. And yes, it's very, very difficult. Very difficult. Emotionally, physically, it's very difficult. But those who survive that phase, then you know what, they're so

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good in the kitchen. Once I remember this one friend of mine, I went to her house, and she had prepared so much food, so much food and so many different different kinds of things. And she's got three kids. And at that time, her youngest was very, very young. And I'm just watching her like, if you came to my house, I could not even prepare half of this. How do you cook so fast and so good. She said, when I got married, I had to prepare food for the entire family, all of my in laws, and fresh food every day. And not just one thing, but to three things. And Masha Allah now has her skills in the kitchen are amazing, which is why she manages to homeschool her children, she manages

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to take a course here and there, in addition to cooking all these lovely dishes, and keeping the her house like perfectly nice and organized. I mean, it was very difficult. But that difficulty taught her something.

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Right? It taught her something it grew over in some way.

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And this is true in every situation when somebody is harming you. Remember, that difficulty will cause you to grow in a way that you could not have grown otherwise.

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I know someone who went through a divorce and all the mess that comes with it. And she often says but it's one of the best things that ever happened to her because it gave her strength of character. And it brought her so much closer to Allah in the way that she prayed and the way she conducted herself and her entire family as well. So she says it's before, you know, she was just drifting. And this kind of focused her so yeah. So really, if you have learned from your difficulties, you will realize that you'd really benefited from them. So you Sabrina Sudan, you focused on the positive because he was very positive man, a man who had a lot of hope and Allah who did not focus on the

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problems, the negatives, rather he focused on the positives. And this is why when the haters came before him, he had no hate for them. He had no hate for them. Because if you think about it, being thrown in the prison was really one of the best things that happened in his life. As difficult as it was, it was one of the best things that happened in his life. Why? Because then he got to Egypt. Then he learned wisdom that will Hadith he got honor in Egypt, which he could not have

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earned otherwise. So this is why we see the use of s&m He's not vengeful at all. He is trying his level best to make sure his brothers do not feel embarrassed.

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Then we see that at the end of the ayah Allah subhanaw taala says in the Houma yet who Smith for in Hola Hola, Yulia agilon Merci

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who is a Marcin from this part of the ayah What do we learn about a Morson? What do characteristics does he possess a more sin? An excellent person, a man of excellence. What do you think's does he possess the Aqua and Saba? Because you see my ducky Wildsmith for in Hola Hola, Yulia agile. Merci mean, those who have the code those who do Subhan Allah calls them Marcin. So in other words, a person can never be Morrison without the court and without subject.

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Without the court and sovereign. You cannot be Marcin.

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You can be nowhere near your son.

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Now, what does it mean by this de quoi in which situation somewhere in which situation? You see when we're going through any test, any trial, any kind of difficulty?

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We're dealing with Allah so panel data, first of all, in the sense that in matters that are relating to him, his decree his decision, what he allowed for, you know us to happen for us to suffer. And secondly, we're dealing with people.

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All right. Now you need Dakwah during any trial,

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When you are thinking about Allah subhanaw taala. Okay, in the matters that are related to him, taqwa that you don't say anything negative, you don't get upset at Allah subhanaw taala is decree.

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You fear Allah in that situation and say only that which is right. You do only that which is right Dukkha you need it and sober in dealing with people. Because, obviously trials they come through who, through people, even if it's in your body that you're suffering, you know that pain, it gets worse when you're dealing with insensitive people. Right? So what do you need someone at that time.

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So these are two things that every person needs in order to pass a test in life Dakwah and sobor. If a person does not fear Allah, and he goes on, saying things that are inappropriate, doing things that are inappropriate, committing haram, not caring about the limits that Allah subhanaw taala has said, and he's impatient with people, he is unjust with them, because he has suffered so much in life. So he becomes vengeful, this person has not passed the test, who will pass the test, the more sin the one who has taqwa and the one who has sub.

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And you see, it is not possible that a person will not face difficulty in life, every person faces difficulty.

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Sometimes that difficulty is within your family, family issues, from parents, from siblings, from children from spouses, sometimes it is financial. Sometimes it is with distant relatives, sometimes it is with neighbors, whoever it may be, but you're always going to suffer in life in the sense that you're always going to be going through some tests some problem, because this is what Allah subhanaw taala wants to examine. That Lea blue icon, or Yukon accent or I'm Allah, who is it that does isononyl? Who is it? That does accent who becomes a Marcin? And who is it? That becomes the lowest of the low is philosophically where is it that we stand on the spectrum? Is it that we are closer to

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Ersan? Through somebody through Taqwa or is it that we're becoming the lowest of the low by using, you know, abusive words by saying incorrect things? Recently, I met somebody, and they're going through a lot of difficulty in life, a lot of hardship. And when I met them, yes, I saw the pain that they were suffering from, but at the same time, I could not help but see the blessings of Allah in their life. That how if they're suffering, Allah subhanaw taala has given them the most helpful neighbors, the most, you know, generous friends, the most loving people around them. And really, in that situation, either you can focus on the positive or you can focus on the negative. But this

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individual, unfortunately, I heard such statements from their mouth that I just wanted to run away.

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I didn't want to hear those statements, even because they were so disrespectful towards Allah subhanaw taala. And I was feeling so bad for this person that on the one hand, they're suffering so much.

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And on the other hand, the words that they're uttering,

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it's not going to bring them any good. It's only going to make them waste all the rewards that they could have accumulated. So remember, when we're going through the difficulty, any kind of trial, when we're suffering at the hands of people,

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when we're hurting in our own body, when there is no escape from the people who are in our lives, there is no escape from our body. There is no escape from our circumstances than realize this is the test that Allah decreed for you. So observe the Aqua observe suburb and you will become a more sin and Allah he will not waste your reward. Because in Allahu Allah you leave, he does not waste that reward. He will not let this person go waste. And isn't this the lesson that we learn from the life of use of medicine? Isn't this something that we see repeated over and over again in his life? In the well? Do we hear him complaining to Allah subhanaw taala what happened to me I was supposed to

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be honored and you showed me this dream. And why am I in this well? Why I don't understand why did my brothers do this to me? I want to go back to my father. I love him too much. I cannot live without him. No, he sold as a slave. Is he seen throwing a tantrum? He's working as a slave. He saw respectful towards his master he doesn't cheat him in any way. He prefers to go to prison than to commit haram what is that? The core and southern Dakwah that he's not committing haram suburb that he is ready to go to prison

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in the hood

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In May a whale spit for in Hola Hola, yo the original mercy.

00:35:06 --> 00:35:27

Like, as he goes through his trials and like the different problems in life, he doesn't like bottle them up, he just like lets go of them as they come. Like sometimes we don't react to something, but we still have the pain in our heart about that problem. And then eventually as more and more problems keep coming, we blow like he didn't

00:35:29 --> 00:35:40

you know, when we were advised, don't react loose subtweeting southern means bottling up your emotions. No, that is not what submarines sobre means you let them go.

00:35:41 --> 00:36:18

You let them go, that negative energy that is building up inside, you let it out, don't keep it in, don't let it out. Really don't spray it on people. And at the same time, don't keep it inside. Because if you show it to people, that is not right. And if you keep it inside, that is not right, either. What is necessary, that you forgive, and you forget, and what is the only way of forgiving others and forgetting the harm that they have caused you the only way focus on the good, focus on the good dukkha and suffer

00:36:19 --> 00:36:44

focus on the good. And you will be a happy person. And generally also people who are positive, who focus on the good things instead of the bad things than they are happier. They're not stressed out. They're not freaking out, they're not yelling at others are snapping at this person and snapping at the other person. Positivity is very important for success.

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And those who remain positive, Allah subhanho data will never ever waste their reward.

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And also remember that when you are focusing on the positive, what are you looking at the ease that Allah has created in the difficulty because in the mile or three, you saw, with every difficulty there is also ease right? Either it comes after or it comes along with it. In fact it is women because Allah says in my nursery use raw not Bardo nursery use it is along with it, not after it.

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So where you're suffering, remember there is also something good that Allah has blessed you with focus on the good be ungrateful person, because let in Shackleton let us see that.

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If you are grateful, I will increase blessings for you. And we have discussed this many times early also, that if you focus on the pain that the pain becomes worse, becomes more difficult to bear.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:41

So what happened Kalu they said to Allah He by Allah, the brothers of use of money, Sam said, By Allah Laqad Ethel raka Allahu Elena, certainly Allah has preferred you over us. Allah has chosen you over us Athleta you will feel it out. It means to give someone something that the other has not been given to prefer them over others. Allah has preferred you he has chosen you over us how that we tried our best to get rid of you but we could not harm you. He chose you over us at home. And he chose you over us over here also in Egypt also that you are the giver. And we are the takers. You are the one giving charity and we are the ones spreading our hands before you desperate and needy

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before you. Allah has preferred you over us. We're in Kona, Anna Hartley and indeed we have been hardly even we have been wrong. We have been sinners, we were wrong, the fault is ours. Now these words of the brothers of use of artisanal What did they bring to us of Reza victory, this is victory.

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This is victory. And if you think about it, this kind of victory use of RSM could not have gotten at home. If he lived amongst his brothers, they would never acknowledge the good in him. They would never ever praise him in any way. But use it for this and I went through so many difficulties. So many trials, Allah granted him success. And the brothers come humbled before him and they are the ones admitting their mistakes and they're the ones acknowledging use of Renaissance greatness. And in this, we also see the goodness of the brothers because this statement in Kunta la Hata in we were wrong. I was wrong. I made a mistake. This statement is very, very difficult to utter.

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Sometimes we acknowledge in our hearts Yeah, it was my mistake. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have done it. Why

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I bet and the other person, they were right. But we pretend as everything is fine. And things are okay. We never want to say, I'm sorry, I was wrong.

00:40:13 --> 00:41:01

I'm sorry. I made a mistake. The heart acknowledges but the tongue is not strong enough to utter these words. But we see the greatness of the brothers of use of Ernestina, that they're acknowledging their mistake, we're incandela hardly eat. And you see, part of doba is what to admit your mistake. admit your mistake. And when a person admits his mistake, admits his fault, then no matter how big it is, Allah subhanaw taala forgives him. And people also forgive him if a person admits his mistake, but if a person tries to cover it up, and tries to pretend that oh, it was not his mistake, it was somebody else, some random person who did it. That in that is humiliation

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embarrassment for the person. He doesn't get any forgiveness, neither from Allah nor from people.

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You don't like for example, if there's an accidental murder,

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and accidental murder, how many times it happens that people when they realize somebody has died, because they just escaped the scene, they just run away. They don't want to be caught.

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It was a mistake, it was an accident. Yes, it happened, at least accept it, at least accept it. And if you accept it, if you apologize, and perhaps a family will also forgive you. They will also forgive you because it was an honest mistake.

00:41:41 --> 00:42:25

But you see a lie. When a person says a lie, then in order to hide it, what does he have to do are more lies. Likewise, a person makes a mistake, then he has to hide the evidence and he has to bribe someone to not give testimony. I mean, one crime after the other. And we see in the story that if you said funny Sam had humiliated the brothers at that time, they wouldn't be able to accept this mistake. And it also shows that if we're able to borrow in our emotions, we're gonna get a lot more happy if they accept it, as opposed to if we blew up on them, we would just regret it. Yes, very true. But if you were at a salon had embarrassed them, taunted them, you know, made them feel bad in

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any way. You think they would

00:42:28 --> 00:42:38

admit their mistake before you know? What is it that you're able to admit your mistake before the other person when you feel secure when you don't feel threatened?

00:42:39 --> 00:42:42

Right, when you find relief in admitting

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when you feel that if you admit then a huge burden will be off of your back when you feel welcome then you can admit your mistake so use of arsena he did not threaten them in any way. He didn't say now you're before me and I will take all the revenge possible now see what happens to you.

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I will have you know ditches dug up and throw each one of you and then send you to prison so that you see justice the sauce No He's forgiving. He's forgiving and this is why the brothers are able to

00:43:19 --> 00:43:27

acknowledge their mistake also and they're able to seek forgiveness from him also what income now, the hardly even recitation of these

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00:43:36 --> 00:43:38

these you must say Cena

00:43:41 --> 00:43:45

the BMR will be being bought

00:43:46 --> 00:43:47


00:43:48 --> 00:43:51

feelin okay Isla de

00:43:54 --> 00:44:00

la jolla Jersey in motels on duty ought

00:44:01 --> 00:44:02


00:44:05 --> 00:44:07

be useful. He is

00:44:08 --> 00:44:09

to jerk

00:44:12 --> 00:44:12


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00:44:19 --> 00:44:19


00:44:25 --> 00:44:25


00:44:31 --> 00:44:37

me, anyone else be in a long your

00:44:39 --> 00:44:44

CD all the long enough

00:44:45 --> 00:44:46


00:44:50 --> 00:44:53

faulty gene

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