Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 20 – L201B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The Greek- born regions were found inpaea and the group found animals and people doingoney. They found them and found them. They found them and went on a journey for eight days, experiencing exhaustion and anxiety. The speakers stress the importance of being mindful of others and protecting oneself and others, and emphasize the need for women to be patient and not give up on their job. The speakers also discuss the use of alcohol in public and the importance of protecting oneself and others.
AI: Transcript ©
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lesson number 201. So little puzzles is number 22 to 43.

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In the previous ayat we learned about Musashi, Salah, how he was brought to the palace of fit our own, and how he was raised over there, and how he had an accident with one of the coptics and how he accidentally killed him. And the next day, his crime was exposed by who? By the Israelis. Why, just so that the Israeli man could defend himself? And what do we learn over there that a man came from the farthest end of the city, and he came running to Tel Masada center, that the Mullah the chiefs, the leaders, they were planning to kill Masada Salah. So he said, I am to you of those who are very sincere. So just leave, listen to me, save your life and just leave the city. So musasa he was

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unprepared at that time, he was not prepared for a long journey at all. nor was he prepared to leave. So what happened then he just left in whatever condition that he was in. And he just left the city, and he started walking away. And now we learn over here that Whelan method. And when he directed himself deal, our mediana towards meridian weather method jatoba Well, jeem her Watch. Watch means face. And our job is to direct one's face toward someone.

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It is to direct one's face toward someone. So our job is to pay attention. And when you pay attention to someone, what does it mean you face them? Right? You turn your face towards them. So when I met though ajah when he directed himself when he headed towards the word jihad, Rama Deanna towards madeon. Still out from the fetters lamp off? Yeah, Lucky is to meet someone. And Luca, when do you meet someone when they are in front of you? Isn't? If they're very far away from you? Can you meet them? It's very difficult to communicate with them than you typically get to meet someone when they are right in front of you. So till all is the place of meeting,

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to call the place of meeting coming face to face with someone.

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What does it mean the place of meeting coming face to face with someone and from this the work till also gives the meaning of two words in the direction of because when you come face to face with someone, then what happens? You face them, isn't it? You are directed towards them. You're not directed away from them, but rather you are directed towards them. So while I'm at what jaha when he directed himself deal

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to words in the direction of Medina, Medea. So he left Egypt, and where was the editor in which direction in the direction of meridian Meridian, the ancient city of meridian was named after the son of Ibrahim alayhis, salaam Midian. According to some scholars, Abraham and his son had another son as well whose name was median. And this city was named after him. Why? Because his descendants, his children, they live over there.

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And this city is situated on the west side of the Gulf of Aqaba.

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And if you think about it, musala sam, he was also of the descendants of Ibrahim or s&m, so he had some kind of relationship with the people of Medina. He was a distant relative of them.

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Now this city of Medina, according to some scholars is the same city where prophets rave or they sang was sent. Right? It's the same city where prophet Jerry Burnie Sam was sent. However, he came at a different time.

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Okay, his time and the time of musala Islam is not the same. Remember that? There are some scholars who say that the man whom musasa met in Medina was actually sure Abraham Lincoln, but there's no evidence for that.

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There is no evidence behind that. Therefore, we cannot assume. But if you look at it chronologically, historically, the times have musalla center and assuredness and they are different. They did not come at the same time. So it's not possible that they could have met. So allow Arlen perhaps it's the same city. Perhaps it was another city that was also Meridian, but definitely it was at another time. So musar Islam, he left Egypt and he headed towards meridian.

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Honor, he said he had no idea how he was going to get there when he was going to reach there, and if he was going to get there at all. So what did he say? I said, I'll be

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Perhaps Milord a Diani, He will guide me. So a severe to the sound way to the sound, but that will lead me to the destination. The word Salah is from the fetters seen Well, yeah. And so he has to be equal. And so, Elsevier is the way that leads straight to the destination

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the way that leads straight to the destination, it does not take you right it does not take you left, but rather it takes you straight to the destination, which is why so else the beat is also used for the shortest, the simplest route, do a destination.

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Now just imagine, masala Salaam he left Egypt without any plan, without any map, without any guide, without anyone to show him the way because typically when people would travel in the desert, what would they have with them? Obviously their supplies, but along with the supplies, they will also have someone to guide them through the desert because only those people who were very familiar with the desert could make their way which is why when the profits on a lot of a sudden when he migrated from Mecca to Medina again who did he have with him? He had a guide besides abubaker of the learner.

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So Musa Salaam he left Egypt without any of these things that you can imagine what worry and concern he must have had? How concerned he must have been how anxious he must have been. But at this time he does not fret, he does not fear he does not panic. Who does he turn to? Allah soprano.

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This is a servant of Allah. This is the true believer in Allah, the One who relies upon Allah, the One Who remembers Allah in every situation.

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So he headed towards Medan but he wasn't sure which way to take. And this is why he relied upon Allah hoping that Allah would guide him to the best destination in the most efficient way.

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So what happened? While I'm Mel what are the Met Emma Deanna and when he arrived at the well of madeon at the water source of Medina, it is said that meridian is at a distance of eight days journey from Egypt a day journey on foot.

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So just imagine mozzarella. Salaam leaves Egypt, and he's walking, he doesn't have a horse, he doesn't have a camel. He doesn't have a friend. There are no gas stations, nothing. He's walking and walking and walking, perhaps running. And you can imagine how difficult that journey must have been. Well, what are the and then finally, when he arrived while other from the roof as well? Or that? And what are the is to arrive at water to arrive at a watering place? So when he arrived at mat ama dn at the water of Medina, what does it mean by Matt ama dN? Meaning some water source that was in the city of Medina, perhaps right by the edge right by the side,

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which is why the travelers or the passers by were attracted towards that location because you can imagine any place where there's water in the desert, what would happen? People, birds, right? So perhaps it was towards the side of the city. And when he arrived over there, and remember that some scholars say that meridian this was a particular well, but a low art and what exactly it was because it doesn't say All we know is there was some water source. It could have been a well it could have been a spring or a river a low earner. So when he arrived over there, why did that relay he, he found upon it, meaning upon that source of water. He found by the water on mutton Mina, nursey and

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oma from the people. The word oma is used for a group of living beings and the way the sentences over here omata mananas oma of the people, what is the show that the word oma can also apply to other creatures besides human beings.

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And when this word is used for people, like over here on meta milanes it gives a sense of a huge crowd of people, a lot of people so he found over there omata Milanesi a huge crowd of people. So this was a public place. It was a crowded area. There were many people over there. And these people what were they doing? Yes, Spooner. They were watering. Yes. Guna seen cough. Yeah.

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Sophia, Sophia. What does it mean? to water to give drink. So there were watering Who? There are animals there.

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hurts their flocks.

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So all of these people, they're busy watching their animals. But then he noticed something else as well. Why would you do that, and he found men dooney him, other than them. Beside the beside, beside these people who are watching their animals, he found on the side, away from these people in attaining to women, in both attain doula Emma. And these two women, they were not mingling with the rest of the people. They were not watching their animals along with the rest of the people. Because what do we see over here mean dooney him. These two women, they were away from them separate from them not mingling amongst them. And these two women, what were they doing to do Danny, they were

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holding back their sheep holding back there animals, because obviously, you take animals to water, and they're being restrained, obviously, they're going to try to run towards the water. Right? So Danny, these two women, they were restraining their flock. They do that from the roof letters, then well then, though, and the old is to not let someone draw close. It is to not allow someone to come near to remove them away to restrain them. So these two women, they were holding back their flock from the water. Why? So that the animals don't mix with the rest, and so that they would not have to go amongst the rest of the people. And most of them he found this very strange. everybody's watching

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their animals in here, these two women, they're standing on the side, and they're trying to hold back their sheep and they're not watching the animals. What's wrong? What's the problem? So what did he do that? He said, Oh, whatever. No, he walked up to them. And he said Ana mahatva Kumar, what is the case of YouTube? How can you not watching your animals with the rest of the people on attack? Both of them said, learn SP we do not watch her our herd had useless until the shepherds leave until the shepherds go back until they go away. We do not water our animals. And why are we here then? What a buena shavon COVID. And our father is an old man.

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The word use today is from the reflector saw that

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slide than any other word from the same root. So that what does that mean? Just so Southern is basically used for the prominent part of something, the permanent part of something. And any other word from the same word

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in grammar

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must love right? What is most love?

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What is it? Think about it? The main word, it's the source of other words as well, isn't it? It's the main prominent word saw the Messiah, right? And it is the source of many other words as well. You get so many isms so many feral from the Muslim, right? So as Bara use little is when a people they arrive at water and then they leave they emerge. You understand? Just imagine a well, okay? Now a person two or three people, they go over there this is what what are the

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remember, arriving at water is what are the. But once you have watered, once you've taken your share, then you have to go back. This is what Laura used to say it's the opposite of water.

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Now you can imagine a source of water, right? a water source, and so many people so many animals are going to drink and now what's happening one after the other, they're all coming out you understand. So similarly Muslim, what is it a main word, and from it you have so many other words coming out emerging one after the other, you can get so many forms, different different forms singular, plural, masculine and feminine. Dual isn't it's past tense future fairly among so many forms you can get from where from the main source similarly from a Muslim, what happens? Animals people they go to water and then they all emerge. So the women there applied that we do not water our animals until

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the shepherds of their Flora love arare until the shepherds, they water their animals and until they have dispatched. In other words, we do not like to water animals with the rest of these men. Why? Because if we were to water them at the same time, we would be mingling amongst them and we do not wish to do that. Then why are we looking after these

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Animals because we have to why we have no other choice because what a buena. Our Father, He is shavon COVID. He is an old man and he's unable to water the animals himself. So we have to do it.

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Now just imagine over here, mozzarella Sam, what situation is he in?

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Think about it. after such a long journey, which is a minimum of eight days on foot, he arrives at Medina. You can imagine how tired and how exhausted he must have been? Have you ever walked for a few hours?

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Have you walked for two hours in the mall? Maybe. And you come home? And then you're given a list of chores to do? How do you feel? Forget about it. Right? So just imagine he has been walking for eight days. Imagine how hungry, how tired, how exhausted how worried he must have been at that point. Imagine how much his feet must have been hurting. Perhaps his shoes, they would have worn out. Perhaps he hadn't eaten for a very long time. Perhaps he hadn't had a proper meal since a few days. Maybe you could barely walk. Just imagine I want you to picture him. Imagine him. He's coming from such an exhausting journey, tiring journey. And as he reaches, as he gets there, as he sees some

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people, as you see some water. What does he notice? He hasn't even sat down yet. He doesn't even know where he's gonna go. But as he enters, all of a sudden, he's looking, these men are watching their animals. And these two women, they're standing on the side. Remember, he was described as a Morrison earlier musala Center, he was not oblivious to the people who were around him. He was not such that he didn't care about the people who were around him. No, he paid special attention. So that in case someone needed his help, he could help them.

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This does not mean that he would interfere in other people's matters. No. But rather, he was an alert person. He was a caring person, he would look out for others. This is why when the man he was fighting with the other men, he called out to solicit them for help. And he noticed him and he responded to them. And over here also these women, they're just standing on their own. They don't even ask anyone to come. But musala said, um, he noticed that there's some problem.

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There's some reason as to why these women are not watching their animals right now.

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This is the concern that most artists and I've had for others, that made him forget about his own condition that made him overcome his own problems. What happens with us that if we're tired, if we're a little fatigued, if we're a little exhausted, if we're a little worried and concerned about our own problems, what happens? We even forget to smile, is it

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we forget to say Salaam we forget to even look at other people, we forget to even notice other people. But look at musar listener, imagine his fears and worries, he doesn't know where he's going to sleep. He doesn't know what's going to happen in the future. He doesn't know the army of Iran might be chasing him.

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He has no idea what's going to happen. But still, he notices that other people need help. And he goes and asks them.

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The thing is, that when a person is concerned about other people's problems, than what happens, his own problems, they seem very little to him. They seem very insignificant to him, no matter how great they may be. And the beautiful thing is that when a person is busy helping others, then what happens a lot takes care of him. Remember the Hadees that as long as a person is helping his brother than Allah is also helping him.

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We are so worried and concerned about our own problems. We don't care at all about others, no matter how much help they need.

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And because of that we deprive ourselves and we also deprive others.

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I mentioned to you recently that history movie, she had her surgery, I went to visit her recently at the hospital. And I was amazed that she was still under the effect of the Anastasia she was talking and she was worried about other people.

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She was suggesting to some people who were there that please do this and please do that. Because there are so many people who need help. And I am amazed that look at this woman. She's in so much pain. She just had a surgery. She's in the hospital. She can barely remember what to do and you

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She's concerned about others.

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yet she's worried about other women, other children, other people. This is what she's concerned about. And this is so true that when a person is concerned about others, he forgets his own problems, he forgets his own worries.

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And when a person is not concerned about others, than even the slightest of problems, they seem to be like huge mountains,

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that a person just has, you know, one slight pain on his hand, or his finger on his foot or something like that. And that's it, it becomes such a huge mountain. When you are concerned about others, that Allah makes you overcome your own problems, then your own problems don't seem like a big deal. Only then you can help other people. So musala Sam, because of his character, because of his behavior, he was able to help others and he was able to overcome his own problems as well.

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And we see that he approaches those women, and he asks them, what is the matter, and from the response that those women give to him, he understands that these women do not want to mingle amongst men.

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And he understands that these women are on their own, they do not have any help. So then he offers the services. But before we proceed, there's actually several points that we must notice over here that we must learn from that, first of all, we see that these women, what are they doing?

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They're working Where? outside of the house, right? Why?

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Because they have to, it's a necessity. Their father is old, they don't have any other choice. And this is why they have to go and work. So first of all, this shows to us that if necessary, a woman she may go out of her house in order to make money in order to support her family. But since she will definitely encounter men, when she has to go out of the house to work. There are some things that she should be very, very careful about, that we learned from these women as well from just this one idea. And what is that that first of all, that she should not be alone amongst men? What do we see that? Is there only one woman over here, too, both of them are together?

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Right? So if a woman has to step out of her house, she has to go to a place in order to work with others in order to make money. What should she remember that she should not be alone amongst men? You understand? And remember that Hadees that no man or woman who are not related to one another? Should be alone in a place? Why? Because the third is Ooh, shape one.

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So she should not be alone. Whether it's in the office, right? Or it's in a car or whatever, whatever kind of work she's doing, she should not be alone, there should be somebody else who's with her.

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Secondly, we see over here, that she should not mingle amongst them. And

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what do we see? What are these two women doing? They're waiting so patiently on the side, they're holding their flock back. And they're waiting for the man to leave. And then they will go and water their animals. This is what this was our listener, right? Why? So that they do not have to mingle amongst the men.

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Many women, they consider that if they are with the men standing next to men sitting next to them, working right by them. This is a sign of being extremely bold and confident. Remember that there's no boldness, there's no confidence when it comes to violating your hair.

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When it comes to violating your sanctity, no, there's no confidence in that there's no boldness and that women feel strong. If they're sitting next to men, they think that it's a sign of confidence of their right around men. No, this is inappropriate. It's okay. She may have to deal with them. But it doesn't mean she has to sit right next to them, or stand right beside them or walk right by them. There should be this element of decency.

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So we see that these two women, they don't just jump in in the crowd. No, they're waiting patiently on the side. So a woman she should be decent in her manner. And she should be patient in waiting.

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So that her hire is not violated? Because it's quite possible. Like for example, you're waiting in line. And there are a lot of men.

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Now, one is that there is a line, okay, you stand in the line. But the other is that there's a crowd of people, should you just jump into the crowd along with the other people? No. And unfortunately, many times even when people go for a run hedge, they don't care about who they're walking into. They're rubbing into non Muharram men and women. This is inappropriate. A person should be patient. And especially there's so many men what should a woman do? Be patient, just stand off to the side. Wait for a few moments. Let the crowd go and then go with ease.

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Then we also see over here, that a woman, when she's out there working, then she may speak to men if necessary.

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You understand? It is permissible to speak to men, if necessary. However, what do we see over here? That the speech, it should be maruf. It should be appropriate, it should be for a valid purpose. They don't go on talking about who their father is and where they're from, and how many animals they have, and how long they've been waiting? No, they just simply respond to Silas enough that we don't watch our animals until the shepherds leave. And our fathers and old men simple that's it finished. No other details, no questions such as so where are you from? Never seen you here. Are you new here, nothing like that. The speech is appropriate. It's to the point, it's for a valid purpose. It's

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straight to the point.

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But unfortunately, many times, even if women are working with men, in an Islamic organization, many times we forget the limits that Allah subhanaw taala set. And we end up giggling and laughing. And joking, this is inappropriate. This is incorrect.

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Doc, only that which is necessary, to the point, nothing irrelevant. be professional, be straightforward. And that's it. This way you will protect yourself and you'll also protect others.

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Now, this is specifically with regards to working. But we see that generally as well. Women, they should adopt this quality when they are in a public place. And what is that, that when there are so many men? What should you do? Don't jump into them.

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Don't walk in the midst of the crowd, no, wait off to the side, let the crowd go and then walk

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and then go and do whatever you have to do. Because if men touch you, even if it is by mistake, then this would be inappropriate, isn't it? So you need to protect yourself.

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We also say over here that if there is a crowd of people,

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anywhere, then we have to be very, very decent in our manner.

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Look at these women, they're just standing at the side. They're not jumping into the crowd. They're waiting for the men to leave. And then they will go and do their work.

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Many times we think that just because I'm wearing my hijab and wearing I'm wearing my RBI I can go and do and you know, say whatever I want, behave in whatever manner I want. No hijab is not just about putting some garments on. No, it's in the manner that you carry yourself. It's also in the manner that you put yourself out in public and interact with others. So we see that these women, they are so modest, that out of that modesty, they don't go amongst the men, they wait off to the side. And when a strange man comes to them and asks them, they don't speak anything that is inappropriate.

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And we see that musasa at this point, he was not a prophet of Allah, isn't it? But what did we learn earlier that he was given a limb and hokum at this point, even he had knowledge, and he was also given sound judgment. And because of that, he was able to distinguish between right and wrong. So even when he went and spoke to the women, what did he ask about? only that which was necessary, because sometimes we think that higher is only for her for women, but it's also for men. Look at the manner in which he approaches the women.

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He just goes, asks them what the problem is. And that's it.

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That's it, nothing else. So highs for both men as well as for women.

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So what happened then? festival Karla Houma, so musasa he watered for both of them. For both the women, he water their animals. He offered his services. And then he didn't say here, your animals or they gave me such a hard time and they're so intelligent, they're so naughty, and they're so this and that no extra conversation. He just watered the animals. And then so much Oh, Allah, either, really. And then he turned away towards the shadow. The one law you know, is used for physical turning, when a person physically turns away from somewhere, so some metalla he turned away.

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He didn't stand with them. By the way, why did he water their animals for them?

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So that they would not have to wait for too long? Because he found out that these women are not going to go until these men leave, allow them how long these men are going to take.

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So to save the women time, what does he do? He takes her animals goes amongst the men, and then he waters them and he brings the animals back to them.

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Then so much of what he does really. And then he turned towards the shadow with shadow, a lower limb, whether it was a tree or if something else, but he went towards the shadow why in order to take rest under the shade

Al-Qasas 22-43 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 22-23

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