Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P08 089E Tafsir Al-Araf 37-39

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The speakers discuss the unfairness of men and the importance of adoptions of Halal eaters and not being held accountable for anything written for them. They stress the need for people to accept and acknowledge their actions as wrong, following guidance and avoiding double punishment. The importance of science and caution is also emphasized. The use of words like "has" and "has" in advertising is a sign of satisfied consumption, and the use of words like "has" and "has" in advertising is a sign of satisfied consumption. The segment also touches on the struggles of believers in Islam to face extreme punishment and negative comments, and the importance of following guidance and learning from actions of others.
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For men on level so who is more unjust who is more unfair? May man then who? If not all he fabricated on Allah He against Allah. Caliban a lie, the most unfair, the most unjust person is who, the one who fabricates a lie about Allah, meaning he makes something up himself. And he says that Allah is the One who has said it. Allah is the One who has commanded it. Like for instance, the moose Chiquita Maka, what would they do? They will perform the laugh around the Kaaba, while being naked completely. And what would they say that Allah is the One who has told us to do this? And just like that today also, many people they invent things about the religion, this is allowed or this is
not allowed. And what do they say? Oh, it is mentioned in the Quran, or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it, however, nothing such as that has been mentioned. So the one who fabricates a lie about Allah, this is great injustice, this is the height of injustice, this is a height of oppression. Why? Because the person is leading so many people astray. So many people are going to commit something wrong, thinking that what they're doing is so good. I mean, think about it. How foolish could a person be that he's walking around the Kaaba naked, completely exposed before others, humiliating himself embarrassing himself thinking that he's performing a very
righteous deed? How sad could it be? Why are they doing this because someone invented a lie about Allah. So for men of normal men, manifest Allah and Allah He, Caliban, oh can never be at or he denies the act of Allah, meaning the one who reject the verses of Allah, the verses that Allah has revealed, the commands that he has given, even that is great injustice, even that is the height of unfairness, because when the verses of Allah are called a lie, when they reject it, then it will have an effect on other people as well. Because when one refuses to believe that what happens, other people are also encouraged to do the same thing. Like for instance, the animal Kitab when they
disbelieved what happened, so many people disbelieved after them, the Mushrikeen the leaders amongst them, when they disbelieved what happened. So many people disbelieved after them as well, because people follow others, majority of the people what are they like sheep, they're not leaders, what are their followers, just because someone said something, did something they will follow them. So the one who denies the verses of Allah height of injustice, Allah says, Allah Iike those people yeah now to whom it will reach them, it will attain them from noon Yeah, lamp nail is to attain. So, what will attain them what will reach them nicelabel home their fortune, their portion, which portion men
from Al Kitab the decree over here Kitab does not mean book. Rather it means decree Kitab gives the meaning of Maktoum meaning that which has been written for them, meaning that which Allah has written for them in his decree, in other words, the provision that he has decided for them, because every person before even he is sent to this world, His provision is decided that he is going to take these many breaths, he is going to live for these many days, these many hours, these many minutes and these many seconds, this person is going to have such and such amount of you know, grain for instance, or such and such amount of cookies or such and such amount of liquid or water or milk,
every person their risk is written, it is fixed from before, you cannot have a morsel more than what was decreed for you. And you cannot have a bite less than what was decreed for you. This is why sometimes it's amazing that you, you know have food in front of you and you're putting it in your mouth. You know, you're taking it up to your mouth, but what happens, somebody else comes and they're looking at it and you haven't decanted into your mouth yet. So what do you do? You give it to them? It was about to go into your mouth, but what happened? It ended up in somebody else's mouth. Why? Because it was meant for them and not for you. It was written for them. It was not
written for you. So Hola, Iike Jana, luminously, boo, middle kita they will get whatever is decreed for them.
Many times it happens that you take food with yourself so that you can eat it. But what happens? Somebody else comes they're hungry, and you're like oh
Go ahead and take it and you never thought that this food somebody else would eat because especially when you're packing it and you're like, Yeah, I can't wait to have the sandwich can't wait to have this in a race this biryani this this food that food and then what happens you don't even get to have a single bite of it.
You go buy yourself a chocolate bar, and it's sitting on the dining table and what happens by the time you come your brother already ate it. Your husband already finished it. You were like thinking about it imagining it, I'm gonna go have it but before you get there, it's done. It's gone. Why? Because it was meant for them. It was never meant for you. That doesn't mean it's okay to go and eat other people's food without permission. But if it happens then I accepted that okay, it was meant for them not for me. Yes
but when I went to the kitchen I don't have any
one of my friend She's from Somalia, she never brought samosa for me and I would like some more says a lot. She just rang the bell and she came i Look I I brought him Oh size for you. And just after like, one hour one of my friends she said either maple off for you. And tours of Han Allah, I don't have anything to eat but Allah subhanaw taala made arrangements somewhere else from Yes, it's very true. So, whatever is decreed for you, you will get it remember the Hadees that whatever strikes you, it was never meant to miss you. And whatever has missed you it was never meant to reach you. So, always remember this, this will give you you know peace of mind and satisfaction with whatever
happens in life.
See, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said that everything has already been written for you. So do axon in the way that you acquire it.
Okay, meaning acquire whatever has been written for you in the lawful way in the best way. Like for instance, people will adopt haram means in order to buy something in order to get something whether they steal it, or they use a haram loan, or they use interest money, you know what, they are harming themselves because if that object, if that house if that education was written for them, they were definitely going to get it no one could ever prevent it from them. But our obligation is that we acquire whatever then we acquire how, through the best way possible through the halal way, stay away from haram and have this conviction that whatever is written for me, it's going to reach me. So I
should adopt Halal way and if a person adopts a haram way to get something, then they are responsible meaning they will be sinful, because Allah has decreed and decided the provision. But Allah did not force on you the means with which you acquire that provision. That means with which you acquire that provision, that is your choice. You could adopt lawful means you could adopt unlawful means and that is your responsibility. That's why you will be held accountable for it. So Mike,
one day earlier on he was traveling and he had his horse in the saddle and he had to go inside a masjid so he asked a man to watch his horse and saddle for Him while He was praying. And then the man's like okay, so he went out he prayed and he came back and he saw his horse but there was no saddle on it. So he's like, okay, Claire insha Allah He went to the market to go buy a saddle and then he saw a merchant selling a saddle and it was his exact saddle and then he asked the merchant can you tell me how much you sold this for for the person who gave it to you said I sold it for two dinar I think and he said bought it or sold he bought it for to deny and then he said I will law
here I was gonna give him that two dinar for watching my saddle. So just he would have gotten that you understand our little glow on who had intended to give that man to dinar for watching the saddle and the horse. But what did that random he stole that saddle and he sold it for to the now. So do they now was meant for him. But what did he do? He adopted unlawful means to acquire that do they know how sad
how sad. So it's so important that whatever we get, even if it's a sip of water, a sip of drink anything adopt Halal means adopt correct means because whether it is a righteous person or sinful person, obedient person or an evil person, every person will attain whatever is decreed for him, because who is being mentioned in this ayah the one who fabricates a lie about Allah, the One who
rejects the Ayat of Allah. Allah says about them, they will attain whatever has been decreed for them, meaning their provision will not be lessened. Because sometimes we wonder that why is it that so and so, is so wrong? They're clearly making a big error. But still, you know, they are healthy, they're wealthy, they're perfectly fine. They're, in fact very successful in the worldly sense. How come they're not suffering from great trials? How come? Because whatever worldly provision Allah has decided for them, they will get it. And this teaches us that just because someone has worldly provisions, it doesn't mean that Allah subhanaw taala is happy with them. Think about Abuja, think
about Abu Lahab for how long they enjoyed the luxury of this world, the enjoyment of this world, the wealth of this world health, everything they enjoyed, until when, until the time of their departure, until the time that Allah subhanaw taala got them for the sense that they were committing. So hola Iike Jana aloneness libre will mean al Kitab, they will attain whatever that is decreed for them. Hector until either when you're at home, it will come to them. Rousseau, Luna, our messengers, meaning the angels, when they will come to them, why? Yet our phone at home to take them in full meeting in order to take their souls away in order to you know, take them away. So in other words
for their death, when the angels of death come to them, because remember that each person how will he depart from this world, that the angels of death are sent to him in order to take his soul away to some people, angels that are beautiful, radiant with glowing faces that smell beautiful, that will bring good news and comforting words they will come and to others who will come angels that are scary, scary in their appearance. So hot, either at home rasuna yet our phone at home the angels of death will come to them and they will take their souls in full. What will happen at that time Kalu they will say meaning the angels will say to these people at the time of their death that Aina where
man is that which Gundam you use to that the Runa you call upon? Min dune Allah besides Allah, where are all those beings whom you used to call upon besides Allah, meaning were all those beings that you worship besides Allah, you thought they deserved your worship, you sought their help, you relied on them, you believed in them, you love them, you adored them, and your love for them was so strong, that it prevented you from loving Allah, it prevented you from accepting the truth that Allah had sent that when someone died, there was a human as long as talking with the angels throughout the danger of that and he was talking with him. Like I want to see how you come to people and they're
good believer. And he said, Okay, turn I need 100 that it's an uptrend back and he saw he was a beautiful man. Well, my clothes any small, so beautiful. And Abraham Lincoln once said that, if anybody in this dunya did any good, and they didn't get one thing out of it, we're looking at you at this point, we'll be suffice for them. And then it's like, I want to see you when you are turning to the one who's not a believer. And, you know, that said, you can't I'm not going to show to you can't handle it. And he said no, I want to see I want to see, you said five turn your face. He turned then he came back he saw it being there was so tall and so strong, that his feet were climbing to the
earth but his body was soaring into the heavens. He had a black face and there was not coming from the eyes and his voice was done. There's an agreement and someone painted. And then he woke up again. And Mikhail was in his normal form. And then he said to him, that if anybody in Estonia any cloud any disbeliever if he didn't get one punishment, within an hour within Estonia, your face will be suffice. Your body in that form will be suffice. Where do you hear this by Chef Muhammad Ali? Oh on.
So they will say HTML content are their own and do Nila. Imagine those scary angels with horrific appearance. Imagine they will say to those people where all those beings that you used to worship besides Allah, Otto, they will say learn Lua and they're lost from us meaning we don't know where they are. They're not here. We've lost them. We're sure he do. And they will testify either against unfussy him themselves that unknown can or caffeine that they were disbelievers, they will testify against themselves that they were disbelievers. What does this IR teach us that presently in this world, what is going on in this life? What is going on? That there are people who recognize the
truth yet they don't accept it? Yet, they call what Allah has revealed a big lie, and they fabricate lies about Allah, and they're going on in their lives very happily. But don't get deceived. It doesn't mean that what they're doing is
Okay, they're just receiving whatever Allah has decreed for them. And eventually when the angels of death will come to them, at that very moment what will happen? They will admit that they were wrong. They will confess that they were wrong was Shaheed do other unforeseen, unknown khanwilkar fit in so many times that happens that people they are doing wrong, and they think that it's so important, it is the best thing to do it is the right thing to do. However, at the moment of death, they will realize that what they were doing was wrong. So before that moment comes what is necessary that we change our actions that we improve ourselves. Allah says that in Alladhina, after Luna and Allah
hilchot Ebola you flee Hoon, those people who fabricate lies against Allah, they will never be successful, never ever they will be successful. madonn for dunya Suma Elaina Madeira home someone who the homeowner or the bus should either be mechanic for rune for them as brief enjoyment in this world. And then to us is their return, we will make them taste the severe punishment because they used to disbelieve so that Yunus is 6970.
Allah he will say meaning on the Day of Judgment, Allah will say to them, so at the time of death, their punishment begins, they will confess that they were wrong and their punishment begins. And then in the Hereafter, on the Day of Judgment, what will happen, Allah who will say, Oh, do who all of you enter, meaning all of you such people who fabricate lies about Allah, who reject the verses that Allah has revealed? Enter fee in meaning amongst Omen nations, but in fact, colored it past monopoly come before you which nations that went before you that were mineral gin from the gin, while ins and the men, meeting the previous generations of gin and men who were like you entered
Amongst them were Finau in the hellfire,
meaning it doesn't matter at what time a person came into this world. If his actions are like Iblees, if his actions are likely to own, if his actions are like Abuja Hill, then what will happen? All such people will end up in the same place. And what is that? A now hellfire? Because what do we learn that Ulmo Mara man, a hubba. A person will be with those whom he loves. And who is it that you love, the one whom you emulate? The one whom you are like, because people only love those who are like them, who think like them will behave like them, who have the same objectives like them, who are similar to them in their actions in their nature? Who do you get along with those people who are
similar to you. So those who resemble in their actions, whether it is from the jinn or the men, what will happen, they will all end up in the same place in the hellfire. And notice what has been mentioned in the previous verses again, and again, pride, pride, whether it is in the form of fabricating lies about Allah, or it is in the form of refusing to believe in the verses of Allah. Earlier, we learned about the story of bliss, how he was also arrogant. So those who refuse to accept or those who know, but yet still, they don't change themselves, then what is it that's causing them to do all this? It's pride. Iblees did he not know that Allah had commanded him to
prostrate to other? Of course he did. He knew what the truth was. But yet he did not surrender. He was made to realize his mistake, but yet he did not acknowledge he did not seek forgiveness. So all people who behave like a bliss, then where will they end up with a bliss? Sam, and this is why it's so important that we take the Ayat of Allah very seriously. Not even one iota should pass in the Quran that we say about it. Yes, I know, but I can't do this. I'm not ready for it. No, we should not have this kind of attitude with the verses of Allah. Because what is this pride? If you think about it, what is it that's preventing a person from accepting the verses of Allah and changing
himself in the light of those verses in his pride? And it could be something very small. If you think about it frustrating to Adam, was it really a big deal? Was it really a big deal? It wasn't a big deal. If all the angels were prostrating to Adam, then how difficult was it for Iblees to prostrate to Adam? It wasn't that difficult. The action of such that is it really hard? Is it really tough? No. All you have to do is just get down on the floor. Simple. Just put your head on the floor, which many times you want to do anyway, just do relax your body
It wasn't a difficult action, but IBLEES found it difficult because of his pride. Just like that. Just a small example because we've been discussing this since the past few classes that wearing the hair for instance, wearing it lower as opposed to hire. Is it really that tough? Is it really that difficult? But what is it that could prevent a person from fixing their hairstyle? What is it? What is it laziness? Is a difficulty? Is it hardship? Is it headache? What is it? I'm not going to do it? I can't do this. And one excuse after the other. What could it be pride? Because the believers reaction is what to the commands of Allah, Samira. Anna, what we hear and we obey, he doesn't say
Samara. Now what else Lena, we hear, but we will disobey it. We're not going to do this. So this is a very serious matter. Never belittle any command of Allah, any command any instruction. Because Chapin, he leads us astray. He makes us commit big mistakes how, by making us commit small mistakes, little little things, He belittles you know, small sins for us so that we commit them. And then it's easy for us to commit big mistakes as well. So those who behave like bliss who behave like the previous people of the past, who were arrogant, who rejected what Allah revealed what Allah commanded, they will all end up in the same place. Allah holds a call at Hulu, Fi omen for the
harlot men public convenience, Genie will ins Finau in the hellfire, all of you shall end up in the same place Calama each time, every time the harlot it entered, meaning every time it will enter who OMA tone, a nation, meaning every time a group of people, a group of men, a group of jinn will enter hellfire, what will happen? Lynette it will curse them who will curse them? Oh, there her it sister, meaning it sister nation is going to curse it.
So you understand? Every time a group of people are entering the hellfire. They're getting cursed. by who? By their sister. What does it mean by sister nation? Sister? If you think about it, sisters, when are two people called Sisters?
When? Yes, when they are from the same parents, but also sisters resemble one another? Isn't it? Like for example, if there's a friend of yours who looks very much like you people will ask you? Are you guys sisters?
Right? People will ask you and sometimes, like you wonder really do we actually look like sisters we never thought about it. But they see some resemblance in you some resemblance and based on that they call your sisters just because you sit together just because you come in the same car. They think that you are sisters. So there's always something similar between sisters. So why does Allah subhanaw taala call another nation its sister nation, because they will resemble in their actions. They will resemble in their Cofer in their pride in their rejection of the verses of Allah in their rejection of the commands of Allah. This is why we learn that people who refuse to praise Allah, who
refuse to praise Allah, you know who they will be with in the hereafter for their own,
fit our own. imagine why? Because they resemble fit our own in their pride in their arrogance.
Why would they curse
because the word OMA OMA is actually a feminine word. Okay, so that's why the word oath has been used. It doesn't mean that they will all be women know what it means. It says that every noun in the Arabic language has a gender. So OMA is feminine. This is why is being used. So now not.
Now, what's amazing over here is that they're cursing one another. They're cursing one another. Whereas think about it, if there's someone who has done exactly like you did, Aren't you proud about it? Like for example, many times it happens that if you are going to particular school and you are studying particular program, then people who studied that before you, they guide you, the mentor you they help you out why they support you, are they doing that because they're kind of happy about the fact that you are doing the same thing. So they're willing to help you, even if it's by showing you their notes or showing you how they studied or telling you about which books to use, which
references to use. They help you because they're proud about the fact that you were doing
The same thing that they did, but what do we see over here? That they will curse each other? They will curse each other. Imagine someone is entering somewhere and they're welcomed by what a curse a curse learned of the her because there'll be so angry so frustrated Hatter until either when it does or Koofi her they will be piled up in it they will all be in hellfire entering Hellfire successively one after the other, because remember that every time a nation enter so there'll be many nations that will enter how successively one after the other. So until it Daraa Kofi has a daughter who is from the root letters dal rock F and dark we know is a low level right then when I feel clean, where
will they be for don't kill a spell in the lowest lowest level of hellfire. So, dark is a low level and it Dhamaka the dark is when one thing is piled on top of the other. One thing is piled on top of the other. So things that are piled up on each other starting from very low starting from very low. So Hector either the Roku fi here, when they will all be assembled in hellfire piled one after the other each has entered hellfire, Jamia and altogether call it it will say who? Oh hello home. The last of them, meaning the last which entered Hellfire they will say li hola home about the first of them. Meaning the last people to enter Hellfire will say about to the first people who entered
hellfire. They will say Robina Oh our Lord, how Allah II these are the ones who who? Those who entered first and hellfire. These are the ones who have been Luna, they misled us because they entered first, right? So in time, they came to the world before us. They were our ancestors. They're the people who pioneered us. They're the people who came before us who set an example for us, who taught us who told us to do this and this wrong. These are the people who misled us. So for example, when we do something wrong, what do we say? shaytaan? Iblees? His fault? Yes, okay. It's his fault. But you know what, it's also your fault. Why? Because you listen to him. Allah warned you, Allah
made you aware. He taught you from before, but you chose to listen to him. So okay, you blame shaitan. But you cannot exempt yourself of responsibility. You are also responsible for the mistake that you have made. You are also responsible. Like for instance, if there's someone who has made you really upset, who has made you really upset, and you're so frustrated, you're so angry, that you lose control of yourself and you go break something, you will break something, you break your mother's favorite laws, for instance, because you're so angry, you're gonna take that anger out. Okay, so when your mom will ask you why did this happen? Is this enough of an excuse that my younger
sister really made me mad? So it's her fault? Ask her why she made me mad. No, it's her fault. Okay. But it's also your fault, because you chose to throw that vase down. Right? You could control yourself, or you could throw it down. You chose to throw it down. So you know what it is your fault as well. So the people in hellfire What will they say that these first ones the first generation IBLEES those who came before us, they're the ones who misled us. So it is their fault. So Oh ALLAH for anti him. So give them are there been punishment thereof and double Mina now of the fire give them double punishment, they will be so mad.
The same people whom they used to take as examples. They used to look up to them, they would emulate them. They regarded them, they respected them so much. They accepted every instruction of theirs. What will happen on the Day of Judgment, they will say Oh Allah, give them double punishment. We hate them. double punishment give them it's like if someone for instance, if there's apparently a friend who seems to be a friend to you, but in reality, they're harming you. And later on you find out that they were coming in front of you as a friend but in reality, they were breaking your family apart. They were ruining your family life, then what happens at the end, you love them or you hit
them, you would hit them. In this world also this happens that that love turns into hate. It turns into hate so imagine in the hereafter when people will realize that we
Follow these people. And this is where we've ended up. We love them yesterday, but oh Allah give them double punishment today are there but they're feminine. Now, Allah, Allah will say, Li calling their phone for each is double punishment. Why? Because we're each person was misguided. He was also misleading others where he was misguided. He was also setting a bad example for others, where he was following others and wrong. He was also setting an example. For those who came later on. Like, for instance, if there is a man who in his childhood was exposed to wrong things. And as a result, what happens, he grows up and he develops many bad habits. So what will happen? Somebody taught him,
somebody taught him those wrong things, he developed bad habits. But automatically, he is setting a bad example for who? For his children.
Right. So where he was misguided, he also misguided others where he did something wrong. He also misled others. So Allah will say, Li colon Verifone, for each is double punishment, without collateral and one but you don't know. Meaning you don't understand you don't know how each person will have double punishment. What do we learn over here? What's the main lesson that we should never follow other people blindly.
We should never accept what other people are telling us, just because they're telling us use the mind, the reasoning that Allah subhanaw taala has given you refer to the knowledge that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed in his book, just because someone is doing something. And just because someone is saying something, it doesn't make it right.
It doesn't make it right, take the example of dressing up because the previous verses were about clothing. So just because the whole world is dressing up in a particular way, it doesn't mean that we dress up in the same way.
That's not the criteria that Allah has given us. Just because someone is wearing their hijab in a particular way, or a particular kind of hijab, doesn't mean it's okay. No, but what do we do, we just follow other people, we have the cheap mentality, you know, I saw someone do something, I'm gonna do the same thing as well, no, use the mind that Allah has given you use the mind that Allah has given you. Remember, there's two kinds of errors. There's two kinds of mistakes. One is that which is a result of ignorance that a person didn't know. So he did something wrong. And the other is that a person made a mistake, when he knew or he could have known. So in other words, that
mistake could have been prevented, it could have been prevented. So in this case, he is responsible, he will be held accountable. So where Allah has given you the knowledge, where Allah has revealed the instructions sent the messenger explained the hacking detail, then we cannot offer this excuse on the Day of Judgment. Oh, Allah, I didn't know. So, recently, I had a talk in my class about plagiarism. And how even if someone does it unknowingly, they will still be held accountable for it because rightfully, they should have known should have an even in our times now you can't say Oh, I didn't know when we have all these resources, all these people around us. So we rightfully should
have known what was right and wrong. If we don't, then we're just choosing to be blind about it. Exactly. We learn about the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how they would ask the prophets of Allah sent about little little things in the Quran. What do we learn? Yes, Ilona? Yes. Aluna. They ask you, they ask you about this. They ask the prophets Allah said about every little thing. Why? Because they wanted clarification. They wanted to make sure that they weren't doing anything that was wrong.
And majority of the time, what is our behavior? We pretend that it's okay. It's irrelevant to find out it's not necessary to find out it's not a big deal. It can be a big deal. Because a believer what did we learn about at the end of Surah, Al Anon, that in the celerity were no Sookie Jamahiriya? Well, imati entire life is dedicated to who? Allah subhanaw taala. So it has to be according to what Allah has taught what Allah has revealed, and if we don't bother to find out, then it is our fault.
Instead of 6768 Allah says, we'll call the people in hellfire they will say Rob banner, or our Lord in alternate data on our COBOL and we just followed our masters, our dignitaries, our elders, our leaders, we just followed them for our Luna sebelah. So they misled
to us from the right way, they misguided us Robina ATeam Blair Fany minute are the Oh Allah Our Lord, give them double punishment well on whom learning could be wrong and curse them a great curse, meaning they will be so frustrated and angry at all those people who misled them, but it was their fault as well. They chose to follow them, we'll call it and it will say hola home, the first of them Leo hurrah home to the last of them because the last of them last of the nations, they will say that Oh Allah, the first one misled us. So give them double punishment. Now the first one will respond that Why are you blaming us? So we'll call it hola Julio O'Hagan, that firmer, so not Canada, it was
looking for us. I Elena, against us men fondling any favor, meaning you don't have any favor over us. Meaning how are you any better than us? You think it's all our fault entirely? What makes you better than us? If we were arrogant, you were also arrogant. I mean, imagine the state of those people who don't pray for that and they will blame Shetland on the Day of Judgment.
She had one if he says that, how are you better than me? He would be justified in making this claim. Because if you think about it, he refused to prostrate just once. And those who follow Him, they refuse to prostrate. How many times? Many, many more times than Iblees. refused. So the first of them will say for mechanical Marlena and fuggle here are no better than us. What makes you better? What gives you the right to say that we deserve double punishment? You deserve double punishment as well. If we misled others, you must lead others to follow color either. So taste the punishment be more quantum taxi bone because of what you use to earn meaning you acquired the sense you are
blameworthy you are responsible for what you did don't blame others. Just like in this world excuses don't work many times in the Hereafter they will not work at all but many times people want to get out of difficulty how by blaming others but it's not going to help in the hereafter
for men
stole a lot you can even
enough we've
all been
at all Adobo roofie oh my
god the holiday
on at
walk all
wrong Canada
Tec Cebu
so never disobey Allah for the sake of others. Because no matter who those people are, they're not going to care for you on the Day of Judgment. Not at all.
Subhanak alone will be handing the show to Allah
Either it loaded into the stock federal gov tool with a Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah