Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P10 103E Tafsir Al-Tawbah 25-28
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was a bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim that's the number 103 Surah Tauba will begin from ayah. Number 25,
la cadena sobre como Allah Who FEMA Well, cleaner Cathy rotten.
Allah has already given you the tree in many regions before Allah subhanaw taala is addressing the believers, especially the sahaba.
In the previous ayat, what did we learn
that the believers who should they give priority to
Allah, His messenger and the cause of the
and also we were told that when it comes to Allah, His messenger and the cause of the then nothing else should be given preference to, isn't it.
But remember the Arab society, that you're only successful if you're well connected, if you have good relationships, and if you don't have good relationships with people, in other words, if you don't support people unconditionally, then you cannot survive.
So obviously, this was difficult for the believers, that if, after the declaration of Bala we are on our own, then how will we survive? How are we going to be successful? So Allah subhanaw taala reminds them over here, that it's not your numbers. It's not your connections. It's not your relationships that make you successful. What is it that makes you successful? It's the help of Allah. And look at when Allah subhanaw taala helped you just recently, that Locata nasaga como Allah Who FEMA well cleanup Kathy, Allah to Allah has helped you with his victory when you relied upon him, when you were very few in number, Allah aided you He made you victorious. Were fee in my
Wirthlin, battlefields, places regions that are cathedra
the word mo ATHLEAN is the plural of the word moulden. Mo plane from the roof letters, well, ba noon.
And Moulton is isn't love?
And is it is some blood? What does it mean?
A noun that defines place or type. So multiplane is a place where one lives where one stays, where one resides. And the word Moulton applies to the residence whether or not a person was born Do you understand
a place where a person resides a place where a person is whether or not he was born there.
And remember, it doesn't just apply to your house or your city but it's the region it's the area which is why the word wetland from the same root is used for country
So Malathion is also used for battlefields regions. So Allah has aided you in many regions before in many places, many spots, meaning in many battlefields
like for example, at the Battle of bed, at the Battle of
similarly, when the Muslims, they had the Battle of labor, when they had attacked the you who the labor. Similarly, at the conquest of Makkah, Allah subhanaw taala helped the believers into earlier one i 123, we learn well, according NESARA Kamala who be bedded in, we're into a dilemma. Allah is the One who aided you at better while you were weak.
While you were very few in number, so Allah is the One who aided you in many places, many battlefields.
And also he helped you when we're yo Maha Nene, and also on the day of her name.
On the day of her name, how were you victorious with the help of Allah? subhanaw taala.
Now, when was the state? Or why were the Muslims over there? What is her name? Her name is a valley. That is between Makkah and earthlife.
Where is it? It's between Mecca and alive. And it's approximately 10 miles from Makkah.
Approximately 10 miles from Makkah, and at her name, the tribes of her was in and the thief they lived over there.
Which drives her was in and Surcouf.
And on the day of her name, what does day of her name refer to?
The battle that was fought at her name?
When was it fought? When was his day? Exactly.
It was on the 10th of show well, in eighth year after the age of
eight year after the hijra, and this battle was fought against to
the tribes of Hawaii and still give
why was it fought inshallah we'll mention to you very soon. But over here Allah subhanaw taala says that he is the one who aided you on the day of her name as well. And what was so special about this day is
are a jabra.com Kathal article, when your great numbers impressed you
are Jobeth from the root letters I in jimba urge, urge is to be impressed by something, especially oneself and our job, do wonder to be amazed to be delighted to be pleased.
So our Gibert Catarratto what was it that was amazing you that you were very impressed by that you were very proud of? It was your great numbers.
What was the number of the Muslim army at this point? 12,000. Because remember, this battle was fought. After the conquest of Makkah. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam went, he conquered Makkah, and how many people went with him 10,000 10,000 People went with him for the conquest of Makkah.
And over there after the conquest, 2000 people from Makkah also came along with him to go to her name for this battle. So there were 12,000 Muslims at this battle. And how many were the Michigan against whom the Muslims are fighting? The tribes of her was it and believe they were only 4000
only 4000s Just imagine the Muslims were much more in number. But what happened? Allah says fella, but not told near uncle, it did not avail you at all. Che an anything, what did not value what did not benefit you your great numbers, because you could still not withstand the attack of the enemy.
You cannot withstand the attack of the enemy. Because remember, this was a valley
and these people they were in the valley but they were hidden and as the Muslims were passing they attacked. So the Muslims were not expecting that attack that sudden attack and although there were 12,000 a number, it created a great chaos within the Muslim army and everybody began to flee from the battlefield.
So Allah subhanaw taala says felon dunya and country and your great numbers do not benefit you at all well the market and instead it became tightened what became tighten what became constricted lock up on the roof letters, buddy a cough or lay come upon you an herbal the earth. The earth became constricted and tight and narrow for you. Be Melda Herbert was it that the Earth literally shrank No. Bemaraha but despite its vastness Bhima gives the meaning of despite Robert from the roof letters Raha and ROM is the opposite of leak, what is link Comm, strictness, tightness and RAM is spaciousness. When a place is vast, its spacious. And remember, again, doesn't necessarily give the
meaning of bigness. What meaning does it convey
of spaciousness? So the earth despite its spaciousness, it became constricted upon you. And this means that the circumstances were constrained for you. They became difficult for you, everything was turning against you
that you could not find any place of security for yourself. You could not find any place of security everywhere you stepped, you were in danger.
Because the people have housing and to leave. They used to shoot arrows and they were very good archers, very good at archery. So imagine they're shooting arrows one after the other. So there is literally a shower of arrows. Now, where are you safe? The earth is huge. But anywhere you're stepping, you're in danger.
So we'll draw our lake and we'll move him or her but and you couldn't find a place of security for yourselves. And also because of the state of fear that they were in Samoa Latham would have been in and then you turned away, running, running away from the valley running away from the battlefield. While later you turned away and more debate is one who shows us back. So moved between ones who were showing their backs meaning running away, fleeing from the battlefield.
At the Battle of or hurt, something very similar happened into an earlier one. I want you to three what do we learn is still sort of a donor, Walter Lunala hadn't remember when you fled
and climbed the mountain without looking aside at anyone when they were fleeing from the battlefield, and they weren't even looking behind that who's behind me who's on my side? Nothing. Everyone was running for his life.
While was solo you're the rock and feet of Morocco, and the messenger he was calling you from behind you
He was calling you come back. And the same thing happened at the Battle of her name as well.
That as the people began running from the battlefield, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was calling the people towards him, and with him were only a few companions. Only a few of them. A few of the uncertain were Jeanine, and some of his close relatives from Makkah.
So very few people were with him and he was calling upon them, Come back, come back. Sama under Allah Who Sakina to who? Then Allah sent down His tranquility. What does Aquino mean? Sakina. What's the root? Sink? Afternoon? sukoon? What does that mean? Peace. So call us peace. When something is still second to reside, to live somewhere, to become still.
And Muskan. Muskan is a place where you find a lot of peace, a lot of sukoon. And then when you're tired, when you're exhausted, where do you want to go? Home? Right? Why? Because it's a place where you find a lot of peace. So Sakina is literally to become still after movement. What does it mean to become still to come to rest, after movement.
And Sakina is such peace and such contentment that Allah gives to a person at a time when he is going through a lot of difficulty.
A lot of difficult, that you can say literally when a person is going through traumas. But he has such peace in his heart, that because of that, he does not panic.
You understand? He does not panic, despite the fact that he's going through an extremely difficult situation, he may be hurting, he may be crying, he may be suffering, but he does not panic. He is still calm.
You know how sometimes a child gets hurt, just falls, and all of a sudden able to start wailing and crying as if something huge has happened.
And sometimes older people as well react similarly, that somebody just says one thing to them and they start firing, they start crying, they start yelling, they start screaming, they start calling one person and then the other person, but there are other people who no matter what they go through, they're gone.
And it's not necessary that it's an every situation. There come in certain situations. So where does this calmness come from? From Allah subhanaw taala. And this is what subpoena is.
This like the prophets are a lot of sin when he was in the cave when he was migrating from Mecca to Medina. He was in the cave and then wished he came right outside the cave.
And Abu Bakar, Leonardo, he began to cry, but the Prophet salallahu Salam, he was so calm, that led to his own inner Mona, don't worry, Allah is with us. So Allah subhanaw taala, sent down His Sakina, this calmness, this tranquility, where Allah upon Masoli, His Messenger,
that when people were running for their lives, when they were panicking, when the world situation was chaotic, everyone was fearful, the Prophet sallallahu sallam was gone.
And he was standing firm. And instead, he was calling people to Himself.
You know, in certain situations, one person who just takes a lead, and he becomes brave.
And other people, they begin running. I, for example, if there's a group of people, and they're afraid of a dog, and the dog is coming their way,
three or four people will start, you know, screaming, or they will start running away, or they will start hiding behind other people and one person who just says, shoo, shoo, to the dog or something like that, right. So this is when a person has calmness in his heart, and he takes a lead, he has courage. And as a result, he becomes a source of courage for other people as well.
So Allah subhanaw, taala, sent down His Sakina upon His Messenger, and upon who were a little mini, and also the believers,
when the believers when they left the battlefield, they were running for their lives, to protect their lives to be saved from danger. And imagine when a person is running like that, he would run really fast, isn't it so? So the way they left the battlefield, later on, that is the same way that they returned with the same speed they returned back to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So Allah sent down His Sakina upon His messenger and also upon the believers, that they regain their confidence, that terror that Bennett that alarm, that they were afflicted with, it disappeared, and eventually they came back to the prophets autoloaders and then what unzila judon And Allah sent down armies you
know, discipline of June, which armies are these of angels. Why? Because limitado hurt you did not see it.
Allah sent down armies which you did not see why.
To assist you to aid you
What are the bernadina cafardo and he punished those who disbelieved were their liquor desert will carefully, and that is a recompense of the disbelievers.
This was a recompense. Why? Because they stood against the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
they fought against the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
So what does this show? That victory comes from? What?
Not from your numbers, not from your links, not from your relationships with other people, but how does it come?
By the help of Allah subhanaw taala.
At better also,
victory came how, by the help of Allah.
So it's not your numbers. At burden, the Muslims are very few at her name, there were many. But in both situations, it wasn't their number that helped them what helped them it was Allah subhanaw taala as aid.
Suddenly a tube Allah whom embody Danica then Allah will accept repentance
mimbar the Delica after that, after what?
After this battle after the victory of believers, Allah subhanaw taala accepted repentance or who may Yasha whoever He wills will la hula foldover Haim and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Meaning after this victory, there were some people from among those who had fought against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, who became believers, and they're the ones who were mentioned over here.
That despite the fact that they fought against the prophets, Allah, Allah Subhan, Allah still turned in mercy against them. And he gave them their faith, to accept Islam. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful for whatever they did in their disbelief against the Muslims, against the religion of Allah subhanaw taala.
So with regards to the Battle of her name, just an overview of what led to the battle and how exactly the battle took place. And what happened afterwards. I'll read to you a little bit about that.
The resounding victory of the Muslims over the Quraysh and the ever increasing conversions to Islam deeply frightened the enemies. Just imagine the Muslims they had now overpowered they had conquered Makkah, and so many people became Muslim.
And those people who had not yet become Muslim, those people who were disbelievers, they became extremely angry. And they also became very terrified.
Houses it was her wasn't the tribe of her wasn't that lived at her name. They were old enemies of courage. They were old enemies of coalition, who considered themselves as a rivals in power and prestige. Because flourish were also a very honorable tribe. And housing at the same time was also a very honorable tribe. But they consider themselves as the rival DAP coalition.
The submission of the Quraysh to the rising power of Islam had made them the undisputed champions of paganism that now that Quraysh they had submitted they had become Muslim, who was left
who was left as the leaders of paganism, the champions of paganism of Schick, the tribes of horizon.
So now, they began to harbor hopes they began to entertain hopes of winning against the Muslims and becoming victorious over Arabia. Because up until now, they had a competition with who, the Quraysh now the Quraysh had been defeated by the Muslims. They thought we have a chance we have a shot if we went against the Muslims, you know, will be the leaders of Arabia. So what did they do? They mean the horizon chief Malik even opened a nursery, he declared that he was against the Muslims. He declared that he was against the Muslims, he was hostile to the Muslims. And he was supported by other tribes as well like the tribes of the thief, Nussle, Sham, and other tribes. So two clans of
only they kept away from this call against the Muslims. And the rest of them which again, the tribes of Hawaii isn't the tribes of southeast the tribes of Duchamp. All of them they gathered up to fight against the Muslims. And they mustered up all of their forces to go attack Makkah to go attack the Prophet ceremony center.
And in their journey, it wasn't just the men who went, they took along with them, their cattle, all of their animals, their women and their children. Just imagine everything they had everyone they had the took them along with them, staking everything on the issue of the battle in order to ensure that everyone would fight to the last and nobody would retreat or go back to their homes.
So why did they do this to make sure that everyone would participate in the battle and to make sure that everybody would fight to their best to ensure victory against the Muslims.
and it is said that older people as well, older people, even they went along, why? To participate in the battle, and to make sure that they would win against the Muslims
and their camp, all that you could hear from their camp was groaning of the camels, graying of the donkeys, bleeding of the sheep and goats, as well as the crime of children. This is what you could hear from the camp. So just imagine so many people, and they took along with them every
the profits on a lot of sudden, what did he do when he heard about this, he also assembled his army. And he took with him 2000 markets. Along with the 10,000 Muslims that he had brought from Medina, he took along with him 2000 Merkins, some of whom were recent convicts. And amongst those 2000 McCanns, were also some people who had not yet become Muslim.
They had not yet become Muslim, they were still Mushrik because of the conquest of Makkah, people had a choice, it was up to them. It was later on. It was later on, when the Buddha was announced, it was then that people were not given a choice. And you remember the conquest of Makkah, was before that.
So amongst these people were still some who had not yet become Muslim.
And this was the strongest force that was mobilized by the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to defend the honor of Islam.
Up until now, this was the strongest, the greatest army that had gathered up in the name of Islam, because this was 12,000. And remember, the Battle of the book was after that, in which there were 30,000 people.
Now the Muslims, they were naturally overconfident. Why, because of their great strength. And it is said that some people, they boasted as well that none can defeat us today, because of our great numbers.
Some people even said that, sometimes that happens, we get very impressed by our, you know, resources, the money that we have the people that we have, and we say things that are inappropriate. And if you look at it the way that the Muslims initially, they were suffering from defeat, it was as if to show them that it's not your numbers, because Allah subhanaw taala does not like this, that whatever you have been given you become proud about it.
So then what happened, it was a 10th of Shaohua, a tear after Hyjal.
Dental Chihuahua Atheer. Africa, when the army reached her name, and descending the wedding, which was
the worthy of her name. In the morning, Twilight, what had happened, the enemy had already taken its position. So early morning, the Muslims as it entered the battlefield, as they enter the body, the enemy had already taken its position. So what happened, all of a sudden, the valley was full with arrows, because I mentioned you, they were great archers, so they began throwing arrows on the Muslims, and they attacked with full force,
they attack with full force.
Now the sudden attack, what happened, it forced the Muslims to charge back and to flee from the battlefield. Because imagine you're going you're not expecting it, all of a sudden, you're being shot. You're being attacked with arrows after arrows. So because of that, the Muslims, they charge back and they fled in terror, with non heating the other no one was looking at who's next to me, who's behind me. And because of this, the battle was almost turning against the Muslims. So then what happened?
The people when they saw this, especially the Americans who had just become Muslim, or the Americans who were still not Muslim, when they saw the Muslims, retreating from the battlefield in this way, they gave very negative remarks.
For instance, one of the men who said the spell of their sorcery has ended today. This is the defeat of Islam. Look at them the way that they're retreating. That this is their end. They're done. They're finished, the spell of their sorcery has ended, it's finished. Now the Muslims, they had to suffer this defeat after the brilliant victory of Makkah, as if, by way of punishment or to teach a lesson, for what for having relied on numbers instead of Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah subhanaw taala strengthened their faith through this strengthen during the war call upon Him through this incident.
So what happened in the profits are a lot of sudden, all the while he was standing firm on his place, and the Muslims, they were running, escaping from the battlefield. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam was writing his white mu, what colored mu Vidya white, and he took that to the Battle of her name with him, and he was standing there without any fear. Only a few
You have the answer and the mohajir rune and his relatives, they were then with him, only a few people were with him. And amongst them was who are best, even Abdun mipela.
Who was amongst them our best even Abdulmutallab and Abbas he was holding the Battle of the mule of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And he was calling our cloud and the prophets of Allah is and was calling our cloud, that Verily, I am the Prophet without falsehood, I am son of Abdullah money, meaning people come back to me.
And why was he saying this, that I am the Prophet, I am the son of Abdul Muttalib, that all the people who have come with him whether Muslim or non Muslim, they would come back to him.
Now, in the meantime, a detachment of the enemy, they advanced towards the Prophet salallahu Salam, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam took a handful of dust, and he threw that towards them into their eyes just as it had happened, where
after that battle of butter, same thing that happened over there.
When the Prophet saw a lot of them saw his man in confusion, he said, are our best call out? Why did he tell our basketball they learned to call out because a basil didn't had a very loud voice. There's some people have visibility of speaking very loudly. So he had a very loud voice. So he was told or bass call out. So what did he call it that Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, I'm sorry, come back. And he reminded them that you are of those who took the bear to Ridwan with the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So come back. So all those who heard the cry, they responded, here we are, all those who heard the cry, what did they do? They responded, here we are.
And then when a sufficient number of people, when a sufficient number of Muslims have gathered around the Prophet sallallahu sallam, together, they attack the enemy, all of them together, they attack the enemy. And once they attacked, what happened, the enemy was defeated. And as we learned in the ayat that Allah subhanaw taala, also sent down Junoon, that were not visible to people. So Allah subhanaw taala, sent down His special help, when all of the people got together around the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, and then they attack the enemy, the enemy was defeated.
Now with this defeat of
the horizon, and the trophy, all of them were seeking, they had been defeated. Why? Because the two superpowers of Arabia, the two superpowers, the Kadesh, as well as the horizon, both had been defeated. So this showed the complete victory of Islam, the complete victory of Muslims.
So when this victory was
clear, and the Buddha was declared later on, Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you had Medina, Manu, or you who have believed in them and machico and indeed the polytheists Who are they? What are they? They are not just they're unclean, and because they're unclean Falaya curable Masjid Al haram verdad me him had, so let them not approach the sacred Masjid after this year of this meaning after this year, which year is this the year when the surah was revealed ninth year after Hijra.
So after this year, the Mushrikeen should not be allowed to enter where
the sacred masjid and notice that hasn't been said layer dokolo what has been said, lay your Karabo which means that the area of haram, the area of haram, the Mushrikeen are not allowed to enter that.
What's the reason that has been given over here? The reason is that they are nudges.
What does it mean by the word nudges. nudges is from the room fetters known dreamscene and now Jessa is filled.
What does it mean filth. But what kind of filth is it? The word no Jassa is used for tangible as well as intangible film.
What is it tangible as well as intangible film. But it is you can say ritual impurity.
You understand its ritual impurity, meaning with that impurity with that no Jessa you cannot pray.
You understand? If you have that Naja on you, you have to wash it away, you have to remove it.
With it you cannot be in the state of will do
you understand? It doesn't mean that they have mud on their bodies. Or that you know, their clothes are dirty in the sense that they haven't been washed. What does it mean by nudges? Now Jessa over here is ritual impurity. And as I mentioned to you, it's both tangible as well as intangible. It's both law here as well as badly.
So what does it mean by this that they are impure? Me
Their impurity is in their beliefs, their beliefs are corrupt.
Their impurities were in their beliefs, their beliefs are corrupt. They do shake, their o'clock is impure. And because of this impurity, they cannot enter into a place that is pure.
Do you understand? Just as for example, when a person is in a state of Geneva, is he allowed to enter the Masjid? No, because he's in the state of ritual impurity. Similarly, a mushrik is also in a state of ritual impurity, which is why when a person becomes a Muslim, what is he required to do? Take a bath, right? Not that he was physically dirty before. But he was in a state of ritual impurity, just as, for example, a person who was in a state of Geneva, it's possible that on his body, there's not even a single physical impurity, but he's in a state of impurity.
Right? So he needs to get out of that state of immaturity.
It is their own nervous, that is what
luckily there in the world, what does that mean? Disease, ailment illness. So their own urges is an incurable disease. What is it an incurable disease? So what it means by the machine being Metis? Is that the fields of gopher and shit
that they have, because of that, they cannot enter the masjid.
And it's with them just like an incurable disease. You understand? It's like an incurable disease that they have. Unless and until they take the medication of Islam, that disease would not be cured. That filth cannot be removed.
Do you understand? I was able to in the state of Geneva, a person goes takes about he says I'm physically clean. But he did not take the bat properly in the sense that he did not make sure that his skin was completely wet, or he took water in his nose, then in that case, he's not still pure, although you may not find a single, you know, germ on his body. Correct. So the only thing that can make them pure, that can cure this incurable diseases, what Islam, nothing else they do, can make them clean can make them eligible for entry into the masjid Hello. So because they are not just Falaya caribou, therefore they should not enter they should not go near. They shall not approach a
Masjid Al haram Badami him had after this year of this door, their arm is from the roof that is iron. Well, me.
And arm is also used for year.
But which year is this? By the way?
ninth year.
We're in Half Dome, when if you fear it Latin poverty, that if the Mushrikeen are gone from the Arabian Peninsula, and especially from Makkah, which is the hub, which is the Omen kura. If from there, then we're seeking are gone, then how are we going to have our business? Because remember, where she came from all over Arabia would come to Makkah, why to perform the pilgrimage. And when they would come, they wouldn't just come with their stuff. But what would they come with? Food, you know, clothes, different different things, and they would come and have business over there. So hedge was not just a time when people would do worship, but there was also a time where there would
be a lot of business. So the Muslims are being addressed that if you fear of poverty, what kind of poverty is Isla is on the roof at resign yella? And is from the word aisle. What does it mean?
Family and you are responsible to take care of them.
Isn't it so, like for example, the man of the house he is responsible for providing food, shelter, clothing, everything right to his iron. So I either is poverty that a person has because of having the responsibility of supporting a large family and not having enough to provide for them.
You understand you have a large family and you don't have enough to provide for you don't have enough to feed them.
Now the Arabs are very proud of having who sons and not just one son but multiple sons. Just imagine you have 10 sons, you have their spouses and you have their children and their sons. So it's a huge family. If you don't have this trade, then how will you be able to support them? Because remember, in Makkah, nothing grows nothing would grow over there. You cannot plant trees over there you cannot have any type of agriculture over there. So if you fear some kind of poverty, then remember that for so for you, Nico Mala who in fugly Allah will enrich
from His bounty, how that it's not just the Michigan who are going to come for Hajj, who else is going to come
the Muslims and the money that they will obtain is also going to be for you it's going to be halal for so for unique among Muslim and funnily inshallah if He wills in Allah and even Hakeem indeed Allah is Knowing and wise,
over here for Sofia unique of Allah who in fugly it doesn't just refer to the future business that is going to continue that is going to prosper, but rather also refers to the spoils of war that were obtained from where from the battle of her name, and not just a battle of her name, but other battles as well.
Because after this, once Arabia was conquered, and what happened, the rest of the empires, for example, the Roman Empire, they began to prepare to attack the Muslims, they began to prepare to attack the Muslims. So it wasn't just the Arabs. It wasn't just the machine of Arabia who were against the Muslims after they were conquered. It was other forces. And Allah subhanaw taala promised his victory to the believers as long as they have sovereignty.
So over here is an indication that in the future, you will continue to earn more risk, more wealth, how that Allah subhanaw taala will read it.
So it doesn't just refer to the business that will continue. It doesn't just refer to the spoils of war, but also refers to Jizya which inshallah we will learn in the following.
Now, at the Battle of her name, as I mentioned to you that when the tribes of her wasn't so pleased, when they came to attack the Muslims, what did they bring along with them?
Everything they had everything. And because they were the superpower, another superpower of Arabia, so you can imagine how wealthy they must have been. So when the Muslims won over them, they obtained a lot of wars ones, a lot of wars one,
we learned on the authority of human health, that when the Prophet salallahu Salam, when he went against the tribes of Hawaiian enslave, and he obtained a lot of war booty, he gave Quraysh and the Arab tribes, those gifts, he distributed that booty amongst to, amongst the people of Quraysh. And amongst who, the rest of the Arabian tribes, and he gave nothing to the unsolved
he gave nothing to the unsolved,
who are the unsolved
those to whom the prophets are of ours who migrated to they were the people of Medina.
And they accompanied him everywhere, even to her name, but they were not given anything. Why?
The prophets Allah, Allah, Allah said, No, all the war booty you attain, he gave large sums of it, you terms of it due to new converts, to the people who had recently become Muslim. Why? Because the people of Mecca, and especially someone who has just become Muslim, for him, the love of wealth is immense. Right? And remember the cat, a portion of it may also be given to who and left vertical Lubo.
Those people whose hearts have to be inclined towards Islam, because for many people, it's the fear of poverty, that prevents them from becoming Muslim.
So the cat may be given, imagines a cat may be given in order to incline their hearts to Islam. So the Prophet SAW Allah has been distributed all of that booty amongst to the coloration of Makkah, as well as the rest of the Arabian tribes, so that they would have a soft corner for the Prophet sallallaahu Salam. And so they would realize the generosity of Muslims, and the fact that the Muslims are not here to collect their wealth. They're not here to take over, in the sense that they're not here to, you know, make you poor, but rather, Muslims are here to establish peace. They're here to establish the worship of Allah subhanaw taala. And the Quraysh and the rest of the
Arab tribes, they became very surprised that for instance, huge herd of cattle was given to one person.
Gold and silver, so much of it was given to many people.
But the unsolved they were not given anything. So a group on the inside, they felt uneasy about it.
They felt uneasy about it.
And a lot of ill statements were spreading against the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
To the extent that one of them said by Allah, the Messenger of Allah was, Ill spoken off by his own people, meaning people have spoken badly about his own people have spoken badly about him.
And those ill statements went on spreading until sad, even or bad. He went to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and he told the prophets of Allah so the rest of what was going on to sign in Nevada, he said, O Messenger of Allah, this group of the InSAR are furious at you about the distribution of the booty
that you have allotted to
chairs, do your own people, because Qureshi who? His own people in the sense that they will relate to him.
And you have forwarded lots of gifts to the Arab tribes, and this group meaning the unsolved they have obtained nothing. The prophets are not only from Assad exclaiming salad, what do you think about that? Saudi replied, O Messenger of Allah, you know that I am nothing but a member of this group.
Meaning I am of the inside as well and I feel the same. So the prophets of Allah said, I'm told him, call out on your people and bring them forth to me, and I will speak to them.
So sad went out, and someone ordered the inside. And some of them will hygiene also came, but he let them be, but when other people wish to come over there and the same guiding the prophets of Allah, Islam did not allow them to come. So it was basically only the inside and a few of the hygiene.
When they all gathered together, he informed the Prophet salallahu Salam saying that this group of the helpers have just arrived to meet you in compliance with your orders. So as soon as the messenger of Allah faced them, he thanked Allah, and he praised him. And he said to them, inquiring, I have been told that you're angry with me. I have been told that you're upset with me. Didn't I come to you when you were astray? And Allah guided you? Through me?
That you think you have been given nothing? You are a straight Allah subhanaw taala sent me to you, and Allah guided you through me. You are poor and Allah give you wealth. How to me? Weren't you enemies, and Allah made you love one another through me.
All of you were enemies to one another. Remember the O's in the hostage how much they fought against one another. So the Prophet SAW Dolores and reminded them and they said, Allah and His messenger are better and more gracious meaning Yes, indeed. All of these favorites have come to us through you.
So then he said, What prevents you from replying to the Prophet sallallahu? The Sunnah?
What prevents you from replying to him? And why aren't you answering my questions properly? Why are we just saying that Allah and His messenger are better and more generous? They say, what should be the reply or messenger of Allah? Green? What should we say? While to the Lord and to His Messenger belong all benevolence and grace, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, By Allah,
you might have answered an answer truly, for I would have testified to its truth myself, you could have easily said that you came to us belied and rejected, and we accepted you. You came to us as helpless and we helped you. You came to us, and we took you in. You came to a seeking shelter, and we took you in, you came to a sport, and we comforted you.
He said to the inside, or entre? Do you feel anxious for the things of this world, which I have sought to incline these people to fit with? Meaning I have given these things these people in order to incline their hearts to Iman, in which you are already established. You already have Iman, these people don't have Iman, I have given this wealth to them to incline their hearts to Eman. But you are so rich, you're so wealthy you already have in mind.
Are you not satisfied or group have the answer that the people go with their sheep and their camels. We will go back home with their sheep and their camels while you go along with the Messenger of Allah do your homes by him in whose hand is my life? Had there been no migration? I would have been one of the helpers. If the people would go through a valley and passage and the helpers go through another valley and passage I would go through the valley and passage of the unsung of the helpers.
or Allah have mercy on the inside their children and your children's children. And the Sahaba all of them. They began weeping and crying. And they said yes, we are satisfied. Oh prophets, little bonus
with our Lord and I will share.
So he made them realize that you have Eman. You have the Messenger of Allah and these people that are going back home with their sheep and their camels. What you have is much better. Are you not satisfied with what you have? Because many times when people look at the victory of Islam, they want wealth. They want money. And they forget that they already have a treasure. Success is not determined by the wealth and money that people have. But rather it is determined by the Eman that people have.
The great blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given them and the prophets are a lot of sudden reminded them of those blessings as well so that they're grateful for what they
will listen to the recitation of these.
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Generally when it comes to doing something whether the working for the everybody looks forward to something in which there's a lot of material benefit, or there's praise of people, or it's visible to people, or that there's some kind of immediate gain that they can receive by doing that for the day. But we learn that when it comes to working for the dean, when it comes to sacrificing for the dean, we shouldn't be contented satisfied with, you know, the wealth of this world, the little transitory things of this world because they are meaningless. They are liberal. And they are not that precious compared to the Eman and the benefits that Allah has in store for a person for what he
does for his religion. It wasn't just in the case of the Battle of printing, but in every other situation where people are victorious, where people are successful in the work that they're doing. It's only by the help of Allah subhanaw taala because sometimes we see that we're very well prepared. But still, our plans are not successful, they don't work out. So when is it that things work out despite the lack of your numbers, despite the lack of your resources? It's when Allah helps you. And Allah helps who? Those who are sincere, those who put in their effort