Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 067B Tafsir Al-Nisa 163-170

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AI: Summary ©
Lesson number 67 Surah Nisa is number 163 to 176 in our Hayner e Laker. Indeed we have revealed to you who are Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comma, just as a hyena, we revealed Isla new hen. Do you know
the first messenger was new, early Hustler, or the race and I was a newbie, whereas new Harley Sedan was a Rasul because he was given the command to convey to the people at the time of other listener. There was no human being and his own children. They were believers. After many, many years, it was that people began doing Schick and that is when new Harley Salem was sent as a messenger. So this is the reason why new Hyundai Sonata is mentioned and other listening was not mentioned. And the word working well, ha, yeah. What does it mean? Revelation, but the literal meaning of the word is to inform someone to communicate with them, how secretly
in such a way, that only they receive the message. And the other people around them have no clue. They have no idea. Why because it's hidden. So it's like a secret indication, a secret communication, a secret communication, that is quick also.
Definitely, what is where he, where he is Allah's communication to his prophets, and messengers, how by various means. Sometimes an angel was sent, sometimes the way he was inspired directly in the heart. Sometimes Allah subhanaw taala spoke to the messenger like Musa la Santa waka, la mala Musa that Lima. So through various ways, Allah subhanaw taala communicated with his messengers, and that communication is called what what? So Allah says that just as we sent what he do know, when a Salah 1000s and 1000s of years ago, just like that, we have revealed to you as well Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the first messenger and the last messenger, the same kind of ye the same message,
the same message was conveyed to both. And this is something that's not new, it has been happening from such a long time. So Mohammed Salah lorrison, receiving prophethood receiving Ye, this is not something amazing. This is not something strange, rather, it's not something novel, rather, it happened many times before. It happened from the time of no Hallasan Why is Allah subhanaw taala mentioning this, because for people to believe that there is a man spoke to whom Allah sent His message to for them, for many people, this is something strange, how is it possible? How can God send a message to a human being? How is it possible, but Allah says this is very much possible. It's
something that's not happening for the first time. Rather, it has happened many times before. Long before you even came into existence at the time of new hire listener. So in Oh Hayner ileka, como Hanaa Illa know him, one of the unit and all the prophets remember the after him so many prophets afterwards, Allah sent what hated them. Whoa, Hanaa Illa Ibrahim, and we sent ye to Ibrahim, where is Marielle and Ismar eel was HELCO where Kuba well as badly is how ner kooberi Salam and Isbell What are Isbell floral obsip and it refers to the tribes from among the Bani Israel.
The tribes of Bani Israel they were known as Oba IL and the tribes of Bani Israel they were known as a spell how many sons did jacobellis alum have? 12 and those 12 sons, their descendants, their progeny, they formed into 12 tribes, okay 12 tribes. So as Beth refers to the tribes of the Bani Israel, and from those people from those 12 tribes, over generations and generations, Allah subhanaw taala chose many people to be His messengers.
So who are us back basically the descendants of your Cobra listener? Bani Israel eel basically, from among whom ALLAH chose many messengers, so Allah sent what he do the US belt, meaning prophets are among the US belt, where ISA and finally from among them
Risa listen. And the last messenger from the Isbell was a YouTuber and before him, Allah said, why to a YouTube when you lose and Eunice were how long? And how long was to lay man and to lay man, all of these men great men, Allah sent away to them. What Taina? Who does a Bura and we gave to the wilderness Salam Zaboo. What does this mean? That Allah sent revelation to all of the prophets and the messengers, and to some prophets, He gave books as well, he gave the Scripture as well. And each scripture was unique. Each scripture was of its own kind, the bowl, for example, did not contain law, did not have prohibitions and commandments, rather, it is said that it had words of praise for
who? Allah subhanaw taala. So what tainer, the Buddha, the Buddha and the water escena, he would recite, he will do this be have Allah subhanaw taala with the words of the Buddha that Allah had taught him. And in the Quran, we learned that when he would do this be when he would recite than the birds, as well as the mountains, they would join him, how would the mountains join? The scholars have said that perhaps this means that the echo would be so beautiful, it would be as though the mountains will be doing this B as well, the birds would also join him. So I think that that would Zaboo Euro. So we see that where, what he was sent to every prophet and messenger. But it didn't
mean that every prophet was exactly identical to the other prophet. No, there were differences. There were different ways in which Allah honored some of them, for example, that would really send me gave him the boat will also learn and they are messengers, meaning we also send messengers, we also reveal to messengers, which ones are the in fact us us now whom I Lekha plus us now from the root letters, golf assaults, flood, or fire puzzle is to relate a story to tell a story to narrate an incident, the word pizza, or sauce, also Ambia I'm sure you've heard of these words before, but the word literally means to follow. To follow remember the word the sauce is also from the same
root. Because in the sauce, what is done, the criminal is followed, how that the crime that he committed, the harm that he injured, another person with the same thing is done to him. Okay, what he did do another, the same thing is done upon him. This is why it's called the sauce. And why is this so called? Because so why is this word used for narration for storytelling in the Quran, because the purpose of relating all of these stories that Allah subhanaw taala has told us off in the Quran is not just mere entertainment, mere knowledge mere information, rather, it is so that we follow. We follow the good examples that Allah has taught us through these stories in these
that we follow, for example, the way of use of earnestness, we take a lesson, and we follow the messengers. So what also learn other courses now whom I like I'm in blue, already, we have informed you of their stories will also learn and there are also some other messengers Laminex also Malaika we have not narrative to you about them, meaning we have not informed you about them. You have been told of their names only or you have not even been told of their names. And isn't that so? Yes? Because we learn that many messengers were sent to the Bani Israel, for example, but do we know the names of all of them? We don't know. We have no idea. But we see that for example, in the Bible,
many men are mentioned as Prophets. And we don't know whether or not they were prophets, because we have not been informed about them. Likewise, we know of the prophets who were sent to, you know, Arabia, or the area of a sham Philistine, but beyond that, the rest of the world what about North America? What about South America? Did Allah subhanaw taala ever send prophets here he must have because he says no Quran that we're immune Korea tiene Illa Hola, Fe Hana de there is no community. There is no people except that a warner was sent to them. So every people Allah did send Warner's to them. And just because we have not been informed of their names, doesn't mean that didn't exist. No,
Allah sent them. Allah did because there are messengers whom Laminex also Malaika we have not informed you about them. What Kalam Allahu Musa claimer and Allah spoke to Musa kefla meme Kalam? How did he speak to him to claim the claim means to speak speech. So why is this being mentioned Kalam, Allahu Musa, this would
have been sufficient that Allah spoke to Musa Why does Allah say to clean again that he spoke to him? This is basically laying emphasis that he spoke to him with direct speech, direct speech without anyone in the middle, in audible words so Musa alayhis salam heard Allah, he heard Allah Khanna Milan was at Lima it was gonna so Allah honored Musa Salah with this huge favor. All of these messengers there were rustling messengers MOBA sharina conveyors of good news, Florida MOBA ship who is well Bechet one who gives Bushra and Bushra is good news. So these messengers they came with good news. Good news of what Allah's reward, good news of His mercy, His forgiveness, Jana, and at the
same time, they also came as one one zerene Warner's florala Monday, who is Wednesday, one who does in the one who gives warning. So they came as conveyors of good news and also as conveyors off warning, what's the warning that they conveyed of Allah's punishment of the Hellfire of harmful consequences of sins in this life and also in the hereafter? So the prophets they conveyed both good news and warning, just analyze the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and you will see both of these things. Good news and warning. For example, take the example of the month of Ramadan that are Hadith that are about the month of Ramadan. Is there good news mentioned in them yes. What good news
that the person who fasts in the month of Ramadan prays pm in the month of Ramadan hoping expecting reward from Allah subhanaw taala then what will happen? What's the good news? That all his previous sins will be forgiven inshallah? So this is what good news warning. What's the warning that the Prophet SAW Allah Islam conveyed concerning the month of Ramadan? Does anything come to your mind? Any warning that he told us that he gave us
that the Prophet saw a lot of sudden was ascending, remember he said Amin, Amin, amin, and when the people asked the WHY DID YOU SAY I mean? He said because your real came to me. And he said to me, that may such a person be distanced who the one who finds the month of Ramadan, and yet he does not have his sins forgiven, yet he does not have his sins forgiven. So this is a warning. So all of the prophets of Allah, they gave good news and they gave warning why? Why not only warning? Why good news as well? Or why not only good news? Why warning as well, why both? Because it is a combination of both. That moves us to action, isn't it so? It is a combination of both that moves us to action?
For example, every day when you're going for therapy when you're standing up for cam you tell yourself I have to do it because I have to get my sins forgiven because inshallah if I do this consistently, Allah will forgive my sins. But then on the day when you're feeling lazy, then you get worried but the Prophet sallallahu sallam said message a person be distance you cannot manage to get his sins forgiven, so I better do more. I better worship more I better seek more forgiveness. So both good news and warning, the warning against punishment good news of reward this moves you to action. So all the messengers brought this rustled and mobile Shereena woman Xena, y li Allah so
that not this is a combination of Li n en la li meaning so I'm meaning that and La meaning not. So that not yet gonna it is Le Nursey for the people meaning so that the people do not have what do people not have on Allah He against Allah hood jetan any argument any proof bar the Russell after the messengers meeting after the messengers have come conveyed to them the good news given them the warning, then the people have no argument against Allah. What is her job? Her does from how Jean Jean and her job is you can say a proof that is used in an argument in a debate so that a person can win the argument. Okay. So for example, there is a person who is accused of a crime, okay, he's
supposed to be guilty, but then in the court before the judge, he presents an evidence that proves him innocent.
Okay, that proves him innocent.
Like for example, the person is blamed of speeding. Okay. And then in the court before the judge, he says, but I was driving, there was a snowstorm and the speed limit sign was covered in snow, so I couldn't even see what the speed limit was of that particular road. So it's quite possible that he is exempted right he is forgiven because he has given an evidence. So he has
As one the argument for example, okay, so this is what her job is. What does Allah subhanaw taala say over here that he sent messengers who fully conveyed good news have fully conveyed morning? Why? So that on the Day of Judgment, the people have no argument against Allah. No evidence, no proof against Allah. What would their proof what would their arguing be? That Allah we never knew? We didn't know. We didn't know there was Jana. We didn't know there was no fire. We didn't know You created us for a purpose. We had no clue that you are going to ask us about our deeds. We had no idea.
So no one can say this on the Day of Judgment. Why bother Russell after the messengers, because Allah subhanaw taala repeatedly sent messengers, one after the other. And the final Messenger whom He sent, he made him victorious. He caused his Deen to be established. Allah took the responsibility to preserve the Quran himself. And he laid the responsibility on Omar Muhammad to do the work of the prophets, Allah lemma. One author told Ambia the scholars are the heirs of the prophets, they do the job of the prophets. So now, no person can send the Day of Judgment. I had no clue. I had no idea. So you can't punish me. I'm not responsible. I was ignorant. No person can say that. Why? Because
Allah sent messengers. He made the truth clear. What can Allahu Aziz and Hekima And Allah is Ever mighty and wise. So if someone does wrong now, then what does it mean? He is fully responsible, he is fully guilty.
But sometimes we will come up with excuses or Quran is in Arabic. So what do I know? I have so many things to do in life. So how can I go and study the deen? This religion is so broad, so big, how can you have all the knowledge? So if I'm not implementing, I'm not at fault.
You are at fault. You know why? Because you are responsible to learn. Why do you think the Prophet sallallahu sallam said the follow up will earn me for yoga, seeking knowledge and obligation? Why is it an obligation that you can save yourself in the hereafter? Because on the Day of Judgment, you can't say I didn't know. Because Allah sent the book. He sent the messenger he preserved the deen, he clarified the deen so many times in the Quran we learn of the word by Hina. You by Keanu. He makes clear, clear evidences so that there is no doubt in our mind, there is no misunderstanding. Yet if a person disobey is then whose fault is it? Yet, if a person doesn't bother to find out, then
whose fault is it? First of all, right? Like, for example, before you get your driver's license, you're supposed to study the book, you're supposed to take the test, right? Which proves that you have learned the traffic laws, you have learned the rules of the road? And which is why if you break a rule, then you are responsible. Correct. If you break a rule, you're responsible, you can't say but I never read that page. I never read this. I never quite understood it. No, you were supposed to read it, you were supposed to understand it. So likewise, when Allah has given us the book, then it is our obligation to find out lacking in La Jolla shadow but we see that still many people refuse.
So Allah says lacking in La Jolla shadow, but the reality is that Allah bears witness, he testifies, he bears witness to what to the truthfulness of Bhima Angela acre of that which He has revealed to you. He testifies to the truthfulness of that which He has sent down upon you, that you owe Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam are not a liar, rather this way that has come to you is true. You have been sent the message and Zelo buried me He, Allah has sent it down. Allah has revealed it with his knowledge. What does it mean by this? Meaning the revelation that he has sent contains a part of the knowledge of Allah. The revelation that Allah has sent is based on what the knowledge of Allah meaning ALLAH
has informed us of certain things, through this knowledge, how much how much only as much as he has wanted us to know. So there are some things that we know. And there are other things that we can never know. But we have to realize that Angela who betrayed me, and if this Quran is based on the knowledge of Allah, then what does it mean? It is completely accurate. It is completely factual. There is no doubt in it. There is no doubt about it. And Zillah who betrayed me while Mala eager to Yeshua don't, and the angels even there testify, even there bear witness to what to your truthfulness on Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And even if the angels testimony is not their work, if
Villa he Shahida sufficient is Allah as a witness, because if Allah is saying that this is what you have been given the book, You are the messenger, then you have to take Allah's word for it. You have to take Allah's word for it.
You don't like there's some things that Allah subhanaw taala tells us to do. In the Quran, we learn about many things Allah has commanded us. But the rest of the people this is something completely different. They say something that is exactly opposite of what Allah tells us. Do we see examples of this many, many examples? And then we see that there are some people who say exactly what Allah has said, Okay, who say exactly what Allah has said they confirm the word of Allah, but the majority of the people don't. But what should we remember that time woke up? I believe he Shahida if Allah has said it, that's sufficient. We don't have to have you know, the proofs of the fact that they're
knowledgeable people or their scientists or their studies proving the same thing that the Quran has mentioned. Or the scientist has mentioned the same thing that the Quran has said, because some people what they do is if there's something that is proven by science, okay, if there's something that's proven by a researcher, then they will say yeah, see, this is what the Quran also says.
And then they will come to believe in it. But the fact is that we have to believe in the Quran everything that Allah says even if no research no study, no scientist proves it even then we have to believe in it in a right now for us to believe the things that are mentioned concerning the clouds, the rain, the earth, the sun, the moon, it's very easy. Why because we studied the same things in science. Right. But back then when these things were not proven by science, it took a lot of Eman to believe in these things. So those things which are not yet proven by science, which are not yet predicted by scientists, still we have to believe in them why because worker Fabula he Shahida
Allah's word is enough for us if Allah has said something then it is sufficient for us recitation
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I remember in school once there was a discussion going on amongst people about the Quran. I think it started off from salah or something. And this one person's like, Yeah, I'm gonna say on the Day of Judgment that a particular command was mentioned. So I said it's in the Quran. And they said, Yeah, I'm gonna say on the Day of Judgment, the Quran is in Arabic, I don't understand.
Is that really, there's translations available? You have no excuse now. There's translations available. Explanation available. Audio tafsir written the seer. There's so much knowledge being broadcasted all the time. No one can say I didn't know. And if you have the time to bother to find out about the minut details of cells of protons and whatever then you will have to have the time to learn about the Quran as well.
If you can take time out of your life of your busy schedule to find out which team is winning, and which player is playing in which game and which season and how many
strikes did he make and how many runs did he make and how many, whatever he did, then you have to be able to take time out for the Quran.
If you have the time to research which makeup is the best, which eyeliner is the best, which way of styling the hairs the best you can watch one video after the other to figure out how to style your hair perfectly, then you have to watch one video after the other to know about the meanings of the book of Allah.
So no one no one can make an excuse on the Day of Judgment. That will Allah I didn't know.
So let's ask ourselves that whatever I am doing, Am I doing it with confidence? Whatever I am leaving, am I leaving it with confidence? Or am I in that state of shock that yeah, we'll see what happens. Get out of that state of doubt and be confident what you do. Do it with confidence what you leave, leave it with confidence. In Alladhina Cafaro Indeed, those people who disbelieve was what do arencibia Allah He and they also stopped people from the way of Allah, how it's primarily referring to the People of the Book, that first of all, they disbelieve, and secondly, they stop people from believing in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they adopted many ways to stop people from
believing in Him SallAllahu sallam, one of the ways they adopted was that they would believe in the morning, pretend to believe. And then by the end of the day, they would publicize their apostasy that now we are not believers anymore. And the people who would wonder why we found out about some things and, you know, I don't feel that this is the right religion. So then the other people would also follow them, they adopted many ways to stop people from the way of Allah. If the people asked about Muhammad, Allah doesn't know about his signs that they have the characteristics that they know, what would they say? Yes, he may be a prophet, but only for the Arabs, not for us. So people
are in confusion. So are we supposed to believe in him or not. So they stop people from the way of Allah. And because they stop themselves as a result that we're stopping many others because the fact is that when you stay away from something yourself, then you're causing many other people to stay away from it as well. For example, if you as a mother, don't read Quran, then you are telling your children the same thing, that we don't read a Quran. Whereas if you read Quran, then what will happen your children will also read Quran, so you're stopping from something will cause many others to stop from it as well. So those who disbelieve and stop from the way of Allah, or the Balu, Bala
and bear either, in fact, they have gone far astray how much very then boil and breathe and they're far far away, in their misguidance. Far from what far from the right way.
And when someone is far from the right destination, then it is not possible that they will return in Alladhina Cafaro. Indeed, those who disbelieve will one or more, and they also do all they also commit injustice. What's this injustice, persistence and disbelief? That even though the truth is clear, yet a person refuses? Even though the command is clear, yet he refuses to obey, they do learn and little miss what knocks to fall short in giving the heck of the other? What's the prophets right that he should be believed and what Allah has right that he should be obeyed. So what if they did learn such people? Lum? Yeah, Cooney Allah who Allah is not going to Lille filler whom he is not
going to forgive them. Wala and nor Lea dia whom Toria. Ca he is not going to guide them to anywhere. Yeah, dia from hidayah. He's not going to forgive them no mafia for them. And he's not going to guide them know hey, Daya for them. No mafia, no hedaya Then where is this person going to end up? Imagine no forgiveness for the previous mistakes and no guidance for future improvement. Where is this person going to end up in luck or your car Jahannam except the way of hellfire, meaning the only way that such people will be allowed to go on the only way of life they will adopt is going to lead them to what hellfire? Illa Polyakov Johanna because the fact is that Allah
subhanaw taala does not force guidance on anyone. He does not force misguidance on anyone. But whatever a person chooses for himself, that is allowed for him that is made easy for him that is facilitated for him. So they do Cofer. They start from the way of Allah it clearly shows they don't want guidance. It's very clear they have no interest in the religion of Allah. So
such people they can go their own way. Allah will facilitate the path for them. Where are they headed to, in fulfillment of their desires are headed towards the hellfire. So Allah Tada Johanna Holly Dena fie her aboda abiding there in eternally forever. What kind of valley girl Allah He is the euro and don't worry, this is something very easy for Allah you see it you see this from us? Yes, seen that this is something very easy for Allah. Don't think that Allah doesn't know what you're doing. Don't think that Allah has no idea about the desires that are in your heart. It's very easy for Allah to make a person go on his way to hellfire. So what should we pray for? What should
we strive towards increasing Eman and stay away from
stay away from these two things? Because these are the two things that lead to hellfire right? These two things take a person away from forgiveness and guidance. So opposite of gopher is a man opposite of love is pissed idle?
So these two things we must pray for we must practice seriously in order to get to Paradise in order to stay away from from the Hellfire because notice is what kind of then he can Allah He is Sita don't think it's difficult for Allah.
Don't think it's difficult for Allah because we think well, I'm a born Muslim, that I'm fine. What's gonna happen to me? I read the Quran. So what's the big deal? If I don't give the hug to my parents? If I don't give the hug to my husband? If I don't give the hug to my children? No, it's very easy for Allah to switch you from here to here. What do we learn that the heart is between the two fingers of Allah? Right? He can literally change the state of the heart within a split second and you will have no control over it. No control over it. So watch your desires. Watch your wishes, your actions, your striving, what do you want? What are you headed to because wherever you're headed do
that is what Allah subhanaw taala will put you in the direction of yeah, you her nurse, all people all mankind Khadija como rasuluh certainly a messenger has come to you, the messenger has come to you which messenger the messenger you were waiting for. The final messenger Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam he has come to you will help me with the truth meaning he has brought the truth, middle up be come from your Lord. So what should you do now? For me? No, so believe why? Because higher Allah come it is better for you. How is it better for you? If you believe in Him,
you will find the best example in his life. If you believe in Him, and you follow him, Allah who will love you. If you believe in Him, then only your Eman will be accepted. So there are many benefits of believing in Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Allah says believe in him. Hi Allah calm, it's good for you. Better for you. better for you than what then disbelieving in him. We're in tactful, and if you refuse you disbelieve, then remember, Allah doesn't need you. Because for in Melilla Hema for summer where it will, indeed to Allah belong, whatever that isn't the heavens and whatever that is in the earth. Everything is owned by Allah, everything, Allah subhanaw taala possesses it,
whether it's in the skies or the earth, and that includes you and I, which means that we cannot escape his decision concerning us. How can we avoid Allah, we can't run away from him. What can Allah who aren't even Hakeem and Allah is ever knowing, and wise, meaning whoever he has chosen as His messenger? That's based on his knowledge. He is the one who's most deserving. And Hakeem, his decision is based on his wisdom. So what do we learn here? If we believe if we follow good for us? And if we turn away, we refuse worse for us. Because Allah doesn't benefit by the belief by the worship of his servants. Likewise, he doesn't suffer any harm, by the disbelief by the disobedience
of His servants who benefits who suffers? It's us. So if you believe highroller come and if you refuse, then know that Allah doesn't need you. He owns the heavens and the earth. And he doesn't care. If you disbelieve. Like in Surah Ibrahim eight we learn what color Musa in Duck foo and to woman fill out the Jamia and for in Hola Hola, Niger Hamid Hassan Hassan told his people if you disbelieve, then you and also all the people on the earth have every single person that believes that you remember that Allah is Rich, he doesn't need you. He's still praiseworthy. There's still millions and millions of angels
Who are worshiping Him? He doesn't need your worship. So if you do so, it is only best for you.
First Edition in Alevtina
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During this month, also make dua to Allah for is to coma, for firmness on guidance on the right way. Because it happens that people start doing something good and then all of a sudden they collapse. All of a sudden all those good things disappear from their life.