Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 035B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 261

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of spending money in the way of Allah, including the belief that it is the way he has legislated for his served citizens. He explains that spending in the way of Allah means spending on one's belongings, helping people, educating people about Islam, and spending on deices and other activities. The speaker emphasizes the importance of spending in the context of achieving happiness and helping people, and emphasizes the need for individuals to be mindful of their actions and not to give up on their beliefs. They also stress the importance of performing good deeds and not wasting time, and emphasize the importance of spending in the right amount to make it rewarded.
AI: Transcript ©
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artha bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim lesson number 35 Surah Al Baqarah is number 261.

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In southern Bukhara. We have learned many verses that tell us about spending on who, on what,

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in the way of Allah subhanaw taala.

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On who, on parents, orphans, needy,

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relatives, travelers, so basically spending on others. Think about people other than yourself, come out of your personal needs only. Don't just be concerned about yourself, start worrying about others.

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In our deen, we are taught to live conscious and careful lives.

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And being conscious being careful does not mean that a person is only concerned about his well being about his best interests, but that he also cares about others who are around him, that a person does not just worry about himself, but he also worries for others.

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And the fact is, that when a person lives in this way, only then can he have peace and comfort in his life. Because if a person is just worried about himself, then he can never be happy. Never. Why? Because nothing is in your control. But when you start worrying about others, then your problems become smaller.

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And you know what? When you worry about others and when you take care of them, then Allah will take care of you.

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A Hadith tells us that as long as a person is helping his brother, Allah helps him as long as a person is worried and he's concerned about others well being that Allah will take care of him. This is why we see that constantly in this surah we have been given reminders one after the other to spend on others.

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Right at the beginning we learned woman models Akane whom you and Phil cone.

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In AYATUL bed we learned what Atal mal Allah who be were unfuckable feasable Allah who Allah to be identical electa halacha don't destroy yourselves Wamena Nassima yesterday enough so who abt la mala tila?

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Yes. Aluna Kamada Yun few Khun call Matt and facto min Hayden fellow qualidade while UK Robin Walia Tamar wears a luna Kamada you UniFi phone call are for

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even at the time of divorce. What are the men told? Woman 01

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give something to the women don't become selfish at that time, but rather you should give to them. The woman whom you have divorced she is leaving.

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Give to her well material Hoonah

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that Allah questions us mandala the Euclid Allah Corbin, Hassan and who will give to Allah Good liloan

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Then Allah reminds us again, that he or you are looking at our manual and spend, spend before that day comes when you will not be able to benefit from your wealth at all. A severe warning was given.

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Now what happens when you learn about the benefits of spending in the way of Allah, why we should spend on others?

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The more we learn, the more we intend to spend in the way of Allah, isn't it? So how many of you thought that okay, now I'm going to give something in the way of Allah. I'm sure every single one of us thought that right? I'm going to give this I'm going to spend this I'm going to spend that. But the moment we left the class and we went home, we forgot that it happened to you. I'm sure it did. It happened to me that we think that yes, today I'm going to spend today I'm gonna give this tomorrow I'm going to do this day after tomorrow, I'm going to do that. But then you get busy in your life, and you forgot and the next weekend comes and when you go into the groups, and you're

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doing your lesson like Oh, I was going to spend but I forgot. Like I'm going to do it today but you're gone makes you forget again. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us again, this is the Mercy of Allah he keeps reminding us he keeps telling us. So if we forgot, we can remember again.

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And this time the verses come one after the other. All of these verses are dedicated to in fact FISA vilella There's not just one isolated command, but an entire set of verses that are dedicated to the subject. And what is that spending in the way of Allah but when you spend in the way of Allah you need to be motivated to Allah motivates us by telling us what the reward is what the benefit is.

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And at the same time when you want to spend in the way of Allah and chiffon comes he wants to ruin that effort of yours. So

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He will corrupt your intention. He wants to make sure that that entire effort goes waste. So Allah subhanaw taala also teaches us the etiquette, the method, the manner, how should we spend, what should we be careful of? Who should we give to what we should give all of these rules and tickets are mentioned over here in these verses.

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And the first one is that Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the benefit the reward of spending in his way.

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Allah says Mirtha Lu, the example of of who, and Lavina Yun Fukunaga, I'm one of those people who spend their wealth where do they spend it feasable Allah in the way of Allah,

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the example of those people who spend their wealth in the way of Allah. Notice, it has been said, their wealth, their stuff, their belongings, and while is the plural of man, and man is anything, anything that you own.

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Anything that you own something tangible, of course,

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it doesn't just apply to money, or the change that has been collecting on your desk in a jar. It doesn't just apply to the money that's sitting in your bank account. No. It also applies to the stuff the things that you possess.

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It includes the food that you have, the house that you live in the car that you drive, the clothes that you were the utensils that you have the collection of keychains or whatever that you possess, the stickers that you've collected, the toys that you've collected, the books that you've collected, the furniture that you've collected, the decoration piece, the artwork, jewelry, anything that you own, is what your mind.

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I'm not talking about the money that your parents have. I'm talking about the things that are yours. The things that when you look at you say yeah, that's mine. Don't touch it. For that back, give it back to me. Did you ask me for taking it, it includes your bag that your sister wants from you. It includes your jacket that you Schuster looks at every day waiting for that one day when you allow her to wear that. Okay, it includes that hijab pin that you really like, that you save for special events. It includes that lip gloss that you have, it includes everything that you own. And when you are required to spend in the way of Allah, you have to spend from what your belongings

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not that you go and tell your dad that give me money after spending the way of Allah? No, it's your money. It's your stuff. You can say I don't have money.

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Well, you have a little bit you get your allowance, you get that money for lunch, or you have stuff that your parents have bought you whatever little that you have, and Alhamdulillah none of us have little.

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So whatever that we possess is what our wealth

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it's not righteousness that you steal from others and you give that charity. It's not nice to take other people's stuff and spend that know what you own giving out of that.

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So the example of those people who spend their wealth, their belongings, their stuff, their things, their assets, their investments, their things they spend out of that were FISA beat Allah in the way of Allah. What does it mean by the way of Allah, the way of Allah is the religion of Allah. And why is it called way of Allah because it is the way that Allah has legislated for His servants. It is the way that takes us to the pleasure of Allah.

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And spending in the way of Allah means spending for the religion of Allah, whether it is for its defense or its promotion, its success, its development, whether it is to educate people about Islam, whether it is to support some Darwell work, whether it is publishing some materials, whether it is in distributing some books, giving some Islamic materials to others, sponsoring spending on students, whatever, financing an institute, anything that a person spends for the dean, even if it's something like you're getting a gift for a friend. And with that, cream and lotion set that you bought for her along with that you also purchase a draw card for example from the bookstore and you

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put that so that doll card that you purchased and you gave, how much does it cost $1 $1 and a half $2 Whatever. That is also spending in the way of Allah because you are helping people practice their Deen you're educating people about Islam.

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This is what in fact visa be the last to spend for the deen of Islam. In fact fees have been and that also includes spending an act of obedience, any righteous act. This includes the carrot This includes spending on the parents this includes spending your money to go for Hajj to go for Umrah, spending your money so that you can do

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arrive to a class spending your money so that you can pay for a class where you learn Islam. This is also included in in fact, Visa Vela. In fact, Visa biller also is that spending which is done for the pleasure of Allah subhanaw taala. So even if you are spending on your own cell for your needs, you do it with the intention that Oh Allah, you become happy with me, because sometimes it's difficult to spend that money on groceries,

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to see that money just disappearing, that you work for your family. And there comes the bill. And you're told that you have to pay for it, at least a part of it. And you wonder, I worked so hard, and my money is disappearing like that. Because my younger sister won't use their cell phone carefully. My parents expect me to cover her bills. And you wonder your money is is disappearing. If you have the intention that y'all I'm doing this for you. You put me in that position where I have to work and I have to support my family. I will do this willingly. But I wonder word from you.

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Because many times it's difficult for us that the money that we are earning, we have to spend it on others. And especially as women because as women, we know that we are not responsible for taking care of our families, isn't it so we know that, that it's not our duty to do that it's the men. But if the men are not there or they're not capable, and the responsibility comes on your shoulders, then when you are spending even on your family, on the groceries on the build on the rent, whatever made that intention for the sake of Allah soprano

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that Oh Allah, I'm doing this for you, I realize my responsibility. So the example of those people who spend their wealth for the sake of Allah in the way of Allah is commercially like example of hub button of a green hub is a seed hat. But how is love from the same route Where's hub in the heart, and where's the seed in the ground, you put it in the ground, or if it's in a fruit, then it's hidden deep inside, just like herb is hidden in the heart. So colourful hot button is like a green meaning the example of the one who spends in the way of Allah is like a farmer who solves a seed who puts a seed in the ground.

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And this herb this seed when it's put in the ground, what happens to it, um, but it grows number that known better in birth to grow to sprout. It grows suburbs and Erbil, seven spikes, seven years of greats. And Eben is a plural of some bullet seen known Bedlam, and symbolizes basically a spike, at the end of which is a cluster of grains, a cluster of seeds, when you put a seed in the ground, what will come out of it, what will grow out of it, or shoot, it will grow into a stem. And it's not necessarily that only one shoot comes out, sometimes multiple shoots come out, and they all grow and at the end is what at the end is a cluster of grains specially in wheat. But in other plants as

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well, one seed, many stems, and on them are what vegetables or fruits, whatever tomatoes, for example. But is it just one tomato that comes out of one seed? No many, many tomatoes. In our house, there is a tradition of planting vegetables in the summer, herbs and vegetables. And every year, many tomato plants are put in the ground, at least a few I'm not talking about 1215. But at least like 3456.

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And the amount of tomatoes that come out back in the day, my mother in law used to make lots of tomato sauce and keep it but now she doesn't do that anymore. But now that tomatoes have to be distributed amongst the friends and all of that fresh tomatoes. Sometimes I'm shocked that when those plants were grown are so tiny, so small. And as they grew, look at how many tomatoes have come out and we're unable to take care of 100 that weren't able to use them even want to eat them all we couldn't, even if I was in Italian, I don't think I could consume all those tomatoes. So anyway, the point that I'm making over here is that one seed produces so many more

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a green a seed obviously, you saw it, you put it in the ground. So a person giving charity is like a person sowing a seed in the ground. And if the seed is taken care of, if the seed is of premium quality and the soil is good, the atmosphere is good, then what's going to happen from the seed or plant is going to come forth. So this seed that is planted this other card that is given in the way of Allah, what comes out of it

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Mmm, but that savasana bill, it grows not just one shoot, but how many seven. So it's basically seven spikes at the end of which is a cluster of seeds. And wheat grain. Typically, when you saw it when it germinates, what comes out of it is not just one shoot, but multiple shoots. And not just stems, or spikes, but also leaves. And at the end of each spike is a cluster of grains. In every spike, Allah says fee could be some bulletin mayor to help in every spike are 100 grains each. So one grain yielded seven spikes, and in each spike are 100 grains each. So how many grains do you have at the end? 700. And they are a result of what? One green? Now, if you kept that green to

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yourself thinking, I want it, I don't want to put it in the soil. Could you have 700? Could you have it grow? No. Only when you detach yourself from your possession from what you love, can it grow, if you keep it to yourself, it will not grow, it will only deteriorate, eventually your time will come when that grain will be finished. But if you saw it in the ground, if you invest it, then it will grow. Not just double in size, but 700 times. Frequently some bulletin me to harbor and 700 is not the limit. Well Allahu Yubari fully mania sha Allah multiplies the reward, the result for whomever he wills will know who is here in our name. And Allah is all vast and he's knowing was there that in

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all of his attributes, whether it is the attribute of knowledge or mercy or generosity, he is very vast. This is a reason why even when a person gives a cent in charity, who knows about it, Allah because he's so vast in his knowledge.

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And the reason why Allah grows the reward so much more is because he's vast in his generosity, in His mercy in his kindness, in his appreciation of a person doing good, so Allah who is your own and he's also our Lehmann.

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Now in the Saya, what do we see? That Allah subhanaw taala is giving us an example.

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That methylone Ladino Yun Fiona and walang feasable Allah is camellia hubba that hubba unbuttered Sebastian Erbil and fie Kohli some bulletin me to have Allahu yulara fully made your shirt, Willa, who was here in early.

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So we see that the reward of spending is mentioned is explained in this verse. What is that? That one seed produces seven spikes. And each spike has 100 grains. So how many grains Do you have? You have 700 grains at the end? This is just like a person spending $1 in the way of Allah, that dollar produces how many spikes? Seven? So you multiply that by seven, how many do you have seven, but at the end of each spike is 100 grains. So multiply that by 100. So it's equivalent to spending $700. This is how appreciative Allah subhanaw taala is, a person gives $1 in the way of Allah it says though he has given how much $700 Can you imagine? A person spends 1000 in the way of Allah it says

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though he has spent

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Now imagine 700 times more is the reward of spending in the way of Allah. Now this is a hubba. This is a green see how tiny it is? It's very small. Likewise, what we give in the way of Allah could be very small. So what do we learn that the quantity is not really what matters? At the end of the day, it's not the quantity, what is it that matters? It's the quality.

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And what is that quality determined by? By many things that first of all, with what intention has a person given that

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what was the state of the heart. So it depends on the purity of the intention, the sincerity of the action, the expectation of reward from Allah alone and not other people preserving that green preserving that sadaqa that is what matters the most. So this is a hubba

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and this what you see is a symbol.

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The spikes that you see are what the center will. So one grain produces seven sets

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Nervous next.

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Now this is what you see, you see a Hubba, one green, and then you have sub bossa nova. And then you have equally some bulletin may or two hubba. This is the reward for spending in the way of Allah, you have one grain of corn that grows into a huge plant and you have not just one corn coming out of there, but many, many more. And each has many, many seeds many, many kernels. This is the reward of spending in the way of Allah.

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Allahu Yule don't refer li Mejia SHA, Allah multiplies the reward for whoever He wills. But this depends on what two factors the purity of intention and the purity of wealth, halal is the best that you possess. Because when a person gives the best that he owns in the way of Allah, then the reward is multiplied even more. So if you want your reward to be more than what is necessary, the quantity is that what matters? Not really quantity? Yes, we should be concerned about that. But what we should be more concerned about is our intention. And what are we selecting, in order to spend in the way of Allah? Is it the best of what we own? Or is it stuff that's been lying around for 20 years in

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the House? And we think, oh, you know, what might as well give it in charity? What is it that we should spend in the way of Allah, what we like for ourselves, what is good in quality, what will benefit other people? Typically what happens whatever furniture is laying around in the house, people don't need it any more than they say, let's give it to a masjid. You know, at least people can sit there. This is what we think. But depending on what we give, the reward will be

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depending on how we give, the reward will be. So at the end of the day, it's not the quantity but the quality of the action, that is what will determine the reward. Now there are a number of things that we learn in this aisle.

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We see that whatever a person spends, in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. Allah appreciates that. And this is not just limited to sadaqa. But in fact, any good deed that a person performs Allah subhanaw taala appreciates it, not just Sadako but what any kind of good deed and Allah multiplies the reward for its doer. We learn in a hadith, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said that Allah the grid and glory is said, Whenever my bondsman meaning whenever my servant intends to do good, but does not do it, I write one good deed for him. Why, because of his intention to do good, he intended he hasn't done it yet, but because of his mere intention, Allah will give him the reward of doing it

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once. But if he puts it into practice, then I write for him 10 to 700, good deeds in his favor.

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So it's not just sadaqa, the reward of which is 700 times more, but any good deed that a person does, whether it's a smile, or it's helping someone, or it's reciting the Quran, or it is learning something good, whatever it may be, as long as the person does it with the expectation of reward from Allah, then the reward is how much 10 to 700 times and even more, depending on the quality of the action. And Allah, He is West here in Alim he is vast he is knowing that any deed we do, whether it is in secret, in private, or in public, whether it's a small action that people see, or they don't see, whatever it may be, Allah knows about it.

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We learn in the Quran that not a leaf falls, but who knows about it. Allah knows, there is no grain in the darkness of the Earth, except that ALLAH knows about it. You know, these days, so many leaves are falling, or they're already fallen. Now imagine every single leaf that has fallen, Allah knows where it came from where it is now. We don't even know whether the leaves that are lying in our front yard or from our trees or the neighbor's trees. But who knows? Allah knows. So whatever action we do in private or in public, small or big, who is fully aware of it, Allah

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so expect reward from WHO? Only him? Because sometimes we do the most obvious actions, but do people see? Do people notice? They don't even notice that.

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Sometimes you do the vacuum and you clean the dishes and you do everything. And people come home and they pretend or they feel as if nothing has happened and there you are, your back is hurting, your arms are sore and people are asking you to bring them a cup of tea or like Don't you see what I've already done?

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Or they ask average

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done the laundry, like don't just see the vacuum. People don't even notice the most obvious deeds, but who notices even the most hidden deeds, Allah, so do it for him alone and no one else, because only he can reward and appreciate your actions. And when you do it in that manner, then the reward will be many, many times more.

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So in this ion, first of all, we see that Allah grows the good deeds of a person, Allah grows them, for who for the doer,

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just as a plant is grown. Likewise, a deed that is done for the sake of Allah is an investment, it will definitely grow, grow in what in its reward, it will have a far reaching effect. The prophets of Allah Salam said that he who gives him charity, the value of a date which he legally acquired, and Allah accepts only that which is purer than Allah accepts it with his right hand and fosters it for him. As one of you Foster's as mayor until it becomes like a mountain.

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One small date turns into the size of a mountain, a good deed done for the sake of Allah grow so much so that it's like a mountain. And on the Day of Judgment, deeds will be weighed, imagine deeds will be weighed. So you don't want small small things to be weighed. What do you want mountains and mountains to be weighed? And for that, we have to do something for that we have to strive to do whatever we do in the best manner, because many times we do things, we do good deeds, but we do them grudgingly. We do them grudgingly, that sometimes we have to help someone. Like for example, we're carrying their bag. And on the outward Yes, we have a smile, but on the inside of like, why did they

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bring so many bags?

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Why did they have to make their bag so heavy? Why can't they carry themselves, they think I'm their servant or something. You know, we have such feelings in our heart. Such a deed will bring no reward.

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It's just a waste of an effort, what is necessary, the goodness of the heart.

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Similarly, we learn another Hadith that a man wants gave away a camel in the way of Allah, he brought a camel. So it's like a person bringing a car. And he gave that in the way of Allah. And he gave it in a state while the camels brutal was still on. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said on the Day of Resurrection, you will have 700 camels with their brittles meaning then you can just take the camels away 700 You give one today, Allah will give you 700 Then.

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So what does it mean that anything that we love? What should we do? We should deposit it with Allah subhanaw taala

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because whatever we love, tell me honestly, honestly, tell me whatever you love, do you like to use it? Or do you have this fear that it will finish?

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Do you have that fear that it will finish? Yes. So for example, your favorite perfume, you use it very sparingly.

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Your favorite clothes, you use them, you wear them sparingly. And whenever you do wear them, you wear them very carefully. People who have extra cars just you know, because they like that car, they don't really need it. But they like that car to the let their children drive their car. That particular car, no, where's it sitting in the garage, when the weather's nice and warm, then the car comes out.

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So whatever we love, we have this fear that it will finish it will deteriorate.

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But the fact is that when a person gives it in the way of Allah, then it will grow. Allah will give him many more in return.

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Another Hadees told us the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that every good deed that the son of Adam performs will be multiplied 10 times to 700 times. Imagine 10 times to 700 times too many other folds, meaning it will be multiplied more and more to as much as Allah wills. Allah has said, except for the fast, except for the fast why? Because a soul moly will enter IGCP

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when a person fast he does it for the sake of Allah and Allah will reward him for it, not 700 times. But even more than that.

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Another important lesson that we learned this verse is that performing a good deed is like sowing the seed.

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When a person performs a good deed, it's as though he has put a seed in the soil. Now when a person puts a seed in the soil, what happens that seed is

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sitting in a jar,

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safe and dry in the refrigerator, or in the pantry? Where is it? It's under the ground?

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And when it's under the ground, there's a huge risk that he's taking.

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Potentially it could be eaten by some other creature,

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it could perhaps dry out and go waste.

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But if he wants some results, then he has to sow the seed, he has to separate himself from the seed. Apparently, a person has done something very silly, that what is so precious, he's burying it.

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But in reality, that is what will bring him some good results. Likewise, when a person does something good, when a person does something good, sometimes he feels that he has wasted his time, or that he is wasting his time, he could be doing something else, something different. For example, you coming here, sometimes these thoughts might come into your head, you know, every weekend, I come here, I spend a couple of hours every Saturday, every Sunday, I could be doing something different.

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It is difficult to do this. Some other people might think that you are being overzealous, and you are spending that precious time away from your family, from your children from your husband, from rest from going out from having fun from taking a break. But in reality, the time that you're spending here, what is it? It's an investment, you have to sacrifice, you have to take a big risk, and only then will you have some results at the end. Only then will you be able to open up the Quran and understand what it means. Only then will you be able to stand in prayer and understand what the Imam is reciting. If you don't put in this effort, can you have the result? You cannot? Likewise, if

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a farmer does not sow the seed, can he have the result he cannot. You can only have something profitable at the end when you have put in the effort at the beginning.

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Likewise, sometimes we're doing something, for example, we are being good to someone who is not that great with us. And you feel as though you are making a big mistake by listening to them, you're making a big mistake by doing what they want you to do. You're making a big mistake by being kind with them by being generous to them by giving them a gift, you feel that you're wasting your time going to their house, calling them over. But remember, it's an investment. You're doing it for Allah not for that person.

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So expect reward from Allah, and Allah will reward you. So you know that difficulty that we haven't doing good, that difficulty that goes away with this realization that I'm sowing the seed and Allah will reward abundantly.

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Another important lesson that we learn in this ayah is that Allah is the most just and he does not waste the effort of a sincere person.

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Allah is Most just, this is why when a person strives in the way of Allah, Allah will not waste his effort. Whatever he does, Allah will appreciate it. So sometimes it happens that praying for Allah is very difficult for us, opening the Quran reciting the Quran becomes very difficult. Dropping your sister or your mother or your father and picking them up again, driving back and forth constantly becomes difficult. Giving people a ride becomes difficult, paying the fees becomes difficult. coming to class becomes difficult. But remember that Allah is very, very just and the more effort you're putting, the more reward you will get. Inshallah.

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Another important lesson that we learn is that we should not belittle any good deed.

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Because even if it's a small as a green, it has the potential to grow 700 times imagine. So no good deed, no good deed at all is useless. Every good deed can be a source of success for a person.

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Sometimes it's something as small as listening to someone, somebody wants to share something with us, and we're too busy, or we don't want to listen, we just want to go and sleep in a room. We just want to have some quiet time.

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But that listening even that helping someone in need, just hearing them out, could also bring you a lot of reward. Sometimes it's something as small as lending a pen to someone, a pencil or someone. The person is sitting next to you and you know that they're struggling. Their pen is barely working. Every few minutes are going like this. And you have extra pens sitting in your pencil case. What can you do? Just take one out and give it to them. But at that time we feel oh, what if she doesn't return it to me?

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I don't know her, Why should I give it to her.

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But that small gesture can actually bring you 700 times more reward. It's like as though you have helped 700 individuals in need.

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Sometimes it's lending something to someone helping someone with something, it could be something very small. But it brings us great reward. But we become stingy. We think we're wasting our time. We think we have other important things to do. And we don't help others, we don't spend on them, we don't look after them.

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But always remember that every good deed is important. Every good deed is worth it.

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Then we also learn that what you saw is what you reap

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what you give in the way of Allah, what you put what you give, how you do it, the reward will be accordingly.

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If you put a grain in the ground, then what will you get a plant. But if you put a plastic bead in the ground, what will you get? What will you get? Nothing,

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you'll get nothing at the end. So likewise, whatever we do is what we will get. So we should be concerned about the kind of actions we are performing the way we are performing with what intention because the result will be accordingly.

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And we learned that in this is specifically this reward is for what the 700 times more reward is for what spending in the way of Allah?

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So we see that spending on certain individuals, the poor, the needy, all of that, yes, it's something very good. But spending in the way of Allah for the cause of the deen is even greater.

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So when we spend, we should look what are we spending? And where are we spending? Because maintenance we feel and this is right, that when we are taking care of our needs, the needs of our family. It's like sadaqa, because the Hadees tells us that even the morsel of food that a person puts in his spouse's mouth is charity. So we think that we're paying the bills, we're paying for the car, whatever, it's charity. Yes, very good. But remember that spending in the way of Allah for the cause of the deen is better, it will bring more reward to a person.

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We learned from a hadith that whoever sent wealth to be spent in the path of Allah and stayed behind himself, he will be rewarded for every day at home, the reward of 700 homes, a person cannot do anything himself. But he sponsors an Islamic project. So for every penny for every cent, he will get how much reward the reward of 700 and whoever went himself for Allah's pleasure and also spent his wealth in this cause, then he will be rewarded for every dyrham the reward of 700,000 dirhams.

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So a person who goes out in the way of Allah Himself, and also spends money in that cause for every one, he will get how much reward 700,000 Because sometimes we think it's sufficient to just sponsor a good project, put some money in the box.

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But you know, what, sometimes what is needed is not the money. What is needed is the individuals, the people to come and volunteer to come and help to come and work. Because can money do everything? No, what you need is people. And many times it happens that when you are helping out with a certain project, then you also have to spend your money in it. Like for example, you have to drive there, you have to drive back. You have to buy some materials for yourself so that you can work there. You can make that project successful. You have to pay for the bus, you have to pay for the subway, whatever it may be, you have to cover the costs yourself. And you feel this is not what I bargained

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I just offered a few hours, and now I have to offer a few $100. But what should a person remember that time? That for every dollar I'm spending, I get how much reward 700,000? Who gives hundreds and 1000s of dollars and charity? Do you know of any individual who has given $100,000 in charity for an Islamic project? Do you know of any person? Hardly anyone would know about such a person. But imagine a person who goes out in the web Allah Himself and also spends for every cent he spends in that cause. It's as though he's spending 700,000

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This is not something small. There's something huge. So next time you're purchasing your books for the course, or you're paying your fees, or you're buying a white hijab

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Are you filling gas before you're coming here, or you're buying breakfast before you're coming here, always remember this hadith. I'm going out in the way of Allah myself. And I'm also spending money in the way of Allah, this is a huge investment, a huge investment, hundreds and 1000s of dollars more.

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So this basically teaches us about the Great Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. That how appreciative he is how merciful He is that he doesn't just accept, but he also rewards and he doesn't just reward with a small reward, but a huge reward. Think about it, the money that we have will give it to us in the first place, Allah, and then he's giving us the opportunity to spend it. And when we spend it, he gives us more in return in this dunya and definitely in the hereafter. So at the end of this, if in conclusion, we should all reflect on our spending, reflect on your spending? What is it that I am spending on? And how much am I spending on what? I'm not just talking about those people who work?

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who earn money? I'm talking about every single individual who's sitting, whether you work or you don't whether you make money or you don't? Whatever you have available to you, where does it go?

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What percentage of it goes on just fulfilling our needs? What percentage of it goes in just buying things spontaneously? And what percentage of it goes truly in the way of Allah? Spending for the sake of Allah for the cause of the deen? How much of my money goes in it?

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Because whatever we spend in ourselves, it will stay here.

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You know, sometimes I wonder, I have two little kids. And you know that little children, they're constantly growing. And we live in Canada, and the seasons are always changing. So every three, four months, you have to go buy clothes, and you don't just buy normal clothes. Sometimes you have to buy sweaters and jackets, and different kinds of shoes and boots and snow boots and other kinds of sandals and indoor shoes and outdoor shoes. The list is endless.

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And sometimes I wonder, all the money that is going in their clothes? How long do they wear these clothes, for a few days, for a few weeks, for a few months, literally, there are some clothes that are worn by children how many times once or twice, honestly, once or twice, and then they grow out of it.

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So what we spend on our needs very quickly, it is consumed, it's finished. But what we spend in the way of Allah, it remains, it doesn't just remain as it is, in fact, it grows many, many times more. So Be Wise With Your Money. Don't just spend everything you have on buying clothes and shopping on shoes on bags, no

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part of what we have should also go in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. Whenever we save money, don't just think about buying that iPad. Don't just think about buying the next iPad, or the next gadget. No, think about spending in the way of Allah as well. Because very soon, that iPad will become old and outdated. Very soon that iPod will be old and outdated and people will say you still have that first generation iPod.

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I don't even know they existed until now. So the things of this dunya keep getting outdated. So you have to keep spending more and more and more. And you have that feeling of you know you're so unfulfilled, but when you spend in the way of Allah, it will only grow Marinda come Yun fed. Well, Marian de la Hui back what is with you, it will finish what is with Allah will remain eternally.

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So let's listen to the recitation and then we'll continue

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00:44:11 --> 00:44:15

he can actually handle that in. But that's

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cool. Listen.

00:44:20 --> 00:44:22

To have one long, long.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:30

Long was your gnarly

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