Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P13 125E Tafsir Yusuf 77-87

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of simulation in police cases, including the potential consequences of actions taken by individuals, including theft, and the use of force and negative information to motivate people to do things they don't want to do. They also touch on the sadness of people with injuries and loss, including those who have suffered from injuries and lost their bodies. The speakers emphasize the importance of not worrying too much until the end of the day and not giving up hope.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now what happened Kalu they said the brothers of use of realism they said as Rick, if he has committed theft meaning of Binyomin committed theft Faqad Soraka. Then in fact he also committed theft who? A hula hoop and brother that he has been called Blue before meaning long time ago. Vinnie Amin, he has a brother and that brother of his also committed theft.

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What are they saying?

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That his brother use have also once upon a time committed theft.

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Just imagine, why are they saying this because they don't want to look like the bad guy.

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They're completely dissociating themselves from Binyamin. Oh, he's he's our half brother. You know, he is like that we're not like that. He committed theft. We didn't commit theft. And if he's committing theft now, well, you know what it runs in their family

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as if you're not part of the family. His brother also committed theft many years ago. What happened? If you were in that position? What would you do?

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Ask for some evidence and blow up and show some kind of anger. The use of early Salam What did he do for Assad Raha used for V Nuptse? Use of just concealed it, he kept it within himself while I'm using the Hala home, and he did not reveal it to them. What his identity

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he just swallowed it. He did not even tell them who he was. If he told them who he was, imagine how embarrassed they must have been right? I mean, it seems like it was a perfect time to humiliate the brothers and to take revenge from them. But look at how calm use of our listeners. He just kept it to himself. He swallowed it, and he did not reveal his identity to them. And he did not even bother to discuss the reality of what they were referring to. They accused us of reasonable theft. But did he actually commit theft? It is said that use of Allison on one of his relatives was an idolater. And he has already sent him as a child, you know, children, when they see something wrong happening.

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They don't like it. Right. So they will do anything to stop it. So it is at the use of his time he went and stole their idols and broke them.

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So this is the incident that they were referring to. If that really happened, then Firstly, he was a child when he did that. Right? And secondly, did he steal something for his own benefit? No. But use every listener for a similar use of if enough see what I'm up the hill at home. Think about it if someone is falsely accusing you, falsely accusing you.

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What would you do? Defend yourself at least right? But you separate us and I was so calm. Caller he just said in his heart. And don't Sharon McKenna You are worse in position. You accused me of theft. You accuse my brother of theft. Look at yourself, what did you do? You are worse because you stole a son away from his father. That's what you did. Well Allah who are Allah will be metal sleeve phone and Allah is most known of that which you describe meaning of what you accused me off. He just said in his heart, Allah knows the reality of this. And you are worse in position.

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Kalu they said, Yeah, are you * are these now you see all of this was happening, the use of artisan was just watching. He didn't interfere nothing at all. Now, the brothers of use of artisan and when they realized what had happened and that their brother Binyamin would have to stay back. And they remembered the most that they had made with their father. They turn towards use of artisan for help. They turn towards him for help. And they said, Yeah, you have a disease or disease in the know whoever. Indeed he has a father that is shaken, very old. kabillion great meaning he's greatly aged, he has a very, very old father. And if he does not see your son, you can imagine how hurt he

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would be. So please let him go for hold you take I had another one of us Magana who in his place, take one of us in his place in that order coming in Marcin, we see you as a Morson. So please do this Ersan to us, don't keep our brother Binyamin. rather take one of us in his place. So they said take one of us in his place because we see you as a mortal sin. Because you see, Binyamin was supposed to stay with who

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as a slave with whom use of rice. So this is why the turn to use of artisan and for help that Please let him go. Now I want you to reflect on the words of these brothers how they're

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Addressing use of real estate Um, first of all, they say Yeah, are you well, are these just a minute ago they said, he also committed theft.

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This is who we are, we are ignorant. We are people.

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They did not even know that the person whom they were describing as a thief, just a second ago. Now, they are addressing him with utmost respect. Yeah. Are you Hello, Aziz? Or honorable Aziz?

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And then they say, in nanorod Chameleon, merci, Nene, we see you as a person. Why did they see you sir? Listen, I was a Morson. Morrison. Because right now, there was no bias, because they didn't know who he was. If they knew that it was used by some their brother, will they call him a Morson? Never. Never.

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So what do we learn from this, that if we look past our biases, we would really see good in people. And which people people when we hit people, who won't we have a problem with? Why is it that people who we don't like we never find anything good in them? Why? Because we're biased. We say, Oh, she's always wrong. She hates me. I hate her. She's bad. She's like this. She's like that, even if she's being generous, even if she's being polite. You will think what does she want from me?

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Right? So if we look past our biases, we would really see the good in people and people whom we ate, polymer or the law, use a very Salam said, I seek refuge with Allah No way. I cannot do this, that are not who that that we should take in that except moja diameter on our into The one whom we found our possessions with. Meaning we can only punish the one who's guilty. How can we give that punishment to an innocent person? This is not right. So we see that use of our lesson where he's a Marcin and his brothers wanted to take advantage of his heir Son, so that he would be so nice that he would change the rules a little bit. No, he's a marksman but he's also a man of principle. This

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is the rule. No one will suffer except the guilty. And notice how he says Mojahedin avatar and are indeed the One whom we found our possessions were not the one who stole

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because Binyamin didn't actually steal right and who knew about that only use of artisan and Vinnie me knew that so he said the one whom we found our possessions with in that either Lottie Moon indeed we would then be unjust in that II then loblolly moon if we were to do that, then we would be unjust felon mother and when if they assume they had despaired men who from him. The brothers they tried their best to convince us of our Lisanna to make him forgive. Binyamin to take somebody else in his place one of the other 10 Brothers and displace, nothing worked out because the use of religion was too principled. When they gave up colossal they secluded themselves from Harlem salt, meaning they

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somewhere off to the side and sat on their own Nigeria, Nigeria in private consultation from the root letters noon Jean well Najwa so they sat off to the side and they were discussing amongst themselves privately as to what they should do. Obviously they couldn't go back home just like that Kanakapura home the eldest of them said

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a list of them meaning eldest of those brothers he spoke up he said alarm Darla Moo Don't you know that under Abba calm that indeed your father got a hola hola como el camino Allah, He has taken a promise from you in the name of Allah.

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You gave him your word and you sworn oath by Allah. How can you go without Binyamin woman called Blue and before Martha Ratan fie use of how you fell short in the matter of use of forgotten from the rulers fell route

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for law you finally to the fleet if route is to exceed the limits to go beyond the limits and the fleet is to fall short. Okay, if rod is to overdo something, and the freedom is to under do something,

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okay. So for example, if there's a road and the maximum speed is 80. And you drive on 100 is that if route? Yes. But if you're driving on 40

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Is that acceptable? You could argue that No, no, I'm under the speed limit. But no, that's not okay. When it's 80 You better be driving close to 80 Right? So that is also not correct. So this is what the frill is. He said method rotten fee use of how you fell short in the matter of use of meaning. You promised your father that you

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would bring yourself back and you would take care of him. But you never fulfill that promise. Instead, you went and threw him in the well. You think your father's going to believe you now?

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You understand what's going on. He's saying, We can't go back like this. Because a we've made a promise and B, we have disappointed in before and this time, he's not going to believe us. He said fallen so never Abraha I will leave this earth I will leave this land. Meaning I will never ever go from here. I will never go home had died yet than a li OB until my father allows for me. Oh yeah, come Allah Hooli or Allah decides for me, meaning I die or something like that happens. Well, who will hydel hacky mean, and He is the Best of those who judge. Now what do we see? The brother is abusive? Are they some? Yes, they had many issues. They made many mistakes, but we have to

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appreciate the good in them. What is that good. At least they had some fear of God. At least a little bit. He said Ill do Illa Abiko go back to your father for Kulu then say to him, yeah, abana or our father in nebo. Naka Soraka indeed your son has committed theft. Go tell your father. I'm not going the eldest of them said I'm staying right here. Nine of you go back and tell your father Your son has committed theft. Well Masha hidden that and we did not see it. We didn't see it happen.

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We didn't see Binyamin stealing. We only say that he has committed theft. Illa Bhima alumna because of what we know, because we saw the cup being extracted from his bag, it came out of his bag. I mean, somebody must have put it there and who would put it there but Vinnie I mean. So they said they might eliminate Well, I'm not condoning lady Havoline and we are not witnesses of the unseen meaning. What exactly happened behind our eyes? Allah knows the reality. We don't know what happened. But your son has been accused of theft. Now the nine brothers they went and told their father about this who was in Egypt. You said, well, listen, I was in Egypt, beneath me is in Egypt.

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And the eldest of those brothers is also in Egypt. The nine brothers they went back to their father and they told and they added they said was if you don't believe us, ask us cool. I'll Korea the city, meaning the people of the city allottee couldn't be her, which we were in. If you don't believe us, you can go to Egypt yourself and see for yourself what happened. The Binyamin actually committed theft and he's been accused off he's been proven guilty. And he asked to stay there for a year.

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And if that is too difficult, then ask. Well there is ask there is meaning ask the caravan, which caravan ality Akbar Luffy has in which we came back home. We didn't ask the people of the caravan with whom we were traveling. And if you don't believe us, we're in Allah Sadiq Khan, we are indeed truthful. And you see how they're using so many different ways to convince their father.

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You don't believe us? Go back and ask them. You don't believe us? You know, as these travelers were truthful.

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Okay, what we see over here is that the brothers, these 10 brothers, they keep dissociating themselves from use of redis Anna and his brother. Why did they do that? Because they were not full brothers. Right? And if there was anything negative theft or anything they wanted to keep away from it, to such an extent that they're telling their father, your son has committed theft. They don't say Vinnie. I mean he has committed that our brother has committed that this ain't your son. We're good. Your son is bad. We are perfect. Others our bed

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was a little polyethylene eco Nafisa while reality Aqua Nephi our inner la Sadiq Khan. We are truthful.

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They had lost their fathers trust right color your call rates and said exactly what they didn't want to hear. He said well, so well at law calm and for so come on.

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I don't believe you. Your souls have enticed you to something? Your souls have made it easy for you to make up another story about another son of mine for sovereign Jamil. So patience is most fitting. He repeated the same words.

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He repeated the same words and this is sovereign Jamil. This has beautiful Patience, patience that is consistent. What happens with us. If we're patient at the beginning, then we lose it

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right? Or at the beginning we're not able to be patient and then later on we say You know what? I'm not gonna say anything anymore because I'm being patient. While you've said everything you could before what subject

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at the first loss jacobellis and Emma says for sovereign Jimmy at the second loss he says for sovereign

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Think about it if a big tragedy happens once in your life, and then another time in your life. What happens? We start to wonder where is Allah? Why is this happening? People begin to lose their faith. They display impatience they're angry with Allah. But your cleverness Sinha what an Arab the he was for southern Jamil and look at how hopeful he is he says as Allah who are yet to nab him Jamia

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Perhaps Allah will bring all of them back together. All these three sons of mine that are gone, no use of Binyamin and the eldest of the 10 because he stayed in Egypt, right? He said, I'm not going home to my father allows me

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so he said perhaps he will bring all of them back to me in the hood. Arlene will Hakeem Indeed he is knowing and he's wise. He knows exactly where my sons are. He knows exactly what happened with them. And he's hacky. He is the judge. I accept His judgment. And he is wise. I know there's wisdom behind all of this.

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This is called Subash. What Oh, Allah and him and he turned away from them. We'll call her and he said, Yeah, assefa all mice sadness. Oh, my sorrow. Allah use of overuse of

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You see, he just turned away from them. He didn't interrogate them. Why? Because there was no use in doing that. He just ignored them. And he said, Yeah, SF her I know use of SF her. It's actually SF. SF, is a combination of frozen extreme sadness, as well as anger.

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When you're sad, and you're upset, why was he said sad over his loss? Why was he upset, upset over his other sons? That gap contriving one plot after the other? You know, he was upset. And he said, Yeah, so

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think about it. Yeah. SF as opposed to yet SF. Ha. What is more expressive? Yes.

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Oh, my great sorrow. How long has been my sorrow? Over who Isla use of overuse of and then we'll be a little Arina who and his eyes became white Bale, but they became white. Why were they white? What does it mean?

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He became blind. He cried. He wept so much that he lost his eyesight.

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Minute Hosni because of her isn't because of extreme grief for who are Kaleem Allah says For he was Killeen. He was a suppressor, a suppressor of what his grief his anger. Killeen called them is to swallow something.

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Swallow right now, like as if you were swallowing something. When do you need to do that when there's something coming out and you swallow? You keep it in? You know, when your heart is filled with emotions, whether it's sadness or anger, then what happens? You want to cry, you want to scream, you want to take revenge, you want to at least say something. But your co writer says he was Killeen. He would just suppress it. He would suppress his grief, he would suppress his anger.

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So you see the new grief, the new loss, it reminded him of the previous one. Now we see that Dr. Coburn ism is very sad over here. And we think that if you're being patient, and you should not be sad, yeah. That he should just have a smile on your face. Even if you've suffered a lot. No, that is not what somebody is. Somebody is that. Yes, you do feel sad, because feeling sad is natural, but you remain hopeful was jacobellis. I'm hopeful. Was he hopeful? How was he hopeful? Where do we see that? In the previous statement where he said, our Salah who Enya tianni Be him Jumeirah in the home? Well, Arlene will Hakeem is hopeful. And we see that he doesn't say anything negative about

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Allah's decision about Allah's decree. This is something like the prophets of Allah, his son when he lost his son, Ibrahim, when he died a little baby. You can imagine any parent would be sad. The prophets have a lot of them didn't just lose Ibrahim in his childhood, he lost many of his children in their childhood. He lost his daughters, he lost his grandchildren, and he would be seen crying.

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And the Sahaba they would be surprised that he had to suffer you're crying. The prophets of Allah said sallam said, listen, Allah does not punish for the weeping of the eye. If the tears flow uncontrollably, Allah does not punish for that, nor does he punish for the sadness of the heart. But he punishes for this and he pointed towards his donkey. He punishes for this meaning depends on what you say. Because the words they express what's in the heart, right. So

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If a person has accepted Allah's decree, even if it's very difficult for him even if he's very sad, he will not say words of anger against Allah subhanaw taala Kalu they said the brothers of use of bread has said and they were standing there watching their father being so sad they said to law he by Allah de facto you will not cease deaf the Oh Fattah Hamza to Nazis to do something to continue to do something meaning you will forever you will never stop that cool use of you will never stop remembering use of had that Hakuna Hara done until you will become haram who is huddled? Someone who's fatally ill huddled is basically something that has become useless completely. The last stage

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of an incurable disease, last stage of an incurable disease, so they tell him if you don't stop grieving overuse of you'll finish yourself. You'll ruin yourself. You'll die out akuna minal Aliki or you will be of those who perish. So basically they're feeling pity for him now. For what that he's so sad. And but look at how they're feeling pity for him.

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It's as if they're scolding him, isn't it? I mean, listen to this follow tongue Allah He duster otelco use of hatted Hakuna Harada out. akuna minal Halle keen Is this how you comfort someone? No matter how much pity you feel for them. That's not how you comfort them. Color he said in a school but the were Husni it Allah. I only complain of my birth, and my husband to Allah, what his birth, but from the root letters Betha, which is sorrow, affliction, such sorrow, such grief that is so strong that a person is not able to keep it inside anymore. Because Bertha means to scattered, remembers the word, the Messiah. Well, Beth them in whom it died. And cathinone said, so sometimes

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you're feeling sad on the inside, and you managed to cover it really well. Nobody has any idea about what you're feeling. But at other times what happens you cannot keep it inside, no matter how much you're trying to be patient. You're crying, or your expression on your face. So people that worried about you, or you say, I don't want to talk right now you just go lay down in bed, you just isolate yourself. So people wonder what's going on. So that grief cannot remain contained within yourself, it spreads.

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And when is it that it spreads?

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When is it that it spreads when it's too much to bear?

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too much to bear? So he said in nama ESCO bethey where whose knee it Allah? In other words, why do you bother? Why are you telling me to stop worrying what use of why? Let me complain to my Lord. I'm talking to my Lord, I'm sad, I'm crying, but I'm crying before him. I'm not crying before you don't feel pity for me.

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And this is something that we need to remember also. Because sometimes when a person has suffered from a great tragedy, and they're making they're either crying or someone is making during the cry, then what happens other people around them, you will let them cry before their Lord for God's sake, let them cry.

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Let them cry, they're crying before Allah. They're not crying before you

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in a school but they were Hosni eat Allah. And also remember, complain of your pain of your suffering to Allah subhanaw taala because the more you turn to Him, the higher your rank will become. Because one of the most honorable things near Allah subhanaw taala is do which means that the more a servant calls upon Allah, the more his rank increases near Allah soprano.

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Don't complain before people complain before Allah. And he said What are Allah will mean Allah He mela darlin when I know from Allah what you do not know. Meaning I know for sure that Allah will bring you some back. Allah will bring Binyamin back. How did he know?

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How did he know? Okay, the Wakil and because of the dream, he was hopeful. And because he knew us have had a dream. And that incident was yet to take place where the entire family is together.

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Yeah, Benny. Yeah. He says, All My Sons is hobble, go. For the hustle, make use of and go search for use of

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use of artisanal who was lost so many years ago, and he's studying them go search for yourself. The Hustle is from Haseen. See the hustles is to use his meaning to use senses in order to search for something meaning here, look, use whatever you can and go find out about use of where he is.

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while he and his brother meeting get his brother back also while our time assuming Rohilla and do not despair of relief from Allah Roer relief, because in the who lay ye assuming lower he left he ill como curfew rune none despairs the relief from Allah except those who are disbelieving. The only one who gives up hope and Allah is who the one who doesn't believe in Allah, the One who believes in Allah, He forever remains hopeful. He never despairs. Put yourself in this position. What would you do? Well, this isn't my fate. You know, for me, Woe is me. I lost one son, and then I lost another son. And now another son of mine, he won't come back. I am so unfortunate. But look at your Cobra

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Sinha. With all of these losses. He's so hopeful. He says go find him. I know he has to come back. Now do something to get him back and do not despair of Allah's Mercy Do not despair of relief from him.

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Because the one who gives up hope and Allah then he loses faith in Allah. Now what do we see here? When that difficulty reaches his height then you know when the night darkens then what comes next day so you're covered so now it says though, you know when the difficulties have intensified his walk that has also increased look at how helpful he is

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he's got this energy within himself go find use of go find his brother go get them back Don't give up hope. I

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mean, there's always Allah subhanaw taala in it every conversation and you know, obviously Apple release ROM is a profit but the series that he was a human being and how many times are we having conversation with our children meaningless? Yes. He always mentions Allah right? The Wakulla Allah protection of Allah and over here hope from Allah when it comes I was also thinking that sometimes we do evil deeds and we don't know the consequences how far reaching it is though how many years after 30 years he's still suffering so much. Sometimes we just do things without paying attention so it's really important to pay attention to that Yes. Recitation of these

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all although

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someone it also for fina see one I'm nobody had

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Camille samples I had done

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Musk they assume in Wuhan that gee. All that can be your home

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all day

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long you want

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the room

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to feel

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than early.

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We go Maloney will walk by you

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B comes up on

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us Oh Paul on Shaheed

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what's new

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all sound

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For more FASAB

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Jeremy us along with

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Danny being Jeremy

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hanky hockey game whatever one

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more ball

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watch I

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was never more Killeen all Tala he does the old guru you're

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gonna have on one older gonna mean learning all

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the new knee

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yeah Ben Hubbell feta has sessile me yours

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Allah Allah Atlanta Anta Mr. Furukawa to bootleg Santa Monica, Allah He wabarakatuh

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