Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P05 063A Translation Al-Nisa 105-122

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The transcript describes a video game where Alayka is mentioned and a book she received. It also describes a woman named Yasha, Miranda, Phil, Elodie, and a woman named Elodie who refuse to give up their job. The speakers discuss various topics such as war, religion, and money.
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Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah here we're gonna go through
the mother who will suddenly or that are sitting in Karim a my birth for over the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim for Beshara holy Saudi UAE a Sidley Emery. Well hello looked at me resigning of CO who called me up and as in our in
lesson number 63 Surah Nisa is number 105 to 122
in there, indeed we and then now, we have revealed alayka to you, Al Kitab. The book will help you with the truth, liter coma so that you judge by dinner between a Nursey the people Bhima with what a rocker he showed you, Allahu Allah.
Wa and do not the Khun UB lil ha ha Nina, for those who are treacherous Kazuma and advocate was still fear and you seek forgiveness. Allah from Allah in Indeed, Allah Allah, Ghana, he is ever the foreign most forgiving Rahima always all merciful.
One wanna and do not to juggle you dispute, you argue on about an levena Those who you afternoon they deceive and Fusa whom themselves in Indeed, Allah, Allah, La not you Hibou he loves man who can he is? Hawaiian, most deceitful, most treacherous. aseema and extreme sinner.
Yes, the fauna, they seek to hide. They try to hide men from a nurse the people who Allah and not yes the phone, they hide men from Allah He Allah wa Hawa while he Mar home is with them. It when you buy you tuna they spend night plotting ma what? Law not your bar he approves main from a phone the speech
what can and he is he is ever Allahu Allah Bhima with whichever he or MeLuna they do, more hater, one who encompasses her and Tom, here you are, how old are II are these Jaya the tomb you all pleaded you all disputed with each other. On whom about them, fee in L higher D the life of dunya the world
for men so who Yuja delu he will argue Allah with Allah, on whom about them Yoma en de LPR nothing the standing
or man who your corner he will be or lay him upon them. Who Akela a trustee.
Woman and whoever you are man he does so an evil Oh or your rim he wrongs Nutzer who himself some then yesterday. He seeks forgiveness Allah from Allah Yejin he will find Allah Allah of a foreign most forgiving or Hema most Merciful.
Well man, woman and whoever you accept, he earns is men a sin for innama than indeed not but he acts Cebu he earns it either against Neff CE himself. What Kana and he is ever Allahu Allah or Lehmann always annoying Hekima always always woman and whoever you accept he earns hopefully at a mistake, a fault. Oh or is Man a sin? Some then you're me Heathrow's be with it, buddy, to one who is innocent for God. Then in fact, a murderer He bore he carried Bhutan in a slender, a false accusation. What is men and is in Medina one clear
when hola and if not, for blue Grace bounty. Allah He of Allah
I like upon you or Rama to who and His mercy, Muhammad. Surely it intended for if attune a group mean home from them and that you will Luca, they lead you astray. Warmer and not you'll be Luna they lead astray Illa except and foster home themselves warmer and not your boo rune Oka they harm you men from che in anything.
Well Angela and he sent down, Allahu Allah, our Laker upon you al Kitab the Book, while Hickmott and the wisdom What are Namaka and he taught you ma what? Lamb not the cone, you are thermal, you know what can and it is ever for blue favor, bounty, Allah He of Allah or Laker upon you. Or Lima, great
love not Hira? Any good fee in Kassir in many men from Najwa. whom their whisperings their secret talks in there except man who Amara he commanded beside the Putin with charity. Oh or Marvin recognized good. Oh or is La him. Reconciliation, Boehner between a mercy the people, woman and whoever we have Earl he does vaniqa that era to seek more Bertie pleasure. Allah He of Allah. For sofa then will soon note D we will give him a JSON a reward or Lima most great
woman and whoever you shall pick he opposes of Missoula, the messenger men from body after ma what? for that? Debate Janna it became clear, the WHO for him. alHuda the guidance what and yet Debir he follows via other than severely way meaning of the believers. No one day he we will turn him ma to what the Wallah he turned one Asli he and we shall burn him we shall enter him. Jehan nama inhale was and how bad how evil mostly Euro a place of return a destination
in Indeed, Allah Allah La not your view he forgives and that use rocker it is associated be with him. Well, Phil, and he forgives ma whatever doona besides that, because that Lehman for who Yasha Oh, he wills woman and whoever you are Shrek he associates partners Billahi with Allah for cod, then in fact, been he strayed been a string where either one farm
in not yet the owner they call main from duty besides him in law except Inessa females were in and not yet the owner. They call their worship in there except shape on and shape on Merida one rebellious
learner who he cursed him, Allah who Allah will Allah and he said, Let Delphi then surely I will definitely take men from Reba dica Your servants mostly been a share muffs Aruba one fixed one appointed
what en la OB Lennar home. Surely I will definitely mislead them when a woman near New Home and surely I will definitely arouse false hopes in them
when Miranda home and surely I will definitely order them further you but the corner so surely they will definitely cut their ears, an arm of the grazing livestock, an arm of the grazing livestock. What a moron to whom, and surely I will definitely order them. Further you have a urine
So surely they will definitely change Hulka creation Allah He of Allah, woman and whoever yet to him, he takes a shape on the Shavon when he began as a close friend, men from Dooney besides Allah He Allah for God, then in fact, hustler he lost her sironen a loss. Medina one clear Yei the home He promises them were human need him and he arouses false hopes in them
warmer and not yet a new home He promises them a shape or a new shape drawn in there except Rura deception delusion
guna Iike chose not while home their abode Johanna Nemo is *. Wanda and not yet you doona they will find on her from it. My Hazel any escape
one Medina and those who Manu they believed what they do and they did a solid healthy the righteous deeds center to failure home soon we will admit them Jen nothin gardens that Judy it flows main from that the hair underneath it and how the rivers Holly Dena ones abiding eternity fee here in it. Aveda forever
we're the promise Allah He of Allah haka, true woman and who is the who is more truthful men then Allah He Allah de la in speech in utterance
we listen to the recitation of these ayat
Isla you can
help the reader Kuma Reina
last one
in enough acima was
in hola Hakka
wa wala to the LAN in the afternoon
who sent home
boomin Ghana one team
yes the phone
stuck food I mean a lot well who eat you be tuna
Amina Bo work and Allah will be my una Mohave or
Phil hire to meow
meow woman DM me
even working
while may
oh and we are the limits
on a CB
Cebu Allah FC waka and a logline Iman Hakima
Sybil Halti
movie buddy
done for the
movie in
one hola
a building no one
gonna come in shape it was in a long run Aiken keytab sheetmetal
worker in law yada yada all the
love for you Rafi can see it
not obvious, but in our in our slash
De Lima well me You shall
me meaning normally Hema
Legion Amasa Tomasi you're
in Allah
Shankar be here
at me
he the runer shape on Marie
Lerner who
work on Turkey than I mean anybody cannot see them
hola hola me at Duffy's shave on Elodie
for the first year of a salon movie
more human need him one
shape on
when Larina
Solly had his eldest Hilo whom Jen
lgt sandwiches he Lou whom Jen
Rohan Ed naughty
wire the more you have
asked me to login