Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P04 051D Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 160-164
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AI: Transcript ©
With a belief in a chef Jamison, Rahim
em Sotkamo Allah who if Allah helps you, fellow Alibaba calm then there is no one who can overcome you. If Allah gives you victory, no one can overcome you Lolly from Vine Lamba Bolivar, to overcome to conquer to gain victory over someone. So if Allah is giving you victory, no one can prevail you what II don't come and if he protects you, you will come from cada Lam who learn is to to leave someone without help.
That when someone is expecting your help leave them. So if Allah abandons you at the time when you're expecting his help, then Allah says famines Elodie, then who is that who Jung Soo can remember the who can help you after him meaning after Allah has abandoned you, who are an Allah He fell yet our calling. And Allah should the believers rely relying upon Allah is a requirement of EMA. So what's the lesson in this if that victory comes only from Allah, the defeat at Ohio taught the believers a big lesson, that victory comes only from Allah, we can only be successful at something if Allah helps us. And if Allah does not help us, then we have nothing. And this is a big
lesson in life, that no matter what we do, we can only be something we can only do something if Allah has helped us there and if he abandons us, then we are nothing we have nothing, we've got nothing. So it is incumbent that a person keeps begging Allah for his help and keeps doing those things which bring the help of ALLAH and he should avoid those things that deprive him of Allah's help what deprives the person of Allah's help.
We learned earlier Hector either official tone, what another tone film, right.
Wilma Catalina begin and it is not possible for a prophet and your honor, that he should be unfaithful, that he should be deceitful. You're only some through letters line lamb lamb, and well literally means to insert something when you've inserted something into another it is hidden. So it also means to conceal. And from this the word is also used for deceiving someone acting unfaithful Lee because you're concealing the reality from them. So for example, it is said that in a story, we learned that one of the Israelis that the restart list and I once told one of his companions to go and buy some food. So that man he went and bought three loaves of bread. He was really hungry. So he
ate one loaf of bread. He came back with two he started so I'm asked him that where's the third loaf? He said there was no third law. So he was lying. He was deceitful. Okay, how did he hid the reality something that he was supposed to give to resources and he did not give. So your role is what being treacherous being deceitful. And especially this is with regard to public treasury public money. Okay. So, for example, after a war, what happens the booty was to be collected, and then distributed according to the will of Allah subhanaw taala amongst the people. So some people accused the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you know, at various occasions, that he has been unfaithful, that
there are some things he escaped for himself. Okay. And in particular, it is about the archers who left their posts at the Battle of Ohio. Why did they leave their posts? Because they wanted to share of the booty? Because they were afraid that if they did not go and get it themselves, then they would not get anything at all.
Do you understand what I mean? Like a person thinks that my mom made amazing lasagna, I better go get a piece because otherwise I'm not gonna get any.
Because you feel you're afraid that other people will have everything and they will not leave anything for you. But a mother who cares for you, okay for her children. Even when her children are at school at university out the whole day, what will she do? She will take a serving
and put it away for her child. Right? Why? Because she is the mother, the Prophet salallahu Salam was more loving and caring and affectionate towards the companions and a mother could be towards her children.
And it cannot even be expected that he would be unfair in the Division of the booty. And besides the Battle of butter had already happened. The law had been revealed. Nobody was allowed to go and take whatever they wanted before Islam. This was the tradition that whoever wins whatever they can find in the battlefield, they can grab it, they can take it whoever gets most finders keepers. But when Islam came at the Battle of buzzer after that victory, the law was revealed that everything is to be collected, handed over to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and then he would divide it amongst the people fairly according to the law of Allah.
So in a way those people are being reprimanded that why did you leave your posts? Did you not trust that the profit or loss and would give you a share of the booty that you deserve? Why did you even think like that it's not possible that a profit would be treacherous, that a profit would be deceitful. Well may have lol and whoever is deceitful yesterday, he will come be My Allah with that with which he was deceitful, meaning whatever he kept to himself, whatever he hid, he concealed, then he will have to bring it when Yokoyama on the Day of Judgment,
meaning if a person has stolen from the public treasury, get something for himself, then he will have to produce that on the Day of Judgment, bring it along with him.
And meaning that it will be like a source of embarrassment for him on that day.
So for example, a person goes to a masjid and the seat of the slippers in the washroom very nice, new good condition. And they say, Okay, let me take a couple for my house and the take a couple for their house. This is what stealing from public treasury right? This is public money. This is not your personal money.
If someone says, oh, what nice chairs they have, let me just take one, so comfortable, what nice benches they have let me take one, how easy it is to work on it. And if a person takes it doesn't belong to you, it's not your personal possession, we cannot take it home with us. And if a person does, then he will bring it on the Day of Judgment with him. Imagine.
Imagine bringing it on the day of judgment for everyone to see and be humiliated in front of the Prophet sallallahu sallam said by him in whose hand is my life. Whoever takes anything from the resources of the cat, meaning there's a cat that has been collected, he will carry it on his neck on the Day of Judgment. If it be a camel, it will be grunting. If it'd be a cow, it will be moving. And if a sheep it will be bleeding. The Prophet then raised his hands till the convenience or the whiteness of his arms and he said thrice or Allah haven't I conveyed your message.
So whatever it is that a person has stolen from public money, he will have to bring it on the Day of Judgment. So Matoba Coonan of sin Makassar but then every person will be recompensed in full, what he has earned, well whom law US law moon and they will not be treated with injustice. And then a person will be recompensed, and there will be no injustice on that day
are Mobin Cataldo DE LA or New he said that during the day of the Battle of labor, several companions of the Messenger of Allah came to him and said so and so died as a martyr so and so died as a martyr. And when they mentioned a certain man that died as a martyr that they said, oh he's a Shaheed the prophets of autism said no, I have seen him in the fire because of a robe that he stole from the booty. I have seen him in the fire because of one piece of cloth, a robe that he stole from the booty from something that he did not have any right over.
So a sheet, a hijab, and our baya What is it, a piece of cloth, a garment, but because of that a person ends up in the fire of *, and is deprived of the title of shahid. Imagine all that sacrifice doesn't mean anything. If a person has been treacherous, because treachery means a person who's not afraid of Allah. And when a person is not afraid of Allah disregards the commands of Allah, then Allah doesn't need his actions at all.
So when my young man yet to be male, Allah yarmulke, Yama whoever concealed something, then he will bring it on the Day of Judgment with him, and every person will be recompensed in full for what he has done, and no one will be treated with injustice.
It is justice. It is indeed fair, and the word of Allah. Allah is also from the word Lille and Lille is the hatred that is concealed in the heart, the ill feelings that are concealed in the heart. So if a person entertains ill feelings, grudges against people in their heart, how long can they conceal them only for some time, in this dunya also they become apparent but on the day of judgment, the hearts will be exposed well Helsley lemma F is so dude.
Well how sweet MF is so do whatever is in the hearts will be retrieved, it will be brought forth, a person cannot keep it hidden. So if there's insincerity, negative thoughts about the believers about the Prophet about the leader, then such ill feelings such rancor will also come out. Because when people are working together, then like we discussed earlier, the more you deal with people, the more you suffer abuse that there
hence, sometimes because of their deliberate actions and sometimes accidentally, the Sahaba did not mean to deliberately disobeyed the prophets or a lot is that they just misunderstood the command, or rather they they did not pay much heed at that time. You think they wanted the prophets or alyssum to get hurt? Do you think they wanted that the Muslims should suffer defeat? No, not at all. So it happens that we suffer at the hands of others when we are working with people. And if we don't forgive, if we don't let go, and we keep hatred in our hearts, then you know what, that hatred will come forth. If it doesn't come forth right now, it will come out on the Day of Judgment. Allah will
take out the reality of people, and it happens in different situations that the reality is exposed. So what's necessary that we clean our hearts? If someone's made a mistake, you know what, forgive them overlook them. If someone needs help help them if someone needs an advice, advise them if someone needs our opinion, let's be sincere and give them the best suggestion that we can let's work together and not against each other. Because what did we learn earlier? That word does seem will be heavily laid Jameer and wallah the for Rocco do not divide up amongst yourselves difference of opinion acceptable division not acceptable. So if we have such feelings that lead to division then
such feelings will come out. They cannot remain concealed forever. So let's purify our hearts for everyone. Listen to the recitation II
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FL Manitoba added one Allah He so is one who pursues the pleasure of Allah command like the one who better be so hopefully mean Allah, who has incurred the Wrath of Allah. One is the person who has gone forth to earn what, Allah's pleasure and the other is the one who stays behind, ending up with the anger of Allah. Allah says, are they the same common calf over here as of the Chevy calf? Are they the same? One is the one who goes out in the way of Allah, the other stays behind? Are they the same? No, they're never the same. They're not at all the same? Because the one who follows who pursues who seeks the pleasure of Allah, His end will be different from the outcome of the one who
stays behind. What's the outcome of the one who stays behind? Wilma? Well, who Jahannam and his aboard is the Hellfire will beat send mislead, and how terrible is the destination. We know that some people have Medina at the Battle of or heard, they went out along with the Prophet salallahu salam to fight in the battle. Some of them lost their lives. Others got wounded. Some came back with their hand paralyzed. Another companion came back with his teeth gone. Many companions came back physically injured, wounded. And then on the other hand, there were some people who did go out with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam initially but then they had gone back to Medina they left the Prophet
and who were they? The Munna Philippine. They were at home. They were safe and sound without any wounds. They did not see battle. They did not see death very closely. And you can imagine someone who has gone to a war someone who has seen death, someone who has seen blood. He is terrified even inside he is shaken up. And the other person who is at home, who's comfortable. He's not at that level at all. It seems like the one who stayed at home is far better. But Allah says no. The one who went out he is higher and the one who stayed behind. What did he get? So Hugli min Allah the word sahab Is from the root letter seen Klapa and Sahib is anger. It's basically displeasure and
disapproval when someone does not approve of the action of the one who is lesser than them. So those who stayed behind, they earn the sort of Allah the anger of Allah, and they're aboard is the hellfire.
So these two groups, they are not the same at all. Because apparently, it seems that the people who went to are hurt, you know, they suffered so much, if you pity for them, and the people who stayed behind, they were the lucky ones. No, it's the exact opposite. And this is shows to us that someone who goes out in the way of Allah is not like the one who stays behind. They are very different, how different. Allah says Home, though Roger Turner in the law, they are a varying degrees in the sight of Allah, meaning one is high up in his status in the sight of Allah, Who is that the one who pursues that one of Allah, and the other is the one who is low, very low, very distant, in the sight
of Allah. And who is that the one who stays behind who does not go forth in the way of Allah home the Rajasthan or in the law? They are a very in ranks in the sight of Allah and the raja discipline of the Raja, what is it that determines the ranks of people, it is their actions, it is their efforts, it is their intention.
Someone who does not even bother to go does not even intend to take a step towards Allah, obviously, he is distant, obviously, he is very low in his status. And the one who intends puts in the effort goes forth in the way of Allah, yes, he will draw close to Allah and his level will be higher. So remember, every time you do something for Allah, every time you take a step, to go closer to Allah to earn his pleasure, then you are ascending in your level, you are going higher in the sight of Allah, you are going closer to Allah subhanaw taala. And this does not come without a cost. What's the cost? What do you have to do? You have to put in the effort. For example, coming on the
weekends, is it something easy? Not at all, I still struggle? Me I struggle, I'm sure you struggle, do I struggle at least coming on Saturday morning, coming on Sunday morning, you have to put in the effort. But the fact is that if you don't put in the effort in the way of Allah, then how are you meant to come closer to him? How are you meant to get higher in his site, home, the Rajasthan are in the law and Ardara jab high ranks in the sight of Allah, are they important? They're very important. Because think about it in this dunya, we want to be of a higher level, whatever it is, whether it is in finances, or in education, we want to go higher and higher, even in a building, isn't that so
people want to be in the penthouse, the higher level it is, you know, the more honored you feel, the more exalted you feel. So $100 Jathan are in the law, will Allah who proceed on Vinaya, I'm alone, and Allah is watching, whatever that they do. Every action of ours, Allah is watching us. And He is the one who assigns the ranks to people. And when he knows what they're doing, he gives them the rank that they deserve. Well, Allahu besito be my yarn balloon. So the fact is that every time a person does something for Allah, his level is higher. And every time a person stays behind his level is lower. So we see that a man has levels. Eman has levels and kufr has levels even hypocrisy has
levels. For example, when it comes to Iman, what are the different levels? If there is a person who does they could have Allah after salah. He takes time to recite the AYATUL kursi he takes time to Say Subhan Allah Al hamdu lillah Allahu Akbar right 33 times, then his level is definitely higher than the one who does not say those of God.
Do you see what I mean? There is a difference. This is just like if there is a person who works for four hours, his pay will be different than the one who works only two hours, correct? The it will be different. So likewise, when we do something, we are getting higher in the sight of Allah. And when we don't do something, when we leave it out, then we are depriving ourselves. Likewise, hypocrisy levels. We know from the Hadith that there are certain traits of a hypocrite if a person possesses one of them only, for example, he lies occasionally, then he has a trade of hypocrisy. And if a person has more traits of hypocrisy, for example, he lives occasionally he also breaks his promises.
When he argues with someone he's very fouled in his speech, then his level of hypocrisy is higher. So home dollar jets are in de la. People are a varying degrees in the sight of Allah will Allah who will see you don't be Mayor Maroun
la caja de mon Allah who are an ultimate meaning certainly a
Allah has favored on the believers. Notice the word men. It's from man mean new noon. And what does that mean? A favor. What kind of a favor a great favor a huge favor, not an ordinary one, an unlimited one unending one. So Allah has shown a huge favor on the believers. And this favor was shown only to the believers. There are blessings that Allah bestows to all of mankind regardless of their belief or unbelief, regardless of the level of their faith, what are some examples of blessings that Allah gives to all people? health, food, water, wealth, air, right there are many blessings that Allah gives to people regardless of their status of belief or unbelief. But then
there are some blessings which Allah gives to who, only the believers.
So over here is a blessing that Allah has mentioned and this has given to only the believers. What is that blessing is Bertha fie him Rasul Allah, when he has sent in them, a messenger Botha to send dispatch to raise, so he has sent in them a messenger. And this messenger is Minh unfussy him from themselves, meaning he's not a stranger. How is he not a stranger? He's a human being not an angel, not a Jain. He's a human being, so people can relate with him. And for the Arabs, to whom the Prophet saw a lot isn't I was sent to, then he was one of them, meaning that he was also an Arab. He spoke their language. And he lived amongst them, they were fully aware of him even before his
prophet hood. So men unfussy him. What do we see here? That the prophets Allah, Allah is Allah, his being sent to the people to mankind was a huge favor on mankind.
Because think about it, if Allah only sent us a book, but no one to explain the book, no one to teach us, no one to hold our hand and guide us, then what would we do?
You know, these days, they have booklets that come with, for example, appliances, right? But in addition to those booklets, now, they even send DVDs. Isn't that so? Like, for example, somebody I know, bought a food processor. And the food processor didn't just come with a big booklet. But it also came with a DVD. And in the DVD, everything was there, how to assemble the machine, how to use it, how to chop how to do this, how to do that, how to use different different parts of the machine. I was like this has become so much easier now because you can actually see, right because sometimes you read but you don't fully comprehend. But when you see someone doing it, then you can understand.
Likewise, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam he was sent with the book, rather the book was sent with him. Why? So that he could explain to us he's a living example of how to do what Allah wants us to do. It's his sunnah, that explains the Quran to us. So, the messenger said, Allah has been a huge blessing. You have to do I lay him at what did the messenger do? he recites unto them his verses, which verses the Quran will use a key him and he also purifies them. We have learned the meaning of tila. Remember tilava includes Thilawa love Leah the recitation of the words to our Marina we the meaning explanation of the meaning of the words and also her Camilla I'm Alia how to do omul on it.
So the Prophet said a lot isn't recited the Quran conveyed the Quran in its fullest form. And in the Quran, we learned that little begginer in Nassima Newsela la him the prophets of Allah under Saddam he was given the book so that he would explain to the people what was revealed to them, so yep, Florilegium it but he didn't just convey he also purified them he also did their test kiya from zaika. Yeah, or well, and what does this cure mean purification to get rid of the filth and put good things on it? So for example, if there's a floor that's dirty, you remove the filth first and then you wipe it clean, you know, with something that's fragrant, okay, so that the floor also looks
nice. It's actually shiny. It also feels clean. So this is what does Kia is the clear and the here to get rid of the bad and also adorn with the beautiful. So the prophets have a lot of sort of cleaned the people how do they clean them into ways in the physical sense, and also in the spiritual sense. In the physical sense, the Prophet sallallahu Sena taught us how to keep our bodies clean, how to keep our mouth clean, till today miswak using them as work to clean the mouth is far more effective and beneficial than using
marry toothbrush and toothpaste. Really it is physical cleanliness. You know the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us before we eat, we wash our hands after we eat, wash our hands, the prophets of Allah listen, I'm taught that after using the washroom, wash the hands, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam thought they will do, he taught that on Friday, every male Muslim must take a bath in a once a week is mandatory to take a bath you have to and the prophets on a lot is that I'm taught when a person is in the state of Geneva, then he must take a bath. So use a key him physical purification. And just imagine, you know, you go to different places in the Muslim world. But when you meet a
Muslim, you are at least comfortable that there is no no Jassa on them. There is no filth on them. Okay, their hands are clean at least. But if you come across a non Muslim just the other day somebody mentioned to me that, you know, I have seen people they come out of the washroom but they don't wash their hands and they walk out of the washroom so I feel very uncomfortable when I shake hands with non Muslims. Is it wrong? If I wash my hands, I said you shouldn't assume that their hands are dirty. But if you've seen someone coming out of the washroom, they haven't washed your hand then okay, you have a reason to doubt. But otherwise, don't assume that they're dirty. Okay.
But we know that a Muslim, he is obligated that after using the washroom he has to wash his hands because that's what the Prophet salallahu Salam did. That's what He taught. So use a key him. And secondly, that's here also includes spiritual purification. You know, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam taught us about the harmful effects of jealousy, of hatred for other people, you know, of hesed, of entertaining ill feelings about other people, he emphasized so much on the cleanliness of the heart, the purification of the heart, you know, thinking good about other people. For example, in the Hadith we learned that has no one been personally better. thinking positively about others is a
beautiful act of worship. So there's so many a hadith which emphasize good character, lying, we see the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he discouraged that very clearly. So bad o'clock, he told us to get rid of them. And he replaced them for us with good o'clock. You know, yesterday we learned about the gentleness of the prophets of Allah, this gentleness, when he was so gentle, that means we have to be gentle. And a person can only be gentle when they remove ill feelings from their heart, when they remove hatred from their heart when they develop tolerance. So the Prophet salallahu Salam, purified the people, you know, get rid of schicke develop its loss, that little RIA develops sincerity. So
all of this, the prophets of Allah has taught us a key him when you are a limo human kita. And he also taught them the book. He also taught them the book, he also teaches them the book, rather, you're a limo from 13. Now, earlier, Thilawa was mentioned, which is a recitation of the Kitab. Over here is the third limb of the Kitab. What's the difference between Thilawa and Talim? What's the difference between tilava and Talim? Someone reciting the book to someone and someone teaching the book to someone? What's the difference? That recitation when a person has reciting the book to someone, they're just conveying the book to them, that this is what Allah has revealed. But when
someone is teaching the book, then they're actually explaining the meaning. Okay, so that the other is not just able to memorize and recite, but he's able to understand and apply. So you are a limo homegirl Kitab and you can think of it like this, that tilava For example, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he did in larger gatherings, for example, in a hookah.
Okay, we're common people are everybody is, but Darlene, he would do in smaller circles. So for example, the Sahaba you know, many of them, they came, they migrated to Medina. They didn't have families, they were alone. They stayed in the masjid. They learned from the Prophet salallahu Salam. So he taught them the book, when hikma and also the wisdom he didn't just teach the book, but he also taught al Hikmah and what is hikma to place? Something where it belongs in the way that it should be placed in the manner that it should be placed in the correct manner in the right manner. And the prophets of Allah Selim sunnah, His ways are known as Al hikmah. Why? Because the Prophet
saw a lot of some sunnah teaches us that how do we apply the commands that are found in the Quran? And that is wisdom. That is wisdom. Like, for example, we learned about the leniency the gentleness of the Prophet salallahu Salam, right. Now if you apparently look at the verse, it seems that you should be gentle and lenient. No matter what mistake another person makes no matter what wrong thing he does, you should be lenient.
And this would mean that if someone disobey as some
One does not want to do something you say okay, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. But is this what leniency is when you reflect on the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu is and we see that leniency was not in principle, rather it was in the manner.
For example, a young man came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asking him, allow me to do Zina. So you would think leniency is okay, go ahead. But did the Prophet salallahu Salam do that? No. He was lenient in the manner that he spoke to him. An ordinary person would start yelling, would be angry, would threaten with punishment would warn of harmful consequences in this world, and the hereafter would frighten the person. But the prophet saw a lot is going on with his gentleness. He explained to the person that would you like it? If somebody did it with your sister, with your mother with your daughter or with your wife, the man said, not at all. And the prophets have a lot of sense that
if you don't like it, other people also don't like it for their mothers and sisters and daughters, that somebody should do dinner with them. And the man said, Okay, I understand, and he didn't do it. So this is hikma wisdom. The prophets have a lot of some dark people wisdom, we're in can women call blue? And indeed they were before? Before what? before the coming of the messenger? Luffy. Allah, Allah, Allah will be in surely they were in clear error. They were in clear misguidance. So this idea, what does it illustrate? It explains to us the blessing of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The context is of the Battle of health, and the Muslims that are being made to realize that
okay, you lost the battle. Okay? But think about the huge blessing that Allah subhanaw taala has given to you, and have you truly valued the blessing. Had you truly obeyed the messenger SallAllahu Sallam you would not have failed. So they're being reminded of the blessing of the prophets of Allah Edison and being amongst them, that being their leader, their teacher, their guide, that we see that under his leadership when they were listening to him how the muscles were successful at but they were successful at or even initially, but when they disobeyed, that is when their victory turned into defeat. And even then, did he fire them? Did he reprimand them? Not at all. Rather, he forgave
them, he spoke to them so gently, he understood them. I was reflecting that if something goes wrong, okay, let's say you're baking something. And all of a sudden, you have to go pick someone up, you know, and you tell your brother or your sister or whoever, please turn the oven off at this time. And you come back and the oven is still on. And your lasagna that you put in so much effort and making is all burnt up.
Now, yes, there's smoke, the pan is ruined. Okay, there's so much burnt food, the house smelling? On top of that you're hungry, Everybody's hungry. Now at this time, what would you do? What do we do? Typically, we yell like, how could you forget and every time you know, we smell the smoke, or we look at the burnt pieces, or we look at the destroyed lasagna, we're just like, so upset that we keep reminding the other person of the wrongs that they have done. But we don't see it that after the Battle of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam making the Sahaba feel bad. No, he did not make them feel bad. He did not. This was his mercy and compassion for the Companions, that their human beings
they can earn too. We can forget. So our brother can also forget our husband can forget our sister can forget, they're human beings. So leniency is something gentleness is something that's essential. And we see this in the profits of a lot, isn't it? And imagine having a leader like that, who is so compassionate and merciful and understanding. You know, like, there's some people will point at every mistake of yours and you feel so uncomfortable. And there are other people who embrace you and guide you and teach you. Like, I remember when I was in high school, my math teacher, you know, they said that there's no way you will make through your levels. I was really bad at it. That there's no
way you can make through. And when I heard that statement, I was so sad. I can't even tell you. Like I was heartbroken literally.
I remember like my teacher with that expression of you know, what a failure, what can I do? I can't even help this poor child. And you know, I could see the frustration on them. But I knew that I wanted to do it. And I went to another teacher somewhere else in another school and they guided me every step of the way. Literally, I would spend 20 minutes understanding one concept 20 minutes, half an hour and I would keep asking and they would keep answering me keep explaining to me and this is how I got through.
This is I will handle it.
didn't just pass but I got an A grid. So there are some people in authority who put you down, who make you feel like a loser. Like you're nothing, you can never succeed, you can never do anything. And there are other leaders who bring about the best in you who encouraged you. So the prophets are a lot of Salam was a good leader, someone who brought about the best in the Companions, what were they, there were people who would fight one another, on the slightest thing, they would lift up their swords, to kill each other. They would plunder they would loot. Many vices were there. But look at them, they became the most God fearing people. They became the most truthful people, they
became the most courageous people, the most obedient people who would be fighters warriors during the day putting in so much effort and in the night worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. They are the ones who fulfilled their promises and commitments like no one can ever imagine.
Why? Because the Prophet salatu salam prepared, you can say a nursery of heroes, he converted the people into heroes, because he was surely a blessing for them. So Allah makes us realize that the prophets are a lot of sinner, a huge blessing for you. And we might say that oh for the Sahaba What about us, even for us, but we need to reflect on his Syrah on his sunnah and take lessons from there.
Let's listen to the recitation. And then he
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