Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P03 034D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 255

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The title "ENThranyna" in the Quran is meant to represent the greatest protection for one's health and wealth, and is also the greatest protection for one's health and wealth. The names of Islam are meant to represent the greatest protection, and the title has a place in the Hifees of Islam where the Prophet sallaviat is seen as the greatest. The confusion surrounding the names of Islam is due to the confusion of the names, and the importance of forgiveness and staying in a stable state for long periods of time is emphasized. The importance of forgiveness and staying in a stable state for long periods of time is emphasized, as it is the only way to avoid becoming weak and losing everything.
AI: Transcript ©
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim.

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Today inshallah we will study AYATUL kursi. And AYATUL kursi is the greatest idea of the Quran, it is our local area, fee cutter Billa it is a greatest verse, the most grand verse, that is in the book of Allah subhanaw taala. Because the Prophet saw a lot of Salam, he wants asked, obey even Cara, probably Allahu Anhu that au 18 or Allahu vikita Abdullah, he asked, obey even car that obey which verse is the greatest in the book of Allah, and obey, he replied, AYATUL kursi. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he was so happy that he fat him on his chest, he struck him on his chest, and he said, Leah, nickel are in moveable wounds, that audible ones it rejoice, because of this knowledge

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that you have, he was so happy that he gave him a bat. You know, like people go props. So he gave him a pat on his chest. And he said, Congratulations, for this knowledge that you have made this knowledge be a source of blessing for you rejoice be happy, that Allah has blessed you with the Sirian that you know that the greatest verse of the book of Allah is AYATUL kursi.

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And because this is the greatest verse, this is the reason why when a person recites either could see in the night, there always remains with him, it Hatfields a protector, from Allah subhanaw taala to guard him, so that the shield plan cannot approach him until the morning. And this idea, it's only one idea but it constitutes 10 sentences 10 complete sentences, which are great in their meaning,

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which are very vast and deep in their meaning. So apparently, one verse But the greatest verse of the book of Allah and greatest does not mean longest, greatest means that greatest in its meaning in its merits, in its rank in its effect in its benefit in its virtue. So this is the greatest idea of the Quran. And another reason why it is the greatest I have the Quran is because it informs us about who about Allah subhanaw taala and who is Allah the greatest? So the idea that tells us about Allah will also be the greatest it tells us about the Majesty of Allah. The perfection of Allah's attributes, His actions, and his grandness in this dunya and also in the Hereafter. And this idea

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contains the most grand Names of Allah as well. It contains is Mala are among the greatest, the most grant Names of Allah, which ones are the Alhaj and Alka you

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and these grand Names of Allah subhanaw taala in a Hadees we learn a SMAP in tz she reported that I heard the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam say about these verses in which Allah's most grand names are mentioned, which is idol could see and also the second verse of Surah earlier Imran Allah Allah Allah Allah who will who will consume that they contain Allah's Greatest Name. So which one are they and hey, and Alka you

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and another report tells us of the Prophet sallallahu sallam said it's Mala Hill r1 Allah, the either Duryea be a Java, that the name of Allah which is the most grant and Heyoka you, if you call upon Allah by these names, then he will respond to your call, he will answer your prayer when you call upon him by these grand names. And when we studied the meaning of these names, then you know why Allah does not reject the dua of the one who calls upon him by these names. So hey, Alka, you are the names which are in this ayah as well. So we see that this is the greatest because on the one hand, it teaches us about the greatness of Allah, the Oneness of Allah. And it's a means of

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protection in this world. And it is also means of protection in the hereafter. It's a means of entry into paradise. Hadees tells us that whoever recites AYATUL kursi immediately after each prescribed prayer, and what that means is that after the Salah, and before reciting AYATUL kursi, he does not say anything else, meaning he does not talk to anyone. Obviously, you will say Allahu Akbar Stockwood Allah stuff with Allah, but not like he's answering his phone and sending a text message and talking to the people who are around him No, without talking to anyone. If he recites AYATUL kursi immediately after the flood salah, then there will be nothing standing between him and his

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entering paradise except for death. Meaning if he was to die, then

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He would go straight where to paradise but this cannot happen if we don't recite either Guzzi after every solder meaning we don't do this consistently it can't be that we do it you know once a day you know after budget okay we recite it we could see after us and we do it and then we skip mockery brush and the next day we do it no, it has to be a consistent habit of regular habit, the person who does it a person who says it, then inshallah he will go to paradise. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam also said that the one who recites item could see after the conclusion of an obligatory prayer, then he is under the care of Allah until the next prayer comes in, then that person will be under whose

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care and protection the care of Allah, Allah special care, many times we are about to do something that we are afraid of. We are not too comfortable doing whatever it may be, even if it's cooking something or driving somewhere, whatever it may be, or meeting someone writing an assignment. We are afraid who's helped do we need whose protection do we need? Allah subhanaw taala so make it a habit after every Salah recite it could see how many of you know it could see by heart hamdulillah hollows? No, right. So it's not that difficult, we can do it, it's just about forcing ourselves to just stay there sit there and not get up before we recite ethicacy.

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And once you develop a habit, Inshallah, it should become very easy for you to do it anyway.

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Then we learned that this is also means of protection, protection for who from shaitan. I'm sure all of you have heard the story of a Buddha law on who that once he was guarding the charity that the people had donated. It was his duty to guard all of that because it had to be distributed amongst the poor and the needy. And obviously, everything could not be distributed immediately. So he was supposed to guard all of it in the night. And he saw that somebody came and he was trying to steal as much as he could. And a Buddha went and got him and he said, I'm going to take you to the profits of a lot and he said, please let me go, I'm poor, I'm needy. I'm in a desperate situation, I won't

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come again. So a Buddha he felt pity for him and he let him go the next day the Prophet salallahu Salam asked him, that what happened to your prisoner? And he said that I felt pity for him, so I let him go. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said he will come again. So the next night, the same thing happened, the man came, and he was trying to steal the charity, and I wouldn't have caught him he gave the same excuse a Buddha let him go the next day the prophets have said the same thing. And this happened three times and the Prophet saw a lot of times at each time that he will come. And then finally, that person came again in the night and Ebola caught him. And that person said, I will

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teach you something. Which if you say Chandon will not harm you at all. Recite, I will go see in the night and children cannot harm you at all who let him go. The next morning the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked him what happened. And when I told him that this is what he told me about I takasi The Prophet sallallahu sallam said he's a liar, but at this instance he spoke the truth Who was that shape on so this shows a chip on can sometimes come in the form of human beings even and try to harm the property of people. Steal it, ruin it, destroy it, God's fire, this happens because of shaitan even so what should we do? Recite Tanco See, whenever we are afraid that we will get hurt or you

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know you're driving for the first time all by yourself and you're very nervous. So recite, either go see in the night you feel that you know something is there

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because nobody else is at home, and you feel something is there and you are afraid recite AYATUL kursi in the night you wake up and you feel afraid because everybody's asleep and you feel as if somebody's walking upstairs. So what should you do? Recite AYATUL kursi because that will protect you from the evil of shaytaan than Shavon cannot harm you at all.

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This is why one of the scholars who said that there is no single ayah in the Quran, which includes that which is comprised and AYATUL kursi. There is no verse in the book of Allah that is equal to Ivan Kersey. In other words, in its meaning, in the lessons that it teaches, and in its benefits, there is no comparison. Just as we learned earlier, that in the messenger is also there were levels so in the Ayat of Allah also, there are different levels. So let's read this idea. I will be left ministerial. shaytani R rajim. Allahu La ilaha illa. Who, Allah, there is no deity except for him. Allah. Allah is the personal, the most noble name of Allah subhanho wa taala. It is his personal

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name is Marcela. It is the grand name that belongs exclusively to Allah. Only he is deserving of this name. No one else

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No one at all can be given the name Allah. And what does it mean? It means al Isla the god, meaning the only true God. He is though God mean there's no other God besides him. There's no one else who deserves this title except for Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah, La Ilaha there is no God in Allah Who except for him.

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The fact is that the only one who deserves worship is who? Allah alone. There is no one else, no human being, no planet, no star, no mountain, no animal, nothing, no matter how great no matter how powerful, no matter how amazing and astounding, it may be, there is nothing in the entire existence that deserves worship. The only one who deserves worship is who? Allah subhanaw taala why? Because he is the only Illa and everyone else is what they are the Hulk they are the creation of Allah. And this word isla. It is from the root letters Hamza lamb, her,

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Allah, and Allah is to worship to show dedication to, to show humility before someone to become subservient to someone to completely submit and surrender to them.

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So Allah, He is the healer, and he's the only one to whom the entire creation has surrendered themselves to

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a person might say, but what about those who don't believe in Allah? How have they submitted to Allah, but look at their bodies? Do they not submit to Allah, they grow when Allah lets them grow, they die when Allah causes them to die, they benefit from something when Allah allows them to benefit, and they suffer from something when Allah makes them suffer. So the fact is, that the entire creation turns to Allah, even the bees and the ants and the fish and the clouds and the winds, there is nothing, no creation at all, except that it turns to Allah because he is the only God.

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So Allah, La ilaha illa, who he is the only one and true isla.

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And there may be many beings that are worshipped, that could be in the earth, and it could also be in the sky. In the earth, for example, people worship, for instance, other beings or idols, would stone, things that they have made themselves or things that Allah has made, whatever it may be, people worship many things that are upon the earth, in the skies, the sun, the moon, people worship them, the stars, people worship them, they seek help through them, they think that good and harm lies in whose power in the power of the stars, or they worship the angels. But the fact is, that are these creations God? No, they're not. The only one and true God is Allah. This is why Allah says,

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yeah, a you her nurse, or a boo or back home, or people who should you worship or back home your god meaning the One who created you, the stars did not make you the river did not shape you. The stone idol did not give you anything, in fact, you put everything on it. So the fact is, that the only one who deserves worship is who the One who created everything, the one who owns everything, the one who sustains everything, the one on whom everything depends and he depends on no one and who was that? Only Allah, Allah the Halacha come when Medina men complete the One who created you and he also created those before you.

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So everything that is worshipped besides Allah is what it is belting. It is false, it is not truly God. It does not deserve worship. Allah says in surah, Hajj is 62 Velyka be an Allah who will help. That is because Allah Indeed he is the truth meaning he is the only true God while unima You're the rune him in dunya he who will birthrate and that all that people call upon besides Allah what is it? It is falsehood, meaning it does not deserve any worship. Why is it that Allah is the only God because he is a high elke you and no one else besides Allah can ever be high or can you only Allah is High Are you and high from Hyatt higher Yeah. Had life and are you from cough well meme same

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route as up Munna calm, to stand to establish. So

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And he is the one who is living. The one who is alive. And Alka UMX is the one who is established himself, and he also establishes others. Let's look at the name of Allah subhanaw taala Alhaj. First, and then we will look at LTU. But before we go into the meanings of these names, I want you to realize that these two names of Allah comprise in them his most perfect attributes and His most perfect actions, meaning the most perfect attributes and actions. Now I want you to imagine the word attribute. What does it mean? qualities, traits, characteristics, so the most perfect characteristics of Allah and actions. The most perfect actions of Allah are both comprised in which

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names and hey, and Alka, you,

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Al Hey, comprises in it the most perfect attributes. And a young comprise isn't it the most perfect actions? Now let's look at the name Al Hey, Al, hey, is the one who is living. But hey does not just mean one who is alive? No. And he is the one who has the perfect life. Meaning the one who is living in the most perfect way, his life, his living his existence is free of any deficiency, any fault, any problem. So what does that mean then?

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That he is the Ever Living, not just the living, but the Ever Living, he has a higher net Alchemilla the most perfect life, the most perfect existence.

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And what this means is that he exists, he always existed before, and he will continue to exist forever.

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Everything else besides Allah, there was a particular point in time when it did not exist. Allah brought it into existence, Allah asks us * utter insanity Hinnom in a daddy, let me a country A makura. Has there not come upon the man a time when he was nothing that is even mentioned? What were you 1000 years ago? Did you have any identity? No. What were you? Were you known on this Earth? Even for some of us 50 years ago, 60 years ago? Were we anywhere to be found in this earth? No, did any human being noticed? No. So we as well as the rest of the creation is such that there was a certain time when we did not exist. And eventually there will be a time when we will finish. But Allah

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subhanaw taala is above that he is a hate, meaning he always lived is living and will continue to live forever.

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And this is the reason why all of his attributes are perfect. Remember, I told you that his perfect attributes are comprised in Alhaj. So because He is Ever Living, all of his attributes are perfect. What does that mean? That because he was always alive and will continue to live on his knowledge? What does it mean for his knowledge, then it's perfect. Our knowledge is deficient. Why? Because we don't know what happened 200 years ago, we weren't there. Our knowledge is incomplete because no matter how much we try to learn, eventually a time will come when we will die and we will not be able to learn anymore.

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But Allah subhanaw taala is above that. So all of his attributes are perfect. The creation, what happened to the creation with the passage of time, their attributes, they deteriorate, they weaken.

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But Allah subhanaw taala is above that, because the passage of time does not affect him. It does not cause him to become weak at all, because he is a high. So his kodra his ability is perfect. His knowledge is perfect. His hearing his seeing His mercy, His wisdom, everything, all of his attributes are perfect. Allah tells us in Surah Furqan IFTA that what what Cal ol Hey, and LaVilla Woot, you should rely you should trust upon who Allah, the EverLiving the one who does not die.

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If you rely upon a human being eventually is going to die. If you rely upon your president eventually is going to go if you rely upon your money, eventually it's going to extinguish but if you rely upon Allah, then what does it mean that he is ever living? So you will find then what the worker and how your lady Leia moved into the ramen I had 26 Allah says condom and I lay her fan, everything and everyone upon this earth is going to perish. It's going to go away. It's going to die.

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We have always will have bigger, they'll Jalali will be Crom but the Face of your Lord, that will remain meaning ALLAH who will remain because He is eternal.

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Into the Hadith, Allah tells us who will a will when he is the first and the last mean there's none before him and none to come after him. Because he is a hate. And then he is also an oppa you, Alka you from pm and pm to stand to establish to be established.

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But I'll pay you dislike the word love food, the food what does it mean? Just one who forgives No The one who forgives perpetually loafer.

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So likewise a Yom is not just one who is established, but rather a Yom is one who is perfectly established himself in a way that he does not need anyone or anything. And at the same time, everything he establishes meaning everything depends on him. So in other words, a you means two things. Firstly, are in Ireland FC he called him Arla NFC, meaning the one who is fully and eternally established without any support. He does not need any servant, He does not need any food, he does not need any help. He does not need any protection. No, he is fully and eternally perfectly established on his own, without the help the need the assistance of anyone whatsoever.

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And secondly, it means our M Anna, Lady He, so that everything else depends on him. He is the one who establishes others as well. So everyone depends on him. So what does it mean then? Elke you basically what it teaches us is that we all need him, and he needs no one. Everything and everyone needs Allah and Allah needs no one at all. He is independent, he is perfect. We depend on one another. We depend on Allah. But Allah does not need to depend on anyone.

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This is why Allah tells us in truth factor that he or her nurse and to move for Cora in Allah or people, you are all poor. You're all beggars before Allah, your status before Allah is like that of a beggar before the one whom he's asking.

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Has anyone seen anyone begging? They're completely relying on the one whom they're begging please give me anything, anything, even your use clothes, even the leftover food, give me anything. I'm desperate for any help that you can give me because I have no other option. Likewise, we are all like beggars before Allah. This is how much we depend on him. But Allah, He is Eleni and Hamid, the rich, the one who is independent and the one who is praiseworthy because with His richness with his independence with this perfection, he is the one who assists and provides everyone so he does not need anyone, but everyone needs Allah. In surah the Lord i A 33 Allah says, If a man who are called

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him on Allah coolin of sin be Makkah Sabbath, then is he who is a maintainer of every soul knowing what it has earned. Allah knows about our actions the kind of sins we commit the kind of shortcomings we have, but yet he is the one who maintains us because he is a Luca you. So Hola. Hola Hi, Alka you are the possessor of the most perfect attributes and the possessor of the most perfect actions, the most perfect actions they are all comprised in the name of Allah Alka you how that because he needs no one because he needs no one. This is why he does not expect any food any material benefit from us nothing at all. Rather, he is the one who is Marcin, he is the one who

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gives us so his actions are perfect. This is why he sends rain. This is why he sends his son. This is why he sends the winds. This is why he causes the seasons to change. So most perfect actions in Alka young. So we see that all of his actions all of his attributes are perfect. And this is very evident by our own bodies by the things that surround us by the world that we live in Allah subhanaw taala shows it to us that he is Alhaj that He is Allah you. And these are the two names of Allah that when a person calls upon him by these names, his door will not be rejected. Now why do you think is Dr will not be rejected? Because he's calling upon who? And hey, the one who is capable

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completely capable and Alka you the only one who can do anything for you the only one who can do anything for you. So when you call upon Allah to Allah you are fully capable, you are all high and you are the only one who can do something for me who can save me who can protect me, because you are the one who has nourished me, you are the one who has given me life. Then this causes Allah subhanaw taala has mercy to come upon you. This causes Allah's mercy to surround you to encompass you. So when you call upon Allah by the names al Hey, Allah you with conviction, with full belief that Allah will answer your prayers

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that Allah says lead the WHO SIN atone while I know drowsiness and sleep, neither of them can overcome him later who Hamza Cordell

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is what to see is to take something so sinner does not cease him and known does not cease him. What is sinner, sinners from the letters well see noon Watson

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and sinner is basically drowsiness or you can say the state of sluggishness, lethargy that precedes sleep. So you're sitting in front of your computer and you're typing and you're working, and all of a sudden your hands stop moving, and your eyes start closing. And you open your eyes and the closer then and you open your eyes and the close again. This is what sinner and eventually like you know what, turn the computer off and go to bed. So Sinha comes first, and it's followed by no no miss from the root letters known well, me and no Miss sleep.

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Notice how it has been said that sleepiness. Drowsiness does not cease him.

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Because what happens to us, sleep overtakes us, you want to sit, you want to work, you want to talk, you want to study. But what happens? Your sleepiness overcomes you. So even though you may want to stay awake, you cannot stay awake, you are helpless. This is why there's an expression in Urdu which says that a person will even sleep on the cross meaning even if a person has been crucified, and if he's very tired, he will sleep even there. Why? Because when you're tired, then you become a helpless before you're asleep. But Allah is above this weakness. He never ever gets tired, he never gets exhausted, he never ever needs rest letter who will send a tune, when I know he is the one who

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maintains everything, He sustains everything, he looks after everyone, yet, he does not get tired. Yet he does not need a break. What happens with us, if we are just looking after one child, we get exhausted. If we're looking after one thing, we get tired. We have one school, one university that has its work or one workplace. And we think because of that we cannot help out at home at all. This is what we think because I'm doing this, this is why I cannot do that.

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But Allah subhanaw taala is above this weakness. He never gets tired. In the Quran we learn women at and Takoma summer will have to be angry he that it's obvious signs that the sky and the earth they're continually established at his command that you see the sky and the earth, the sun, the moon, everything is constantly working and whose command at the command of Allah and never it is that you say, oh, you know, the sun didn't rise today? Why? Oh, we just didn't does it ever happen? Never can even imagine something like that happening. Know, when that will happen that will be a sign of the Day of Judgment when the sunrise it from the west and not the east. So anyway, the point

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that I'm making over here is that the things that Allah subhanaw taala maintains, which is the entire creation. It's being looked after 24/7 365 without any break and whose hand is behind it. Allah subhanaw thoroughness, and yet he does not get tired. Let the whole the whole Cena to Allah know.

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And despite the fact that he's looking after everything and everyone, he is always available, because he never needs to rest people what happens to them eventually they need a break as well. Which is why sometimes you go to some lectures or some classes and when there is a break they tell you even the speaker needs a break even the scholar needs a break even the lecturer needs a break. The instructor needs a break so please let him have a break.

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So they are unavailable at that time. But tell me, is there a time that you could feel that Allah is too busy to answer my prayers? Never, never. There could be millions and millions of people praying to Allah at the same time and Allah who will respond to their their OS, Allah Who Will Answer their doors Allah will take care of them. So he's always available. He's a Samir, he's asleep. So letter hood will sinner tune. Well, I know what do other people believe that Allah when he created the skies in the earth, He rested? But Allah is above that he does not need any rest in sort of path I authority it Allah says Welaka Calacanis sama what you will or will not be in a home if he said that

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he a young woman, a cena mill lube? That certainly we have created the heavens and the earth and whatever that is between him and six days, and no fatigue, no tiredness touched us even Allah did not get tired even a little bit. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said in Hola Hola, yo Nam, wala yumbo Lila, who, uh, you know, that indeed Allah does not sleep and it does not befit him that he should sleep,

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he does not need to sleep, it does not befit him, that he should sleep, because ultimately think about it sleep is similar to death when a person dies, then he can't do anything. Likewise when a person is sleeping, then can he cook can he talk to you? Can he help you can he listen to you know? So, when Allah is Alhaj Allah is also not overcome by drowsiness or sleep. Because he is a high he is a high and because he is Alka young, this is why Sinha and gnome do not overtake him, because he is constantly constantly managing the affairs of His creation. Letter who will send to Willa known Lahoma for summer wear T wonderful all to Him belong whatever that is in the skies and whatever that

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is in the earth. Everything that is in the skies and everything that is in the earth, Who does it belong to? Allah subhanaw taala and when he is the owner, that means he is the only one who deserves worship. That means La ilaha illa who when he is the owner, that means La ilaha illa who

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and why is he the owner because He created everything, because he is a law, because he is a high and no one has a high but him

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insert Meriam I 93 to 95 we learn in koloman for summer what you will have Illa to Romania or Buddha, there is nothing in the skies or in the earth except that it will come to Allah as a servant, meaning everything whether living or nonliving is what the job of Allah the servant of Allah law called the Ursa home where I

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will do my piano default further and all of them will come to Allah on the Day of Judgment alone,

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to be judged by Allah. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, there is no space equivalent to the width of four fingers in the sky, except one would find an angel mentioning Allah meaning worshiping Allah while standing bowing or prostrating.

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So everything that has happened on the earth and how much is it? Do we even know the number? Do we even know the number? We have no idea about the number we cannot even fathom the number of Allah subhanaw taala is hunk we don't even know we cannot even imagine it. We cannot even estimate it.

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And Allah is the Owner of all of that.

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In total Madatha i a 31. Allah says wema Yara Allah would you know the Rebecca Illa who a nun knows about the genomes of Allah, about the troops of Allah except for him. Only Allah knows how much creation He has Lahoma for summer we're at warmer Phil. So everything is owned by Allah and Allah, He is above everything and everyone.

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You see, the perfection of a lot that has been illustrated in this is that first of all, there is no god but him. Secondly, only he is ever living. Thirdly, He is Allah you then there is no sinner, no known that overtakes him and everything belongs to him. So he is at the top. He is the highest. He is the most grant the most elevated, Monza lovey yesh furrow in the whole Ellerbee, isn't it? This is why ALLAH says who is it? Man who is it there is that there is just like in the word has or there Lika it means that who is it? That good? Yes, Pharaoh are in the who who could intercede before him? Yes Pharaoh from Shiva and we have done this word a number of times before it

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intercession. Who is it that can intercede near him in Lobby Igni except by His permission, except by His even?

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What does it mean? That's from the root letters Hamza, that alone and even is permission to allow someone to do something. So who is it that can intercede before him except with his permission,

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meaning no one can dare to intercede before him except when Allah allows for them, only when and if Allah allows for them, then they can dare to speak before him even on the Day of Judgment, Shiva intercession will take place, Shiva intercession will take place, why, in order to ward off some harm from people. And in order to bring some benefit to them for two reasons what are they toward, of harm, or to bring benefit.

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So for instance, on the Day of Judgment, all the people will gather together all people, no one excluded, and the judgment will not begin immediately, rather than people will have to wait for a very, very long time, to the point that people will be exhausted, they will be overcome by their fear and panic, and they will run to Adam or Islam and they will say we cannot take this anymore. Please request to Allah to begin the judgment. And if we're to go to Jana, send us there. And if we're to go to hellfire Sanders there, we can't wait any longer. This is how intense the Day of Judgment will be. But as I already said, I will say I can't I disobeyed my Lord when I ate of the

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fruit of the tree. So I'm afraid I cannot ask Allah. So the people will go to one prophet after the other. And eventually they will go to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam who will intercede who will request to Allah, that Oh ALLAH begin the judgment, and Allah will then begin the judgment. So that judgment will begin at the intercession of Abu Hamad salatu salam, why, to ward off harm from people and to bring benefit to them. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that I will stand under the throne, and I will fall in frustration, and Allah will allow me to remain in that position as much as He wills, I will thereafter be told Raise your head, speak and you will be heard, intercede and your

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intercession will be accepted. So Shiva will take place. Likewise, Shiva will take place on the Day of Judgment. So that those who are suffering in hellfire are those who are destined in hellfire at the intercession at the request at the plea of someone, they be forgiven by Allah. This is just like if there is a student who is in trouble. And the principal has said that said the student is going to be given detention and the teacher goals and requests to the principal, that look, I will take care of him, please don't give him detention, I will make sure that he does not repeat this bad behavior again, and if something happens, it's on me. So this is what the teacher is doing Chifa for

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the student.

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Likewise, Shiva on the Day of Judgment will also be so that people are admitted into paradise, they are sent to join that their ranks be elevated, they'll be given more reward in paradise. So this shofar will also take place. But Allah says over here, that who is it that can dare to intercede on that day except with the permission of Allah, meaning no one will be able to intercede except with the permission of Allah. Why? Because ultimate authority on that day will belong to who only Allah, and will cuyama Even Lilla all power, all kingship, All authority, all sovereignty on that day will belong to Allah alone. So even the most righteous of people, even the most righteous of angels, the

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highest of the angels even cannot intercede, cannot speak before Allah, except after he allows them.

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And why is it so? Because people will be extremely afraid on that day. Even the most righteous creation, the most obedient creation will be most afraid on that day. This is just like if someone is very high in their position, and you're supposed to talk to them, but you don't have the courage to approach them and to speak even one word before them. doesn't ever happen to you. It does. You want to go to your teacher at school and you want to speak to her but you're afraid so you don't even dare to look her into the eye. You want to go speak to your boss, but you know that they're very upset about something and you don't even dare to approach them and speak to them. So the

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greater someone is, the more you fear them, and the more you fear them, the more difficult it is for you to speak before them. And on the Day of Judgment this will be most evident

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that people will not be able to speak even in front of Allah. What do we learn at the end of Surah number that tells us that none will be able to speak before Allah on that day.

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lie at the color Munna lemon Eddin Allahu Romano will call us our

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lair to Colombo no one will speak except for the one whom Allah allows. And that person also says that which is right, which is correct. Yo Maya como roar while Mala Iike the raw energy bill will be there the angels will be there. The most righteous of people will be there but none will dare to speak before Allah, out of fear of Allah. Because on that day, his most grant status and position will be evident, like it has never been evident before.

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Now, on the Day of Judgment, intercession will occur, it will occur when three conditions are met. That first of all, Allah allows for the intercession to occur, that that option is even given for someone to intercede that Allah allows for the intercession to occur. Secondly, the condition is that Allah allows for the one interceding to intercede meaning no one can just walk up and say, Oh Allah, I beg you please forgive this person.

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Just no one can do that. That person has to be given permission from Allah to intercede in the Quran we learn what come in merican FISMA, word lead, Tonisha Artyom che and 11 Birdie and yet then Hola. Hola, Maya Chateau where. And there are many angels in the heavens whose intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He wills and is pleased when.

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And thirdly, the third condition is that Allah allows for the one in whose favorite intercession is being sought. That yes, intercession may be done in his favor.

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So three conditions that first of all it is allowed to occur. Secondly, Allah allows for the one who is interceding to intercede and thirdly, Allah allows that the person for whom intercession is being taken place. He is worthy of it. He is deserving of it.

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So for example, Abuja Hill.

00:42:18 --> 00:42:20

Can anyone intercede for him?

00:42:21 --> 00:42:22

Would anyone be allowed?

00:42:24 --> 00:42:53

I will have it's understood he's going to hellfire. Allah has said this in the Quran. frown. Ibrahima. Listen as Father, can Ibrahim and Assam even intercede for his father? No. It's not going to work. Because Allah will not allow that for those individuals intercession be done? Likewise, can any person go in intercede? No. It is only those who will be given a special favor by Allah that they will be allowed to intercede for others. Amongst them are who the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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Amongst them are angels, even righteous servants of Allah, Allah will bestow favor upon them elevate their ranks on that day and allow them to intercede for others. So Allah says Munda ledee yesh Pharaoh Rinda who Ellerbee izany

00:43:09 --> 00:43:17

in the Quran, Allah says Allah, Sharona Illa lemony tabla and they will not intercede except for the one whom Allah is pleased with

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