Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 24 – L252C

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The message of calling people to the oneness of Islam is Forgiving and painful, and is used to inflicted punishment on non-Bilingual people who express themselves through language. The use of language in communication is discussed, including the use of "med strict punishment" in writing and the importance of "hamza" in writing. The importance of being expressive in times of peace and war is emphasized, along with the use of non Arabic language in communication and language learning. The use of the Quran in helping people achieve their goals and their dreams is also discussed, along with the history of Islam and its impact on people's lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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mariacarla nothing is set to you in there except map or the field and it was really meant public, except what was already set to the messengers before you. What does it mean by this? Nothing new is being said to you are prophet of Allah. What was said to the previous messengers is also being said to you?

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what was being said to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from his opponents?

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What did they call him?

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Asahi ashari. And they gave him many other times like that Majnoon. So, if you're being called asahiyama, June today, this is nothing new. The messengers before you they were given the exact same descriptions, they were given the exact same titles in terms of that yet I have 52 we learned that early Camerata Latina macabre him that was sulan, Illa, carlu, Saharan, Majnoon similarity there came not to those before them any messenger except that they said a magician or a madman. This is what they said about the messengers before. And this is what the people said about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well.

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Secondly, it has also been said concerning this idea, that man you can do lakka you can do by who? By Allah, in the field and it was Suleyman, covenant, except the same that was said to the messengers before you by who, by Alma, meaning the same message that was given before you has been given to you as well. The message that was given to the prophets before you has also been given to you as well. And what is that message of calling people to the oneness of Allah. So maybe you are lucky. In other words, Solomon pavelec, in our baccala Duma filler, indeed, your Lord is surely possessor of forgiveness towards those who repent, those who seek His forgiveness, those who change

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their ways according to what Allah has revealed. And he's also whether we're a carbon leave, and he is possessor of retribution that is painful,

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meaning when he takes retribution, that retribution is extremely painful. We have recovered from the ruthless eye in combat and record is used for such punishment that is inflicted on a person

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when it's proven that they are guilty when it's proven that they deserve it.

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Or that, on the other hand, is punishment that is inflicted on someone, not necessarily because they deserve it.

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Like, for example, for their own what he inflicted on his people on the Bani Israel, that was one form of art that did they deserve it? They deserve it. No. One crime did they commit that he was getting their children, he was keeping their women alive.

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So our that is to inflict torture, whether or not the other deserves it, he may deserve it, he may not deserve it. But obviously it's understood that when Allah gives other than is that justified? Of course it is because Allah is not unjust to his servants.

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And recall, on the other hand, is such punishment that is given only when a person deserves it,

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because it is what it's from here. So it's what follows an action a person did something wrong, bringing about the consequent punishment.

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He did something which resulted in that infliction of punishment. So Allah, He is the new mock fella and he is also a carbon Aleem possessor of retribution that is painful what a painful punishment for who for those who persist in sin. For those who opposes messengers, for those who disbelieve. And this is a consolation to the Prophet sallallahu something that Allah is Forgiving, but at the same time he inflicts punishment as well. So the people believe that change is good for them, if they don't, Allah will take revenge for you. So, this is a consolation for the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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Why would you allow an Argentinian? And if we had made it a non Arabic Quran? this Quran if we had made it meaning if we had sent it in a language that is non Arabic,

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or Jamaican or Jimmy is from the roof address, I mean, earlier in this video we learned this Quran is for an

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Arabic or on an Arabic literally what does it mean that which is eloquent, fussy? And our Jimmy is what the opposite of that Arjun means Avraham ambiguity. And unclarity it's the opposite of Ivana. Ivana is to be clear, and our job is to be able to be ambiguous to be unclear.

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And Arjun Arjun is used for who a non Arab person a foreigner

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Why? Because to the Arabs, non Arabs were who

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unexpressive they weren't able to express themselves

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farther, the reason is that they could not understand their language.

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And the thing is, when you don't understand the other person's language, no matter how eloquently he's speaking, what he says is French to you. Right? If you don't know French, that is, what he says is meaningless to you, if you don't know what he's saying. So part of the reason was that they didn't understand the languages of other people. And also, they called non Arabs. Why? Because they consider Arabic to be extremely eloquent and expressive compared to any other language. And this is a fact. This was not their wishful thinking, or their pride that was based on nothing. No, this is a fact that Arabic languages have the most eloquent languages. And why is it so? That it was most

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eloquent? I've mentioned to you earlier, that because the Arabs had nothing else to express themselves through, people express themselves through what art architecture, but the Arabs had nothing but language. If they built buildings, they could not do that in the desert.

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If they express themselves through art, what colors did they see? What colors could they make, from where they didn't have anything in the desert, what grows, what can last, nothing can last in the desert, you're sitting perfectly fine, all of a sudden, a desert storm, and that's it finished. So many animals that your tents uprooted me You have to go from one place to the other.

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So life in desert is very unpredictable, which is why the Arabs could not express themselves in anything except through language. So all of their energy, all of their mental capability, it was devoted to what expressing themselves.

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And this is why poetry wasn't enjoyment. It was a pleasure in times of peace. And also it was a weapon in times of war, where it played a larger role in that society, poetry played a larger role in that society. And we see that the Arabs also they would not write, but what would they do? They would speak. So there was a lot of emphasis on speaking, being eloquent, not writing, but speaking. And when you speak a lot than other people listen a lot. So when you're listening and talking, listening and talking, what happens you end up being very expressive, which is why they say that children whose families don't speak to them, I, for example, there's a child in the house, nobody

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talks much, then what happens is that children, they're unable to express themselves clearly. And mothers will speak to their children, even when they're very small. What happened to those children, they're able to express themselves very clearly. Right? So when you listen, you're able to express and the Arabs they spoke, they did not right. This is why eloquence was very common. And if you think about it, they gave a lot of importance to language as well. How that we all know about the prophets. Allah said when he was small, where was he sent? That doesn't? Why?

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So then he could learn the language. Along with getting many other benefits, you could also learn the language. So they gave a lot of importance to learning proper language, being expressive.

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Can we imagine doing that a child who is born is sent to a village people would never do this today. Even when their child is two years or three years or five years old, they find it difficult to send them to school. But we see that the Arabs would send their children in the desert so that they could learn proper Arabic, original Arabic, they could be expressive. So this is why Arabic is called what our ob and non Arabic is called. I Jimmy, why? Because it's not as expressive as Arabic is.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says over here, that will odor a level called an urge immediate if we had made it a non Arabic or

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a Quran that was not in the Arabic language. And as a result, it would not be as eloquent it would not be as expressive it would not be as beautiful. Lacan, surely they would have said, who would say the Arabs would say they would object, that loner frustrated as to how come it's verses are not fulfilling that? Earlier we learned in this era, that keytab one, firstly, that I do. So if the Quran was not an Arabic, these Arabs would say, how come the AI out of this book or not? facilite meaning, how come they're not clear? How come they're not elaborated? And how are the eyes of the current procedure that I gave you two meanings.

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In nothing way and also minor we went over here, what the mean is in both senses, that loves the words are not eloquent the meanings

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are not expressive. So Lola will say that I do, and they would object that are German, what are the, what are non Arabic and an Arab? Are German, this is, and they are Jimmy, right? Or Jimmy is

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non right, or someone who is not that expressive. So they would find it amazing that a non Arabic Quran and Arabic meaning and an Arab prophet

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that this is amazing, a non Arabic Quran given to him, an Arabic Prophet, who does not speak any other language, but Arabic. So how is he meant to understand this non Arabic work? And how is he meant to explain it to us? And how is he supposed to lead us by it doesn't make sense to people would object if the Quran was not in Arabic, they would say Lola facilita, to Jamaican, wannabe, and also origami and will also be that a non Arabic Quran and an Arab audience, that we are Arabs.

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So we deserve that the book that is to be sent to us is also in our language, if it's in a language other than what we speak and how we went to understand it.

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This is why at the beginning of the surah How does Allah subhanaw taala describe the people The Omen here on the moon for those people who know what do they know the language? So those who know this language, Allah has sent the Quran in their very own language so that they can understand it. And over here Allah says if it wasn't another language, then people would have an objection.

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Now this word our Jimmy you have you done that that we did this lesson?

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inshallah, when you will do it, you will learn that our Jimmy you recited differently. I believe you did some grammar review recently of Hamza, Hamza to a certain muscle. Now, the faction Hamza tawassul, there is a part explaining this concept as well, that when there is Hamza tawassul, and Hamza to hustle,

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hustle is which one?

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So, which one is that the one that you read all the time? Like, for example,

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Hamza is different, Which one is that? I'm certain and Hamilton was on as well. Which you have to drop sometimes. And he read when you read the word individual. So when a home's hustle and bustle are coming together,

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okay, and Hamza, hustle and bustle are coming together. How do you read Hamza tawassul. Do you write a do not write Did you read it? Do not read it? How are you meant to read it? In other words, typically what happens before was that you have a you have a known, for example, in Angola, is known as coming before hundreds of vessels in nama no problem. But over here you have Hamza coming before Hamza digger. It's not any other letter. It's Hamza coming before Hamza, this is why this is a different case. So how are you meant to read it differently? And in a noun, like over here are Jimmy, what is it a noun? This is a noun. So how do you read it? You read it with the same meaning

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you read it with?

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You don't say

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okay, you don't pronounce to Hamza separately? No, you don't put a mud? No, how do you do it?

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And this is called the seed if you read that portion, inshallah it will be clear to you

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don't say okay.

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So are Jimmy you want to be a non Arabic and an Arab prophet or non Arabic book, an Arab Prophet, an Arab audience, this doesn't make sense people would have an objection. So unless punked out it says larina Ave, who then was Shiva, say that is put on for those people who believe is a guidance and also a cure. But those people who don't believe were Latina, like me know, those who don't believe their case is completely different. He had any walk around in their ears, his deafness, were who are allowing him and its blindness to the oola echo unit canonbury those people are being called from a very distant place.

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So what do we see over here? The fact that Allah sent the Quran in the Arabic language is a huge blessing for who, for the first recipients and also for the people who came later. For the first recipients out that it wasn't their language, they could understand it. So they have no reason to say we don't understand this book.

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At the beginning of the surah, what do we learn that the machine of Makati objected if you open the beginning of the surah

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they objected at the phoron saying, if you read a number five bakayoko nobuna v akinetic.

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method the owner in a Wolfie as I now walk around woman banging our baby Nicaraguan farmer in an Armenian meeting, we don't see what you say. We don't hear what you say we don't understand what you say. But Allah subhanaw taala says over here, this isn't their very own language.

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It's in their language, how can they not understand it? And if it was in another language, then they would have so many objections

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to facilitate their understanding Allah sent it in their language. But still, these people don't benefit. They don't understand why because they don't believe those people who believe in this book. For them this Quran is Buddha guidance. And it's also a Shiva.

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Who that when can something be a source of guidance for you when you understand it? First of all, so those who believe they understand this is why they benefit from this book. And when they understand this book, it tells them what to do. It is also a means of Shiva for them. It's also a means of cure for them.

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And the Quran is a cure for what it's a remedy for what many illnesses, both physical as well as spiritual. If you think about it, the Quran is a cure for doubts. It's a cure for restlessness, it's a cure for confusion. It's a cure for heedlessness, so many things that people suffer from ignorance. Where's the cure the Quran,

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this earlier we learnt about the dead soil, when it's dead, there's nothing on it's still not productive at all. But when rain falls down, it becomes so pleasant and beneficial. Similarly, when Quran comes in a person's life, he is cured, it is a source of Shiva for him.

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We think that Shiva is only when a person is ill.

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But if you think about it, every person suffers from some kind of deficiency. Every person needs some kind of improvement. People go to the doctor, why? Because they're ill and some people go to, let's say, a nutritionist or something Why just to improve their health? Isn't it? So every person needs improvement. A person might say no, I'm very happy, I don't need the Quran. You need to be more happy. You need the right kind of happiness. So the Quran is a Shiva for who those people who believe in it, it's a guide for them. And it's also a source of Shiva.

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And how is the Quran a source of Shiva, that if you see the way I'm also Panthera has mentioned different things in the Quran.

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That he doesn't just mention things such as you know, this is what you have to do a list of commands, a list of prohibitions? Is that how we are taught?

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Is that how the message is given in the Quran? A list of commands a list of prohibitions? No, wouldn't it be easier if you think about it, a list of commands, you could just check yourself, okay, I've done it, I've done it, I've done it, I do this, I do this, I do this, I don't do it, I have to do it. But we see that the way Allah has mentioned, even commands and prohibitions with warning, with good news, with encouragement. It is a source of Shiva for a person that is able to accept it. He's able to follow it, he's able to implement it. He is mentally prepared, he is willing to take he's willing to change the way Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned the commands, he has

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mentioned the ayat and so this is how the Quran is houden worship.

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In Islam at to Allah says, when a zero means any man who has Shiva own

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meaning and we have sent out of the Quran that which is healing, and also in mercy for the believers.

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But those people who were letting me know, who don't believe in this book, what's their problem? What's their state, their fear, then even walk around in their ears is a heaviness, which prevents them from listening. They're unwilling to even listen to the truth. Although the Quran is in their language.

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It's more eloquent than they could ever be. They understand fully its message, but still they're unable to get it. They're unable to listen to it. There is a barrier that prevents them. It just bounces off their ears. They hear, but it bounces off.

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They comprehend but it doesn't affect Why? Because he and him walk around. Well who are La MaMa and it is upon them blindness. It is blindness for them.

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What does it mean by that?

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It is blindness for them. It is Alma for them, meaning it is unclear to them.

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They don't see it. They don't get it. They don't know it. And they are blind to the solutions that are in it. They're blind to the guidance that is in it. They're blind to the answers that are in well who are lazy Mama. They may come across the Quran but it says oh they don't see any benefit in it.

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They may come across what is

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mentioned in the Quran somebody may tell them no, they don't see it as a solution.

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It's blindness to them. hula eeka, Yuna, Dona mccannon very those people they're being called from a very distant place, meaning a person who is so far very far. If you call him from a very distant place, can you see you clearly?

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Can you see, you know? Can he hear you? Clearly? No, he cannot. So similarly, these people as well, they're so distant from guidance. They're so far away in their error, that even though the Quran is crystal clear, its message is very clear in their own language, very eloquent. But they don't get it. They don't see it. They don't hear it. They don't benefit from it. Why? Because they don't believe. So what do we see that the key to taking benefit from the Quran is a man, when a person has a man then becomes a source of Buddha and Shiva. And when a person does not have a man, then he may see it very clearly here to even but it's as though he does not see it as though he does not hear.

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He cannot relate with the Quran.

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You see, it's just like, if somebody gives you some medicine, they say, use it. It's good for you. It'll work. But you believe that? No, it's useless. It's not gonna work. It's come from some other country made in China, do you think it's gonna work? No, it's not gonna work. A person has his belief. So is he going to use it? He's not going to use it. And even if he uses it, because he is telling himself constantly, no, no, it's not going to work, it's not going to work, then it doesn't have any effect on him.

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But if a person is open, okay, there is no harm in trying, let's see, will he benefit? Yes, he will, because it will affect him psychologically as well. So similarly, if a person believes that yes, the Quran is the solution, and he will find solutions in the book of Allah, but if a person says this Quran, I don't like it, I'm not interested in there is no benefit in it 1400 years ago, we are living in this world today. Religion, what has it brought us except for destruction? If a person thinks like this, then he will not find the solutions in the Quran. He will not see any guidance in the Quran, he will not get any peace from it. So it comes from

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those who believe for them, it is Shiva, it is Buddha and those who don't, it has already been called from a very distant place in total vaca I 171. Allah subhanaw taala describes such people that will methadone Medina cafaro kamatera, Lady Enrico Bhima, Elias Maru Illa, Dora and Juanita, Suman, Bookman, Romeo

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the example of those people who disbelieve is like that of one who shouts at what here is nothing but calls and Christ, who are the animals of livestock, that when the animals or livestock they're being called, what do they hear?

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words of advice? Do they get them? No to them any sound that is made? What is it just a call, just to cry, meaningless. So they're deaf, dumb and blind, they do not understand. So they hear the same words of the Quran, but it doesn't have any effect on them, because they don't take it in. They don't absorb it.

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to benefit from the Quran, you have to take it in you have to believe in it, then it becomes a source of comfort for you, a source of peace for you, a source of guidance for you.

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And if a person does not pay attention to these words, if a person does not believe that they're of benefit, then no matter what he hears at the heart, and even the most comforting verses, they will not have any impact on you. They will not play any meaning in his life.

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So it's about the inner desire.

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what are called the Athena muscle kita and we had certainly given musala salaam the scripture musar Islam even he was given the book, which book the Torah but what happened concerning it firstly for fee but it was different people different concerning and how some people believed in it. Others they believed in it. So similarly, when the Quran was sent down, was there if they have concerning it? Yes, some people believed or they're in disbelief.

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So those are this pretty wide isn't about punish them immediately, because they are misguided themselves in the misguide so many others, isn't it? Like for example, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam there were some people who did not believe.

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Now, when they did not believe they set a precedent for later generations, you can also choose not to believe

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so why doesn't Allah punish such people?

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When Ola Kelly Martin Silva gotten a lot bigger, and had it not been for a statement that had preceded from your Lord width statement

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of giving respect, so when Kelly was on several calls me Rebecca jacobina, whom it surely would have been decided between the meaning those disbelievers

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Have you immediately punished were in the home and indeed the meaning those who display? Yes they have not been punished they have been allowed to live. But how are they living? They are Luffy shatkin men who moody they are in doubt concerning it concerning what the Quran and this doubt it is Marie Marie. One that gives rave, one that arouses suspicion, meaning doubt that leads to utter uncertainty. ravers what uncertainty, doubt that creates restlessness. So they are in doubt concerning this book, and this doubt that leads them to uncertainty. So it's not that they're at peace.

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It's not there okay. After nine o'clock, I know there's always a question mark in their heads. What if you get it? And when you have this question mark in your head, what if does it let you live in peace? It doesn't. So we're in Nome Luffy shock him in Hungary. So in this I have the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been reassured. That is the people do not believe if they do not consider the book you brought to be true from Allah. And don't agree. The same happened before as well. This is not anything new.

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And those who disbelieve Yes, Allah has not punished them instantly is not punished and immediately Why? Because for every person, there is a dilemma sama, Allah has given respect to people. Allah does not punish people immediately. No, he gives him time. Why? So that they can realize they can repent? Or they can say more so that their punishment is going to hear out

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into the cloud if 45 we learn whenever you are hit Allahu Naseby. Mikasa boo madaraka Allah Mohammed Dabba whenever you appeal them in early Muslim for either judge aluminum for in Allah can have very bad he burst

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into little cafe 58 we learn what bukoba furuta Rama lo you afternoon vena cava La Jolla Houma la de Bella who Merida linea de to me.

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So yes, Allah has given recipe but this restaurant even eventually will come to an end. And every person should remember that man army lasallian whoever does righteous deeds, find enough seats for himself.

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If a person believes in this book, follows this book has is the armor on this book Who is he benefiting himself? In total, so is seven we learned in a sentence accidentally and Prosecco woman SFR Neha, and whoever does evil, then it's against him, meaning he will suffer because of it.

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And so the same I want to follow her into the number 40 Allah says woman shakalaka enough is good enough. See, woman Tara in Nairobi.

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Miami la sala Hanford enough sick woman, Elena warmer, bukovina laminin arbete. And your Lord is not at all unjust your two servants?

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One lamb, who is

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literally the one who is

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unjust, but one lamb file. File gives us two meanings first of all of Allah. And secondly, it gives the meaning of cipher. Like for example, the Word of God is the one who sells for a few.

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So file is not only for Ebola, but it's also to show cipher.

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So for here, when it is said one out of bookable unnamable are these over here negation is being done of what does it also know? Because if you say it's cassava, that would mean that he does a little bit of injustice. But that's not the case. Over here, negation is being done off, the safer of him,

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that he is not at all unjust. It's an absolute negation is not at all unjust towards the servants, but rather he is very just, this is why when a person does good, he gets good. And when a person does evil, he only gets evil. This is the justice of Allah,

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instead of the Messiah number 40 we learn in the law hilariously, when we honor Him, we're integral has an atom you very far where you

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that Indeed, Allah does not do injustice even as much as an atom's way, not even a little bit. And if there is a good deed, he multiplies it and gives from himself a great reward. So he's not at all unjust intellectual calfire 49 when I use limo buka and your Lord does not do injustice to anyone

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into the theater side 44 in the law now usually when NASA Shaya when I can and NASA and

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so when people do wrong and they get evil in return, is it because Allah is being unjust? No, when I can anessa and for someone yesterday when they are being adjusted themselves

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for me

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Our journey

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Walla Walla

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I have a question

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Why should you do

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and prostrate to Allah is commanding us that you prostrate to

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the hookah mist here this is why honey

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I was just discussing about the soil as

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like the beach soil it is by the sea and waterfalls on it all the time but nothing grows. And the thing about him is a salary coming every day. So should ask ourselves what kind of swale are we doing absorb from Quran or just come and go just like the pitcher?

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Some soil it only swells up and some soil what happens to it? It does. It has life in it becomes full of life. So we have to see how much are we absorbing? The more we absorb, the greater the change.

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I was just thinking about the worst were they

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objected to Boris number 44. How the last article says that if the Quran was non Arabic, then you would object. Basically, once someone objects, it's because they don't want to accept it. And whether you give them what they want or not, they're going to object to it. For example, if they bring one problem, then if you get the solution to that they'll bring you another problem. Why? Because it makes it in the first place, and they don't want to accept it. And then Allah says, Hello, Hola, Xena, Imani Masha. So those who accept that they believe in it, and after that, it becomes a Hoda. ntfl for them not before that.

00:35:33 --> 00:35:36

I was just discussing an issue with someone and

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they said don't worry. For someone who said Guldur not worried and Shaka

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Coolio megawati shanaka change the situation anytime. And when she said that to me, I said oh yeah, it makes so much sense Allah can change the situation anything, but when the same thing is said to that person, they still feel that no nothing can change, nothing can happen the situation will always remain the same. Why? Because when a person gives up hope, then no matter what answer you bring to them from the book of Allah, they will not take it. But if a person has hope, then even one statement is sufficient. Even one answer is sufficient. Why is it that we keep seeking Okay, then what then what what else? What else? One thing is sufficient when it has gone.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:54

I was just thinking when we write something or when we are told to talk about the five W's which is when what where, why, who and usually when we are taught like, like in school, we're taught about all aspects of the creation of Allah spawn. Tada. That is the when where we're not talking about who or why. And that's something that we don't think about. And I think that those are the right questions and that is and that's something we learn.

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teaches you how to think

Fussilat 37-54 Tafsir 43-46

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