Al-Baqarah 183-188 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 183-186
Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 02 – L025B

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The importance of fasting is emphasized, including the need for endurance, liciencies, and fear of presence. Endurance is essential for building st trailing and endurance, while the seasonality of fasting is discussed with the exception of Easter, where it is the cycle of death. The Bible provides guidance for travelers, including setting goals and breathing, and praying to Allah and not just praying to him. Prayer and staying firm on the dial is also emphasized. The importance of praying to Allah and not just praying to him is emphasized, along with the need for realistic goals and strong breathing.
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Under below him in the shape of a jean Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
lesson number 25 Surat Al Baqarah Ayah 183 to 188
Yeah, are you Han Latina? ormolu
all you who have believed quotevalet como Surya decreed upon you is fasting quotevalet alladhina min publikum as it was decreed upon those before you,
why has it been decreed upon you? La La Quinta takuan so that you may become righteous, so that you develop the core?
Yeah, you are loving.
All of the believers are being addressed over here.
Which believers, who are these people, what have they believed in those people who believe in all that is necessary to believe in all that Allah Subhana Allah has commanded us to believe in.
So those who believe in Allah, His angels, his books, the day of judgment, the prophets, the decree, and everything else, that our last presenter has stated,
including the unseen.
So all you people who have believed, all you people who have imagined
and remember that alladhina amanu applies to all of believers. No matter how old they are, no matter what background they're off, no matter what their gender is. man, woman, child, older person, sick, healthy, able disabled, any kind of person as long as he is a believer, every single believer is being addressed. Yeah, a un Latina woman.
And what is the command that quotevalet como cm, fasting has been prescribed for you.
As we learned earlier, that could even literally means it was written. But when it's followed by Allah, that it means when something is made obligatory, when something is decreed.
So cm fasting has been made obligatory upon you, meaning it's a must upon you, you don't have any choice? And who is it that has decreed this command upon you? Allah Subhana
quotevalet kunzea fasting has been prescribed upon you.
Towards the end, is from the root pleasures sought? Well mean.
Amsterdam is the plural of the word soul.
And what the phone mean, fasting?
So NCM both mean to keep a fast and literally, the word song means emsa.
What does it literally what's the literal meaning of the word song itself?
What does it mean, to stop and refrain from something?
What does it mean,
to stop and refrain from doing something
such as we learned so with Miriam, that when he said it, he said I was born. Maria Maria Salam went back to the people, what was she told to say? That say to the people, if anybody tries to talk to you, you say to them that in order to live a human soul man, I have vowed for the Most Merciful a phone meeting I am fasting and this fasting of mine, what am I stopping myself from? Phelan, Lucan, Lima Lima in a year, therefore, I will not speak to any person today.
So, we see that song is to stop it is to abstain it is to refrain from doing something whether it is talking or it is eating, or it is drinking, whatsoever. This is the literal meaning of the word song.
But it has to be something that a person's knifes is inclined towards,
meaning the person wants to do it.
There's an attraction in that particular action and he wants to do it. There's a particular enjoyment he wants to do it. song is to stop from doing that action.
Like we have the urge to eat to drink, but what the song mean, you don't eat you don't drink. So this is the literal meaning of the word song.
Heinen cm behind a horse that is so young, that is fasting.
What does it mean by that? in its literal sense, it means a horse that is standing, that is not sitting. It is bound. It is tied up. It does not have the freedom to go around.
Also the Arabs what they will do
In order to train their horses for battle for life in the desert,
they would keep them hungry and thirsty.
To increase their endurance, to increase their stamina.
Because life in the desert is very difficult. It is very harsh.
You could be traveling and all of a sudden there is a sandstorm and that's it, you're gone, you're finished.
Or you're traveling and you're lost, and you have no water, you have no food, what are you going to do?
to life in the desert is extremely difficult, with hot weather, the burning sun, so in order to train their horses in order to build their stamina, the Arabs would keep their horses hungry, and thirsty, and they would make them run against harsh hot winds. Why? To develop their endurance.
So this is the literal meaning of the word song
to refrain from that which a person wants to do, why, to develop endurance. This is the literal meaning of the word song.
And technically, in the Sharia in the Islamic law, what is fasting? fasting is to show servitude to a loss of hands on how,
by leaving anything that breaks a person's past and anything that breaks a person's past. The term for that is move a lot from football.
So fasting is to show servitude to Allah, by leaving them of the rot from the beginning of fudger until the setting of the sun.
So in other words, it is absent ation from food, drink and sexual relations from early dawn until sunset.
And remember that throughout this time, a person has the intention of fasting as
it is done, a person abstains from eating, drinking and sexual relations. How with the intention of fasting.
You can't say okay, I'll just stay hungry. No, you're not just staying hungry. You have the intention of fasting. And why are you doing it for the pleasure of Allah to serve with you to Allah?
It is everybody.
So quotevalet camassia fasting has been prescribed upon you. Karma just as good Eva, it was prescribed upon who are loving them and publikum upon those people who were before you.
Who are the people before us, and Lebanon and Kublai Khan,
alladhina and publikum refers to the previous nations.
So all of the previous nations that have passed before you all of the people of the prophets, such as the people of Masada, Ceylon, or the people of reciting them are the people of New Zealand. Any prophet
is oma was commanded With what? With fasting. So all you Muslims, you have also been given the same command.
So fasting was prescribed with all the nations before the Omar Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. However, it is not necessarily that they're fasting was in the same manner as our fasting.
It is possible that the varied
It is possible that they were allowed to do certain things which we are not allowed to do, or they were not allowed to do certain things which we are allowed to do. Their manner of fasting, their time of fasting was different. But fasting was prescribed upon every single oma.
And the question is, why is this mentioned over here?
That fasting has been prescribed upon you just as it was prescribed on those people before you.
by mentioning this, there's reassurance and comfort for the Muslim owner.
That we do not say that we have been obligated with something that is so difficult, and other people before us, they were spared from it. They were not supposed to do it. And we have been obligated with a command that is so difficult.
You see, this is psychological. When you find out that somebody is doing the exact same thing that you're supposed to do, what happens,
the work becomes easy.
And if you know that you're the only person doing it, then it becomes very difficult.
So when a person is told that you're not the only one, you're not alone in this, then it becomes easy for him to accept the command.
It becomes easy for him to endure.
And it also gives them encouragement. If they can do it, I can do it too.
Fasting is one of those actions that our last panel data loves a lot and he prescribed it upon the people before us and he has
Also prescribed it upon us He has also made it obligatory upon us.
And he is mentioning this over here to show to us that anything that is beneficial for you, anything that is good for you. Anything that Allah subhanaw taala likes anything that is a big virtue.
You almost an oma, have been bestowed with that you almost an oma have been commanded with that as well.
So it shows that anything that was best for the people, because it was commanded to every single oma anything that was best for human beings, it was also given to the Muslim ummah.
We learn that fasting is one of the best deeds that a person can perform. Why? Because the person stays away from food, he stays away from drink, he stays away from fulfillment of a sexual desires. Why? For the love of Allah, for the pleasure of Allah.
And therefore, there's a hadith that is mentioned into a Muslim and various other books of Hadith in which have also panned out the states. Who the man who he narrated that Allah's Messenger said, that Allah subhanaw taala says that every good deed of the son of Adam, would be multiplied.
A good deed receiving a tenfold to 700 fold reward,
meaning every single good deed that a person does, how many times is it multiplied from 10 to 700 times, but with the exception of fasting, for it is done for me, and I will give reward for it.
Any other goodies that a person does the reward for it is multiplied from 10 to 700 times. But fasting is an action that is not just given the reward of 10 times or 700 times, but a loss of panel data gives a special reward for it.
Because when a person fasts, he abandons his passion, and food for my sake.
he abandons his desires, and his food for his sake, for my sake. So when he does it for me, then I will reward him.
I will not just reward him with 10 or 700 times more, but I will reward him with a special reward.
The Hadeeth continues, that there are two occasions of joy for the one who fasts a joy when he breaks the fast and a joy when he needs his Lord,
a joy, a pleasure when when he will meet his Lord
and the suspension. So he Muslim.
So this has mentioned over here that quotevalet cama, cama, cama, quotevalet, Medina and kubla. Khan, because fasting is an action that have lost upon God loves, he prescribed it for people before and he has also prescribed it for the Muslim woman, because he loves this act of worship. Law, no contact acun so that you can adopt the What does Rhonda mean? The reason the wisdom behind this command is what that you develop the court What does anybody learn the contact the phone?
This has been understood in several ways. First of all, it has been said that you develop the core,
you develop the fear of Allah, you develop the consciousness of Allah.
Secondly, it has been said, the law that you save yourselves, save ourselves from what? From committing sins. What happens when a person is fasting, he stays away from fulfilling his basic desires, eating, drinking, sexual desires.
And when a person is able to control these desires, these temptations, then he's also able to control other desires. He's also able to control other temptations. Learn the content.
So what do we learn from this ayah?
First of all, we learned about the obligation of fasting because Allah says quotevalet it is an obligation.
It is mandatory, a person doesn't have any choice with regards to this. Secondly, we learn about the importance of fasting
it is an obligation but it is also a very important obligation. Because who has been addressed? Yeah, a un Latina ama No, all you people who have believed.
Thirdly, this ayah tells us about the importance of taqwa. It tells us about the importance of
Allah subhanaw taala has prescribed has made fasting obligatory fasting of an entire
month 30 days or 29 days, Why?
So that we develop the club. Imagine how important the core is
that 30 days or 29 days a person has to fast so that he can develop the core. So, this shows to us, that a person has to strive has to put in some effort to develop the quote, it cannot just appear in the heart out of nowhere, no, a person has to do something to acquire the quote.
And is the quote important. Of course it is because, if a person does not have enough work, he cannot benefit from the Quran. Because it is who then little Motoki it is a guide for those people who have the
ultimate learn from this ayah about the wisdom behind fasting,
the wisdom of fasting, fasting is often prescribed upon us to keep us hungry, or to keep us thirsty, but fasting has been prescribed upon us Why? So that we can develop the core in our hearts, we can live the life of a Motoki
This is the wisdom behind fasting.
Without that the entire life of a believer, it is a fast way, how, what is fasting literally in sac to stay away, to abstain from doing something which a person wants to do. And if you look at it, the entire life of a believer revolves around what staying away from those things that our last panel data has forbidden. And doing those things that are Lost Planet Allah has commanded. And this is what about this is worship, which is manifested in several ways.
So for us to do
for us to worship Allah subhanaw taala. For us to be able to live a life of obedience to Allah. Allah has prescribed fasting upon us.
Allah is assigned an entire month of fasting upon us, so that we are trained,
so that we get the training, of obeying the laws of panel data for the rest of our lives.
If you look at it, when we're fasting, what are we staying away from?
Our two greatest desires are two basic desires, what are they eating, drinking, and secondly, sexual desires, their natural desires, and we have the urge to fulfill them. They're called Shahada in the Arabic language and what is a desire that is natural. I mean, you don't have to tell yourself to be hungry. You don't have to tell yourself to be thirsty. It's a natural desire, it's from within.
So the desires are natural. And when we're fasting, we're told to stay away from fulfilling them.
If a person can gain control over these two desires, if he can discipline these two desires, then he can discipline the rest of his life as well.
Every time you want to eat something like no, I'm fasting. Every time you want to drink something, no, I'm fasting. So the next time that you want to utter a lie, was going to come to your head. No, I can't lie. Every time you want to break a promise, no, I can break the promise. Every time you don't want to pray, no, I cannot not pray I have to pray. So fasting, the month of Ramadan is a time of training.
It is a period that drains us. That builds our endurance that builds our stamina. Remember the horses, the heirs would keep them hungry, they would keep them thirsty, they would make them run against harsh hot winds. Why? To develop the stamina, to bear the difficult life of the desert.
Just as we stand in fear in the month of Ramadan, and we need to fast in order to build our stamina, so that we can live the life of obedience to
remember that the pathogen is surrounded with difficulties.
It is not easy.
You need to be strong. You need to have some endurance and that endurance, that strength is built through fasting.
It is gained by fasting.
So over here we learned that the purpose of fasting is learn the content the code, so that you may obtain the code.
Previously we learned in Surat Al Baqarah. Entire mankind was commanded to worship Allah, why? By looking at the code so that you adopt upon
and fasting is a form of worship. It is a part of worship.
Even when we're sleeping, our digestive system is to back
If it is still working, why because there's always some food, there's always some liquid, there's always something that we have eaten. Even if it's a small candy, something small, always the stomach is busy digesting something, processing something. But when you're fasting, and you stay away from eating for so long, and finally your stomach gets unrest, and all of that energy of your body that is going towards your stomach is now directed to the head, the brain, the heart,
so that you're able to concentrate on other things. Previously, we were told kulu eat. Now we're told, don't eat.
Why? Because as human beings, it is our natural desire to eat and drink. And we put in so much effort to eat and drink, cook food, prepare food, what to eat, what not to eat.
And this time of the year, this month, don't even think about eating, you're freed from even thinking of eating so that you can focus on more important things.
Just imagine when we're not fasting, what happens? You think about Okay, breakfast, snack, lunch, D, dinner, tea, snack, and then bed.
But when you're fasting, so have a thought, and then maybe a snack before going to bed.
And the rest of the day, during the day, you're free. Literally, you're free, you don't have to worry about the kitchen, you don't have to worry about eating. Because even if you do cook beforehand, it's not going to be hot. It's not going to be you know, nice and warm. So therefore you try to cook right before the fountain, you have your daytime to focus on more important things
that are looking back.
What else have you learned from the same?
This month is a month of training? Why? training for what training for a better for the rest of the year?
Because in this month, we're not focused on eating, we're not focused on socializing. We're focused on what
we bother reading the Quran, and praying isn't it these three things that we're focused on in this month.
So when you can focus so much on your, on your recitation of the Quran, on your Salah? Why can't you focus on these three things for the rest of the year.
And once you get used to it, once you develop the habit, or once you realize that you can actually do it, then it encourages you for the rest of the year to continue these habits as well. If you can fast for the entire month, you can fast once a month, you can fast once a week. If you can stand in prayer every single night, for like four hours for two hours. You can stand in prayer for at least another 30 minutes, maybe for the rest of the year.
So this month is a month of training this month trains us It gives us the core because taqwa is essential for a believer so that he can live a life of obedience for the rest of the time as well.
Many people, they don't focus that much on rabada. Many people they don't even bother to pray regularly. But when the month of Ramadan comes, then what happens? It's a reminder, the month of fasting isn't itself a mercy. Because it is training for us. He hasn't just left us, okay. Build your strength yourself. Build that stamina yourself? No. He has prescribed it upon us We have no choice. It's a drill we have to go through it. develop that stamina and endurance. And ultimately look at it fasting is not just about staying away from eating and drinking.
Like the Hadees that is mentioned in a book or in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that Allah does not require someone who does not abandon lies, and acting by them while fasting to abandon his food and drink. Allah does not need the fact of someone who is just staying hungry, and he's continuing in his sin. The objective of fasting is not to stay hungry. But it is to develop the core to develop fear of Allah to stop sinning, to become more righteous to become more obedient.
Let's listen to the recitation.
fasting for a limited number of days. A Yemen is the plural of young from the root fetters. Yeah, well, me
and young
means de mardu that is the plural of Mara Duda from the root letters is the
are the means number. And Mark dude is that which is numbered that which is counted.
Anything that is numbered, anything that is countable is limited in its quantity, it is less, it is only a few, it is only some.
So a Jamar do that numbered days, meaning only a few days,
a specific number of days they're accountable. You can count them, you can number them. You don't have to fast every single day of your life. But fasting that has been prescribed upon you, is that fasting, which is for a yellow marker that
so quotevalet come until soon Sumo fasting has been prescribed upon you, when a young man do that for a few number of days.
Now, why is this mentioned over here?
Again, to comfort the believers to give assurance to the believers, that you have to fast but only for a few days, not throughout the year. Just as when you go to the doctor for some treatment, or when you're taking some treatment, which is very difficult, which is very painful. What are you told only a few more sessions, only a few more minutes, no pain, no gain. They tell you these kind of things. Why do keep encouraging you or to comfort you? It's not too bad, you can do it, it's only a few more days left.
So a Jamar do that. Meaning fasting is not prescribed on you throughout the year, or on weeks on end or months on end, but rather, it is only for a few days.
And what are those few days,
the month of Ramadan
for one kind of income, then whoever was among you, meaning among you, or believers, whoever is during the month of Ramadan, Maria been ill, or less suffering or on a journey. So whoever is sick, or he's traveling
the world Marie this from Nimrod, and model, as you know is used for illness. And it is said chanson medela, when the sun is metaplot meaning it is sick, it is ill What does he mean by that? That it is not giving proper sunlight, something is obstructing the light.
Like for example, very thick clouds or dark clouds that obstruct the sunlight from eating you.
So when something is not functioning properly, when something is not functioning as it should be, then that particular thing is called what it is.
It is suffering from model.
So whoever among you is muddy meaning he is suffering from some illness, or suffering, or he's traveling suffer from the roof ever seen photo. And he said that suffer literally means to reveal something to expose something. For example, Sephora, tilma, it is when a woman unveiled her face when she exposes her face. So suffer is a journey. Why? Because on a journey, what happens? What happens when a person is traveling?
He is exposed? How?
How is he exposed?
You really get to know a person when you travel with them.
How do they react when they're hungry? How do they react when they're thirsty? How do they react when things don't go as they want them to
travel exposes the reality of a person.
That is where travel is called suffers.
So whoever is sick, or he's traveling, and because of that sickness, or that travel, he's not able to fast, then what should you do? You should not fast at all? No. for it the same number
is on the same roof letters as mardu that mean a Yemen oho. from other days, you see the word
same root as Aha. So he should fast some other days. And you should complete that number.
So for example, if a person has traveled during the month of Ramadan, and he's traveling for five days, and during those five days, he's not able to travel or he becomes sick and he's not able to fast for five days. Then what is he going to do? He is going to complete that number. at another time of the year.
He has to complete the number of the fastest.
You cannot so I was sick so it doesn't matter. No, he has to complete the number.
So we see over here that
In the previous ayah,
every single believer was addressed
that Yeah, are you are ladina, amanu quotevalet calcium, every single believer, fasting is prescribed upon you. And believers included those who are sick, those who are all those who are traveling those who are at home, every single believer
over here, the exception is being given that if a person is unable to fast due to illness or travel, then he should not fast and he should make up the fast afterwards.
There is a rule, there's a principle in our in the Islamic trick, which is called al masakatsu. That label faces that difficulties, a difficult situation demands leniency in the application of
when the situation becomes difficult, then there should be some leniency when it comes to applying the law. For example, if a person is sick, and he's not able to stand in prayer, for example, he has broken his leg or his knee or his foot and he's not able to stand What is he going to do? He's still going to stand no, the situation demands some leniency.
Therefore, the person is allowed to sit and pray or to lie down and pray, whatever is possible.
So similarly, over here, if a person is sick, or he's traveling, he cannot fast and he should not fast and leniency has been given.
But the question is, then what type of sickness is this, and what type of travel is this?
When is a person allowed in his illness, do leave fasting, when what type of illnesses, we see that there are different levels of illness, there are different levels of being sick.
The first level is that a person is sick. And if he fasts, then fasting is not going to harm him. And it is also not difficult for him to fast.
For example, you just have a very slight cold.
so in this situation, if you fast, fasting is not going to harm you because you're not really taking any medication. And it's not difficult for you to fast either.
It may be a little uncomfortable, but it's not really difficult. So in this case, the sick person does not have permission to leave fasting.
There's another level of illness. And what is that fasting is difficult for the sick person. But fasting does not harm him. It is difficult for him, but it does not harm him.
So for example, a person has a cold, it's not very slight, it's not very minor, he has a headache and he has a runny nose. It's difficult for him too fast, it would have been convenient if he could drink, you know, something warm or something hot the entire day. But if he fasts, he's not going to die. It's difficult, but it's not going to harm him. In this situation, fasting would be mcru, it would be disliked, because it is not appropriate for a person to leave the allowance that Allah subhanaw taala has given.
so in this situation, it would be disliked wherever person fasts, then there is no problem is not committing the sin by fasting in such a situation.
another level of sickness is that fasting harms the sick person.
If he fasts, it is going to harm him.
and in this situation, it would be forbidden, it would be held on upon a person too fast. Why? Because the last panel data tells us very clearly in sort of Messiah 29, whenever the Cthulhu and full circle, do not kill yourselves. So anything that leads to death or anything that leads to something that could cause that, then such a situation such an action becomes harder. For example, if a person fast, then it would delay his recovery. He is so sick, he is unable to move, he doesn't have any energy. He is iron deficient. He's on very strong medication. And if he does not take that medication, if he does not eat and drink, he's completely dehydrated, what is going to happen? his
recovery process is going to become prolonged it is going to become very delayed.
Or for example, if you fast, the illness increases,
the illness increases the sickness increases.
Today, a person's iron is low to a certain level and tomorrow it becomes even more.
So if fasting harms a person in that it delays the recovery or that it
affects the recovery, or that the illness increases, or it leads up to death, then in this situation, a person is not allowed to have us.
For example, the person is taking a particular medication and he is supposed to take it every four hours, every three hours, every five hours. He's supposed to take it in the morning, in the afternoon, at night, how can he not take the medication, if he does not take the medication, it's going to affect his recovery.
And it's going to worsen his health. so in this situation, a person is prohibited from fasting, he is not allowed to fast.
And remember that in every situation, a person should think, where do I fall? In which category am I? And then he should decide.
And we know ourselves, you know, when you have a slight headache, and you have a severe cold, and you're suffering from a fever, you can decide for yourself.
And remember that the third level of illness in which when a person fasts, it harms him, in this case, it will be forbidden for a person to fast when a person does not fast even, what is he doing? He's obeying the command of a law.
You remember that? In this situation, when a person does not fast, what is he doing? He's actually obeying the law.
Because if he fast, and that leads to his health becoming very worse or become very bad, it worsens the sickness, it worsens his illness. What is he doing that? He's disobeying Allah. So if he does not fast, why, because he's obeying Allah, even that would be an act of worship.
Remember, Allah subhanaw taala tests people through different ways. He puts people in different situations, the essences obedience to Allah. Remember, bit, is not just about outward rituals.
righteousness is not just about observing outward rituals. righteousness is about obeying the command of law. And the command of a law could be to do something or to not do something.
So this is with regards to the sick person. What about travel? What kind of travel is it in which a person is exempted from fasting?
Basically, the scholars have said that it should be such travel or such a journey in which the person is shortening hustler.
He is performing Casasola, when a person is traveling a long distance, not within his city, but outside his city. Once he leaves the population in which he is living, and he enters another population, then he can perform or he should perform Casasola, in which the Salah is going to be shortened. So for example, for those that are you pray for short and sweet as you pray to. So any journey in which a person is performing costs of Santa, then, on that journey, he is allowed to not fast.
Just as there are levels of sickness. Similarly, there are levels of traveling as well.
For example, the first level is that the travel does not bring any difficulty to a person when he's fasting. The traveling does not make it difficult for a person to fast at all.
The difficulty of fasting is exactly the same as the difficulty of fasting when fasting at home, it doesn't make a difference. For example, you're only going to take a 30 minute or an hour long flight to another city within the country 30 minute flight, what does that require from you
that travel? What do you have to do is have to go to the airport, sit in the plane for 30 minutes, get out of the airport. And that's it. Sometimes, the car journey is longer than the plane journey.
So if the difficulty of fasting in travel is the same as the difficulty of fasting at home, then in this case, it is better to fast. However, if one does not wish to fast, he's not being ready.
If he does not wish to fast, he can also leave the fast. If you fast, it would be better. But if he does not fast, he's not blameworthy at all.
And the evidence for that is there's a hadith that is mentioned in a body in which
he said that we once went with Allah's Messenger during Ramadan, while the heat was intense. Now remember that the heat would also be intense at home.
One of us would place his hand on his head because of the intense heat and only allows messenger and Abdullah even Rola were fasting at that time. So we see that some people were fasting and some people were not fasting
So, if the difficulty of the travel is not intensified because of fasting, then it is permissible for a person to fast or not fast.
Similarly, under Sivan, Malik, he said that we used to travel with the profits on a lot of them. And neither did the fasting persons criticize those who are not fasting. Nor did those who are not fasting, criticize the fasting ones,
they considered it to be a choice, you have the choice to fast or to not fast, and this is reported in Bihari.
So this is the first level of fasting. Another level is the second is that the travel makes it difficult for a person to fast.
But it doesn't make it too difficult.
It doesn't make it very difficult.
There is greater level of difficulty in fasting compared to the difficulty that a person would have at home. But there's some difficulty it's not that bad.
In this situation, it would be better for a person to not fast.
And the evidence for this is the Hadees that is mentioned also in Buhari in with Javid Radovan who said that a last messenger, he saw a man who was being shaded by other people while traveling
a particular person he was being shaded by other people while he was traveling. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked about him, that Who is this what's going on, and he was told that that man was fasting.
He was fasting and because it was so hard, that's where people were shading him. So that shows that some other people were not fasting. But for him, it was difficult to fast. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, It is not a part of bear too fast while traveling.
So if traveling makes it very difficult for you to fast, then it is better that you don't fast.
The third level of traveling is that the travel brings great difficulty and hardship upon a person if you fast.
If you fast, it would be extremely difficult for him it would be extremely hard for him.
and in this situation, a person should not fast.
And the evidence for this is the Hadees that is reported in a body in which even our best were divided. He said that Allah's Messenger sallallahu Sallam set out from Medina, Jamaica. And He fasted meaning he was fasting, till he reached was fine, where he asked for water and raised his hand to let the people see him.
So he openly picked up a container or something which there was water. And he raised it up so that everybody could see him. And then he broke his fast.
And there were some other people who did not break their fast. And when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam found out about them, he said, those are disobedient, those are disobedient, those are disobedient.
He said such people are disobedient, who that it is so difficult for you to fast when you're traveling. So much so that the prophets are notice that I'm broke as fast, and they're continuing to fast.
So we see that there are levels of fasting.
One is that fasting at home, and fasting while traveling is exactly the same, it doesn't mean any hardship on a person. In this situation, a person is encouraged to fast. But if he does not fast, he's not blameworthy. The second level is that traveling does make it difficult for a person to fast. But it doesn't make it too difficult for him.
The level of difficulty is just slightly more than that, which a person would face at home. And in this case, it is better for a person to not fast. And the third level is that it is extremely difficult for a person to fast when he's traveling. In this situation, a person should not fast and if he fast, then he's disobeying. How is he disobeyed
he's disobeying a lover not benefiting from, from the rasa from the allowance that Allah has given. When Allah gives you a concession, when Allah subhanaw taala makes something easy for you benefit from the ease, take it accept it. Even when Allah has obligated something upon us, He commands only that which is in our best interest. There is allowance, there is ease, there's facilitation, when it's in our interest, what else do we learn?
What else do we learn? One more very important thing so far.
If a person is sick, or he's traveling, then what should he do? What is the is a
very don't mean I am in Ohio, then he should fast, the same number of those facets that he has missed on some other things.
What does that show that we have to complete the number of the first we have to complete the number of the fasts.
And as for the missed fasts, a person is required to fast one fast for each facility as long as it's not too fast for each day that you've missed. It's one for one
and also when a person is making up his fast, it's not necessarily that he has to fast consecutively, meaning one after the other, he can spread them out throughout the year. When I am in Ohio, I noticed a young men This is Nikita any other days. So if Ramadan falls in the summer, and you make up your fasting winter, it is allowed for you. Or if Ramadan falls in winter and you make up your fast in the summer, that is also allowed for you.
Because it's any other days a young man or any other whatever you want, whatever is easy for you, whatever is convenient for you, as long as it is within the next year. That is better.
That Allah subhanaw taala says wirelend Medina, ut akuna who and as for those people who are able to do it, who are able to fast videoton then there is a video for them.
And what is that video, Thomas King feeding a needy person wanna Latina up Hakuna?
The word up Kona, who is from the reflectors for well, path.
And up hoonah, who has been understood in three ways. It has been understood in three ways. Before we go into the meaning of the word of the akuna, I want you to understand the meaning of this particular part of the ayah. That upon those people who are able to fast but with difficulty, then what are they supposed to do? They're supposed to give the video to who? To miskeen. And what is that? What is that ransom, what is the I say thermoskin feeding, meaning one meal to a needy person. The word up corner is from power power. And it has been said that first of all up akuna is from abarca, Utica, from the word talker, which means ability strength. So you're the owner, who means
they have the ability to do it, they have the strength to fast.
What does it mean, they have the ability to do it, they have the strength to fast.
But they choose not to fast. They just don't want to fast.
They have the ability, they have the strength, but they don't want to fast. So in this case, what are they supposed to? Do? They have to give a video? And what is video, a ransom that a person gives in order to free himself. So fasting is an obligation we have to do it. If you don't wish to do it, then what do you have to do? You have to give the video
and what does it mean by this? Can you do this today? You're able to do it, but you don't want to fast. So, you know,
we learned about this ayah that Solomon even acquired he said that when this I was revealed those who did not wish to fast us to be the video
until the following Ayah which is 185 was revealed abrogating this ayah.
So, we see that this ayah was revealed at the beginning initially
that fasting is prescribed upon you and if you are able to fast but you do not wish to fast then you have to give the video. So, you have two choices either fast or give the video no other choice.
This was in the initial stage.
And then later, it was abrogated by the following if we set for men to hit them in commercial value assume
for this is one way of looking at the
secondly it has been said that the word up akuna is from the word though, from the word folk and folk is used for a neck collar, a neck brace. When there is a neck collar around the neck, what happens it becomes difficult for a person to move around. He is able to do things but with a lot of difficulty. He can barely do them. He has to put in a lot of effort.
One of my teachers, he had to wear a neck collar on his neck and he was our math teacher.
And when he would be looking at our work, checking our work, he couldn't look down. So he would have to lift up the book. You would have to lift up the notebooks and he had to wear it because the whole time you would have his neck down. And it was really hurting his neck so the doctor told him to wear the neck on it. So when you have something around your neck, it's difficult for you to do your daily things you can't even look down. How are you going to wash your hands? How are you going to eat your food. You can't
Look down at your food. So you think akuna, who what does it mean, then? The second meaning of this is that those people who do it with a lot of difficulty, they fast but with a lot of hardship with a lot of difficulty. For example, there is a person who is very ill, or there's a person who just loves eating, and he cannot even think of not eating.
Or, for example, there is a woman who is pregnant, she cannot stay without eating for 12 hours for 13 hours or 15 hours she has to eat.
Similarly, a mother who was nursing was breastfeeding her baby. in the initial stages, if she's feeding every two, three hours, she's going to run out of energy completely, she's going to become dehydrated. Similarly, there are people who are very sick, or there are people who are old. So because of their sickness, because of their old age, because of their travel, what happens, they're not able to fast. So fasting is extremely difficult for them.
And if they do fast, they're not able to do anything else. There's going to be at home, they're going to be in bed, they're not going to move, you're not going to do anything. So, for such people, what do they have to do? They have to give video.
However, this opinion has not been accepted by many scholars. Why? Because we know that this it was revealed at the beginning and up owner who means they are able to do it because there is Hadees that is supporting that opinion.
A third opinion is that what it means by Allah levina ut Kona who before the word UT owner, there is an implied left. What does that mean not. So lay up Punahou means they are not able to fast. And this opinion has also been rejected. Why? Because you cannot just say there's a law or there's not a law, you have to have some evidence to support that opinion. There is no evidence to support this opinion. Therefore, out of these three opinions, what is the strongest? The first one, those people who are able to fast, but they don't wish to fast? So they can't just not fast they have to give the video
for one hour or higher. But whoever voluntarily did any good. The lower from newsletters thought well, I thought which means obedience. We did this word earlier as well.
Whoever voluntarily does anything good for Heitler, then it is better for him.
What does he mean by this? Whoever voluntarily does any good. This is understood in two ways. That first of all, he fasts happily and willingly
because what is mentioned at the beginning are the Medina utako videos and they are able to but they don't want to fast. So whoever voluntarily, happily willingly fasts that is better for him.
Secondly, it has been said that the power of Highland This is with regards to the video, what is the video for missing one fast for nonfasting thermoskin, giving one meal do a needy person.
So over here, if you give more video than that, which is mandatory, it is better.
So for example, the person says that I will give two meals to the needy person,
I will not just feed one needy person, I will feed two needy people. So Allah says that his height on that is better level for him.
Meaning doing the extra good, is better for him than not doing the extra good.
Then Allah says we're under slomo and that you are fast winning you choose to fast or you at least try to fast despite the illness. Heitler come it is better for you in contempt either one If you only knew
what does it mean by this that if you fast it is better for you.
If you fast if you choose to fast or if despite the difficulty despite the hardship you fast that is better for you. How is it better for you? It is better for you with respect to reward and with respect to result as well. Then what then giving the video
because initially the believers were given a choice. Either you fast or you get video. Here they're encouraged if you fast instead of giving the video that is better for you in content alimony, if you know what does it mean in contado This is a new sentence that if you know that fasting is better for you, then you should fast. If you know they're water fasting than normally fasting fast.
Let's listen to the recitation of the side
movie the
movie ski
choose the best option,
you know when we learned that when we're traveling and you're allowed to not fast, which is definitely a permission which is definitely an allowance, what do we do? Even when the travel is very easy? We say okay nevermind. Or even if we are very slightly ill we choose not to fast it is permissible. But what does Allah say? Well under Sumo halal knuckle if you fast, it is much better for you
much better.
When it comes to the matters of dunya we want the best option when it comes to the matter of D. We should also look, we should also choose the best option for ourselves.
Some scholars have said that yes, although this ayah is abrogated. However, the second opinion that I told you about that other scholars have considered weak, they said that it is still applicable today. For who for those people who fast with a lot of difficulty.
For example, there is a person who is very old, 75 years old, 80 years old, they're not going to become younger, they're not going to get their energy back, how are they meant to fast, so they cannot fast. And when they're not going too fast. They have to give the video
when you see people who are not fasting, don't just pass your comments and your judgments and decisions or he's not fasting, there could be a reason
you don't know what illness that person might suffer from.
Some people are in a particular medication, which they have to take several times a day. And they cannot do without taking that medication. If they leave that medication is going to affect their recovery process, it's going to affect their health adversely.
So if you find out about a person who is not fasting, then don't just make judgments and pass them. Allah has given the allowance for giving the fifth year you have to give the food. So it could be the actual food or the money for the food
as long as it is understood that it is for food. And remember that miskeen has been used right miskeen is someone whose needs are unfulfilled.
And the scholars have said that when only the word miskeen is used or only the word Filipinas used, then it can refer to either
some of Southern miskeen refers to a person who does not have enough to provide for his food for a whole year.
And others have said that, firstly, it refers to a person who does not have enough to get his food for even half of the year. For half of the year, he doesn't have any food, he doesn't have the ability to buy any food. So if you gave money to such a person, what is he going to do is he going to go buy clothes for our food for himself food, but in particular, it should be for food.
That over here what Tom has been used. And remember that the word time is used for food meal, because it includes liquid, it includes water, and it also includes solids. So what it means by farm over here is an entire meal. And that entire meal should be equivalent to something that you yourself would generally it shouldn't be something like just a sandwich, that is only an appetizer for you. What you would generally consider a meal for yourself. That is what you give us as
one meal for one meal. So either breakfast or lunch or dinner, so who
for each fast, it is one feeding of the needy person. What do you have to if you miss one fast either keep one fast or feed one needy person one.
Within one year, for example, if a woman is pregnant, or if a woman is breastfeeding, or a person has been very sick and he's unable to fast, then what is he going to do? He is going to try to make up the fast that he has missed within the year. If he is unable to make up the fast What is he going to do? He can just tell I'm not going to be able to fast. For example, a woman knows I just got pregnant. For the next nine months I'm going to be expecting I cannot fast within that time. And after that I'm going to have my baby I cannot fast within the three four months after I had my baby. So it's not possible for the woman to fast within the 12 months that follow
So in such a situation where a woman can foresee that she's not going to be able to fast within the year, then she should get video. But the video does not exempt her from making up the fast afterwards, as we will learn in the following is
unless if it's a situation in which a person is chronically ill, or a person is extremely old, and there is no way of him recovering, no way of him ever being able to fast again,
then in that case, video is enough.
And if a person has given fifth year and he becomes healthy afterwards, then he should make up the fests.
And this is something very important that we all should think about. If we haven't made it, the faster we have missed, try to estimate the number of facts that you have missed and makeup.
I know of a lady who in her late 60s, learned about this. And she said that when she was younger, she went to a boarding school where there were no Muslims, and they would never keep us in the month of Ramadan. Never there was no concept. So she estimated the entire number of fasts that she would have to make. And even now, she tries to keep us whenever she can.
She has given the video when she tries to make up the facets that she has missed. So, keep a record because it isn't, it is a specific number.
There was a shadow Ramadan, the month of Ramadan is which month unless he owns it, I feel
it is that in which the Quran was revealed
and what is the Quran?
It is orderliness it is guidance for people whereby Hinata Amina Buddha will for corn and clear proofs of guidance and criteria.
This month, Shadow Ramadan the month of Ramadan shadow Ramadan are the Yemen maribou that
shadow Ramadan the month of Ramadan is the number of days it is the specific days in which we are supposed to fast.
Previously we learned that you have to fast when a young Amar do that. Which are those a Jamar do that. Now Allah tells us it is the month of Ramadan
shove is from the root letters she had
and the word shelf
applies do a lunar month.
What does it mean by lunar month?
Islamic month?
Also lunar month How do you determine the beginning the ending of the month by the sighting of the moon. It's not your January February. It's the lunar month.
So shadow is used for a lunar month which is either 29 or 30 days in length.
And shadow is the time period between two crescents. My Beynon healing
from the birth and sighting of a new moon to the birth and sighting of the next the time period in between is a shovel it is a month.
Because remember, that when you cite the crescent, when you see the new moon What does that mean? The new month has begun the new period has begun
and when eventually the moon you cannot see it anymore and then when you see the moon again when you see the crescent again that means the new the next month has begun.
So the time period between two crescents from the birth and sighting of a new moon to the birth and sighting of the next that is a shash that is a month and this beard is generally 29 or 30 days long.
And why is it called shelf because of its HDR what is HTML mean to publicize something to make it known.
So when the new moon is cited when it is seen we will announce we will make it known
so the month of Ramadan Ramadan is under federal law mean but
and the word Ramadan isn't isn't Island. What does it mean by Islam Adam? It's a proper name of something.
nouns are of different types. You have the name you have the place you have the animal.
So, the name which is the proper name of something that is what is marlim is for example, girl is just to know but mme is a proper name isn't random. Similarly, sharp is just a noun. But Rama bond is a property.
It's an isn't one
and it's the proper name of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. And it is the only month that is mentioned by name in the Quran.
What does it literally mean?
literally means should that we'll have it means extreme
Heat scorching heat burning hot. This is the literal meaning of the word.
It means to roll something, or it is when animals the pasture on burning ground, extremely hot ground.
You know, sometimes if you're wearing very thin sandals, or sometimes if you're barefoot, and you step on a ground that is extremely hot, sometimes when you go to the bottom, when you go for odor, and you go in the courtyard to do the live, and if it's extremely hot, if it's the middle of the day, literally, your feet burn, it's that hot, you cannot put your foot on the ground, it becomes very hot sometimes.
So Ramadan literally means scorching heat, burning heart, extreme heat.
And Ramadan is called Ramadan. Because when the month of Ramadan was given its name at that particular time it was extremely hot it right in the summer, just like now
and remember that the months that we know of the Islamic months, they were given their names before the Prophet set of eyes.
They were given their names before the prophets that have autism.
And others say that Ramadan is called Ramadan, why? Because in this month, a person sins they are burnt.
So the month of Ramadan is allele is that which owns it, and is a month in which the Quran was revealed.
So we see over here, the virtue the importance the excellence of this month. Why is it important? Why is this month chosen?
Because this is the month in which the Quran was revealed.
This month is special this month you must fast because this is when the Quran was revealed.
Now what does it mean by the fact that the Quran was revealed in this month? Doesn't mean that the entire Quran was revealed in this map? No, because if you think about it, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam got where he in Ramadan, he got it in show while he got it in so many other months. So what does it mean by this? This has been understood in two ways. First one, it has been said that this means that the Quran was sent down in its entirety from the lower muscles to the beta.
Whereas beta is
in the first heaven
and Lohan. muffles is where everything is recorded. Everything is written.
So, the month of Ramadan was when the Quran was revealed in its entirety from the local muffle to the baited reserve. And then from there gibreel brought it to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as per requirement.
However, this opinion which is ascribed to even our basketball to learn who so if you hear of this opinion, it is weak. It is reported in a hacking but it is weak. It has been said that the correct way of understanding this is that the month of Ramadan was the month in which the Quran was revealed, meaning the process of revelation began in Ramadan.
This is when the revelation of the Quran was initiated.
As we learn in Soto quarter in El Anza Navajo Fie Laila Telecom.
Indeed we have sent it down in the letter.
When does the relative costs become
one of the less than nights of Ramadan?
So over here, what does it mean by Wednesday on the month in which the Quran was revealed, meaning the process of revelation began in this month.
And why was the Quran revealed? For the listeners a guide for the people? Notice the word anass has been used. It is a guide for all people.
And remember that the Quran has two types of VEDA in it. The first type of Udaya is a die off in the Quran educates everyone there is in the Quran. for everyone. A believer can learn the Quran a non believer can learn the Quran, a hypocrite can learn the Quran and when Africans learn the Quran, anybody can learn the Quran.
People can learn people can study the Quran and know it cover to cover, they can pass all of their assignments, they can get 100% on all of their tests, but this is what only in
this is just knowledge This is only the itraq
and this type of knowledge, remember, it is useless. It is a burden in fact upon a person, if remember that if it is useless and it is a burden upon a person if it is not followed by armor,
if it is not followed by action.
So the second type of ad that it has for us is that of rush it is have to feel
that when the amount of the person changes
According to the teachings of the book,
remember, when you study the Quran, don't just study the Quran with the intention of, Okay, I should study I should learn, I should memorize. I should also know, I should also pass all my tests. I should also get a diploma. I should also get a certificate everybody's doing it, I should do it too. No, that should not be your intention.
your intention should be to get hedaya which I have I'm a of the field from the Quran. Not that I know Okay, what the translation is what the meaning is, when this was revealed when that was revealed, when this command was given, what this command means no, that is just information. And remember, information is irrelevant. If it is not applied,
it is useless if it is not applied, and it becomes a burden upon the person.
Once you study the Quran, to benefit from the Quran,
to implement the Quran, remember, your outlook will completely change. You will enjoy the Quran, it will not become a burden anymore.
memorizing the translation will not become a chore anymore.
Because you're looking at the reward at the benefit, not the work.
So Quran is hedaya for holiness for the people, but the people they only get knowledge from the Quran. Who is it that gets armor from the Quran, Sophia from the Quran.
The believers the multigrain which is why we learned earlier, it is a who then for who live with the pain because they are the ones who benefit.
And the Quran is also what the United mean and houda and clear proofs of guidance. Meaning in the Quran, there are clear proofs of guidance. Remember, the word by unit is authoritative by Hina, which means a clear evidence of clear proof. And what it means by by Unitas is in behemoth. Clear science clear evidences.
So in the Quran, there is not just hedaya there is not just guidance, there is not just knowledge. But there are also clear evidences and period details that elaborate that guidance that elaborate that knowledge. Which is why in the Quran, we're not just told about what we're supposed to do and what we're not supposed to do. We're told about the wisdom behind the commands.
We're given the commands with encouragement to act upon the comments I added in a minute.
And in the Quran, there is also one for con and the criterion, what does four can do, it differentiates between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, beneficial and non beneficial, beneficial and harmful.
The Quran gives a person the ability to tell between what is good and what is bad.
It builds that criteria inside it gives the person the conscience with which he can tell between that which he should do and that which he should not do.
Remember, you cannot be told about every single thing, okay, do this, do this, do this, do this and don't do this, this this this you cannot be given a list. You have to have that criteria inside that ability within you to be able to decide whether you should answer back or whether you should keep quiet.
For example, in the colon, we are don't do air sign with the parents. That's the command that we have been given. Has the instruction been given? Do not answer back have these words been given? No. Have these words we mentioned? No.
But when we're told to do our son automatically, what do we understand? shouting at them is incorrect. screaming at them is incorrect.
So the Quran, it tells us what to do. And it also builds the criteria inside of us that enabled us to decide in different situations, what we should do and what we should not do.
What we must adopt and what we must abandon.
And this only comes after Hidayat because notice it is who deadliness by in admin and who there and then finally for con for con only comes when a person gets hit a
financial hit them in commercial then you ever witnessed among you the month shahida from the regulatory regime had Shahada means witness and it also means to see something so shahida meaning he saw he was present. He witnessed it. He got to know about it. About what about the month, which month, the month of Ramadan.
And what it means by a shout over here is the new moon of the month. The Hillel ultimate
So whoever finds out about the new moon, about the crescent, that it has been seen, it has been cited, then what should he do? fairly soon who, then he should fast it it meaning the following month, the following day. And notice the lamb over here fun. This lamb, it doesn't mean surely it has a sukoon on it. And this lamb is called Lamb of Amish. It is an imperative, then he must first.
So this part of the ayah This is what abrogated the previous verse. This is what abrogated the previous verse, that now you don't have the choice to fast or to get video, no. When you know about the beginning of the month of Ramadan, then you must fast.
One thing I want you to notice over here is the word shader
shader. Shahada means to witness something, to see something. So what it means by shahida is that whoever sees the new moon, the crescent himself, or he finds out that it was seen, it was cited.
And remember that in the context, what it means is that it was cited while the person was at home, reading in his own country, where he's living in a city locally, it was added, why? How do we get this meaning? Because the next instruction is about those people who are traveling. So the opposite of traveling is what
being at home, being in your own locality, locally.
So for men, shahida minko, Mashallah failure son, whoever sees the moon, being while he's at home, then what should he do, he should begin the month of Ramadan, he should begin fasting. So we learned from this part of the ayah, that the sighting of the crescent marks the beginning of the month. And when the person gets to know about the sighting of the new moon of the month of Ramadan, then fasting becomes felt upon him.
There's a hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Do not fast for Ramadan, before the coming of the month, until you cite the moon, until you cite the moon do not begin fasting until when, until you see the moon yourself.
And if you cannot see then what should you do complete the number of 30 days
then fast until you cite the moon or complete the number of 30 days. So, once the wound has been cited, begin fasting if the wound has not been cited, then complete the month 30 days.
So, the area in which the person is the locality in which a person is locally, if the moon is cited, then it becomes incumbent upon the person to begin fasting.
And if it has been cited elsewhere, in another continent, in another place, then it does not apply to him, because he is not over there. This is just as you begin your fudger Salah when
when the time of purchase water enters the place where you are not when it enters and other place. Similarly, you begin Zohar Salah the time for his own Salah enters where where you are and you pray for Salah over there at that time. Not when the love Salah when the time of love or Salah enters another place. So we learn from the Hadees that begin fasting when when you cite the new moon. And if you don't cite it, then simply make the one for 30 days. That's it.
And remember that it is not necessary for every single person to see the moon himself. Even if one person sees the moon, then one person's testimony is enough, it is sufficient
woman kind of medela and whoever was ill, or less effort in or upon a journey, whoever is ill or upon a journey. So you see now travel is mentioned then what should you do for it? So same number when I am in Ohio from other days.
And this has been mentioned in the previous AI as well that whoever is traveling or is sick, then what should he do? He should not fast in the month of Ramadan, he can fast other days of the year.
And remember that over here when this command is mentioned, this is not a mere repetition.
This is to clarify that yes, the previous command was abrogated, but the looser the allowance was not abrogated. That is still applicable. The same allowance is applicable the same discretion that we went through the levels of illness and the levels of travel, they're still applicable which is why the command is repeated over here.
You need Allahu Allah wants become for you and use the ease Allah wants is for you users on the veterans ESC
Alone tense is for you, which is why he has permitted you to not fast when you're traveling, or when you're sick. When are you reading and he does not want become for you. The difficulty arises from the roof letters in cinema
allowance is for you. And Allah does not one difficulty for you. How does he not want difficulty for you?
How that he did not make it mandatory upon you too fast, regardless of the situation that you're in. He has given you the allowance of not fasting during the illness, or while traveling.
But again, a person should make sure that he completes the number of facets that he has missed.
So we see over here, that the dean that our last pantalla has given us, it is easy.
The commands that have been given to us they are doable, meaning it is possible for a person to follow them, it is possible for a person to observe them.
It is not impossible, he can fast for the entire month of Ramadan. It is possible.
Allah tells us that you can live alone, Epson Ilsa, Allah does not overburden a person more than what he can bear.
And remember that whoosah ability of a person is what he can do easily in normal circumstances without putting in much effort.
So Allah wants is for us, and he does not want difficulty for us. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Yes, 01 to zero, we're asking you Well, after the funeral, treat the people with ease. And don't be hard on them. Give them glad tidings and don't fill them with a version.
But sometimes we say that no, even fasting is difficult. We say no, even memorizing the lesson is difficult.
So we should not be told to memorize a lesson. No, seven times is too much once enough. But the thing is, you might find it difficult, but it is not impossible.
People have done it, people are doing it, you did it before, you can do it now.
So by usage, it doesn't mean simple and nothing. It doesn't mean simple and nothing but what it means is possible, it is doable for you, it is not impossible for you,
while he documented our data, and you should complete the number. Notice that we're over here, this is connected with UDT
he wants is for you, he does not want difficulty for you. And what does he want, and he wants that you all complete the number.
And he wants that you complete the number, little comedo. Again, this lead it gives meaning of should
and took me to is from Kathleen lamb from the word command, which means to complete or to perfect something.
So he wants that you should complete the number which number, the number of the facets of that particular month.
So remember that if the particular month of Ramadan, in which you are not able to fast if it was 29 days, you're supposed to complete the number of 29 days.
If it was 30 days, then you're supposed to complete the number of 30 days.
So basically, each fast that you have missed, you just make up those glasses.
When he took a bit of law, and you all magnify a las panatela Alana had a comb over what he has guided you. And this is also connected with He wants
me to come through his newsletters craft the aura that we cubbies What does it mean? Great.
And the key is to proclaim the greatness of someone
over here to kabiru you proclaim the greatness of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala
How do we do that we have Allah how do we proclaim the greatness of Allah?
into ways, by Cohn, by design, and secondly, by Ahmed, how do we do it by code? By saying what? By saying Allahu Akbar.
So, upon the completion of the month of Ramadan, what is the following day?
Read and what do we do on the day of read? You say that
which is why when you go to the masjid, the masjid is acquainted with the clear.
So little capital law you glorify Allah subhanaw taala, you magnify him How? By saying that, on the day of read.
And secondly, that you glorify a lie you magnify Allah, how with your armor, that you really feel yourself small, you consider yourself small, and you consider a loss of data to be much greater than you.
And this is the essence This is the result of fasting.
When a person fasts, he develops the whole
When he develops the one, he realizes his smallness, and he realizes the greatness of Allah. When he has this realization, it is easy for him to obey Allah and not to disobey Him.
So you should glorify alasia and magnify him, you should proclaim him to be great. Why? Because because he guided you remember today is of two types. So what he did is this over here, that, first of all, he gave you the knowledge of the rituals of the thing.
He told you as to how to worship Allah. He told you as to how to worship him, he didn't just leave you on your own.
And secondly, which should i is this, he die of armor that he gave you the ability to fast. He gave you another month of Ramadan. He gave you another opportunity. There were so many people who got last Ramadan, but they did not get this Ramadan.
There were so many people who got the beginning of Ramadan, but they didn't get the end of Ramadan.
So once you have completed the month of Ramadan, then what should you do? glorify Allah, what yourself?
Generally what happens when we do something very good. When we do something very big. We consider ourselves to be so great. Yes, I did. The entire month of Ramadan. I completed my entire Quran. I fasted the entire month of Ramadan I didn't even miss one fast. Panama
over here, what are we told
me to cut below law, you magnify a law, you glorify Allah, not yourself. He gave you the opportunity. He gave you the ability, when are grown, and so that you all are grateful.
grateful for what grateful for the opportunity grateful for the delfield fast grateful for the blessing of the Quran.
So after every Salah we should make the door that Ravi are in need. And the clicker for sure. clicker, mercenary biotech,
oh my lord, give me the ability helped me assist me to do what I do remember you and to thank you and to worship you in the most beautiful way.
So we learned this ayah that Allah subhanaw taala he has made fasting and obligation upon all of us.
And he hasn't just given us certain rituals that we have to practice. But he has given us the Quran as well. Which makes a deep connection which connects us with the last part of
the month of Ramadan is the month of Quran
in which we recite the Quran, we listen to the Quran, we study the Quran, why? To strengthen our relationship with Allah?
Because remember, again, the the person is just hungry, he's just thirsty. And he's not improving spiritually. How is he really going to develop the core? How, maybe a little bit, but he's not going to get the full benefit of the fast unless and until he benefits from the Quran at the same time as well.
Let's listen to the recitation.
Shaheed me como Sha
you read, oh be Kumu Samana, are you ready to be
ready to
ready to come.
You notice how it has been said that Allah wants ease for you, and he doesn't want difficulty for you. But he wants you to complete the number. He wants you to complete the number that is a must. You have to go through that training. You have to it is a must.
And also we think of it if a person is allowed to not fast in the month of Ramadan because of sickness or because of whatever reason. And he makes up those fasts at another time of the year. So for example of the month of Ramadan fell in the summer, and he makes up the missed fasts in the winter. And isn't there East for him? Of course there is. So Allah wants East for us. He does not want different
For us, but he wants to make it very clear to us that we have to complete the number, we have to go through the training. We don't have a choice with regards to that.
We see over here, the mercy of Allah, the compassion of Allah, that he hasn't just given us a command and left it to us to deal with the problems ourselves. He knows about the problems that we go through, and he knows what is possible for us what is not possible for us. So he has given us the allowance.
We learned from the end of the IOA Allah confession alone, that you'll be grateful to Allah for the opportunity and the ability to fast
because many times when we do a good deed, we give the credit to ourselves, it's me.
But if it wasn't for the Delphic of Allah, how would you be able to fast you wouldn't have been able to,
just hasn't done yet, if you want to get a particular job, you have to get the training. And the training required, sometimes six months of training, sometimes two months of training, sometimes a year of training. And it's not that they want to make your life difficult for you. You have to go through the training to be able to do the job. Similarly, when Allah subhanaw taala has made fasting mandatory abundance, it is not for our difficulty. It is for our training,
you read the law becoming useless will only lead to becoming a wrestler.
We see that fasting is one of the actions that are loss of penalty Allah loves, and He rewards for fasting the way he does not reward for other good deeds as we learn from that Hadith.
And we see that a lot of Panther has not just left it to us too fast when we want to and not fast when we don't want to. He has made it an obligation on us. He has made it a point that we must do that which he loves.
Ramadan is a very special time which brings special benefits, so we should take advantage of those benefits. One of the big benefits of Ramadan is that the shouting, they're chained up, they're locked up. So you have time to just focus on yourself and your training. This I in particular it shows us the importance of spending Ramadan with the Quran, spending Ramadan with the Quran, whether it is reciting the Quran, or it is reciting the Quran in Salah or it is attending the Torah we sada because the month of Ramadan is the month of Quran, Shadow Ramadan, a lady on the refuge. And Quran is what gives you the furqan. So, in this month, go through the Quran at least once so that you can
build that for Conan yourself. We have been told that if you fast that is much better for you. Why? Because fasting leads to taqwa. That is the objective. So he wants us to pass so that we get
whoever stays away from food for our last panel data sick when he's fasting. A lot of panel data keeps his face away from the Hellfire a distance of how much 70 years.
were either solitary body or knee. And when my servants ask you about me, sir Allah. So Allah is from seeing Hamza lamb, and everybody is the plural of his worshiper reedbed worshipers? And notice how Allah says, My servants, when my servants ask you
remember that everyone is Allah servant, everyone, whether they admit whether they acknowledge or not, whether they worship Allah subhanaw taala, or not, everyone is Abdullah.
But when Allah subhanaw taala calls some people is like over here by the My servants. Then it shows the special connection, that it shows that these servants are special servants. They're not ordinary servants. They're special servants. They're those special servants who worship Allah,
who really are the true slaves of Allah?
And who are they? Those who believe in Allah, and those who worship Allah.
So when my servants asked you and who does you refer to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam? What do they ask you? I need about me. I need is a combination of unmeaning from about and yeah meaning nice I need about me.
What does it mean by when they ask you about me?
This has been understood in several ways. Some have said that this means they asked about me as to where I am.
There were some people who asked the prophets What about Islam? Anima Where's Allah?
So what's the response for Indian curry indeed.
others have said that I need about me. What this means is about my
about my neediness that how close I am or how far I am, which is why we learn that some of the companions, they asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is our Lord nearby, so that we should talk to him secretly so that we should talk to him quietly in a whisper tone,
or is he far away, so that we should call out to Him and speak loudly?
For some people, they asked the prophets at about a certain this. In particular, they said that it was a Bedouin man who came to the Prophet said a lot of seminars in this question, that is our Lord nearby, so I should talk to him, you know, in a whisper donor, is he very far, so that I have to shout out to him? I mean, speak loudly so that he can hear me?
Who's a Bedouin man? He wanted to know, can you hear me we don't have to speak loudly. Can you hear my whispers? Or you have to talk loudly?
Simple, very simple man.
seminar It has been said that once group of the Jews, they said to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, that you say that allies above is very high above. And there are seven heavens between? So how is it possible that he can hear your door?
So when these things were said, a lot of panels are revealed that when my servants asked you about me, then tell them for a new query, that indeed I am near, I am closed? What does it mean by the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is near, meaning he is near and he is close in his knowledge in his hearing, so that there is no need to shout, there is no need for anyone else in between. He is near to you.
You don't need anyone else in between. You can directly speak to Allah, you can directly pray to Allah.
And remember the corrib over here does not mean physically. But what it means is that in his knowledge, in his awareness, in his listening, and how close is Allah subhanaw taala. to us. We learn from the Quran when National Accord avec la, inhabited, worried we are closer to him than his jugular vein.
We are closer to the human being, meaning a loss of hands that is closer to the human being than the juggler.
Again, not in the physical sense, but in his knowledge in his awareness, and how well he knows us that he knows about what we say, what we shout, what we whisper what we just keep in our hearts, the thoughts that are in our heads in your career. I am near, I'm very close, I'm not far away. So you don't need to put in so much effort to shout.
It is reported.
He reported that over muscle or should he said that we were in the company of a loss messenger during the battle. Whenever we climbed up a high place, we went up a hill or went down the valley, we used to say Allahu Akbar, Allah is the most great raising our voices, meaning we would say it out very loud. And the prophets or alarms when he came by us, and he said, will people be merciful to yourselves, meaning Don't shout out, Don't raise your voices so much. For you're not calling a deaf or an absent one. You're not calling out on someone who is deaf, or someone who was absent. But you're calling out on someone who is all here. And also here, he is a severe and he is also
The one whom you call is closer to one of you than the neck of his animal. A person who was writing his animal, the neck is so close, just imagine you're driving your car, the wheel is in your hands, it's very close to you to the one whom you call is closer to one of you than the neck of his animal.
So we learn from this idea and from the ideas that I've mentioned to you that alasa panel data is not far. He is very close to us. In his knowledge in his hearing. When we call out to Him, He hears when we do something he sees when we feel something he knows when we're going through something he knows he watches
from another Hadees we learned which is also reported
that Allah subhanaw taala says, enter in the lineage of ADB what an Omar who either Donny
I am as my servant thinks of me and I am with him. Whenever he invokes me, whenever he makes mention of me, so when you remember Allah, Allah is study eg boo. I respond dude, he was from the newsletters gene. Well the job I respond to what do darwaza do the call of who have a dairy of the corner.
There are what the dairy who is the dairy there is any person who makes the October
who prays to Allah?
So I respond to the call of the caller when he there Danny, when he calls who need me, you notice the near the end, it indicates me.
I respond to the call of the caller, when he calls me, either Danny is noticeable, it should be paid attention over here.
When we make the law, what do we want
that hour to I should be hurt, it should be responded to immediately right away.
But what is Allah says, I respond to the call of the caller when, when he calls me, meaning when he truly and sincerely calls upon me. When he calls upon me with trust with confidence, when he realizes that he is in need of me, when he realizes that I am able to respond to his request,
when the servant calls me, then I respond to his call.
So we see over here, that there are several conditions that need to be fulfilled, in order for persons who are to be responded to.
And what are those conditions. That first of all, the door should be made with sincerity.
It should be made with sincerity.
Meaning a person is really making the art to Allah. He's on making the art to others.
Secondly, it should be made consciously
with consciousness, while being alert, mean it when you making the drug mean it when a person is really truthful in his drama, when he fulfills that condition, then the device accepted.
Similarly, another condition is of humility, after the role of making yourself small, of making yourself humble, saying, all I need you, I need your assistance, I am nothing without you. I need your forgiveness. making yourself small, showing humility.
Then, another condition is a fear that a person should also fear and respect all at the same time.
He should respect a lot at the same time. He should not be disrespectful. Sometimes when we're asking others for something we become very disrespectful become very frank.
And some people go to the extent of doing this even with a loss of parameter.
That all I've prayed so much Please grant me already please give me already know this is incorrect. This is not the proper etiquette, it should be with respect, it should be with fear.
And similarly another condition is that a person should be obeying Allah subhanaw taala, he should be in obedience to Allah.
You cannot be committing sins, eating haram and expect that your divisor answered.
So we see that he there the irony, when a person truly makes a door to Allah, then his door is granted. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, this application of the servant will be accepted that there are the servant will be accepted as long as he does not supplicate for what includes sin.
The law should also be correct. It should also be realistic. It should also be proper. For example, a person says oh, I've been making to other I should be made the president of the US. I'm a woman, but I want to be the president of the USA I've been making this well. I mean, it's not a realistic door.
First of all, you're not a US citizen.
Secondly, you're a woman, it should be realistic.
Similarly, you cannot do that you don't study anything, and you made our own law make me pass my exams. It has to be realistic. It has to be relevant, it should be proper, you're making the right to a law to have some respect. So the Hadith says that this application of the servant will be accepted as long as it is not supplicate for what includes sin.
For example, a person might say, you know, I really want to eat something wrong, or drink something hard on. People wish for other people said Oh no, make this person die. Why? Simply because you don't get along with them. So as long as application does not include that which is sinful, or cutting the relations of the womb, cutting the blood ties, and as long as the person does not become hasty, as long as a person does not become hasty. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam was asked or messenger of Allah, how does a person become hasty? And he said that a person says, I supplicated and I supplicated I made the enemy dua, again and again and again. But I do not see that my
supplication is being accepted for me. If a person becomes hasty, if a person becomes impatient, and then
he abandons making the rod, then what happens? What happens, though is not accepted. So we see that there are conditions for the door to be accepted. But the question is that how does a loss of final data respond to the door?
Because over here Allah says, ooh, gee boo, I respond. How does the law respond to the door?
Is it that the door is answered exactly how a person has made that? Well? Not necessarily. Not necessarily remember, we learned on our headset as reported in Muslim, in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that no Muslim supplicates to Allah with a DA that does not involve sin or cutting the relations of the womb, but Allah will grant him one of the three things.
If the DA is proper, it is appropriate, it is realistic, it does not involve any sin, it does not involve any cutting the blood ties, then the door is going to be responded. How? in three ways? What are they, that Allah will either hasten the response to his application? Meaning Allah will give him what he's asking for in the dunya right away?
Or that he will save it for him until a year after?
Allah will save it for him until the hereafter? What does that mean?
That the DA will not be responded to in the dunya, he will not get it in the dunya. But all that reward for making the doll that will be preserved for him for the hereafter.
Remember, the law is very bad. Every time that you make though, are you worshiping Allah. And if you're the is not answered, you made the law you make do it again, and you continue to do so. So all of that reward is retained for when is kept for land for the hereafter.
And the third is that Allah subhanaw taala would turn an equivalent amount of evil away from him.
Allah turns away evil of equivalent amount. You never know what evil might be coming your way. But just because of your dog, which is a good deed, that evil is averted, that evil is not sent your way.
So the people are the Prophet sallallahu wasallam? What if we were to recite more, though, meaning what if we were to make more than one? What if we were to continue to make more, and we don't stop making the one. He said, there is more with Allah, Allah doesn't have less, there is more with Allah.
Allah doesn't have less, it depends on you. You keep making the raw, Allah would either grant it to you, or he will keep the reward for in the hereafter. Or he will save you from some harm that is coming your way.
You make as much as you want. And Allah has more than that for you.
It's up to you. How much do you want? Really, it's up to us? How much do we want?
failure study bullying, so they should respond to me? Well, you mean it will be and they should also believe in me.
They should respond to me. And they should also believe in me. This is what we're supposed to do. Failure study which again, it's from Gene Wilder, they should give joab to Allah. And remember, joab is to respond to someone. What does it mean by responding to someone
answering them, listening to them, doing what they're telling you to do. So Allah is studied to us, he knows us, he hears us, even if you whisper out the door, or even if you don't say it out, it's in your heart. Allah knows. Allah hears an alarm response to the door of the caller when he makes the door.
So what should the people do? They should also respond to Allah.
If you want a lot to respond to your door, you should respond to the call of Allah.
There to those wonder is what the servant makes to Allah, which is a request as application. And there is another door, which is a call that Allah subhanaw taala makes to the people which is off commands.
If you want your daughter to be answered, answer the door of Allah, failure study booty. And what it means by responding to Allah over here is submitting to Allah obeying Allah.
Because responding to someone means listening to them, obeying them. So finally, as the de Bulli, they should also listen to me they should obey me. And while you may know be, they should believe in me, meaning they should trust in me.
They should believe that I am Kareem, they should believe that I respond.
Well, you mean will be and they should believe in me.
So we seem
That listening are responding to a loss of data. What does it mean by that?
What does it mean by that? refraining from disobeying him.
Listening or responding to Allah means refraining from disobeying him, continuing to obey Him.
So, if you want a law to respond to your dog, then you have to respond to a multiplanetary. How? By obeying Him, and by refraining from discipline.
And also, we should trust upon Allah, that he is the one who truly answers are with us. He is the one who responds to our otherwise we should have this firm conviction, we should have this firm trust upon Allah, I am making the right to Allah, Who is Allah hollyhock, Alicia, creator of everything, he just has to say cone fire cone, he is the one who is Cody. He is one who is Arlene, can he not grant me my wish, of course, he can
only ask you is a second, just gone. It's not difficult for him at all. So when you make the art with confidence with a man with trust, the more conviction a person has, the more chances there are of the door being accepted.
Remember that Hades that I am, as my servant thinks I am. I am as my servant thinks I am. If you think positive of Allah, Allah will be positive towards you, La La Jolla
so that they obtain guidance that he or she is from the rotators a lot cheaper than crushed. And what does rich mean? guidance right away. He that was also guidance rushed is also guidance. How is it different?
It is said that the rush is to adopt the correct way.
It is to adopt the way of hedaya and to stay firm upon it.
What does it mean, to adopt the way of Hidayat and then become firm upon it?
It's not just do you know, okay, you know what the thing is, once you don't do it, or you do it once or twice, and you leave it the rest of the time no rush is to adopt the correct way and become firm upon it.
And along with this rush is to develop and maintain good habits as well.
What does it mean, to develop and maintain good habits as well. So we see that Russia is still karma, it is perseverance, on guidance on hidayah. And remember that gaining knowledge or knowing about hidayah is one thing. But adopting the dial and becoming firm on the dial, developing good habits, maintaining those good habits, that is a challenge. And for that we need the help of Allah, what does Allah say? Learn the home? Yo should do? They should believe in me, they should respond to me. Why? So that they are rightly guided?
Is there anything? Is there any habit that you want to develop? Any could have it any part of the theme that you want to develop?
Is there anything other than that you want to do but you haven't been able to do so far?
And not just of the dean even after lunia
even after donia? because Russia is not just with regards to matters of Deen? It is with regards to the matters of dunya as well. There's so many things that we want to do we want to accomplish we want to develop good habits a simple things such as, you know staying up in the morning or reading the Quran every single day. Or only speaking the truth.
Who's out do we need
Allah's help? What does Allah say, mentor to me, continue to obey me have trust in me, when you're making the law and you will be guided you will be helped you will be assisted.
It is also said that Russia is hosting at the server it is to do something in the best manner.
What does it mean to do something in the best manner.
So there are no meal should own meaning so that they can have a beautiful lifestyle. They can live a very good life.
They can live the best possible life.
Remember that this dunya is full of difficulties. It is full of challenges. There are so many situations and we don't know what to do. We're completely lost.
We find ourselves in so much trouble sometimes we don't know what to do.
We want to do good things I've at a particular time we're unable to do that. It's our enough set comes in a way whose help do we need
unless help.
So if you want the help of a lot, what should you do? Make the law so that you are rightly guided
so that you can live a life of obedience so that your evader becomes beautiful
So that your dealings become beautiful, your manner becomes beautiful, your etiquette becomes beautiful, your lifestyle becomes beautiful. And what does it mean by beautiful, that which Allah subhanaw taala approves.
So, remember, that Dora is essential,
there are is essential for what? For what? For hedaya for Russia
because over here let alone your children is a reason that is being given for what for praying to a lover making dua to Allah with sincerity with conviction.
And connection with the last panel data can only be maintained through there
can only be developed and it can only be maintained through the
many times we focus on reciting the Quran. We focus on praying the Sunnah, but we don't bother to make the law.
Really, we don't bother to make if there's a problem. We tell everybody about it. And we forget to make the who is it that can really help us and once upon a time. So there are no more children if you want to die. If you want to know what the best possible option is for you. In this situation, if you want to know what you should do, then make the
cry in front of him. Not others. Present your situation in front of him, not others.
That's listen to the recitation.
Well either
for me, oh gee Buddha wanted
to know
if you notice, this is mentioned in the middle of what what's the context
fasting Ramadan.
So Ramadan is the month of the Quran. And Ramadan is the month of worship. And Torah is the essence of worship.
When a person is fasting, he should make a lot of thought, especially at the time of breaking the fast.
It is also said that with regards to this ayah when it was revealed that some people they ask the prophets that about Islam is there any specific special time in which we should make to our to Allah, so that he can respond to us. And then this it was revealed that were either sidecar evadne or any for any accord, he would, he would argue that they're either dying, or respond to the call of the caller whenever he makes the art to me as long as it fulfills the conditions. But we know that one of the times when the chances of being accepted is after performing an act of worship the entire day, you've been worshiping Allah by fasting. So take the opportunity to benefit from the
opportunity and make the sometimes that happens that were busy at that time, because the food is not ready. We're still finishing off preparing the food. So at that time, what should you do?
Even when you're doing other things to talk to align your heart in your career, he's close. He can hear you even when you're making the line your heart.
And there are no mere shadows that are rightly guided with regards to every matter of their lives. Every situation.
Our lives are not free from difficulties and problems. They're full of difficulties. pray to Him.
The Sahaba they will pray to Allah subhanaw taala for even, you know, a show this simple thing as a shoelace. If that is lost, if that is broken, what are you going to do? complain and scream and shout and that's it. No, just make the right woman with a man with confidence with trust, and you will respond in some way or the other. And if you're not granted, or at least you get the reward. Isn't that something good?