Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 02 – L026C

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the three conditions of Islam, including the use of the term COO, the use of the word COO, and the importance of avoiding war booties and not cutting off anyone. They emphasize the need for individuals to keep the command of fighting in mind, and emphasize the importance of not acknowledging the religious norm of killing and drinking. The speakers also discuss the history of Islam, including the implementation of Islam as a means of protecting against persecution and violence, and the importance of protecting oneself from evil behavior and avoiding violence and hostility.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rosa Billahi min ash shavon rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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sort of Bukhara I have 190

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wakatipu and you all fight. FISA beaten there, in the way of Allah or believers fight in the way of Allah.

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Who should you fight?

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And levena ukata unicon those people who fight you, and when you do fight them whenever they do, but do not transgress, why? Because in Allah hilarya hibel Marta de, Indeed, Allah does not like those people who transgress. Here we see that the Muslims, they're being given permission to fight on three conditions. And what are those three conditions? First of all FISA be the law, that fighting must be in the way of law.

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Secondly, it should be against who, who should you fight

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alladhina ukata Unicom, those people who fight you.

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And the third condition is that when you do find them, leather they do, do not transgress, meaning you should not be the aggressors.

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What gotta do is from the root letters of the land, but

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other means to kill an author you party do means to try to kill one another.

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What does it mean to try to kill one another.

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And Patel, which is from the same root is used for battle, it is used for fighting. There is another word that is used for fighting in a way of Allah and what is that?

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But remember that the word jihad is general, it doesn't just apply to fighting. It applies to any effort, any endeavor that a person does, in order to spread the deen of Allah.

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And PETA fighting is only one aspect of jihad

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is only one aspect, it is only one part.

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Over here, what has been mentioned is quality.

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And if you look at the word Cthulhu, what does it mean to try to kill one another? So what do we learn?

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That it is two sided? It is not that one person is being offensive or is being oppressive and he is killing the other person when he's innocent. No, it is two people, when they come face to face with each other, in order to kill one another.

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So when somebody comes to fight you, then what should you do?

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You should also fight them to fight. But when should you fight feasable in there, in the way of Allah

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meaning the purpose, the reason behind the fighting the goal, the purpose behind the battle is what feasibility less in the way of Allah?

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What does it mean by Sabine sabew means way and Seville have Allah meaning Way of Allah. What does that mean by way of Allah, the deen of Allah.

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Because it's the way that leads us to the pleasure of Allah. It's the way that our Lost Planet Allah has specified for his people.

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And fee Sabina for the cause of Allah means to elevate the religion of Allah

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to defend the religion of Allah

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to elevate the religion of Allah.

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So, we see that the purpose of fighting for the Muslims the purpose of going to battle is not to show off. It is not to boast. It is not just to use up all the power that they have all the resources they have. Just because they have so much that's why they should use it. No. It is for the sake of Allah for the sake of serving the deen of Allah.

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Whether it is protecting or defending the deen or it is promoting the team.

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Who should you fight

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and levena yakata unico, those people who fight you?

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What does it mean by this, those people who fight you?

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meaning those people who have initiated the fighting

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those who have initiated the battle, they're the ones who should fight.

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Man patola Lita Kona Kalamata Mahi and earlier for houfy, Sabina

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whoever fights so that the word of Allah is it

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resulted, then he is fighting in the way of Allah,

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whoever fights why, in order to exalt the word of Allah, not to exalt his name, not to exalt the name of his country, but it is to exalt the name of Allah, then that fighting is actually in the way of Allah.

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And who are the Muslims being told to fight

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those who fight you, because obviously, if somebody is coming to fight, you are not going to fight them back. Of course, you will

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want to do and do not transgress. Letter to data those from newsletters is that well, are they or do the word I do is from the same root letters, which means to cross the limits to overstep the bounds, or the one from the same root letters is used for enmity. And irati. There is to overstep,

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do cross the limits of Hillel and enter into the home to cross the limits of permissible and enter into that which is impermissible.

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So when it comes to fighting letter to do,

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what does it mean by this letter to do?

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This has been understood in several ways. First of all, it has been said that letter that means that don't fight those who don't fight you. Don't wage war against those who don't wage war against you. Because the middle of the night, what is it say alladhina ukata, Luna, come, fight only those people who fight you.

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And if you find those people who have no problem against you, what would that be? transgression, that would be injustice, they have absolutely no problem against you. They're not fighting against you. They didn't say anything to you, they're not persecuting you, then that would be fighting against them.

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Others have said that letter that means do not cross limits. When fighting.

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For example, do not kill women, or old people or children. Do not kill innocence.

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Only in the battlefield, do not take it to the homes of the people.

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Similarly, destroying crops, destroying lands, that would also be here today.

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So do not cross limits.

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The profits out of it, as Adam said, do not behave treacherously, nor misappropriate war booty, nor mutilate those whom you kill. nor should you kill children do not kill children. When you're waging war in battle.

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We learned earlier in the aisle, where was Sabina filbert say World War II, were Hainan versus those who are patient, even at the time of battle.

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What happens at the time of battle is at the time of war is that people, they're overcome by their emotions. And they don't think logically. And many times they do things that are completely unacceptable.

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Things like cutting up the body of a dead person and taking his heart out and doing a dead heart.

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Literally, people go to that extent.

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Or you're fighting against people in the battlefield. And when you've defeated that, you go into the homes of people and * their women and kill their children.

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This is a rarity that

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people say, in love, and in war, everything is allowed. No, everything is not allowed.

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The Muslims have been allowed to fight against those who fight them. But there is a condition, do not transgress.

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And remember, that in battle, transgression is against too. First of all, transgression is against Allah subhanaw taala when it comes to battle, how in the heck of a law.

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For example, if a person fights in a way that Allah subhanaw taala has not allowed.

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For example, if a person goes and kills children, Allah subhanaw taala has not allowed that at all. So when a person kills children in battle, what is he doing? He's disobeying the law.

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So he's violating, he's doing irida against two against Allah.

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Similarly, if a person fights in the sacred months, in the sacred places, that is also here today against Allah.

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Secondly, here today is against people against those whom a person is fighting. So it could be, for instance of a person, mutilated dead body or kills people and then burns them as well.

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That is what character that

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So let's gotta do, do not transgress, do not be aggressive, do not be unjust Do not be oppressive.

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from other ahaadeeth, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam forbade from killing women from killing children from killing even monks,

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or monks, righteous people, whatever religion they follow, they're just devoted to their faith. Even they're not allowed to be killed.

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And that's obviously if they openly come into battle, and they're fighting against you, then because they've come in battle, you will fight them. But if they're in their worship places, and they're worshiping, then you're not allowed to go and kill them.

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In Allaha, LA, you have one more thing. Indeed, Allah does not like those people who cross limits.

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So what do we learn,

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do not cross limits when fighting? Why? Because if a person does that, then he is deprived of the love of Allah.

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He is deprived of the love of Allah.

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And when a person is deprived of the love of Allah, then how is he going to be victorious? He's not going to be victorious in the long run temporarily, for some time, he may have the upper hand, but in the long run, he will be humiliated.

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So we see that on one hand, the command of fighting is being given the permission of fighting is being given. But at the same time, the Muslims are told, do not transgress, do not transgress, the balance has to be maintained.

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Even if a person is fighting, he has to keep the commands of Allah in mind. He cannot disobey Allah, even when it comes to fighting.

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And this is how our Deen is a very comprehensive thing that it guides us with regards to every single matter of our lives.

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We see that over here. So far we've learned Allah subhanaw taala has told us with regards to eating with regards to the moon, with regards to relationship between a husband and wife, they are the best for you or the best for them. And now even with regards to fighting.

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So Allah subhanaw taala guidance with regard to every matter

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of our lives.

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In this ayah

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the Muslims are being given permission to fight.

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They're being given permission to fight.

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We learned that in sort of hedge eye number 39.

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The Muslims were given the permission to fight and that was the first permission that was given.

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And the idea is ordinary Latina, yakata Luna be unknown. badimo permission to fight has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged.

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We learned that in Makkah, the Muslims were very weak.

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And although they suffered a lot of persecution, they were not allowed to fight back.

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They were told to be patient, they were told to bear and tolerate the persecution. They were not allowed to fight back.

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in Makkah, the Muslims were physically tortured. They were physically persecuted. They were mentally harassed, emotionally arrest.

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Literally some people were killed. Others were made to lie on hot coal. Others were made to lie on straw mats of fire that were burnt.

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So much so that some people had to migrate, they had to leave McCann go to a senior, not just once, but twice, migration to every senior was done twice.

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And then eventually the Muslims underwent a boycott in which nobody was allowed to even buy and sell anything from them. So more towards the Muslims, they were left to eat dry leaves and the skins of dead animals. Just imagine, they had absolutely nothing to eat.

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They suffered a lot in Makkah, and this whole time, they were told to have patience and not fight back. There. We're told Khufu idea come keep your hands back, do not fight. Why? Because they were weak.

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They were not in the position of taking any revenge.

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But when that was migrated to Medina, they gained their strength. They became stronger, an Islamic State was established, a treaty was signed. Then the Muslims were told they were given the permission to fight back.

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Because obviously, if from McCann army is coming, what are you going to do?

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Just sit and not fight, not defend yourself. You have to defend yourselves.

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So therefore, the Muslims were told that now you may fight against you. Those people who fight you

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Those people who have been persecuting you, those people who have been harming you, since the past decade and more.

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So we learn from this, that if a person is being oppressed, and he is not in the position of taking any revenge, then what should he do?

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He should be patient?

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Because really, what can you do in that situation? If he tries to take a step, he is the one who's going to suffer.

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If the Muslims, they were allowed to take revenge in Macau, what would happen? The Muslims would get together and finish each and every single one of them. That's it, as long as they finish over there. But they were told to be patient, they were told to persevere.

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So similarly, if we are ever in a situation in which we cannot do anything, what are we supposed to do? Be patient.

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And if they have the power to do something, then they can do something to help themselves.

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Then Allah says, Welcome to the home. And you all kill them, meaning fight against them, kill them?

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Who does them refer to? And levena yukata Luna,

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those people who fight you.

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And in the context, it refers to the people of Mecca, those who have been persecuting the Muslims and so long, who are their enemies?

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And if you think of it, if the people of Mecca ever got a hold of any Muslim, what would they do? Not canon.

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So welcome to the home. You also kill them because now you have the power to do so.

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hates us, okay, if the will home? wherever you find them. Have you heard of this verse before?

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Kill them wherever you find them.

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And this is a verse that is misunderstood, misinterpreted and misunderstood.

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Because first of all, welcome to new home then refers to who? and living in your country, Luna.

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Obviously, if somebody is fighting against you, what are you going to do? smile at them, you're going to fight back. So welcome to loom haystack if the movement means fight against who kill who, those people who have been fighting you. And if they get a chance to fight you, if they get a chance to kill you, they're going to kill you. So you should also do the same because you're at war with them,

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hyperactive to move them. So if the movement from the fetters of

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sacrifice means to find someone in front of you,

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to find someone in front of you to meet someone, why? In order to confront them, in order to combat them.

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Obviously, if you meet someone in a battlefield, they have a sword in their hand. What are you gonna do?

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You're gonna fight them as well. So how do you do that? If the woman doesn't mean, if you find them in their house, and they're peaceful people, they have nothing against you. Still, you're supposed to kill them. This is not what it means. This means of people who are at war against you,

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who are at war against you

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who have declared war against you.

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If you find them in the battlefield, or anywhere else, anywhere else where you have the power to fight them,

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then in that case, in that situation, you should also fight against them.

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Because they're at war with you.

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What are you doing home and you expel them?

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From the newsletters, ha ha Jean.

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expel them from where min Hazel arthralgia come from where they have expelled you?

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Where did they expel the Muslims from? Who does they refer to the people of Mecca? They expelled them from Makkah, how do they expel them?

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It was not possible for the Muslims to live there anymore.

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They could not survive there anymore. Their lives were the constant threat.

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They could not do anything.

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Imagine if you're praying in the harem. And people don't actually pray.

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you don't have the freedom to practice your faith. You don't have the freedom to say anything to do anything to walk about freely talk about without fear. So expel them from where they have expelled you. And this eventually happened when at the conquest of Mecca

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when the machine those who did not believe they obviously left.

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Now the question is why should you kill them? Why should you fight against them? Why should you expel them?

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Okay if so far what we have learned is because they are at war against you. They are fighting you.

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Another reason is given and what is that one fitna, two and the fitna. It is a sham

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Jimmy Carter, it is worse than killing, it is much more severe than killing.

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What does he mean by fitness?

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fitness America is further known

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and flattened. It literally means to melt or heat gold in order to purify it or in order to mold it.

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And the word fitna is used in several ways.

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It is used for trials and tribulations because it's a difficult situation. It's a situation of hardship.

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Similarly, the word fitna is used for punishment,

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then the word fitna is also used for this court. It is used for differences amongst people.

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And the word fitna is also used for tempting someone away from something.

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What is it useful to tempt someone away from something?

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to do anything, in order to dissuade someone from doing something in order to stop someone from doing what they want to do?

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to do anything, to stop someone from doing what they want to do?

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Which is why the word fitna is also understood as religious persecution

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that a person is persecuted. Why? Because he follows a particular religion.

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And what does that persecution include? That he is not allowed to practice his faith. He doesn't have freedom of speech. He doesn't have freedom of what he wants to do. He doesn't have the freedom to travel. He doesn't have the rights that other people are given. This is what fitna takes form into this is what religious persecution takes form into.

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So the fitna religious persecution is worse than killing someone.

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Not giving people their freedom while they're alive, not letting people live the way they want to. It is much worse than killing them.

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If you kill someone, you put an end to them. But if a person is alive, and you don't let them live, you don't let them do what they want to do. You don't let them practice their fate. You don't let them travel. You don't let them vote you don't let them do this. You don't let them do that. What does that mean? Their life is worse. Their state of living is worse than their state of that will fit natto ushered them in and Patil persecution, religious persecution is worse than killing someone.

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Others have said that figure over here refers to shift.

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It refers to associating partners with a law.

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Because it was the ship that led the people of Mecca to persecute the Muslims.

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It was a shift they committed. It was a shift that the Muslims had abandoned, which led them to persecuting the Muslims.

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So because fitna is worse than killing, therefore, killing them, is allowed.

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We learned that while the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was in Mecca, and when he called people towards Islam, when he did that Allah, what happened? The people of Mecca, they weren't ready to accept it. They wouldn't accept it.

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And also, they would not allow the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. To do that either.

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We learn about Abu lahab how he would follow the Prophet sort of RSM around

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the profit sort of Allison would talk to people about Islam. And he would be right behind him, abusing him or negating him, or insulting him in some way or the other. This is how much they tried to stop the profit sort of artisan from even speaking to the people about the about the heat.

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So when he tried to dour, the people of Mecca, putting all their efforts in opposition to the Prophet sort of Addis Ababa, they did not allow the message of the heat to be publicly declared.

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We learned about so many companions, how when they came to Makkah, they were told Oh, don't listen to this person. Don't listen to this man at all. And some people went to the extent of plugging their ears so that they wouldn't hear him.

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This is how much they tried to stop the power of the prophets.

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And if someone did become a believer, that was it.

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That was it. All sorts we raised against him.

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And we learned that after the prophets are about to center,

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Islam open the doors of freedom of thought in its true meaning.

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Because we see that up until the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and especially in the days of ignorance, people were compelled to follow their religion, the way

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Is the practices of third leaders. Your religion was the religion of your leader. Your religion was the religion of the place that you lived. And if you followed another religion, that was, you were finished.

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People were not allowed the freedom to practice what they wanted to practice the freedom to do what they wanted to do.

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And after Islam, when Islam came, the Sahaba, the prophet sort of our resident, they're the ones who broke this trend.

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Because there was a trend you only do what your people do. You don't go against them.

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When Islam came, doesn't have a set, no, you don't do what your people do. You do what Allah tells you to do.

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You use your mind, you use your logic. So Islam is what gave people freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of choice, you choose your religion, you decide what you want to do, you don't do it, just what your forefathers are doing. You don't blindly follow them.

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And we see that intellectual enslavement is the worst type of enslavement

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to enslave someone intellectually, do not let them decide for themselves, do not let them make choices for themselves. It is a worse type of enslavement.

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It is much worse.

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And we learned that when the profits are a lot a certain game and the people they use their mind. They made their own choices, and they accepted Islam as a religion. What happened so many people became Muslim.

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So we're taught that at the time of the Hajj of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, the farewell pilgrimage. So many people 1000s and 1000s of people came to perform Hajj.

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All of these people were still there, but they were not allowed to make their own choice. They were not allowed the freedom to make their own choice about the religion that they wanted to follow.

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And when Islam came Islam is what gave that freedom to the people.

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So religious persecution to persecuted person simply because he is making a choice with regards to his fate. It is worse than killing them.

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What to what to whom,

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and to not kill them. Meaning do not fight the people do not fight who them again refers to alladhina your Catarina calm those people who have been fighting you

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do not fight them were in the mercy of heroin near the sacred mustard. What is a sacred mustard, the Kaaba and its surrounding area.

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had that until you caught the rule confini they fight you in it.

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Do not fight them in the masjid al Haram. Until and unless they fight you over there

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for in quarter loucon faster than if they fight you, then you should kill them.

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What does it mean by this, that if someone is fighting against you, you are supposed to defend yourself. No matter where you are.

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No matter where you are, even if you are in the home, where fighting is prohibited.

00:28:09 --> 00:28:16

If in the heart of somebody is fighting against you, you are supposed to fight against them, to protect yourself.

00:28:17 --> 00:28:31

galenica likewise, just on caffeine is a recompense of those people who disbelieve who are the caffeine, those who are not upon the way of Allah. And they're also stopping others from the wave Allah.

00:28:32 --> 00:28:51

Remember that this word caffeine, we cannot apply to every single caffeine in the context of caffeine refers to those disbelievers. Who are you hottie Luna come, who are fighting against you, who have been persecuting you because of your religion, who don't give you any freedom who do not let you live.

00:28:52 --> 00:28:56

So if they fight you in the home, then you should invite them over there as well.

00:28:58 --> 00:29:08

For in in Tahoe, but then if they stopped in the house on the roof, it is noon hairier. Now he which means to stop someone and internet to start oneself to come to an end.

00:29:09 --> 00:29:23

So if they stop meaning if they cease, from what? From what? From their fighting, and more particularly over here, from their, from their disbelief. If they start from their disbelief,

00:29:24 --> 00:29:31

why is it that they have to start from their disbelief only then for in the love of foreigner him then Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

00:29:32 --> 00:29:40

Because if you look at it in this context, it was their coffee that was leading them to opposing Islam and the Muslims.

00:29:42 --> 00:29:47

It was their coffee that led them to opposing Islam and the Muslims.

00:29:49 --> 00:29:57

Save the staff from their comfort. And obviously as a result of that, they would start from there persecuting you, then indeed Ally's Forgiving and Merciful.

00:29:58 --> 00:29:59

Look at the look at the message.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:00

Seeing them

00:30:01 --> 00:30:17

that if any person, no matter what he has done up until now, when he stops is when he stops his oppression, when he stops is bigger than all of the sins are finished, they're wiped off allies of the food and user him.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:20

Look at or model the learn

00:30:21 --> 00:30:36

in Makkah, initially, he was one of the worst opponents, he persecuted was him so much, so much. But then when he became a Muslim, he was forgiven, he became a brother, he became the leader of the Muslims.

00:30:37 --> 00:30:51

Similarly, we see that the conquest of Makkah, the prophets are about a sudden, he forgives so many people He forgive why she you know, who washes? You know what he did? When he was a disbeliever? What did he do?

00:30:52 --> 00:30:55

He killed the uncle of the prophets.

00:30:56 --> 00:30:59

He killed the uncle of the prophets that have autism.

00:31:00 --> 00:31:14

And he also forgive him. You know who she is, you know what she had us? Was she to do? She is the one who had asked where she to kill the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And when he did kill him, What did she do?

00:31:15 --> 00:31:20

She chewed the heart of Hamza, because she hated him so much.

00:31:21 --> 00:31:23

But the Prophet sallallahu wasallam forgave her.

00:31:25 --> 00:31:27

Similarly, the prophets that allowed us to forgive Abu Sufyan

00:31:28 --> 00:31:37

who led so many of them were seeking armies, all of these battles that we learn up, but, and Ohio, who was one of the leaders who led the people,

00:31:39 --> 00:31:40

it was a Luciferian.

00:31:41 --> 00:31:56

He also forgive a cleaver, who was the son of Abu Jamal, the son of your worst enemy, all of these people were forgiven. Only some people who neither repented, nor did they put down their arms, only they were punished.

00:31:57 --> 00:31:59

But everybody else, they were forgiven.

00:32:01 --> 00:32:07

And we learned that all of these people who were forgiven, they served Islam so much afterwards.

00:32:08 --> 00:32:14

Look at our model that on when he became a Muslim, and he was forgiven for what he did, look at how much he served Islam.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:36

Why she, he killed the uncle of the Prophet sort of autism, you know who else he killed, will save him. You know, when was it when was the person who came to be a prophet. It was a false prophet, he claimed to be a prophet, and he fought against the Muslims a lot. Similarly, call it even Willie or crema for the long run home. But in the long run home isn't an amazing.

00:32:37 --> 00:32:43

I mean, they were the worst of opponents. And then eventually, they became law, the love run home.

00:32:44 --> 00:32:46

Even we don't have that title.

00:32:47 --> 00:32:56

People who are born Muslims, they don't have the title for the alarm on home. But they had, why? Because they served Islam and its true meaning.

00:32:58 --> 00:33:26

So we see that Islam is not against a certain personality. It's not against a certain person. It's not against a certain individual. It's not against a certain, you know, ethnicity or background or nationality. No. In Islam, fighting is permitted against who, against those who harm the Muslims. Once they stop harming, then you forgive them, then they're not at fault.

00:33:28 --> 00:33:54

Well, how do you know whom, and fight them had that until lacuna? fitna? Don't there is no fit. What does it mean by fitna again over here, it refers to religious persecution, continue to fight them, until there is no religious persecution left. Continue to fight them in order to break their power. Because if you let them survive, what are they going to do? They're going to persecute you.

00:33:55 --> 00:33:58

So don't let them have any power.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:03

Because we see that even though the machine they were defeated at but what did they do?

00:34:05 --> 00:34:05

They came back

00:34:07 --> 00:34:28

and then what did they do? They came back again and they came back again. They continue to harm the Muslims. So fight against them until there is no fitna left meaning until there is no religious persecution left. People have freedom. We are corner Dino and the religion is the lackey for Allah their religion belongs to Allah.

00:34:29 --> 00:34:34

The word Deen as you know means religion. But the word Deen also gives the meaning of the question.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:40

What does it mean by this? That the deen belongs to Allah? worship is for Allah.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:45

Meaning worship is acknowledged to be for Allah.

00:34:46 --> 00:34:53

His Alone, people worship Allah alone. people submit to Him alone. So this is the goal.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:57

Now why is this the goal that people should worship alone

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

because a lot did not

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

Create people for people. He created them for his worship.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:10

To if people prevent others from worshiping Allah, then this force is going to be used to stop these people

00:35:11 --> 00:35:15

will call Tito Hatton at the Kona fitness, where corner Dino Linda,

00:35:16 --> 00:35:31

for in into Whoa, then if they stopped from what? From fighting you from harming you from opposing you from persecuting you followed one and then there is no hostility in that environment except for those people who do zoom.

00:35:32 --> 00:35:39

If you look at all of these verses, you have to read all of these verses together. You cannot just take a portion of the verse out

00:35:41 --> 00:35:50

and then say, Oh, this is what Islam says. You cannot do that. That would be injustice. And that would be a part of religious persecution.

00:35:51 --> 00:36:09

Over here, what does Allah say? Then even if they stop fighting you, then who are you going to fight against Valero Deanna Illa Allah volley me are the whiners on newsletters, I'm done well, and earth when is used for any hostile action, any assault, any violence, any enmity.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:18

So there is going to be no assault, no hostile action, except against those people who do Islam.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:23

Who are those people who don't own it refers to those who continue to fight

00:36:24 --> 00:36:27

those people who continue to fight against the Muslims.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:45

And what does that mean by or when does it mean that when you fight the loyalty mean you have to be unjust against them? No, because previously we were told that our to do so how can one has been used over here with one does not mean be unjust towards them, or the one has been used? Because what they are doing is Earth one,

00:36:46 --> 00:36:51

what they are doing is Earth one so the exact same word has been used to show like for like,

00:36:52 --> 00:37:08

it doesn't mean that Muslims are allowed to be unjust. No one has been used to show like for like as they do, they shall be treated. The design of their crime, the recompense for their crime is going to be exactly as a crime that they committed.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:15

I shall know how long the sacred month what does that mean by the sacred month.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:20

The sacred month is the month in which fighting and war is completely prohibited.

00:37:22 --> 00:37:26

And it is the month of March it is the month in which has performed

00:37:27 --> 00:37:29

or you can say it is the season of hedge.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:42

And remember that a shadow haraam is not just one month, there four sacred months. And what are they the garden? The hedger will heroin and Roger

00:37:44 --> 00:38:05

for sacred months in which fighting is prohibited. Why? Because it is the season of Hajj. Now, we might say that hedges performed only in a few days, parking for months are dedicated to that. Because people plan, they travel, they go for Hajj, and then eventually they come back. So four months are the sacred months.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:08

I shall How long will be shut it how long

00:38:09 --> 00:38:14

fighting in the sacred month is for aggression committed in the sacred month.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:17

You see that over here Bishop will

00:38:18 --> 00:38:33

be over here gives the meaning of is for aggression that is committed in the sacred month. What does it mean by this? That if someone fights you, in the sacred months, then where are you going to do?

00:38:34 --> 00:38:36

You're also going to fight them back.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:47

We learned that even the Arabs, the pre Islamic Arabs in the days of ignorance, they consider these months to be sacred as well, even they would not fight.

00:38:48 --> 00:38:59

But if someone violates the sanctity of these months, and wages war against you, then you should not resist fighting, you should also fight against them. Why? Because you have to defend yourself

00:39:00 --> 00:39:13

while hieromartyr and the prohibitions bizarre when they're equal retribution for all violations, is equal retribution. photomath is a plural of Homer. Hello, Martin.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:17

And Homer is used for a sacred thing.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:18

What is

00:39:20 --> 00:39:20

a sacred thing?

00:39:21 --> 00:39:27

Anything, anytime, any place, that is to be respected?

00:39:28 --> 00:39:39

Anything anytime any place that is to be respected may ijebu, at Rama, who, respecting it is YG. For example, can you think of some things

00:39:40 --> 00:39:46

what has to be respected? What is sacred in Islam? What did we learn? Just a few days ago?

00:39:47 --> 00:40:00

human life First of all, right? What else? The wealth of a person. What else? The massage in the head on the sacred months? All of these things

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

All of these places, all of these times, they are sacred.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:13

Secondly, hermit is a throne of home, which is the plural of harem. And what does haram mean? That which is prohibited.

00:40:14 --> 00:40:29

so humble math is understood in two ways, first of all, sacred things, and secondly, prohibitions violations. So for the sacred things, there is the sauce, there's equal retribution.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:42

If a sacred thing is violated, or if a haram action has been committed, then it has to be followed up with retribution.

00:40:43 --> 00:40:47

It has to be followed up with retribution.

00:40:48 --> 00:41:01

So for example, if someone kills another in the home, or in the sacred months, then obviously the sanctity has been violated, but the sauce is also going to be taken.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:11

If someone violate someone's honor, and his honor, would also be violated in retaliation, while hermeto is us.

00:41:12 --> 00:41:53

familiar to them, local, then whoever transgressed against you further ado, are they he? Then you transgress against him? How? The missing with like, Man, that era there? Are they can he transgressed against you? What does it mean by this? If anyone harms you, if someone assaults you, then what are you supposed to do? assault against them? In the same way? Just do not exceed, do not do injustice? And remember, what the law fear Allah, while mo and the law, Mr. McDuffie know that allies with those people who adopt the core, what does it mean by that?

00:41:54 --> 00:41:59

That allows help. And Allah support is with those people who fear Allah.

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So what do we learn? What are the teachings of Islam?

00:42:04 --> 00:42:14

That, first of all, do not initiate the transgression, do not initiate aggression, do not be the first to harm the other.

00:42:15 --> 00:42:22

And, secondly, if someone harms you, no matter what time, no matter what place it is, then what are you supposed to do?

00:42:23 --> 00:42:43

Take revenge decreases. And thirdly, a very important lesson that if someone harms you, do not exceed in taking revenge. Do not be overcome by your emotions do not exceed in taking revenge.

00:42:44 --> 00:42:50

So we see that the Dean of Islam is the Dean of justice. It is the Dean of justice.

00:42:51 --> 00:43:02

If somebody harms you, defend yourself if you have to take revenge, do not exceed limits. And we can apply this to our daily lives as well.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:25

Many times someone has just hurt us with regards to one thing, and we want to hurt them with regards to so many other things. In our taking revenge, we do so much more. And remember that if we exceed the bounds in taking revenge, then we become the volume. Remember that if we exceed the bounds in taking revenge, then we become the volume.

00:43:27 --> 00:43:29

We listen to the recitation of these verses.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:32

Well, Auntie roofie

00:43:36 --> 00:43:38

Luna kumala Tata boo,

00:43:42 --> 00:43:48

boo de todo esto se tomo

00:43:52 --> 00:43:56

Joko will fit Natasha domina mean

00:43:57 --> 00:43:59

to party room

00:44:10 --> 00:44:11

to room

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00:44:48 --> 00:44:50

on Oh,

00:45:09 --> 00:45:13

So if we're being treated unjustly and if we want the help of Allah

00:45:15 --> 00:45:22

because Allah is with those people who have more or less help, and support is with those who have the hole

00:45:23 --> 00:45:31

and the moment a person is unjust, then he loses the help of Allah. He loses the assistance of Allah.

00:45:32 --> 00:45:35

And remember that if we're left to ourselves, what can we do?

00:45:36 --> 00:45:39

on our own? How can really we defend ourselves? We can't

Al-Baqarah 189-196 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 190-194

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