Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 004A Translation and Word Breakup Al-Baqarah 8-16

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of "will" in various context, including the pronunciation of words in Arabic. They also discuss the meaning of "week" in Arabic and the use of "week" in Arabic. The speakers also mention rules in Arabic grammar that make it difficult to translate words like "bringing" and "bringing on." They end with a discussion of words and phrases used in various context, including "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" meaning "na" and "na" and "na" and "na" and "na" and "na" and
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh no matter who went to Saudi Arabia or Sunni who can aim and about for our other bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. foppish rightly solidi WASC li MD y Schuler of data melissani of Kahu Kohli open as it.

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Before we begin, how many people don't have the juice,

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they do not have the first juice.

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Okay. During class, make sure that you have the Quran open in front of you. So that you know which is we are studying. All right, then the word to a translation, you can write it down on a piece of paper separately. And whatever you have missed out, you can make sure that you have it after class, you can copy it down from a friend of yours from her juice. But make sure you have the word to her translation with you before you go home today, because you have to memorize the lesson and if you don't have the translation you won't be able to memorize. Okay, let's continue. Oh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Lesson number four Surah Al Baqarah ayah number

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eight to 16

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What and men from a Nursey the people man who? Your guru. He says Armineh we believed Billahi in Allah wa and beliau me with the day or in the day

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at the last word and ma not home. They be moved meaning at all believers.

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You hide your owner, They deceive Allah, Allah. Wa and Alladhina those who firemen who they believed were and MA Not yet the owner. They receive in except and foster home themselves. Wa and MA Not yes Scharoun they perceive

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fee in Kurumi him their hearts model balloon disease fuzzer the home so he increased them Allahu Allah Maraba in disease. What a home and for them. Are there been a punishment or Lehmann painful Bhima because of what can who they were yesterday Boone they lie.

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What and either when feeler it was said law home to them. Law Do not doopsie Do you all do mischief fee in an OB the earth

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Carlu they said in nama indeed not but national way mostly Hoan wants to make peace

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and unquestionably in the home indeed the home they almost Sedona those who do mischief were lacking. But they're not. Yesh rune they perceive what and either when dealer it was said LA home to them for them. Amino you all believe karma just as Munna he believed. And now sue the people called Lou they said

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should not me No, we believe karma just as Armineh he believed a sofa her the foolish ones Ella unquestionably in a home indeed the home they are sofa her, the foolish ones. What I can but law, not your Allah moon. They know what and either when local, they met Alladhina those who are Manu, they believed Kalu they said, I'm a nurse. We have believed work. And either when Hello, they were alone. Ila to share plenty him. They're devils. Galu, they said in indeed we mount our comb with you in lemma, indeed nightbird. National way. Most of the own ones who mock Allah

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Boo Allah yester zoo he marks be him at them work and your motorhome. He extends for them fee in torriani him their rebellion. Their transgression Yama Hoon. They wander blindly. Hola, Erica. Those Alladhina? Are those who ish total they purchased of Bernetta the misguidance been Hooda with the guidance instead of the guidance former soon not Robbie had a profited the Java to whom their trade work and MA Not ganool there were moto Dean, once who obtained guidance

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for pretty long lesson,

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you must be wondering what just happened? We did do verses yesterday. And today we do six verses. The length of the lesson depends on the theme, the verses, if they're talking about a particular subject, if they're all related to one another, it's best to study them all together. All right, because if you just do two verses or three verses in the next one is connected with them, then you won't get the whole picture, isn't it so you won't understand the whole theme. So this thing you will see throughout the course that some lessons are going to be long and other lessons are going to be short. Okay? So be happy with both inshallah. Let's do the word breakup. First, I will mean

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unless you mean your Kulu and from the people are some who say, and then Nabila, he will be yo Mila here we have believed in Allah and in the last day, but Allah says, woman whom we macmini And they're not at all believers. Woman, and from a nurse, this is a new word. But we all know about Surah to nurse is an surah. To nurse a nurse means people. So a nurse the people, men who have we done this word, man.

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Man, we have done min min means from and man means who? So don't get confused with the two of them. Okay, make sure you know the difference. Man who men from and if ever you are not sure which one was from and which one was who always remember the word member. It's not mama, what is it? Member and member means from what? So if you know the meaning of member, then you know that men is from and man is the other one which is who? Okay. So mine who your Kulu he says, Now notice the year at the beginning?

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We have done the word you mean owner? You will clean owner? Isn't it? So words that begin with Yeah. Now this year, actually means he.

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Okay, but If the word ends with a well or well known, then he turns into the but if you don't see the sign of the plural at the end, and what does it mean? It is singular, so it will be he and not be? So your Kulu he says, um, and now we believe Tell me? Where did we come from?

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Where did the week come from the NA at the end and you know about the NA, that it gives the meaning of week Ed? Na

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Billahi in Allah? Wa and baillio me this is a combination of work be with L the young day have we done the word Yom earlier? Yes, we have.

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At the last we have done the word as Hera akhira is the hereafter and

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the last Yeoman acid last day which is the Day of Judgment will end math not one new thing, which is that so far you have been learning that man means what are that which isn't it? So, but here we see that man gives a meaning or not?

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Remember that words in the Arabic language they have multiple meanings. For example, the letter B it's actually a word how do we translate it with but the word B has 17 different usages in the Arabic language 17 different. So, when you translate B every time it will not be with it will give different different meanings All right. So similarly, Matt also has different different usages in the Arabic language and which is why when we translate that sometimes it gives the meaning of what other times it gives the meaning of that which and sometimes it gives the meaning of not as well. How do we know that which match is it when are we supposed to translate it as what and not and that

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which how do we figure that out? There are some rules in the Arabic grammar, which when we look at them, they tell us very

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Clearly that okay, because this word is coming in the context, because this word is being followed by such and such word. So it will have this meaning. Now, I will spare you those details for later Inshallah, inshallah you can study them later. But right now just remember that mouth also means not. But just one tip, one tip that I'm giving you here is that when Ma is followed by B, like over here, when they're home, B mode meaning B mode meaning when Ma is followed by b, then Ma means not.

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You understand? So can you remember that one map is followed by b, then Matt gives the meaning of not so comma and not home the BMO meaning at all believers. Now, I told you that B has 17 different usages, isn't it? So over here, B does not give the meaning of with, we will not translate B as with because if you translate it as with them doesn't make sense. And not they are with believers and Yanni, it doesn't make sense. So B over here gives a meaning of at all. Okay, so when that will be macmini. And remember that sometimes, words are used in the Arabic language. And they're not to be taken literally in the context. They're in a way Extra, extra in the sense that they're not being

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used in their literal sense. All right, they're just there to give emphasis. They're just there to emphasize what is being said. So over here bad this B is extra. And when we translated as well now home Wiimote meaning they're not at all believers, this at all, what is it doing? Is it emphasizing the statement? Yes, it's emphasizing the statement. So will now have been what we need. And what we need. What we need is a plaintiff, men, the unknown at the end is for plural, so you remove that you have the word movement. Do you know what the word movement means? What does it mean? Believer? So what mean believers?

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Next time you hold your own Allah, how Alladhina amanu they tried to deceive Allah and those who believe when I have the owner Illa and foster home, but they do not deceive anyone except themselves. When I Sharon and they do not realize you heard the Runa they deceived they try to deceive, they seek to deceive. Where did the meaning of they come from? The Yeah, as well as well known at the end, because together they give the meaning of the

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and Cordyline is the root which gives the meaning of deceiving. So you call the Aruna, they tried to deceive Allah, Allah walk and Alladhina those who are Manu, they believed Do you remember the word cafardo Kapha rule? What is Kaffir roomin

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they disbelieved am a new day believed. Do both of these words resemble one another? Are they similar? They are similar in their pattern in their form Kefar Ave, both of them and with a wow, so there's also resemblance in the translation CAFO they disbelieved Am I know they believed

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wanna and not yet the Runa they deceive again why is it day because of the year and the well known in except. And Fusa home this is unfocused and home and first selves home means they're them so unfocused the home themselves

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warmer and not yes ruin they perceive they perceive where did they come from? Yeah and well known

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next time feel gloomy Himalayan in their hearts is a disease for their the home Allahu Matoba so Allah increases them in disease. What a Hamada when Earlywood and for them is a painful punishment. Why be americano yak the boon because they used to lie fee in? Have we done this word before? Valley Kalki taboo labor fee so what does fee mean? in

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Gulu be him? Have we done the word colo before?

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Where kottam Allahu Allah Kulu be him. Mehraban a disease have you heard of the word mareel?

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Ill sick person so model sickness disease for the home fair. Fair means so what does fair mean? So this is different from fee

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fee means in and firm means so that he increased

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home for them. So for that the home so he increased for them. Allahu Allah medulla in disease what a home and for them have we done this before? Yes. Are they I want a punishment early on painful earlier we learned are we mourn or Leamas great like Subhanallah Bian are we this is Ellie and Ellie is not early that's what the nine okay this is what the Hamza and this means painful

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be mad because of what now you see B it doesn't mean with over here it gives another meaning and that is because of what now when you look at these different different meanings of the same words don't get you know worried that oh my god this is going to be so difficult. No enjoyed that look at the beauty of the Arabic language. Isn't it amazing? That there's one word one letter, but depending on where it's being used how it's being used, it could give completely different meaning. So beware because of what can Oh, they were now again care new. Careful rule Arma new the Swati and what does it mean? Surah right. So can you they were yesterday Boone they lie.

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Next year we're either feeling a home lead to FSI do Phil Irby and when it is said to them Do not create mischief in the earth Carlu in nama national mostly home they say indeed we are only reformers, what either and when either this is a new word, and what does it mean? When either Jaya and masala he will

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be like, it was said peeler, it was said LA home to them. Lab do not to see do use spread corruption to see do what you see at the beginning of this word.

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And what you see at the end, well, that gives the meaning of you and the wild gives the meaning of plural. So to see do you all do facade? You all spread Mr. fee in only the earth

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if you think about it on Earth to the sound the same

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earth to the sound the same? Yes they do. So I'll be the earth callaloo. They said again, while at the end ca Lu, they said kifaru they disbelieved

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in nama. Indeed not but we have done the word in have we in nella Dena kufr what is in the mean? Indeed, over here we see another form of inner which is the inner comes with a MA MA is attached to it. Right. And when this MA is attached to inner, then it gives meaning of indeed nothing but this meaning only such is true. This is the reality. Okay, so now over here is extra. We don't translate it as not, we don't translate it as that we don't translate it as what all right. It's extra and why is it here to limit the meanings so in nama indeed not but meaning only such as the case? National we, this is a new word, but it will come many, many times in JAMA. Mostly Hone who is mostly one,

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one zoom reform. Now we read the word well my home remote meaning meaning what is what meaning me? Believers, right? And what meaning is applying up men over here mostly Hone is the plural of mostly.

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Okay, what men mostly? Mop said can you think of other words that sounds the same?

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Men are the word Who are we?

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Muslim? Right? So mostly most men will say all of these words what do they show it's talking about the person the one who does something. So who is mostly one who does Islam? Okay.

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Next day Allah in the home homeowner of Sedona unquestionably they are the corrupters when Akhilesh alone but they do not perceive and this is one word. This is not a endler meaning what and law meaning not no, no. Okay, don't break up this word. This is one word. And it means unquestionably, Allah in a home in the home is in the end. Home What does Inner Mean? Indeed?

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For whom they are home I'll move Sedona This is the Florida

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move said just as mostly here in Florida mostly. So what do we learn that the yarn on at the end and the well known at the end? Both of them are a sign of what chloro we read a baleen yeah noon ones who are astray. So young and Robin both are sign the floor we're lacking but law not yes Arun they perceive now again why is it the because of the year end well known good

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next time what either Pete No whom me no come on I'm in a nurse but when it is said to them Believe as the people have believed Kalu Look Me no come on. I'm gonna sue for her they say should we believe as a foolish or believed? Allah says Allah in the home homos sofa unquestionably, they are the foolish ones. Well, I can lay on the moon, but they do not know what either and when did we do this word earlier? Yes, we did. Taylor It was sad. Did we do this earlier? Yes, we did. Loan to them. Amino. You all believe. Now don't get confused over here.

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A man who means they believed amino means you all believe.

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What's the difference between the words? One has a first half and the other has a casa. So the one with the first half? And Manu that's what past tense they believed. And the one with the Castro. Amino. That's a command. It's an imperative you should believe.

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Are you with me? You understand? Okay. Come on. Just us. Amana. He believes now tell me if there was a Huawei at the end then how would we translate this word? They believed good. And NASA the people called who they said again? Why is it there? Because of the wow so Kalu they said

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should Shall we have done the word of before as well? And of the home over here? Not many we believe why is it we because of the noon so noon means we so nope me no we believe

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can I just as Amana he believed a sofa her old the foolish ones? L means the sofa foolish ones Anna unquestionably in the home indeed their home they are super happy with the foolish ones while working but they're not yet alone. They know why is the day they are and while doing so if you think about it, so many words are being repeated in these verses isn't itself so yes, the lesson is lengthy. But if you look at it, it's the same words, isn't it? Next is what either a con Latina airman who and when they meet those people who have believed or who are men that they say we have believed what either Hello era che led him but when they're alone with their leaders calling in Mr

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Kham they say indeed we are with you in the national Mr. Z own we are only marking what either and when look who they met. Why is it they because of the world good Alladhina those who am I know they believed Kalu they said, Man now we believe why is it we because at the at the end? What either and when Hello, they were alone Why is the day because of the world? Ila towards Shalini him shall clean. And him Sharpie means the votes and him there Kalu they said in NA. Now we did the word in what is enough mean? Indeed. But in NA what does that mean? Indeed we because in NA is actually a combination of ena and NA, in NA means indeed, and NA means

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we eat dinner. Right? So when both of these words come together in NA and na sometimes they're joined together and there's only one older okay. So in there indeed, we might come with you. Now, this is a new word and Ma means with

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in NEMA, we have done this word earlier. National we we have done this earlier as well. Most Desi own most Desi own this is a singular word or Cloward know what's the sign of the plural? Well known so what's the singular then Musa

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The semester the old floor, moustache zyk singular. If you think about it, these words begin with a meme. Men, Muslim mostly move said most

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of these words begin with me. And what do they mean? One who is a believer one who submits one who spreads mischief. One who makes these right and over here one who mocks

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next day Allah Who yesterday it will be him Allah mocks them. Why am I doing for you to Lian him Yama Hoon and he prolongs them in their transgression while they wander blindly. Allahu Allah. Yes, the zoo Yes, the zoo. What does it mean? He marks Why is it he? Because of the year if there was a while at the end it would be there but it's only Yes. So it's he mocks be him at them. Literally by means with but over here it gives me enough

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way mo do home, Yemen do. What does it mean? He prolongs Why is it he because of the year and there is no wall at the answer. This is why it's only he Yamo do and who means them so he extends for them? fee in to Yianni him tomyam means transgression him there's Yama Hoon they wonder blindly I mean, how gives the meaning of wandering blindly. And yeah, and well, no, they

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although he can Lavina Starwood Birla to Bill Hooda those are the ones who have purchased air for guidance for not I'll be happy Java to whom, so their trade did not profit them. Womack, Adam was the dean and they are not at all guided hula Iike have we done this word before? Yes. What will I Iike who will mostly Hone Alladhina those who is thorough who they purchased why is it the because of the wow they purchased a banana the misguidance we have done the root word lamb lamb earlier ball lean a banana the misguidance Bill Huda with the guidance be with other Hooda guidance firmer so not Robbie had it profited. Now you see that at the end

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this is with a sukoon

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that you will just say not the the tuba just right. So Robbie had

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if that comes with a photo

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then what does it mean? Like an Anantha?

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You good but if the DA has a sukoon then it means it or she if the time comes with the sukoon and what does it mean it or sheep so they'll be happy it profited to Java to whom their trade digital trade home there was not a not can knew there were

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more 13 ones who obtained guidance. More 13 is Florida more 30 And it's from her earlier the young at the end indicates floor all right. And the meme at the beginning tells us it's a person who is doing something so move that one who is rightly guided

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open the beginning of the lesson and we will listen to the recitation of these if and how do we listen quietly and pay attention to every single word

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well Amina

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you won't be

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me you hard your own along I was

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more night

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be makan

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were either

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to see don't play ball Oh

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either follow

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follow either follow

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along with stanzi will be more

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moolah you can let me finish thermal Bala

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Dijon 230

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