Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 036D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 269-272

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the concept of Hekla, a person who gives guidance and advice to others, and how it can be beneficial for personal health, work, and life. They stress the importance of managing money and managing one's life, and advise individuals to ask for hikma to avoid wasting time. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of moderation and small small decisions to avoid unnecessary waste of time, and the importance of spending money in order to earn a reward and avoid damaging others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the realignment of schulung rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim.

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Your direct Mata Masha Allah says that He gives wisdom to whomsoever He wills. What is hikma? hikma is what the real a Shia female theory her Allah ik of Bihar to place things in the right places that are appropriate for them to place something where it should be. And that is also appropriate for it meaning that is where it fits best.

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That is where it fits best. That is the best place of putting it. So for example, you have dishes, you have some plates, where do they go? In the kitchen? In the cupboards? Now one is that you stack a big plate on top of a small plate and a big plate on top and a small plate on top and there is no order random is as hikma No, you could say it is idle, it is justice that you are putting everything where it should be in the cupboard. But is that the best way of putting it? No, what is the best most appropriate way of putting it that you make a separate stack of the larger dishes and the separate stack of the smaller dishes, and you put them when they're clean in the right order in the

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right arrangement, that is what Hekla is.

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So Hekla is translated as wisdom,

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the ability to do something in the correct way in the best way

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to do something in the way that it should be done, when it should be done where it should be done. So you can say it's right mindedness or it's the ability to make the right decision at the right time.

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heckler is also used for medicine, alternate medicine, let me say that, okay. Alternate medicine, why? Because the Hakeem what does he do, he looks at the different symptoms and the different problems that a person is experiencing, and he says okay, you should do this, you should do this, at this time, you should eat this at this time, you should not eat this, you should avoid this. So he looks at all of the different aspects of the sick person and then he advises him accordingly. He gives them a whole plan, what to eat, what not to eat, so on and so forth.

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So, Allah says over here that Allah gives Hikmah to whomsoever He wills, what is Hikmah referred to over here, it refers to the correct understanding of what is mentioned in the Quran, the commands the prohibitions, and the intelligence of acting according to them. This is the main thing, the intelligence of acting according to them, because many people they know what the Quran says, they know what should we do what we should not do, but do they have the intelligence to actually do it or to avoid it? Not necessarily.

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In theory, they know they know the translation. They know the commands, they've passed all of their tests, but they don't have the hikma. They don't have the intelligence to implement what they have learned.

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This intelligence is a gift of Allah subhanaw taala to some people only. This is why He says you dill Hake matter. He gives this wisdom a person cannot acquire it himself. A person cannot get any diploma, any certification and hikma this hikmah is a gift of Allah upon a person and he gives it to who to whomsoever He wills. In this context, what is hikma? What to spend, how much to spend, where to spend where not to spend this is hikma?

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Because some people are very good at managing their money. And other people are very poor at managing their money. Some people make a little bit of money, but at the same time, all their bills are paid, all their needs are fulfilled. And they're also spending on others. They're also taking care of others. They're also spending in the way of Allah and you don't see them complaining.

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And there are others who are making so much more money, but they have no sense of where the money is coming from where it's going.

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Some people have that sense of how to spend money correctly, and other people they have no sense of how to spend money correctly.

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For example, if an adult has $1,000 he will think differently of how to spend those $1,000 compared to a kid who's given those $1,000 I remember a child would said if I have 1000 rial I'm gonna go buy 1000 chains because one chain is one real

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you know, those silver chains that men were, you know, I heard him saying that I said, really? How innocent he's thinking I want to go buy 1000 Because one is for one rial if I have 1000 Yet I'm gonna buy 1000 What are you gonna do with those 1000 Are you going to wear them? You can't wear all those 1000

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So some people, they have that sense of spending money in the right way. And others don't have any sense whatsoever.

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Like some people they know how to shop. And others, they don't know. Some people know where the good deals are, you know, where you get the best quality, where you get the best discounts at what time which store, and other people they don't know. So they will go spend $500 on a jacket, and other person will buy that similar jacket, but for much lesser money. So there is a difference right, one person has hikma and the other doesn't.

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So Allah gives us Hekla to whomsoever He wills. So then a person has the ability to spend in every direction in every way, fulfilling all of his responsibilities and earning so much reward.

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She's saying her brother and her cousin went shopping. Both of them bought the exact same pair of jeans, one paid $107 and the other paid $5.

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In sometimes it's the other as well that you go in there happens to be a very good deal. That's your risk. But some people have that sense that perhaps I should not buy jeans for $107 Maybe I should wait a little bit. Maybe I should wait for the season to change so that you know they have all those deals and then I can go buy it.

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But some people they don't have that hikma they say no I need jeans. So what are their hundreds of dollars I'll just buy them. So, util hate mother may Usher women hate mother and whoever is given Hikmah Allah says fucka the OTO Hi, Ron cathedra then in fact, he has been given much much good if a person is given Hekla he has been given Highland cathedra he has been given much good why? Because if a person has Hikmah then he can do much good, then he can earn much good deeds and if a person does not have Hikmah then he's going to waste his money and waste his time and waste his life.

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This hikma is not as beneficial when it comes to managing money, but it's beneficial in every aspect of our lives. hikma is needed when talking Heckman needed when cooking hikmah is needed when going about through your day. Likewise, even when studying for an exam. hikma is needed when tidying up when cleaning up and organizing your notes. When writing an exam paper hikma is needed in everything. Those who have hikma they have been given much good why? Because they can accomplish much more, they can be more effective in their work more productive.

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They can get better results, more results with the same amount.

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Every individual has been given 24 hours in a day. Some people with those 24 hours they do so much. And other people do hardly anything that is worth mentioning.

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They'll have a list of excuses of why things didn't go well. But if you think about it, at the end of the day, both the individuals had the same amount of time.

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Right. One person was able to call up his relatives and the other didn't have time to do that at all. One person was able to read Quran the other was not able to even open the Quran. One person was able to cook the other person was not able to even clean up the dishes from last night.

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One person was able to clean the house the other was not even able to change out of pajamas.

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It happens right. One has been given hikma and the other has not been given the one who's given hikma he is productive. He is far more effective in his work. He lives a useful life. He lives life to the maximum What do you say he maximizes on his resources on his time, his money. Why? Because we're living an organized life. And another person is living a haphazard, disorganized life. He's spending his day after day without accomplishing anything at all.

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So what's the difference one has been given to Sophia and the other has not been given to faith by Allah. One person has been given knowledge and the ability to act random and armor and the other has not been given any of that or only a normal.

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So that means we should ask Allah for Hikmah if we feel that we're wasting our time, we're wasting our money. We're not wise when it comes to spending. We're not wise when it comes to using the time in our day. Then that means we need hikma.

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But you can't go get it. Like I said, you can only be given hekman So what's the first step to getting Kerygma ask Allah. Ask Allah for hikma. pray to Allah for hikma when you're frustrated that your day

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When by without you accomplishing anything substantial. When you're frustrated that despite all the money that came into your bank account, you have zero savings. When you're frustrated that there is no book and your time and your money, you're not able to keep up with the work in your life, then what you need is a comma, because heck my enables you to manage your time hikma enables you to manage your work your tasks, it enables you to fulfill your roles, your responsibilities, your duties, your obligations, and get the most out of your life. So you need hikma, every single individual needs Hikmah so ask Allah for hikma.

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Another important thing that we can do to get hikma is to be in the company of wise people, be in the company of intelligent people, please stay away from people who waste their time. Stay away from them. Because when you live with such people, when you spend time with such people, then you develop those poor bad habits as well. Obviously, if you're going to go shopping with a friend who wastes money, what are you going to do waste your money to? If you're going to spend an evening with a friend who wastes time What are you going to do waste time as well? Correct. But if you are with people who are wise, intelligent, careful, successful, then you will also learn good things. hikma

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is not learned from books, it's given by Allah, okay, and it's acquired through experience that Allah will put a person in different situations so that he will experience different things and he will. As a result, acquire hikma.

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So, to get hikma to be worthy of hikma, you have to go out there and be in the company of wise people. Befriend such people talk to such people be with them.

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So for example, if you want to develop some hikma when it comes to cooking, because your problem is the when you enter the kitchen, you spent five hours in the kitchen and what did you accomplish a sink full of dirty dishes, a burnt dish and some food that tastes quite bland. That's what you accomplished in five hours, you know what you need some help in the kitchen.

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So what you need is that you stand next to a person who knows how to work in the kitchen effectively.

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And personally, I have learned cooking and working in the kitchen in this way that I have observed people how they work in the kitchen. Some people what they do is when they're cooking, they keep putting the dishes in the sink.

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They don't know what they're cooking. So they're like, Okay, let me do this. Okay, let me do that. Okay, let me do this as they progress, you know, they're constantly changing their mind, to as a result, so much time has gone and so much work is accumulated other people, they know exactly what they're doing. All the spices, all the ingredients are within hands reach, they know what they're doing. And they will cook. And as the food is cooking, they do the dishes, and by the time the food is cooked, the kitchen is nice and clean.

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And others by the time the food is cooked, there is a whole lot of work to do. And you're so tired and exhausted that you're like I don't want to look at that big monster.

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So that monster becomes bigger and stronger. Those dishes only pile up the work only accumulates in the kitchen.

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There are people who will cook for two and they will take many hours. And there are others who will cook for 710 12 and they will take much less time. So what is needed then that you be in the company of wise people. And it doesn't mean that if somebody is wise in the kitchen that they're wise in every aspect of life no one person could have hit mine one aspect of life and other could have Heckmann another aspect of life. So see who is good at what and learn from them. Be inquisitive, ask them questions.

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Ask questions, there is no harm in that. Always do learn from other people's experiences.

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Another important thing that we can do is learn from our mistakes as well. Check yourself at the end of the day. Why is it that I did not accomplish much? Where did I waste my time? What did I do wrong? Analyze. Learn from your mistakes and don't repeat them again. So for example, when it comes to spending, you have zero money left at the end of the month, you ask yourself okay, where did I waste my money? This month, I spent $80 on coffee at Tim Hortons. If you do the math,

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it happens quite a lot.

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So, you know, especially these days, I have those software's that you can get to see how much of your money is going where. So get one of those and check. organize yourself a little bit learn from your mistakes, so that you can be more careful. And this is how you learn hikma as well. And you know what? hikma is only given to a person who has fear of Allah. Because it said Russell Hekmati, Muhammad Allah, the rocks the head of Hikmah is the fear of Allah meaning the cause the foundation

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and hikmah is the fear of Allah. When a person has fear of Allah that Allah will ask me where I got my money from and where I spent it. What am I going to answer Allah on Tim Hortons on tea? On coffee? That's where I spend my money.

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I just made all those businesses Rich, I let the foreign hungry, stay hungry. That's what I did with my money.

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So when a person has fear of Allah, then he will get hikmah.

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When a person has fear of Allah, Allah will ask me about my time about the talents that he gave me what did I do with my life, then he will develop eczema that Allah will give him pregnant as well. And such a person who has hikmah is worth and V. A Hadith tells us that there is no envy except in two instances a person who Allah is endowed with wealth, and he spends it righteously and a person who Allah has given Hekla and he judges by it and teaches it to others. The one who lives by hikma he is worth envied. Why? Because he will accomplish much more in his life. He will be a happier person. He will not have any stress in his life. He will be so productive. He will be so effective

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in his work.

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hikma that's the key, so beg Allah for hikma. Surround yourself with wise people and learn from your mistakes. But Allah says Wilma Yeah, the Kuru Illa Allah Allah Al Bab, none will take heed except those who have intellects. If you have intellect, if you have some reason, if you have some mine, then take a lesson.

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What you need is Hikmah Be wise when it comes to spending. Yet the Kuru from the ELCA from and Al Bab is a Florida loop.

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Mata thump all the

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women that go in

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another question, some people spend a lot of time researching and shopping to get the best product for the best price. Others don't want to waste time. So they just take any product that suits their needs, even if it is more expensive, which is right.

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Some people spend a little too much time in shopping around getting the best price. And other people don't look here there at all. And whatever they see they get a little bit of moderation. So for example, you know that typically you can buy jeans within $50 So don't go on buying $100 jeans just because that's what you first saw at a store. And other people they say No my friend bought for $5 I'm not gonna buy until I buy for $5 So they're researching online. They're going store to store. They're going different times and they're wasting so much time in buying the right thing for a lesser price. Neither is hikma. What is needed as moderation.

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And is there any specific Doral for hikma?

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I'll be heavily hookman while he was slowly him that Oh my Lord, give me how come on her come is also hikma while Hackney was slowly Hain and join me with the righteous meaning give me the company of the righteous so make the store a lot.

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Then Allah says Wilma and fuck Domina forgotten and whatever you spend of any spending NEFA same route as unfactored nonfat cough and NEFA is basically that which is spent expense expenditure. So woman factor men have forgotten anything that you spend any expense any cost that you have to bear any thing that you have to pay for any kind of payment you have to make whether it is your fees or your bills, or your spending in charity, whatever it is Wilma unfuck the minute forgotten whether it is good or bad, useless or beneficial as a gift or to fulfill someone's need whatever you spend any kind of expenditure owner though to me minutes or you make a vow now to noon that raw mineral

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meaning you make a vow, what is another nother is basically to make something that is not an obligation and obligation on yourself.

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Something is not mandatory, but you make it mandatory on yourself. Why in order to get some benefit from Allah subhanaw taala so for example, a person says Oh Allah, I really really want to get better. I don't want the sickness at all. And if you make me better you remove the sickness from me. I will recite one Jews of the Quran every single day. Is it mandatory in a person to recite one of the Quran every single day? No. So a person has made something that was

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not mandatory mandatory on himself why? In order to get some benefit from Allah subhanaw taala. Likewise, a person says, Oh Allah, I really want to get this job. If you give me this job, then I will spend from my income $100 Every month, in your way.

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This is another Is it mandatory in the person to do that? No, this is another vow that he's making. So in a way, you can say that it's conditional spending,

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conditional spending that if the conditions are met, then a person will spend. And remember that when it comes to making a vow, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that Allah says that vouching does not bring to the son of Adam, anything that I have not already written in his decree. If a person makes a vow is not going to change the decree whatever was meant for a person, he will get it, whatever was supposed to remove from him, it will be removed. But vowing is imposed on him by way off further meaning that was also part of further, that he will make the vow and then he will get better. Through vowing I make a miser spend of his wealth, a person who would not otherwise

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spend, that Allah puts him in a certain situation where he makes that intention to spend.

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Making a vow is something that is permissible as long as what you promised to do is what is permissible.

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And secondly, remember that making a vow, it does not change. It does not change decree at all. And also remember that making a vow is something that is not liked. It is permissible, but it's not really liked.

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It's like setting a condition with Allah.

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Allah will give you without you setting a condition even Allah doesn't need to be paid. He doesn't need to be given something in return for a favor that he shows to us. You want ask Allah beg Allah, but don't set conditions. But remember that making a vow is permissible. However, it's not something that is liked. So own ultimate Nazran, where you make a vow for in Allah and then indeed, Allah knows it. What does Allah know? Any penny you spend any value make Allah knows? This is just like, throughout the month, you go on swiping your card, this store that store this store that store online, you know, whatever. And at the end of the month, what do you get your statement? And you're

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like, Oh, my God, what did I do, I spent here I spent there, I spent this material spend that much there. So just as we're getting that statement, Allah subhanaw taala also knows exactly what we are spending where none of our spending is hidden from Allah. Allah knows, at the end of the day, how much money we've spent on desires, how much money we've wasted, how much money we've benefited others with how much money we have spent in his way he knows for in the Lair, Allah, Allah knows very well about our spending habits. So what does that mean?

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Have some higher, Have some decency, spend wisely, spend carefully, don't throw the money that Allah has given you don't waste it. This is just like a parent. They give some money to their child. And they say, Okay, this bank account you can use from, this is the card, this is the code. And at the end of the month, I'm going to check the statement. I'm going to know where you spent every penny. So because a child has that fear that my dad will see,

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he will be careful.

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Likewise, we should all have this fear this hierarchy that Allah knows where I'm spending. So Have some decency and spend wisely for in Allah. Hi yah Alonso. And if you vow that Allah knows what you're doing afterwards, do you fulfill that vow? We're not women is wildly minim and unsought and the wrongdoers. They will have no helpers at all unsolved floor love NASA, they will have no helper at all who are the lovely mean? The were the wrongdoers, those who make vows, but they don't fulfill them. Those who spend, but they waste, those who spend, but they spend extravagantly those who spend in sinful ways. Those are given charity, but with corrupt intention, following it up with man and

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other woman is aluminum and unsolved. So the fact is that all already they're known to Allah so we should be careful.

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Then Allah tells us about the manner the way of spending Allah says interview so the court if you disclose the sadakazu from bad Dawa, if that to reveal to make something known. So if you make the charities known, meaning you give publicly you give openly, you give charity openly. Funny rumor here then how excellent is that? How good is that?

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It Nerima is a combination of Nirma and man Nirma meaning good and Maya is extra to say how good how excellent. So if you give charity openly, then how good is that mean? It's very good. How is it good? Then we learned earlier that the munaf your pain they spend in order to be seen. So how is it good? If you give charity openly, it will be good when you have the right intention. You're not doing it to show off. But how is it beneficial?

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It will motivate others to spend too. So for example, you go with your friend to a masjid. Or like for example, after today's class, you say, Okay, I'm going to spend in the way of Allah. So before you leave, you say to your friend, before we leave, let's go and put some sadaqa so you're telling your friend, you're putting it in front of her, but when you will do it, she will also be encouraged, she will also be reminded funny, I Mahi

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but Allah says we're into for her. But if you hide it, tofu qualifier, if you conceal it mean the charity, what to do help for Cora, and you give it to the poor, for Kurata florala fucky, meaning when you are giving to an individual a person, then you should give it how secretly for Hua highroller, calm and if you give secretly, then that is much better for you. So we see that spending in the way of Allah could be done openly and secretly. But what's the condition that call us on Nia sincere intention? No man, no other naughty app.

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But when it comes to certain kinds of charities, it's better that they're given openly and other kinds of pseudocode it's better that they're given privately.

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What Sanaka should be given openly mandatories other colleagues a cat, why is that others know that you are fulfilling your obligations. You can tell somebody I'm giving my zakat, you don't have to tell them how much or where unnecessarily but you can tell other people, you can let them know that you are giving your as a cat. There is no harm in that. And also when you're spending on a particular cause, on a cause, then sadaqa openly so that others are encouraged, they're reminded, they're also motivated. But the other kinds of sadaqa should be given secretly. Which one when you're giving it to an individual when you're giving it to a person familiar? Why should you give it

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secretly so that the recipient is not embarrassed? They don't feel humiliated. They don't feel embarrassed that others know that I am accepting charity.

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So that is much better and notice follow a higher locum it's best for you and best for the other. And a person who gives charity secretly such that his left hand doesn't know what his right hand gave, that such a person will be under the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgment. What's the benefit of this? Well, you can fit or unconvinced to come Allah will expand your sense for you can feral cat Farah that feed the following you can throw the Queen what does that mean? To negate to cover up so your sins Allah will finish them he will cover them up, meaning he will forgive you for your say at floral up say here. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that sadaqa extinguishes sins like water

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extinguishes fire. Imagine sadaqa extinguishes sins, just like water extinguishes fire, will Allah who be mathema, Luna Habib and Allah is fully aware of what you do, Allah knows about all things, he knows what sadaqa you are giving where with what intention secretly or openly, he knows. So at the end of the day, we should fear Allah subhana

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sometimes it happens that we don't have that opportunity to spend secretly. Like for example, there is a fundraiser and you would like to donate as well.

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And you feel that if you wait to give secretly, you might lose the chance. You might have to leave early, you might not be able to whatever. So you have to give openly or you are standing by the donation box, and you're waiting for people to go but nobody's leaving the masjid and you want to put the money in. So what should you do then? Give it openly let people know that you're giving sadaqa but correct your intention. Make sure that your intention is right.

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So sometimes we are able to spend secretly, other times we're not. The point is that we have to spend whatever opportunity we get, seize it, avail it before it goes away from us. Then Allah says laser alayka who the whom you are not obligated to guide them. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been told that you are not obligated to guide them. It's not your responsibility and remember that guidance is of two types. One is to inform, to teach to instruct and the other is to give the ability to do good.

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The prophets are modest

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He was obligated to teach, instruct, but to give the ability to do good to people that was not within his control.

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Likewise, you can tell somebody about something, but can you make them do it? Can you force them to do it? No, you can't. So laser alayka, who their whom it's not your responsibility to guide them when a kingdom law has, but it is a law, who yesterday may usher who guides whomsoever He wills. Allah guides those whom He wills. What does this mean?

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Sometimes it happens that you want to give sadaqa. And the recipient, the needy, the one who's receiving the sadaqa also does wrong things. Let's say they're not Muslim. Or let's say, you know that they are a very bad person, they never pray, they lie, they cheat, they commit sins. So you think, why should it give sadaqa to them.

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But then at the same time, you know that they're hungry, you know that they're needy. So Allah tells us, you're not responsible, over guiding people. So you shouldn't be concerned about the actions of people, you should be concerned about doing your part, which is why when it comes to giving sadaqa, it can be given to a non Muslim as well. And it should be given why not, we should not just look at the religion of the other person, we should see the fact that they're human they need they're hungry, we should have some compassion for people. Unfortunately, we Muslims think that we should only be concerned about Muslims and other people. No, we are only concerned about our community, our

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race, our people. And we don't care about the rest of them.

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Which is why we keep sucking, you know, we keep taking receiving from the government, the benefits of this country. But when it comes to giving, we say, oh, catfish, non Muslim,

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come on, human being hungry, thirsty, needy. We're supposed to take care of others as well.

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And we should feel humiliated if we feel that we have the right to receive benefits from the government. But we should not be given back to this country, we should not be giving back to the local community.

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This is very selfish of us that because of whatever reason, we are receiving benefits from the country, but at the same time, we're not benefiting the needy people. What if somebody looks poor, but they're pretending and you don't know the reality, you're not responsible for them, you are to deal with people on their apparent. So for example, you are driving downtown and a person comes in, they're begging for money, you feel that they do drugs, but they're saying they haven't had food in so long. You go get food for them, you have some food, give that to them. And when you're driving by such areas, you know that such people will come so keep such food items in your car from before.

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So that you don't have to refuse someone because refusing someone is not correct.

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So laser alayka, who their home when I came to La Jolla de Maya I told you about the story of the man who gave a charity secretly, and he ended up giving it to a thief and a prostitute and a rich person. So we're not responsible about the actions of other people, we're responsible for our own actions, Allah guides whomsoever He wills.

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Sometimes also, this happens when it comes to South Africa, that let's say, as a family, you give sadaqa to someone, you are helping someone and you make sure that you don't remind them. You don't hurt them in any way. But other family members, they are reminding them they are hurting them through words. So then is your charity wasting? No, you're not responsible for what others do.

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You're not responsible for what others do not at all.

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For example, you have a younger brother and you whenever he comes, you know, you cook for him. He comes and stays with you and your house. And your in laws. Maybe they're not too happy about that. So when your brother comes, they say to him or you know, when you came, we spent this much money and we had to fix the washroom because you did such and such. And we had to replace the bed because you did such and such. And our bill was this much in our electricity bill was that much. You don't want to do Minh and other at all. But let's say a member of the family is doing that. Are you responsible for what's happening? No. You can apologize to your brother privately. And you can say that you

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don't have any problem. Other people are not too comfortable but that's their problem and you don't have to worry about that. So Lisa Laker Huda home, when I came to LA at May Usher,

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Walmart and Phil Coleman Hayden Foley and fusi como Allah tells us whatever good you spend than it is for yourself.

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Why? Because Minami la sala Han Funny enough, see whoever does anything good than it is for himself.

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Have so whatever we spend in Allah's way in reality, who are we spending that on, on ourselves because on the Day of Judgment who will reap those benefits we so don't follow it up with one another don't do it with RIA choose the best one Matthew come in Hainan funny unfussy, calm, warmer, don't feel cornered, and you do not spend in law except if the law or what she left except to seek the face of Allah. Meaning whenever you spend, only spend to seek the pleasure of Allah, watch face of Allah, whatever you're spending spend so that on the Day of Judgment, you can see a law

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a woman don't feel gonna, this includes any kind of expenditure, any kind of spending, whether it is on your fees, or on your children or on your parents or on your books, whatever, on your groceries, even Walmart don't feel gonna elaborate the law or what

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you must only spend in order to seek the face of Allah subhanaw taala.

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You know, when you want to see something precious, valuable, you have to pay for it? Yes. So you have to spend your money now so that you can earn Jannah later so that you can see along.

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And the higher your rank agenda, the more closer you are to Allah. So it's up to you, how much you want to spend, how close you want to be to Allah, how much more you want to see Allah. This part of the ayah has also been understood as that whenever the believer spends, including what he spends on himself, he seeks Allah space with it. So anything that you're spending, make your Nia, I want to please Allah, even when you're buying coffee moderately, you're drinking coffee, you're drinking wine so that you can become warm, you can become fresh, you can work properly, you can pray properly. So anything that you spend it should be for the sake of Allah Subhan.

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Also the size understood as well Martin Fukunaga, Illa Padilla, what do you learn? Your goal is to gain the pleasure of Allah. So you don't care about what people do with the charity that you've given to them. You don't care? I mean, you should be concerned that it's given in the best cause, but don't follow people around. Okay, so where's that money going? And what did you do with that money? What did you buy with that money? Who did you feed with that money? Once you've given you've given you've you've put the seed in the ground, you've put it

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your goal is to gain the pleasure of Allah and for your Nia inshallah you will get that woman I don't feel calm in hiding and whatever you spend any good, Allah says you affair Eleiko it will be given to you back in full, you are fully welfare you fully given back to you, not according to your standard, but according to Allah standard and what is the standard 700 times more anything you spend, it will be given back to you many, many times more,

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or until to lattice Lamone and you will not be wronged. You will not be treated with injustice. Allah will not deprive you, you will never suffer if you spend in the way of Allah

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into the FAHA 112. Allah says Rama Yamuna, Salah, hearty wa when fillet a half a woman wala helped me, but he who does a righteous deeds, while he is a believer, he will neither fear injustice nor deprivation.

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So when you spend in Allah's way, don't fear injustice from Allah, don't fear deprivation. Never think that Allah will not give you back. Never think that Allah will not give you something better. Always expect reward from Allah, hope for good from Allah.

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Always tell yourself, I'm spending Allah will give me more Allah gave me yesterday, he will give me again. He feeds me he will continue to feed me. Nobody became bankrupt just because it gave a few dollars in charity. So I'm not gonna go bankrupt if that happened. And even if that happens that 100 of my parents are alive, they'll take care of me. Okay, so when Trayvon threatens you with poverty, tell yourself I'm not gonna go hungry. If I give a little bit of money to Latos law money, you will not be treated unjustly. Rather Allah will reward you many times more.

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supporting too

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one warning mean I mean,

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those other parties

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he were

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to fall

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Well, you can't see anyone

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00:40:06 --> 00:40:07

whoa, hold

00:40:09 --> 00:40:12

off on the legs.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:19

Long, Dean me

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