Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P10 103B Tafsir Al-Tawbah 16

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes changes in the Arab society, including political governance and social norms leading to a return to pre-equity and peace. It suggests that these changes may lead to a return to peace, but may also lead to feelings of hesitation and discomfort. The transcript also touches on the emotional attachment of Muslims to past events and the hesitation of others to leave their records and playlists.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lesson number 103 pseudo Tober I am number 16 to 28

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Um has ever done, or do you all think, have you supposed Have you thought and Totaku that you all will be left meaning in the state that you are in, you will be left as is when Amma wa while llama not yet Yarlung he knows he has known Allahu Allah and Levina those who Jaha do they strove men come from you. You think you will be left in the condition that you are in untested? While Allah subhanaw taala has not yet seen the people who will really strive in His way Whalum and not yet Duffy do they made min dune in Lehi besides Allah, while also Lee and Nora His Messenger, while moot meaning and nor the believers, Walid jetten, any intimate meaning you think you will be left untested, while

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Allah subhanaw taala has not observed? Who is it that will take Allah His messenger and the believers as his intimate, closest friends, meaning his love entirety is for who? Allah and those who believe in him, his commitment is with who Allah and those who believe in Him. So Allah subhanaw taala is going to see, well, Allahu hubiera one and Allah is Aware Bhima Dharma lune of whatever that you do, meaning he is watching you. So he's observing, who is it that will struggle in his way? And who is it that will prove his friendship and his love for Allah to be the most? Now, look at the word Hasib. Don't hesitate, don't miss from new letters Haseen BA. And Herceptin basically means to

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suppose something to think of something in one's heart, about which one hopes will be fulfilled, meaning it will come true. It's not actually true, but a person thinks that hopefully it will happen, it will be fulfilled. But Allah says over here, that do you think that you will not be tested? You want that you are not tested? You want that you are allowed to live in peace and comfort. But the thing is, that you as believers are definitely going to be examined, tested through difficult situations, Allah is going to see who strives and who doesn't. Allah is going to see who truly loves Allah. and who doesn't. What do we see here, that every single servant of Allah subhanaw

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taala, is tested. In total Bacala, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala will definitely test everybody. And we see that Muslims non Muslims, despite the level of faith of a person, every single individual is tested through health, through sickness, right, through wealth, through poverty, through happiness, through sadness, every single person is tested in some way or the other. And we see that believers are tested in additional ways, because they have an extra blessing. And what is that blessing of iman? And remember that with every blessing, the level of tests, increases the number of tests increases, like for example, education, is that a blessing? Is that a blessing? Yes.

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Now, the higher you want to go, all right, the more education you want to get. Aren't you going to be tested? More? Definitely. I mean, think about a child that goes to kindergarten, is he tested? No. But a person who's in high school? Is he tested? Yeah. And when you go to university, then what happens? More and more tests, right? And if a person wants to go into, let's say, medical profession, more and more tests, and they just never end? I mean, you hear about someone who started studying medicine, and years later you find out that they're still struggling to take some test or some exam, write some certification. Why? Because the higher you want to go, the more you are going

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to be tested. Correct. So likewise, when a person has a man, that Allah subhanaw taala, tests him with regards to his faith also. And remember that the people who are tested the most severely are who, who are they? The prophets? Why? Because they have the blessings of this life, tangible, physical, worldly blessings. In addition to that they have the blessing of iman. And in addition to that, they have the blessing of prophethood. And this is a reason why they are the ones who are tested most severely. Now over here, what do we see Allah subhanaw taala is addressing the believers that you think you will be left as is No, Allah is going to test you. He is going to test you

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Through respect to your faith, with respect to your faith, and many times you'll observe this perhaps in your own life also, or perhaps in people who are close to you that before when they weren't that serious about their religion, everything was working fine. But the moment they started doing something about their religion, then they're suffering from financial problems are suffering from health issues. They're suffering from family problems, right? Why is that so that when a person goes more into the his tests increase, Allah is testing his faith, Allah is checking the level of his commitment. I remember once a pediatrician mentioned that he observed that majority of the

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children who have some serious illness come from more religious families.

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This was his observation,

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that families that are more religious, it is their children, who tend to have serious health issues, health concerns. I mean, this is not like a general rule. But this is just something that he observed in his profession.

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And when I heard about this, I was amazed. Because the thing is that Allah subhanaw taala tests people in different ways. Right. But the people with Eman, Allah subhanaw taala tests a little bit more, a little bit more. Why? What's the benefit? What's the purpose of the tests? Many things, first of all, in order to strengthen the faith,

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right? Because when you haven't suffered for something, you don't really value it. If you think about it, Allah subhanaw taala could have made the process of having babies very easy for mothers and fathers. All right. But the mother is made to go through the difficulties of pregnancy. Right? Off labor. Correct. She knows how much he has been through for that child. And the difficulty. What does that increase in the heart of the mother resentment for the baby? No only love because she knows how much she has gone through for that baby to have that baby. So the thing is that the more you strive for something, the more you value it, if it comes easy, it goes easy,

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isn't it? Which is why we see that many times people who adopt a child, or let's say, a child in foster care, they can't handle the child. What do they do? Return? Send away to somebody else back him off elsewhere, why can't deal with him? But if it's your own child, will you not put up with it? Will you not put up with it? You will you will do anything for that child. Why? Because he's got your blood, you know what you went through to have that baby.

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So there are many benefits why Allah subhanaw taala puts a believer to test with respect to his faith. And over here we learn two things. Allah subhanaw taala wants to observe in us two things. First of all, who will strive in His way,

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who will strive in His way, who will do jihad, who will come out of his comfort and respond to the need of the situation, meaning what the situation demands from him. Think about it. When the Prophet said a lot of them did hinge it onto Medina, the Muslims got it from so many places, eventually they had to home. Had they not struggled a lot already, in order to get there where they're not already hurting and suffering financially, physically, emotionally, where they're not suffering already. Yes, they were. Now, finally, when they had a home, could Allah subhanaw taala not make the situation such that the machine never came to fight with them? They just left them and the Muslims

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could live in peace.

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It could have happened, right? Allah subhanaw taala is all capable. The prophets of Allah Sena made the treaty with the hood. They were on good terms initially. Could that not continue forever? If Allah subhanaw taala wanted? Definitely. And could Allah subhanaw taala not send wealth to His messenger? Do those who believed so that they could have big houses in Medina, comfortable lives? Could they not have that finally, did they not deserve it after 13 years of persecution? Of course they deserved it. But what do we see? Allah subhanaw taala allowed the machete king doesn't mean that he sent them. He allowed them to oppose the Muslims. He allowed the youth to oppose the

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Muslims. He allowed the Muna African to hurt the Muslims from within. Why? Because through all of these situations, what was happening? The Muslims were facing challenges, right? If Allah subhanaw taala did not allow any of this to happen. They weren't tested. Right? Then no challenges. Okay. No challenges then what would happen to them listen

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they would live comfortably in Medina. Right? They would go for their Salah in the masjid faster the month of Ramadan, enjoy peaceful lives have fun. And then Islam would only remain where? In Medina.

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And over the course of years what would happen? It would dwindle away, like so many things do. Correct. But we see that with every challenge that came, whether it was from within Medina, from the Jews, or from the McCanns. What happened with every challenge the Muslims got closer to their victory. You understand? If the Merkins did not come for budget, if they did not come for 100 if they did not come for the battle of trench, if the Treaty of Davia did not happen, if the matter between the Hazara and bonobo did not happen, do you think that the Muslims would go to Makkah in order to conquer Makkah? Would that happen? No. So we see that Allah subhanaw taala tests us to see

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who is going to strive and who is not going to strive, who is going to come out of his comfort, and prefer the religion over his personal life. And the one who will strive get out of his comfort, preferred the religion strive in the way of Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala will lead him to success and victory. This is just like, if there's a person who's studying in med school, all right, they are studying. And then they say, You know what, I don't want to take any tests. Why do we have these tests and exams? If they don't have them? If they don't go through them? Can they become a doctor? Can they become a specialist? They cannot. So with every challenge, you have one of two

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choices. Either you rise up to the challenge facing dude, you have strive, or you say,

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I can't do it. I'm happy the way I am. I have a bachelor's degree. And that's sufficient for me, I don't want to bother becoming a doctor. Correct. So you have these two choices. If you rise up to the challenge, you face it, what will happen, you'll go higher. And if you say, I don't want to do this, then what's going to happen, you're going to remain behind, while the rest of the people are going to get ahead of you. Correct. So this is what we see here with respect to faith. Also, Allah subhanaw taala will definitely examine and test the believers. You know, sometimes we might wonder, that why is it that so many Muslims, and not just Muslims, people in general are suffering all over

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the world? Isn't it so they're suffering? In the most horrible ways, really. I mean, think about children freezing to death.

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Think about people starving. The other day, somebody posted a picture on Twitter of this man of how he was before the conflict in Syria.

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And how, over the course of these years, his health has declined. And basically he was dead, starve to death, starve to death.

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And all over the world in different ways. You see people suffering. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala wants people to suffer. Is that the reason? No, these are situations in which Allah subhanaw taala observes people, how do they react? What do they do? Who's going to strive, going to take that extra step, to help others to help those who are suffering, to do something to create peace, to do something to establish justice? And who's going to say, oh, it's got nothing to do with me. You know, I'm in Canada anyway, so I can't do anything. I can't even make dua because I have too many problems in my own life, that I can barely think about making dua for myself, how can I make dua for

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These situations that happen? Remember, while others are tested, those who are within that situation? We are also tested? Those who are not suffering directly? We are also tested that what do we do? Do we think about making people aware of this crisis? Whatever crisis it may be? Do we pray for them? Do we have any concern for them? Or are we too comfortable in our lives? We're too busy in our lives, that we don't have time to even think about those who are suffering.

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In a hadith don't we learn that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will ask a servant, I was hungry. You didn't give me food. I was sick, and you didn't come to see me.

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And the person will say, Yeah, Allah Who? How is it possible? Allah subhanaw taala will say, My servant was sick and you didn't go to see him. If you had gone to see him, you would have found me there. Meaning you would have attained closeness to me by going to the

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Is it your suffering brother? So what do we learn that when people are suffering, whether it is us who are suffering or others who are suffering? Allah subhanaw taala is watching that, what do we do? Do we do jihad? Do we strive to help those in need? Or do we just sit back and just relax in our own lives watching television and eating popcorn? What do we do?

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There are people who, when they find out about children who don't have access to clean water, they will, you know, create a movement literally, I remember reading up about a child years ago, I think it was Reader's Digest that I read about this child who found out that in Africa, in some place, children don't have water. He was so disturbed by that, that he collected so much money as a child in order to go to Africa, in that village somewhere. And he had a well dog over there, he had water provided for children.

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Now think about it. We hear about these news all the time. But what are we doing? We can only be concerned about the jacket that we want to buy the shoes we want to buy. The test that is going to happen tomorrow, the assignment that is due next week, we are too comfortable in our own lives. We are too preoccupied with our first world problems and what are they? Which food do I eat?

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Which tea should I have? Right? Which clothes should I buy? Which artwork? Should I put? These are our concerns? There are people who don't know if they're going to get food the next moment? And what are we concerned about? What clothes am I going to wear to this next event?

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We have become very selfish. We have forgotten that jihad is something that is necessary for us. I don't mean by Jihad that everybody has to go to battle No, jihad is in different ways and and Hamdulillah you know about that? Do you have this to struggle to put in one's maximum effort whatever a person can do? Strive in order to do what in order to remove a hurdle a problem that's in your way. Like you know when there's so much snow than what happens the snowplows they just come one after the other and remove the snow. Correct. And then the roads become what happens the roads they are clear.

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And when there are problems in this world, then what is jihad that you strive and struggle against them and remove them so that people can worship Allah subhanaw taala in peace?

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They can worship Allah subhanaw taala in peace, they can learn the deen they can practice the deen. But if we're too concerned about our clothes, and our shoes and our popcorn, then when are we going to be concerned about the snow that's falling outside? The storm that is outside the people who are freezing to death in the cold.

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We don't strive in our own communities. How can we strive for people who are suffering in other parts of the world. In our own lives, we don't care about people who may be suffering in our own houses. If we have an elderly grandparent, we think they're a burden, they should already move to an old people's house. This is what we think.

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If we have a brother or sister who's sick, we take them as a burden.

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Any test that comes in our life, we don't want to deal with it. Because we're too happy in our lives too comfortable in our lives. And remember, we are failing the test quite miserably.

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Me and my sister were discussing the same thing that nowadays I think the hearts are becoming so hard that you don't cry for nothing. Even if you hear the news of someone died. You're still so normal. And we were talking about this. And you were saying when you were young. I remember back home. If you heard the news of someone died, like in our neighborhood or someone used to cry your little, but we used to cry so much. And hearts were soft. Yeah, hearts were soft. And now if you even hear news of someone died in our family, it's like no big news. It's not a big deal at all. So what is necessary, then? What does Allah subhanaw taala want from us? What does he want from us from

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this? Ayah? What do we learn to prove that we care? We care for who? For those around us for the religion of Allah subhanaw taala for those who are suffering, and you don't prove that you care for someone by just talking, or by just sitting in your home and remembering them. You prove that you care by doing jihad by struggling by striving.

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So it said that you can't stay in one position that one like your faith can't stay in the same position. Either you're going up and getting better and striving or you're just slipping lower and lower. Yes, Eman has always either

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Increasing or decreasing, it doesn't remain in one place. It's not stagnant. Yes, clearly, it's just a small thing that came into my mind. I'm relating these aisles with the previous eyes, we learned about war prisoners, that being a good Muslim means being helpful to everyone. And being compassionate, being empathetic to everyone. So if we show our good flock and our nature to help others, it's also a way of preaching our religion, to presenting us in front of others that are good Muslims should be like this. So it's another way to promoting our religion. Thank you so much. Just the other day, I met the sister who's very active in the community over here, and she was telling me

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about the different kinds of problems that just the Muslims are facing in the city of ours. Just the Muslims, we're barely reaching out to those who are close to us, how can we think about reaching out to those who are far from us? So Allah subhanaw taala, allows these situations to happen, not just so that we sit and watch, but so that we rise and do something.

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A sudden when you come, I just remembered a lecture from Dr. Toffee Chaudry, he was saying how he went to visit his teacher once, and his teacher was ill. So he asked, his wife is like, How come he's ill? And she's like, Don't you know that whenever something happens in any part of the Muslim world, if somebody's hurt, or there's corruption going on, he gets ill. And then she narrated how I think there was a thing where how the whole Muslim almost like one body and if one bodies affects the whole body is affected. So you stay saying how his teacher if he heard any news in any part of the Muslim or if a country is going through problems, he himself would get sick, just by hearing?

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I mean, think about it, if we have, you know, something stressful happening in our lives, do we suffer from that stress? Is it evidence in the form of a headache or in the form of heart issues or, you know, whatever it may be? Is it not evident in so many ways, but we, if we're happy, we're happy because we got something and if we're sad, we're sad, because we didn't get something. We're only concerned about ourselves, we're not concerned about others. In the Quran, when Allah subhanaw taala tells the believers who were in Medina, to rise up and go for battle against the enemy that's coming against you. One of the things that was mentioned was that why would you not do that when there are

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people who are oppressed suffering in Makkah? How can you live in peace and happiness in Medina, while your own brothers and sisters are being persecuted in Makkah, aren't you going to do something to save? That's how I go. I think that today, we're just, like, bombarded with a lot of news. And like, there's just too much information that we are aware of, like too much suffering. And sometimes it's not, though we're selfish, but it's like, like, you're kind of drowning and hopelessness. So it's like, you also have to have hope. Yes. You know, what the issue is, like, we learned earlier that when a person hears about something, and the heart is moved, and you want to do something than

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what should you do, respond? Do it. Why? Because if you delay, then what happens? The heart hardens, you get used to it, it doesn't motivate you anymore, you lose that passion. Right? So this is what happens with us. We hear about people, you know, dying out of hunger in one place, and people you know, drowning in the water in one place. And what happens, we hear we say, Oh, my God, oh, my God, and we move on. We don't even make dua for them. I mean, the least the least we can do is make dua for the people who are suffering.

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But tell me, did you make dua for the people who are suffering today? Did you make dua for them yesterday? What if you were in that situation? Once you want somebody to at least pray for you? Have you ever seen pictures of children in Syria?

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Have you ever seen them?

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Have you ever seen pictures of how those streets were before the conflict and after the conflict? I'm not saying he is right, he is wrong. I'm just talking about the innocents who are suffering in the way

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did you make the offer them at least dua if we're not even making dua for the people who are suffering, what are we going to say to Allah subhanaw taala tomorrow?

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What are we going to say? Allah subhanaw taala wants us to get up and do something, do jihad rise, strive to help? Recently somebody sent me a video and I believe it was covered by the BBC also about this group of Muslims, doctors and professionals who collect the aid and they go to Syria and they deliver the aid

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and literally they are operating and they are helping the people who are wounded and injured. This is what they're doing. And these are people who are, you know, going out of their comfort. I'm not saying that every single one of you should go. But can we at least give $5 for children who don't have any winter clothing. Just the other day, I received an email from Islamic Relief in which they had mentioned about how much they had distributed in December in January. And I was shocked about the number of socks that were distributed, the number of sweaters, the number of jackets that were distributed, I don't think there were enough at all. But the thing is that we don't want, we don't

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want to aid others. Because if we really wanted to, we would have found a way, we would have certainly found a way, if you want something for yourself, you will drive to the states do an outlet mall and buy it cheaper over there. Why don't you do that? Once you do that, there are people who do that all the time. They won't shop here, they will dry for three hours, five hours, 10 hours, because they want to go to the best outlet mall at the best time of the year to get the best deals. We strive so much to fulfill our desires, desires. And we don't strive for people who are suffering so much that their basic needs are not being met.

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So the few things that we can do is at least make dua for the people who are suffering, at least spend a little bit of money to help those who need a little bit of money. You know, when it comes to people who are suffering, then it doesn't matter whether they're Muslim or non Muslim. It is our obligation as human beings, as those who have Eman those who have at least soft hearts because of a man to help those in need. In total insane, we learn where you are a Mona Tom, they give food to who to the needy, and also who is mentioned a seed prisoner who is a prisoner, a non Muslim, right? So what do we learn that those who are suffering regardless of their faith, we have to help them. So

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how is it possible that our own Muslim brothers and sisters are suffering and we don't even make dua? We don't even think about financially helping them a little bit even.

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So please do something. Remember, we learned earlier what the cool fifth, nuttin fear the trial, which will not necessarily affect only those who do wrong among you, one day, it'll affect you also, one day, the same thing can happen to you also.

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We think we're living in this part of the world, and we have the money that we need, and we're fine. But the thing is that Allah subhanaw taala is the giver of the blessings. And he's also the taker of the blessings. He's also the one who can change our situation.

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And if we don't rise up, if we don't strive for others, then tomorrow, we could be the ones who are suffering. Well Or yeah, the villa.

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So Allah subhanaw taala is going to test to see who is it that will strive and secondly, he's going to test people to see who is it well let me tell you, the woman doing Allahu Allah rasool Allah, He will mock me Nina Walidah. Who is it that will take only Allah His messenger and the believers as well? IJA Walidah is from their letters. Well, lamb dream? Well, Ajah ye lead you? What does that mean? To enter, like, for example, to lead you Leila finna hop, you cause the night to enter into the day,

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and will just basically to enter into a small, narrow place or rather to enter through a narrow opening, like for example, doodly doo Laila in the hunt when the night comes in, or rather, when the day comes in, then you see the crack of dawn. All right, and the light, it comes in from a very narrow place in the horizon, and then gradually, as the sun comes up, the light spreads. Okay, from the same root, the word is for a cave, where people take shelter, when they're passing through mountains, a cave or a small opening somewhere in the mountains. Why, in order to take shelter from bad weather?

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Have you ever taken shelter from let's say, rain? Heavy rain?

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What do you go under?

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What do you go under?

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Anything, even if it's something very small, like for example, an umbrella. How small is it? Sometimes it's really small. Sometimes you see people you know they put something on their heads, like a plastic bag or something.

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protecting themselves from rain. Right? So while leader is basically a close, intimate friend, whom you have allowed access to the most hidden and private parts of your life of your heart, meaning you're confident, you're int intimate friend, there are many things about your life that you don't let everybody know off. Isn't that so? Like, for example, some people, they hide their age.

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Right? Some people, they hide their family background, right? Or let's say they are not happy about something in their lives, so they don't want others to find out about it. Correct. But we see that people who will not tell their age to anyone, they might tell their age to who their best friend, or someone who is really, really close to them. You understand? So Alicia, is who? Not those 1000 people whom you've stated as friends online. Okay, who's the leader? Who is very, very close to you. Someone who knows about the most intimate affairs of your life, okay, the most private matters of your life of your heart, your feelings? You understand? Like, for example, if a person has doubts

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about something,

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you think they're just going to go tell anybody? No, they're going to discuss with who? Someone who is really close to them someone whom they trust. So what do we learn over here that Allah subhanaw taala is going to test the believers to see who is it that takes only Allah, His messenger and the believers as his closest friends? Allah subhanaw taala will test us through difficulties to see who does jihad. And he's going to test us in the matter of love. Who is it that we love the most? Who is it that we love the most? Allah subhanaw taala is going to test us because in theory, it is correct to say I love Allah. If I asked you, who do you love the most? What's the correct answer? What's the

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correct answer? Allah? Correct. But we see that many times we say it. But in our heart, there's something else. Isn't that so? In our heart, there's something else. We say, I love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but in our hearts, who is it that we actually love? Some person whom we watch on the television, maybe?

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Or some person whose books that we read possible, right? We look up to them, we admire them so much. We watch every single movie that they've participated in, right? Because we love them. So Allah subhanaw taala is going to test people with regards to their love also. Now, remember the context of these verses yesterday, we learned about how the announcements were made in Makkah after the conquest, that from this year onwards, no Mushrik is going to come to Mecca for Hajj. Next year, no one was sticking wished you can have four months of gray spirit, either they can leave Arabia, or if they choose to remain here, then they have to conform to Islam in the sense that they have to accept

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it. And we discussed the reasons why this was done. Now, the eradication of Chinook the eradication of the people of Chinook from Arabia. Remember, it had many, many repercussions on the Arab society. First of all, it meant that the system of governance is now going to be changed completely. Before what was it tribalism? Correct. It was tribalism. And amongst the tribes, also the most noble tribes were those in power. Like, for example, the Quraysh, they were in power, whatever they said that happened, others respected them. But with the eradication of surecut meant that now, the Quraysh don't have power necessarily, who has power, the leader of the Muslims, and who is going to be the

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leader of the Muslims, the most pious, the most knowledgeable amongst the Muslims? Correct. At the time of the Prophet totaliser. Obviously, it was him after him it was Abu Bakr aroma. Alright, really lovely Allahu Anhu. Right, one after the other. So we see that with the eradication of Sheikh it was a complete transformation of the Arab society. political system was no longer the same. Social norms and values changed cultural practices changed. All of these things that were in place for such a long time. We're now going to disappear. And you might think, yes, that's a good thing. Like for example, in any place when there's a revolution, many changes happen.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:09

Right. And in a way, it's a positive thing. But for people who have been living in that way for so long, remember, it's very difficult for them to accept those changes.

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It's very difficult for them to accept those changes. Now we see that this change meant that every Muslim was now at war with who, every mushrik, even if that Mushrik was your own brother, or your father, or your cousin, or your relative, whoever it may be in any way, he was at war with you. Likewise, it meant that no Mushnik could now come to Makkah. And if no mistake could now come to Makkah, then what about the trade that used to happen before the business that happened before?

00:35:45 --> 00:35:50

So the Muslims, they were being tested with regards to their love?

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For many believers, it was not difficult or muddled, or unhooked bucket a little lower, and he was only making them happy that finally this change is coming, because the level of their faith was very high. But there were others who were a little hesitant that What do you mean, this tribe is not going to be allowed to come to Makkah anymore? What about our business? What about our trade? What's going to happen? What do you mean, no person can do to walk around the house naked anymore, because that was something that had been happening for so long. So these changes were difficult for some people to accept. They had emotional attachments. You understand?

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But Eman demanded that you love Allah. And that which Allah loves. And you hate what Allah hates. Eman demands that your love and hate will be dictated by what your love for Allah subhanaw taala. Now it's not based on your relationship with someone. Now it's not based on your past history, your culture, your norms, no, now it's all different. Everything is going to be according to what Allah subhanaw taala dictates what he says. And this was difficult for some people. You know, this is just like, a person may be doing something wrong in their life. And then eventually they do Toba, they say I'm gonna leave it.

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Even when you leave it, there still some kind of emotional attachment with your past. Let me give you an example. Someone who has been listening to music, okay, and not just listening to music randomly, but there are obsessed with it. So that means that they have records and they have CDs, and they have tapes, and they have their playlists, okay, that they spent a lot of money to make, they put in a lot of effort to compile. Okay, now they decide that's it no more. So they stop. They stop listening to music. And when they see those records, when they see those playlists, they're like, yeah, they're still here.

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But the thing is that when you love Allah, it means that you hate what Allah subhanaw taala hates. And that means that you must get rid of that sinful thing.

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People can leave music. But you know what, they don't want to leave those records, those playlists, pressing the delete button is very difficult. It's very difficult. Why? Because there's no emotional attachment to it. Even though you realize it's wrong, I shouldn't be doing it, and you no longer do it. But the fact is that one day you spent money to buy it. One day, you were so happy to have it. One day, you put all of them together, and you were so proud of your collection. And now you're being told to get rid of him. That's difficult. This is just like a person buys a house on her on money. And then what happens later on, they realize this is wrong and they want to get out of it.

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But the thing is, they love that house. They don't want to give it up. They want to give up the Haram loan, but they don't want to give up the house. Why there is emotional attachment to it. Likewise, the Muslims also they had some emotional attachment with their culture with the people, even though there was difference of faith. So this is why there was a bit of hesitation on their part. So Allah subhanaw taala says you think you'll be left like that untested. This is a test of faith. This is the test of love. Prove your love for Allah.

00:39:42 --> 00:39:57

Prove your love for the messenger. Prove your love for the believers will lo hubby Don't be mad Dharma loon. And Allah is watching whatever that you do. Let's listen to the recitation. I'm Tom

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00:40:10 --> 00:40:12

Do you want out?

00:40:14 --> 00:40:19

Meaning I want each one long for me

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