Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 121B Tafsir Hud 102-108
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
Lesson number 121 solitude will begin from IO 102.
What are their Lika do Rob Baker and thus is the seizure of your Lord meaning this is how he seizes people with punishment. How that either when a hurdle Cora when he seizes the cities with punishment, what he OLALIA atone while they are wrong doing while they are committing wrong in the who, indeed his seizure meaning when he sees his people with punishment, that punishment is a lien It is painful and it is studied, it is severe.
In the previous ayat we learned about various people, various towns, various nations, about how our that came upon them for their sins, for their disobedience for their opposition to their profits. And the lesson that we learn from these stories is that this is how Allah subhanaw taala punishes people how when they disobey Him. This is a lesson look at the various people look at the various nations what happened with them. The message was delivered. They were doing wrong law Lima, they were doing lol. But yet when they did not accept when they did not change, what happened, Allah's punishment came upon them. Take the example of the Nation of New hairless and I'm the people of our
the people of the moon, the people of low darlin Salam, what were they punished for? For nothing? What were they punished for? Why were they eliminated from the surface of the earth? What was the reason? It was their sins, it was their limb. So remember this way he OLALIA it was their limb that brought this punishment upon them. And worker there Lika. And this is how the punishment is. What does that mean? That likewise, all the people who follow a similar route, they do learn in a similar way, they will end up in the same way also, they will see the same and also.
And another lesson is that realize that the punishment coming from your Lord is very painful. It's very severe, it's unavoidable. A person cannot escape it. So with what confidence do we sin on a laws Earth?
With what confidence do we disobey Allah on his land, while being his servants, while seeing the people of the past being punished for the sins that we may be committing today?
Yes, the people of the past yes, they committed ship Alhamdulillah Allah, we don't do that. But take the example of the people of Srebrenica where they're not unfair, did they not cheat one another. But unfortunately, this is something that has become so common amongst Muslims, that we think this is the norm. If you don't do it, you cannot run a business.
And we excuse ourselves by saying, Oh, we are Muslim and their cuff so we can do whatever they want. Don't cheat Muslims, but go ahead and cheat non Muslims How much ever you want, you know, take the max out of them, lie to them, deceive them, cheat them, but make money off of them because they're your enemy. This is what we say.
But look at what happened to the people of Srebrenica. They were punished for their loan. And in this is a big warning. If similar loom is found amongst us, if we are practicing same kind of loan, then With what confidence are we walking on Allah's earth? Now the question is that why did Allah subhanaw taala destroy them? One nation after the other? One nation after the other, so many nations are mentioned over here. So many are mentioned in the Quran? Why were they punished? Because Allah subhanaw taala made us we didn't make ourselves He created us, we belong to him. And he sent us here on the earth. Why? So that you could see who does our Sinhala and when people forgot the purpose of
their lives? What happened Allah subhanaw taala sent messengers in order to reform in order to reform their Aqeedah their Eman as well as their actions. So those who followed the messengers they were saved, but those who persisted on wrong, what happened? They prove themselves worthy of not living on the earth anymore of losing the chance to live on the earth. Think about it. No Hello asylums people, were they punished immediately.
How much time were they given? 950 years? I mean, that's not a very short period of time. It's very, very long. It's very long. And if somebody is given a chance of 950 years, if you don't understand, okay, understand later, not this year, okay, next year, not next year, okay. 100 years from now, you don't like if somebody doesn't respond to you, you give them a day you give them a week, you give them a month, maximum you'll give them a few years. Allah subhanaw taala gave them 950 years. Did they prove themselves as worthy of living on Allah's Earth enjoying Allah's blessings?
What did they bring upon themselves, then punishment? Take the example of odd, the people of odd, they didn't follow the messengers. Instead they followed who Umrah collegia bear in need, they followed the command of every tyrant. And if a whole nation becomes a nation of tyrants, think about it. Would they spread good or would they spread evil?
What would this spread evil because you see, when people are oppressive in their families, on their streets, in their community, then as they spread outside, they take their evil along with them. Initially, they may just be hurting themselves, but gradually what happens they start hurting others. Take the example of the mood. They were shown the miracle of NACA and they were told clearly do not harm the Snell aka the she camel. What did they do?
They killed it. So are they deserving of reward? If somebody outright disobeys you, what would you do? Clap Very good. Is that what you would do? If somebody does something wrong? Outright disobeys you? Then what happens? They have lost their chance.
Likewise, the people of Lutheran Islam, we will learn about them what kind of people there were.
So if a whole nation became like that, what are they proving themselves as worthy of living on the earth? No. Take the example of the people of Che Guevara is Salam, cheaters, liars.
These are big crimes. These are not small crimes. And we see that in this dunya. Also, if people commit such crimes, they're put behind the bars. Nobody tolerate such crimes. So Allah subhanaw taala, the one who's most just the one who likes their son, not volume, he has made volume haram upon himself, and he doesn't allow it for His servants either. Would he tolerate this kind of love being done on the earth? Would he know? So when he destroyed these nations? Remember, he had all the right to do that? Because these nations they prove themselves unworthy in Nephi vaniqa is indeed in that is surely and is surely a lesson and Ibra but for who? Lehmann for the one who halfa he fears
are there, but the punishment of the Hereafter, the one who fears of punishment of the Hereafter will find a lesson in this, he will take a lesson in this, because these incidents, what are they, they are a reminder of the Hereafter, they are a glimpse of the hill. Because think about when the say hurricane, when the loud blast came, and the people they died on the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen?
The sound of the trumpet, and whoever is alive is going to fall dead.
Previously, it was just one community, one nation, what's going to happen on the Day of Judgment, all people are going to die, all people are going to collapse. So these incidents that Allah subhanaw taala has told us about over here, what do they remind us of the reality of the agora. In fact, they are a proof of the Hereafter the coming of the day of judgment, that if Allah punished people for their sins in this dunya, then he will also punish them for their sins on the Day of Judgment. If one community is brought to justice than all of mankind will also eventually be brought to justice. There Lika Yeoman, that is a day meaning that era is a day, much more aloneness much
more from Gemma together. That is a day when much more Allahu NAS all people will be much more meaning they will be gathered together. They will all be assembled in one gathering in one place. And not just all people who else will be brought over there.
All of the creation, all of the creation, from the jinn to the animals to the birds every
single creature will be brought Madhu more aloneness. Where there Lika and that is Yeoman a day, that is my shoot that is going to be witnessed, witnessed by who my shoot from shahada to witness, it will be seen it will be witnessed by everyone. You see if 20,000 people attend a gathering, what does that tell you about that gathering? Yeah, just simple. No big deal is that so? If 20,000 people attend the gathering, that means that gathering was really important, it was a big success. There must have been something that brought the bolt 20,000 people in one place, hedge. It is measured by how many people? Hundreds and 1000s. What does that tell you about hedge.
It's a very, very important event. Likewise, the day of judgement is going to be my shoot, it is going to be attended by who? The entire creation, not even one will be allowed to remain behind what has shall now fallen, no other men who had not even one will be left behind. So what does that tell us about the Day of Judgment, that Iike yo mama shoot meaning that is a great day that will be witnessed by the creation that is in the heavens, the creation that is in the earth? Those who are righteous, those who are evil, the entire creation? In this dunya what happened? Some nations were recompensed. People of our people have new people of their own. And there are many more that Allah
subhanaw taala is giving respite to. But does this mean that forever they will be fine? No, on the Day of Judgment, on the Day of Judgment, Allah who will recompense them for their deeds, because every individual will be brought over there. You see if somebody commits a crime, it's possible they're caught. But then there's another person who commits a crime and they're not caught.
And they're free for their life, because no one knows they're the ones who have committed the crime.
So they might think, Yeah, lucky me. I got away with it. But how long can they get away with it for how long? Just until they're alive. Because on the Day of Judgment, everyone is going to be gathered, and every single individual is going to be recompensed. A woman who are you who and we do not differ it meaning this day in law except Li agilan For a time for a term that is marked Dude that is limited from other meaning, the time of its arrival is fixed, fixed by who by Allah subhanaw taala. And when that time will come this day will arrive. We think this day is very far because it's not here already. So this is why we think it's very far. But the fact is, that it has a fixed time.
And Allah subhanaw taala will make it happen. When the time is right.
Yo may tea on the day that it will come meaning the day it comes the day it arrives. In other words, the time when the Hour will take place, resurrection will take place and the people are all assembled. They're all gathered my shoot by everyone. Letter Qalamoun Epson, not even a single soul is going to speak Latha Colombo, it will not speak who knocks on any person in that except the kidney by his permission, whose permission, Allah's permission. No one will dare to speak on the Day of Judgment, except with Allah's permission. In other words, only those will be able to speak whom Allah allows.
If you think about it, if there are just a few people who have gathered in your house for a meal, that's only five or six people. How will your house be quiet or noisy? Noisy? Why? Because even five girls are together somewhere. They can't sit quietly, what will they do talk? And as they will talk, they might even laugh. They might even speak loudly. And yes, there will be noise because of that. Now imagine on the Day of Judgment. It's not just five people in the hasher. It's not just 500 people, it's not 5000 it's not just 5 million. It's true. Every single human being. It's the biggest gathering ever. And you can imagine if there are 1000s and 1000s of people gathered in one place,
the noise level will be quite high. Because if every single person just whispers even Okay, or says one word or two, they're not really raising their voice. They're talking in a normal voice even what will happen it'll become very loud and noisy.
But what do we learn here? On the Day of Judgment? Not even a single person will speak.
Why? Because there'll be too afraid. They will be too afraid.
In the Quran we learn well Hashem, tell us where to learn, man, the voices will be humbled, humbled into the Taha I wondered in an eight we learned Yoga it didn't yet have your own a dairy Larry where Gela the day when people will follow everyone will follow the call of the caller, meaning the sound of the trumpet, they will respond to it and they will go towards it. And this is the second or the third blowing of the trumpet where people will rise from their graves and go towards the great gathering. Will Harsha tell us where to learn man for lettuce Maru Illa Ahimsa, all voices will be stilled before the Most Merciful. So you will not hear except a whisper of footsteps.
You know what that means? sound that is not coming from the mouth, but sound that is coming from movements. People will not dare speak on the Day of Judgment. The only sound that will be heard is from what from their movement and that also like a whisper. Why? Because people will be moving with so much caution and fear also, with so much regret and dread they will be overcome with fear. Fear that the smell Illa Ahimsa in Switzerland number II 38 We learn later Qalamoun Ilam and Elina Lucha Rama will call us awaba. None will speak except him home the Most Merciful allows only those will be able to speak from Allah allows then who is it that Allah who will allow? In a hadith in Bukhari and
Muslim we learn wala Yetter, Colombo, Yo Ma E, then Illa Russell, none will speak on that day except the messengers. And the call of the messengers will be Allahumma Salam, salam, O Allah, save us, O Allah keep us safe. That's all that the messengers will be able to see.
Some people what are they think about the Day of Judgment, that you know what, when it will come? I will say this to Allah subhanaw taala. And I will say that, I will give this excuse this justification that reason.
But what do we learn here, they will be overcome with so much fear, they won't be able to even speak, they won't be able to even defend themselves. Has it ever happened with you that you think about what you're going to say somewhere. But then when you get there? You forget what you had to say? I hope it never happened with you in a speech competition.
You think from before I'm gonna give this proof this evidence, this proof. But then what happens when you're put in that situation? You get so nervous. You're so afraid that despite the fact that you know your information so well. Nothing comes to your head. And even if it comes to your head, you're not able to speak, you get nervous. You get shaky.
The Day of Judgment is not a minor day. It's a major, major day.
It's a very serious day, people will not be able to even speak
for men home so among them Shaka Yun, some people will be shocking, wretched, and others will be was salaried. And those who will be prosperous, who are shocky, and who are salaried, exact opposite sharpy. From Chicago. One who is shocky is one who is suffering from Chicago from showing off well, and chicawa is basically to be miserable, to be unhappy, to be unfortunate to be unlucky.
Who do we call unlucky? Who's unlucky for us? Unfortunate.
Someone who suffers someone who fails, someone who tries yet fails. Someone who's gone through so much difficulty they've tried really hard, but then still, they've got nothing to show. They make nothing. What do we say? How unlucky How unfortunate.
And such a person is he happy? Or is he miserable? He's miserable, on the other hand, is salaried, who is certainly someone who is happy and successful, lucky and fortunate. Who is fortunate. Who do we call fortunate someone who puts in a little bit of effort even and they get great results. Amazing results. One is a person who's standing trying to prepare some food they spend so much time but at the end their food burns.
How unfortunate and here's another person who just quickly fixes something in the kitchen and within like less than half an hour. They've got an amazing thing already. Fortunate happy. There's a huge difference right? So some people on the Day of Judgment will be shut up. And others will be serried. What will make some people shut up and some people say read and remember these are the only
two categories, either a person will be shocking or he will be of the sorry, nothing in the middle, either shocky or salaried.
So what will make a person shocking his deeds and what will make a person salaried his deeds, his efforts, his Eman? So for example, shuggie, someone who's lived their life, done a lot of things accomplished a lot of things, spend a lot of money went through the difficulties of life, but they didn't remember Allah. They didn't do anything for the sake of Allah. Or even if apparently they were doing good things, they weren't really sincere to Allah. So on the Day of Judgment, will they be lucky or unlucky, fortunate or unfortunate, unfortunate. And on the other hand, is a person who does something, even if it's very little, but with sincerity, like that woman who took pity on the
thirsty dog, and for the sake of Allah, she went down into the well and brought water in her shoe, and fed that thirsty dog a little effort, but that will bring her sad, that will bring her happiness and success on the Day of Judgment. Why? Because that little effort was accepted by Allah.
Our success depends not just on what we accomplish here, what we do here, what we're making here, what matters is if they're accepted by Allah, if our deeds are accepted by him, if he gives any value to them, if he gives value to them successful, and if he doesn't ascribe any value to them anyway, to the deeds that we do them were the greatest losers.
And whose deeds is it that Allah subhanaw taala the values that Allah accepts those who do it with sincerity, with conformity to the guidelines that he has given? So if I'm in home shopping, you were salaried,
for a man. So as for a Lavina Shaku, those who are wretched, whose deeds will make the miserable on the Day of Judgment?
Does it ever happen that you do something, and because of what you've done, you're miserable. You made a mistake, you did something wrong, you didn't pay attention. And because of that, you're miserable now,
because you didn't pay attention.
Like, for example, somebody goes and writes their exam, but doesn't write their name, doesn't write their name, they didn't pay attention. They reminded at the beginning, they saw the word name and a big line in front of it. And they were reminded at the end, but they did not pay attention, and they did not write their name. They didn't do that action. So at the end, they don't get their result. Are they going to be happy? Or are they going to be miserable, miserable, angry with who themselves because it was their fault. They cannot blame anyone except themselves. So likewise for a Medina Shaco. So those people who are wretched fluffin now off, they will be in the fire. No home fee has
the field on washer here. For them there in will be violent exhaling, washer heat, and inhaling.
They will hear a lot of noise and hellfire. And what is this noise that they will hear in hellfire Zephie and Shahe yoke, the fear from the root letters ze fell a lot and the feed is to exhale out loudly to exhale how loudly like
this is the sound of the fear. It is also said that the feed is the beginning sound of the brain of a donkey. It's loud, and it only becomes louder. The beginning sound How is it it becomes louder. You see even the sound of exhaling initially it's low, but gradually that becomes louder and then again, it dies down. So this is the fear shake, on the other hand, is to inhale quickly.
To inhale quickly, that sound and it is to inhale quickly with a lot of struggle like someone who's struggling to breathe. Someone who's got a breathing problem. They're almost choking. How are they breathing with difficulty and they're almost breathing very, very quickly. So this is Shaheed entia. He has also used for the end of the sound of the brain of a donkey.
So these two sounds put together zephir shake, exhaling, inhaling, when is it that you breathe loudly?
In normal circumstances? When is it that you can hear your breathing or the breathing of another person when when they're under stress? Right? Whether that stress is physical, so they're physically tired, they're exhausted, or their lungs are weak or whatever. So what happens you can hear their breathing or in someone's nervous when someone
scared when someone is scared also you can hear them breathing loudly, inhaling exhaling. So what does it mean by this, that in the hellfire, they will have the fear and Shaheen. There are two meanings for this. One is that these sounds they will hear constantly, this noise and this noise will be coming from the fire that is blazing that is burning. Because you see fire when it's blazing, it's noisy.
It's noisy, so they will hear the fire. They will hear the monster they will hear it and that will petrify them even more. That will make them regret even more.
Secondly, it is said that Lahoma he has a feeling wish I hear meaning there will be exhaling inhaling loudly, sighing weeping, crying, stressed out nervous, regretful This is how they will be feeling.
It's because of their crying and their moaning
that the sounds will be all over hellfire.
Horrifying, sighing and crying. And you see when you hear someone crying, and you're in pain yourself, that increases your agony. Law home fee has the field on washer he
has it ever happened that you're somewhere and it's very loud?
And you're tired yourself? You have a headache? can you tolerate that loud noise? What do you do?
Let's say you're at school, the whole day you had an exam. So you were up the night before. And you were really tired. You have a headache, you're sleep deprived. You didn't get to have proper breakfast, and now you're desperate for lunch. So your friend says Okay, let's go to the mall to the food court and get some lunch. So you go with her.
But what happens in the mall? Loud blasting music, there's too much noise. Do you enjoy yourself over there? What do you do? You say quickly grab the lunch and get out of here. I can't sit and eat here I'll go eat in the car. I'll go and eat in the parking lot. But I'm not eating over here because it's too loud and every loud noise It only makes the pain worse.
The people of Jahannam will be hurting themselves because of the pain because of the punishment. And on top of that they'll be hearing these noises the home fee has the fear on we're sure he'll
call it in a fee her abiding there and eternally mad them at this summer where two will old as long as the heavens and the earth remain my damnit dama this from the worm doll will mean as long as the heavens and the earth remain. They will abide there and forever Illa Masha or a book except what your lord should will. What does this mean? They will remain in hellfire as long as the heavens and the earth remain, will the heavens and the earth remain? Will they be existing at that time? What will happen to the earth on the Day of Judgment finished? What will happen to the sky finished? So, what does this mean then? This is basically an expression that shows that this will happen forever.
And the Arabs would use different expressions to give this message. So for example, they would say this will continue as long as the night and day alternate. As long as the night and day keep coming and going this will carry on what did they mean by that? That this will happen forever.
If you also say something like this, this will continue as long as the sky and the earth remain. What does that mean? Forever it's an expression that people use. So likewise, what it means by this is holiday Nina fie her Madame at the Summer whatta will all meaning forever, they will remain in there forever in lemme show or a book, except that which your Lord wills meaning, except the one mount over here gives the meaning of man, meaning the person for whom your Lord wills that he should come out of hellfire. And yes, there will be some people who will initially go to hellfire, but eventually will be taken out in Iraq. Bukka indeed your Lord file on one who does Lima you read for
that which He intends meaning he does whatever he wants, no one can question him. No one can ask him.
No one can object to him. What a Molina certainly do and as for those people who are prosperous, who will certainly do, who will be made happy. What will make them happy? What will make them successful? What will make them happy, on your results day what makes you happy, failing on your test, getting an average mark what makes you happy? If you fast and you fast with good marks, the better
remark, the happier you will be. Isn't that so? So what am Alladhina Suri do as for those people who will be made happy, fulfilled Jannetty so they will be in Jana, Holly Dena fie her abiding there and eternally, Madame at this summer while to work out as long as the heavens and the earth remain again, this is an expression for eternity, meaning they will remain in there forever in Russia or a book except that which are Lord wills, does this mean that somebody will be taken out of Jannah? No, because the one who goes into Jannah, he is not coming out, he is there forever, because he will be rewarded with eternity in general, because that is the home of permanence that is a permanent abode.
So what does this mean then in lemma SHA, are a book, meaning, don't forget, the ultimate authority is still with Allah subhanaw taala
ultimate authority is still with Allah.
The decision for all matters, lies with whom him alone, our thought and a gift that is later on lead you through that will be uninterrupted, meaning the people of Ghana, those who are lucky fortunate, in Jannah, they will be given our thought a bestow a gift that will never ever finish what is a thought a thought is a gift, or a present that is given to someone for their effort, for their service, for the work that they've done. You see, when someone does something that you've asked them to do, does that make you happy?
By for example, there are many mothers over here. If you tell your children, these are the chores that you have to do. And you really don't expect them to do it, given that it's their weekend and they want to take their time off. But then you come home and you see everything's done. How will you feel
happy. And that might even make you want to take them out for dinner.
Because when you're happy with the work that somebody has done, you want to reward them. So our thought is what the reward that is given to someone for their effort for their obedience, for their service for their work.
So the people agenda are not those who are just going to make an agenda because of their wishes and their hopes and their thinking and their knowledge alone. No. It's their efforts. It's their striving, our thought on a gift. And this gift is Slayer homage to the mage those is from Jeem then then Jazz, Jazz is to cut something and to turn it into small pieces. So cut it up and crush it into small pieces. So the small pieces what are they do that? Like the idols that Ibrahima is set and broke. They were made of stone they were made of wood but he broke them you took an axe and he just broke them so what happened he made them into do that broken pieces. So much Ruth must roll that
which is cut off. The supply is cut off. Allah says over here their reward will be loyal images. Meaning it will never ever be cut off. It will forever be continuous. The supplies will never end.
The service they receive and Jana will never expire.
You stay at a hotel and they tell you you have these many vouchers for these many days. These many people can have breakfast for these many days and if you want more you have to buy. So eventually what happens you run out of those vouchers because this is dunya but in Jana Otto romaji
the food of Jana we learn landmark to attain what I'm I'm newer the blessings of Jana in general whether it's the shade or the fruit, never limited to season nor forbidden.
These days, you might be enjoying some fresh fruit. But then what will happen a couple months from now you will find that fruit in the market. But will it be similar in taste? No. It will be hard. It will be sour, not fresh, covered in pesticides. It's not the same.
So in Jana food is not going to be limited to certain seasons all year round. And when I'm on Nora Nora, will it be forbidden? Meaning nothing will be forbidden in Jannah. Otherwise tonight when he was sent to Jana first. One thing was forbidden in this dunya are there things whichever button for us? Yes, many things are forbidden. We want to enjoy them but we cannot because it's forbidden. You want to enjoy the sunlight on your hair and
The wind, you know, blowing through your hair at the beach, you know, it's fine the summertime you want to feel it. But there are men, I mean, how can you take your hijab off? So you don't you keep yourself covered? Right? But in Jannah no such restrictions, that doesn't mean that men and women will be mingling with one another, Allahu Allah and how it will happen but Jana is vast, vast, much, much much bigger than this earth. And there is nothing, no blessing at all that will be limited, even time will not be limited in this dunya what happens we run out of time always always right. But in Jana, never at all, I thought later on.
And you see in both of these things that are mentioned really the people of Jana the people of hellfire, what has been mentioned Holly Dena fie her Maya dama de Sinaloa to one up Elana Shah are a book, which means eternity for the people of Ghana, and eternity for the people of *. Why? Because death will be slaughtered that day, death will be brought in the form of an animal of a ram. It will be placed between Jana and jahannam. The people of Ghana who will be made to see it and the people of Jahannam will be made to see it, and that RAM will be slaughtered when it's slaughtered. What does that mean? Nobody can die anymore. Nobody can die anymore. There's no death, there is no
concept of death. Death has died, it will die. So there is no death for people anymore. People of Jannah will remain in Jannah people of * will remain in *. And the people of Ghana who will be told or people of paradise, Verily you will live and he will never die. You will remain young and you will never grow old. You will remain healthy, and you will never become ill. You will be happy. And you will never grieve.
In this dunya we want all of these blessings, don't we? We want happiness. We're going to happy by eating a piece of cake. But then what happens we become sad again. We are healthy by looking after our body looking after our diet, our exercise but the next week again we're down one day we're very healthy, fresh active the next day, we can't get ourselves out of bed
as soon as people hit their 30s or 40s that see signs of aging, but in Jannah no signs of aging you will remain young you will never grow old you will live and you will never die. So both these options are put before us on the one hand is Janna on the other hand is now
those who are fortunate, those who are happy with what Allah has decreed. They do something that Allah likes they will make an agenda
and the others they will end up in hellfire Furman home Shaka Yun was our Eid
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