Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 02 – L026D

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting Islam's values and beliefs, avoiding confusion, and spending in the way of deen. The recitation of the eye and body concept is emphasized, along with the transmission of hedges during war settings, peace settings, and modern settings such as the US or Canada. The recitation of the command for individuals who cannot fast for more than 10 days and must complete 10 fast is mentioned, along with the goal of increasing fear of Allah. The recitation is referred to as "we" and "we" being both strong and strong.
AI: Transcript ©
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Under the layman, the sheer volume of genius will now remain over here.

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We'll do a quick review from io 190

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wakad to feasibility

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and fight in the way of Allah.

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This is a permission that is being given to the Muslims, that they may fight and defend themselves now. Because up until now, the Muslims were not allowed to defend themselves, or to take revenge from those who had been oppressing them, those who have been persecuting them for so long.

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And notice that fight in who fight in Seville in the way of Allah. What does that mean by the way of Allah? What does that mean by fighting in the way of Allah?

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First of all, for the sake of Allah, not to show off, not to use up all the ammunition you have, but rather for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala purely for his pleasure

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and also to support his Deen to defend his Deen

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and secondly, it is often said that fighting in the way of Allah means fighting according to the way that Allah has prescribed,

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fighting according to the way that Allah has prescribed.

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So fight in the way of Allah. Who should you fight? alladhina ukata Luna con those people who fight you and what's the condition? What are they do do not transgress when it comes to fighting? Why? Because in Allahu Allah, you have been martyred in Allah does not like those people who transgress. So if you transgress, you will lose the help of Allah.

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Welcome to no one hates us of liftable kill them wherever you find them kill any disbeliever? Who does it refer to

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those people who are at war with you,

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those people who have been fighting you, those people who have been persecuting you torturing you, who have not allowed you to live or survive.

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Therefore, because you're at war with them, whether you find them in the battlefield, or you find them anywhere else, then what are you supposed to do? fight them, kill them. Why?

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Because if you let them live, if you let them thrive, they're going to come back and attack you.

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They're going to come back and harass you. They're not going to let you live.

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And as we see from this era, that each time the Americans they were defeated, the army was defeated. What did they do? They got together more strength, and they came back to attack the Muslims.

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I mean, the Muslims were not even in Makkah anymore. They were living in Medina. But still they wouldn't let them live. They wouldn't let them live in peace. So therefore, because you're at war with them, and because they're not going to let you live in peace, therefore, kill them wherever you find them.

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What do you do, man? How do you come and expel them from where they have expelled you? They didn't let you live over there. And you don't let them live over there.

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While they fifth metal abdominal cutter.

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Why is cutting allowed? Why is getting these people allowed. Because oppression or religious persecution, that they have been directing towards you that is worse than getting a person.

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If you think about it, when a person is killed, he is cut off from the pleasures of the dunya

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isn't until he's finished. That's it. But when a person is persecuted, he's not allowed to live. And he's not even dead.

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He's not allowed to enjoy his dunya and he's not even allowed to practice his faith as he wants to.

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So therefore, fitna, it is worse than killing.

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But there is a condition when I took it home and do not fight them, meaning those people who fight you were in the masjid Iran in the sacred mosque and what is the material of

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the Kaaba and its surrounding area.

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Do not fight them in that place. Until and unless head there you got to configure until and unless they fight you over there

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for incorta local fakuma if the fight over them they obviously have to defend yourself therefore, you kill them over there.

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gallica desert old guy feeling such is a recompense of those who disbelieve what is a recommends

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that what they do they get treated the same way.

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If they harm you if they fight you they try to kill you. You will do the same thing.

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Find into whoa then if they stop stop from what

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from their opposition start from their fighting you stop from their persecuting you start from their disbelief why their disbelief because it was their disbelief that was leading them to persecuting the Muslims.

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For the love of photo Rahim. They are indeed allies forgiving and he's also merciful

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makakilo home and fight them.

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Let akuna fitna until there is no fitna left.

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What does it mean by fitna?

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religious persecution and other say schicke.

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So we learn from this, that the purpose of fighting in Islam is to put an end to fitness.

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The purpose of fighting the purpose of war in Islam is what? To put an end to fitness

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to put an end, to intellectual oppression, to put an end to religious persecution.

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Why akuna Dino Lila and the deen is exclusively for Allah.

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So it shows another reason. Another goal of the permission to fight in Islam is what?

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That the deen becomes exclusively religion or worship becomes exclusively for a lot of

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people object a lot to this. Even some Muslims do that, why do you have to fight until the entire religion belongs to Allah meaning Islam is the only dominant religion? Why?

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If you think of it, every religion, every ideology claims to be true,

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isn't it?

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every political system claims to be true.

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Every person who believes in something, wants it to be in effect, wants it to be the law of the land where he's living, isn't it? Otherwise, why do all these ideologies and these religions exist?

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When a person believes in a particular religion, he wants that to be dominant.

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So similarly, Muslims, consider Islam to be true. And therefore, the goal is that Islam should be dominant,

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just as any other follower of any other religion would consider his religion to be true, and he would want his religion to be dominant, simple as that.

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So there is no problem in this because every religion has the same faith has the same belief.

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So the goal is that until the religion is exclusively for Allah, meaning it becomes dominant. Why?

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Because when Islam is dominant, then what's the benefit?

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The Muslims are allowed to live. And others also are allowed to live.

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Those people who do not wish to become Muslim, even they're allowed to freely practice their religion.

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And we learned this from history, that in the Muslim lands, they were people, they were followers of other faiths, who are not Muslim. But they were so free, that they even got benefits from the government.

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Like, for example, we learn about a Jewish man who had to give the jizya. And because he was very old, he was able to add instead he would receive a stipend from the government, he would receive benefits from the government.

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So why should Islam be dominant? because Islam has tolerance in it. When Islam will thrive, then the Muslims can thrive, and the followers of other religions can also thrive.

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And we see that before Islam when shit was dominant, than what was the case, only the machine could thrive.

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Any person who became a Muslim, was to be finished, was persecuted. So therefore, this was the goal that the Muslims were given that you make this thing dominant, so that you can survive, and others can also survive.

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For an interval, then if they stop for now, or do enter in there and overly mean, then there is no transgression, there is no aggression except against the oppressors. What does it mean by this, that there is no aggression except on those people who do Islam?

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That only they will be punished? Only they will be fought against?

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Only they will be punished and only they will be fought against?

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I show how long the sacred month visiativ. Heron is for the sacred month. What does it mean by that?

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That if they fight you in the sacred month, then you fight them in the sacred month as well.

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Previously, the ruling concerning the sacred place was given

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freely previously, the ruling concerning the sacred place was given masjidul How long was mentioned before? Now the ruling concerning the sacred time is being given. And what is that ruling?

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That if they fight you in a sacred month, then what are you going to do? You're going to fight them in the sacred month as well.

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Although you are not allowed to fight in the sacred month, but if they fight

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doing that, then obviously you have to defend yourselves.

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Just as previously, we were told that if they fight you in the sacred place, then you fight them in the sacred place, as well.

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And we learned that from several books of the first year that there is a specific reason for the revelation of this part of the ayah.

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Even a verse of the heart and many other Sahaba, as well as the web in this day, that allows messenger sort of awkward he was seven, he went for omala on the sixth year of hegira, when did you go firma in the sixth year of hyjal.

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Then the machine prevented him from entering the sacred house, along with the Muslims who came with him.

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And this incident occurred during the sacred month of the quarter.

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When did it occur?

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In the sacred month in the shadow, heroin,

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the Muslims were not allowed to enter the heroin to perform the aroma.

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But the machine they eventually agreed to allow the Muslims to enter the Kaaba to enter the home the next year.

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So, what happened in

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the profits are allowed a sudden and as a habit, they return the next year, in the sacred month, and they performed remember, at that time,

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so a shout out Helen bichette it is understood in two ways.

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First of all, that if they fight you in the sacred month, then you fight them in the sacred month.

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Secondly, if they stopped you from coming into the harem, in the sacred month, then we send you back to the huddle. In the sacred month, the next year. Allah subhanaw taala Duke revenge

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and he sent the Muslims The following year, in that same sacred month, a shuttle Hello, Vishal Hello.

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It is also said that the machine, they asked the prophets are about a certain if he was not allowed to fight in the sacred month, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said yes, he was not allowed to fight in the sacred months. And because of this, they had intended to attack the Muslims in a sacred month. So, therefore, the permission has been given over here, that if they attack you in the sacred month, then you should also fight them, because you have to defend yourselves.

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So you understand the meaning of a shadowed harem, vitiated. However,

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there was as well How romantic is once and for all violations is legal retribution.

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What is ultimate,

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two meanings, first of all, all those things that have to be respected like human life, a sacred place, a sacred time.

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And secondly, hurdle math means prohibitions, violations, any haram action that is committed.

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So for the sacred things, or for the violations, there is legal retribution. What do you mean by that?

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Basically, over here, the reason behind the permission to fight in the sacred place, or the sacred time is being given

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what is the reason for the permission to fight back in the sacred month or the sacred time?

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The reason is, that for all violations, there has to be legal retribution.

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If someone violates the sanctity of your life, and attacks you, this loss has to be taken.

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If somebody violates the sanctity of the sacred time, or of the sacred month are the sacred place, then you have to find them. And this is the sauce like for like,

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you will not wait for the sacred month to be over. No, you will not wait to leave the harem know,

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if someone violates the sanctity of anything, then the sauce has to be taken, legal retribution has to be taken.

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Such an action cannot be ignored. And punishment for such an action cannot be delayed.

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While herbal metal crystals,

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so you understand the meaning of automatic Osasuna.

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We see over here that all of these points, they're emphasizing the same message. And what is that message that you have to fight these people now meaning you are allowed to fight these people now Why? Because you have been persecuted for long.

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If they fight you in the sacred place, you fight them over there. If they fight you in a sacred time, you fight them at that time. Why is this being

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emphasized so much.

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Because you see, the Muslims, they were not comfortable with fighting in the harem. They were not comfortable with fighting at a sacred time in the sacred month.

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This main point is being mentioned in several ways. I shadowed for ambition added her on, while huduma taco sauce, why? To satisfy the Muslims, to assure the Muslims, that if you do defend yourselves, you are not at fault.

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So basically, the same point is being emphasized through different ways to comfort the Muslims that if you defend yourself, you are not at fault, no matter which place or which time it is

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familiar to the Aleykum, whoever transgressed against you farther to Our Lady, then you assault against him the myth remark that there are they come in the same manner that he transgressed against you? What does it mean by this, that whoever crosses the limits in dealing with you, whether it is by taking your wealth unjustly, or it is by killing some person, or it is by striking you, no matter what they do? If they commit any kind of transgression against you, then what are you going to do in return?

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Do the same when taking revenge? Do not exceed

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take revenge, but do not do injustice, take revenge, but do not do injustice, because the condition is the myth Lee in the same and the same means Same time, same place, same manner.

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So if they kill you, you will kill them. If they hurt you, you will hurt them. They mentally in the same manner.

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Now there is a question over here. Does it mean that if they kill themselves, and if they mutilate the dead bodies of the Muslims, the Muslims are allowed to mutilate their dead? No, it doesn't mean this. What it means by bimetal is that whatever they have done, they've killed your people. So what are you going to do? Kill their people?

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You're not going to do it in the exact same manner, same brutal manner that they have done. Because from the Hadees, we clearly learn about I told you about the Hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam clearly stated that do not mutilate the dead.

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So we're not allowed to do that.

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What duckula and fear of law when taking revenge, were a normal and Allaha Martin Luther King and know that Allah is with those people who have decoy meaning he supports them.

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So what do we learn over here? What are the main teachings over here?

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That, first of all, do not initiate the transgression.

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Do not initiate the fighting.

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You will only fight someone when they've been harming you. You will only fight someone when they fight you. If somebody is at peace with you, there is absolutely no problem between the two of you. And there is no need to fight, absolutely no need to fight.

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So first of all, do not initiate the transgression.

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And secondly, if somebody does transgress against you, then do not be overcome by your emotions. In the extreme circumstances, even

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many times one person says something hurtful to us, and we say 10 things to them which are hurtful.

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Similarly, within children what happens?

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One child just hits the other child and the other child hit him five times, twice. So in the most extreme circumstances even do not be overcome by your emotions, Fear Allah. And remember that your fighting should be feasible in there.

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According to the teachings that Allah Subhana Allah has given.

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So Deen teaches us justice.

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But we learned that although there's permission to take revenge to defend yourselves, definitely forgiving and overlooking is the best approach.

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It doesn't mean that you keep suffering, like the Muslims. Initially they were told to be patient, no matter how much they had to suffer, forgiven overlook, until eventually, they were allowed to take revenge.

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And even when they were allowed to take revenge if anybody stopped if anybody repented, they were to leave them.

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Just imagine if Holly they've been bullied. If she, if Hynde if I was a fan, or one of the learn who if they were not forgiving.

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Just imagine if they were not forgiven? What would happen?

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With the Muslims be victorious in the same way. No.

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Would they be successful in the same way? No.

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So in forgiving, there are benefits for the deen and there are also benefits for the dunya we are allowed to take revenge. But if we forgive, that is obviously much better

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than the recitation of these verses

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wabaunsee roofie sebelah

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una Kumara Tata boo

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boo de wapo todo esto se como

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en Joko will fit Natasha domina Luca, wala toe potty. Oh my

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takuna fitnah

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Let's continue our lesson.

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Allah says we're unphysical and you all spend where feasability lair in the way of Allah.

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And Foucault is from the real fetters known for

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and in fact, is to spend

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over here the Muslims are being told to spend in the way of Allah.

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What is the mean by the way of Allah?

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The Deen of Allah to support his Deen to defend his Deen in obedience to Allah Subhana Allah.

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So what does it mean by spending in the way of Allah then?

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How will you spend in the way of Allah we understand the meaning of in the way of Allah? How are you going to spend? What does he mean by that? What comes to your mind?

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For example, charity, why? Because you spend in obedience to Allah subhanaw taala.

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What else is included? How else will you spend in the way of Allah

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funding projects that promoted in that supported in that teach the dean that spread the dean that teach people about Dean.

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So, in fact, feasibility includes spending in ways of obedience to a loss of panel data, such as spending in charity, spending, in hedge spending, in any act of worship, whether it is purchasing a hijab with which you will pray Salah or it is purchasing a particular mat on which you will press on for example, anything which helps you in obeying the law, which is in obedience to Allah, if you spend in that way, that is what spending in the way of Allah.

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Secondly, spending in a way of Allah includes spending in order to support the team

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in order to promote the team

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so that people learn about the team so that people get to know about the message of the deen What does it mean teach people?

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Similarly, spending in the way of Allah includes spending in defense of the deen

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so for example, the previous verses, they talk about jihad.

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So spending in Jihad as well, wherever obviously, that is applied.

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Now the question is, we've been told to spend, what is it that we have to spend?

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What is it that we have to spend, spend what? What comes to your mind?

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money? Money is the only thing that comes to our mind. But if you think of it, money is not the only resource that we have been given.

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Money is not the only resource with which we can support the deen with which we can obey.

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There are many other resources that we have been given.

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Such as time, energy, what else our talents, our abilities.

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A lot of panel data has given every single person some ability, some talent,

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some are good at talking to people, some are very good in academics, some are very good in making things on the computer. Everybody has their own talent and remember, every person has some talent, nobody has been given no talent,

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find your talent, find the skill that Allah has given you think about what is it that you're best at what is it that you enjoy doing? and find a way of using that for the sake of Allah?

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The support that he described his team

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so unphysical FISA vilander spend in the way of Allah any resource that Allah has given you use that to support the

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one or two and do not put be identical with your hands Illa De Luca to the destruction

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tulku is from the new factories Lam cough Yeah, lucky.

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Lucky a means to meet and elbow up ilca means to throw something to cast something in front of someone.

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So, that will go meaning Do not throw Do not throw what be Id come with your own hands, ID is a plural of yet, what does that mean? Hand ID hands,

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lotto could be a vehicle has been understood in two ways. First of all, do not throw with your own hands. Now, what is the object Do not throw what with your own hands to destruction, that object is not mentioned it is silent. And what it means is, do not throw yourselves by your own hands to destruction.

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So what's the object

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yourself Do not throw yourselves to destruction.

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Secondly, it has been said that we can this bear is extra and that will be a vehicle means do not throw your hands and hence represent us

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hence, represent our actions, our efforts. So do not let your efforts your actions yourselves go to waste by throwing them where for destruction.

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The word that Luca is from the roof letters hair land gaff.

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The word HELOC is from the same route. What does HELOC mean? destruction.

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And it is when something or someone dies. When something is wasted, when something is destroyed, it is ruined. It is annihilated.

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So do not throw yourselves

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your efforts, your works your deeds for destruction.

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What does it mean by this destruction?

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And what does it mean by this statement?

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Basically, what is being said over here is that spend in the way of Allah

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and do not put yourselves for destruction by not spending.

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In other words, if you do not spend in the way of Allah, what are you doing?

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You're destroying yourself. You're harming yourself.

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We know that money is very important.

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When it comes to success, if you have a brilliant idea, you have a brilliant idea for a particular business, you have a brilliant idea for a particular product and you want to make it and you want to sell it. Brilliant idea. But if you don't have money, if you don't have resources, is that brilliant idea ever going to be in effect? Is it ever going to bring any benefit to you? No. And that idea that you have eventually it's going to be finished.

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So similarly, when it comes to the dean, don't destroy yourselves, by not spending in the dean.

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Remember that hallak destruction is of two types.

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First of all, the helewka destruction is hessie meaning it is tangible.

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What does it mean by this in the context

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to throw yourself for destruction?

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For example, a person jumps into the fire. What is he doing?

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He's offering himself he's throwing himself for annihilation for destruction for death

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or, for example,

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Person jumps into the sea into the ocean in the middle, in the middle of the ocean, he just jumps in there.

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And he knows that he's going to drown. He doesn't know how to swim.

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And there is nothing that he can swim do and save himself from.

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Or Similarly, a person sleeps under a world that is on the verge of collapsing. What is he doing?

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He's offering himself for destruction.

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So anything of the sort that a person does that will literally physically destroy him, physically kill him.

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Secondly, Danica Halak, his mind, meaning it is intangible, for example, a person and in the context, in particular, it is manually that a person abandons struggling in the way of Allah, he doesn't spend in the way of Allah.

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And eventually, what is he doing? He's bringing destruction to his Dean, and also the Dean of his children.

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Because if you think about it, the dean needs to be supported, the lien needs to be taught, it needs to be spread, it needs to be propagated.

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And for doing that you need money.

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For example, if you want your children to learn the Quran, if you yourself want to learn the Quran, what do you have to do?

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Imagine if somebody wants to teach the Quran, what do they need, they need a place.

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Similarly, they need the equipment over there.

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They need the desks over there, they need the books over there. The people need to come they need to have uniforms, they need to purchase their books, they need to purchase their stationery, their notebooks so much more. All of that requires money. And if a person does not spend money on this, and he says no, no, Dean is simple, don't spend any money on it. Okay, how are you going to learn that?

00:31:57 --> 00:32:26

Just imagine if the people who have contributed to make this institute to support this institute, imagine if there was no electricity over here. Imagine if the bills were not being paid. Imagine if there was no microphone, there was no speaker system. Just imagine, could you learn that improperly? No, you couldn't. And if you don't learn that improperly, then what would happen? Your children, the generations to come, your families how they learn.

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So over here, we are being told about the importance of spending in the way of Allah to support the

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because if you don't support the thing, if you don't spend in the way of Allah, then what's going to happen?

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You're bringing destruction to your dean,

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and the Dean of your children, the Dean of your families, the Dean of the society.

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And also, if you don't spend in jihad, if you don't spend to defend yourselves, what's going to happen,

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your enemy is going to be stronger than you. And they're going to come and finish you. That's it. And literally in the physical sense, you will be destroyed.

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You see, we spend in different places we spend on our children we spend on our families, we spend on our relatives. Why? Because it brings pleasure to us, it brings happiness to us. When we give something tangible to a person, for example, a nice bag, a nice pair of shoes, a nice car, food to eat, then we're only helping them in the material sense. But if we spend in the propagation of the deen, then we're not just spending we're not just promoting the physical well being of people, but we're promoting the mental, the spiritual, the emotional well being of people.

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And remember, if people have every material benefit, and they lack spiritual benefit, they're not going to be happy. They're not going to survive.

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You can give a person millions and millions of dollars, but he's not going to get that happiness and contentment unless and until he is spiritually satisfied.

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He is emotionally and mentally satisfied.

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So here we're being told to spend in the way of the team.

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And then Allah says what I say no, and do your son. What does it mean by air sign? Meaning be generous. Be generous when it comes to spending in the D. Don't just suffice on just giving you as a cat or don't just suffice on giving only $10 or only 1% of what you earn. No, be generous. Give it your best. If you want the best. Give it your best. What is our sound when it comes to worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala worshiping Allah as though you can see him

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What is their sign with people

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that when they don't do good, you do good in return?

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Those who do not spend upon you, you spend upon them.

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So why should you do air sign because in the law, your head will mursaleen Indeed, Allah loves those people who do.

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So over here, this is the command to spend in the way of Allah has been given,

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which includes the cat. But over here, it's not just a cat that we're being commanded to be. It's more than that. I've seen him, be generous, give more than that.

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Because when you spend in the dean, when you spend for the cause of the dean, then you're not just benefiting yourself, but you're benefiting the society at large.

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And if you don't support the team, then you're going to harm yourself,

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your dean, as well as with regards to your worldly affairs.

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Because just imagine, when Venus promoted when Venus thought, What do people learn?

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fear of Allah, that fear of Allah leads them to being honest, being just being truthful. Imagine a society in which people are not honest, in which people are not truthful, in which people don't fear Allah, what are they going to do?

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They're going to begin to cheat one another, they're going to begin to lie to one another. They're not going to respect human life. They're not going to respect other people. And eventually, you are also going to suffer.

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Even if you're very righteous in your own house. But because you're not working, to spread the deen, you are going to suffer.

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And we learn about so many places where innocent people suffer.

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If you don't promote the deen, if you don't promote the fear of Allah, then it's not just the other people who don't have Deen, who are going to suffer, you're also going to suffer.

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So do not put yourselves Do not throw yourself for destruction. By not spending in the ad,

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spend in the way of Allah.

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We spend so much on our weddings, on our groceries on so many things, we spend so much when it comes to buying something pair of clothes or a handbag or something like that. We don't even think twice. But I guess I like it. It's nice. I want to buy it, I'll get it even if it's unrealistically expensive.

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But when it comes to the dean, we think that other people should spend,

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we think everything should be done by its own. And we don't have to put in any effort.

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We go to a machine and we find a dirty, we find nobody's there. And we say what poor management?

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Did you do anything to support the management? Did you go and volunteer at the mosque?

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We complain about images being very dirty images being empty? Did you go play solo with it? Did you go to the events that the management had organized? No.

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If they don't get the support, how are they going to thrive? How are they going to continue? Many times we complain without realizing that the problem is there because we are not involved?

00:38:26 --> 00:38:29

The problem is there Why? Because we are not involved.

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We go use the machine. But how many times do we actually get out of the machine?

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How many times

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we go benefit from the clean machine from the clean carpets from the food that is given from the Father is provided. But really, how many times do we think of supporting the machine as well.

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So unphysical feasibility

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spend in a way of of not just your money, your time, your energy, your talents, all of the standards that Allah has given you use it for the give the hack of Allah and never met at least

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an angel who see that people they can learn the deen and then move on. They go do something else completely and they don't benefit the guests. It is okay for you to move on. Go learn more go work or study more. But the talent that Allah has given you use it in some ways to help them

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in some way or the other.

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We look at a flyer and I'm like oh, so boring, so unattractive.

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We look at a book and we say it's written so poorly. Did you put in the effort to learn how to improve your skills and then supported him

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until coffees are made and spent in the way of Allah.

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Let's listen to the recitation.

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want to add in a look at your scene.

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cycle, I went to the machinima place last week. And they're just talking about how much debt they have for the last year or so. It was like $95,000 in debt. So the overall budget was even more expensive than that. So they were like we couldn't even like fulfill the entire budget that we have. And it's like a mother separate kids. The ladies section has like a chandelier has AC and everything. So like, if we don't like, complete the entire $95,000, in that one night that we had that day further away, like the lady section could be closed, the mothers could be closed, the AC will be turned off. So like after building mysteries, we had also maintained the masjid as well and

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contribute to that as well. And if we don't spend on that, and the madrasa is closed down, the children going to learn to recite

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some income. I just wanted to share an example of just this morning when I went to go pray over there, the sister, she, when we finished praying, and we leave, she stands up. And she says, given the way of Allah, and stuff, and they have a whole project that they want to do, they want to create them address and everything for the students and create a community center. But the sisters there, what they do is when they leave the machine, and she's there standing by the door and asking to donate, I know some people can't donate, but you know what they say? They say, Oh my god, she's always asking, like, you know, she's always asking us, you know, she's never not asking. So the

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sister heard this. So the sister said yesterday that she heard that the Sikh temple, whenever they go to the temple, they have to pay $2. And she goes, every time he comes from actually pray five times a day, and she goes, every time you're gonna come in, it's $2 $10 a day. And she goes, all I ask is like, $1 a day, you know, it's not much. And she goes, like, during the regular days, you buy coffee, right? Just put your coffee money in, it's not much you know, just whatever change you have.

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The thing is, we go anywhere, and go to any place, for example, you go to the mall,

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the things that you buy from there, they're more expensive compared to if you purchase them online. Why?

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Because there are more expensive is that the money can go in maintaining the mall, anywhere you go, any place you go, you benefit from you go to school, you go to university, you go to school, you have to pay taxes for them, any place you benefit from, you have to pay, why is it then we go to the masjid, we go to an Islamic Institute, we think that everything should be done on donations and not on our contributions, we have to actively contribute as well.

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And again, I don't want you to just focus on the money aspect. I've also found that there is a Razak and he's the one who provides, I want you to focus more on contributing your talents, and your time, your energy, your hours. When it comes to the team.

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Literally, sometimes the entire work is left on only one or two people. And they're sacrificing their days, their nights, their work everything to work for them. And other people, they stay at home they come they complain, make a fuss and go back home.

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If you have a problem, come and try to fix it yourself. Volunteer yourself, help out yourself.

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Many times people will give a lot of ideas, a lot of suggestions. We should have this and we should do this and we should do this. But when it comes to doing nobody say and sometimes even when we have good ideas, we keep our mouth shut out of the fear that then we will have to do it. Okay, fine, don't do it. Don't give those ideas. You yourself have benefited from the Quran and you don't want other people to benefit from the Quran. How selfish is that?

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The Quran has benefited you. You have acquired the love of Allah by studying the Quran Don't you want the same for other people?

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Sometimes people don't come. Sometimes you yourself are willing to work for the deen to serve the deen and other people don't cooperate with you.

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And which is the lesson that we're learning in the next day that complete the Hodge and Irma

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when you've started a good deed, whether it is learning the deen or joining a particular course to study the Quran and complete it. Don't leave it halfway through. When you've undertaken any responsibility, any task for the sake of Allah, then do it fully. Be respectful when it comes to dealing with it.

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I learned somewhere that professional people they have several qualities and one of them is that they complete what they start to finish what they start they don't leave it unfinished.

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Let's move on to the next day.

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What I think will help Joel monitor

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and complete the Hajj and Umrah for who lilla he

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For Allah

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a Timo is from the roof address the mean me

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and the man is to complete to perfect something to complete something in a way that nothing is left undone,

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that nothing is left out.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:23

every single aspect is covered

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a demo complete, meaning fully carry out fully complete. What a ledger wallet

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and hedge is from the roof address hair gene gene and had literally means to intend to aim at a certain place at a certain target. And hedge is the journey that a person undertakes, and it is intended. What's the goal? A person goes to Mecca, a person goes to certain places at a certain time for the purpose of pilgrimage.

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So complete the Hajj or Umrah. Hajj is the major pilgrimage it is the annual pilgrimage. an aroma is a minor pilgrimage, what's the difference between hygiene and

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how it is done only at one time of the year. And Romano can be done at any time of the year.

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So do it for who Linda for Allah.

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These verses that we will study from now on they described the rules of performing hajj and abroad during times of peace, and also during times of war, or during times of uncertainty, sickness, illness, etc.

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Over here, a team will have a will or mother in law, we learn two things.

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First of all, we learn that once a person makes the intention to perform Hajj or Umrah then he should fulfill that intention. And he should complete the Hajj, he should complete that

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he should not leave it unfinished. He should not leave halfway through, leaving his hedge or leaving his own work in complete

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a demo completed, fulfill all of its pillars, carry it out fully and thoroughly. Don't just do some rituals and leave out others No, completed fully.

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And this is a principle for anything in life that we can apply that when you begin a task than completed. When you begin any task then completed. Don't leave it halfway through whether it is a conversation, or it is cleaning, or it is folding the laundry, or it is reading a particular book. Or it is a particular course that a person has taken a team completed.

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Because if you don't complete it at that time, or if you don't complete it at all, then what happens?

00:48:03 --> 00:48:06

You don't give the heck of that thing. And you don't benefit from it fully either.

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If you read a book halfway through, and you say, Well, I didn't really enjoy it. Well, the thing is that the main part was at the end of the book, you didn't reach the end. So how could you enjoy the book you couldn't have?

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And you can't benefit from the book either. And if you go back to it at a later time, what's going to happen?

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You're going to have forgotten everything that you had read so far. You can have to read it all over again.

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Just imagine you're cooking a meal, you're preparing some food. If you're cooking chicken, and you get halfway through and you leave it pink inside. Is that healthy? Is it safe?

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Is it safe? It's not? These are no No, no problem. It's okay, I'm too tired now. Just eat it as it is. You can't do that. It's not safe at all. And there is going to be no flavor. It's not going to be enjoyable at all. It's not going to be pleasant at all. So this is a principle that we should apply. With regards to every matter of our lives. Complete what you start, finish what you start.

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Over here we're being taught to complete hygiene. Why? Because their acts of worship

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their acts of worship. Previously, we learned about fasting when he took Miller Odetta, complete the number of the fasts as well. Don't leave them incomplete.

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If you have to miss out a few facts from the month of Ramadan because of illness or some other problem, then make sure you complete the number at a later date.

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And this is also being respectful towards a particular task.

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If you don't complete it, if you don't finish it, what does that mean? You don't care about it anymore.

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And if you complete it, if you do it fully, it shows that you respect that

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Amara acts of worship that Allah subhanaw taala has ordained

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and out of respect for Allah, we should complete these tasks, we should complete these rituals.

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The second thing that we learn from this part of the is Lily for Allah,

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that perform the Hajj and Umrah for whose sake for the sake of Allah only,

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sincerely for the sake of Allah, not to show off, not for any other reason, do it, do it in his pleasure in the way that he has prescribed.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sort of earlier in 197 when he left he or the NASA huddle at minister Tarr Illa, he said,

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it is a rite of Allah upon the people, that they should perform the Hajj of the house, for whoever is able to perform the Hajj, but it is the right of Allah.

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So when a person performs the huddle and what he should do it exclusively for the sake of Allah.

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And when a person does something exclusively for the sake of Allah, he should do it with your son, he should do it in the best manner.

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And what is the best manner of performing hygiene or more

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completing it, fulfilling it, doing it according to center.

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We learned that the Arabs, the pre Islamic Arabs, they would also perform the Hajj and Umrah but they have changed the husband a lot. They have changed the rituals, they have changed the practices. And for them, Hajj was more like an annual festival. It was like a festival for them. People got together, they traveled, they lived together for so many days, they ate, they had poetry sessions in which the best votes would come. And they would say their poetry

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and it lacked the spirit of the team.

00:52:05 --> 00:52:23

So over here, we're being told when you go for Hajj, when you go for a Mullah, you're not going for a vacation. You're not going for a festival, you're not going for fun, you're going for worship you're going for a better keep the purpose in mind, keep the goal in mind

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for in our system. But if you were prevented

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here, from now onwards, we will see different situations that occur preventing a person from completing the Hajj or the umbrella that he has intended to perform.

00:52:45 --> 00:52:48

So far, we've been told once you make the NEA then completed,

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but for in our system, but if you are restricted if you are prevented from what from completing the huduma

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or septum is from newsletters, *, Sabra has, has fr is to restrict to constrain something to limit something many times I've told you that innama is kalama house. Why? Because it limits the meaning it constricts the meaning nothing but this

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from the same root is the word has lead which is used for a prison because it can find the person who is inside. And if thought is to prevent someone to stop someone from doing something from fulfilling something.

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And when does that happen? When there's a hurdle, when there's a difficulty when there is a problem. So for instance,

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if you are prevented from completing the Hajj, or

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whatever the situation may be,

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for example, a person where's the harm the person puts on the farm and he goes to the airport to leave. And he finds out that there was something wrong with his passport that there was something wrong with his visa, and he's not able to go for Hajj.

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Or for example, a person leaves he makes the intention to perform hajj and he travels and he finds out that back home something major has happened which is why he has to return home immediately without any delay. So in that case, also he is unable to complete his Hajj or Umrah.

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And previously, people will travel in the form of caravans on their camels on their horses. And sometimes while traveling through the desert or traveling through the land, they would be attacked, they would be looted. So in that case also they would be unable to continue the journey.

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Similarly the profits or losses and the companions they left in the sixth year of Hydra to perform ombre and what happened the machine they did not

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Allow them to perform,

00:55:03 --> 00:55:19

but they agreed that they can come the following year. So, the situation could be any, it could vary, but the main thing is that a person makes the near to perform hydrate Roomba and he goes, he puts on the horn, but he is unable to complete the number.

00:55:21 --> 00:55:22

So, then what should he do?

00:55:23 --> 00:55:31

First a soda then whatever was easily available mean and how does he have the sacrificial animal?

00:55:32 --> 00:55:46

What does the mean by farmer means fairly come then upon you meaning then it is a must upon you to to give the ransom and what is that whatever was easily available of the sacrificial animal

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is they saw it from the reflectors yes seen raw use means ease, and it's a subtle, it became easy, it was easily available,

00:55:57 --> 00:56:54

it was feasible, you can obtain with ease. What is it that you can obtain with ease Minh and Howdy, howdy is from the roof letters have done yeah. Any other word from the same route? Hey, Daya guidance, any other word from the same idea? What does that mean? gift? What is a gift something that was with you and what do you do? You give it to someone else. So it goes from the hand of one person do the hand of another. It goes from the possession of one person to the possession of another. What is he Daya that a person was living in a particular way before he learned about the way that Allah subhanaw taala likes the way that Allah subhanaw taala approves of and what does he

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do? He changes

00:56:57 --> 00:57:09

he changes his ways. He was at one point before he did certain things before and now after learning after knowing he changes.

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So basically, we get the meaning of transferring or moving from one point to another.

00:57:20 --> 00:57:26

Heidi is the animal that is offered as a sacrifice.

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What is a hedge?

00:57:29 --> 00:57:34

An animal that is offered as a sacrifice? Why is it called heady?

00:57:35 --> 00:57:40

Because it is sent to the vicinity of the huddle.

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It is sent to the vicinity of the heroine to be slaughtered over there.

00:57:46 --> 00:57:55

What is it? An animal that is sent to the heroine to be slaughtered over there. For example, at read, what do you do?

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When you slaughter the animal? Do you have to send it to the huddle? No, you do it wherever you want.

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But this sacrificial animal is sent in particular to the huddle.

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So if a person intends to perform Hydra oma and he is unable to complete it, then what is he supposed to do? He is supposed to offer a sacrificial animal.

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And this animal is going to be sacrificed were

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in the area of

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if you remember, with regards to fasting, we learned that if a person is unable to fast then what is he supposed to do? He is supposed to make up the fast later.

00:58:40 --> 00:58:45

That's the primary thing. And obviously, if he's unable to use all then what is he going to do? He's going to give the figure

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but the main thing is that he has to make up the fast afterwards. But for hygroma over here in particular, he doesn't have to perform the hydrometer another time. But what is he going to do? is just going to offer the sacrifice and that's it.

00:59:04 --> 00:59:05

What else is he going to do?

00:59:06 --> 00:59:21

What are the nickel Rusalka and do not shave your heads? The nickel is from the root letters have lamb cough, Help Help is to shave or to completely remove the hair.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:26

Help is to shave off or to completely remove the hair.

00:59:28 --> 00:59:44

So now the hippo Russa comb and rules is a plural office. Do not share your pets helper until your will no one heard you. The sacrificial animal reaches. Where does it reach my handler Who? its place? its destination.

00:59:45 --> 00:59:48

The word my Hill. What do you think the root letters are?

00:59:49 --> 00:59:53

hirslanden halaal means lawful.

00:59:54 --> 00:59:59

And moorhen begins with me. What does it mean? It's a noun which type of noun

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

Is it my hair, in particular is the noun of place or time which is called is

01:00:07 --> 01:00:14

what is it called, is just as the word mouth, the mush. Similarly, my head

01:00:16 --> 01:00:29

so my hand is the place, or the time of making an animal halon. In other words, the place or time of slaughtering the animal.

01:00:32 --> 01:00:41

So, over here we're told, do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter. What does it mean by this do not shave your heads.

01:00:43 --> 01:00:53

We know that one of the restrictions of Islam one of the restrictions of Islam is that a person cannot got or shave his hair off.

01:00:54 --> 01:01:04

When a person makes a near to perform Hajj or Umrah he puts on the hand, he comes into the state of Iran, that he's not allowed to cut his hair.

01:01:05 --> 01:01:10

And when a person gets out of the hand, then what is he supposed to do?

01:01:11 --> 01:01:16

He's supposed to cut the hair, trim the hair or shave the hair.

01:01:17 --> 01:01:23

Now over here, the person made the intention to perform hygiene. But he was unable to complete the hygiene.

01:01:24 --> 01:01:27

So eventually, what is he going to do? He has to cut his hair.

01:01:28 --> 01:01:40

But over here, we're told do not cut your hair until the sacrificial animal that you're supposed to offer it reaches the place, or time of being sacrificed.

01:01:41 --> 01:02:03

What does it mean by this my head? My head is understood in two ways in the context. First of all, it is understood as the time when the animal is to be slaughtered. And what is that time? When is that animal going to be slaughtered? It is the day of wreath or the day after Yamuna.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:08

So don't shave your heads until the young woman.

01:02:10 --> 01:02:15

Secondly, it is said that mother hen refers to the place of slaughtering the animal.

01:02:16 --> 01:02:21

And what is that place? The heroine in particular, the Valley of Mina

01:02:23 --> 01:02:40

and others have said that the place refers to the place where the person is, for example, when the prophets are answered and the companions when they went for Umrah in the sixth year, and they weren't able to complete their order. Then what did they do? The sacrificer animals where they were at who they be.

01:02:42 --> 01:02:51

So don't get out of a farm until the animal is sacrificed. Basically, this is what the main point is

01:02:53 --> 01:02:54

Salaam Alaikum

01:02:57 --> 01:03:18

Mashallah, I'm very happy to see that whenever she's asking you about the roots, you know a lot. And this is a key to learn Arabic language. Because when you do the root the base of the language, you can use your common sense and you can learn easy pay Allah make it easy for you to learn and understand and ponder upon foreign and you get benefit from it as much as you can.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:20


01:03:22 --> 01:03:25

you say Quran is such a blessing that

01:03:27 --> 01:03:35

there's nothing like that no matter what kind of circumstances you face, or you are in, never leave it.

01:03:36 --> 01:03:43

Once you have grabbed it or you taken it, never put it back now. It should be with you all your life.

01:03:44 --> 01:03:50

inshallah, that is the best companion. Everyone leaves but could never leave.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:52

And you should not leave

01:03:53 --> 01:03:54

a ceremony

01:03:58 --> 01:04:02

whenever he guru sacrum, Hatha Yoga Hall huduma handler,

01:04:03 --> 01:04:28

and do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter. So once the animal reaches its place of slaughter, the animal is slaughtered. And then you shave your heads. Basically, you end the ritual of Hajj or Umrah at that time. Whatever that the Nia was off, the person leaves the farm he ends the farm and then his hedgetrimmer it comes to an end.

01:04:30 --> 01:04:46

Now another situation has been mentioned and what is that family can have in common even then whoever among you was ill or be with him. And then an injury where mirror see from his head meaning in his head.

01:04:47 --> 01:04:50

The word other is from the roof letters Hamza then yeah.

01:04:51 --> 01:04:55

And other is used for a slight injury.

01:04:56 --> 01:04:58

What is it? A slight injury

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

and it is used

01:05:00 --> 01:05:18

For any injury or any ailment that a living being suffers, whether it is physical or otherwise. So for example, a human being is suffering from a headache, or an animal has a wound.

01:05:19 --> 01:05:34

So it is any ailment that a living being suffers, that is what other is. But remember that other is a slight injury, it's not a huge or very major injury, it's very slight.

01:05:35 --> 01:05:49

So, if the person is ill, or he has an injury, where in his head, for example, a person got hurt, and he has stitches on his head.

01:05:50 --> 01:05:51

So this is what has been spoken about.

01:05:53 --> 01:06:02

Now, this part of the eye has been understood in two ways. First of all, it has been said that this is a continuation of the previous issue, what was the previous issue

01:06:03 --> 01:06:40

that a person intends to perform hedgerow he leaves and he is unable to do? So? What is he going to do? He is going to give a heading. And then once the Heidi is slaughtered, then he comes out of the state of Ohio. But he has to wait until the animal is slaughtered. But let's say a person had an accident, which is why he was not able to complete the Hajj, and he suffered some head injury. And for the injury, stitches have to be put on the head. Or, for example, some treatment has to be given and for that the hair has to be removed.

01:06:42 --> 01:06:48

What was that? You have to wait until the animal is slaughtered, and then you can cut the hair.

01:06:50 --> 01:06:59

But if a person is sick, and there's an other in his head, and the hair needs to be removed, then what is he going to do?

01:07:00 --> 01:07:09

He's going to suffer for like the next week or two. And then eventually when the animal is slaughtered under the Omen, then he's going to open up as Aaron No,

01:07:10 --> 01:07:12

then an option has been given over here.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:18

And what is that? What does the I say for failure to benefit the eyes to be given.

01:07:19 --> 01:07:23

So this is one way that this part of the eye has been understood.

01:07:24 --> 01:07:27

Secondly, it has been said that this is another situation.

01:07:28 --> 01:07:36

The first situation was the first scenario was that a person leaves for Hajj, he's unable to complete it. And he's going to give a hudy That's it.

01:07:37 --> 01:07:48

Another situation is that a person goes for Hajj and he becomes ill, he falls ill or he has to cut the hair before the Hajj is completed.

01:07:50 --> 01:08:06

So in other words, he cannot continue the Hajj because of the illness. The previous case was General and this case is specific to illness to sickness. He has to cut the hair. It's a specific situation. Then what is he going to do?

01:08:07 --> 01:08:13

For videoton than a fadia? And what does that mean cm in our fasti

01:08:15 --> 01:08:19

he has to fast in order to give the video

01:08:20 --> 01:08:33

how many fasts, three fasts. It's not mentioned over here, but we learned from the heavy or southern cutting a southern charity. Which charity what is anybody's charity?

01:08:35 --> 01:08:38

feeding six Misaki six needy people

01:08:39 --> 01:08:43

out or nusach offering a sacrifice.

01:08:44 --> 01:08:54

The word nusach is on the roof at his new insane calf and the word nusach we learned the plural of the word monastic earlier in the first Jews arena monastic Anna.

01:08:55 --> 01:09:05

So this is used for sacrifice for slaughter. And the word Nosek is also used for a ritual act of worship, especially those of Hajj

01:09:06 --> 01:09:08

especially the rituals of Hajj

01:09:09 --> 01:09:15

over here in the context, nusach means slaughtering a sheep or a goat.

01:09:16 --> 01:09:29

So basically, a person becomes ill, he is unable to continue the Hajj, he has to get out of the state of Iran. So what is he going to do? He is going to give the video

01:09:30 --> 01:09:35

What is that video either fasting, or Sadako or nusach.

01:09:36 --> 01:09:59

You see the URL over here. Over here it gives the meaning of freedom of choice. It gives meaning of the heat, meaning you can do whatever you find easy for yourself. Because you see, every person who is ill is in a different situation. One person may be able to fast and other person may not have any energy in him and he may not be able to fast

01:10:00 --> 01:10:02

So, he has the option of giving further,

01:10:04 --> 01:10:09

but he feels that he wants to give more. So what can he do? He can offer the sacrifice.

01:10:10 --> 01:10:16

So different options have been given whatever is suitable for a person whatever is possible for a person he can do that.

01:10:17 --> 01:10:35

overhauling, he reported that he heard of the labor market saying that a person asked about this video and garb below the line, he said that this ayah was revealed concerning my case. He said that this particular I was revealed concerning my case,

01:10:36 --> 01:10:38

but it is also for you in general.

01:10:39 --> 01:10:46

See how proud he was that this was revealed, for me from my problem, but it can also apply to you.

01:10:47 --> 01:11:24

I was scary to Allah messenger. And the lice were falling in great numbers on my face. Because sometimes when you're living in the desert, because of the different situation that a person could be in, you know, if you get lice and they quickly spread, and you're not allowed to cut your hair, you're not even allowed to trim your hair, they spread very quickly, especially with the heat the dampness, so they were so much life that they were falling onto his face. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, I never thought that your ailment had reached to such an extent as I see. I never thought that it was that good. Can you afford a sheep for a sacrifice? can you offer a sheep for

01:11:24 --> 01:11:44

sacrifice? So I replied in the negative, because he could not afford to offer a sheep for a sacrifice. So the prophets are allowed is that and then said to him fast for three days, or feed six poor persons, each with half of Asara food, and once our is three kilograms approximately, and shave your head.

01:11:45 --> 01:11:51

So he was told that he should offer the video, and then eventually he can shave his head.

01:11:52 --> 01:11:56

So we see that our Dean is a dean that is very realistic.

01:11:57 --> 01:11:58

It is a theme that is practical.

01:11:59 --> 01:12:46

Once a person makes the intention to perform the Hajj, he's going on a journey, he's traveling, and anything can happen, anything can happen. So the solution has been given, if you're unable to continue, if you become ill, you have to cut the hair, you have to get out of the state of Islam, then you have the permission to do so. But because you made the intention to do something good. You can't just leave it in complete. You have to give Vidya you have to give some random y video to save yourself from punishment. Because remember that once a person intends to do something, especially a ritual, then he has to complete it. He has to complete it and if he's not completing it, then there

01:12:46 --> 01:12:51

is some harrowed some loss and to make up for that loss. He has to get video

01:12:52 --> 01:12:55

fader so when ermington you became secure.

01:12:56 --> 01:13:29

Now another situation is mentioned. Remember I told you at the beginning that this ayah tell us about Hajj and Umrah performed in the time of war and also in the time of peace. So the first two situations were situations that were difficult. Now, a person is in peace. I mean Thomas from Hamza means new meaning you are secure, you're under normal conditions, you're not prevented and there is no threat of the enemy. You are not prevented from completing your hedge, then complete your hygiene

01:13:31 --> 01:13:42

and when you complete your hygiene or law, then what do you have to do? From London whoever does not die Villa Marathi. He took benefit he took advantage of the jungle.

01:13:44 --> 01:13:57

The Mata is from the roof letters mean that I Mata and what does that mean? benefit. But remember that this word matar it gives the meaning of temporary benefit, temporary enjoyment.

01:13:59 --> 01:14:08

The matter is to enjoy it is to take advantage. It is to benefit from something.

01:14:09 --> 01:14:58

So whoever took advantage of what Billy Amati with performing the Umrah Ll hedge until the hedge What does it mean by this? We learned that hedge is of several types it is of three types. A person can perform any one of three types of hedge over here in particular hedge The matter is mentioned. One of the three types of hedge The first type of Hydra is hedge a fraught from fair or or then and * fraud is that when a person intends to only perform the rituals of Hajj what are the rituals of Hajj was delivered Mina out of that. The left sorry and nusach That's it.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:04

Secondly, the second type of hedge is hedge Pilon. What is hatched on?

01:15:05 --> 01:15:16

Iran is from the same root as a word called iron. So Pilon is the hedge in which a person joins Hajj and Umrah with only one.

01:15:19 --> 01:15:23

So he takes on the home ones. And he joins Hajin oma both

01:15:24 --> 01:15:29

the third type of hedge, which is mentioned over here, and this is called hedge them adore.

01:15:31 --> 01:15:35

It is called hedge d'amato. And what is that, that a person

01:15:36 --> 01:15:43

takes on the run for Roma first, he goes and performs the assembler.

01:15:44 --> 01:15:45

And then what does he do?

01:15:46 --> 01:15:49

He waits until the days of hatch.

01:15:51 --> 01:15:56

And then when the time of hatch comes, he puts on the home again, for hedge.

01:15:57 --> 01:16:07

So basically the matter is, do Iran one or more, and one hedge, one or more, and one hedge, but

01:16:10 --> 01:16:13

it's different from Cleveland caranas hydronym. Robert, one.

01:16:14 --> 01:16:26

The matter is that you go you perform the Anglo with your helmet, and then you remove your home, you come out of the state of Iran, and then when the time of Hajj comes, then you put on the hand again.

01:16:28 --> 01:16:32

And this type of Hajj is the one that is most commonly performed.

01:16:33 --> 01:16:50

Which is why when you go for a hike, generally, I was it those of you who have gone, you go a few days a week or 210 days before the actual day of Hajj. And what do people do, they go there perform the model right away. After a few days, then again, they put on the ground floor hatch.

01:16:52 --> 01:16:54

And it's called the Mater Why?

01:16:55 --> 01:17:00

Because a person is traveling, and he takes advantage of performing as well.

01:17:01 --> 01:17:04

But it's benefit in another way. How is their benefit

01:17:05 --> 01:17:10

that between online hedge, he's out of the state of Arizona,

01:17:11 --> 01:17:14

the restrictions of your home don't apply on him.

01:17:15 --> 01:17:28

Just imagine a person who was for two months. Just imagine, for an entire month and a half in the middle aged a man. He's wearing white sheets for a month and a half. Imagine if it's winter. Where's he going to do?

01:17:29 --> 01:17:33

This is a tomato This is the enjoyment, this is the ease that has been given.

01:17:35 --> 01:17:52

So whoever enjoys the benefit of performing ombre enhancements, and then when the days of hatch gone, he puts on the forehead, then he performs a HUD then what does he have to do? firmer than whatever is stay salamin and heady whatever was easily available of the sacrificial animal.

01:17:54 --> 01:18:01

Meaning when a person performs Hajj the matter, then he has to offer the sacrificial animals.

01:18:03 --> 01:18:06

I notice the word is stay subtle. It's a subtle,

01:18:07 --> 01:18:08

whatever is easily available.

01:18:09 --> 01:18:20

whatever you can afford, even if it's one sheep, or one goat, or if it's 20 goats, or 20, camels, whatever you can easily afford.

01:18:21 --> 01:18:28

But remember that this is the part of Hutch, this is not a video. This is part of her This is not video.

01:18:30 --> 01:18:37

Now the question is why does he have to give the hoodie? Why does he have to offer the sacrificial animal? Why is it a Muslim this person

01:18:38 --> 01:18:46

out of gratitude that he was able to enjoy aroma and hatch, and also the free time in the middle

01:18:47 --> 01:18:49

in which he enjoyed praying in the huddle.

01:18:50 --> 01:18:57

He benefited from the huddle. He enjoyed performing that alive without the restriction of economic money.

01:18:59 --> 01:19:01

But what if a person cannot afford

01:19:03 --> 01:19:25

What if a person thought he could afford which is why he went but he goes there and unexpected expenses pop up and he runs out of money and he doesn't have the money to afford an animal or he intends to offer a sacrificial animal. But by the time he goes to purchase the animal there are no animals left.

01:19:26 --> 01:19:28

What is he going to do is his heart's going to be canceled.

01:19:29 --> 01:19:49

Allah says Furman lamb yogic. So whoever does not find meaning, he cannot find the means or he cannot find the animal to sacrifice then what is he going to do? Firstly, and then he's going to fast. How much for 33 days when Phil hedge during the Hajj.

01:19:50 --> 01:19:55

What does it mean by three fasts during the Hajj reading during the month of Hajj.

01:19:57 --> 01:19:59

Three fasts during the month of Hajj,

01:20:00 --> 01:20:09

It has been said that this is until the seventh of the hedger because once the Hydra begins, then during the holidays you cannot fast

01:20:10 --> 01:20:16

basically during the day of alpha he cannot fast and something that then he can fast in the am the shift.

01:20:18 --> 01:20:30

So, a person should fast for three days during the time of Hajj whatsoever I think and seven fasts when either Rajon when you have returned you have returned where

01:20:31 --> 01:20:32

you have gone back home.

01:20:33 --> 01:20:46

So, three fasts in the state of Iran or during the months of Hajj and seven when you go back home, when you have completely carried out the rituals of French.

01:20:47 --> 01:21:02

So the three are going to be performed in the state of Iran in the time of Hajj, except for the day of arafa except for the day of sacrifice, and seven are going to be performed when a person goes back home

01:21:04 --> 01:21:10

in Carshalton Kameelah this together is how much Asha Jen.

01:21:11 --> 01:21:20

So basically, a person cannot fast less than 10 days. He has to complete 10 fasts

01:21:21 --> 01:21:26

that is the ransom for not offering a sacrificial animal

01:21:27 --> 01:21:30

velika that is what does that refer to?

01:21:31 --> 01:21:38

This command with regards to fasting for the one who is not able to offer the sacrificial animal.

01:21:39 --> 01:21:49

This is for who Lima for the person who love me I don't know who this family is that how lady ones were present where as most of the time in the secret Mr.

01:21:51 --> 01:22:00

hamady is a plural of * if and remember how good he is actually how lady in the noon has been eliminated, why because how buddy is being connected with and must chip

01:22:02 --> 01:22:15

and how that is from Hello, which means to be present. So, how that one who is present. So, this command is for the one whose family is not present in the sacred machine. What does it mean by this?

01:22:16 --> 01:22:25

It means this is for the one who is not a resident of the area of home who is not a resident of Makkah.

01:22:26 --> 01:22:33

And if he is a resident of Makkah, then he doesn't have to give the no so he doesn't have to offer the sacrificial animal.

01:22:35 --> 01:22:44

What Allah has and fear of law, fear of Allah, in performing the hajj rates in performing the rituals of Hajj,

01:22:46 --> 01:22:52

were a normal and you should know that anila should either a thought that Allah is severe in penalty.

01:22:54 --> 01:22:59

Many times when it comes to performing rituals, we say all those other for him, it's okay no big deal doesn't matter.

01:23:00 --> 01:23:02

But notice what a lie saying over here.

01:23:03 --> 01:23:12

Fear Allah take these instructions very seriously. And remember, know that Allah severe in taking retribution,

01:23:13 --> 01:23:26

recovers from the rotator cuff bath and record was used for punishment. And it's from the archives here. So a call is such punishment that follows a wrong action.

01:23:27 --> 01:23:43

Or that there's a punishment that could be given to an innocent person even you assume wanna come soon. And either when he's fine, we're innocent, but they were infected with either, but a call is a punishment that is given to one who is guilty. One who has done something wrong.

01:23:45 --> 01:23:53

So remember, that if you do not abide by these commands, if you do not follow the instructions, then there are consequences.

01:23:54 --> 01:24:00

So we learned that hygiene or love their rituals of Hajj and we have to take them very seriously.

01:24:01 --> 01:24:12

We have to make sure we complete them if we're unable to complete them, then we should benefit from the allowances that Allah has given and makeup in whatever way that Allah has commanded us to.

01:24:13 --> 01:24:18

And we should be sure that we make up because a lot is severe in retribution.

01:24:20 --> 01:24:49

And those people who are performing hajj the matter and hatch The matter is the Hajj in which a person goes for Allah. And then he gets out of the state of Iran. And he puts on the state of Islam again, he enters a state of Islam again, to perform Hajj. And when he performs Hutch the motto we learn over here, that a person has to offer a sacrificial animal that is a must for hatch tomato.

01:24:50 --> 01:24:57

And if a person is unable to do so, for whatever reason, then he has to fast

01:24:58 --> 01:24:59

how many fasts and when

01:25:00 --> 01:25:07

First of all familiar with the length of the chairman Phil hatch, he has to fast three, during the days of Hutch.

01:25:08 --> 01:25:17

What does that mean by fiddlehead, meaning in the state of your home, while he is still there, in his journey of Hutch, in the months of Hutch

01:25:18 --> 01:25:23

and then he has to fast seven more will sever it when either Roger to when you've gone back home.

01:25:25 --> 01:25:32

So when a person returns home, then he's going to keep seven more fests, and that is a total of 10 firsts.

01:25:33 --> 01:25:49

And this command there Lika this command, which command of giving the sacrificial animal, sacrificing the animal, and if a person is not able to sacrifice the animal, then fasting for 10 days is for who

01:25:50 --> 01:25:54

it is a must for the person who is not a resident of Makkah,

01:25:55 --> 01:26:02

the one who is resident of Makkah, that he does not need to offer any nusach any sacrificial animal when he performs Hajj.

01:26:04 --> 01:26:07

Then Allah says what duckula hawara will anila should either

01:26:08 --> 01:26:14

fear Allah and know that Indeed, Allah is severe in retribution.

01:26:16 --> 01:26:19

So basically, we see, the court is mentioned again over here.

01:26:20 --> 01:26:22

The court is mentioned again over here.

01:26:23 --> 01:26:28

rabada cannot be performed properly, without the court.

01:26:29 --> 01:26:40

It's the fear of Allah. It's the love of Allah. It's a consciousness of Allah, that truly brings the spirit to the worship that a person performs.

01:26:41 --> 01:26:56

If there is no fear of Allah, then there is no spirit in the worship. And when there is no spirit in the worship, there's no sincerity in the worship, a person's heart is not in it, then he doesn't even care about the rituals. He doesn't even care about the do's and the do nots.

01:26:58 --> 01:27:03

And also we learn that the core and other always go hand in hand.

01:27:04 --> 01:27:05

We learned at the beginning of sort of

01:27:06 --> 01:27:13

all of the human beings, they were invited to worship Allah subhanaw taala. Why, so that they develop the core.

01:27:15 --> 01:27:22

So the objective of all these acts of worship, is that we increase in our fear of Allah

01:27:24 --> 01:27:27

is that we increase in our consciousness.

01:27:29 --> 01:27:30

Let's listen to the recitation

01:27:38 --> 01:27:40

in tune thermos

01:27:42 --> 01:27:45

water, blue sockeye

01:27:49 --> 01:27:50


01:27:52 --> 01:27:56

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01:28:02 --> 01:28:03

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01:28:12 --> 01:28:13

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01:28:19 --> 01:28:20


01:28:21 --> 01:28:23

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01:28:24 --> 01:28:25

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01:28:37 --> 01:28:38

with telco Long,

01:28:42 --> 01:28:42


01:28:44 --> 01:28:45


Al-Baqarah 189-196 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 195-196

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