Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 038B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 282
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number 38 surah baqarah ayah number 282 to 283.
So Atul Bacala is the longest surah. And in the Surah is the longest I
do you know what this is called?
I had to Dane, what is this about
debts loans
from the number of verses lesson seems very short. But one is
it covers the entire page of the must have.
And this idea is known as I had today, which is the longest verse of the Quran. And then means that or alone
the context of this ayah is of financial matters. In the previous verses we have been learning about riba
before that we learned about spending in the way of Allah. And we learned that Allah subhanaw taala, he promotes, he gives Baraka, he blesses the money from which sadaqa is given. So he blesses the money of sadaqa. He promotes charity, where you're beside the cord, and what is it that Allah does not like? Which money does Allah destroy the money that has to do with riba that is involved in interest? So we see that charity is something that Allah likes he approves off, he promotes it. And on the other hand, liber charging people on a loan that they have taken is something that Allah does not like. And loans is somewhere between charity and charging interest. It is between giving charity
and charging interest. Because sadaqa is to give for free and ribber is to charge a fee on the loan. So what about a simple loan that you just want to borrow something you don't want to be charged for it? Nor do you want to take it for free?
So this idea deals with loans. It deals with that, what is the proper way of giving a loan? What are the rulings? What are the rules that we must keep in mind when we are taking a loan, and all of these matters are explained in this aisle.
Now, a person could be in a situation where he needs money. And most people at some point in their lives, they are at a point where they need money, they need to borrow something. And even if it's not money that a person is borrowing, he needs to borrow a pen. Okay, you need to borrow a car, you are in situations where you end up borrowing something or the other from another individual.
You don't want to take it for free, nor does the other person want to give it to you for free. But at the same time, a person doesn't want to charge you because charging you in some cases, especially on cash, what is that? Its interest, rent is something different, but charging the fee on money that is interest. So what is the proper way of giving a loan that is mentioned in this is?
Now if you think about it, the longest verse of the Quran talks about loans, what does that teach us? What does that teach us? That when it comes to financial matters as well, then we don't do what everybody is doing? Or what we wish to do? Rather we have to do what Allah wants us to do. Because our deen does not just teach us how to pray or how to have good manners. No, our deen is a complete Deen a complete religion, which is why there is also guidance with regards to financial matters. That when you are buying when you're selling when you're giving a loan, then you have to follow certain rules, so that even these matters become an act of worship.
So that even when a person is borrowing something returning something for that also he gets reward because he's doing it the way Allah wants him to do it. So every action in life can become an act of arriba. If a person does it, according to the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has given.
And we see that in the Quran, we find guidance with regards to arriba with regards to a clock and also with regards to more on the lat dealings with people. Not just good manners, not just acts of worship, but also dealings with people. And money is a big thing when it comes to dealing with people. Is it a big deal? Yes. Many times you're interacting with people and what is involved money, giving gifts, taking gifts, asking someone to do something for you. So it involves money. And we see that money is a major part
of our lives. And this is a reason why Allah has given us clear guidelines as to how to deal with our money.
So that no person ends up being unjust to another. And at the same time, no person suffers. There's no harm done to another, and no harm is done to you. So this is the reason why all of these rules are given to us. And we see that being just being fair in financial matters is something that is very, very important. You know, a martyr, a person who dies in the way of Allah, all of his sins are forgiven, the moment the first drop of blood falls from him, except for the debt that he owes to someone
that has to be returned, the loan that a person has taken, that has to be returned. So money is a big deal. It is a big deal, even in our religion, because we think if you're religious, then don't count your money. And don't worry about somebody who's taking money from you don't bother about these things. No, it is a big deal. I mean, it's a matter of a person going to Jannah or going elsewhere. So it is a big deal. We also learned from a hadith that once the prophets of Audison, were sitting in a Janessa was brought a funeral was brought in the prophets, Allah loves and was requested to lead the funeral prayer and He asked if that person owed some money to someone, and he
was given the response in the aftermath of that, yes, he does owe money to someone. So, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Go lead it yourself, meaning until the loan is returned, I will not leave the Janessa. So, one of the Sahaba he said oh prophets, Allah wa salam, I will take care of his loans, meaning I will pay them back please lead his Janessa So, this is a big deal. And this is the reason why all of these rules are given. And we see that when a person dies, his inheritance should be distributed immediately. But if he has borrowed money from someone that money has to be returned first, in all of the verses of inheritance, what is mentioned mimbar D was C yet in use on behalf
eau de in meaning after a will that a person has made that will be carried out or a day meaning a loan that he has taken that will be returned and then the shares will be distributed amongst the heirs. So, this is how important it is. Now, when it comes to transactions, especially when it comes to buying and selling things, there are two types of transactions, one type of transaction is that which is immediate, it is concluded on the spot, what does it mean that you buy something, you pay the price for it immediately and whatever you bought, it is given to you immediately, this is what on the spot immediate transaction.
The second kind of transaction is that which is on credit, which is that a person purchases something but he says I will give you the money for it later. So the payment is delayed and the payment is delayed on either party, the buyer or the seller. That for example, the buyer says I will give you the payment tomorrow or day after or the seller he says I will deliver this to you tomorrow or day after you know sometimes you pay for something and when does the purchased item get delivered to you a week later, two weeks later, now they have your money but you still don't have your thing to see what I mean. Or you buy something and you say that you will pay in installments over a period
of a year or you will pay within the next six months. This is how they make you buy things these days especially don't pay immediately. Pay Later date now pay later. So the second type of transactions in which there is a delay in payment on either side. This idea talks about these transactions not on the spot ones but the purchase on credit. So let's read the ayah Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Yeah, are you here? Ladino Manu, all you who have believed or believers. What does this address mean? Listen attentively. Pay attention. Make sure you follow this. This is a part of your Eman. If you don't do it, then there will be a problem with your Eman. So yeah, you had Medina
Amma know if you're believers then you better do this what that either today and don't be the in when you contract a debt that Diane to be dine in. Both of these words are from the root letters Dahlia noon. And what is then adapt the day yen to this verb form is from the word that the Yun
and the de Yun is when more than one person are engaged in something and what is this that when do people are involved in giving and taking alone. So either today and tomorrow when you are in
engaged in the giving and taking of a loan, meaning one person is giving it and the other is taking it. So in other words, you are contracting adept. One is giving the loan, the other is taking the loan. So when you engage in such a financial transaction either today and to be dining, then Isla ajilon Musa, until a specific period of time until a specified term, a gel is from the root letters Hamza Joomla, and it's used for a period of time or a specific point in time. And Musa seen me well, or well see me both are the roots wasn't is to mark and was summer is that which is fixed that which is specified from the same root as the word isn't, what is it? What is its name? Now a name is given
to someone why? So that they're specified as an individual that this is this person, this is their identity, this is their name. So for example, if there's six people, and I say, please come here, everybody's going to be looking who me you. And if I take the name of the individual, then they will not okay I have been specified. So as your name was Sama, until a fixed period of time, meaning the time the term is fixed, that on this date, the payment will be made, the shipment will be delivered on this date, the person will give the money. So event today and don't be Damon Illa Edgerly Musa, when you're contracting such a debt, then what do you have to do factor whoo hoo, then you write it
down factor, whoo hoo from the root letters Gafta, but Kitab to write, meaning write down, record, this transaction, record such a transaction.
Now, before we go into the details of writing down the transaction, let's figure out what this vein is, what is a dime, then, as I mentioned to you earlier is a loan or debt, basically, it is a payment, that is delayed up to a specified time period. So there are two things involved here. One is the delay in the payment.
And secondly, the time is fixed, meaning the time of the payment of the loan is fixed.
So, repeat again, a payment delayed up to a specified period of time.
That, for example, you go and buy something, and you say, I will pay
next month, the first week of next month, the first Monday of the next month.
So this is a dime, why, because the payment was delayed, and secondly, the time was fixed. And this can take various forms. Let me give you some examples. One example is of summon barrier, meaning the price of a purchased item, like the example that I just gave you, when you purchase on credit. Secondly, or draw, what is Audra? wage, the salary of a worker. So for example, a person is told you will do this and this work and you will be paid this much money at the end of the month.
Now, a person comes and works for an entire day, at the end of the day. Does he not deserve his wage? Doesn't he? Yes, he does. But is he given his wave that same day? No. When is it given to him at the end of the month, so he is working every single day until the end of the month. The wage is deferred, the payment is delayed until a specific time so this is also a kind of a Dane.
Likewise rent. If a person is renting a house is renting a vehicle. He is told when you return the vehicle, then you pay the charges. Now he's using the car every second that he's using the car, he has to pay, but he doesn't pay every second when does he pay at the end of the term that was decided he says I'm gonna borrow the car for a week I'm gonna rent the car for a week. At the end of the week, I will pay you the money. You rent the house at the end of the month, you pay the rent. So, these are examples of then another example is a called a loan that is taken from someone. So a person says May I please borrow $5,000 from you and return them to you after six months.
This is also a kind of a Dane. Another example is Sadhak Maha gel, meaning the MaHA the bridal gift that is to be given to the wife at
The time of marriage, the husband says, I'm sorry, I don't have it right now, after one year, I will give it to you. I'll give you $10,000 As my home. I don't have it right now, but at the end of the year, I'll give it to you. This is also what a payment that has been delayed until a specified period of time.
So, these are all examples of Dain. Now, is it clear to you what a Dane is? So, Allah says that when you are involved in the giving and taking of a loan, whether it is rent or it is wage, or it is purchased on credit, or it is alone, or it is Moher that has been deferred, basically, it is any transaction in which one person is owed cash and the other is granted a delay, what is it a transaction in which one person is owed cash and the other is granted a delay many of you are not writing these details, what will you write on your assignment? Right?
Allah says fuck taboo. So write down the important things, okay. So it is a transaction in which one person is owed cash and the other is granted a delay. So when you're involved in such a transaction Illa, Ajay Musa, the time is fixed, which means that the time of return should not be vague. Meaning a person should not say, I'll give it to you after some time, I'll give it to you, whenever I can know, the time has to be fixed, which year, which month, which day? So the exact date has to be agreed upon.
So factor, whoo hoo, then write it down. The time is fixed, the payment is delayed, then you have to write down you have to record this transaction. Now, what do you have to record in the transaction, the amount as well as the term, the time of repayment? So these two details have to be recorded? Why is it that Allah is telling us to write down two transactions? What do you think the reason is, so we don't forget. Because you might forget that you were supposed to give $150 to someone. But then so many things were happening, that you completely forgot. And this is not fair. Any other reason you die, nobody knows about the fact that you owe money to someone or someone owes money to you. And
that would be injustice. So you don't know when you're going to die. All such important transaction matters should be recorded. What else
it can lead to conflicts. It can lead to arguments between people, people could be very good friends, relatives, and then what happens? One person was owed something, and he was never returned. Because there was no evidence to show. And then that's it. He's upset with his cousin with his relative, whoever, and it leads to many, many problems. So Allah has given this instruction, why in order to preserve our wealth, remember I mentioned to you once that there is a reason behind why Allah gives the commands the McCaslin of the shadier the objectives of the shittier. And what are the preservation of life, lineage, intellect, wealth, religion. So this is preservation of wealth,
to protect the wealth of the people. This is why Allah subhanaw taala has given this command.
And if a person does not record such a transaction, and he ends up suffering a huge loss, that his money is never returned to him. The other person has no idea that it's expected from him to give them money, then it's their reward for his loss.
There is no reward for him for this loss. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever does not write down the transaction, and then his right is wasted. There is no reward in this for him. Because it's your job to protect yourself. Allah has given you the rules and if you don't follow the rules a are disobeying Allah and B, you're suffering because of your shortcoming. So don't blame anyone but yourself.
Now, the first thing that we learn is that all such transactions should be recorded, especially when they are major when they are big, meaning a lot of money is involved.
Or major things are involved. expensive things are involved. Like for example, if sister says to her sister, may I please borrow your jewelry, I'm going to a wedding her gold jewelry. Now, this is not something small. It's expensive. It costs a lot of money. So before borrowing before taking it, write that down even though she is a sister, but it could lead to problems.
So you don't want to have problems between yourself and your sister. So in order to avoid such problems, write down the time
interactions. Likewise, if a person is renting some property, I mean, it's a matter of $1,500 to $2,000 a month, it's not something small.
If a person has given a loan to someone, so especially when it involves a lot of money, then such transactions definitely be written down. But later on, we will learn in sha Allah that when it comes to small things, and people trust each other, then it's not necessary that you write it down. So for example, you say, Okay, you're taking my pen, let's write this down. No, you're borrowing my clothes? No, you don't need to write that transaction down, when it comes to small things. And when people trust each other, then there is no need. But when it comes to major transactions, a lot of money, then you have to write it down.
Now, who should write the transaction?
Allah says, well, he Aktobe. And he should write the act of this lamb that you see what the sukoon This means should so while he active, and he should write bein a con between you all who get the bone, a scribe?
So this means that the person who is going to record the transaction, who is he, a third person, it's not the borrower or the lender, the debtor, the creditor, no, it's a third person, a third individual. And who is this Catherine, a scribe, a professional scribe. Now these days are Hamdulillah, almost everybody knows how to write. But back in the day, every person was not trained in writing. And even if a person knows how to write there is a specific way of writing legal financial transactions, there is a particular way any person cannot do it. There are certain details that you have to write down, you know, words have specific meanings, and any other individual could
misunderstand them. Let me give you a very small example, when you're writing a cheque, okay, at the end, you have to write only now, as a child, I remember I would say, look at people, I mean, why do they say $5,000? Only? Is it only a little bit of money. As a child, I would think how arrogant people could be. But then when I grew up, I figured out that okay, only is written so that nothing else can be added on top. So there are certain ways of writing legal documents, financial documents.
Likewise, credit, debit, very short form, see our dB, any other individual does know someone who hasn't studied accounting, someone who's not aware of these matters would not know. So this is why Kathy, who is Catholic, a professional scribe, someone who knows how to write, and someone who knows how to write such legal documents.
So while he acted Boehner calm Kathy Boone, Bill idle, but what's the condition he should write with justice or though from the regulatory side under law?
Now, what does this mean? That he should write with justice with justice means with fairness, without any bias, in the sense that the amount that has been lent that has been borrowed exactly that much money should be recorded, it should not be increased or decreased?
Likewise, the term should not be increased or decreased. The term is one year and he writes do yours? No, this is not right below, with justice with fairness, because it's possible that the debtor or the creditor, one of them, or both of them, don't know what he's writing. They don't know how to read. You remember when the son who Davia was being written and Bismillah are handled or he was written in the name of the Prophet sallallahu sallam was written Rasul Allah was written, then we should again objected that if we believed in you as the Messenger of Allah, then we wouldn't be having this problem. So they objected. They said that Rasul Allah should be removed an earlier
Abdullah one who was the one writing the document, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him to erase Rasul Allah. He said, I can't, how could I ever erase that? It's written messenger of Allah and I raised it with my hands. He said, No, I'm not going to say the prophets of Allah Salam asked him, Okay, where is it written?
So our little ruler and who pointed out and the Prophet sort of erased it with his own hands.
So it's possible that the one for whom the document is being written, he doesn't know what is being written, he thinks you are writing the terms that were agreed upon, but the scribe, he cheats them, he deceives them instead of writing 2000 He writes 1500 Instead of writing 50,000 He writes 5000. Instead of writing one month, he writes 10 months so he could change the details. Or, for example, he keeps the documents a copy is with him before he hands it over to the debtor the creditor, he changes
Is it?
So? Should he do anything like that? No. Allah says will react to Boehner compatible Bilawal he should write it with fairness with justice.
And the second meaning of bill or other is that according to justice, and what is justice, the law that Allah has given meaning according to the Islamic law, the scribe, he should write the transaction only when it is in compliance with Islamic law.
So, if, for example, the creditor he says that you have to give me interest as well, every month 5%. And these people are Muslim, and the Catholic is also Muslim. So should the Catholic write that down? He says, I'm just doing my work. No, he should not write that down either. Because when he is recording such a document, then he will be responsible as well, then he will be involved in that curse as well, like we learned earlier. So when the act of Boehner compatible bill
so in other words, he should not cheat any party, and he should not disobey Allah in doing this work, either.
Because sometimes it happens that, you know, he's being bribed. So he should not take any personal benefit. No, he should do it in the correct way.
Wella yet Bugatti won, and the catnip should not refuse yet, but from the letters Hamza? Yeah. Can you think of any other word from Serbia?
To refuse IBLEES What did he do? Abba was stuck. Bara. He refused and he was arrogant. He refused to prostrate. So when I yelled back at the bomb, the Catholic describe, he should not refuse to do what a booktuber. To write, he should not refuse to write the contract.
Why? Karma? Because I never hula, Allah has taught him, Allah has given him the skill. Now this word karma is understood in two ways. One meaning of karma is because
and the second meaning of karma is just as so he should not refuse to write the contract. Why? Because Allah has taught him and when Allah has given him the special skill, which he has not given to everyone, then this person should benefit others with it.
If Allah has given you a blessing only to you, and others don't have it, then how can you show your gratitude to Allah for that blessing, by using that blessing in the right way, by benefiting others with that blessing? That is shocker. So Allah has given him a huge blessing, the ability to write, this is why he should not refuse to write for others, no, he should willingly write for them. And let this act be an act of charity on his part, when a yet Bugatti boon and yakisoba Kumar lemma Hola.
And gamma is also understood as just as that just as Allah has taught him, Allah has been so generous with him, he should also be generous towards people, and he should help them with the skill that he has. Because charity sadaqa is not just giving someone money, or giving someone food to eat. No, charity is also in helping someone through whatever skill that you may have. Remember, spending in the way of Allah does not just mean spending your money but also spending yourself give of yourself, your talent, your time, your physical ability, your mental ability, your wisdom, whatever Allah has given you, given that use that to serve the D use that to help other people
that have these deltas that in the Minnesota Katya and Torino, Sonya, oh does not only o'clock, that it is a type of charity to help a worker and to do something for a weak person, that someone is lifting up luggage. So it is an act of charity that you help them lift that luggage, someone is cleaning up. It's an act of charity that you help them clean up. Because is it your duty? Is it your duty? No. Are you being paid for it? No. Will somebody question you if you didn't do it? No. So if you do it willingly, voluntarily, this is what an act of charity on your part.
So likewise, the scribe should not refuse to write for the people because Allah has given him a gift, a special talent, and he should benefit others with that. And if a person has been given knowledge, then can he conceal that knowledge? No, because whoever is asked to
And he can give the answer he can help another but he conceals that knowledge that on the Day of Judgment, such a person will be harnessed with a brutal of fire, you know, like a horse is harnessed. So that person will be harnessed with a brittle of fire on the Day of Judgment, imagine. So it's a huge crime to conceal knowledge. And part of conceding knowledge is not writing for someone when you can. But let's say there is a person who can write, who knows how to record such documents. Now, every now and then somebody called him, please come and write this document for us. So he says, okay, he goes, but then he doesn't have time to do His own work. When you have some
skill, then other people, they keep asking you, can you please do this for me? Can you show me how to do this? Can you please show me how to do that? And you're like, what about my life? What about my time? So to control this? Or to make use of his time in a more efficient way? Can he charge some money?
Can he? Yes, he can. He can charge some money. Why? Because his time is going into it. Sometimes he has to go and spend hours witnessing one contract and writing all the details down going to the lawyers and so on and so forth. Takes a lot of time. And if he's doing this the whole time, then how is he going to make money? How is he going to do other things? So he can charge for that there is no harm in doing that. But Allah says he should not refuse. Well, I yet Bugatti when he Activa, come on a limo, Hola,
Foley Octo, so he should write who the cat fell Yocto then he should write the document. Now notice the command has been given again, that he should write,
write, write, write, there's so much emphasis on writing and recording such transactions. It shows the importance of documenting such transactions. And why is it important that people don't forget? So for the actor,
now, okay, he is going to record the document. But somebody has to tell him what to write.
Like, for example, if I say, Okay, I'm gonna write this for you, but they have to tell you what to write. So who's going to tell him what to write? Who's going to dictate the details? Is it the creditor or the debtor, the one who is giving the loan or the one who is taking the loan, who,
let's find out while you learn, and he should dictate? While you will see the first lamb. The first lamb that means should and you learn is from the letters meme, lamb lamb,
and inland is to make someone write something by reading out to them by telling them what to write. So in other words, it is to dictate so he should dictate who should dictate Allah the the one who I lay he upon him is unhelpful the HAC meaning the one on whom is the obligation of returning the loan.
In other words, the debtor, the borrower, the one who is borrowing the money, the one who is taking the money, the one for whom the time of payment has been deferred. So for example, you borrow $5,000 from your friend, you buy something and you say, I will pay tomorrow. So the one who is taking the debt, the loan, he has to dictate the details of that contract, while human in Ludhiana, he'll help. Why do you think he has to dictate the details of the contract?
Because the one who is going to dictate, he is going to know for sure about what's going on in the contract. You know, sometimes you're hearing you're listening, but you end up missing the detail. Sometimes it happens, right? You say? Oh, I thought it was 5000. Maybe I heard wrong. Maybe I missed that detail. I just yesterday I was with someone and there was such a huge miscommunication between us. And they said I told you that and I said, Oh, I'm sorry, I never heard. You know, it happens that when you're listening, you end up missing some details. But when you are the person who is talking, who is dictating, then you know about every detail. Now why is it necessary for the debtor
to know to be sure about all the details, because he's taking along he should be fully aware of what he is borrowing, what he needs to give to the other person and when he needs to give it and how he needs to give it in installments or info. So he has to know
and many times it happened
that people get cheated when when they don't have control over what's going on. And they end up signing a contract in which they realize they have to give so much money to someone.
People get cheated many times, especially the terms and conditions are written in such small font that you don't even bother reading them. But they still make you agree to all the terms and conditions later on, you find out that your credit card has been charged so much, all that money is being charged every month. So what do we learn that the one who is borrowing the one who has to return the loan, he has to dictate? And Allah says, Walia taki la hora. And he should fear Allah His Lord Walia Taki. Again, the slum means should notice all the commands being given you, Wally actor, William Lin, and then well yet tequila, and he should fear Allah. Why? Why should you fear Allah and
so that he can be fair and just and so that he will not cheat the other? Because he could say something in an ambiguous way in an unclear way, and end up cheating the one who is lending him the money. So he should fear Allah in this regard. He should fear Allah's punishment in this matter. Well yet, tequila haba and while dictating wala yerba Hussmann, who che and he should not reduce anything from it, yeah, because bear ha seen their car scene boss, washer, oh, will be feminine boxing box is to decrease something in its quantity. What does it mean to decrease something in its quantity, and not just quantity, but even in type. Basically, it is to decrease something in its
details. So he should not reduce men who from it meaning from the depth that is due Shay earn anything at all. Now this reduction could be in three things, first of all, the quantity. So he should not reduce the quantity, the quantity of what the quantity of what the loan is supposed to be 5000. And he says 500
It's supposed to be 50,000. And he says 5000. So he's reducing the quantity, the quantity of the money that is involved, or reducing the quantity of the time
that it's supposed to be one year. And he says one month.
So when I have a husband who shaves in respect of time or the amount of goods that are borrowed, secondly, it could be in quality as well, that for example, it's not money that has been borrowed, but it's wheat crop. So he reduces the quality of that that it has to be freshly harvested for example, and he doesn't give that detail at all. And he ended up giving wheat or grain that is a year old, okay the condition was freshly harvested and he gives frozen or for example, you know jewelry has been borrowed and the entire jewelry has to be returned. But he says only the gold. And then when he returns the gold jewelry says okay, there were some stones on it. But look, the
contract says only gold. Okay, so he reduced the quality of that it was the entire jewelry, the metal as well as the stones on it, then the type as well. Sometimes the debt is composed of different things. So you should document it exactly as it is. So for example, clothing is being borrowed, that includes the shirts as well as a band as well as the jacket. So he doesn't mention the jackets, he mentioned his clothing or he mentioned the suits and the jackets are left out in that. So, this reduction could be in various ways those who want to reduce, they will figure out ways of reducing. So Allah says Willa yerba husband, who che and he should not reduce anything at
all. So, in other words, when he is dictating the loan as to what is being borrowed for how long when it is to be returned, in what manner every detail should be recorded in the transaction, every single detail, nothing at all should be left out there should be no ambiguity, no concessions, nothing. Why? Because this is what leads to further problems. This is what leads to further problems. So well, I have a husband who che
now, the borrower, he has to dictate the details of the loan. But what if he's not able to? And there could be different reasons behind why he's not able to dictate the terms. What are they? Allah says for Encana than if he was who? Allah de la he'll help the one on whom is the duty to pay meaning the one who has predicted the borrower, the debtor, the one who is incurring the debt. If this person is Sophie, hon. He is Sophie. What does the fee mean?
Say Akula sufa
11 Sofia NAFSA foolish from the root letters seen for her suffer, what is the for her What is foolishness come on back to the beginning of the second just what is foolishness.
Sometimes it is ignorance, anything else.
being childish, being immature suffers when something is light in weight, okay. So when a person is not mature in his thinking, he is not determined in his will, he can be convinced to change his mind very easily, he can be deceived very easily. And there are different levels of suffer. One is complete ignorance that a person does not know, this is why he's behaving foolishly. Another is that a person is suffering from perhaps some mental issues. So he's not fully aware of what's going on. And it happens. I mean, this is a reality. And it doesn't mean that just because the person is suffering from some mental issues, he's not allowed to borrow or lend No, he shouldn't be able to.
Because we know that even if a person is suffering from such issues, he can be on therapy or he is working to get better. So for him, cannula de la inhaca, Sufi Han, meaning he is Sufi, and the Sufi can be in different forms. So one is that he does not know much lack of a lack of URL, for example, I have no hesitation in saying that when it comes to the financial matters, I'm a sci fi person. Okay. Because I don't know much about how these banks work and how we do all of these things. I don't know, I really don't know. So any financial matter anything, I don't touch it, I don't deal with it. I don't, I don't trust myself, because I don't know what's going on. I don't know what
those terms mean, I could misunderstand. I don't want to be in a situation where I have agreed to do something, I've agreed to make a payment, and I end up making a huge mistake.
So Sophie is someone who does not have much ale, who doesn't have much expertise when it comes to financial matters.
So for example, there is a person there's a young person, they don't have much experience when it comes to financial matters. And they want to rent an apartment, or a room in somebody's house, because they're a student.
And now the contract is being written down.
And they're just freshly out of high school. So should they go and write down everything themselves, who's with them, usually
who's with them, their parents, their parents are with them. And many times even over here, if a person is renting, you know, a house, an apartment or something like that. And they do have a source of income, but they don't have much in their bank, then what happens they have to bring someone else as a guarantee. And usually Who is it?
It is the parents.
So anyway, Sophie is someone who is incompetent when it comes to financial matters. Secondly, Safina includes someone who would be considered foolish with regards to financial matters because of lack of age, for example, a person is very young.
One is that they don't have much experience. The others, they're not have that edge.
There. Thirdly, it could be someone who is you know, suffering from mental issues. So one day, they're perfectly fine. And another day, they're not. It happens. So in that case, they need money should they be held responsible for themselves only know somebody else can help them do?
Likewise, the Wii Wii also include someone who does not have good sense when it comes to money. So, for instance, someone who wastes a lot of money.
So anything they like, they say, Okay, I'll buy it. I'll get this. I'll get this. I'll get that. So then the wife says, That's it. You're not making any more purchases, give me all of your plastic money. Okay, so she keeps all the plastic money to herself. And anytime the husband wishes to make a purchase, then the wife has to approve, for example, or the other way around, where the wife everything she likes you and the buying it. So the husband says look at the bank balance. It's going down, down down. What are you doing? Well, I liked it. I wanted to give this to someone. I wanted to buy that for next year. And what if I needed this and what if we needed that she has a reason for
everything that she purchases. And at the end of the day, so much money is being wasted on this. So mobile little man is also included in this meaning the family does not trust that person when it comes to borrowing money. So here's Sophie.
Secondly, older Ethan he's weak. Larry from through letters.or infer
this weakness could be in memory. A person has a lot of experience is a perfect age. They are
Not such that they waste money, but their memory has become weak due to old age, or due to some illness. You know, sometimes it happens that people have to take certain medication because of a heart problem or because of whatever. And that actually affects their memory even.
Or as people age, they develop diseases, and as a result, their memory it becomes weak. So, he has weak memory.
Likewise, this weakness could be on account of age, that a person is either too young or too old. This weakness could be on account of health, that a person is weak when it comes to speech, that for example, he stammers when he speaks, or he's not able to speak. Now he has to dictate he needs to borrow money, but he cannot dictate he can't even talk, he can't get a sentence outright.
aren't such people there the society? Yes, there are a look at our dean, how every single individual is acknowledged.
People with disabilities, people with financial issues, every kind of person is acknowledged.
So even if a person has some disability, which makes it difficult for them to dictate the details of the contract, then does that mean they cannot borrow money? They can they have the right to do that. But some other way will be adopted. This weakness could also be a weakness of knowledge. Now, let's say a person does not know how to speak English. And they are borrowing something from someone who only speaks English. And the scribe also speaks English on the document, everything is going to be in English. Now he has to dictate in English, he doesn't know word of English, doesn't mean he cannot have any transaction with the other individual. Of course he can, he should.
But he's not able to dictate. So then somebody else will help him. So first is he is Sophie, the other is he is the reef, oh or lie yesterday, he is not able to yesterday arrow from St. Laura fall while rain is a forest to have the ability to do something. So layer still do he doesn't have the ability to a human, that He dictates who, himself he's not able to dictate himself why
he's unable to speak. He doesn't know the language. He does not know what the proper terms are. He gets anxious when it comes to such matters. You know, people are of different types. So he's not able to dictate, then what should happen. Allah says full human, then he should dictate who will lay you who his Wali, his guardian, then the guardian of this person should dictate in his place.
The Guardian of the debtor, the one who is taking the loan, he should dictate the details of the law.
So who would the Guardian be?
Could be the father could be the parents could be, you know, an uncle could be a relative could be a lawyer, could be a close friend, could be whoever, as long as he's known as the Wali.
So for Liam Lin Walia, who? And this Wali, when He dictates how does he have to dictate what does the ISA what's the next word? Look at the ayah Bill ARDL. Even the worldly when He dictates the details of the loan, he has to dictate with Justice accurately, with fairness according to Islamic law