Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P02 022C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 165

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of love and finding one's partner as a sign of love. They stress the need for individuals to love others as they are the highest level of love and that love is about the desire to love someone and being careful in how one takes it. The speakers also emphasize the importance of obeying others' behaviors and being true to oneself. Finally, they emphasize the need for individuals to love someone more than Allah and not just for their sake.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are the layman a ship vinylidene Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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lesson number 22 Soto Bacala will begin from number 165 and travel will listen to the recitation of the first two if of the lesson and then we'll continue

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Walkman walking in the hallway, watching one of your dealers

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that along roominess.

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three easy RIA he was

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in the first time we see that Allah subhanaw taala tells us that your God is one God,

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the One who has created everything, the one who manages everything, the one who sustains everything is the one who is the true God and is the one who deserves your worship.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala mentions the different different signs of His creation. If you look at the end of the day, it says, Yet he had this upload of a sign. All of these are evidences they are proofs of the power of Allah, the Mercy of Allah, there are all proofs that tell us that there is only one God.

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And if you look at all of these things that are mentioned, it begins with the summer wet and the of the heavens and the earth. And we know that both of them are connected with each other.

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Can the earth exist without the sky?

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Can it no would it be complete without the sky, not at all.

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The sky also performs certain functions which are relevant to the earth, for example, in the sky, or the clouds in the sky up above us is the sun, and that affects what the earth.

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So we see that all of this is a system and the night and the day, and the water that falls down, and then what grows from the earth, and then the animals that are spread everywhere the ships that sail all of this is connected one with the other that shows that there is only one being that is managing all of this. And who is he Allah azza wa jal

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so let me call me out, you know, there are signs for those people who think for those people who reflect.

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And the thing is, that when a person observes all of these things, when a person reflects on these things, what does he realize? The might of Allah, the power of Allah, the Mercy of Allah? And when that is the case, then who should we give all of us to? Who should we dedicate all of us to? Allah subhanaw taala.

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When he has given us everything that we have, then we our actions, our efforts should be dedicated to who

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to Allah.

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When he has been so loving when he has been so caring, then what does it mean that we should also love a law more than anyone else? But we see that despite the fact that the signs are so clear, they're so obvious. Yet, there are people who don't love Allah, instead they love other than Allah.

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So Allah says Wamena NASCI. And among the people, meaning there are some people, there are some individuals who what do they do?

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Man, they are those who yet definitely do. They take the attack that was actually singular, but because it's coming with a NAS that we will translate it as plural in the context when the word to word you will say, he takes.

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So there are some people who take who adopt men don't Illa he besides Allah, and then partners

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and that is a plural of the word knit from the root letters known dal that and knit is used for someone who is similar to the other. Someone who is similar to the other, someone who is equal to the other.

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So for example, if a person

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And isn't a particular class. And another isn't the same class than the other person is who their needs, they are similar to them. A person has a particular position in a company, and there's another person who will have the exact same position in the company than both are what they are equals.

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And you see, when they're people, when they're individuals at the same level, when they're individuals who are similar to one another. Is there any rivalry? Is there any competition between the two? Of course there is, there's always competition,

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which is why we see that people working together, sometimes they end up having jealousies. And sometimes they're just focused on negating one another, showing that the other is not doing as well as them.

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So this is who a need is, someone who is equal to the other similar to the other.

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So some people they take besides Allah along with Allah and that meaning they set up others as partners with Allah. They regard others as equal to similar to Allah, the status that should be given to Allah, they give that to others as well.

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The love that should be shown to Allah, they show that love to others as well. The dedication the obedience that should be offered to Allah the offer to other than Allah

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will mean a Nassima yet who mean dune Allah He underdone

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and especially in this context, and that rivals equals in which way Allah says you're gonna have they love them. Meaning these people they love their and their they love their equals those whom they are described as equal to Allah

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and the word you have been a home her her hope is love. What is love?

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If you were to describe love to someone, what would you say? What is love?

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You don't know what love is? What is love?

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To prefer someone over yourself? Because you love them. So a mother loves her child, she prefers the child over herself. A woman loves her husband, so she prefers the husband over herself what else is love? Strong feelings of devotion for someone.

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Strong feelings of likeness that you like them. You appreciate them. But is that it? Is love just about liking someone? If you like something or someone what do you want?

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You don't care? Okay, there's a phone you like it? Okay, whatever. Is that your attitude towards that phone?

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What's your attitude?

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You want it? You desire it? You want to get it?

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When people like others, they want them? They want their attention. They want their love as well.

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So love is about liking, wanting. But if a person likes someone, how will they take them?

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How will they take them with a lot of care with a lot of care paying attention to everything that they like.

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So for example, if a child wants to please their father,

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they liked their father loved their father that did something silly to the father is a little upset, what will they do? They will try to do those things which their father likes. And as they will do them the Father will love them even more. In fact, the father will show the love.

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So love is about liking, wanting and being careful in how you take that how you get that to yourself.

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Because the point of love is that you want their love in return as well because one sided love does not mean anything. So these people who do they love, who do they like your hipbone home they love other than Allah.

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But are we not allowed to love others besides Allah? Of course. I mean, we're supposed to love the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam we're supposed to love our parents, we're supposed to love our children, we're supposed to have love amongst believers as well. We learned from a hadith that the believer is Alif he loves others.

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He loves others and he's also loved by others and a person who does not love he is not loved. There is no good in him. So loving each other is something that is encouraged in our religion. But what does it mean by this love? Why is this wrong? Because Allah says you hipbone a home can help build the love them as the love for Allah, meaning as they should be loving Allah.

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They love them as they should love Allah

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Ah that is the problem.

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That is the problem and this is how they take them as undead. This is how they set them as equals to Allah subhanaw taala,

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your buena home biller.

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Now, why is it a problem? If a person loves others, as he should love Allah?

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Because there will be conflict. The other wants you to do something which Allah does not like So, who do you obey? Who do you listen to?

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And if you love them equally, or if you love one more than the other than obviously the other will be compromised.

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So, this is why it's a problem. We are allowed to love others. But remember, the highest level is to be given to Allah subhanaw taala

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it is just like we are to obey others for example, our leaders, our instructors, our parents, our elders, we are to obey them.

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However at the top, who is it that we have to obey Allah subhanaw taala

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likewise, the most love should be dedicated to Allah subhanaw taala you're gonna go below

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and over here, you're gonna hunker Biller, this is also understood in another way

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that they love their undead. Like the love that who has for Allah, like the love that believers have for Allah.

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They love their gods, their idols, as the believers love Allah.

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Meaning, it is love that is like worship, love that is equal to worship. That is dedication.

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And remember, that it does not matter. Who is it that a person loves, at the same level as loving Allah subhanaw taala it could be someone who is very righteous. It could be someone who is very empires, it doesn't matter.

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We cannot love any person, any individual as we love Allah subhanaw taala the love of others will always be slightly lesser than the love that we should have for Allah subhanaw taala

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even if a person says that he loves the Prophet sallallahu sort of more than Allah is that problematic? Yes, if a person says that he loves it, he started saying I'm more than Allah subhanaw taala is that problematic? Yes, it is.

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We learned that once a man he came to the Prophet talk about Islam and he said something and he said, Masha, Allah, wa my ship,

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whatever Allah wills and whatever you will, whatever Allah Wilton whatever you will, that will happen.

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So, he put the prophets of Allah Selim at the same level as that of Allah subhanaw taala to the Prophet sallallahu sallam said at your altar, Neil Allah hinted, then you are making me as a partner equal to Allah, say, both Masha Allah, rather, whatever Allah wills were the WHO him alone.

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So many times it happens that a person begins to love righteous people. However, the love for righteous people should not exceed the love that we have for Allah.

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So for example, we're sitting with someone, and they're very good person, we love their good manners. We'd love to be in their company. Every time we sit with them, we learn something beneficial, something interesting, so we love to spend time with them. But if we're going, and we're coming back, and in that process, we're delaying our prayers. We're missing our prayers. We are obsessed with thinking about them that we don't have time to read the Quran, then is that a problem?

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Yes. Because many times what happens is that people are on their way to Allah,

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to know about Allah to love Allah to worship Allah more, but they get stuck in the means.

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They get lost in those who take them to Allah.

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In under previous verses we learned about the different is that

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the night and the day and the winds and the ships and the rain? Why is it that people start worshipping the creation?

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Because they're very impressed by it.

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They get very impressed by the sun, but they forget the maker of the sun.

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The sun is the sign that look at it. Isn't that impressive? not imagine how great is the Creator.

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But people get so lost in the sun that they forget the Creator.

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Likewise, what happens is that sometimes people get lost in righteous people and they forget about who Allah is.

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They're so dedicated to righteous people, that they neglect their duty to Allah.

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You hipbone a honker? Billa so this is something that's not right. We have to check our hearts

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Is there anything that we love, we give preference to more than Allah. It could be a phone, that we love it constantly, we're opening it and we're going through it. Every time we have a few minutes, that is what we look at. Allah is the One who gave that to us. But we get lost in it and forget Allah.

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It could be, for example, a righteous scholar, a very learned scholar, that we're so lost in listening to them, reading about what they have written, following them, where they're going, what they're saying, that we get so impressed by them that constantly we're talking about them. And we're not talking about Allah.

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We're saying Oh, Chef, so sister so and so. But how many times does our tongue mention Allah?

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Sometimes we get lost in let's say, some books or some institute some individuals and all the time we're mentioning them and we don't mention of law.

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to We have to become careful. Our love should be for who? Allah subhanaw taala you hipbone Anca who Billa This is why Allah says that will Latina Amma know and those people who believe what is their state, they are a shirt Durbin Allah, they are more intense in love for Allah subhanaw taala I should do from Shinichi dal dal. What is shredded when something is severe, intense, very strong.

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So the believers, they are more intense in their love for Allah more intense than who

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more intense than these people who love other than Allah.

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All people love someone or the other. Every person will love something or someone, some being one person could love an idol and other person could love a human being another person could have love for Allah. Another person could have love for a particular object. People have love for different different things.

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And some people their love is very strong for something. And other people their love is, you know, slightly weaker than others. So for example, a mother loves her children, so much so that she never ever let them go anywhere without her.

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Another woman she loves her children too. But there are times when she will leave them with her mother and go out for hours and hours and not care about how the children are because she's fine. The kids are with the grandmother. Is there a difference in the love? Is there a difference in the love? Yes, one mother cannot bear to separate from the children and the other. No problem. It's okay. No big deal. Is there a difference in the love? Yes, there is.

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Now, there are people who love other than Allah, whatever it may be, and they are people who love Allah, whose love is stronger, whose love is stronger. The believers their love for Allah.

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If you compare the love that people have for different things, that believers, their love for Allah is the Greatest. Their love for Allah is the strongest is the most intense. Why how

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the thing is that when people love anything besides the last panel data, then their love fluctuates.

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There, their love becomes very high, very strong in certain seasons and it dies in other seasons. Why? Because what they love does not remain the same. It changes.

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So for example, you got a cell phone, iPhone for four F's.

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The day you got it, you're like, oh my god, I love this. You're not even spending a minute without it. You know where it is where you're putting in, you're cleaning it, you're wiping it, you don't let anybody touch it, you put a passcode on it. Okay, first week, very good. A year from then what happens?

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Somebody tells you, there's a scratch on your phone here, whatever.

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People are asking you, where's your phone, I don't know, somewhere in my bed.

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The love changes, right? It reduces.

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A mother has so much love for her children. She doesn't want to separate from them, especially when a child is an infant. And there comes a time where the mother is asked where the kids are somewhere in the backyard

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where the kids at school, she gets over that obsession. And this is what they say that when people get married initially, they love one another so much. And then as years go by as life becomes more tough, then where are you and why didn't you do this and what's your problem? Then the fights begin.

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So the love changes.

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Likewise, people who love their idols, their gods other than the last pantile Then what is their state? When they need something, they will run to them but when everything is fine, doesn't matter. All their week, Monday to Saturday. They're busy but Sunday, they go

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they forget God the rest of the week one day they remember God

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but when it comes to a believer loving Allah subhanaw taala then His love is very strong.

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Why? Because Allah is perfect.

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Allah is perfect.

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Your phone will become old, but Allah, He is eternal. He is a high, he is a you.

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People whom you love, they change, they forget about you, they start loving others, they start forgetting you, but Allah, he doesn't forget to you, he doesn't leave you.

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And the thing is, that this is the case with the believer only. And the stronger the faith of a person is the stronger His love will be for Allah subhanaw taala because even when a person is suffering from something, what will he do? He will remember Allah and He will expect reward from Allah. They can a hadith we learn that amazing is a state of the believer, when he has given something good, he is grateful and that is best for him. And when he suffers for something, he is patient, and that is best for him. And this is only the case of the believer.

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Because his love for Allah is very strong. It has no limits, no bounds. It doesn't matter what He's suffering from. It doesn't matter what he's going through in his life, he will remember Allah.

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She will remember Allah, the day that she's getting married, she will remember Allah, the day that she loses something she will remember Allah the day that she's sick and she will remember Allah the days that she's very happy and very successful.

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So the love that a believer has for Allah it is intense when Medina ave a shut the cupola because the love of a believer for Allah is what it is heartless it is sincere.

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And this is deeply connected with one's Iman the stronger the faith, the more intense the love one livina Amma know a shutdown Ebola

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wala Juran Lavina vada mu and if only the wrongdoers could see Alladhina, Walla Walla Walla, mu, those who chose one

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and what is well, injustice? What is the greatest injustice that the one who loves you, you don't love them back?

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The one who cares for you, you don't give importance to them, the one who's given everything to you, you're not grateful to them.

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So in other words, greatest injustice is what shake or loving others more than Allah subhanaw taala

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so we're low your Alladhina vada muchos people who love other than Allah more, if only they could see if your own will either when they will see the punishment your own or from raw Hamza era, you will see when they will see the punishment with their own eyes.

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A time will come when they will see the consequences of loving others more than Allah. If your own are there. What will they see what will they realize that that time Anelka water that indeed uncover the strength of Well, yeah, all power all might, Who does it belong to Lilla. He it is for Allah Jamia on altogether, all of it, Jimmy Marine,

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if only they could realize now, if only they could know now that at the time when they will see the punishment, they will realize that all power is for Allah, that those whom they were lost in those whom they love besides Allah more than Allah, what power do they have nothing.

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If there's a person whom you love, and you're dedicated to them, to the point that you're ignoring the rights of Allah subhanaw taala, What power does that person have? What power does that individual have no power.

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And we see even in this world, that people who love others, there comes a time when they feel deceived.

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When they feel betrayed, they feel betrayed. A person says, I love so and so. I've done so much for them, but look at how they're treating me.

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Look at how they're harming me. People who love others besides Allah, they get disappointed.

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Every love will disappoint you except for the love that you have for Allah that will never disappoint you if it's sincere.

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So in this dunya they are disappointed and on the Day of Judgment when they will see the punishment they will be even more disappointed because they will realize that all power belongs to Allah

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and those whom they were lost him they have nothing under Quwata illa. He Jumeirah were an Allah Who should either or the and that Allah He is intense. He is very severe when it comes to punishing the criminals.

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So those who are lost in the love of others, what will happen to them, they will suffer because of that, on the Day of Judgment, they will suffer because of that, in the hereafter. A they will realize their helplessness and be, they will realize how severe the punishment is, their helplessness because their love got them nothing. Those whom they loved cannot benefit them. And the punishment is also very severe. Why, for ignoring Allah for ignoring the rights of Allah,

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every love that we have, for any person, any individual anything, should be for who for the sake of Allah.

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Because then that love will be beneficial, because that love will make us love Allah more. We are not people without hearts, or with hearts that are very cold with hearts that don't have feelings. It's very natural, that when someone is good to you, you love them. When someone is close to you, you love them when someone benefits you, you love them. However, everything that we love should take us to Allah

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should make our love for Allah even more strong.

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So for example, the creation that Allah has created.

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I mentioned to you I went to Niagara Falls, okay, I went there aside, very beautiful, very nice. I could stare at it for hours, didn't want to go away from there. Okay, but what should that remind me off? What should that remind me of Allah?

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What should that make me realize that how perfect, how beautiful, how merciful is Allah subhanaw taala.

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But if we get lost in the faults, then we will fall. And if we make sure that this is connecting us to Allah, then that love will be beneficial for us.

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So in this IRA, we see, there are many lessons for us, that all of us must see what is in our hearts, who do we love.

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We all claim to love Allah. But we need to analyze the love that we have for our last panel data are there sometimes when we are in a dilemma that either we obey Allah or we do something else?

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And at that time, what do we do and we're not talking about big things like buying a house on haram, no, small little little things. That do I say this word that Allah likes? Or do I say this word that will satisfy my desire?

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Do I do something that Allah likes? Or do I do that which I feel like doing? Because sometimes a person even loves himself more than he loves Allah even that is very problematic.

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When Medina Ermanno a shut the hook Manila.

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And the thing is, that loving Allah is actually very bad, it is actually worship. Why?

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Because if a person loves other than Allah at the same level, then that is what CIC so it means that loving Allah is actually worship and in fact it is the foundation of worship, or Ibadah is founded on two things. muhabba and thirdly, love and respect, a lot of love. A person obeys Allah and out of respect a person does not disobey Him. So when Lavina Amano assured the hoobler the more love a person will have for Allah, the more he will obey Him, the more he will worship him.

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And this is very natural. When you love someone, you care about them. You care about their likes and their dislikes.

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You know, some parents, they love their children. So for example, if their child loves a particular color, they will get them everything in that color. You know, for example, my son, he loves orange. He loves orange, anything you give him an orange, he'll take it.

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So if I want him to eat something, I'll say would you like your whatever in your orange bowl? Yes. Would you like this in your orange cup? Yes. And even though I have a choice between yellow and orange, I'll go for Orange why? Because I know that he likes it he'll take it. So when you love someone you care about the little little things as well. Then you don't say Oh, whatever doesn't matter. What's the big deal? No, it does matter. Because love makes you careful.

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Love makes you sacrifice. Love makes you bear hardship. And if a person just claims to have more than what will happen

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he will have an I don't care attitude. Well, Nina

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up more now.

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is your own

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