Ahmed Hamed – Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 2

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and characteristics of the name "reflections," emphasizing the importance of memorizing the names and attributes of Allah as a creator, a woman, and a man. They stress the need to live by these names and call on him to help us understand and call out the names and attributes. The speakers also emphasize the importance of not being a one who is only one and that everyone should be the one who is visible. The speakers stress the importance of staying a mindful lifestyle, doing things that bring happiness, and lightening one's hearts to achieve success.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Karim. While he was happy he married my brothers and sisters Welcome to a second session of the reflections on the 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala well hamdulillah we praise intank Allah subhanho wa Taala for helping us another time to be able to learn about him in order to get closer to him. Let's continue our series with the 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Today inshallah we should begin with the name of a lot of binaries. And that is a battery and battery is the one who is evolver, the inventor of all the things, a lot of binaries are mentioned his name

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Albury in Surah, to the hashtag surah, number 59 ayah number 24, in which Allah subhanahu wa taala uses this name and

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the inventor of all things. Now again, as an action point, my brothers and sisters, let's memorize this name, and understand that he is the inventor of all the things there is no one before him, there is no one after him. He is the one who was the primary inventor of all the things. Let's start reflecting again and again on this particular name is Val Abadi, the inventor, the evolver of all the things Subhan Allah, and we need to live by this name as well. We need to call out to Allah Subhana Medina with this name, Al Abadi, and we need to ensure that

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undoubtedly, everything It began with de Albury, the inventor of all the things as he is also alcoholic, he is a Liberty as well, the inventor, the evolver of all the things. Allah subhanho wa Taala is also an Amazon where Amazon is the fashioner, the Bestower of forms, Allah uses this name in Surah Surah number 59 is number 24. The best hour of forms al-musawi.

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Allah Almighty is the one who made everything he fashioned everything, the different variety of shapes among the humans that you see different colors that you see different, you know, facial features, the body features, the different species that you see the entire creation, this is old fashioned by none other than almost software, the best store of forms, therefore, we should never ever try to put a name you know about anyone so for example, someone is black or someone is white, somebody is pale, someone is dark, someone is you know, tall, someone is short, we shouldn't do that, because it is an Mousavi and that is the thing which we need to memorize. That is the way that

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we need to understand and start reflecting from halala. There are so many forms, so many shapes, so many colors, so many variety that we see among the creation and within ourselves, our among our own family members. That is the thing that we need to reflect upon al-musawi, the fashioner the best tour of forms and we need to live by this name as well. Call upon Allah Subhana Allah, Allah subhanahu wa taala is the one who is Alamosa. Alamosa where is the one who bestows the forms be fashionable, the one who actually creates different forms, shapes and sizes. So a lot of but there is is a lot more severe. And that is another beautiful name of Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot of

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blazer is also an hour one and a well is the one who is the first nothing is before him. And Allah mentions in sorbitol Hadid surah. Number 57 is number three, that he is the first nothing is before him. And Subhan Allah again we need to memorize this, my brothers and sisters understand and remind yourself again and again the incentive of memorizing the names and attributes of Allah, understanding and in comprehending and enumerating and trying to you know, live by those names and reflect by those names is actually gender, the incentive is gender. So that is a key motivation for us that drives us again and again to memorize it.

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To understand it, to reflect on it, and to live by by it and to call a law and

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you know by its panel and what we also need to, you know, understand this from Allah, Allah or Buddha is being the creator being the one who has created the entire creation, ideally he should be the first and that is what Allah is an overview, nothing is before him, right. So, a lot of briza is an a one and that is the beautiful and you know powerful name of the attribute of Allah azza wa jal, a lot of galerija is also an

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Allah here again, as mentioned, Allah uses this name in Surah, to the Hadith surah. Number 57 is number three, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, He is the first and the last is a world where our hero, our hero is the last nothing is after him, meaning, when there was nothing allow us there when there is nothing alone will be there. So, the future belongs to a lot the past belongs to a lot the present belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, he is an actor, an actor is the one who is the last nothing is after him when every thing will be punished, he will remain there. So we need to memorize this name, understand it with the perfection reflect on it again and again. Then that is

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that a lot of binaries is larger, and we need to live by this name. A lot of binaries is the one who is we need to call out to Allah by this name as well and Subhana Allah, this is something again, a clear reflection that Allah is the true God. Allah is the true creator is a world where there was nothing he was their allies and that when there is nothing Allah is going to be there as well.

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My brothers and sisters, Allah subhanahu wa taala is also

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a higher authority here is the one who is the evident, the Most High, meaning nothing is above him. Allah mentions his name, Avaya here in Surah, Al Hadid surah number 57. Iron number three, a lot of galerija he says he is adore hero of the hero, the most high be evident. Again, let's memorize this name of xyo. He is the evident the one above whom is nothing of Zaha is the one who is evident. Let's understand it. Let's reflect upon it. And obviously, being a creator being a loss of Hannah who or Tyler being the one who deserves to be worshipped, who is worthy of all praises, who is worthy of worship, out of love. Satisfaction should be the one who is available. And that is what

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Allah is

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the evidence and let's live by this name, that Allah is the most Hi, nothing is above him. Allah is the one who is evident who is SubhanAllah. To believe in Him is so obvious, so logical, so clear, so evident that they can never be any one who is equivalent or similar to him. Azhar here, let's call out to Allah who is a desire, let's make an effort to contemplate overall this name as well. Again in order to get the incentive of agenda, Allah subhanahu wa taala is also unbounded. And Barton is the one who is the invert the most near Nothing is more near than him. Again, Allah mentioned this name in Surah Al Hadid surah number 57. I in number three, where Allah mentions that he is a bow

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and bow. Let's memorize this name my brothers and sisters allow to do and understand that he is the one who is the most near Allahu Akbar.

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Let's reflect on this name. That the one who created us, the one who is the Almighty, the one who deserves to be worshipped the one who fulfills our desires and wants and fulfills our needs. He must be someone who is nearer to us and that is what Allah is

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about in the most near Nothing is more nearer than him and that has

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is how we have to live by this name Subhan Allah, a lot of galerija is the one who is involved in the inward one called out to Alberta. He knows what goes on in our hearts and minds. He knows what comes in our minds. He knows the entire situation. Panama, as he is unbounded, he is obviously absorbed here which means the evident at the same time he is unbothered, the most inward, the one who is very near spiral and nothing is more nearer than him in terms of his knowledge, His power, His Majesty, Subhan Allah, Allah is involved in a lot of larysa

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is also a Samir. Samir is the one who is the old hearer. Allah mentions this name in Surah Surah Surah number 42 ayah number 11. In which Allah subhana wa Taala uses this name, that he is a Samir Samir, the only hearer. Again, let's memorize this name, a Samir. Samir is the one who use everything, obviously, for being a creator. A lot of Boolean is a Sameer the old hero, there is no one there was no one and there will be no one who hears everything. We the creation has a limitation, limitation of hearing. We don't know what's going on, away from us. Nobody knows what's going on with them. They could just tell you what's what they could hear. But Allah being a Holic,

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being the Creator, being the one who deserves to be worshipped is a Sameer. So he hears so called out to Allah, live with live with this name my brothers and sisters, by calling out to Allah who listens to you, who listens to your prayers, who listens to your problems, who listens to your, you know, issues, who listens to your matters, a lot of blazer is always only hearing a lot of binaries. He hears everything, what we say he hears our situation here. So let's call out to Allah go into sujood prostrate, and ask Allah call out to assumere call out to a Samir for all the needs that you have. And that is how we live by the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala Samir, he is a lot of but there

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is a he is also an SI albasini is the old fear. He is all seeing Subhan Allah Allah mentions in Surah Surah Surah number 17 ayah number one that he uses the same ol Buffy Albus, he is the one who is all see, again, let's memorize this name. Alba, see, let's understand he is underseal all seen obviously again, being the creator being the one who created everything being the one who deserves to be worshipped, he must be all seeing his side is comprehensive, meaning it sees everything. Whatever happens on the face of the earth, whatever, whatever happens in the in the sky, whatever happens inside the ocean, whatever happens, close door, whatever happens, open doors, whatever. And

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wherever anything happens. A lot of beleza has the power to see it all. To see it all. So he is underseen so make sure let's live a mindful life. Let's live a conscious life conscious of our Creator who is Vasil who is seeing every everything what's going on. So how to love

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a lot of blazer is also an Mola Mola is the one who is the one who pardons the Lord, the protector, the supporter of Herod Allah. Allah uses this name in order to unfurl surah number eight is number 14. Let's memorize this name my brothers and sisters. He is an Mola Mola is the one who is the one who pardons people who is the Lord, the protector and the supporter. Let's understand it, that being the Creator, we need to depend on him. We need his support. We need his help. We need his protection we need his pardoning support.

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Luck. That is what Allah is. He is an Mola he is a Lola let's keep on reflecting on this name and and live by this name by making sure that we go back to none but our molar Allah subhanho wa Taala we in the problems V in the solutions we in the in the difficult and the good situation we go back to none other than an Mola and that is Allah subhanho wa Taala. Let's call out to Allah in the middle of the night, in the daytime wherever, you know how much ever is possible by us. Next call out to Allah who is Al Mohler. Al Mohler is the one who is the pardon the Lord the protector in the supporter, we need his support. We need his protection. We need his lordship we need his uh, his

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patron Subhana Allah, a lot of blur is a is a Lola and that is someone with very, very powerful indeed.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala He is also a Nazi. A Nazi analyse is the one who is the excellent helper. Allah mentions his name underseal in Surah to unfold surah, number eight or number 40, in which a lot of Blairism, he uses his name underseat, the excellent helper, let's memorize this, my brothers and sisters, he is obviously a Lola he is obviously underseal, the excellent helper. Let's understand this, and seek the help of Allah alone, for the things that you want in your life, for the success, for the happiness, for the prosperity, for the peace, for the security for every single thing that you need in your life, the ultimate helper is underseen Let's reflect and live by this

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name. Let's call out to underseen for every help, and Savannah law, we know in our lives, every single day, you know, different you know, aspects of life, we need the help of Allah, somebody needs the help for getting married, somebody helps you know to grow in their lives, somebody helps, needs help in the life for you to pass the examinations. Somebody needs help for a better and happier life. Somebody needs help for success. Somebody needs help for jobs, somebody needs help, to grow their financial position, to help to get the help in their social life, to get the help and emotional life to get the help in spiritual life. Help is required by us every single moment of our

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lives. Subhan Allah call out to receive the excellent helper and that is Allah subhanho wa Taala

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a lot of blazers LR foo, foo is the one who is ever asked pardoning Allahu Akbar, Allah mentioned this name in Surah Nisa surah number four, I am number 149. Allah says he is alive who ever asked pod pardoning. Let's memorize this name, and Subhanallah afore is the one who pardons us who just not forgive but he loves to forgive, who just not forgive, but he erases all the sins that we committed. And that's the understanding of the reflection that we need to have. And that is that when we make you know, in a lahoma, in NACA, to hibbeler, for for for me, Oh Allah, you are a fool, the one who ever, you know ever asked, pardoning and you love to pardon people, so forgive me,

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pardon me. That's the way how we can live by this name and our food. We go back to Allah again and again, we go back to Allah foo again and again, and making this beautiful reflection on the name LR fu helps us lighten our hearts, you know, you our lives become absolutely peaceful and happier than the sins are removed from our books. Subhan Allah, this is how we need to call out to Allah. Allah. Forgive me, Yana foo. Pardon me Yana foo raised my sins and that's the exact meaning that it has that he does not forgive but he erases the sins he doesn't, you know, keep them active in our in our hisab Subhan Allah, this is how a beautiful Allah is. Allah Phu The one who is ever asked pardoning

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he loves to forgive. He loves to you

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The erase the sins provided, we have to come forward. We have to beg a law we have to, you know, look forward for that, that that help from Allah subhanho wa Taala to get the help from a lot of my brothers and sisters, the more we know Allah, the movie obey Allah, the movie, obey Allah, the movie, start loving Allah. Let's fall in love with Allah who is perfect, who is beautiful, who deserves all kinds of worship was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh barakato

Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 2

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