Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 024B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 177

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of belief in Islam is emphasized, including the Day of Judgment and the "has been." The speakers emphasize the need to focus on one's actions and not just on one action. The speakers also discuss the importance of giving in the form of money, food, clothing, or even a shower gel, and the value of giving things to people who are not known. The segment emphasizes the importance of giving things to people who love them, even if they are not known.
AI: Transcript ©
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As you may have figured out from the translation of these verses that today's lesson is a little technical, right? We're going to be learning about legal retaliation, the law of inheritance as well. So for that, we need to be very, very, very, very focused. And we have to pay a lot of attention. So don't think about food. Don't think about water. No matter how hungry or thirsty you are. Don't think about juice. Don't think about your thoughts. Just focus on the class right now. Alhamdulillah we did the verses of gloom into Yuba tomorrow's doc Netcom already Alhamdulillah last week, we covered that. That was one of the first commands we read. So that came before fasting,

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right? So now Inshallah, let's focus on the other commands.

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So nothing Bokhara is a Madani surah and know that in Medina, after the Prophet saw a lot is migrated from Makkah, then all of the laws were revealed all of the laws that Muslims are supposed to practice in a Muslim land, those were revealed because you know that Medina was the first Islamic State. And one of the first commands that the Muslims were given was about eating that which is halal eating that which is the you

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because you have to fix your eating first. And as a result of that, the other actions the other parts of your life will also improve. And now Inshallah, we will learn about many other commands commands related to legal retribution with regard to criminal prosecution, meaning if a person is a murderer, He has murdered someone, how is he supposed to be prosecuted what has to be done, then likewise, inheritance when a person dies, he leaves behind an estate some property, how is that supposed to be distributed amongst the people, then likewise, we will also learn about divorce laws, also about marriage also, about their Ada, about the waiting period of a woman after her divorce or

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after her husband has passed away. So in sha Allah, now, another chapter of Surah Baqarah will open up for us in Sharla.

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One more thing that we will learn about is the rules regarding fasting, the rules regarding fasting also Inshallah, in the next lesson.

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So let's begin this lesson.

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Lesson Bilwa. And to one Lu, would you how can people al mushrif at Wallmark rheb. Righteousness, piety is not that you turn your faces towards east or the west, meaning this is not all that righteousness is about? This is not all that by it is about

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righteousness is not limited to facing the east or facing the West when you're praying Salah know, the scope of righteousness is much more vast.

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We learned at the beginning of the Jews about the command of the change of Puebla. The believers were told to face the Kaaba instead of Baitul muchness in their salah.

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And this command was mentioned repeatedly, isn't it? So we read this command again and again that wherever you are, for a nama could have done for a while, who would you have come then turn your face towards the Qibla towards the Kaaba. So the command was given repeatedly with a lot of emphasis.

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Now, many times that happens that if something is told to us if we are informed about something, and it's emphasized a lot, we think that this is the only thing that's important.

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For example, if we were to emphasize a lot that you have to do your lesson seven times, then you might think that the course is all about doing your lesson seven times.

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A person might think oh, coming to class is not as important. doing other stuff is not as important only doing the lesson seven times is the only central thing, but is that the case? No, something is emphasized something is told again and again. Why? To show you that it is important, but it does not mean that other things are unimportant,

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that other things are not necessary.

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Now, what happens is that people you can say they, they identify themselves with the religion in different ways. That one person he enjoys, let's say fasting, another person he enjoys reciting the Quran, another person he loves to help the needy, the poor.

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So each person thinks that the action that he is doing is the best action.

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You ask anybody? Why do you think you're studying the Quran? And they will say because it's the best thing to do. Allah says in the Hadith we learned Plato comenta Allah Al Quran Allah Allahu, so studying the Quran is the best thing. And likewise, another person might be asked Why are you memorizing the Quran? He might say it's the best thing. Another person might be asked why do you volunteer in you know, food drives and food banks and so on and so forth. You might say that feeding the poor and the needy is the most important thing to do.

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So each person thinks that the parts

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have religion that he is holding on to the part of religion that he is focusing on is the most important.

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And sometimes we get lost into that so much that we begin to neglect other things, we begin to look down on other acts of piety, and other acts of righteousness.

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And we think that what we're doing is the best. So this idea corrects us that righteousness is not limited to one particular action.

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Variety is not just about one action,

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and especially the law, Haiti, the visible the outward.

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Because we learned that the Bani Israel what had they done, they had divided themselves up, they face the vital doctors in their prayers, but some of them the Jews, they faced one side, and the Christians they face the other side.

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They even divided themselves up and they thought that because we are facing the West, we are more righteous. They said because we are facing the east we are more righteous.

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So Allah subhanaw taala corrects this thinking of ours over here that don't become so proud in that one good deed that you're holding on to that you begin to neglect and look down on other good things.

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Because the scope of righteousness is much, much vast. And in this verse in this verse, this verse is also known as I add to the verse of bid and bid is piety righteousness. In this verse, we see that Allah subhanaw taala mentioned so many different different kinds of good deeds. And this is something that we need to focus on as well. And the month of Ramadan reminds us of that.

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That it happens throughout the year we're so involved in, for example, just reciting the Quran, or so busy in let's say, just volunteering somewhere, the month of Ramadan comes in reminds us that we also have to fast we also have to pray PM, there's also other things that we have to do that are also very, very valuable.

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So let's look at this higher lace and bigger and to value would you hackle people mushed up while McRib, Lacell bear, bear, bear rah rah. What is this? Piety? Righteousness. Goodness, when a person does a good deed, and from the same root is the word bomb. And bomb is the opposite of

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that is sea water and bow the opposite of that land.

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Now, if you think about it, on land, what do you see? Just soil just mud? Or is there anything else that you find on land as well?

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What else do you find on land? Okay, trees. But is it only one type of trees? No, there's so many different different types of trees. Likewise, is it only trees that you find on a piece of land? No, you also find grass you also find shrubs. And it's not just trees and plants, but you also find animals also insects also birds, right, you also find rocks you find different different types of soil. So we see that bar is full of variety

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and also vast.

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it gives meaning of vastness. And it also gives the meaning of variation of variety. And this is why Ben is understood as a halo Kathy's abundant good, a lot of good.

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Submit, is to perform different different types of good deeds, not just one or two here and there. But a lot many and not just at the same time but of different different kinds as well.

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hedge that is mob rule. Have you heard of that had mob rule? Hedge mob rule is a hedge in which a person has performed many, many types of good deeds, a lot of variety.

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So, Allah subhanaw taala says the true piety all piety is not just that unto Alou well lamb Yeah, that you turn would you have come would you is a turn of watch your face, people towards and we have done this word before in the direction of a mushrik the east wall Maghrib or the West. This is not all that piety is about. It is not just about facing the Qibla in prayer. It doesn't mean the face in the Qibla and prayer is not important. It is important, but it is not the only thing that is important.

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Sometimes it happens that people get so firm about what they believe in. They become so strong about what they think is important.

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They ignore other things completely, or they completely brush them aside.

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For example, if a person believes that, you know, when you press on it, you have to keep your hands here, or the men have to keep their hands here. Then whenever they're praying, and they're looking at other people, or they're noticing other people around them, what are they focusing on? Okay, where's this person's hands? Are they going to raise their hands or not? How does it do such that instead of focusing on prayer, what are they focused on? The mechanical aspect of Salah. Correct. So the who, sure the devotion, the fear, all of that is lost in what in focusing on the technical aspects. The technical aspects are important, but they're not the only thing.

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So laser biller and to one Lou, would you how come people all mushed up? Well, Margaret, and all it is not just in Salah. All piety is not just in some acts of worship, but their piety includes many different different types of good deeds. And this is why Allah subhanaw taala says well are Kindleberger but bear true piety? Real piety is what man Armineh villa is the one who believes in Allah, the true piety is of the one who believes in Allah. Now if you look at the words, well, I cannot bear beer is what something it's an act, good deed.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala, says the troop it is Minh and a biller, the one who believes in Allah, how could a person be a good deed?

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Do you get my question? How can a person be a good deed?

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What it means over here is that true piety is the piety of the one who believes in Allah.

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Real righteousness is the righteousness of the one who believes in Allah.

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And this is also for the purpose of, you know, really showing how they righteous the person is who believes in Allah. Because in Arabic, if a person does something a lot, then they're called by that action. For example, a person is called Hola June either alone,

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either is justice, a justice man doesn't make sense. What does it mean? A man who is very, very just

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he is identified with his justice he is known by his justice.

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So likewise, when I Kindle Biller, man, Mr. Biller, what does it mean that true piety, real piety is of the person who believes in Allah, meaning the first and foremost thing in righteousness as what? To have the correct faith, to have complete faith?

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To have conviction?

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And the first and foremost thing when it comes to Iman is belief in Allah when it comes to belief in Allah? What does that mean? That a person believes in Allah subhanaw taala is existence but is that all that a person believes? Yes, there is God I don't know his name. I don't know his attributes. I don't worship him. No, but I know there's God Is that sufficient?

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What else is important? Believing in his attributes believing in His Oneness?

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But okay, a person says yes, there is one God, I believe in him. I believe in His attributes. I know that he's very merciful. I know that he's very forgiving. I know that he's very just, but is that it

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is that it is that complete faith?

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What is required of a person if he has such a belief that he has to prove it to he has to show that do

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which means that a person must also believe in Oulu hear of Allah subhanaw taala, meaning that Allah is the ILA. He is the God and God means that you worship Him.

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You surrender to Him, you put your head down before him.

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So when Amma Villa that he believes in Allah's existence, he believes in Allah's Lordship, he believes in Allah's Lulu here, he believes in Allah's attributes, His names and attributes. So when a person has such belief, only then he will have true piety.

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And here, we need to reflect a little, many people claim I love God. I have a lot of faith, but when it comes to prayer, they don't want to pray. When it comes to doing what Allah wants them to do they want to do that. So is that true faith, it's not that faith is incomplete. It's deficient. belief in Allah means that a person relies upon Allah, that a person surrenders himself before Allah, that a person will obey Allah that a person will sacrifice for the sake of Allah, a person

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will do whatever he does for the pleasure of Allah that Allah will be his stock was priority.

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So min Amman Avila belief in Allah is essential.

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And if you think about it, this belief is the cause of many, many good deeds.

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When a person believes in Allah, can he forgive?

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Can you forgive? How? How can you forgive if he believes in Allah with the hope that I will forgive, and Allah will reward me?

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If a person has belief in Allah, can he be patient at times of difficulty? Yes, he can be. Because he will be patient with the hope that Allah will fix that problem for him, Allah will create ease for him.

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So believe in Allah is the foundation of many many good deeds

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but is believed in Allah sufficient, along with belief in Allah subhanaw taala. Other parts of iman are also very essential.

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Which is why Allah subhanaw taala says when the Yeoman hit and also the last day, meaning he believes in the last day as well, what is the last day Al Asad Hamza hora, last day, if you think about last piece of cake, what does it mean after that? There is no cake. Okay, last child, what does that mean? There is no more child after that last book, there is no more book after that.

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So likewise, last day, meaning there's no more day after that, after that, it's only eternity, whatever begins will not end.

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In this dunya what happens the day begins, and then it comes to an end. Correct.

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The sunrises and then it sets,

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the date changes and then it changes again. But the day of judgment is such that after that there will be no more change after that is only eternity.

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So while your will occur, he believes in the last day as well. And belief in the last day means that a person believes in everything that will come from the moment of death until eternity, from the moment of death, that the angels come to take the soul that after that there is Bursa, there is a time period that a person has to spend until the day of judgment in the grave. But there Ilene the gene, then the Day of Judgment, the blowing of the trumpet, the gathering of the people, the hisab, the accounting that will take place, all of what is mentioned to us with regards to the matters of the Hereafter that is included in a yarmulke including Jana and NA.

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So he also believes in the Day of Judgment,

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meaning he believes that the hereafter is the real award and this dunya is only temporary. He's focused on the akhira his focus is not on duniya William will ask

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when one Mala ICA and also the angels, he also believes in the angels. Because if you think about her belief in the Day of Judgment would be incomplete. We are belief in the angels a person cannot have complete belief in the Day of Judgment unless and until he also believes in the angels.

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Because if you think about it, who's gonna blow the trumpet?

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Who's gonna blow the trumpet? An angel,

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right? Who's gonna come to take your soul at the time of your death and the angel who's going to test you in the grave? Two angels, who's gonna come on the Day of Judgment with your record, the angels.

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So, belief in the angels is a part of believing in the Day of Judgment, William will and one Mala Iike, while Kitab and also the book, which book the book that Allah has revealed.

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And we note that there isn't only one book that Allah has revealed, but Allah has revealed many, many books.

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So true righteousness is of the one who believes in all of the books that Allah has revealed.

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And what does it mean by believing in the books

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that a person believes they were revealed by Allah, that they contain facts, they contain guidance for people, they contain that which is beneficial for people, they lead people to guidance away from error. This is believed in the books.

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But is that enough that a person says here, the Quran is the best book, it's the Book of guidance, but I don't know how to read it. I don't have time to study it.

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I don't have time to recite it. I find it very difficult to read it. So I don't bother to do that. Is that enough?

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No. Belief in the books means that a person also gives a heck of the books the rights of the book. And you know about the rights of the Quran, that a person believes in it, a person recites it, a person studies it, a person reflects on it and a person also

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tells others about it.

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So while Kitab when the begin and the prophets and the begin as a plural of an OB, and who is an OB? Perfect?

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So he also believes in the prophets notice the plural.

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Not just a Naveen, as in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam? No, but all of the prophets whom Allah sent because of a person rejects even one prophet, even one messenger, is his faith acceptable? Is his Eman complete, it's not.

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So believing in all of the prophets is essential.

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So we see that by de righteousness, firstly includes Amen.

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It means that a person must have complete Eman that a person does not pick and choose.

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Okay, I believe in this, but I don't believe in that. No, he believes without any discrimination.

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Whatever Allah has stalled, whatever Allah has informed us off, he believes in that because the foundation of righteousness is what Eman the correct faith.

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But then after Iman comes action as well. After Eman comes action as well. And this is why Allah says we're at ALMA Allah Allah who be what at the end he gave Hamza, yeah.

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That this person, the bow of the righteous person, he gives a man the wealth. What is man?

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Man? Listen, the rule letters. Meanwhile, lamb.

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If somebody were to ask you, what is wealth? What would you say? How would you describe it?

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Everything that is valuable. So wealth is not just cash.

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It's not just money.

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But it is everything that has some value. That is what Mel is. It could be money. It could be clothes, it could be food. It could be you know, a person's assets. It could be his possessions, whatever a person owns. So can you think about the things that you own?

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Things that belong to you car?

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Your iPod?

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House? You your jewelry? What else do you own,

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your stationery, your clothes,

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your books,

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your knowledge is a kind of wealth, it's risk, your food,

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your glasses.

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So basically, it's anything that you own.

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Because whatever you own, it has some value, doesn't it? You bought it or somebody else bought it for you. You paid something for it at least. You know even if it's a plastic bag, you have to pay five cents for it. It's not free anymore, except for some places right? So even that is model.

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Anything that you own anything that has some value is man.

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So Allah says, that he gives this person he gives wealth, meaning of what he owns,

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he gives to who he gives to others, but why does he give it I know who be He? I let her be this is very beautiful.

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honor upon her be her be is understood in two ways. First of all, Be and he refers to Allah. He refers to Allah, meaning he gives wealth. Why? Out of love for Allah, because of his love that He has for ALLAH SubhanA he loves Allah. And this is why he spends wealth. Why?

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Why is it necessary to spend your wealth if you love Allah,

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we learned earlier that one Medina Avenue ushered to heaven.

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And you're these things that we own.

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Whether it's an iPad, or could be your hijab, it could be your favorite Ben, it could be your favorite paper clip,

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right? Anything that you own, what happens is that you get attached to it. And this is the reason why if somebody takes it without our permission, we get upset, isn't it? So, if somebody breaks it, if somebody ruins it, we get very angry. If somebody loses it or if we lose it even we become very impatient.

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So what happens is it these things that we own, they are such that we fall in love with them, and then they make us forget our real purpose.

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They distract us

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From Allah subhanaw taala

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so this is the reason why they spend their wealth out of love for Allah subhanaw taala.

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And also when a person spends his wealth in the way of Allah, then this is the way of pleasing Allah subhanaw taala.

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When a person spends in the way of Allah, then whose pleasure is he gaining the pleasure of Allah.

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Allah says in the Quran lentinan will be had that on fecal matter hipbone, you can never attain piety until you spend out of what you love.

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What you love, you have to give away, when you will give it then you will attain piety, then you will become righteous.

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And we see that once there was a companion, his name was Abdullah. And when he heard this idea that lentinan would build

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a bone, he thought to himself, that I have something which I really love. And if I give that away, then I can attain piety. And what is that he really loved. It was a particular garden that he had in Medina, a garden and orchard. And you can imagine a person who has a property, and especially people who farm their property is very, very beloved to them. Look at how honest he was with himself. He said, You know, this is something that I love. And I have to give this in the way of Allah. And he went to the Prophet salallahu Salam. And he said, that I've heard this verse, and I love this property of mine, and I want to give it in the way of Allah, please take it from me and do whatever

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you wish to do with it. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that this is profitable wealth, meaning this is wealth from which you're going to get a lot of profit. And he told him, that you divided you distributed amongst your relatives, he told him to distributed amongst us relatives.

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So we're at and mana Allahu be and He gives us His wealth. Why, because of the love for Allah subhanaw taala he wants to attain the love of Allah, this is the reason why he spends.

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And we know that when a person spends in the way of Allah, Allah multiplies the reward for that person.

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And whatever a person gives in the way of Allah, Allah will replace that with something that is even better.

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For who will you live for who He replaces that.

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And when the person gives him the wave Allah and Allah accepts it with his right hand.

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And he causes that sadaqa charity to grow, just like a person would take care of before a baby horse, how person would take care of it. And eventually that baby the fall, it grows until it's a strong horse. Likewise, a sadhaka that a person gives in the way of Allah Allah causes it to grow.

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So, whatever man I have be, when a person wants to attain the love of Allah, then he will spend out of his wealth for the sake of Allah, then he will not become stingy, then he will not become selfish, rather, he will give and it will be very easy for him to give. Because his priority is Allah, everything else is secondary, the phone, the iPod, whatever you call it, it's secondary. It's not hard to give that away.

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Now, this is the month of Ramadan. And this is the month of Rama This is the month that is Mubarak and endless month, we have to set a target for ourselves that what is it that we are going to spend in the way of Allah,

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I want you to write down three things realistic, don't say, I'm going to spend $1,000 And you don't even have $1,000 no realistic things. What is it that you can give in the way of Allah this month? It could be money, it could be food, it could be some of your belongings. And it doesn't mean that you have to go find a person who's barely clothed, who has barely eaten anything and only then you know, you'd give something to him. You can even give something to a person who is well off a person who has sufficient because inshallah as we will learn, they give to their relatives.

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So it could be you know, a new, let's say, very nice shower gel, you got it and you got it for yourself. Okay, and you love its fragrance but your cousin is here so you think okay, I'm gonna give it to her as the Ramadan gift as Ramadan present. To make a list of three things right now that you're going to do because if we don't make a plan, then we fail to do anything.

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Okay, now do it.

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Don't let this get lost in your juice. Those of you who wrote this and you're just Okay. Make sure you do it. So what happened man I have been another meaning of this will Atul Mala Allahu be her be it refers to wealth itself, meaning he gives it he gets

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have swelled in spite of love for it.

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He spends something even though he loves to keep it, he gives it away, even though he loves to have it.

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You know, for example, you could have two hijabs. Okay. And one hijab is one that you really like. You love to wear it. It's very comfortable. It looks good on you. Perfect fabric. It sits very nicely on your head. And there's another one that you hardly ever wear. Somebody gave it to you as a gift. You wore it once and you're like, No, it's not. I don't think I can wear it. So when you're thinking of giving something away, what would you think of giving away? The one that you don't generally use? The one that you don't like?

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What do we learn from here that he spends? Well Atul Mela, Allah who be in spite of love for it, despite the fact that he loves that object, he loves that wealth, he loves that property he loves that thing.

00:31:05 --> 00:31:14

Why? Because again, the love for Allah is more than the love for that thing. What Atul mela Anna hubby OBE?

00:31:15 --> 00:31:57

In the Quran, we learn in certain insan that we're youth are immune to Allah Who be miskeen and we're a team and what a Sierra and they give food in spite of love for it, meaning they love to eat that food. It's delicious. It's their favorite chocolate bar. It's the sandwich that they've been craving. It's that samosa that they were looking at since before if bought and now it's either they have it or somebody else has it. While you're there a Munna Tama Allahu be, they feed food, even though they love to have it themselves. Who, to your team, to the orphan, to miskeen, to the needy to the team and to the associate to the prisoner. And they say in Norman, Oklahoma, con, leeward.

00:31:57 --> 00:32:15

Hila we are feeding you. Because we want the watch of Allah, we want the pleasure of Allah, learner Edom income, as well as Shakira, we don't want any recompense from you, we don't want any reward from you. We don't want any thanks from you, we're doing this for the sake of Allah will act and may Allah Allah have behaved.

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So when you give something this month, make sure you love it. Don't just get rid of things. Give what you love. And the fact is that you can never have that true pleasure of worshipping Allah until you make that sacrifice.

00:32:34 --> 00:33:00

When you sacrifice, that is what will bring you the true pleasure. So wherever Malala could be Now, the thing is that a person can give to so many people, or a person I think we should I give to I don't see any poor people here. Only when I go downtown and I see some people who vegan they're probably drug addict, so I shouldn't be giving anything to them anyway, this is what people think right? So who do we give it to? Where should we spend?

00:33:01 --> 00:33:04

Allah subhanaw taala tells us they will call

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the will call back the close relatives that we is a plural of zoo, zoo, possessor, Korba PAF robber close relationship.

00:33:15 --> 00:33:21

So those people who have a close relationship with you, they are the first ones.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:45

Of course, of course, definitely the will go back close relatives does not mean that they have to be poor. So only then you give it to them, no close relatives, anybody whether they are needy, or they're not needy, but definitely if they're needy, then you must spend on them. And even though they're not needy, still you should give to them.

00:33:46 --> 00:33:51

Because spending on close relatives, it brings us double reward

00:33:52 --> 00:34:04

spending on relatives, it brings what double reward. In a hadith we learn that sadaqa given to a poor person is just charity, meaning you only get one reward for what for charity.

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But sadaqa given to the relatives is both sadaqa and Silla.

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You get the reward of giving charity spending. And you also get the reward of maintaining good relationships with your relatives.

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So you could give one thing to a person who you don't know at all. Okay, good. But when you give to your relative, your brother, your sister, your cousin, your aunt, your in laws, your relatives, then that will bring you more reward.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:45

Why? Because you're also doing the good deed of sleep over him. Yes.

00:34:47 --> 00:35:00

Exactly. giving to people whom you don't know, very easy. You know why? Because they're not going to say oh, what is this that you're giving to me? They're not going to criticize your gift. They're not

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I'm going to criticize your charity, nor are they going to tell others about it. Even if they tell others about it. Others don't know about you, so who cares.

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But if you give a gift, if you give something to a close relative, then what happens? They might say, Oh, you got this for me. Really what happened? I thought you'd get something nicer. And even have to say it in a joking way, it hurts. And sometimes there's also like competition amongst relatives, competition for more for better among siblings. Also, you can see, you give, let's say, a nice notebook, a nice set of pens, do your brother or sister, that means they have it and you don't have it. Or even if you have it, now, they have the same thing as yours. And you don't like that.

00:35:50 --> 00:35:57

You like the fact that you had something they didn't have. And now you have it, and they have it. So you have to have something that they don't have.

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So you see, there's this competition.

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And it's something very deep down very hidden in our hearts that we don't generally talk about, but such feelings are present.

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So given to the relatives is harder, pleasing your relatives is more challenging.

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And sometimes you have a lot of expectations from your relatives as well.

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You expect from them that if they have come back from a trip, they should give you a gift that if you've graduated, they should give you a gift on the eighth, they should call you they should have you over and if they don't do that, you get so disappointed. So heard that you're like, I'm never calling them again. And then you read what Atul Malala who be the

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the person whom you thought, I'm not going to talk to them again. I'm not going to invite them again. They have said such harsh things to my mother. They've treated us so rudely. I'm never looking at them again.

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But then what happens you have to spend on them. You have to sacrifice more. So this is why more reward they will CORBA

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