Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 14 – L140E

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of giving people information about their beliefs and actions when calling people to their religion is emphasized. The use of wisdom when advising people is also emphasized, along with the need to show the person being called wisdom and bravery when calling people to their religion. The importance of being gentle and mindful when advising people is also emphasized, along with the need to be patient and not fall into the trap of yelling at others. The importance of being aware of one's actions and blessings is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Although it has to be a little bigger, invite to the way of your Lord, how bill Hekmati with wisdom, well mower eluting has center and good instruction.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is being commanded, that when you call people to the religion of Allah, how should you do so, in the previous if the prophets of Allah was commanded to follow the way of Abraham or listener in Iraq, either in o'clock and also in our

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now clear instructions are being given that what etiquette should a diary observe, when he is doing that work?

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What qualities should he adopt? And what things should he keep in mind, when he is calling people to the wave of loss?

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That first of all, odor invite, who are people, this is general them of rule is not mentioned, which shows that this is general call all people do what? Ilana Sabir have bigger to the way of your Lord. What is the way of your Lord, the religion of your Lord? The religion that Allah subhanaw taala has given which is the Islam Serato Mr. thing? So when you call people call them To what? To the religion of Allah soprano.

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Don't call them to a particular ideology, to some political movement? No. Your focus should be calling people to the religion of Allah so that they worship Allah soprano.

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That should be your goal. That should be your mission.

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Although it has a video,

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but how should you call people? First of all been Hekmati with wisdom.

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What does heckler mean? wisdom, which is well there is Shay fee Maha Lee to play something where it belongs. So when you call people use wisdom, what does that mean? That when you call people when you tell them something, prove it to them, give some evidence

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so that the evidences that you gave, they will remove their doubts and they will give them conviction. Isn't that wisdom? That Imagine you're telling somebody about something? And you're not explaining it to them? You're not proving it? How do you expect them to accept it? They will only accept it when they see it to be the truth. So wisdom is that when you're doing Dawa, prove your point, give evidences, give some proofs, remove the doubts, and give conviction.

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seminary wisdom also includes that when you're talking to someone, take into consideration the background of that person. See who he is. Like for example, although this is general, non Muslims, as well as Muslims, if you're telling a person to praise Allah, you want to motivate him to praise follow us wisdom, keep in mind his background. Keep in mind that he already believes in a loss of penalty.

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Don't tell him that we should only worship on what he knows we should only worship

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he should be emphasizing on Salah.

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So keep in mind the background of that person. Similarly, for calling a person who is a Christian, then what should you do? Keep in mind his background.

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If you're calling a person who is an atheist, do their work accordingly. Use wisdom.

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Similarly, keep in mind the psychology of that person as well. That How does he think if you're talking to a child, talk to the child in the appropriate way. If you're talking to an older person, talk to them in the appropriate way. If you're talking to someone who is well educated, talk to them appropriately. If you're talking to someone who's not that well educated, don't speak to him in vague terms I really understand. So keep in mind, the background, the psychology of the person who you are addressing, and speak to them according to the situation, according to the time and place that just at a site of a non Muslim, don't just go and say, Are you ready to become a Muslim? I

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mean, speak to them, make them interested, build a conversation, and then accordingly, address them.

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So first of all, hekla means wisdom, that use wisdom when you're calling people to Allah.

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Many times what happens when people are doing power? They're only concerned about themselves. That I should prove myself right. That I should not look like a fool that I am just doing my job.

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duty. And in that we forget to use wisdom. We say what you're doing is what you're doing is it is it is the law. It is this it is this. And we don't use wisdom, with our words with our approach. Sometimes we offend people, because we're only concerned about ourselves. What should our concern be? That I want to present the truth as it is? That the joy and the happiness that I received from the Quran, I want to share it with other people as well. So use wisdom.

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Secondly, Al hikmah also refers to an and Sunnah.

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So when you're doing Dharma when you're calling people to Allah, what should you do? What should you use? Use the Quran and Sunnah. Invite them by reciting the Quran by telling them about the Sunnah of the Prophet sort of.

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Don't discuss with them politics, don't discuss with them world affairs, call them to the religion not to some other ideology. Older Elizabeth or bigger, Bill Hekmati with wisdom and with the Quran and Sunnah. Because if you don't use wisdom, instead of inviting people, what can you do? easily offended?

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Instead of welcoming them, you can easily turn them off, you can easily turn them away. If you don't use our uninstaller, then what are you going to do, you're going to present their religion as something that it's not in reality. So us and

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secondly, one moment religion has in it and the good admonition good advice, use this as well

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Morillo from the room better as well or in law. And while is effective advice, that includes encouragement, that includes warning, and it also softens the heart of the receiver.

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So when you're calling people, advise them, the statements that you utter the words that you speak, they should first of all, be gentle, lenient, soft. Because only such advice is good.

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If you're talking to someone, and you're advising them, but you start yelling at them, you start coming down on them, are they going to listen to you? Are they they're going to become defensive immediately. So first of all, Elmo hessonite refers to such a statement that is gentle, that is lenient, that is soft, because of a person's goals, then he will not be effective

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addable Jamil, very beautiful manners, beautiful etiquette, welcoming behavior, so that when you're talking to the other person who wants to listen to you.

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Secondly, a lower center also refers to such advice such admonition that the content is also effective.

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So if you look at it, first of all, Merlin precedented refers to such advice whose style is good. And secondly, the content is good. That when you're telling them when you're talking to them, use the example from the Quran, use stories so that they can themselves extract lessons, they can themselves get the point, you don't have to say to them, by mentioning the example by mentioning a story, they get it themselves. This is more relative to

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what job is home and debate with them. Doesn't mean you must debate with them. Meaning where the need arises, when you see that you have to debate where you have to have a conversation in which both parties are giving their proofs and references and evidences Then how should your data be bilities bility arson in a manner that is best in a manner that is so what does that mean? When is a good deed arson?

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When First of all, it is done with Islam. And secondly, it is done according to the son of the Prophet sort of autism.

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So when you're doing Judah, even that should be our son. How will it be accent? That first of all, you are doing it for the sake of Allah. your intention is sincere. You're not arguing and debating to satisfy your own ego. To prove yourself as the victorious one. You are debating to prove the truth to them, to make them see the truth to make them realize the truth.

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Secondly, we're Jad in whom bility here arson. This also means that when you're debating with them, make sure that your manner is arson. Your manner is

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what is arson manner.

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You're soft, you're logical, you're not being rude or offensive, or too emotional. Like sometimes what happens in a debate, some people get very emotional, they become very angry, or they begin to cry, or they begin to yell. But bility accent means that you stay composed, stay calm. And whenever they say something, give them a response. Give them some evidence, refute what they're saying. don't offend them. Say, what is going to make sense to them. Give an evidence that is going to prove your point.

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So first of all, in your manner, you should be soft, logical, not rude, not emotional.

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And thirdly, validity, arson, that in style, the manner of detail should also be essence. How that your way should be, according to that of the profit sort of

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your way should be according to the way of the Prophet sallallahu. Sunnah.

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And how did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam do that? When people came and argued with him? What did you do?

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Did you refute each and every single claim of theirs? Each and every objection of there's no.

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What would you do? He would just recite the Quran. So many times we learned that in Makkah, people would come to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and they would say to him, if you want, this will give it to you. Look what you've done. You have caused such great rift in our society, you are making our life so miserable. Whatever you want to ask us, we'll give you what did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam do? He just recited the Quran in return. Just the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala. And that was enough to convey the message to them.

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So when you're doing due then don't go on dissecting their objections. What should you do? Just tell them something from the Quran. Use the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam use the Hadith. And that should be sufficient. Because many times what happens when two people are arguing they're debating, there's a lot of nitpicking. What do people do, they will choose one word that the other person has said, and they will just focus on that you are trying to prove something, and they will focus on something else. Right. And then the debate is endless. It never comes to an end.

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Whereas if you just use one I have on one Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that is sufficient. That is enough. What jarrahdale whom bility here.

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And remember that over here, arson, as I mentioned to you, it includes that the manner should be good, the manner should be gentle and soft. Because when a person begins to argue, then the other person is not willing to listen to him,

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isn't it? The other person does not wish to listen to him at all. He becomes defensive.

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All the while he's thinking okay, what can I say to refute his claim? What can I do to prove him wrong? This is what he's thinking about. So when your manner, when your style is a person, it's going to reach the heart of the other person. It's going to affect the heart. When it comes from your heart, it will go to his heart.

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And when you are gentle, then your words are far more reaching. Whereas if you're yelling, if you're being emotional, then the other person is not going to take your series in Arabic or indeed your Lord who are level he is most knowing Beeman, Birla and severely of the one who has strayed from his way wahoo Arlen will be the dean and he is most known of those who are rightly guided.

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Meaning Your job is ultimately to convey the message to do your best. At the end of the day, it's up to Allah. It's his decision, he knows who is going to accept and who is not going to accept.

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We see that at the conclusion of the surah. The prophet SAW Allah is commanded he is instructed as to how he should do their work.

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And remember that doing Dawa calling people to the way of a loss of Canada is one of the best deeds that a person can perform. It's one of the best actions that a person can do. It's one of the best professions that a person can take. One of the best careers

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like we see so many people, even today, like for example, Dr. Zakir Naik, that he was a medical doctor by profession, but he left that and he became a doctor of hearts, that he is calling people to the way of Allah subhanaw taala. Why? Because this way, is far better than any other way.

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This profession, this career is much more superior than any other career and profession.

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Where do we learn that from? In the Quran? Surah facilite i 33 Allah Subhana Allah says woman Arsenal Colin

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amendment there is a law where I'm in asylum, and we're caught up in any middle muslimeen. And who is better in speech? meaning no one is better in speech than this person who? The one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and he says, indeed I am of the Muslims.

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We see that Darwin in Allah was the way of all the prophets of Allah.

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And they were different from other people. Why? Because they called people to Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is described as Darien, Illinois. And this is also a characteristic of

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the Muslim ummah.

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The Muslim Ummah has been described like this, people who call others to who? Allah Subhana

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kontum hydromet in the nest moon have been mera loop button hohner and welcome. So Rebecca I 143 we learn what gallica Anelka omoton was upon utako shuhada earliness.

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Similarly, in sort of earlier one, I 104 we learn what the commencal madonia Runa isn't Hi, Wei, Wei and Helena and then Monica will let you go home and move your home. This is a criteria for success. When a person calls people to Allah, then he is heading to success.

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And remember that this is a responsibility upon the entire Muslim ummah.

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This is the responsibility one every single member of this Muslim oma and remember, this is not to something that men have to do. But this is all something that women have to do.

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Generally, people say that if a woman she wishes to do something for the religion, then what does she have to do? She needs to serve her husband and serve her children and focus on her children and that's about it. Know, a woman is also obligated with Dawa in Allah.

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Where do we learn that from?

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So at the Toba is 71 Allah subhana wa tada says one manana while momina to Babylon Alia Oba about morona Bill Maher off when

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women also do that. They also do a lot of inner loop when the hand and

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how, how will they do it?

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by remaining within the bounds of the shittier

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It doesn't mean that a woman will go up to namaha men and talk to them for days and days and have many many discussions, trying to convince them in that losing her chastity. This is not the way

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and we see that over here lots of panatela gives us certain instructions that we must abide by when we are doing Dawa.

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So first of all, we should realize this is our responsibility.

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It's our responsibility, and this is the way to success. This is the best thing that you can do. But how are you supposed to do it?

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Three etiquettes are mentioned over here.

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That first of all bill hikma approach with wisdom.

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Approach the other person with wisdom.

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When you wish to do their will to someone. Think about how can you talk to them? How can you bring up this topic?

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Because many times it happens that you are perhaps good friends with someone you see someone regularly, isn't it? It's possible. They're your doctor, or someone who you go to regularly for some work, perhaps a teacher, perhaps a student, perhaps a client, someone who comes to you regularly. It's your obligation to the people who you come in contact with. You must tell them about Islam. It's your obligation you have to.

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So how are you going to do it? Use wisdom? Think about it. How can you bring up this topic?

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Don't just randomly say, so would you like to become a Muslim? If you do that the other person is going to laugh just like you're laughing. He's going to not give importance to what you're saying. Use wisdom, start talking about different things, and come to the topic of Islam. Come to the worship of Allah soprano that

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there is this really good friend of mine was very interesting once we had gone somewhere and there was a woman. She was also waiting in that particular room. And she just started talking to her randomly. And she was also an immigrant. She was also an immigrant. So both of them they were talking about their mothers, that I miss my mother so much. I haven't seen her in so many years. And then she said yes, mothers are so kind to us are so good to us. My friend she said that. Yes. But you know God is more merciful than her. And in our religion we learn that our Lord, our Creator, the one who we worship is more merciful to us then 17 mothers can. Now this is such a good way of doing

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when I saw her how she brought that topic. I was amazed. This is what requires that you start having a conversation.

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In which the other person wants to listen to you.

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They want to listen to you, and you bring it up.

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She did not know what her name was. She had no idea what country she was from. She had no idea what she does. No idea, nothing whatsoever, but she brought up something about the religion. She mentioned something positive about Islam, which is going to make the other person curious at least. Even if she wasn't able to do that, whatever to the extent that she became Muslim at that very spot. At least she gave a good piece of information about the religion. This is what that was, this is what hekla is.

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Similarly, hikma that you wait for the right moment, wait for the right time.

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Wait for the time when they want to listen to us Heckman.

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Secondly, we have been told use a mower elephant has no good advice. advise them with gentleness with love with compassion.

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We see they when Allah subhanaw taala sent musasa them to the quarter for their own. Allah subhanaw taala told Masada said I'm an ordinary salon. That for Kula Allahu Colella, yinon La La Jolla tada Kuru, Asha and speed to fit her own with gentle speech that perhaps he may be reminded, or at least he may fear

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fit our own was a tyrant. So when you speak to him, don't speak to him with harshness. Why? Because he will not be willing to listen to you then. Speak gently, maybe he will listen. Perhaps he will listen.

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So more than hustler remember the background of the person who is he? What does he like? What does he not like? and talk to them about those things? Talk to them in a manner that is appropriate. Because otherwise, they will become reactionary and they will not want to listen to you.

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Thirdly, we are told what to add in humility via arson debate in the best manner.

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Do not debate to make the other person lose. But debate in order to win his heart. Do not debate to prove the other person wrong and to prove yourself right.

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But debate in order to prove the truth to them, in order to make them see the truth in order to make them like the truth.

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We see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he did Dawa, he won the hearts of people. He made his opponents his supporters. He made his enemies his companions. He did not make them run away. And we see all the prophets they had a very similar approach.

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For example, new heights and I want the people blamed in that in Ireland iraq afield allele mubin What did he say? place? Agricola? I don't have any data. He didn't say no, you are a balloon. You call him Ilan. I am a messenger of God. You have no idea you are a balloon. No. This is not good to that good to Dallas when the other person is arguing with you. You remain calm and you don't say anything that is going to make them upset.

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Similarly, we learned that who that is. The people said to him in the Lennar, aka FISA. We see that you're foolish. What did he say? They said visa. He didn't say no, you were foolish.

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Similarly, we see sure Abraham, they said Fallujah. Sure, Abel, Ursula Takata maruka and nataka Maya Budo Abba una oh and Neff. rfem wehlener, Manisha, what was his response? In order to eliminate Islam? I only want Islam. That's it.

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So when you're doing that, don't say such things that are going to make the other person more upset. They're going to trigger more enmity, no, say something that is going to come down the other person.

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Similarly, we see that for our own. He said to miss arias and Mr. Robot army, I am supposed to be the Lord. And you say there's a Buddha. I mean, who is this? Who said Listen, I did not say he is my Lord, the one who might worship because if he would say that, for their own would get extremely offended, because for your own was supposed to be the Lord. What it was Allison I'm say rabuka, Morocco, Abba ecolabelling. He's you're an art and the Lord of the people before you.

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seminary fit our own. He called massage noon. massages, and I would not say anything like that in response. He didn't say no, you're much noon. You're not using your mind. No, he remained calm. So in Japan, we also have to use figma. In giving more relative Hasina. Again, we have to use hekman. And when you have done your best, remember, in naraka, who Arlen will remember Lanza Bailey, were who are a little bit Moody, Allah knows very well.

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And if we don't use these instructions that are lost, apparently has given to us then instead of calling people what can we do, we can easily offend them, we can easily turn them away from Islam.

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We see that

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Once there was a man who came to the Prophet sort of autism, he came to the masjid and the Sahaba. They were sitting with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the prophets, Allah was teaching them. He came, he saw that people are sitting. He didn't go and sit in that company. Instead, he went towards the corner of the masjid. He faced a wall. He was taking off his clothes in order to use the washroom. When the Sahaba they saw immediately they got up in order to stop him. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, No, no, don't frighten him, let him be. When he finished, he came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the Prophet sallallahu Sallam just said to him, the Messiah, they're not

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for this purpose there for the purpose of worshiping Allah.

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And he just asked that the water should be spilled over what he had done.

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And we see that this man, this Bedouin, not only did he become Muslim, but when he went back to his people, all of them became Muslim.

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Why? Because of the way that the Prophet sallallaahu salam dealt with him because of the way that he approached.

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He was a Bedouin man. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam treated him in a very simple way. Very simple way didn't give him so many details or don't you know, this is majesta and this is a place that is supposed to be clean, no midterms, nothing. Simple. Mustard is not built for this purpose. Mustard is made for the worship of Allah.

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The man understood.

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Similarly, we see that when are they even helped him when he came to the prophet SAW the Lotus I don't really know who he was a leader of his tribe. And when he came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam spoke to him about important things. How that when he sat him down, first of all, he didn't just make him sit on the ground, what did he do, he offered his own seat to him, that sit here because he knew this man is the leader of his people. He's used to such things, treat him accordingly.

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And he told him such things which showed the power of Islam, because that is what prevented him from becoming Muslim. He saw Muslims as weak. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him such things which demonstrated him the strength of Islam, that he told him that there will be a time that a woman will come all the way from a hero to Makkah, she will perform the wife, and she'll be fully laden with her gold jewelry, and nobody will say anything to her.

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So what did that show the strength of Islam, the victory of Islam. He mentioned such things with which are the was inclined to Islam.

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So this is what we need to do as well. When we're doing Dawa. Keep in mind who the person is what he is used to use wisdom, advise them, be gentle. And if you need to debate, do so with some wisdom. Because otherwise, you may offend the other person.

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And after you have done your best don't have the person does not accept us remember, guidance is in the hands of the most.

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And we see that a person can only be successful when he's doing our when he knows himself, when he knows what to talk about when he knows what the religion is. And at the same time, he also knows about the background of the other person. Because we see that the prophets are those that have knew the background of it.

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He asked him that you were supposed to be a Christian. And your law says that you're not supposed to take such and such amount of property from the people. But don't you consume this much money, other people's property? And he said yes. So he realized this mistake, and how did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam know

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because he was a prophet of Allah. So he spoke to him about such things that would make him realize about the strength of Islam because he was a leader himself. And you can only do affected our when you know the other person when you know his background.

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We see that a person must have tolerance because without it, he will not be able to hear the other person when you don't hear how can you expect him to hear you. And again, this data is not just for non Muslims, but even for Muslims. Sometimes you're advising your own children. You want to tell your own husband, your own son, your own friend, praise Allah. Now use wisdom. Treat others the way you want to be treated, don't yell at them. If you don't want to be yelled at.

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For example, if you want that your brother should recite the Quran that he should perhaps memorize parts of the colonial he should recite. Or he should read more books on Islam or you should increase in Islamic knowledge. One is that when he is turning the TV on, then you say how much time you waste. See, this is why you don't have any time to improve on your Islamic knowledge. That's not the right time. That's not the right time. When they're feeling a little down, when they're feeling a little depressed when they say you know I want to do my work and I'm unable to do it. What do I do? I can't figure it out. Then you talk to them. That in the Quran, we learned that a person who

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There's Arnold Siler and he's a believer that Allah will give him

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what you're lacking is higher than that. And you need to increase in your Amazon. Share with him or her these share with them one idea, and it will click immediately. And then the change will come from within. You will not have to enforce it on them. This is hikma that you use the right time, the right moment, the right dose. That's what it was. And we should pray to Allah subhanaw taala to give us hikma because that is what will make our Dawa our efforts effective.

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And part of hikmah is that when you call someone to your Institute to your Masjid, be there with them.

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That for example, sometimes people say you can go to the masjid anytime and they left on their own they go they have no idea where to go what to do. Or for example, they will bring them but on their way back they have no right. This is not good Tarawa at all. Or for example, the administration is not informed at all about so they cannot make special accommodations for them. Part of hikmah is that you arrange from before and you take every step you can in order to make their experience a good one. So that they have good memories about Islam and they are more curious to me.

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Then Allah subhanaw taala says we're in Acapulco. And if you should take revenge, if you must retaliate. Sometimes it happens you're doing Dawa doesn't go that well. It turns into an argument and it turns into a fight. So if you have to take revenge for our people, then you should take revenge how the Miss Lee would like off Maru people to be which you were harmed with, meaning do not transgress beyond the bounds. If you have to take revenge, then you only take as much as you were made to suffer

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while in savato, and surely if you were patient, level highroller soybean, then surely that is better for those who are patient, meaning sub is better than in DICOM. being patient is better than taking revenge.

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So we see that sometimes when a person is doing Dawa, it doesn't go that well. And sometimes it goes to the extreme. Right for example, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was doing Dawa. But what happened? He used to he used Motorola Hasani, he used that that was accent, but still people became his enemies. Not that he said in an offensive way. But it's just that people didn't like what he was saying, and it got really bad and people became his enemies.

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So when a person is in this situation, then what should a person do? He should take only as much revenge as the harm was inflicted upon him. Because even in that is that one. And if he does suffer, that is much better because even in doing sober there is that one.

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If you're taking revenge, if the other person accused you, and in return, you accuse them or in return you accuse them of doing something and never did. Is that going to have a positive effect or a negative effect. Completely negative effect it's going to wash away all that are what you did.

00:33:21 --> 00:34:00

We see that once a Jewish man came to the Prophet sarala center and he said Assam Alaykum when you made that to be upon you What did he say? Assam or Lake Como learner profits. That lesson didn't say that. He said why alaikum simple. That as much was done to him, he just retaliate. In that same way, not more than that. While in Silverton, and if you're patient, it's much better, because when you're patient, the other person will see that this is what your religion teaches. And he will be inclined towards the religion. We learned in sort of childre iF 40, which is that we'll see you at the end of the year to Miss ruha. From an alpha we'll also have a rule of law in the who lay your head below

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the mean. And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it. But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah indeed he does not like wrongdoers.

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So a person who does suffer for the sake of Allah, Allah will reward him while I'm on sabara will offer an inner Delica Let me ask me more.

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And this is something that we need to observe, especially when we're doing our overlook, forgive. Forgive the people whom you're trying to teach, whom you're trying that they should learn something but they're not learning, they're not understanding. forgive, forgive, forgive, be patient, because those were patient, Allah helps them was and be patient, while masaba Luca and your patient is not a liability except with Allah. Meaning Be patient and you can only be patient with the help of Allah with the tofield of Allah. While at the center, lay him and do not grieve over them.

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Still, they do not listen, despite your efforts, despite your good behavior, despite your sacrifice, they still don't listen, they still don't accept, then don't eat yourself up, don't harm yourself, whatever has an RNA in them Don't be depressed.

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When at ACU, and you should not be feel that you can in any distress min Miam karoun, about what they are plotting. Because many times it happens that you do that to someone, it doesn't go well. They don't listen to you. And instead, they try to do something to harm you. mayhem, Kuru, their plot, they do many things to harm you. They will try to do things to offend the people of your religion, to disrespect your religion.

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So don't be in anything, don't be in any distress against what they plot. Because remember that Allah is sufficient for you.

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The profits are the lowest. And when he began doing that, what people began opposing him. And they did so much mucker against him, to kill him. They did so much mock up to make Him known as opposed to make Him known as a madman to make Him known as a magician. But did any of that work? It didn't work, because Allah is enough.

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So don't be in distress, that people are saying this. And people are saying that now they're calling me a malviya. Now they're calling me that. Don't be in distress. Allah will take care of you. Because many times this is what stops people from doing garwa. If I tell them, they're going to make fun of me, if I tell them, they're going to say this about me and that about me, they're going to think negatively about me. Don't worry, Allah will take care of you.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:58

Because in the law, Indeed, Allah is Marla Dena taco. He is with those people who adopt Aqua, those people who fear Him, those people who stay away from what Allah has forbidden. One lady, no mercy, no. And those people who do,

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meaning they do whatever Allah has commanded them with excellence.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:39

So people who have Taqwa and people who do r-san, Allah's help, his support, his protection is with them. And those people who do not have the hope, who do not care about the limited, Allah has said, who do not bring beauty to their actions, who do not obey Allah with excellence, who do not worship with excellence, then what happens? Allah leaves them to themselves. Allah help is with who? Mara Latina de Oh, well levena home arsenal. So if you want to be successful in the work you're doing in corporate these disabilities,

00:37:40 --> 00:37:46

and we see the taco and Xander mentioned over here, and both have a very interesting relationship.

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You see, taqwa is that out of fear, you stay away from doing certain things. You don't do something out of fear.

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And exam is that out of hope. You go the extra mile, you do something extra, that is not really required of you. Because your son is extra.

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So he's a decoy is to not do something. And if someone has to do something,

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generally, we go to extremes.

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Either we will say, I can't do anything like this, I cannot do the hour, I cannot speak before people, I don't have the guts. I'm afraid I will say something wrong. I'm afraid I will offend people, I'm afraid I will present a wrong image of Islam. So out of too much the core people stay away.

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On the other hand, sometimes people, they go to another extreme now that they will not leave people, they will not leave them. Everywhere they see someone who looks like a non Muslim, they will go and talk to them, which is very, very good. You should talk to them. Every time you see an opportunity sees it. But sometimes people don't leave them alone. They don't leave them alone. They will continue to almost harass them to the point that they want to avoid you. This is not correct. A balance is required. And where do you get that balance from hekla wisdom.

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We see that someone, it makes you focused on what you have to do on your goal, then you don't go to extremes.

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You're focusing on what your goal is. And because of that, you will forget about everything else. You don't care about what people are saying. You don't care about the difficulties that you're going through. Because your goal is to convey.

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So when a person's focus is to convey with Subbu then what happens he is refrained from going to extremes.

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We listen to the recitation and then we'll quickly summarize this

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saw DD, was

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sort of the novel is sort of the near term to solar in which many blessings are mentioned, from the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, to the houses that we live in, to the things we see to the animals that we write on, various types of lessons are mentioned. Why? In order to bring about feelings of gratitude in people, because when a person is grateful, then only he becomes positive, then only he becomes more obedient.

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And only then can he see his shortcomings.

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If a person is not grateful, then what happens? He takes blessings for granted. He does not see his shortcomings, he is not motivated to strive to achieve. So many blessings are mentioned in the surah in order to bring about feelings of gratitude in people

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to make people realize the sun that our last panel data has bestowed upon us.

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To make people realize that how dependent Are we on Allah? That we are nothing without him.

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And we're all of these worldly blessings are mentioned. People are also made to realize that all these blessings are temporary. And if you love them for yourself right now, why wouldn't you love more blessings for yourself for eternity.

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And the way to achieve those blessings is also mentioned in this word.

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Where the physical where the tangible blessings are mentioned, spiritual blessings are also mentioned.

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And warning is given through examples, that if a person is not grateful, if a person is not grateful for either tangible or intangible blessings, then what can happen, blessings can be taken away from him

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and at the end of the soda at the company

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of the surah Dawa Illa is emphasized, because when a person is truly grateful to Allah, then he is grateful for the biggest blessing. And that is the blessing of hedaya. The blessing of the and the example of Ibrahim Addison is given that he was in a coma, he was grateful. And he achieved so much he accomplished so much that he did Dawa and he called people to a loss of data.

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So if you have been given so many blessings, what is your duty? That you be grateful? And you make other people grateful as well? You make them realize about the sign of Allah upon them as well. And this is a reason why, at the end of the surah Dawa is mentioned that how should you do Dawa?

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And if you look at it, Allah subhanaw taala teaches us that when it comes to our use, Heckman Marula has an adaptability, arson. And if you see in the surah this has demonstrated

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that how do you do Dawa with hikma

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remind the people of the blessings that Allah has given them. That is Motorola Hasina

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Jad Illuminati arson How? By giving examples by giving evidences if you look so many examples are given in the slide that prove the oneness of Allah soprano.

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So why to make people realize that he is the one who has given you everything and he is one who deserves worship. So if you look at it in the surah, Allah subhanaw taala has demonstrated to us has shown to us how to use Heckman Motorola has entered into their ability accent when doing

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military also panatela enable us to see the blessings that he has bestowed us with, and that we are truly grateful for them in the true sense of the meaning and may enable us to use these blessings in the way that he is pleased with and use these blessings to serve his team.

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Not that we just eat these blessings, enjoy these blessings day in and day out. But we have a higher purpose today

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that we achieve something greater like Ibrahim alayhis salam,

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we don't just get lost in tangible blessings. But we enjoy the intangible the spiritual blessings as well. Because only when a person has that, then he can be happy, then he can be at peace.

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And these are the main blessings I think that if one is bestowed with them, he is bestowed with a claim. Exactly.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:57

enable us to be thankful to the blessing of the food that you're getting right now. Every day we would have never been able to understand in this way that understanding now and we must not keep it to ourselves but give it to others. Share this with other people.

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Listen to the recitation of all of these is from the beginning.

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on Eva honey.

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odo Isla

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The word de ilaha illa Anta nessa heruka wanted to be like a sir Mr. de como

An-Nahl 114-128 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 125-128

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